path: root/meowpp/dsa
diff options
authorcathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-06-01 13:56:57 +0800
committercathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-06-01 13:56:57 +0800
commitd5052f1c296dddf51b3e83d59bf3e3c1952cb2d0 (patch)
tree16f7920c5079e0aefcf9509d2dbab59c464d42bd /meowpp/dsa
parentbd58f63900410ec4764031f2e6de2d75e91434b3 (diff)
big chnage
Diffstat (limited to 'meowpp/dsa')
9 files changed, 2575 insertions, 832 deletions
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/!readme.asciidoc b/meowpp/dsa/!readme.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6eb3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/!readme.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+===== BinaryIndexTree.h
+極度簡化的 *SegmentTree* 已無區間更新的操作.
+* `meow::BinaryIndexTree<Value>`
+===== DisjointSet.h
+* `meow::DisjointSet`
+===== HashTable.h
+* `meow::HashTableList<Data, HashFunc>`
+===== KD_Tree.h
+* `meow::KD_Tree<Vector>`
+===== MergeableHeap.h
+* `meow::MergeableHeap<Element>`
+===== SegmentTree.h
+* `meow::SegmentTree<Value>`
+===== SplayTree.h
+伸展樹, 比一般平衡樹稍強的東東
+* `meow::SplayTree<Key, Value>`
+* `meow::SplayTree_Range<Key, Value>`
+===== VP_Tree.h
+* `meow::VP_Tree<Vector>`
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/BinaryIndexTree.h b/meowpp/dsa/BinaryIndexTree.h
index 36f24d7..5525c62 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/BinaryIndexTree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/BinaryIndexTree.h
@@ -4,70 +4,99 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *BinaryIndexTree<Value>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# 極度簡化版的 `SegmentTree` 已無法區間操作, 區間詢問的區間開頭也一定要
- //# 在 `index=0` 的地方
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters | Return_Type| Description
- //#|const | Value | operator+ |(Value `n`) | Value | 合併用(類似
- //# `SegmentTree` 的
- //# operator{b} )
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- template<class Value>
- class BinaryIndexTree{
- private:
- std::vector<Value> _array;
- public:
- BinaryIndexTree();
- BinaryIndexTree(size_t __size, Value const& __value);
- BinaryIndexTree(BinaryIndexTree const& __tree2);
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||reset|(size_t `size`, Value const& `value`)|void|O(`size`)
- //#|將資料長度刷成 `N = size` 且每一個元素都是 `value`
- void reset(size_t __size, Value const& __value);
- //#||update|(size_t `index`, Value const& `value`)|void|O(logN)
- //#|將第 `index` (從零開始算) 多加上 `value`
- void update( size_t __index, Value const& __value);
- //#|const|query|(size_t `index`)|void|O(logN)
- //#|詢問 `0~index` 的區間值
- Value query (ssize_t __index) const;
- //#|=====================================================================
- };
- //#
- //#[NOTE]
- //#========================================
- //# * 一般來說只能用在維護區間總和, 維護區間最大值只有在特殊情況才可以, 即
- //# '針對每個元素, 每次 update() 的值一定會大於等於原本的值'
- //# * 若要用區間最大值 , 則 `Value` 的 `operator+` 要寫成 `std::max(...)`
- //#========================================
- //#
- //# '''
+namespace meow {
-#include "BinaryIndexTree.hpp"
+template<class Value>
+ * @brief 極度簡化的 \c SegmentTree 已無區間更新的操作
+ *
+ * 一般來說只能用在維護區間總和, 維護區間最大值只有在特殊情況才可以, 即
+ * \b 針對每個元素, \b 每次update() \b 的值一定會大於等於原本的值 .
+ * 若要用區間最大值 , 則 \a Value 的 \c operator+ 要寫成 \c std::max(...)
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+class BinaryIndexTree {
+ std::vector<Value> array_;
+ /*!
+ * @brief constructor
+ */
+ BinaryIndexTree() {
+ }
-#endif // dsa_BinaryIndexTree_H__
+ /*!
+ * @brief constructor
+ *
+ * @param [in] size 要維護的區間大小 \b [0,size)
+ * @param [in] value 預設值
+ */
+ BinaryIndexTree(size_t size, Value const& value):
+ array_(size, value) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief constructor
+ *
+ * 將另一個 \c BinaryIndexTree 原封不動的複製過來
+ * @param [in] tree2 另外一個 \c BinaryIndexTree
+ */
+ BinaryIndexTree(BinaryIndexTree const& tree2):
+ array_(tree2.array_) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將資料洗掉, 重設
+ *
+ * 時間複雜度\b O(N)
+ *
+ * @param [in] size 要維護的區間大小 \b [0,size)
+ * @param [in] init 預設值
+ * @return 無
+ */
+ void reset(size_t size, Value const& init) {
+ array_.clear();
+ array_.resize(size, init);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將array中第 \a index (從零算起)個element多加上指定的值
+ *
+ * 時間複雜度\b O(logN)
+ *
+ * @param [in] index 指定的index
+ * @param [in] value 指定的值
+ * @return 無
+ */
+ void update(size_t index, Value const& value) {
+ index++;
+ for ( ; index <= array_.size(); index += (index & -index)) {
+ array_[index - 1] = array_[index - 1] + value;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 詢問 \a 0~index 的區間值
+ *
+ * 時間複雜度\b O(logN)
+ *
+ * @param [in] index 指定的index
+ * @return 區間值
+ */
+ Value query(ssize_t index) const {
+ index = std::min(index + 1, (ssize_t)array_.size());
+ Value ret(0);
+ for ( ; 0 < index; index -= (index & -index)) {
+ ret = ret + array_[index - 1];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+#endif // dsa_BinaryIndexTree_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h b/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
index bb777e1..4575835 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
@@ -1,73 +1,135 @@
#ifndef dsa_DisjointSet_H__
#define dsa_DisjointSet_H__
-#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief 用來維護一堆互斥集的資訊
+ *
+ * DisjointSet 是個 \b 輕量級Data \b Dtructure, 用來維護一堆互斥集的資訊. \n
+ * 相關資料可參考
+ * <a href="http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~u91029/DisjointSets.html">
+ * 演算法筆記
+ * </a>
+ *
+ * @note
+ * - 時間複雜度 \b 非常快 表示它真的算的超級快, 可以視為常數時間
+ * - 預設值所有 \a number 所在的集合的編號就是 \a number 本身,
+ * 即沒有任兩個數在同一個set裡面
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+class DisjointSet {
+ size_t n_;
+ std::vector<size_t> father_;
+ std::vector<size_t> depth_;
+ //
+ size_t root_(size_t now) {
+ if (father_[now] == now) return now;
+ return (father_[now] = root_(father_[now]));
+ }
+ size_t merge_(size_t a, size_t b) {
+ a = root_(a);
+ b = root_(b);
+ if (a == b) return a;
+ if (depth_[a] > depth_[b]) {
+ father_[b] = a;
+ return a;
+ }
+ else {
+ father_[a] = b;
+ if (depth_[a] == depth_[b]) depth_[b]++;
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief constructor
+ */
+ DisjointSet(): n_(0) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief constructor
+ *
+ *@param [in] n elements數
+ */
+ DisjointSet(size_t n) {
+ reset(n);
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief constructor
+ *
+ *將另一個 \c DisjointSet 原封不動的複製過來
+ *
+ *@param [in] dsj 另一個 \c DisjointSet
+ */
+ DisjointSet(DisjointSet const& dsj):
+ n_(dsj.n_), father_(dsj.father_), depth_(dsj.depth_) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief 回傳指定的number所在的 \b 集合的編號
+ *
+ *時間複雜度 \b 超級快
+ *
+ *@param [in] a 指定的number
+ *@return 集合的編號
+ */
+ size_t root(size_t a) const {
+ return ((DisjointSet*)this)->root_(a);
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief 回傳總element數
+ *
+ *@return 總element數
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ return n_;
+ }
+ /*!
+ *@brief 重設
+ *
+ *清空, 並且設定總集合大小為 \a n
+ *
+ *@param [in] n 重新設定的集合大小 \a n
+ *@return 無
+ */
+ void reset(size_t n) {
+ n_ = n;
+ father_.resize(n);
+ depth_ .resize(n);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ father_[i] = i;
+ depth_ [i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 合併
+ *
+ * 將 \a number1 所在的集合 跟 \b number2 所在的集合 \b 合併,
+ * 並回傳合併後新的集合的編號. \n
+ * 時間複雜度\b 非常快
+ *
+ * @param [in] a 即上述\a number1
+ * @param [in] b 即上述\a number2
+ * @return 新的編號
+ */
+ size_t merge(size_t a, size_t b) {
+ return merge_(a, b);
+ }
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *DisjointSet* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# `DisjointSet` 是個*輕量級Data Dtructure*, 用來維護一堆互斥集的資訊.
- //# 相關資料可參考
- //# link:http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~u91029/DisjointSets.html[演算法筆記]
- //#
- class DisjointSet{
- private:
- size_t n;
- std::vector<size_t> father;
- std::vector<size_t> depth;
- //
- size_t _root(size_t now);
- size_t _merge(size_t a, size_t b);
- public:
- DisjointSet();
- DisjointSet(size_t _n);
- DisjointSet(DisjointSet const& dsj);
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#|const |root |(size_t `number`) | size_t | very fast
- //#|回傳 `number` 所在的 *集合的編號* (0~N-1)
- size_t root (size_t a ) const;
- //#|const |size |() | size_t | very fast
- //#|回傳 *總集合大小*
- size_t size ( ) const;
- //#| |reset|(size_t `N`) | void | O(N)
- //#| 清空, 並且設定總集合大小為 `N`
- void reset(size_t _n );
- //#| |merge|(size_t `number1`,\size_t `number2`)| size_t | very fast
- //#| 將 `number1` 所在的集合 跟 `number2` 所在的集合 *合併*,
- //# 並回傳合併後新的集合的編號
- size_t merge(size_t a, size_t b);
- //#|=====================================================================
- };
- //#
- //#[NOTE]
- //#========================================
- //# * *very fast* 表示它算的真的超級快, 可以視為常數時間.
- //# * 預設值所有 `number` 所在的集合的編號就是 `number` 本身,
- //# 即沒有任兩個數在同一個set裡面
- //#========================================
- //#
- //# '''
-#include "DisjointSet.hpp"
#endif // dsa_DisjointSet_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/HashTable.h b/meowpp/dsa/HashTable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9171c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/HashTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#ifndef dsa_HashTable_H__
+#define dsa_HashTable_H__
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief 一個當key相撞時會用list解決的hash_table
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Data, class HashFunc>
+class HashTableList {
+ std::vector<std::list<Data> > table_;
+ HashFunc func_;
+ /*!
+ * @brief constructor
+ */
+ HashTableList() {
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief constructor
+ *
+ * 設定table size, hash function
+ */
+ HashTableList(size_t size, HashFunc const& func): table_(size), func_(func) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief destructor
+ */
+ ~HashTableList() {
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief copy
+ */
+ HashTableList& copyFrom(HashTableList const& b) {
+ table_ = b.table_;
+ func_ = b.func_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清除資料
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ table_[i].clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清除資料, 指定新的size與hash function
+ */
+ void reset(size_t size, HashFunc const& func) {
+ table_.clear();
+ table_.resize(std::max(size, 1u));
+ func_ = func;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳table size
+ */
+ size_t tableSize() const {
+ return table_.size();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳目前有多少element在其中
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ size_t ret = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ ret += table_[i].size();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳hash function
+ */
+ HashFunc const& func() const {
+ return func_;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 加入新的element
+ */
+ bool add(Data const& e) {
+ size_t index = func_(e) % size();
+ table_[index].push_back(e);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 把給定的HashTableList中所有的element全加進來
+ */
+ bool add(HashTableList const& h) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = h.table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = h.table_[index].begin(); it != h.table_[index].end(); ++it) {
+ insert(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 刪除element
+ */
+ bool del(Data const& e) {
+ size_t index = func_(e) % size();
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = table_[index].begin(); it != table_[index].end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it) == e) {
+ table_[index].erase(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 刪除有出現在給定的的HashTableList中的element
+ */
+ bool del(HashTableList const& h) {
+ if (size() > h.size()) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = h.table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = h.table_[index].begin(); it != h.table_[index].end(); ++it) {
+ erase(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = table_[index].begin(); it != table_[index].end(); ) {
+ if (h.exist(*it)) {
+ table_[index].erase(it);
+ }
+ else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 查看某element是否已經擁有
+ */
+ bool exist(Data const& e) const {
+ size_t index = func_(e) % size();
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = table_[index].begin(); it != table_[index].end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it) == e)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳所有存下來的資料
+ */
+ std::vector<Data> all() const {
+ std::vector<Data> ret;
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = table_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = table_[i].begin(); it != table_[i].end(); ++it) {
+ ret.push_back(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳所有存下來且key為index的資料
+ */
+ std::vector<Data> all(size_t index) const {
+ index %= table_.size();
+ std::vector<Data> ret;
+ for (std::list<Data>::const_iterator
+ it = table_[index].begin(); it != table_[index].end(); ++it) {
+ ret.push_back(*it);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(h)
+ HashTableList& operator=(HashTableList const& h) {
+ return copyFrom(h);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c add(h)
+ HashTableList& operator+=(HashTableList const& h) {
+ add(h);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c del(h)
+ HashTableList& operator-=(HashTableList const& h) {
+ del(h);
+ return *this;
+ }
+#endif // dsa_HashTable_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
index dcb60a7..05f9b1b 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
@@ -1,162 +1,303 @@
#ifndef dsa_KD_Tree_H__
#define dsa_KD_Tree_H__
+#include "../utility.h"
+#include "../math/utility.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *KD_Tree<Vector, Scalar>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# `KD_Tree` 全名k-dimension tree, 用來維護由 *N個K維度向量所成的集合*,
- //# 並可於該set中查找 *前i個離給定向量最接近的向量*
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters | Return_Type| Description
- //#|const | Vector|operator[] |(size_t `n`) | Scalar | 取得第 `n` 維度量
- //#|const | Vector|operator< |(Vector `v`) | bool | 權重比較
- //#|const | Scalar|operator* |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相乘
- //#|const | Scalar|operator+ |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相加
- //#|const | Scalar|operator- |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相差
- //#|const | Scalar|operator< |(Scalar `s`) | bool | 大小比較
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- template<class Vector, class Scalar>
- class KD_Tree{
- private:
- struct Node{
- Vector _vector;
- ssize_t _lChild;
- ssize_t _rChild;
- //
- Node(Vector __vector, ssize_t __lChild, ssize_t __rChild);
- };
- typedef std::vector<Node> Nodes;
- //
- class Sorter{
- private:
- Nodes const* _nodes;
- size_t _cmp;
- public:
- Sorter(Nodes const* __nodes, size_t __cmp);
- bool operator()(size_t const& __a, size_t const& __b) const;
- };
- struct Answer{
- ssize_t _index;
- Scalar _dist2;
- //
- Answer(ssize_t __index, Scalar __dist2);
- Answer(Answer const& __answer2);
- };
- class AnswerCompare{
- private:
- Nodes const* _nodes;
- bool _cmpValue;
- public:
- AnswerCompare(Nodes const* __nodes, bool __cmpValue);
- bool operator()(Answer const& __a, Answer const& __b) const;
- };
- typedef std::vector<Answer> AnswerV;
- typedef std::priority_queue<Answer, AnswerV, AnswerCompare> Answers;
- //
- const ssize_t _NIL;
- //
- Nodes _nodes;
- size_t _root;
- bool _needRebuild;
- size_t _dimension;
- //
- Scalar distance2(Vector const& __v1, Vector const& __v2) const;
- //
- void query(Vector const& __vector,
- size_t __nearestNumber,
- AnswerCompare const& __answerCompare,
- ssize_t __index,
- int __depth,
- std::vector<Scalar>& __dist2Vector,
- Scalar __dist2Minimum,
- Answers *__out) const;
- ssize_t build(ssize_t __beg,
- ssize_t __end,
- std::vector<size_t>* __orders,
- int __depth);
- public:
- //#==== Custom Type Definitions
- //# * `Vectors` <- `std::vector<Vector>`
- //#
- typedef typename std::vector<Vector> Vectors;
- //
- KD_Tree();
- KD_Tree(size_t __dimension);
- ~KD_Tree();
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
- //# * K <- `this` 資料維度
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||insert|(Vector const& `v`)|void| O(1)
- //#|將向量 `v` 加到set中
- void insert(Vector const& __vector);
- //#||erase|(Vector const& `v`)|bool| O(N)
- //#|將向量 `v` 從set中移除, '~TODO:可以再優化~'
- bool erase (Vector const& __vector);
- //#||build|()|void|O(KN logN) or O(1)
- //#|檢查距上一次 `build()` 至今是否有 `insert/erase` 被呼叫,
- //# 若有, 重新建樹, 否則不做事
- void build();
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief \c k-dimension tree
+ *
+ * 全名k-dimension tree, 用來維護由\b N個K維度向量所成的集合,
+ * 並可於該set中查找 \b 前i個離給定向量最接近的向量
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const |Vector |operator[] |(size_t \c n) |Scalar | 取得第 `n` 維度量 |
+ * |const |Vector |operator< |(Vector \c v) |bool | 權重比較 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator* |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相乘 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator+ |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相加 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator- |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相差 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator< |(Scalar \c s) |bool | 大小比較 |
+ *
+ * @note:
+ * 此資料結構只有在 N >> 2 <sup>K</sup> 時才比較有優勢,
+ * 當 K 逐漸變大時, 所花時間會跟暴搜沒兩樣
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Vector, class Scalar>
+class KD_Tree {
+ struct Node {
+ Vector vector_;
+ ssize_t lChild_;
+ ssize_t rChild_;
+ Node(Vector v, ssize_t l, ssize_t r): vector_(v), lChild_(l), rChild_(r){
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Node> Nodes;
+ class Sorter {
+ private:
+ Nodes const* nodes_;
+ size_t cmp_;
+ public:
+ Sorter(Nodes const* nodes, size_t cmp):
+ nodes_(nodes), cmp_(cmp){
+ }
+ bool operator()(size_t const& a, size_t const& b) const{
+ if ((*nodes_)[a].vector_[cmp_] != (*nodes_)[b].vector_[cmp_]) {
+ return ((*nodes_)[a].vector_[cmp_] < (*nodes_)[b].vector_[cmp_]);
+ }
+ return ((*nodes_)[a].vector_ < (*nodes_)[b].vector_);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Answer {
+ ssize_t index_;
+ Scalar dist2_;
+ //
+ Answer(ssize_t index, Scalar dist2):
+ index_(index), dist2_(dist2) {
+ }
+ Answer(Answer const& answer2):
+ index_(answer2.index_), dist2_(answer2.dist2_) {
+ }
+ };
+ class AnswerCompare {
+ private:
+ Nodes const* nodes_;
+ bool cmpValue_;
+ public:
+ AnswerCompare(Nodes const* nodes, bool cmpValue):
+ nodes_(nodes), cmpValue_(cmpValue) {
+ }
+ bool operator()(Answer const& a, Answer const& b) const {
+ if (cmpValue_ == true && a.dist2_ == b.dist2_) {
+ return ((*nodes_)[a.index_].vector_ < (*nodes_)[b.index_].vector_);
+ }
+ return (a.dist2_ < b.dist2_);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Answer> AnswerV;
+ typedef std::priority_queue<Answer, AnswerV, AnswerCompare> Answers;
+ //
+ const ssize_t kNIL_;
+ //
+ Nodes nodes_;
+ size_t root_;
+ bool needRebuild_;
+ size_t dimension_;
+ //
+ Scalar distance2(Vector const& v1, Vector const& v2) const {
+ Scalar ret(0);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++){
+ ret += squ(v1[i] - v2[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //
+ void query(Vector const& v,
+ size_t nearestNumber,
+ AnswerCompare const& answerCompare,
+ ssize_t index,
+ int depth,
+ std::vector<Scalar>& dist2Vector,
+ Scalar dist2Minimum,
+ Answers *out) const {
+ if (index == kNIL_) return ;
+ size_t cmp = depth % dimension_;
+ ssize_t this_side, that_side;
+ if (!(nodes_[index].vector_[cmp] < v[cmp])) {
+ this_side = nodes_[index].lChild_;
+ that_side = nodes_[index].rChild_;
+ }else{
+ this_side = nodes_[index].rChild_;
+ that_side = nodes_[index].lChild_;
+ }
+ query(v, nearestNumber, answerCompare,
+ this_side, depth + 1,
+ dist2Vector, dist2Minimum,
+ out);
+ Answer my_ans(index, distance2(nodes_[index].vector_, v));
+ if (out->size() < nearestNumber || answerCompare(my_ans, out->top())) {
+ out->push(my_ans);
+ if (out->size() > nearestNumber) out->pop();
+ }
+ Scalar dist2_old(dist2Vector[cmp]);
+ dist2Vector[cmp] = squ(nodes_[index].vector_[cmp] - v[cmp]);
+ Scalar dist2Minimum2(dist2Minimum + dist2Vector[cmp] - dist2_old);
+ if (out->size() < nearestNumber || !(out->top().dist2_ < dist2Minimum)) {
+ query(v, nearestNumber, answerCompare,
+ that_side, depth + 1,
+ dist2Vector, dist2Minimum2,
+ out);
+ }
+ dist2Vector[cmp] = dist2_old;
+ }
+ ssize_t build(ssize_t beg,
+ ssize_t end,
+ std::vector<size_t>* orders,
+ int depth) {
+ if (beg > end) return kNIL_;
+ size_t tmp_order = dimension_;
+ size_t which_side = dimension_ + 1;
+ ssize_t mid = (beg + end) / 2;
+ size_t cmp = depth % dimension_;
+ for (ssize_t i = beg; i <= mid; i++) {
+ orders[which_side][orders[cmp][i]] = 0;
+ }
+ for (ssize_t i = mid + 1; i <= end; i++) {
+ orders[which_side][orders[cmp][i]] = 1;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
+ if (i == cmp) continue;
+ size_t left = beg, right = mid + 1;
+ for (int j = beg; j <= end; j++) {
+ size_t ask = orders[i][j];
+ if(ask == orders[cmp][mid]) {
+ orders[tmp_order][mid] = ask;
+ }
+ else if(orders[which_side][ask] == 1) {
+ orders[tmp_order][right++] = ask;
+ }
+ else {
+ orders[tmp_order][left++] = ask;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = beg; j <= end; j++) {
+ orders[i][j] = orders[tmp_order][j];
+ }
+ }
+ nodes_[orders[cmp][mid]].lChild_ = build(beg, mid - 1, orders, depth + 1);
+ nodes_[orders[cmp][mid]].rChild_ = build(mid + 1, end, orders, depth + 1);
+ return orders[cmp][mid];
+ }
+ //! Custom Type: Vectors is \c std::vector<Vector>
+ typedef typename std::vector<Vector> Vectors;
+ //! @brief constructor, with dimension = 1
+ KD_Tree(): kNIL_(-1), root_(kNIL_), needRebuild_(false), dimension_(1) {
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, given dimension
+ KD_Tree(size_t dimension):
+ kNIL_(-1), root_(kNIL_), needRebuild_(false), dimension_(dimension) {
+ }
+ //! @brief destructor
+ ~KD_Tree() {
+ }
- //#||forceBuild|()|void|O(KN logN)
- //#|重新建樹
- void forceBuild();
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將給定的Vector加到set中
+ */
+ void insert(Vector const& v) {
+ nodes_.push_back(Node(v, kNIL_, kNIL_));
+ needRebuild_ = true;
+ }
- //#|const|query|(Vector const& `v`,\size_t `i`,\bool `cmp`)|Vectors
- //#|O(KN ^1-1/K^ )
- //#|於set中找尋距離 `v` 前 `i` 近的向量, 並依照由近而遠的順序排序.
- //# 如果有兩個向量 `v1`,`v2` 距離一樣, 且 `cmp` 為 `true` , 則直接依照
- //# `v1 < v2` 來決定誰在前面. 最後回傳一陣列包含所有解.
- Vectors query(Vector const& __vector,
- size_t __nearestNumber,
- bool __compareWholeVector) const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將給定的Vector從set移除
+ */
+ bool erase(Vector const& v) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = nodes_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ if (nodes_[i] == v) {
+ if (i != I - 1) {
+ std::swap(nodes_[i], nodes_[I - 1]);
+ }
+ needRebuild_ = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 檢查至今是否有 insert/erase 被呼叫來決定是否 \c rebuild()
+ */
+ void build(){
+ if (needRebuild_) {
+ forceBuild();
+ }
+ }
- //#||clear|()|void|O(1)
- //#|清空所有資料
- void clear();
+ /*!
+ * @brief 重新建樹
+ */
+ void forceBuild() {
+ std::vector<size_t> *orders = new std::vector<size_t>[dimension_ + 2];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < dimension_ + 2; j++) {
+ orders[j].resize(nodes_.size());
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < dimension_; j++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = nodes_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ orders[j][i] = i;
+ }
+ std::sort(orders[j].begin(), orders[j].end(), Sorter(&nodes_, j));
+ }
+ root_ = build(0, (ssize_t)nodes_.size() - 1, orders, 0);
+ delete [] orders;
+ needRebuild_ = false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 查找
+ *
+ * 於set中找尋距離指定向量前 \c i 近的向量, 並依照由近而遠的順序排序.
+ * 如果有兩個向量\c v1,v2 距離一樣, 且 \c cmp 為\c true , 則直接依照
+ * \c v1<v2 來決定誰在前面. 最後回傳一陣列包含所有解.
+ */
+ Vectors query(Vector const& v,
+ size_t nearestNumber,
+ bool compareWholeVector) const {
+ ((KD_Tree*)this)->build();
+ AnswerCompare answer_compare(&nodes_, compareWholeVector);
+ Answers answer_set(answer_compare);
+ std::vector<Scalar> tmp(dimension_, 0);
+ query(v, nearestNumber,
+ answer_compare,
+ root_, 0,
+ tmp, Scalar(0),
+ &answer_set);
+ Vectors ret(answer_set.size());
+ for (int i = (ssize_t)answer_set.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ ret[i] = nodes_[answer_set.top().index_].vector_;
+ answer_set.pop();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- //#||reset|(size_t `dimension`)|void|O(1)
- //#|清空所有資料並且指定維度為 `dimension`
- void reset(size_t __dimension);
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空所有資料
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ root_ = kNIL_;
+ nodes_.clear();
+ needRebuild_ = false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空所有資料並重新給定維度
+ */
+ void reset(size_t dimension) {
+ clear();
+ dimension_ = dimension;
+ }
- //#|=====================================================================
- };
- //#
- //#[NOTE]
- //#========================================
- //# * 此資料結構只有在 N >> 2 ^K^ 時才比較有優勢,
- //# 當 K 逐漸變大時, 所花時間會跟暴搜沒兩樣
- //#========================================
- //#
- //# '''
-#include "KD_Tree.hpp"
#endif // dsa_KD_Tree_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.h b/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.h
index 0ddb100..af7ad75 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.h
@@ -2,107 +2,167 @@
#define dsa_MergeableHeap_H__
#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *MergeableHeap<Element>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# 一個用 *左偏樹* 實作的 *Maximum-Heap* , 除了原本heap有的功能外,
- //# 還支援 `merge`, `split` 等功能
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters | Return_Type| Description
- //#|const |Element |operator< |(Element `v`)| bool | 大小比較
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- template<class Element>
- class MergeableHeap{ // maximum-heap
- private:
- struct Node{
- Element value;
- Node* l_child;
- Node* r_child;
- size_t weight;
- Node(Element const& _value);
- };
- //
- Node* root;
- //
- void clear(Node* _node );
- Node* dup (Node* _node2 );
- Node* merge(Node* _left, Node* _right);
- public:
- MergeableHeap();
- MergeableHeap(MergeableHeap const& _heap2);
- MergeableHeap& operator=(MergeableHeap const& _heap2);
- ~MergeableHeap();
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,2>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||moveTo|(MergeableHeap* `h`)|void|O(M)
- //#|將 `this` 的資料複寫到 `h` 上面, 同時清空自己,
- //# 時間複雜度中的M是 `h` 所擁有的資料數
- void moveTo(MergeableHeap* _heap2);
- //#|const|top|()|Element const&|O(1)
- //#|回傳最大的那個 `Element`
- Element const& top() const;
- //#|const|size|()|size_t|O(1)
- //#|回傳 `this` 中擁有的資料數
- size_t size() const;
- //#|const|empty|()|bool|O(1)
- //#|回傳 `this` 是否為空
- bool empty() const;
- //#||push|(Element const& `e`)|void|O(logN)
- //#|將 `e` 加入
- void push(Element const& _value);
- //#||pop|()|void|O(logN)
- //#|將最大的 `Element` 移除
- void pop();
- //#||clear|()|void|O(N)
- //#|將資料清空
- void clear();
- //#||merge|(MergeableHeap* `heap2`)|void|O(logN+logM)
- //#|將 `heap2` 的資料統統加到 `this` 中, 並且清空 `heap2`
- //# 時間複雜度中的M是 `heap2` 的資料數
- void merge(MergeableHeap* _heap2);
- //#|=====================================================================
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * 一個用 \b 左偏樹 實作的 \c Maximum-Heap , 除了原本heap有的功能外,
+ * 還支援 \c merge 功能
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const |Element |operator< |(Element \c b)|bool | 大小比較 |
+ *
+ * @note:
+ * 假設現在有兩個MergeableHeap \c A 和 \c B, 則:
+ * - 執行 \c A.merge(&B) 後 \c B 會變成空的
+ * - 執行 \c B.moveTo(&A) 後 \c B 會變成空的, \c A 原本擁有的資料也會覆蓋掉
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Element>
+class MergeableHeap { // maximum-heap
+ struct Node {
+ Element value_;
+ Node* lChild_;
+ Node* rChild_;
+ size_t weight_;
+ Node(Element const& value):
+ value_(value), lChild_(NULL), rChild_(NULL), weight_(1){
+ }
- //#
- //# [WARNING]
- //#==============================================
- //# * 假設現在有兩個MergeableHeap `A` 和 `B`, 則:
- //# ** 執行 `A.merge(&B)` 後 `B` 會變成空的
- //# ** 執行 `B.moveTo(&A)` 後 `B` 會變成空的, `A` 原本擁有的資料也會覆蓋掉
- //#==============================================
- //#
- //# '''
- //#
-#include "MergeableHeap.hpp"
+ Node* root_;
+ void clear(Node* node) {
+ if (node != NULL) {
+ clear(node->lChild_);
+ clear(node->rChild_);
+ delete node;
+ }
+ }
+ Node* dup(Node* node) {
+ if (node == NULL) return NULL;
+ Node* ret = new Node(node->value_);
+ ret->lChild_ = dup(node->lChild_);
+ ret->rChild_ = dup(node->rChild_);
+ ret->weight_ = 1;
+ ret->weight_ += (ret->lChild_ == NULL ? 0 : ret->lChild_->weight_);
+ ret->weight_ += (ret->rChild_ == NULL ? 0 : ret->rChild_->weight_);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Node* merge(Node* left, Node* right) {
+ if (left == NULL) return right;
+ if (right == NULL) return left;
+ if (left->value_ < right->value_) {
+ std::swap(left, right);
+ }
+ left->rChild_ = merge(left->rChild_, right);
+ size_t lw = (left->lChild_ == NULL ? 0 : left->lChild_->weight_);
+ size_t rw = (left->rChild_ == NULL ? 0 : left->rChild_->weight_);
+ if (lw < rw) {
+ std::swap(left->lChild_, left->rChild_);
+ }
+ left->weight_ = 1 + lw + rw;
+ return left;
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor
+ MergeableHeap(): root_(NULL){
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 並且複製資料
+ MergeableHeap(MergeableHeap const& heap2): root_(dup(heap2.root_)) {
+ }
+ //! @brief destructor
+ ~MergeableHeap(){
+ clear(root_);
+ }
+ //! @brief 複製資料
+ MergeableHeap& copyFrom(MergeableHeap const& heap2) {
+ delete root_;
+ root_ = dup(heap2.root_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將自己的資料丟給指定的heap, 從此自己一身空
+ */
+ void moveTo(MergeableHeap* heap2){
+ heap2->clear();
+ heap2->root_ = root_;
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳最大的那個 Element
+ */
+ Element const& top() const {
+ return root_->value_;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳資料個數
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ return (root_ == NULL ? 0 : root_->weight_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳是否為空
+ */
+ bool empty() const {
+ return (size() == 0);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 加入element
+ */
+ void push(Element const& value) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, new Node(value));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將最大的element移除
+ */
+ void pop() {
+ Node* l = root_->lChild_;
+ Node* r = root_->rChild_;
+ delete root_;
+ root_ = merge(l, r);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * 將資料清空
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ clear(root_);
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * 將給定的MergeableHeap的資料統統加到自己身上並且清空該heap
+ */
+ void merge(MergeableHeap* heap2) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, heap2->root_);
+ heap2->root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(heap2)
+ MergeableHeap& operator=(MergeableHeap const& heap2) {
+ return copyFrom(heap2);
+ }
#endif // dsa_MergeableHeap_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h
index 52d5a6f..b2fa749 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h
@@ -1,100 +1,194 @@
#ifndef dsa_SegmentTree_H__
#define dsa_SegmentTree_H__
-#include <cstdlib>
+#include "../math/utility.h"
#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *SegmentTree<Value>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# 維護一個陣列, 並且讓user可以有區間查詢, 區間修改的小東東
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters |Return_Type| Description
- //#|const |Value |operator+ |(Value `v`)|Value | 相加(位移)
- //#|const |Value |operator* |(size_t `n`)|Value | 每個Value都一樣,
- //# 長為 `n` 的區間的值
- //#|const |Value |operator{b}|(Value `v`)|Value | 區間合併後的值
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- //# * 若要維護區間最小值, 即每次都是詢問範圍 `[a, b]` 的最小值, 則可以定義
- //# ** `operator+` 為 '回傳相加值'
- //# ** `operator*` 為 '回傳*this'
- //# ** `operator|` 為 '回傳std::min(*this, v)'
- //# * 若要維護區間最總和, 即每次都是詢問範圍 `[a, b]` 的總和, 則可以定義
- //# ** `operator+` 為 '回傳相加值'
- //# ** `operator*` 為 '回傳(*this) * n'
- //# ** `operator|` 為 '回傳相加值'
- //#
- template<class Value>
- class SegmentTree{
- private:
- struct Node{
- Value _value;
- Value _offset;
- bool _sameFlag;
- };
- //
- size_t _size;
- std::vector<Node> _nodes;
- //
- void update(size_t __index, size_t __size, Value const& __value,
- bool __override);
- void update(size_t __l, size_t __r, size_t __L, size_t __R,
- size_t __index, Value const& __value,
- bool __override);
- Value query(size_t __l, size_t __r, size_t __L, size_t __R,
- size_t __index);
- //
- bool rangeCorrect(ssize_t* __first, ssize_t* __last) const;
- public:
- SegmentTree();
- SegmentTree(size_t __size);
- SegmentTree(SegmentTree const& __tree2);
- //
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 所維護的陣列長度
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,2>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||reset|(size_t `size`)|void|O(1)
- //#|將資料清空且設定維護範圍是 `0~size - 1` 其中時間複雜度確切多少未知
- //# 要看 `std::vector::resize()` 的效率
- void reset(size_t __size);
- //#|const|query|(ssize_t `first`,\ssize_t `last`)|Value|O(logN)
- //#|回傳區間 `[first,last]` (邊界都含) 的區間值
- Value query (ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last) const;
- //#||override|(ssize_t `first`,\ssize_t `last`,\Value const& `value`)
- //#|void|O(logN)
- //#|將區間 `[first,last]` 全部都設定成 `value`
- void override(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value);
- //#||offset|(ssize_t `first`,\ssize_t `last`,\Value const& `delta`)
- //#|void|O(logN)
- //#|將區間 `[first,last]` 全部都加上 `delta`
- void offset (ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __delta);
- //#|=====================================================================
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief 中文名 \c 線段樹
+ *
+ * 維護一個陣列, 並且讓user可以有區間查詢, 區間修改的小東東
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const |Vector |operator[] |(size_t \c n) |Scalar | 取得第 `n` 維度量 |
+ * |const |Vector |operator< |(Vector \c v) |bool | 權重比較 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator* |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相乘 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator+ |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相加 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator- |(Scalar \c s) |Scalar | 相差 |
+ * |const |Scalar |operator< |(Scalar \c s) |bool | 大小比較 |
+ * |const |Value |operator+ |(Value \c v) |Value | 相加(位移) |
+ * |const |Value |operator* |(size_t \c n) |Value | 每個Value都一樣,
+ * 長為 `n` 的區間的值|
+ * |const |Value |operator{b}|(Value \c v) |Value | 區間合併後的值 |
+ *
+ * - 若要維護區間最小值, 即每次都是詢問範圍 `[a, b]` 的最小值, 則可以定義
+ * - \c operator+ 為 '回傳相加值'
+ * - \c operator* 為 '回傳*this'
+ * - \c operator| 為 '回傳std::min(*this, v)'
+ * - 若要維護區間最總和, 即每次都是詢問範圍 `[a, b]` 的總和, 則可以定義
+ * - \c operator+ 為 '回傳相加值'
+ * - \c operator* 為 '回傳(*this) * n'
+ * - \c operator| 為 '回傳相加值'
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Value>
+class SegmentTree {
+ struct Node {
+ Value value_;
+ Value offset_;
+ bool sameFlage_;
- //#
- //# '''
- //#
+ //
+ size_t size_;
+ std::vector<Node> nodes_;
+ //
+ void update(size_t index, size_t size, Value const& value, bool override) {
+ if (override) {
+ nodes_[index].value_ = value * size;
+ nodes_[index].offset_ = value;
+ nodes_[index].sameFlage_ = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ nodes_[index].value_ = nodes_[index].value_ + value * size;
+ nodes_[index].offset_ = nodes_[index].offset_ + value;
+ }
+ }
+ void update(size_t l, size_t r, size_t L, size_t R,
+ size_t index, Value const& value,
+ bool override) {
+ if (l == L && r == R) {
+ update(index, R - L + 1, value, override);
+ return ;
+ }
+ size_t mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ if (L < R) {
+ update(index * 2 + 1, mid - L + 1,
+ nodes_[index].offset_, nodes_[index].sameFlage_);
+ update(index * 2 + 2, R - mid,
+ nodes_[index].offset_, nodes_[index].sameFlage_);
+ nodes_[index].offset_ = Value(0);
+ nodes_[index].sameFlage_ = false;
+ }
+ if (r <= mid) {
+ update(l, r, L ,mid, index * 2 + 1, value, override);
+ }
+ else if (mid + 1 <= l) {
+ update(l, r, mid + 1,R, index*2 + 2, value, override);
+ }
+ else {
+ update(l, mid , L, mid , index * 2 + 1, value, override);
+ update( mid + 1, r, mid + 1, R, index * 2 + 2, value, override);
+ }
+ nodes_[index].value_ = (
+ (nodes_[index * 2 + 1].value_ | nodes_[index * 2 + 2].value_)
+ + nodes_[index].offset_
+ );
+ }
+ Value query(size_t l, size_t r, size_t L, size_t R, size_t index) {
+ if (l == L && r == R) return nodes_[index].value_;
+ Value off = nodes_[index].offset_ * (r - l + 1);
+ if (nodes_[index].sameFlage_) return off;
+ size_t mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ if (r <= mid) return query(l, r, L , mid, index * 2 + 1) + off;
+ else if(mid + 1 <= l) return query(l, r, mid + 1, R, index * 2 + 2) + off;
+ else{
+ return ( query(l, mid , L, mid , index * 2 + 1)
+ | query( mid + 1, r, mid + 1, R, index * 2 + 2)
+ ) + off;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ bool rangeCorrect(ssize_t* first, ssize_t* last) const {
+ if (*last < *first || *last < 0 || (ssize_t)size_ - 1 < *first)
+ return false;
+ *first = inRange((ssize_t)0, (ssize_t)size_ - 1, *first);
+ *last = inRange((ssize_t)0, (ssize_t)size_ - 1, *last );
+ return true;
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor
+ SegmentTree() {
+ reset(1);
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, with \c size gived
+ SegmentTree(size_t size) {
+ reset(size);
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 並且複製資料
+ SegmentTree(SegmentTree const& tree2):
+ size_(tree2.size_), nodes_(tree2.nodes_) {
+ }
-#include "SegmentTree.hpp"
+ /*!
+ * @brief 複製
+ */
+ SegmentTree copyFrom(SegmentTree const& b) {
+ size_ = b.size_;
+ nodes_ = b.nodes_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳size
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ return size_;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將資料清空且設定維護範圍是 \c 0~size-1
+ */
+ void reset(size_t size){
+ size_ = std::max(size, (size_t)1);
+ nodes_.resize(size * 4);
+ nodes_[0].sameFlage_ = true;
+ nodes_[0].value_ = Value(0);
+ nodes_[0].offset_ = Value(0);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳區間 \c [first,last] (邊界都含) 的區間值
+ */
+ Value query(ssize_t first, ssize_t last) const {
+ if (rangeCorrect(&first, &last) == false) return Value();
+ return ((SegmentTree*)this)->query(first, last, 0, size_ - 1, 0);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將區間 \c [first,last] 全部都設定成 \c value
+ */
+ void override(ssize_t first, ssize_t last, Value const& value) {
+ if (rangeCorrect(&first, &last) == false) return ;
+ update(first, last, 0, size_ - 1, 0, value, true);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將區間 \c [first,last] 全部都加上 \c delta
+ */
+ void offset(ssize_t first, ssize_t last, Value const& delta) {
+ if (rangeCorrect(&first, &last) == false) return ;
+ update(first, last, 0, size_ - 1, 0, delta, false);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as copyFrom(b)
+ SegmentTree& operator=(SegmentTree const& b) {
+ return copyFrom(b);
+ }
#endif // dsa_SegmentTree_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h b/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
index da451b0..5e9fb3c 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
@@ -2,234 +2,1150 @@
#define dsa_SplayTree_h__
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *SplayTree<Key, Value>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# `SplayTree` 是一種神乎其技的資料結構, 維護一堆 Key->Value . 並且支援
- //# 一些 `std::map` 難以快速實踐的操作, 如 `split` , `merge` , `keyOffset`
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator| Parameters | Return_Type| Description
- //#|const |Key |operator+|(Key `k`) | Key | 相加
- //#|const |Key |operator<|(Key `k`) | bool | 大小比較
- //#| |Key |'Key' |(int `n`) | | 建構子, `n` 永遠是0
- //#| |Value | 'Value' |( ) | | 建構子
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- template<class Key, class Value>
- class SplayTree{
- private:
- struct Node{
- Key _key;
- Key _keyOffset;
- Value _value;
- size_t _size;
- Node* _parent;
- Node* _child[2];
- //
- Node(Key const& __key, Value const& __value);
- //
- void keyOffset(Key const& __delta);
- void syncDown() const;
- void syncUp () const;
- };
- //
- Node* _root;
- //
- void connect(Node const* __parent, size_t __left_right,
- Node const* __child) const;
- Node const* splay (Node const* __node) const;
- //
- void clear(Node* __node);
- Node* dup(Node* __node);
- //
- Node const* findKey (Node const* __node, Key const& __key ) const;
- Node const* findMinMax(Node const* __node, bool __minimum) const;
- Node const* findOrder (Node const* __node, size_t __order ) const;
- //
- void split(Node* __root, Node** __left, Node** __right);
- Node* merge( Node* __left, Node* __right);
- public:
- //#==== Custom Type Definitions
- //#
- //# * `Element` -> 用來當作回傳資料的媒介
- //# ** 重定義 `operator->()` 到 `std::pair<Key const&, Value&>*`
- //# ** 重定義 `operator*()` 到 `std::pair<Key const&, Value&>&`
- //# ** 有 `operator==` , `operator!=`, `operator=` 可用
- //# ** 可以直接用 `(*e).second = some_value` 來改變SplayTree中的資料
- //#
- class Element{
- private:
- typedef std::pair<Key const&, Value&> Entry;
- Entry* _entry;
- Node * _node;
- //
- void reset(Node* __node);
- public:
- Element();
- Element(Node* __node);
- Element(Element const& __iterator2);
- ~Element();
- //
- Element& operator=(Element const& __e2);
- //
- Entry* operator->();
- Entry& operator *();
- //
- bool operator==(Element const& __e2) const;
- bool operator!=(Element const& __e2) const;
- };
- //
- SplayTree();
- SplayTree(SplayTree const& __tree2);
- ~SplayTree();
- SplayTree& operator=(SplayTree const& __tree2);
- //
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
- //# * M <- `tree2` 中擁有的資料數
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||moveTo|(SplayTree* `tree2`)|void|O(M)
- //#|將 `this` 的資料複寫到 `tree2` 上面, 同時清空自己,
- //# 時間複雜度中的M是 `tree2` 所擁有的資料數
- void moveTo(SplayTree* __tree2);
- //#|const|lowerBound|(Key const& `k`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|找出第一個(最小的) Element且 `k` <= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
- //# 找不到的話回傳 `this->end()`
- Element lowerBound(Key const& __key) const;
- //#|const|lowerBound|(Key const& `k`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|找出第一個(最小的) Element且 `k` < 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
- //# 找不到的話回傳 `this->end()`
- Element upperBound(Key const& __key) const;
- //#|const|lowerBound|(Key const& `k`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|找出第一個(最小的) Element且 `k` >= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
- //# 找不到的話回傳 `this->end()`
- Element rLowerBound(Key const& __key) const;
- //#|const|lowerBound|(Key const& `k`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|找出第一個(最小的) Element且 `k` > 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
- //# 找不到的話回傳 `this->end()`
- Element rUpperBound(Key const& __key) const;
- //#|const|find|(Key const& `k`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|找出 Key= `k` 的Elemenet 並回傳. 找不到的話回傳 `this->end()`
- Element find (Key const& __key) const;
- //#|const|order|(size_t `ord`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|將Elements依照Key由小到大排序, 回傳第 `ord` 個Element (由0算起).
- //# 其中如果 `ord` > N - 1, 則會回傳 `this->last()`
- Element order(size_t __order) const;
- //#|const|first|(size_t `ord`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|回傳Key最小的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 `this->end()`
- Element first() const;
- //#|const|last|(size_t `ord`)|Element|O(logN)
- //#|回傳Key最大的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 `this->end()`
- Element last() const;
- //#|const|end|()|Element|O(1)
- //#|回傳一個指向NULL的Element, 以供 `find` , `order` , `first`
- //# , `last` 等判斷是否有找到相對應的Element
- Element end() const;
- //#|const|size|()|size_t|O(1)| 回傳資料數
- size_t size() const;
- //#|const|size|()|bool|O(1)| 回傳是否為空
- bool empty() const;
- //#||clear|()|void|O(N)| 清空資料
- void clear();
- //#||insert|(Key const& `key`,\Value const& `value`)|bool|O(logN)
- //#|檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 `key`, 若有則回傳 `false` , 否則將
- //# 一個 (Key -> Value) = (`key` -> `value`)的Element加入, 並回傳 `true`
- //# 將所有Element的Key同加上 `delta`
- bool insert(Key const& __key, Value const& __value);
- //#||erase|(Key const& `key`)|bool|O(logN)
- //#|檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 `key`, 若有則刪除之, 並回傳 `true`,
- //# 否則則回傳 `false`
- bool erase(Key const& __key);
- //#||keyOffset|(Key const& `delta`)|void|O(1)
- //#|將所有Element的Key同加上 `delta`
- void keyOffset(Key const& __delta);
- //#||operator[]|(Key const& `key`)|Value&|O(logN)
- //#|檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 `key`, 若有則回傳相對應的Value的Reference
- //# 否則先執行 `insert(key, Value())` 再回傳相對應的Reference
- Value& operator[](Key const& __key);
- //#||splitOut|(Key const& `upper_bound`,\SplayTree* `tree2`)|void
- //#|O(logN) + O(M)
- //#|將 `tree2` 清空, 再將所有Key > `upper_bound` 的Element都丟到 `tree2`
- void splitOut(Key const& __upper_bound, SplayTree* __right);
- //#||mergeAfter|(SplayTree* `tree2`)|void|O(logN) + O(logM)
- //#|檢查是否 `this` 中的 Key 都小於 `tree2` 中的Key, 是的話把 `tree2`
- //# 中的 Element 都搬到 `this` , 同時清空 `tree2` , 回傳 `true`. 否則
- //# 回傳 `false`
- bool mergeAfter(SplayTree* __tree2);
- //#||merge|(SplayTree* `tree2`)|void|O(logN) + O(logM)
- //#|檢查是否 `this` 中的 Key 都小於 `tree2` 中的Key 或者
- //# 是否 `this` 中的 Key 都大於 `tree2` 中的Key, 是的話把 `tree2`
- //# 中的 Element 都搬到 `this` , 同時清空 `tree2` , 回傳 `true`. 否則
- //# 回傳 `false`
- bool merge(SplayTree* __tree2);
- //#|=====================================================================
+#include "../math/utility.h"
+namespace meow {
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * 是一種神乎其技的資料結構, 維護一堆 Key->Value . 並且支援
+ * 一些 \c std::map 難以快速實踐的操作, 如 \c split , \c merge , \c keyOffset
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const |Key |operator+ |(Key \c k) | Key |相加 |
+ * |const |Key |operator< |(Key \c k) | bool |大小比較 |
+ * | |Key |operator= |(Key \c k) | Key |copy oper |
+ * | |Key |Key |(int \c n) | |構子,\c n 永遠是0 |
+ * | |Value | Value |( ) | |建構子 |
+ *
+ * @note:
+ * -假設現在有兩個SplayTree `A` 和 `B`, 則:
+ * -執行 `B.moveTo(&A)` 後 `B` 會變成空的, `A` 原本擁有的資料也會覆蓋掉
+ * -行 `A.merge(&B)` 或 `A.mergeAfter(&B)` 後
+ * 如果檢查發現確實可以merge, 則之後 `B` 會變成空的
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Key, class Value>
+class SplayTree {
+ struct Node {
+ Key key_;
+ Key keyOffset_;
+ Value value_;
+ size_t size_;
+ Node* parent_;
+ Node* child_[2];
+ Node(Key const& key, Value const& value):
+ key_(key), keyOffset_(0), value_(value) {
+ size_ = 1;
+ parent_ = NULL;
+ child_[0] = NULL;
+ child_[1] = NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ void keyOffset(Key const& delta) {
+ key_ = key_ + delta;
+ keyOffset_ = keyOffset_ + delta;
+ }
+ void syncDown() const {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (child_[i] == NULL) continue;
+ child_[i]->keyOffset(keyOffset_);
+ }
+ ((Node*)this)->keyOffset_ = Key(0);
+ }
+ void syncUp() const {
+ ((Node*)this)->size_ = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (child_[i] == NULL) continue;
+ ((Node*)this)->size_ += child_[i]->size_;
+ }
+ }
- //#
- //#[NOTE]
- //#========================================
- //# * 假設現在有兩個SplayTree `A` 和 `B`, 則:
- //# ** 執行 `B.moveTo(&A)` 後 `B` 會變成空的, `A` 原本擁有的資料也會覆蓋掉
- //# ** 執行 `A.merge(&B)` 或 `A.mergeAfter(&B)` 後
- //# 如果檢查發現確實可以merge, 則之後 `B` 會變成空的
- //#========================================
- //#
- //# '''
- //#
-#include "SplayTree.hpp"
+ Node* root_;
+ //! @brief 指定左子or右子, 連接parent<--->child
+ void connect(Node const* parent, size_t left_right, Node const* child) const {
+ Node* p = (Node*)parent;
+ Node* c = (Node*)child;
+ if (p != NULL) p->child_[left_right] = c;
+ if (c != NULL) c->parent_ = p;
+ }
+ //! @brief 一路往上轉
+ Node const* splay(Node const* node) const {
+ if (node != NULL && node->parent_ != NULL) {
+ for (const Node *g_grand, *grand, *parent, *child = node; ; ) {
+ g_grand = (grand = parent = child->parent_)->parent_;
+ size_t pc = (parent->child_[0] == child ? 0 : 1);
+ connect(parent, pc, child->child_[!pc]);
+ connect(child , !pc, parent);
+ if (g_grand != NULL) {
+ g_grand = (grand = g_grand)->parent_;
+ size_t gp = (grand->child_[0] == parent ? 0 : 1);
+ Node const* who = (pc == gp ? parent : child);
+ connect(grand, gp, who->child_[!gp]);
+ connect(who , !gp, grand);
+ grand->syncUp();
+ }
+ parent->syncUp();
+ child ->syncUp();
+ if (g_grand == NULL) {
+ connect(NULL, 0, child);
+ break;
+ }
+ connect(g_grand, (g_grand->child_[0] == grand ? 0 : 1), child);
+ }
+ }
+ return (((SplayTree*)this)->root_ = (Node*)node);
+ }
+ void clear(Node* node) {
+ if (node == NULL) return ;
+ clear(node->child_[0]);
+ clear(node->child_[1]);
+ delete node;
+ }
+ Node* dup(Node* node2) {
+ if (node2 == NULL) return NULL;
+ node2->syncDown();
+ Node* node = new Node(node2->key_, node2->value_);
+ connect(node, 0, dup(node2->child_[0]));
+ connect(node, 1, dup(node2->child_[1]));
+ node->syncUp();
+ return node;
+ }
+ Node const* findKey(Node const* node, Key const& key) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ if (!(key < node->key_)) {
+ if (!(node->key_< key)) break;
+ node = node->child_[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ node = node->child_[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Node const* findMinMax(Node const* node, bool minimum) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ for (int i = minimum ? 0 : 1; node != NULL; node = node->child_[i]) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Node const* findOrder(Node const* node, size_t order) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ size_t ord = 1 + (node->child_[0] == NULL ? 0 : node->child_[0]->size_);
+ if (ord == order) return ret;
+ else if(ord < order){ node = node->child_[1]; order -= ord; }
+ else { node = node->child_[0]; }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void split(Node* root, Node** left, Node** right) {
+ if (root == NULL) { *left = NULL; *right = NULL; return ; }
+ root->syncDown();
+ *left = root;
+ *right = root->child_[1];
+ if (*right != NULL) {
+ (*left )->child_[1] = NULL;
+ (*right)->parent_ = NULL;
+ (*left )->syncUp();
+ }
+ }
+ Node* merge(Node* left, Node* right) {
+ if (left == NULL) return right;
+ if (right == NULL) return left ;
+ left->syncDown();
+ connect(left, 1, right);
+ left->syncUp();
+ return left;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 類似 \c stl 的 \c iterator ,不過這邊叫做\c Element
+ *
+ * 用來當作回傳資料的媒介
+ */
+ class Element{
+ private:
+ typedef std::pair<Key const&, Value&> Entry;
+ Entry* entry_;
+ Node * node_;
+ //
+ void reset(Node* node) {
+ node_ = node;
+ delete entry_;
+ entry_ = (node == NULL ? NULL : new Entry(node->key_, node->value_));
+ }
+ public:
+ Element(): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ }
+ Element(Node* node): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ reset(node);
+ }
+ Element(Element const& element2): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ reset(element2.node_);
+ }
+ ~Element(){
+ delete entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief 複製資料
+ Element& copyFrom(Element const& e) {
+ reset(e.node_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! @brief 比對兩者是否為指向同一個Entry
+ bool same(Element const& e2) const {
+ return (node_ == e2.node_);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as copyFrom
+ Element& operator=(Element const& e2) {
+ return copyFrom(e2);
+ }
+ //! @brief 重導至\c std::pair<Key \c const&,\c Value&>*
+ Entry* operator->() {
+ return entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief 重導至\c std::pair<Key \c const&,\c Value&>&
+ Entry& operator*() {
+ return *entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c same(e2)
+ bool operator==(Element const& e2) const{
+ return same(e2);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c !same(e2)
+ bool operator!=(Element const& e2) const{
+ return !same(e2);
+ }
+ };
+ //! @brief constructor
+ SplayTree(): root_(NULL) {
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 複製資料
+ SplayTree(SplayTree const& tree2):
+ root_(dup((Node*)(tree2.root_))) {
+ }
+ //! @brief destructor
+ ~SplayTree(){
+ clear(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 複製資料
+ */
+ SplayTree& copyFrom(SplayTree const& tree2) {
+ clear(root_);
+ root_ = dup((Node*)(tree2.root_));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將資料都丟到 \c tree2 身上, 並且清空自己
+ */
+ void moveTo(SplayTree* tree2) {
+ tree2->clear();
+ tree2->root_ = root_;
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k <= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element lowerBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || !(root_->key_ < key)) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[1] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[1], true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k < 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element upperBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || key < root_->key_) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[1] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[1], true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k >= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element rLowerBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || !(key < root_->key_)) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[0] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[0], false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k > 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element rUpperBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || root_->key_ < key) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[0] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[0], false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出 Key= \c k 的Elemenet 並回傳. 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element find(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ != NULL && !(key < root_->key_) && !(root_->key_ < key)) {
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ return Element(NULL);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將Elements依照Key由小到大排序, 回傳第 \c ord 個Element (由0算起).
+ *
+ * 其中如果 \c ord>N-1, 則會回傳 \c this->last()
+ */
+ Element order(size_t order) const {
+ if (root_ == NULL || order >= root_->size_) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findOrder(root_, order + 1));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳Key最小的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element first() const {
+ splay(findMinMax(root_, true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳Key最大的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element last() const {
+ splay(findMinMax(root_, false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳一個指向NULL的Element,
+ *
+ * 以供 \c find ,\c order ,\c first ,\c last 等判斷是否有找到相對應的Element
+ */
+ Element end() const {
+ return Element(NULL);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳資料個數
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ return (root_ == NULL ? 0 : root_->size_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳是否為空
+ */
+ bool empty() const{
+ return (size() == 0);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ clear(root_);
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 插入一組\c (Key ---> \c Value)
+ *
+ * 檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則回傳 \c false , 否則將
+ * 一個 (Key -> Value) = (\c key -> \c value)的Element加入, 並回傳 \c true
+ */
+ bool insert(Key const& key, Value const& value) {
+ if (root_ == NULL) {
+ root_ = new Node(key, value);
+ }
+ else {
+ Node* parent = (Node*)findKey(root_, key);
+ if (!(parent->key_ < key) && !(key < parent->key_)) {
+ splay(parent);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* new_node = new Node(key, value);
+ connect(parent, (parent->key_ < key ? 1 : 0), new_node);
+ parent->syncUp();
+ splay(new_node);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 刪除一組資料
+ *
+ * 檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則刪除之, 並回傳 \c true,
+ * 否則則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool erase(Key const& key) {
+ if (root_ == NULL) return false;
+ Node* body = (Node*)findKey(root_, key);
+ if (body->key_ < key || key < body->key_) {
+ splay(body);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* ghost;
+ if (body->child_[1] == NULL) {
+ ghost = body->child_[0];
+ if (ghost != NULL) ghost->syncDown();
+ }
+ else {
+ ghost = (Node*)findMinMax(body->child_[1], true);
+ connect(ghost, 0, body->child_[0]);
+ if (ghost != body->child_[1]) {
+ connect(ghost->parent_, 0, ghost->child_[1]);
+ connect(ghost, 1, body->child_[1]);
+ for (Node* a = ghost->parent_; a != ghost; a = a->parent_)
+ a->syncUp();
+ }
+ ghost->syncUp();
+ }
+ Node* parent = body->parent_;
+ connect(parent, parent != NULL && parent->child_[0] == body ? 0 : 1, ghost);
+ delete body;
+ splay(ghost != NULL ? ghost : parent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將所有Element的Key同加上 \c delta
+ */
+ void keyOffset(Key const& delta) {
+ if (root_ != NULL) {
+ root_->keyOffset(delta);
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將\c tree2 清空, 再將所有Key > \c upper_bound 的Element都丟過去
+ */
+ void splitOut(Key const& upper_bound, SplayTree* right) {
+ right->clear();
+ if (rLowerBound(upper_bound) != end()) {
+ split(root_, &root_, &(right->root_));
+ }
+ else {
+ right->root_ = root_;
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 合併
+ *
+ * 檢查是否自己中的 Key 都小於 \c tree2 中的Key, 是的話把 \c tree2`
+ * 中的 Element 都搬到自己這, 同時清空 \c tree2 , 否則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool mergeAfter(SplayTree* tree2) {
+ if (root_ == NULL || tree2->root_ == NULL ||
+ last()->first < tree2->first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, tree2->root_);
+ tree2->root_ = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 合併
+ *
+ * 檢查是否自己中的 Key 都小於 \c tree2 中的Key, 或是完全相反,
+ * 是的話把 \c tree2`中的 Element 都搬到自己這,
+ * 同時清空 \c tree2 , 否則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool merge(SplayTree* tree2) {
+ if (root_ == NULL || tree2->root_ == NULL ||
+ last()->first < tree2->first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, tree2->root_);
+ }
+ else if(tree2->last()->first < first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(tree2->root_, root_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ tree2->root_ = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 就像\c stl::map::operator[]
+ *
+ * 會先檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則回傳相對應的Value的Reference
+ * 否則先執行 \c insert(key,Value()) 再回傳相對應的Reference
+ */
+ Value& operator[](Key const& key) {
+ if (find(key) == end()) insert(key, Value());
+ return root_->value_;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(tree2)
+ SplayTree& operator=(SplayTree const& tree2) {
+ return copyFrom(tree2);
+ }
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * 基本上跟SplayTree一樣, 不過這邊結合線段樹, 多了區間操作
+ * (線段樹相關operator定義請見 \c SegmentTree )
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const |Key |operator+ |(Key \c k) | Key |相加 |
+ * |const |Key |operator< |(Key \c k) | bool |大小比較 |
+ * | |Key |operator= |(Key \c k) | Key |copy oper |
+ * | |Key |Key |(int \c n) | |構子,\c n 永遠是0 |
+ * | |Value | Value |( ) | |建構子 |
+ *
+ * @note:
+ * -假設現在有兩個SplayTree `A` 和 `B`, 則:
+ * -執行 `B.moveTo(&A)` 後 `B` 會變成空的, `A` 原本擁有的資料也會覆蓋掉
+ * -行 `A.merge(&B)` 或 `A.mergeAfter(&B)` 後
+ * 如果檢查發現確實可以merge, 則之後 `B` 會變成空的
+ *
+ * @author cat_leopard
+ */
+template<class Key, class Value>
+class SplayTree_Range {
+ struct Node {
+ Value valueOffset_;
+ Value range_;
+ Key key_;
+ Key keyOffset_;
+ Value value_;
+ bool same_;
+ size_t size_;
+ Node* parent_;
+ Node* child_[2];
+ Node(Key const& key, Value const& value):
+ valueOffset_(0), range_(value),
+ key_(key), keyOffset_(0), value_(value) {
+ same_ = false;
+ size_ = 1;
+ parent_ = NULL;
+ child_[0] = NULL;
+ child_[1] = NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ void keyOffset(Key const& delta) {
+ key_ = key_ + delta;
+ keyOffset_ = keyOffset_ + delta;
+ }
+ void valueUpdate(Value const& delta, bool over) {
+ if(over) {
+ value_ = delta * size_;
+ valueOffset_ = delta;
+ range_ = delta * size_;
+ same_ = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ value_ = value_ + delta * size_;
+ valueOffset_ = valueOffset_ + delta;
+ range_ = range_ + delta * size_;
+ }
+ }
+ void syncDown() const {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (child_[i] == NULL) continue;
+ child_[i]->keyOffset(keyOffset_);
+ child_[i]->valueUpdate(valueOffset_, same_);
+ }
+ ((Node*)this)->keyOffset_ = Key(0);
+ ((Node*)this)->valueOffset_ = Value(0);
+ ((Node*)this)->same_ = false;
+ }
+ void syncUp() const {
+ ((Node*)this)->size_ = 1;
+ Value* v[3] = {&(((Node*)this)->value_), NULL, NULL};
+ size_t vct = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (child_[i] == NULL) continue;
+ ((Node*)this)->size_ += child_[i]->size_;
+ v[vct++] = &(child_[i]->range_);
+ }
+ if (vct == 1) ((Node*)this)->range_ = (*v[0]);
+ else if(vct == 2) ((Node*)this)->range_ = (*v[0]) | (*v[1]);
+ else ((Node*)this)->range_ = (*v[0]) | (*v[1]) | (*v[2]);
+ }
+ };
+ Node* root_;
+ //! @brief 指定左子or右子, 連接parent<--->child
+ void connect(Node const* parent, size_t left_right, Node const* child) const {
+ Node* p = (Node*)parent;
+ Node* c = (Node*)child;
+ if (p != NULL) p->child_[left_right] = c;
+ if (c != NULL) c->parent_ = p;
+ }
+ //! @brief 一路往上轉
+ Node const* splay(Node const* node) const {
+ if (node != NULL && node->parent_ != NULL) {
+ for (const Node *g_grand, *grand, *parent, *child = node; ; ) {
+ g_grand = (grand = parent = child->parent_)->parent_;
+ size_t pc = (parent->child_[0] == child ? 0 : 1);
+ connect(parent, pc, child->child_[!pc]);
+ connect(child , !pc, parent);
+ if (g_grand != NULL) {
+ g_grand = (grand = g_grand)->parent_;
+ size_t gp = (grand->child_[0] == parent ? 0 : 1);
+ Node const* who = (pc == gp ? parent : child);
+ connect(grand, gp, who->child_[!gp]);
+ connect(who , !gp, grand);
+ grand->syncUp();
+ }
+ parent->syncUp();
+ child ->syncUp();
+ if (g_grand == NULL) {
+ connect(NULL, 0, child);
+ break;
+ }
+ connect(g_grand, (g_grand->child_[0] == grand ? 0 : 1), child);
+ }
+ }
+ return (((SplayTree_Range*)this)->root_ = (Node*)node);
+ }
+ void clear(Node* node) {
+ if (node == NULL) return ;
+ clear(node->child_[0]);
+ clear(node->child_[1]);
+ delete node;
+ }
+ Node* dup(Node* node2) {
+ if (node2 == NULL) return NULL;
+ node2->syncDown();
+ Node* node = new Node(node2->key_, node2->value_);
+ connect(node, 0, dup(node2->child_[0]));
+ connect(node, 1, dup(node2->child_[1]));
+ node->syncUp();
+ return node;
+ }
+ Node const* findKey(Node const* node, Key const& key) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ if (!(key < node->key_)) {
+ if (!(node->key_< key)) break;
+ node = node->child_[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ node = node->child_[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Node const* findMinMax(Node const* node, bool minimum) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ for (int i = minimum ? 0 : 1; node != NULL; node = node->child_[i]) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Node const* findOrder(Node const* node, size_t order) const {
+ Node const* ret = node;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ node->syncDown();
+ ret = node;
+ size_t ord = 1 + (node->child_[0] == NULL ? 0 : node->child_[0]->size_);
+ if (ord == order) return ret;
+ else if(ord < order){ node = node->child_[1]; order -= ord; }
+ else { node = node->child_[0]; }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void split(Node* root, Node** left, Node** right) {
+ if (root == NULL) { *left = NULL; *right = NULL; return ; }
+ root->syncDown();
+ *left = root;
+ *right = root->child_[1];
+ if (*right != NULL) {
+ (*left )->child_[1] = NULL;
+ (*right)->parent_ = NULL;
+ (*left )->syncUp();
+ }
+ }
+ Node* merge(Node* left, Node* right) {
+ if (left == NULL) return right;
+ if (right == NULL) return left ;
+ left->syncDown();
+ connect(left, 1, right);
+ left->syncUp();
+ return left;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 類似 \c stl 的 \c iterator ,不過這邊叫做\c Element
+ *
+ * 用來當作回傳資料的媒介
+ */
+ class Element{
+ private:
+ typedef std::pair<Key const&, Value&> Entry;
+ Entry* entry_;
+ Node * node_;
+ //
+ void reset(Node* node) {
+ node_ = node;
+ delete entry_;
+ entry_ = (node == NULL ? NULL : new Entry(node->key_, node->value_));
+ }
+ public:
+ Element(): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ }
+ Element(Node* node): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ reset(node);
+ }
+ Element(Element const& element2): entry_(NULL), node_(NULL) {
+ reset(element2.node_);
+ }
+ ~Element(){
+ delete entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief 複製資料
+ Element& copyFrom(Element const& e) {
+ reset(e.node_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! @brief 比對兩者是否為指向同一個Entry
+ bool same(Element const& e2) const {
+ return (node_ == e2.node_);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as copyFrom
+ Element& operator=(Element const& e2) {
+ return copyFrom(e2);
+ }
+ //! @brief 重導至\c std::pair<Key \c const&,\c Value&>*
+ Entry* operator->() {
+ return entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief 重導至\c std::pair<Key \c const&,\c Value&>&
+ Entry& operator*() {
+ return *entry_;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c same(e2)
+ bool operator==(Element const& e2) const{
+ return same(e2);
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c !same(e2)
+ bool operator!=(Element const& e2) const{
+ return !same(e2);
+ }
+ };
+ //! @brief constructor
+ SplayTree_Range(): root_(NULL) {
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 複製資料
+ SplayTree_Range(SplayTree_Range const& tree2):
+ root_(dup((Node*)(tree2.root_))) {
+ }
+ //! @brief destructor
+ ~SplayTree_Range() {
+ clear(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 複製資料
+ */
+ SplayTree_Range& copyFrom(SplayTree_Range const& tree2) {
+ clear(root_);
+ root_ = dup((Node*)(tree2.root_));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將資料都丟到 \c tree2 身上, 並且清空自己
+ */
+ void moveTo(SplayTree_Range* tree2) {
+ tree2->clear();
+ tree2->root_ = root_;
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k <= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element lowerBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || !(root_->key_ < key)) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[1] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[1], true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k < 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element upperBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || key < root_->key_) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[1] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[1], true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k >= 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element rLowerBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || !(key < root_->key_)) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[0] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[0], false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出第一個(最小的) Element且 \c k > 它的 Key, 並且回傳之.
+ *
+ * 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element rUpperBound(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ == NULL || root_->key_ < key) return Element(root_);
+ if (root_->child_[0] == NULL) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findMinMax(root_->child_[0], false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 找出 Key= \c k 的Elemenet 並回傳. 找不到的話回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element find(Key const& key) const {
+ splay(findKey(root_, key));
+ if (root_ != NULL && !(key < root_->key_) && !(root_->key_ < key)) {
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ return Element(NULL);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將Elements依照Key由小到大排序, 回傳第 \c ord 個Element (由0算起).
+ *
+ * 其中如果 \c ord>N-1, 則會回傳 \c this->last()
+ */
+ Element order(size_t order) const {
+ if (root_ == NULL || order >= root_->size_) return Element(NULL);
+ splay(findOrder(root_, order + 1));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳Key最小的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element first() const {
+ splay(findMinMax(root_, true));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳Key最大的Element, 如果SplayTree為空, 則回傳 \c this->end()
+ */
+ Element last() const {
+ splay(findMinMax(root_, false));
+ return Element(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳一個指向NULL的Element,
+ *
+ * 以供 \c find ,\c order ,\c first ,\c last 等判斷是否有找到相對應的Element
+ */
+ Element end() const {
+ return Element(NULL);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳資料個數
+ */
+ size_t size() const {
+ return (root_ == NULL ? 0 : root_->size_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 回傳是否為空
+ */
+ bool empty() const{
+ return (size() == 0);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 查找
+ *
+ * 詢問目前整個range的值
+ */
+ Value query() const {
+ if (root_ == NULL) return Value(0);
+ return root_->range_;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 查找
+ *
+ * 詢問給定range的值
+ */
+ Value query(Key const& first, Key const& last) const {
+ SplayTree_Range* self = (SplayTree_Range*)this;
+ Node* tmp;
+ rUpperBound(first);
+ self->split(self->root_, &tmp, &(self->root_));
+ upperBound(last);
+ Value ret(0);
+ if (root_ != NULL && root_->child_[0] != NULL) {
+ ret = root_->child_[0]->range_;
+ }
+ self->root_ = self->merge(tmp, self->root_);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ clear(root_);
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 插入一組\c (Key ---> \c Value)
+ *
+ * 檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則回傳 \c false , 否則將
+ * 一個 (Key -> Value) = (\c key -> \c value)的Element加入, 並回傳 \c true
+ */
+ bool insert(Key const& key, Value const& value) {
+ if (root_ == NULL) {
+ root_ = new Node(key, value);
+ }
+ else {
+ Node* parent = (Node*)findKey(root_, key);
+ if (!(parent->key_ < key) && !(key < parent->key_)) {
+ splay(parent);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* new_node = new Node(key, value);
+ connect(parent, (parent->key_ < key ? 1 : 0), new_node);
+ parent->syncUp();
+ splay(new_node);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 刪除一組資料
+ *
+ * 檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則刪除之, 並回傳 \c true,
+ * 否則則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool erase(Key const& key) {
+ if (root_ == NULL) return false;
+ Node* body = (Node*)findKey(root_, key);
+ if (body->key_ < key || key < body->key_) {
+ splay(body);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* ghost;
+ if (body->child_[1] == NULL) {
+ ghost = body->child_[0];
+ if (ghost != NULL) ghost->syncDown();
+ }
+ else {
+ ghost = (Node*)findMinMax(body->child_[1], true);
+ connect(ghost, 0, body->child_[0]);
+ if (ghost != body->child_[1]) {
+ connect(ghost->parent_, 0, ghost->child_[1]);
+ connect(ghost, 1, body->child_[1]);
+ for (Node* a = ghost->parent_; a != ghost; a = a->parent_)
+ a->syncUp();
+ }
+ ghost->syncUp();
+ }
+ Node* parent = body->parent_;
+ connect(parent, parent != NULL && parent->child_[0] == body ? 0 : 1, ghost);
+ delete body;
+ splay(ghost != NULL ? ghost : parent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將所有Element的Key同加上 \c delta
+ */
+ void keyOffset(Key const& delta) {
+ if (root_ != NULL) {
+ root_->keyOffset(delta);
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將所有Element的Value同加上 \c delta
+ */
+ void valueOffset(Value const& delta){
+ if (root_ != NULL) {
+ root_->valueUpdate(delta, false);
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將所有Element的Value全部設定成\c value
+ */
+ void valueOverride(Value const& value){
+ if(root_ != NULL){
+ root_->valueUpdate(value, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將\c tree2 清空, 再將所有Key > \c upper_bound 的Element都丟過去
+ */
+ void splitOut(Key const& upper_bound, SplayTree_Range* right) {
+ right->clear();
+ if (rLowerBound(upper_bound) != end()) {
+ split(root_, &root_, &(right->root_));
+ }
+ else {
+ right->root_ = root_;
+ root_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 合併
+ *
+ * 檢查是否自己中的 Key 都小於 \c tree2 中的Key, 是的話把 \c tree2`
+ * 中的 Element 都搬到自己這, 同時清空 \c tree2 , 否則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool mergeAfter(SplayTree_Range* tree2) {
+ if (root_ == NULL || tree2->root_ == NULL ||
+ last()->first < tree2->first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, tree2->root_);
+ tree2->root_ = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 合併
+ *
+ * 檢查是否自己中的 Key 都小於 \c tree2 中的Key, 或是完全相反,
+ * 是的話把 \c tree2`中的 Element 都搬到自己這,
+ * 同時清空 \c tree2 , 否則回傳 \c false
+ */
+ bool merge(SplayTree_Range* tree2) {
+ if (root_ == NULL || tree2->root_ == NULL ||
+ last()->first < tree2->first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(root_, tree2->root_);
+ }
+ else if(tree2->last()->first < first()->first) {
+ root_ = merge(tree2->root_, root_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ tree2->root_ = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 就像\c stl::map::operator[]
+ *
+ * 會先檢查是否已有Element的Key 為 \c key, 若有則回傳相對應的Value的Reference
+ * 否則先執行 \c insert(key,Value()) 再回傳相對應的Reference
+ */
+ Value& operator[](Key const& key) {
+ if (find(key) == end()) insert(key, Value());
+ return root_->value_;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(tree2)
+ SplayTree_Range& operator=(SplayTree_Range const& tree2){
+ return copyFrom(tree2);
+ }
#endif // dsa_SplayTree_h__
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/VP_Tree.h b/meowpp/dsa/VP_Tree.h
index e2daa28..75186e6 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/VP_Tree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/VP_Tree.h
@@ -7,164 +7,331 @@
#include <list>
#include <vector>
+#include <stack>
#include <queue>
-namespace meow{
- //#
- //#=== meow:: *VP_Tree<Vector, Scalar>* (C++ class)
- //#==== Description
- //# `VP_Tree` 用來維護由 *N個K維度向量所成的集合*,
- //# 並可於該set中查找 *前i個離給定向量最接近的向量*. +
- //# 不像 `KD_Tree` 二分樹每次都選擇一個維度去分, 分成小的跟大的,
- //# `VP_Tree` 每次選一個點, 將資料分成 離這個點近的, 跟離這個點遠的.
- //# 至於怎麼選呢...., 嘛還沒研究, 先random
- //#
- //# .參考資料連結:
- //# * http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=130[link]
- //# * http://pnylab.com/pny/papers/vptree/vptree[link]
- //#
- //#==== Template Class Operators Request
- //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters | Return_Type| Description
- //#|const | Vector|operator[] |(size_t `n`) | Scalar | 取得第 `n` 維度量
- //#|const | Vector|operator= |(Vector `v`) | Vector& | copy operator
- //#|const | Vector|operator< |(Vector `v`) | bool | 權重比較
- //#|const | Scalar| 'Scalar' |(int `n`) | Scalar | 建構子,
- //# 其中一定`n=0 or 4`
- //#|const | Scalar|operator* |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相乘
- //#|const | Scalar|operator+ |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相加
- //#|const | Scalar|operator- |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相差
- //#|const | Scalar|operator- |( ) | Scalar | 取負號
- //#|const | Scalar|operator< |(Scalar `s`) | bool | 大小比較
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#
- template<class Vector, class Scalar>
- class VP_Tree{
- public:
- //#==== Custom Type Definitions
- //# * `Vectors` <- `std::vector<Vector>`
- //#
- typedef typename std::vector<Vector> Vectors;
- private:
- //
- struct Node{
- size_t _index;
- Scalar _threshold;
- Node* _nearChild;
- Node* _farChild;
- Node(size_t __index);
- };
- struct Answer{
- size_t _index;
- Scalar _dist2;
- //
- Answer(size_t __index, Scalar const& __dist2);
- Answer(Answer const& __answer2);
- };
- class AnswerCompare{
- private:
- Vectors const* _vectors;
- bool _cmpValue;
- public:
- AnswerCompare(Vectors const* __vectors, bool __cmpValue);
- bool operator()(Answer const& __a, Answer const& __b) const;
- };
- typedef std::vector<Answer> AnswerV;
- typedef std::priority_queue<Answer, AnswerV, AnswerCompare> Answers;
- //
- Vectors _vectors;
- Node* _root;
- size_t _dimension;
- bool _needRebuild;
- //
- Scalar distance2(Vector const& __v1, Vector const& __v2) const;
- int distanceCompare(Scalar const& __a2, Scalar const& __b2,
- Scalar const& __c2) const;
- Scalar split(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, size_t __order,
- Vector const& __center);
- //
- Node* build(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last);
- void query(Vector const& __vector,
- size_t __k,
- AnswerCompare const& __cmp,
- Node const* __node,
- Answers* __out) const;
- void clear(Node* __root);
- Node* dup(Node* __root);
- public:
- VP_Tree();
- VP_Tree(VP_Tree const& __tree2);
- VP_Tree(size_t __dimension);
- ~VP_Tree();
- VP_Tree& operator=(VP_Tree const& __tree2);
+namespace meow {
- //#==== Support Methods
- //#
- //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
- //# * D <- `this` 資料維度
- //#
- //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
- //#|=====================================================================
- //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
- //#||insert|(Vector const& `v`)|void| O(1)
- //#|將向量 `v` 加到set中
- void insert(Vector const& __vector);
- //#||erase|(Vector const& `v`)|bool| O(N)
- //#|將向量 `v` 從set中移除, '~TODO:可以再優化~'
- bool erase (Vector const& __vector);
- //#||build|()|void|O(KN logN) or O(1)
- //#|檢查距上一次 `build()` 至今是否有 `insert/erase` 被呼叫,
- //# 若有, 重新建樹, 否則不做事
- void build();
- //#||forceBuild|()|void|O(KN logN)
- //#|重新建樹
- void forceBuild();
+ * @brief 跟KD_Tree很像歐
+ *
+ * \c VP_Tree 用來維護由 \b N個K維度向量所成的集合 ,
+ * 並可於該set中查找 \b 前i個離給定向量最接近的向量* .
+ * 不像 \c KD_Tree 二分樹每次都選擇一個維度去分, 分成小的跟大的,
+ * \c VP_Tree 每次選一個點, 將資料分成 離這個點近的, 跟離這個點遠的.
+ * 至於怎麼選呢...., 嘛還沒研究, 先random
+ *
+ * 參考資料連結:
+ * - http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=130
+ * - http://pnylab.com/pny/papers/vptree/vptree
+ *
+ * Template Class Operators Request
+ * --------------------------------
+ *
+ * |const?|Typename|Operator | Parameters |Return Type | Description |
+ * |-----:|:------:|----------:|:-------------|:----------:|:------------------|
+ * |const | Vector|operator[] |(size_t \c n) | Scalar | 取得第\c n 維度量 |
+ * |const | Vector|operator= |(Vector \c v) | Vector& | copy operator |
+ * |const | Vector|operator< |(Vector \c v) | bool | 權重比較 |
+ * |const | Scalar| 'Scalar' |(int \c n) | Scalar | 建構子,
+ * 其中一定\c n=0or4 |
+ * |const | Scalar|operator* |(Scalar \c s) | Scalar | 相乘 |
+ * |const | Scalar|operator+ |(Scalar \c s) | Scalar | 相加 |
+ * |const | Scalar|operator- |(Scalar \c s) | Scalar | 相差 |
+ * |const | Scalar|operator- |( ) | Scalar | 取負號 |
+ * |const | Scalar|operator< |(Scalar \c s) | bool | 大小比較 |
+ *
+ * @note:
+ * -實測結果發覺, 維度小的時候, 比起中規中矩的 \c KD_Tree, \c VP_Tree 有
+ * \b random 於其中, 因此時間複雜度只是期望值 \c O(logN) 但是測資大到
+ * 一定程度, \c KD_Tree 效率會一整個大幅掉下, 但 \c VP_Tree 幾乎不受影響
+ * -TODO \c insert(), \c erase() 算是未完成功能
+ */
+template<class Vector, class Scalar>
+class VP_Tree {
+ typedef std::vector<Vector> Vectors;
+ struct Node {
+ size_t index_;
+ Scalar threshold_;
+ Node* nearChild_;
+ Node* farChild_;
+ //
+ Node(size_t index): index_(index), nearChild_(NULL), farChild_(NULL){
+ }
+ };
+ struct Answer {
+ size_t index_;
+ Scalar dist2_;
+ //
+ Answer(size_t index, Scalar const& dist2): index_(index), dist2_(dist2){
+ }
+ Answer(Answer const& answer2):
+ index_(answer2.index_), dist2_(answer2.dist2_){
+ }
+ };
+ class AnswerCompare {
+ private:
+ Vectors const* vectors_;
+ bool cmpValue_;
+ public:
+ AnswerCompare(Vectors const* vectors, bool cmpValue):
+ vectors_(vectors), cmpValue_(cmpValue){
+ }
+ bool operator()(Answer const& a, Answer const& b) const {
+ if (a.dist2_ < b.dist2_) return true;
+ if (b.dist2_ < a.dist2_) return false;
+ return (cmpValue_ && ((*vectors_)[a.index_] < (*vectors_)[b.index_]));
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Answer> AnswerV;
+ typedef std::priority_queue<Answer, AnswerV, AnswerCompare> Answers;
+ Vectors vectors_;
+ Node* root_;
+ size_t dimension_;
+ bool needRebuild_;
+ Scalar distance2(Vector const& v1, Vector const& v2) const {
+ Scalar ret(0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) ret += squ(v1[i] - v2[i]);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int distanceCompare(Scalar const& a2, Scalar const& b2,
+ Scalar const& c2) const {
+ if (b2 < 0) {
+ return -distanceCompare(c2, -b2, a2);
+ }
+ Scalar cab(c2 - a2 - b2);
+ if (cab < Scalar(0)) return 1;
+ Scalar ab2(Scalar(4) * a2 * b2), cab2(squ(cab));
+ if ( ab2 < cab2) return -1;
+ else if (cab2 < ab2) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ Scalar split(ssize_t first, ssize_t last, size_t order,
+ Vector const& center) {
+ ssize_t first0 = first;
+ std::vector<Scalar> dist2(last - first + 1);
+ for (ssize_t i = first; i <= last; i++) {
+ dist2[i - first0] = distance2(vectors_[i], center);
+ }
+ while (first < last) {
+ size_t thresholdindex_ = first + rand() % (last - first + 1);
+ Scalar threshold(dist2[thresholdindex_ - first0]);
+ size_t large_first = last + 1;
+ for( ssize_t i=first; first<=(ssize_t)large_first-1; large_first--) {
+ if (threshold < dist2[large_first - 1 - first0]) continue;
+ while (i < (ssize_t)large_first-1&&!(threshold < dist2[i-first0])) i++;
+ if (i < (ssize_t)large_first - 1){
+ std::swap(dist2 [large_first - 1 - first0], dist2 [i - first0]);
+ std::swap(vectors_[large_first - 1 ], vectors_[i ]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (large_first == (size_t)last + 1) {
+ std::swap(dist2 [thresholdindex_-first0], dist2 [last-first0]);
+ std::swap(vectors_[thresholdindex_ ], vectors_[last ]);
+ if ((ssize_t)order == last - first) {
+ first = last;
+ break;
+ }
+ last--;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (order < large_first - first) {
+ last = large_first - 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ order -= large_first - first;
+ first = large_first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dist2[first - first0];
+ }
+ //
+ Node* build(ssize_t first, ssize_t last) {
+ if (first > last) return NULL;
+ Node* ret = new Node(first);
+ if (first < last) {
+ std::swap(vectors_[first],
+ vectors_[first + rand() % (last - first + 1)]);
+ ssize_t mid = (first + 1 + last + 1) / 2;
+ ret->threshold_ = split(first + 1, last, mid - (first + 1),
+ vectors_[first]);
+ ret->nearChild_ = build(first + 1, mid - 1 );
+ ret->farChild_ = build( mid , last);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void query(Vector const& vector,
+ size_t k,
+ AnswerCompare const& cmp,
+ Node const* node,
+ Answers* out) const {
+ if (node == NULL) return ;
+ Scalar dist2 = distance2(vector, vectors_[node->index_]);
+ Answer my_ans(node->index_, dist2);
+ if (out->size() < k || cmp(my_ans, out->top())) {
+ out->push(my_ans);
+ if (out->size() > k) {
+ out->pop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->nearChild_ == NULL && node->farChild_ == NULL) return ;
+ if (out->size() < k || distanceCompare(dist2, -out->top().dist2_,
+ node->threshold_) <= 0) {
+ query(vector, k, cmp, node->nearChild_, out);
+ }
+ if (out->size() < k || distanceCompare(dist2, out->top().dist2_,
+ node->threshold_) >= 0) {
+ query(vector, k, cmp, node->farChild_, out);
+ }
+ }
+ void clear(Node* root) {
+ if(root == NULL) return ;
+ clear(root->nearChild_);
+ clear(root->farChild_);
+ delete root;
+ }
+ Node* dup(Node* root) {
+ if(root == NULL) return ;
+ Node* ret = new Node(root->index_);
+ ret->threshold_ = root->threshold_;
+ ret->nearChild_ = dup(root->nearChild_);
+ ret->farChild_ = dup(root->farChild_ );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, with dimension = 1
+ VP_Tree(): root_(NULL), vectors_(0), dimension_(1), needRebuild_(false){
+ reset(0);
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 複製資料
+ VP_Tree(VP_Tree const& tree2):
+ vectors_(tree2.vectors_),
+ root_(dup(tree2.root_)),
+ dimension_(tree2.dimension_),
+ needRebuild_(tree2.needRebuild_) {
+ }
+ //! @brief constructor, 給定dimension
+ VP_Tree(size_t dimension):
+ vectors_(0),
+ root_(NULL),
+ dimension_(0),
+ needRebuild_(false) {
+ reset(dimension);
+ }
+ //! @brief destructor
+ ~VP_Tree() {
+ clear(root_);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 複製資料
+ */
+ VP_Tree& copyFrom(VP_Tree const& tree2) {
+ reset(tree2.dimension_);
+ vectors_ = tree2.vectors_;
+ root_ = dup(tree2.root_);
+ needRebuild_ = tree2.needRebuild_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將給定的Vector加到set中
+ */
+ void insert(Vector const& vector) {
+ vectors_.push_back(vector);
+ needRebuild_ = true;
+ }
- //#|const|query|(Vector const& `v`,\size_t `i`,\bool `cmp`)|Vectors
- //#|O(logN) ~Expected~
- //#|於set中找尋距離 `v` 前 `i` 近的向量, 並依照由近而遠的順序排序.
- //# 如果有兩個向量 `v1`,`v2` 距離一樣, 且 `cmp` 為 `true` , 則直接依照
- //# `v1 < v2` 來決定誰在前面. 最後回傳一陣列包含所有解.
- Vectors query(Vector const& __vector,
- size_t __nearestNumber,
- bool __compareWholeVector) const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief 將給定的Vector從set移除
+ */
+ bool erase (Vector const& vector) {
+ for (ssize_t i = 0, I = vectors_.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ if (vectors_[i] == vector) {
+ if (i != I - 1) std::swap(vectors_[i], vectors_[I - 1]);
+ needRebuild_ = true;
+ vectors_.pop_back();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 檢查至今是否有 insert/erase 被呼叫來決定是否 \c rebuild()
+ */
+ void build() {
+ if (needRebuild_) {
+ forceBuild();
+ }
+ }
- //#||clear|()|void|O(1)
- //#|清空所有資料
- void clear();
+ /*!
+ * @brief 重新建樹
+ */
+ void forceBuild() {
+ root_ = build(0, (size_t)vectors_.size() - 1);
+ needRebuild_ = false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 查找
+ *
+ * 於set中找尋距離指定向量前 \c i 近的向量, 並依照由近而遠的順序排序.
+ * 如果有兩個向量\c v1,v2 距離一樣, 且 \c cmp 為\c true , 則直接依照
+ * \c v1<v2 來決定誰在前面. 最後回傳一陣列包含所有解.
+ */
+ Vectors query(Vector const& vector,
+ size_t nearestNumber,
+ bool compareWholeVector) const {
+ ((VP_Tree*)this)->build();
+ AnswerCompare cmp(&vectors_, compareWholeVector);
+ Answers answers(cmp);
+ query(vector, nearestNumber, cmp, root_, &answers);
+ std::stack<Answer> rev;
+ for ( ; !answers.empty(); answers.pop()) rev.push(answers.top());
+ Vectors ret;
+ for ( ; !rev.empty(); rev.pop()) ret.push_back(vectors_[rev.top().index_]);
+ return ret;
+ }
- //#||reset|(size_t `dimension`)|size_t|O(1)
- //#|清空所有資料並且指定維度為 `max(1, dimension)` 並且回傳指定後的維度
- size_t reset(size_t __dimension);
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空所有資料
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ clear(root_);
+ vectors_.clear();
+ root_ = NULL;
+ needRebuild_ = false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief 清空所有資料並重新給定維度
+ */
+ size_t reset(size_t dimension) {
+ clear();
+ dimension_ = std::max((size_t)1, dimension);
+ return dimension_;
+ }
+ //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(tree2)
+ VP_Tree& operator=(VP_Tree const& tree2) {
+ return copyFrom(tree2);
+ }
- //#|=====================================================================
- };
- //#
- //#[NOTE]
- //#========================================
- //# * 實測結果發覺, 維度小的時候, 比起中規中矩的 `KD_Tree`, `VP_Tree` 有
- //# 'randomp' 於其中, 因此時間複雜度只是期望值 'O(logN)' 但是測資大到
- //# 一定程度, `KD_Tree` 效率會一整個大幅掉下, 但 `VP_Tree` 幾乎不受影響
- //# * 'TODO' `insert()`, `erase()` 算是未完成功能
- //#
- //#========================================
- //#
- //# '''
-#include "VP_Tree.hpp"
#endif // dsa_VP_Tree_H__