path: root/README.asciidoc
blob: 8058527d6e49d68a2e0103b77e09e27c7d1c771e (plain) (tree)

==== hi!!

=== MergeableHeap<Key, Value>
MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with an extra method `merge`,
which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself.

.Support methods
* N <- number of elements in the heap
* M <- number of elements in the other heap if need
|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
||operator= | (MergeableHeap const&)| *this  | O(N)
|    Copy operator.
||moveTo    | (MergeableHeap*)      | void   | O(M)
|    Transform the this->data to the heap specified in parameters
|const|top  | ()    | Element   | O(1)
|    Return the maximum element in the heap.
|const|size | ()    | size_t    | O(1)
|    Return the number of elements in the heap.
|const|empty| ()    | bool      | O(1)
|     Return whether the heap is empty or not.
||push    |(Element)  |void   | O(log N) 
|    Add a element into the heap
||pop     |()         |void   | O(log N) 
|    Delete the maximum element from the heap
||merge   |(MergeableHeap*)   |void   | O(log M)
|    Merge the specified MergeableHeap(with size=M) into itself
||clear   |()         |void   | O(N)
|    Delete all elements from the heap

WARNING: Consider there are two MergeableHeap `A` and `B`.
`B` will become empty after you call `A.merge(&B)`.
The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
you call `A.moveTo(&B)`