From f4bc0126442e3f52a52f5784192d0dc00cedfd4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ahze <ahze@df743ca5-7f9a-e211-a948-0013205c9059>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:41:45 +0000
Subject: Back out of support of multi-direcotry [BUILD|INSTALL]_WRKSRC

git-svn-id: svn:// df743ca5-7f9a-e211-a948-0013205c9059
 Mk/         | 6113 ------------------------------------------------
 net/avahi-gtk/Makefile |   12 +-
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6115 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Mk/

diff --git a/Mk/ b/Mk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 052301783..000000000
--- a/Mk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6113 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $FreeBSD$
-#	$NetBSD: $
-# - 940820 Jordan K. Hubbard.
-#	This file is in the public domain.
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# This is the master file for the most common elements to all port
-# Makefile in the ports system.  For a more general overview of its
-# use and importance, see the Porter's Handbook.
-# There are two different types of "maintainers" in the ports framework.
-# The maintainer alias of the file is listed below in the
-# FreeBSD_MAINTAINER entry.  You should consult them if you have any
-# questions/suggestions regarding this file.
-# For each port, the MAINTAINER variable is what you should consult for
-# contact information on the person(s) to contact if you have questions/
-# suggestions about that specific port.  By default (if no MAINTAINER
-# is listed), a port is maintained by the subscribers of the
-# mailing list, and any correspondence should be directed there.
-# MAINTAINER	- The e-mail address of the contact person for this port.
-#				  Default:
-# These are meta-variables that are automatically set to the system
-# you are running on.  These are provided in case you need to take
-# different actions for different values.
-# ARCH			- The architecture of the target machine, such as would be
-#				  returned by "uname -p".  (Note: Ports should test against
-#				  ARCH, and not the host machine's architecture which is
-#				  MACHINE_ARCH, to enable ports to be cross-built.)
-# OPSYS			- Portability clause.  This is the operating system the
-#				  makefile is being used on.  Automatically set to
-#				  "FreeBSD," "NetBSD," or "OpenBSD" as appropriate.
-# OSREL			- The release version (numeric) of the operating system.
-# OSVERSION		- The value of __FreeBSD_version.
-# This is the beginning of the list of all variables that need to be
-# defined in a port, listed in order that they should be included
-# to fit in with existing conventions.  (Exception: MAINTAINER actually
-# should appear after EXTRACT_ONLY and before MASTER_SITE_BACKUP).
-# These variables are used to identify your port.
-# PORTNAME		- Name of software.  Mandatory.
-# PORTVERSION	- Version of software.  Mandatory when no DISTVERSION is given.
-# PORTREVISION	- Version of port.  Optional.  Commonly used to indicate
-#				  that an update has happened that affects the port
-#				  framework itself, but not the distributed software
-#				  (e.g., local patches or Makefile changes).
-# PORTEPOCH		- Optional.  In certain odd cases, the PORTREVISION logic
-#				  can be fooled by ports that appear to go backwards
-#				  numerically (e.g. if port-0.3 is newer than port-1998).
-#				  In this case, incrementing PORTEPOCH forces the revision.
-#				  Default: 0 (no effect).
-# PKGNAME		- Always defined as
-#				  Do not define this in your Makefile.
-# PKGNAMEPREFIX	- Prefix to specify that port is language-specific, etc.
-#				  Optional.
-# PKGNAMESUFFIX	- Suffix to specify compilation options.  Optional.
-# PKGVERSION		- Always defined as
-#				  ${PORTVERSION}.
-#				  Do not define this in your Makefile.
-# UNIQUENAME	- A name for your port that is globally unique.  By default,
-#				  this is set to ${LATEST_LINK} when LATEST_LINK is set,
-#				  and to ${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME} otherwise.
-# DISTVERSION	- Vendor version of the distribution.
-#				  Default: ${PORTVERSION}
-# DISTNAME		- Name of port or distribution used in generating
-#				  WRKSRC and DISTFILES below.
-#				  Default:
-# CATEGORIES	- A list of descriptive categories into which this port falls.
-#				  Mandatory.
-# These variable describe how to fetch files required for building the port.
-# DISTFILES		- Name(s) of archive file(s) containing distribution.
-#				  Set this to an empty string if the port doesn't require it.
-#				  Default: ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}
-# EXTRACT_SUFX	- Suffix for archive names
-#				  You never have to set both DISTFILES and EXTRACT_SUFX.
-#				  Default: .tar.bz2 if USE_BZIP2 is set, .zip if USE_ZIP is
-#				  set, .run if USE_MAKESELF is set, .tar.gz otherwise).
-# MASTER_SITES	- Primary location(s) for distribution files if not found
-#				  locally.  See for common choices for
-#				- Subdirectory of MASTER_SITES. Will sometimes need to be
-#				  set to ${PORTNAME} for (e.g.) MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE.
-#				  Only guaranteed to work for choices of ${MASTER_SITES}
-#				  defined in
-#				  Default: not set.
-# PATCHFILES	- Name(s) of additional files that contain distribution
-#				  patches. Make will look for them at PATCH_SITES (see below).
-#				  They will automatically be uncompressed before patching if
-#				  the names end with ".gz", ".bz2" or ".Z".
-#				  Default: not set.
-# PATCH_SITES	- Primary location(s) for distribution patch files
-#				  if not found locally.
-# DIST_SUBDIR	- Suffix to ${DISTDIR}.  If set, all ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} will be put in this subdirectory of
-#				  ${DISTDIR} (see below).  Also they will be fetched in this
-#				  subdirectory from FreeBSD mirror sites.
-# IGNOREFILES	- If set, don't perform checksum checks on these files.
-# NOFETCHFILES	- If set, don't download these files from the ${MASTER_SITES}
-#				  or ${MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} (but do from
-# EXTRACT_ONLY	- If set, a subset of ${DISTFILES} you want to
-#				  actually extract.
-#				- If set, the package building cluster will save the distfiles
-#				  along with the packages. This may be required to comply with
-#				  some licenses, e.g. GPL in some cases.
-#				  Default: not set.
-# (NOTE: by convention, the MAINTAINER entry (see above) should go here.)
-# These variables are typically set in /etc/make.conf to indicate
-# the user's preferred location to fetch files from.  You should
-# rarely need to set these.
-#				- Backup location(s) for distribution files and patch
-#				  files if not found locally and ${MASTER_SITES}/${PATCH_SITES}
-#				  Default:
-#				- If set, override the MASTER_SITES setting with this
-#				  value.
-#				- If set, only use ${MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} for
-# CD_MOUNTPTS	- List of CDROM mountpoints to look for distfiles under.
-#				  This variable supercedes CD_MOUNTPT, which is
-#				  obsolete.
-# Set these if your port should not be built under certain circumstances.
-# These are string variables; you should set them to the reason why
-# they are necessary.
-# RESTRICTED	- Prevent the distribution of distfiles and packages to
-#				  the FTP sites or on CDROM (e.g. forbidden by license
-#				  considerations).
-# NO_CDROM		- Packages and distfiles may not go on CDROM (e.g. must
-#				  not be re-sold) but can go on FTP sites.
-# NO_PACKAGE	- Port should not be packaged for ftp sites or CDROMs,
-#				  but distfiles can be put on ftp sites and CDROMs.
-# FORBIDDEN		- Package build should not be attempted because of
-#				  security vulnerabilities.
-# IGNORE		- Package build should be skipped entirely (e.g.
-#				  because of serious unfixable problems in the build,
-#				  because it cannot be manually fetched, etc).  Error
-#				  logs will not appear on pointyhat, so this should be
-#				  used sparingly.
-# BROKEN		- Port is believed to be broken.  Package builds will
-#				  still be attempted on the pointyhat package cluster to
-#				  test this assumption.
-# DEPRECATED	- Port is deprecated to install. Advisory only.
-#				- If DEPRECATED is set, determines a date when
-#				  the port is planed to remove. The date format is
-#				  ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
-#				- If set, do not check if the port is listed in the
-#				  vulnerabilities database.
-# In addition to RESTRICTED or NO_CDROM, if only a subset of distfiles
-# or patchfiles have redistribution restrictions, set the following
-# to the list of such files.
-#				- List of files that cannot be redistributed.
-#				  or NO_CDROM is set, empty otherwise.
-# These variables are booleans, so you don't need to set them to the reason.
-#				- Set this if your port needs to interact with the user
-#				  during any step in a package build.  User can then decide
-#				  to skip this port by setting ${BATCH}, or compiling only
-#				  the interactive ports by setting ${INTERACTIVE}.
-#				  Default: not set.
-# USE_SUBMAKE	- Set this if you want that each of the port's main 6 targets
-#				  (extract, patch, configure, build, install and package) to be
-#				  executed in a separate make(1) process. Useful when one of
-#				  the stages needs to influence make(1) variables of the later
-#				  stages using ${WRKDIR}/ generated on the fly.
-#				  Default: not set.
-# Set these if your port only makes sense to certain architectures.
-# They are lists containing names for them (e.g., "alpha i386").
-# (Defaults: not set.)
-#				- Only build ports if ${ARCH} matches one of these.
-# NOT_FOR_ARCHS	- Only build ports if ${ARCH} doesn't match one of these.
-#				- Reason why it's only for ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS}s
-#				- Reason why it's not for ${NOT_FOR_ARCHS}s
-#				- Set this instead of ONLY_FOR_ARCHS if the given port
-#				  fetches and installs compiled i386 binaries.
-# Dependency checking.  Use these if your port requires another port
-# not in the list below.  (Default: empty.)
-#				- A list of "path:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends on in the "extract" stage.  "path" is
-#				  the name of a file if it starts with a slash (/), an
-#				  executable otherwise.  make will test for the existence
-#				  (if it is a full pathname) or search for it in your
-#				  $PATH (if it is an executable) and go into "dir" to do
-#				  a "make all install" if it's not found.  If the third
-#				  field ("target") exists, it will be used instead of
-#				  ${DEPENDS_TARGET}.
-# PATCH_DEPENDS	- A list of "path:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends on in the "patch" stage.  "path" is the
-#				  name of a file if it starts with a slash (/), an
-#				  executable otherwise.  make will test for the existence
-#				  (if it is a full pathname) or search for it in your
-#				  $PATH (if it is an executable) and go into "dir" to do
-#				  a "make all install" if it's not found.  If the third
-#				  field ("target") exists, it will be used instead of
-#				  ${DEPENDS_TARGET}.
-# FETCH_DEPENDS	- A list of "path:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends in the "fetch" stage.  "path" is the
-#				  name of a file if it starts with a slash (/), an
-#				  executable otherwise.  make will test for the
-#				  existence (if it is a full pathname) or search for
-#				  it in your $PATH (if it is an executable) and go
-#				  into "dir" to do a "make all install" if it's not
-#				  found.  If the third field ("target") exists, it will
-#				  be used instead of ${DEPENDS_TARGET}.
-# BUILD_DEPENDS	- A list of "path:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends to build (between the "extract" and
-#				  "build" stages, inclusive).  The test done to
-#				  determine the existence of the dependency is the
-#				  same as FETCH_DEPENDS.  If the third field ("target")
-#				  exists, it will be used instead of ${DEPENDS_TARGET}.
-# RUN_DEPENDS	- A list of "path:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends to run.  The test done to determine
-#				  the existence of the dependency is the same as
-#				  FETCH_DEPENDS.  This will be checked during the
-#				  "install" stage and the name of the dependency will
-#				  be put into the package as well.  If the third field
-#				  ("target") exists, it will be used instead of
-#				  ${DEPENDS_TARGET}.
-# LIB_DEPENDS	- A list of "lib:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
-#				  package depends on.  "lib" is the name of a shared library.
-#				  make will use "ldconfig -r" to search for the library.
-#				  lib can contain extended regular expressions.
-#				- The default target to execute when a port is calling a
-#				  dependency.
-#				  Default: install
-# These variables control options about how a port gets built and/or
-# are shorthand notations for common sets of dependencies.
-# Use these if your port uses some of the common software packages. By
-# convention these should be set to 'yes', although they only need to be
-# defined. Defaults: not set, unless explicitly indicated below.
-# Note: the distinction between the USE_* and WANT_* variables, and the
-# WITH_* and WITHOUT_* variables, are that the former are restricted to
-# usage inside the ports framework, and the latter are reserved for user-
-# settable options.  (Setting USE_* in /etc/make.conf is always wrong).
-# WITH_DEBUG            - If set, debugging flags are added to CFLAGS and the
-#                         binaries don't get stripped by INSTALL_PROGRAM.
-#                         Besides, individual ports might add their specific
-#                         to produce binaries for debugging purposes.
-#                         You can override the debug flags that are passed to
-#                         the compiler by setting DEBUG_FLAGS. It is set to
-#                         "-g" at default.
-# USE_BZIP2		- If set, this port tarballs use bzip2, not gzip, for
-#				  compression.
-# USE_ZIP		- If set, this port distfile uses zip, not tar w/[bg]zip
-#				  for compression.
-# USE_MAKESELF		- If set, this port distfile uses makeself, not tar w/[bg]zip
-#				  for compression.
-# USE_DOS2UNIX	- If set to "YES", remove the ^M from all files
-#				  under ${WRKSRC}. If set to a string, remove in all
-#				  files under ${WRKSRC} with one of these names the ^Ms.
-#				- Limit the ^M removal to files which name matches
-#				  the regular expression.
-# USE_GCC		- If set, this port requires this version of gcc, either in
-#				  the system or installed from a port.
-# USE_GMAKE		- If set, this port uses gmake.
-# GMAKE			- Set to path of GNU make if not in $PATH.
-#				  Default: gmake
-#				- If set, this port uses getopt_long.  May be obsolete.
-# USE_ICONV		- If set, this port uses libiconv.
-# USE_GETTEXT	- If set, this port uses GNU gettext (libintl).
-# USE_PERL5		- If set, this port uses perl5 in one or more of the extract,
-#				  patch, build, install or run phases.
-#				- If set, this port uses perl5 in one or more of the extract,
-#				  patch, build or install phases.
-# USE_PERL5_RUN	- If set, this port uses perl5 for running.
-# PERL5			- Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-#				  installed from a port.
-# PERL			- Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-#				  installed from a port, but without the version number.
-#				  Use this if you need to replace "#!" lines in scripts.
-# PERL_VERSION	- Full version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_VER		- Short version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_LEVEL	- Perl version as an integer of the form MNNNPP, where
-#				  M is major version, N is minor version, and P is
-#				  the patch level. E.g., PERL_VERSION=5.6.1 would give
-#				  a PERL_LEVEL of 500601. This can be used in comparisons
-#				  to determine if the version of perl is high enough,
-#				  whether a particular dependency is needed, etc.
-# PERL_ARCH		- Directory name of architecture dependent libraries
-#				  (value: ${ARCH}-freebsd).
-# PERL_PORT		- Name of the perl port that is installed
-#				  (value: perl5)
-# SITE_PERL		- Directory name where site specific perl packages go.
-#				  This value is added to PLIST_SUB.
-# PERL_MODBUILD	- Use Module::Build to configure, build and install port.
-#				- If set, this port needs ghostscript to both
-#				  build and run.
-#				- If set, this port needs ghostscript to build.
-#				- If set, this port needs ghostscript to run.
-#				- The port that provides postscript functionality.
-#				  Some installations may wish to override the default
-#				  to specify a version without X11 and/or localized
-#				  versions for their nationality.
-#				  Default: print/ghostscript-gpl
-#				- If set, this port uses the AFPL version of the ghostscript
-#				  software instead of the GPL version, which is used otherwise.
-#				- If set, this port uses the GNU version of the ghostscript
-#				  software instead of the GPL version, which is used otherwise.
-# USE_BISON		- If set, this port uses bison for building.
-# USE_IMAKE		- If set, this port uses imake.  Implies USE_X_PREFIX.
-# XMKMF			- Set to path of `xmkmf' if not in $PATH
-#				  Default: xmkmf -a
-# USE_X_PREFIX	- If set, this port installs in ${X11BASE}.  Implies USE_XLIB.
-# USE_XLIB		- If set, this port uses the X libraries. In the USE_LINUX
-#				  case the linux X libraries are referenced.
-# USE_FREETYPE	- If set, this port uses the freetype print libraries.
-# USE_GL		- A list of Mesa or GL related dependencies needed by the port.
-#				  Supported components are: glut, glu, glw, gl and linux.
-#				  If set to "yes", this is equivalent to "glu". Note that
-#				  glut depends on glu, glw and glu depend on gl.
-# USE_MOTIF		- If set, this port uses a Motif toolkit.  Implies USE_XPM.
-# NO_OPENMOTIF	- If set, this port uses a custom Motif toolkit
-#				  instead of Openmotif.
-#				  Used only when USE_MOTIF is set.
-# WANT_LESSTIF	- If set, this port uses Lesstif as Motif toolkit.
-#				  Used only when USE_MOTIF is set.  Implies
-# USE_SDL		- If set, this port uses the sdl libraries.
-#				  See for more information.
-# USE_XPM		- If set, this port uses the xpm graphics libraries.
-# USE_OPENSSL	- If set, this port relies on the OpenSSL package.
-# USE_OPENLDAP	- If set, this port uses the OpenLDAP libraries.
-#				  Implies: WANT_OPENLDAP_VER?=23
-#				- Legal values are: 22, 23, 24
-#				  If set to an unkown value, the port is marked BROKEN.
-#				- If set, the system should use OpenLDAP libraries
-#				  with SASL support.
-# USE_FAM		- If set, this port uses the File Alteration Monitor.
-#				- Legal values are: gamin (default),fam
-#				  If set to an unknown value, the port is marked IGNORE.
-# USE_AUTOTOOLS	- If set, this port uses various GNU autotools
-#				  (libtool, autoconf, autoheader, automake et al.)
-#				  See for more details.
-# USE_SCONS		- If set, this port uses the Python-based SCons build system
-#				  See for more details.
-# USE_EFL		- If set, this port use EFL libraries.
-#				  Implies inclusion of  (Also see
-#				  that file for more information on USE_EFL_*).
-# USE_JAVA		- If set, this port relies on the Java language.
-#				  Implies inclusion of  (Also see
-#				  that file for more information on USE_JAVA_*).
-# USE_OCAML		- If set, this port relies on the OCaml language.
-#				  Implies inclusion of  (Also see
-#				  that file for more information on USE_OCAML*).
-# USE_PYTHON	- If set, this port relies on the Python language.
-#				  Implies inclusion of (Also see
-#				  that file for more information on USE_PYTHON_*
-#				  and USE_PYDISTUTILS).
-# USE_RUBY		- If set, this port relies on the Ruby language.
-#				  Implies inclusion of  (Also see
-#				  that file for more information on USE_RUBY_*).
-# USE_GNUSTEP	- If set, this port relies on the GNUstep system.
-#				  Implies the inclusion of
-#				  (Also see that file for more information on
-#				  USE_GNUSTEP_*).
-# USE_GNOME		- A list of the Gnome dependencies the port has (e.g.,
-#				  glib12, gtk12).  Implies that the port needs Gnome.
-#				  Implies inclusion of  See
-#				  or
-#				  for more details.
-# USE_LUA		- If set, this port uses the Lua library and related
-#				  components. See for more details.
-# USE_WX		- If set, this port uses the WxWidgets library and related
-#				  components. See for more details.
-# USE_KDEBASE_VER		- Set to 3 to use the KDE windowing system.
-#				  Implies inclusion of
-# USE_KDELIBS_VER		- Set to 3 to use the KDE libraries.
-#				  Implies inclusion of
-# USE_QT_VER			- Set to 3 or 4 to use the respective version
-#				  of the QT libraries.
-#				  Implies inclusion of
-# USE_LINUX		- Set to yes to say the port needs the default linux base port.
-#				  Set to value <X>, if the port needs emulators/linux_base-<X>.
-#				  If set to "7", a dependency is registered to emulators/linux_base.
-#				  Implies appropriate settings for STRIP and STRIP_CMD.
-#				- controls the action of PREFIX (see above). Only use this
-#				  if the port is a linux infrastructure port (e.g. contains libs
-#				  or a sound server which supports the FreeBSD native one),
-#				  use the default or the X11 prefix if it's a leaf port
-#				  (e.g. a game or program).
-#				  Implies NO_MTREE=yes, and, if INSTALLS_SHLIB is defined:
-#				    - USE_LINUX=yes
-#				    - appropriate invocation of the Linux ldconfig
-# USE_LINUX_RPM	- Set to yes to pull in variables and targets useful to Linux
-#				  RPM ports.
-#				  Implies inclusion of
-# USE_XORG			- Set to a list of module dependencies.
-#				  Implies inclusion of
-#				- Set to yes to enable automatic packing list generation.
-#				  Currently has no effect unless USE_LINUX_RPM is set.
-#				- This specifies the default linux base to use, for valid
-#				  values have a look at the description of USE_LINUX. This is
-#				  an user-only variable. Don't use it in any port, it's meant
-#				  to be used in make.conf.
-#				- This is a read-only variable, it gets set to a value which is
-#				  usable in *_DEPENDS (e.g. BUILD_DEPENDS=${LINUX_BASE_PORT}).
-#				  It honors USE_LINUX=foo and OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT.
-# USE_RC_SUBR	- If set, the ports startup/shutdown script uses the common
-#				  routines found in etc/rc.subr and may need to
-#				  depend on the sysutils/rc_subr port.
-#				  If this is set to a list of files, these files will be
-#				  automatically added to ${SUB_FILES}, some %%VAR%%'s will
-#				  automatically be expanded, they will be installed in
-#				  ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d and added to the packing list.
-# USE_RCORDER	- List of rc.d startup scripts to be called early in the boot
-#				  process. This acts exactly like USE_RC_SUBR except that
-#				  scripts are installed in /etc/rc.d.
-# RC_SUBR		- Set to path of rc.subr.
-#				  Default: ${LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.subr.
-#				- Contains the suffix of installed rc.subr scripts.
-# USE_APACHE	- If set, this port relies on an apache webserver.
-# USE_CDRTOOLS	- If set, this port depends on sysutils/cdrtools, unless
-#				  cdrtools-cjk is present or USE_CDRTOOLS=cjk is set, then
-#				  it depends on sysutils/cdrtools-cjk.
-# Conflict checking.  Use if your port cannot be installed at the same time as
-# another package.
-# CONFLICTS		- A list of package name patterns that the port conflicts
-#				  with, separated by blanks.  The names may include shell
-#				  pattern meta-characters "*", "?", "[", "]", and "!".
-#				  Example: apache*-1.2* apache*-1.3.[012345] apache-*+ssl_*
-# Various directory definitions and variables to control them.
-# You rarely need to redefine any of these except WRKSRC and NO_WRKSUBDIR.
-# X11BASE		- Where X11 ports install things.
-#				  Default: ${LOCALBASE}
-# LOCALBASE		- Where non-X11 ports install things.
-#				  Default: /usr/local
-# LINUXBASE		- Where Linux ports install things.
-#				  Default: /compat/linux
-# PREFIX		- Where *this* port installs its files.
-#				  Default: ${X11BASE} if USE_X_PREFIX is set,
-#				  ${LINUXBASE} if  USE_LINUX_PREFIX is set,
-#				  otherwise ${LOCALBASE}
-#				- There are some sanity checks against PREFIX.
-#				  You can disable these checks with defining
-#				  this variable, but this is not recommended!
-#				  Only do this if you really know what you are
-#				  doing.  These sanity checks are the following:
-#				    - PREFIX has to be an absolute path.
-#				    - PREFIX can't have a trailing slash.
-# MASTERDIR		- Where the port finds patches, package files, etc.  Define
-#				  this is you have two or more ports that share most of the
-#				  files.
-#				  Default: ${.CURDIR}
-# PORTSDIR		- The root of the ports tree.
-#				  Default: /usr/ports
-# DISTDIR		- Where to search for and store copies of original sources
-#				  Default: ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles
-# PACKAGES		- A top level directory where all packages go (rather than
-#				  going locally to each port).
-#				  Default: ${PORTSDIR}/packages
-# WRKDIRPREFIX	- The place to root the temporary working directory
-#				  hierarchy.
-#				  Default: none
-# WRKDIR		- A temporary working directory that gets *clobbered* on clean
-#				  Default: ${WRKDIRPREFIX}${.CURDIR}/work
-# WRKSRC		- A subdirectory of ${WRKDIR} where the distribution actually
-#				  unpacks to.
-#				  Default: ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} unless NO_WRKSUBDIR is set,
-#				  in which case simply ${WRKDIR}
-# NO_WRKSUBDIR	- Assume port unpacks directly into ${WRKDIR}.
-# PATCHDIR		- A directory containing any additional patches you made
-#				  to port this software to FreeBSD.
-#				  Default: ${MASTERDIR}/files
-# SCRIPTDIR		- A directory containing any auxiliary scripts
-#				  Default: ${MASTERDIR}/scripts
-# FILESDIR		- A directory containing any miscellaneous additional files.
-#				  Default: ${MASTERDIR}/files
-# PKGDIR		- A directory containing any package creation files.
-#				  Default: ${MASTERDIR}
-# Variables that serve as convenient "aliases" for your *-install targets.
-# Use these like: "${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/prog ${PREFIX}/bin".
-#				- A command to install binary executables.  (By
-#				  default, also strips them, unless ${STRIP} is
-#				  overridden to be the empty string).
-#				- A command to install executable scripts.
-# INSTALL_DATA	- A command to install sharable data.
-# INSTALL_MAN	- A command to install manpages.  May or not compress,
-#				  depending on the value of MANCOMPRESSED (see below).
-# Boolean to control whether manpages are installed.
-#				- If set, this port doesn't want to install any manpages.
-#				  Default: not set, i.e. manpages are installed by default.
-# Set the following to specify all manpages that your port installs.
-# These manpages will be automatically listed in ${PLIST}.  Depending
-# on the setting of NOMANCOMPRESS, the make rules will compress the
-# manpages for you.
-# MAN<sect>		- A list of manpages, categorized by section.  For
-#				  example, if your port has "man/man1/foo.1" and
-#				  "man/mann/bar.n", set "MAN1=foo.1" and "MANN=bar.n".
-#				  The available sections chars are "123456789LN".
-# MAN<sect>_<lang>
-#				- If your port does not install all man pages for all
-#				  languages in MANLANG, language specific pages for
-#				  a language can be specified with this. For example,
-#				  if the port installs foo.1 in English, Japanese, and
-#				  German, bar.1 in English only, and baz.3 in German
-#				  only, set
-#					MANLANG=	"" de ja
-#					MAN1=		foo.1
-#					MAN1_EN=	bar.1
-#					MAN3_DE=	baz.3
-# MLINKS		- A list of <source, target> tuples for creating links
-#				  for manpages.  For example, "MLINKS= a.1 b.1 c.3 d.3"
-#				  will do an "ln -sf a.1 b.1" and "ln -sf c.3 d.3" in
-#				  appropriate directories.  (Use this even if the port
-#				  installs its own manpage links so they will show up
-#				  correctly in ${PLIST}.)
-# MANPREFIX		- The directory prefix for ${MAN<sect>} and ${MLINKS}.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}
-# MAN<sect>PREFIX
-#				- If manual pages of some sections install in different
-#				  locations than others, use these.
-#				  Default: ${MANPREFIX}
-# MANCOMPRESSED	- This variable can take values "yes", "no" or
-#				  "maybe".  "yes" means manpages are installed
-#				  compressed; "no" means they are not; "maybe" means
-#				  it changes depending on the value of NOMANCOMPRESS.
-#				  Default: "yes" if USE_IMAKE is set and NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES
-#				  is not set, and "no" otherwise.
-# Set the following to specify all .info files your port installs.
-# INFO			- A list of .info files (omitting the trailing ".info");
-#				  only one entry per document! These files are listed in
-#				  the path relative to ${INFO_PATH}.
-# INFO_PATH		- Path, where all .info files will be installed by your
-#				  port, relative to ${PREFIX}
-#				  Default: "share/info" if ${PREFIX} is equal to /usr
-#				  and "info" otherwise.
-# Set the following to specify all documentation your port installs into
-# PORTDOCS		- A list of files and directories relative to DOCSDIR.
-#				  Shell glob patterns can be used, directories include
-#				  the entire subtree of contained files and directories.
-#				  Should not be set when no documentation files are
-#				  installed (for example because NOPORTDOCS is defined).
-#				  Useful for dynamically generated documentation.
-# Set the following to specify all documentation your port installs into
-# PORTEXAMPLES		- A list of files and directories relative to EXAMPLESDIR.
-#				  Shell glob patterns can be used, directories include
-#				  the entire subtree of contained files and directories.
-#				  Should not be set when no examples files are
-#				  installed (for example because NOPORTEXAMPLES is defined).
-#				  Useful for dynamically generated examples.
-# Set the following to specify all documentation your port installs into
-# PORTDATA		- A list of files and directories relative to DATADIR.
-#				  Shell glob patterns can be used, directories include
-#				  the entire subtree of contained files and directories.
-#				  Should not be set when no data files are
-#				  installed (for example because NOPORTDATA is defined).
-#				  Useful for dynamically generated data files.
-# Default targets and their behaviors:
-# fetch				- Retrieves missing ${DISTFILES} and ${PATCHFILES} for this
-#				  port.
-# fetch-list			- Show list of commands to retrieve missing ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} for this port.
-# fetch-recursive
-#				- Retrieves missing ${DISTFILES} and ${PATCHFILES} for this
-#				  port and dependencies.
-# fetch-recursive-list
-#				- Show list of commands to retrieve missing ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} for this port and dependencies.
-# fetch-required
-#				- Retrieves missing ${DISTFILES} and ${PATCHFILES} for this
-#				  port and dependencies.
-# fetch-required-list
-#				- Show list of commands to retrieve missing ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} for this port and dependencies.
-# fetch-url-list
-#				- Show list of URLS to retrieve missing ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} for this port.
-# fetch-urlall-list
-#				- Show list of URLS to retrieve ${DISTFILES} and
-#				  ${PATCHFILES} for this port.
-# all-depends-list
-#				- Show all directories which are dependencies
-#				  for this port.
-# build-depends-list
-#				- Show all directories which are build-dependencies
-#				  for this port.
-# package-depends-list
-#				- Show all directories which are package-dependencies
-#				  for this port. This is based upon the dependency
-#				  tree as recorded in the Makefiles of the ports
-#				  collection, not as recorded in the currently
-#				  installed ports.
-# actual-package-depends-list
-#				- Like package-depends-list but with the difference
-#				  that the dependencies of the currently installed
-#				  ports are used instead of the dependencies as
-#				  recorded in the ports collection.
-# run-depends-list
-#				- Show all directories which are run-dependencies
-#				  for this port.
-# extract		- Unpacks ${DISTFILES} into ${WRKDIR}.
-# patch			- Apply any provided patches to the source.
-# configure		- Runs either GNU configure, one or more local configure
-#				  scripts or nothing, depending on what's available.
-# build			- Actually compile the sources.
-# install		- Install the results of a build.
-# reinstall		- Install the results of a build, ignoring "already installed"
-#				  flag.
-# deinstall		- Remove the installation.
-# deinstall-all	- Remove all installations with the same PKGORIGIN.
-# package		- Create a package from an _installed_ port.
-# package-recursive
-#				- Create a package for a port and _all_ of its dependancies.
-# describe		- Try to generate a one-line description for each port for
-#				  use in INDEX files and the like.
-# checkpatch	- Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch".  Note that it may
-#				  give incorrect results if multiple patches deal with
-#				  the same file.
-# checksum		- Use distinfo to ensure that your distfiles are valid.
-# checksum-recursive
-#				- Run checksum in this port and all dependencies.
-# makesum		- Generate distinfo (only do this for your own ports!).
-# clean			- Remove ${WRKDIR} and other temporary files used for building.
-# clean-depends	- Do a "make clean" for all dependencies.
-# config		- Configure options for this port (using ${DIALOG}).
-#				  Automatically run prior to extract, patch, configure, build,
-#				  install, and package.
-# config-recursive
-#				- Configure options for this port for this port and all dependencies.
-# showconfig	- Display options config for this port.
-# rmconfig		- Remove the options config for this port.
-# rmconfig-recursive
-#				- Remove the options config for this port and all dependencies.
-# Default sequence for "all" is:
-#		check-sanity fetch checksum extract patch configure build
-# Please read the comments in the targets section below; you
-# should be able to use the pre-* or post-* targets/scripts
-# (which are available for every stage except checksum) or
-# override the do-* targets to do pretty much anything you want.
-# NEVER override the "regular" targets unless you want to open
-# a major can of worms.
-# Set these variables if your port doesn't need some of the steps.
-# Note that there are no NO_PATCH or NO_CONFIGURE variables because
-# those steps are empty by default.  NO_EXTRACT is not allowed anymore
-# since we need to at least create ${WRKDIR}.  Also, NO_CHECKSUM is a user
-# variable and is not to be set in a port's Makefile.  See above for NO_PACKAGE.
-# NO_BUILD		- Use a dummy (do-nothing) build target.
-# NO_INSTALL	- Use a dummy (do-nothing) install target.
-# Here are some variables used in various stages.
-# For options:
-# OPTIONS		- List of what WITH_<option> options this port accept.  The
-#				  format is <option> "<description>" [on|off]
-#				  Example:
-#					FLEXRESP "Flexible response to events" off
-#				  which tell that an option WITH_FLEXRESP exists for this port,
-#				  that by default it is not defined, and that the description to
-#				  show to a user in the config dialog is "Flexible response to
-#				  events".  If you have more than one option, just chain them
-#				  into a single variable.  NOTE: To make options work, you need
-#				  to include before you start testing the
-#				  WITH_xyz variables.
-# For fetch:
-# FETCH_BINARY	- Path to ftp/http fetch command if not in $PATH.
-#				  Default: "/usr/bin/fetch"
-# FETCH_ARGS	- Arguments to ftp/http fetch command.
-#				  Default: "-ARr"
-# FETCH_CMD		- ftp/http fetch command.
-#				  Default: ${FETCH_BINARY} ${FETCH_ARGS}
-#				- Arguments to ${FETCH_CMD} before filename.
-#				  Default: none
-#				- Arguments to ${FETCH_CMD} following filename.
-#				  Default: none
-# FETCH_ENV		- Environment to pass to ${FETCH_CMD}.
-#				  Default: none
-# FETCH_REGET	- Times to retry fetching of files on checksum errors.
-#				  Default: 1
-# For extract:
-# EXTRACT_CMD	- Command for extracting archive: "bzip2" if USE_BZIP2
-#				  is set, "unzip" if USE_ZIP is set, "unmakeself" if
-#				  USE_MAKESELF if set, "gzip" otherwise.
-#				- Arguments to ${EXTRACT_CMD} before filename.
-#				  Default: "-dc"
-#				- Arguments to ${EXTRACT_CMD} following filename.
-#				  default: "| tar -xf -"
-#				- Normally, when run as "root", the extract stage will
-#				  change the owner and group of all files under ${WRKDIR}
-#				  to 0:0.  Set this variable if you want to turn off this
-#				  feature.
-# For makesum:
-# NO_SIZE		- Don't record size data in distinfo, needed
-#				  when the master site does not report file
-#				  sizes, or when multiple valid versions of
-#				  a distfile, having different sizes, exist.
-# For patch:
-# EXTRA_PATCHES	- Define this variable if you have patches not in
-#				  ${PATCHDIR}.  This usually happens when you need to
-#				  do some pre-processing before some distribution
-#				  patches can be applied.  In that case, fetch them as
-#				  extra distfiles, put the processed results in
-#				  ${WRKDIR}, then point EXTRA_PATCHES to them.
-#				  The patches specified by this variable will be
-#				  applied after the normal distribution patches but
-#				  before those in ${PATCHDIR}.
-# PATCH_WRKSRC	- Directory to apply patches in.
-#				  Default: ${WRKSRC}
-# For configure:
-# HAS_CONFIGURE	- If set, this port has its own configure script.  The
-#				  configure stage will not do anything if this is not set.
-# GNU_CONFIGURE	- If set, you are using GNU configure (optional).  Implies
-#				- Configure using Perl's MakeMaker.  Implies USE_PERL5.
-#				- Directory to run configure in.
-#				  Default: ${WRKSRC}
-#				- Name of configure script, relative to ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}.
-#				  Default: "Makefile.PL" if PERL_CONFIGURE is set,
-#				  "configure" otherwise.
-#				- The name of target to call when GNU_CONFIGURE is
-#				  defined.
-#				  Default: ${ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
-#				- Pass these args to configure if ${HAS_CONFIGURE} is set.
-#				  Default: "--prefix=${PREFIX} --infodir=${PREFIX}/${INFO_PATH}
-#				  --mandir=${MANPREFIX}/man ${CONFIGURE_TARGET}" if
-#				  empty otherwise.
-# CONFIGURE_ENV	- Pass these env (shell-like) to configure if
-#				  ${HAS_CONFIGURE} is set.
-# CONFIGURE_LOG	- The name of configure log file. It will be printed to
-#				  the screen if configure fails.
-#				  Default: config.log
-#				- A message displayed to users when configure
-#				  fails (note: this assumes the do-configure
-#				  target has not been overwritten).  This message
-#				  will be passed through /usr/bin/fmt before
-#				  being shown to the user.
-# For build and install:
-# MAKEFILE		- Name of the makefile.
-#				  Default: Makefile
-# ALL_TARGET	- Default target for sub-make in build stage.
-#				  Default: all
-# BUILD_WRKSRC	- Directory to do build in (default: ${WRKSRC}).
-# MAKE_ENV		- Additional environment vars passed to sub-make in build
-#				  and install stages.
-#				  Default: see below
-# MAKE_ARGS		- Any extra arguments to sub-make in build and install stages.
-#				  Default: none
-# For install:
-#				- Default target for sub-make in install stage.
-#				  Default: install
-#				- Directory to install from
-#				  Default: ${WRKSRC}
-# NO_MTREE		- If set, will not invoke mtree from from
-#				  the "install" target.
-# MTREE_FILE	- The name of the mtree file.
-#				  Default: ${PORTSDIR}/Templates/BSD.local.dist or
-#				  /etc/mtree/BSD.usr.dist if ${PREFIX} == "/usr".
-# PLIST_DIRS	- Directories to be added to packing list
-# PLIST_FILES	- Files and symbolic links to be added to packing list
-# PLIST			- Name of the `packing list' file.
-#				  Change this to ${WRKDIR}/PLIST or something if you
-#				  need to write to it.  (It is not a good idea for a port
-#				  to write to any file outside ${WRKDIR} during a normal
-#				  build.)
-#				  Default: ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist
-# TMPPLIST		- Name of the `packing list' file after processing
-#				  Default: ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.mktmp
-# PLIST_SUB		- List of "variable=value" pair for substitution in ${PLIST}
-#				  Default: see below
-# SUB_FILES		- Files that should be passed through sed and redirected to
-#				  ${WRKDIR}.
-#				- For each file specified in SUB_FILES, there must be a
-#				  corresponding file in ${FILESDIR} whose suffix is ".in". For
-#				  instance, if the Makefile specifies "SUB_FILES= pkg-message"
-#				  then there must be a file called in
-#				  ${FILESDIR}.
-#				- The substitution process is the same as PLIST_FILES, as
-#				  described below except that any line beginning with @comment
-#				  is deleted.
-# SUB_LIST		- List of "variable=value" pair for substitution in ${SUB_FILES}
-#				  Some pairs are added by default: eg. PREFIX=${PREFIX}
-#				- If set, will automatically run ldconfig commands
-#				  from post-install and also add appropriate @exec/@unexec
-#				  directives to directories listed in LDCONFIG_DIRS. (deprecated)
-#				  If USE_LINUX_PREFIX is defined, the Linux version of
-#				  ldconfig will be used instead of the native FreeBSD
-#				  version, and LDCONFIG_DIRS will be ignored.
-# LDCONFIG_DIRS	- List of directories to run ldconfig if INSTALLS_SHLIB is set.
-#				  Note that this is passed through sed just like the
-#				  rest of PLIST, so ${PLIST_SUB} substitutions also
-#				  apply here.  It is recommended that you use
-#				  %%PREFIX%% for ${PREFIX}, %%LOCALBASE%% for
-#				  ${LOCALBASE} and %%X11BASE%% for ${X11BASE}.
-#				  Default: %%PREFIX%%/lib
-# USE_LDCONFIG  - If set to "yes", this subsumes the function of the
-#				  deprecated variable INSTALLS_SHLIB and adds ${PREFIX}/lib
-#				  to the list of directories to be searched for shared
-#				  libraries.  Otherwise, this is a list of directories to
-#				  be added to that list.  The directory names are written to
-#				  ${PREFIX}/libdata/ldconfig/${UNIQUENAME} which is then
-#				  used by the ldconfig startup script.
-#				  This mechanism replaces ldconfig scripts installed by some
-#				  ports, often under such names as 000.${UNQUENAME}.sh.
-# 				- Same as USE_LDCONFIG but the target file is
-# 				  ${PREFIX}/libdata/ldconfig32/${UNIQUENAME} instead.
-# 				  Note: that should only be used on 64-bit architectures.
-#				- Denotes whether the libdata/ldconfig directory is part of
-#				  the mtree on a given OSVERSION system.  If it is not, we
-#				  create the directory, pull in the ldconfig_compat port,
-#				  and clean up on de-installation.  NOTE: this variable is
-#				  internal to and must not be set in your Makefile.
-# DOCSDIR		- Name of the directory to install the packages docs in.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PORTNAME}
-# DOCSDIR_REL	- The DOCSDIR relative to ${PREFIX}
-# EXAMPLESDIR	- Name of the directory to install the packages examples in.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}/share/examples/${PORTNAME}
-#				- The EXAMPLESDIR relative to ${PREFIX}
-# DATADIR		- Name of the directory to install the packages shared data in.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}/share/${PORTNAME}
-# DATADIR_REL	- The DATADIR relative to ${PREFIX}
-# WWWDIR		- Name of the directory to install the packages www data in.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}/www/${PORTNAME}
-# WWWDIR_REL	- The WWWDIR relative to ${PREFIX}
-# DESKTOPDIR	- Name of the directory to install ${DESKTOP_ENTRIES} in.
-#				  Default: ${PREFIX}/share/applications
-#				- List of desktop entry files to generate and install in
-#				  ${DESKTOPDIR}. The format is
-#				  "Name" "Comment" "Icon" "Exec" "Categories" StartupNotify
-#				  Rules:
-#					* Only add desktop entries for applications which do not
-#					  require a terminal (ie. X applications).
-#					* If the upstream distribution already installs .desktop
-#					  files, you do not need to use this.
-#					* If you require a more elaborate .desktop file than this
-#					  variable permits, write it yourself and install it
-#					  in ${DESKTOPDIR}.
-#				  Notes:
-#					* Comment and Icon may be empty strings (""). Categories
-#					  may be an empty string in some cases (see below). The
-#					  other fields are mandatory.
-#					* If Categories is an empty string, will try
-#					  to deduce a default value using the CATEGORIES variable.
-#					  If the deduction fails, you will have to set Categories
-#					  manually. You should check the generated value using
-#					  "make desktop-categories", and override it if necessary.
-#					* Exec will also be used to name the .desktop file.
-#					* The files will be automatically added to ${PLIST}.
-#				  Example:
-#					"X Window Information" \
-#					"Get information about X windows" \
-#					"wininfo.png" \
-#					"wininfo" \
-#					"Application;System;" \
-#					true
-#				  See
-#				  for an explanation of the fields. If you need to create more
-#				  than one file, just chain them into a single variable.
-# Note that the install target will automatically add manpages (see
-# above) and also substitute special sequences of characters (delimited
-# by "%%") as defined in PLIST_SUB to generate ${TMPPLIST}.  For
-# instance, "OSREL=${OSREL}" in PLIST_SUB causes all occurrences of
-# "%%OSREL%%" in ${PLIST} to be substituted by the value of OSREL.
-# ${TMPPLIST} is generated before the do-install stage.  If you are
-# generating the packing list on-the-fly, make sure it's generated before
-# do-install is called!
-# For package:
-#				- Do not install the "Latest" link for package.  Define this
-#				  if this port is a beta version of another stable port
-#				  which is also in the tree.
-# LATEST_LINK	- Install the "Latest" link for the package as ___.  Define
-#				  this if the "Latest" link name will be incorrectly determined.
-# This is used in all stages:
-# SCRIPTS_ENV	- Additional environment vars passed to scripts in
-#				  ${SCRIPTDIR} executed by
-#				  Default: see below
-# Finally, variables to change if you want a special behavior.  These
-# are for debugging purposes.  Don't set them in your Makefile.
-# ECHO_MSG		- Used to print all the '===>' style prompts - override this
-#				  to turn them off.
-#				  Default: ${ECHO_CMD}
-# PATCH_DEBUG	- If set, print out more information about the patches as
-#				  it attempts to apply them.
-# PKG_DBDIR		- Where package installation is recorded; this directory
-#				  must not contain anything else.
-#				  Default: /var/db/pkg
-# PORT_DBDIR	- Where port configuration options are recorded.
-#				  Default: /var/db/ports
-#				- Don't register a port installation as a package.
-#				- If set, it will overwrite any existing package
-#				  registration information in ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME}.
-# NO_DEPENDS	- Don't verify build of dependencies.
-#				- Different checksum algorithms to check for verifying the
-#				  integrity of the distfiles. The absence of the algorithm
-#				  in distinfo doesn't make it fail.
-#				  Default: md5 sha256
-# NO_CHECKSUM	- Don't verify the checksum.  Typically used when
-#				  when you noticed the distfile you just fetched has
-#				  a different checksum and you intend to verify if
-#				  the port still works with it.
-#				- Install dependencies from existing packages instead
-#				  of building the port from scratch.
-#				- Define this to install as the current user, intended
-#				  for systems where you have no root access.
-# DISABLE_SIZE	- Do not check the size of a distfile even if the SIZE field
-#				  has been specified in distinfo.  This is useful
-#				  when using an alternate FETCH_CMD.
-# End of the list of all variables that need to be defined in a port.
-# Most port authors should not need to understand anything after this point.
-# These need to be absolute since we don't know how deep in the ports
-# tree we are and thus can't go relative.  They can, of course, be overridden
-# by individual Makefiles or local system make configuration.
-PORTSDIR?=		/usr/ports
-LOCALBASE?=		/usr/local
-LINUXBASE?=		/compat/linux
-DISTDIR?=		${PORTSDIR}/distfiles
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-# DESTDIR section to start a chrooted process if invoked with DESTDIR set
-.if defined(DESTDIR) && !empty(DESTDIR) && !defined(CHROOTED) && \
-	!defined(BEFOREPORTMK) && !defined(INOPTIONSMK)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-# Look for ${WRKSRC}/.../*.orig files, and (re-)create
-# ${FILEDIR}/patch-* files from them.
-.if !target(makepatch)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MKDIR} ${FILESDIR}
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}; \
-		for i in `find . -type f -name '*.orig'`; do \
-			ORG=$$i; \
-			NEW=$${i%.orig}; \
-			OUT=${FILESDIR}`${ECHO} $${NEW} | \
-				${SED} -e 's|/|__|g' \
-					-e 's|^\.__|/patch-|'`; \
-			${ECHO} ${DIFF} -ud $${ORG} $${NEW} '>' $${OUT}; \
-			${DIFF} -ud $${ORG} $${NEW} > $${OUT} || ${TRUE}; \
-		done \
-	)
-# Start of options section
-.if defined(INOPTIONSMK) || ( !defined(USEOPTIONSMK) && !defined(AFTERPORTMK) )
-.if defined(MAKE_VERSION)
-.if ${MAKE_VERSION} >= 5200408030 || ${MAKE_VERSION} >= 4200408030 && ${MAKE_VERSION} < 5000000000
-# Get the default maintainer
-# Get the architecture
-.if !defined(ARCH)
-ARCH!=	${UNAME} -p
-# Kludge for pre-3.0 systems
-# Get the operating system type
-.if !defined(OPSYS)
-OPSYS!=	${UNAME} -s
-# Get the operating system revision
-.if !defined(OSREL)
-OSREL!=	${UNAME} -r | ${SED} -e 's/[-(].*//'
-# Get __FreeBSD_version
-.if !defined(OSVERSION)
-.if exists(/usr/include/sys/param.h)
-OSVERSION!=	${AWK} '/^\#define __FreeBSD_version/ {print $$3}' < /usr/include/sys/param.h
-.elif exists(/usr/src/sys/sys/param.h)
-OSVERSION!=	${AWK} '/^\#define __FreeBSD_version/ {print $$3}' < /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h
-OSVERSION!=	${SYSCTL} -n kern.osreldate
-.if ${MASTERDIR} != ${.CURDIR}
-# If they exist, include, then architecture/operating
-# system specific Makefiles, then local Makefile.local.
-.if ${MASTERDIR} != ${.CURDIR} && exists(${.CURDIR}/../
-.include "${.CURDIR}/../"
-.if exists(${MASTERDIR}/../
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/../"
-.if exists(${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH}-${OPSYS})
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH}-${OPSYS}"
-.elif exists(${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${OPSYS})
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${OPSYS}"
-.elif exists(${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH})
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH}"
-.if exists(${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.local)
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.local"
-# where 'make config' records user configuration options
-PORT_DBDIR?=	/var/db/ports
-LDCONFIG_DIR=	libdata/ldconfig
-LDCONFIG32_DIR=	libdata/ldconfig32
-.if defined(LATEST_LINK)
-.if defined(OPTIONS)
-# include OPTIONSFILE first if exists
-.	if exists(${_OPTIONSFILE}) && !make(rmconfig)
-.	include "${_OPTIONSFILE}"
-.	endif
-.	if exists(${_OPTIONSFILE}.local)
-.	include "${_OPTIONSFILE}.local"
-.	endif
-.	if defined(OPTIONS)
-.	for O in ${REALOPTIONS}
-.	if ${RO:L} == off
-.	endif
-.	if ${RO:L} == on
-WITH:=		${WITH} ${OPT}
-.	endif
-.	endfor
-.	endif
-# define only if NO WITH/WITHOUT_${W} is defined
-.	for W in ${WITH}
-.   if !defined(WITH_${W}) && !defined(WITHOUT_${W})
-WITH_${W}:=	true
-.   endif
-.	endfor
-.	for W in ${WITHOUT}
-.   if !defined(WITH_${W}) && !defined(WITHOUT_${W})
-WITHOUT_${W}:=	true
-.   endif
-.	endfor
-.	undef WITH
-.	undef WITHOUT
-.	undef RO
-# Start of pre-makefile section.
-.if !defined(AFTERPORTMK) && !defined(INOPTIONSMK)
-.if defined(_PREMKINCLUDED)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: you cannot include bsd.port[.pre].mk twice"
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(PORTVERSION)
-.if ${PORTVERSION:M*[-_,]*}x != x
-IGNORE=			PORTVERSION ${PORTVERSION} may not contain '-' '_' or ','
-.elif defined(DISTVERSION)
-PORTVERSION=	${DISTVERSION:L:C/([a-z])[a-z]+/\1/g:C/([0-9])([a-z])/\1.\2/g:C/:(.)/\1/g:C/[^a-z0-9+]+/./g}
-.if ${PORTREVISION} != 0
-.if ${PORTEPOCH} != 0
-INDEXFILE?=		INDEX-${OSVERSION:C/([0-9]).*/\1/}
-DOCSDIR?=		${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PORTNAME}
-EXAMPLESDIR?=		${PREFIX}/share/examples/${PORTNAME}
-.if defined(USE_LINUX_RPM)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 502123
-X_WINDOW_SYSTEM ?= xfree86-4
-.if ${OSVERSION} < 602000
-.if ${X11BASE} != ${LOCALBASE} && !defined(USE_NONDEFAULT_X11BASE)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "On FreeBSD before 6.2 ports system unfortunately can not set default X11BASE by itself so please help it a bit by setting X11BASE=\$${LOCALBASE} in make.conf."
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "On the other hand, if you do wish to use non-default X11BASE, please set variable USE_NONDEFAULT_X11BASE."
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(USE_XORG) || defined(XORG_CAT)
-. if ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM} == "xorg"
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-. endif
-.if defined(USE_BZIP2)
-EXTRACT_SUFX?=			.tar.bz2
-.elif defined(USE_ZIP)
-EXTRACT_SUFX?=			.zip
-.elif defined(USE_MAKESELF)
-EXTRACT_SUFX?=			.run
-EXTRACT_SUFX?=			.tar.gz
-PACKAGES?=		${PORTSDIR}/packages
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE) && !defined(USE_X_PREFIX)
-.if defined(USE_X_PREFIX) && ${USE_X_PREFIX} == "no"
-.undef USE_X_PREFIX
-.if defined(USE_X_PREFIX)
-USE_XLIB=		yes
-.if defined(USE_X_PREFIX)
-.elif defined(USE_LINUX_PREFIX)
-NO_MTREE=		yes
-.if defined(USE_LINUX_PREFIX)
-LDCONFIG_CMD?=			${LINUXBASE}/sbin/ldconfig -r ${LINUXBASE}
-PKGCOMPATDIR?=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg
-# XXX to remain undefined until all ports that require Perl are fixed
-# to set one of the conditionals that force the inclusion of
-PERL_VER?=	5.8.8
-.if !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-perl_major=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+).*|\1|}
-_perl_minor=	00${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*|\2|}
-perl_minor=		${_perl_minor:C|^.*(...)|\1|}
-.if ${perl_minor} >= 100
-perl_minor=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9][0-9][0-9]).*|\2|}
-perl_patch=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^.*(..)|\1|}
-.else # ${perl_minor} < 100
-_perl_patch=	0${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.*|0|}
-perl_patch=		${_perl_patch:C|^.*(..)|\1|}
-.endif # ${perl_minor} < 100
-PERL_LEVEL=	${perl_major}${perl_minor}${perl_patch}
-.endif # !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-PERL_ARCH?=		mach
-.if ${PERL_LEVEL} >= 500800
-PERL_PORT?=	perl5.8
-PERL_PORT?=	perl5
-SITE_PERL_REL?=	lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}
-PERL=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/perl
-.endif  # !defined(_PERL_REFACTORING_COMPLETE)
-.if defined(USE_LOCAL_MK)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_OPENSSL)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_EMACS)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-#.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(USE_PERL5_BUILD) || defined(USE_PERL5_RUN) || defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_PHP)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON) || defined(USE_PYTHON_BUILD) || defined(USE_PYTHON_RUN)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_EFL) || defined(WANT_EFL) || defined(USE_EFL_ESMART)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_JAVA)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_RUBY) || defined(USE_LIBRUBY)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_OCAML)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD) || defined(USE_TCL_RUN) || defined(USE_TCL_WRAPPER) || defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD) || defined(USE_TK_RUN) || defined(USE_TK_WRAPPER)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_APACHE) || defined(APACHE_COMPAT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if (defined(USE_QT_VER) && ${USE_QT_VER:L} == 3) || defined(USE_KDELIBS_VER) || defined(USE_KDEBASE_VER)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined (USE_QT_VER) && ${USE_QT_VER:L} == 4
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_GNOME) || defined(USE_GNOME) || defined(USE_GTK)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_LUA) || defined(USE_LUA) || defined(USE_LUA_NOT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_WX) || defined(USE_WX) || defined(USE_WX_NOT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_GSTREAMER) || defined(USE_GSTREAMER) || defined(USE_GSTREAMER80)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_QMAIL) || defined(USE_QMAIL_RUN) || defined(USE_QMAIL_BUILD) || defined(WANT_QMAIL)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_SDL) || defined(WANT_SDL)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_XFCE)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-# You can force skipping these test by defining IGNORE_PATH_CHECKS
-.if !defined(IGNORE_PATH_CHECKS)
-.if (${PREFIX:C,(^.).*,\1,} != "/")
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "PREFIX must be defined as an absolute path so that when 'make'"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "is invoked in the work area PREFIX points to the right place."
-	@${FALSE}
-# Location of mounted CDROM(s) to search for files
-# Owner and group of the WWW user
-WWWOWN?=	www
-WWWGRP?=	www
-# End of pre-makefile section.
-# Start of post-makefile section.
-.if !defined(BEFOREPORTMK) && !defined(INOPTIONSMK)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: you cannot include bsd.port[.post].mk twice"
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(NO_WRKSUBDIR)
-PLIST_REINPLACE+=	dirrmtry stopdaemon
-PLIST_REINPLACE_DIRRMTRY=s!^@dirrmtry \(.*\)!@unexec rmdir %D/\1 2>/dev/null || true!
-PLIST_REINPLACE_STOPDAEMON=s!^@stopdaemon \(.*\)!@unexec %D/etc/rc.d/\1${RC_SUBR_SUFFIX} forcestop 2>/dev/null || true!
-.if defined(WITHOUT_CPU_CFLAGS)
-.if defined(_CPUCFLAGS)
-.if !empty(_CPUCFLAGS)
-.if defined(WITH_DEBUG) && !defined(WITHOUT_DEBUG)
-STRIP=	#none
-CFLAGS:=		${CFLAGS:N-O*:N-fno-strict*} ${DEBUG_FLAGS}
-.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-PLIST_SUB+=		PORTDOCS="@comment "
-.if defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
-PLIST_SUB+=	        PORTEXAMPLES="@comment "
-.if defined(NOPORTDATA)
-PLIST_SUB+=	        PORTDATA="@comment "
-PLIST_SUB+=	        PORTDATA=""
-.if defined(MANCOMPRESSED)
-.if ${MANCOMPRESSED} != yes && ${MANCOMPRESSED} != no && \
-	${MANCOMPRESSED} != maybe
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: value of MANCOMPRESSED (is \"${MANCOMPRESSED}\") can only be \"yes\", \"no\" or \"maybe\"".
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE) && !defined(NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES)
-.if defined(PATCHFILES)
-.if ${PATCHFILES:M*.zip}x != x
-PATCH_DEPENDS+=		unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-# Check the compatibility layer for amd64/ia64
-.if ${ARCH} == "amd64" || ${ARCH} =="ia64"
-.if exists(/usr/lib32)
-.if !defined(HAVE_COMPAT_IA32_KERN)
-HAVE_COMPAT_IA32_KERN!= if ${SYSCTL} -a compat.ia32.maxvmem >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo YES; fi
-.if defined(IA32_BINARY_PORT) && ${ARCH} != "i386"
-.if ${ARCH} == "amd64" || ${ARCH} == "ia64"
-.if !defined(HAVE_COMPAT_IA32_KERN)
-IGNORE=		requires a kernel with compiled-in IA32 compatibility
-.elif !defined(HAVE_COMPAT_IA32_LIBS)
-IGNORE=		requires 32-bit libraries installed under /usr/lib32
-LIB32DIR=	lib32
-IGNORE=		requires i386 (or compatible) platform to run
-LIB32DIR=	lib
-.if defined(USE_ZIP)
-EXTRACT_DEPENDS+=	unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-.if defined(USE_MAKESELF)
-EXTRACT_DEPENDS+=	unmakeself:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unmakeself
-.if defined(USE_GMAKE)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		gmake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gmake
-.if defined(USE_GCC) || defined(USE_FORTRAN)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_OPENLDAP_VER)
-.if defined(USE_OPENLDAP)
-.if defined(WANT_OPENLDAP_SASL)
-.if ${WANT_OPENLDAP_VER} == 22
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		ldap-2.2.7:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap22${_OPENLDAP_FLAVOUR}-client
-.elif ${WANT_OPENLDAP_VER} == 23
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		ldap-2.3.2:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap23${_OPENLDAP_FLAVOUR}-client
-.elif ${WANT_OPENLDAP_VER} == 24
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		ldap-2.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap24${_OPENLDAP_FLAVOUR}-client
-IGNORE=				cannot be built with unknown OpenLDAP version: ${WANT_OPENLDAP_VER}
-.if defined(USE_FAM)
-# Currently supported FAM systems
-FAM_SYSTEM_FAM=		fam.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/fam
-FAM_SYSTEM_GAMIN=	fam.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gamin
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/libexec/gam_server)
-.elif exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/fam)
-.if defined(WANT_FAM_SYSTEM)
-IGNORE=		wants to use ${WANT_FAM_SYSTEM} as its FAM system, while you wish to use ${WITH_FAM_SYSTEM}
-.elif defined(WITH_FAM_SYSTEM)
-.if defined(_HAVE_FAM_SYSTEM)
-.if defined(_HAVE_FAM_SYSTEM)
-BROKEN=		FAM system mismatch: ${_HAVE_FAM_SYSTEM} is installed, while desired FAM system is ${FAM_SYSTEM}
-.if defined(FAM_SYSTEM_${FAM_SYSTEM:U})
-IGNORE=		cannot be built with unknown FAM system: ${FAM_SYSTEM}
-.endif # USE_FAM
-.if defined(USE_RC_SUBR) || defined(USE_RCORDER)
-RC_SUBR=	/etc/rc.subr
-.if defined(USE_RC_SUBR) && ${USE_RC_SUBR:U} != "YES"
-.if defined(USE_RCORDER)
-.if (${OSVERSION} >= 700007 || ( ${OSVERSION} < 700000 && ${OSVERSION} >= 600101 ))
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG) || defined(USE_LDCONFIG32)
-.if ( ${OSVERSION} < 504105 ) || \
-		( ${OSVERSION} >= 700000 && ${OSVERSION} < 700012 ) || \
-		( ${OSVERSION} >= 600000 && ${OSVERSION} < 600104 )
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/${LDCONFIG_DIR}:${PORTSDIR}/misc/ldconfig_compat
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG) && ${USE_LDCONFIG:L} == "yes"
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG32) && ${USE_LDCONFIG32:L} == "yes"
-IGNORE=			has USE_LDCONFIG32 set to yes, which is not correct
-.if defined(USE_ICONV)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	iconv.3:${PORTSDIR}/converters/libiconv
-.if defined(USE_GETTEXT)
-.	if ${USE_GETTEXT:L} == "yes"
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	intl:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gettext
-.	else
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	intl.${USE_GETTEXT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gettext
-.	endif
-.if defined(USE_LINUX_PREFIX) && defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB)
-# we need ${LINUXBASE}/sbin/ldconfig
-USE_LINUX?=	yes
-.if defined(USE_LINUX)
-# install(1) also does a brandelf on strip, so don't strip with FreeBSD tools.
-.	if exists(${LINUXBASE}/usr/bin/strip)
-STRIP_CMD=	${LINUXBASE}/usr/bin/strip
-.	else
-.	endif
-# Allow the user to specify another linux_base version.
-.		if ${USE_LINUX:L} == yes
-.		endif
-.	endif
-# NOTE: when you update the default linux_base version (case "yes"),
-# don't forget to update the Handbook!
-.	if exists(${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base-${USE_LINUX})
-LINUX_BASE_PORT=	${LINUXBASE}/bin/sh:${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base-${USE_LINUX}
-.	else
-.		if ${USE_LINUX:L} == "yes"
-LINUX_BASE_PORT=	${LINUXBASE}/etc/fedora-release:${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base-fc4
-.		else
-IGNORE=		cannot be built: there is no emulators/linux_base-${USE_LINUX}, perhaps wrong use of USE_LINUX or OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT
-.		endif
-.	endif
-.if defined(USE_MOTIF)
-USE_XPM=			yes
-.if defined(WANT_LESSTIF)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		Xm:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/lesstif
-.if !defined(NO_OPENMOTIF)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		Xm.3:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/open-motif
-.if defined(USE_FREETYPE)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=			ttf.4:${PORTSDIR}/print/freetype
-.if defined(X_WINDOW_SYSTEM) && ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xorg
-X_IMAKE_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/devel/imake
-X_LIBRARIES_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11/xorg-libraries
-X_CLIENTS_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/x11/xorg-apps
-X_SERVER_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/xorg-server
-X_PRINTSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/xorg-printserver
-X_VFBSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver
-X_NESTSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/xorg-nestserver
-X_FONTS_ENCODINGS_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/encodings
-X_FONTS_MISC_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps
-X_FONTS_100DPI_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-100dpi
-X_FONTS_75DPI_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-75dpi
-X_FONTS_CYRILLIC_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-cyrillic
-X_FONTS_TTF_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype
-X_FONTS_TYPE1_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-type1
-X_FONTS_ALIAS_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/font-alias
-.elif defined(X_WINDOW_SYSTEM) && ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xfree86-4
-X_IMAKE_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/devel/imake-4
-X_LIBRARIES_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86-4-libraries
-X_CLIENTS_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86-4-clients
-X_SERVER_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-Server
-X_FONTSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-FontServer
-X_PRINTSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-PrintServer
-X_VFBSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-VirtualFramebufferServer
-X_NESTSERVER_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-NestServer
-X_FONTS_ENCODINGS_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontEncodings
-X_FONTS_MISC_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontDefaultBitmaps
-X_FONTS_100DPI_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font100dpi
-X_FONTS_75DPI_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font75dpi
-X_FONTS_CYRILLIC_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontCyrillic
-X_FONTS_TTF_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable
-X_FONTS_TYPE1_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable
-IGNORE=		cannot be installed: bad X_WINDOW_SYSTEM setting; valid values are 'xfree86-4' and 'xorg'
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE)
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) && defined(USE_DISPLAY)
-	${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/misc/8x13O.pcf.gz:${X_FONTS_MISC_PORT} \
-	${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias:${X_FONTS_ALIAS_PORT}
-.if ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xfree86-4
-.if defined(USE_XPM)
-USE_XLIB=			yes
-XAWVER=				7
-PKG_IGNORE_DEPENDS?=		'this_port_does_not_exist'
-.if defined(USE_XPM)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=			Xpm.4:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXpm
-# XXX - At some point we'll have to fix ports to use USE_XORG to
-# the right value and remove both USE_XPM and USE_XLIB. Hopefully
-# XFree86-4 will be gone in the meantime.
-USE_XLIB=			yes
-XAWVER=				8
-PKG_IGNORE_DEPENDS?=		'this_port_does_not_exist'
-_GL_gl_LIB_DEPENDS=		GL.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libGL
-_GL_glu_LIB_DEPENDS=		GLU.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libGLU
-_GL_glw_LIB_DEPENDS=		GLw.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libGLw
-_GL_glut_LIB_DEPENDS=		glut.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libglut
-_GL_linux_RUN_DEPENDS=		${LINUXBASE}/usr/X11R6/lib/${PORTSDIR}/graphics/linux_dri
-.if defined(USE_GL)
-. if ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xfree86-4
-USE_XLIB=	yes
-. else
-.  if ${USE_GL:L} == "yes"
-USE_GL=		glu
-.  endif
-.  for _component in ${USE_GL}
-.   if !defined(_GL_${_component}_LIB_DEPENDS) && \
-		!defined(_GL_${_component}_RUN_DEPENDS)
-IGNORE=		uses unknown GL component
-.   else
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	${_GL_${_component}_LIB_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${_GL_${_component}_RUN_DEPENDS}
-.   endif
-.  endfor
-. endif
-.if defined(USE_BISON)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	bison:${PORTSDIR}/devel/bison
-.if defined(USE_LOCAL_MK)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_MYSQL) || defined(WANT_MYSQL_VER) || \
-	defined(USE_PGSQL) || defined(WANT_PGSQL_VER) || \
-	defined(USE_BDB) || defined(USE_SQLITE) || defined(USE_FIREBIRD)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_GSTREAMER) || defined(USE_GSTREAMER) || defined(USE_GSTREAMER80)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_EFL) || defined(WANT_EFL) || defined(USE_EFL_ESMART)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_JAVA)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_LINUX_RPM)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined (USE_QT_VER) && ${USE_QT_VER:L} == 4
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_SCONS)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_SDL) || defined(WANT_SDL)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-#.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(USE_PERL5_BUILD) || defined(USE_PERL5_RUN) || defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_PHP)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD) || defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_LUA) || defined(USE_LUA_NOT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_WX) || defined(USE_WX_NOT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_APACHE) || defined(APACHE_COMPAT)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_AUTOTOOLS)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(WANT_GNOME) || defined(USE_GNOME) || defined(USE_GTK)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_XFCE)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if exists(${PORTSDIR}/../
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/../"
-.if defined(USE_XLIB)
-.	if defined(USE_LINUX)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LINUXBASE}/usr/X11R6/lib/${PORTSDIR}/x11/linux-xorg-libs
-.	else
-.      if ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xorg
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${X11BASE}/libdata/xorg/libraries:${X_LIBRARIES_PORT}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${X11BASE}/libdata/xorg/libraries:${X_LIBRARIES_PORT}
-.      else
-.      endif
-.	endif
-.if defined(USE_XLIB) || defined(USE_XORG)
-# Add explicit X options to avoid problems with false positives in configure
-.if defined(GNU_CONFIGURE)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--x-libraries=${X11BASE}/lib --x-includes=${X11BASE}/include
-# Set the default for the installation of Postscript(TM)-
-# compatible functionality.
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_X11)
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-gnu
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-afpl
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-gpl
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-gnu-nox11
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-afpl-nox11
-GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT?=	print/ghostscript-gpl-nox11
-# Set up the ghostscript dependencies.
-# Set up the cdrtools.
-.if defined(USE_CDRTOOLS)
-.if exists(${DOCSDIR}/cdrtools-cjk/README) || defined(WITH_CJK) || ${USE_CDRTOOLS:L} == "cjk"
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	cdrecord:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/cdrtools-cjk
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	cdrecord:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/cdrtools-cjk
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	cdrecord:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/cdrtools
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	cdrecord:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/cdrtools
-# Macro for doing in-place file editing using regexps
-# Names of cookies used to skip already completed stages
-EXTRACT_COOKIE?=	${WRKDIR}/.extract_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-CONFIGURE_COOKIE?=	${WRKDIR}/.configure_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-INSTALL_COOKIE?=	${WRKDIR}/.install_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-BUILD_COOKIE?=		${WRKDIR}/.build_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-PATCH_COOKIE?=		${WRKDIR}/.patch_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-PACKAGE_COOKIE?=	${WRKDIR}/.package_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
-# How to do nothing.  Override if you, for some strange reason, would rather
-# do something.
-# Use this as the first operand to always build dependency.
-NONEXISTENT?=	/nonexistent
-# Miscellaneous overridable commands:
-GMAKE?=			gmake
-XMKMF?=			xmkmf -a
-.if exists(/sbin/md5)
-MD5?=			/sbin/md5
-MD5?=			md5
-.if exists(/sbin/sha256)
-SHA256?=		/sbin/sha256
-.elif exists(${LOCALBASE}/sbin/sha256)
-SHA256?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/sha256
-SHA256?=		NO
-MD5_FILE?=		${MASTERDIR}/distinfo
-MAKEFILE?=		Makefile
-PTHREAD_LIBS?=		-pthread
-.if exists(/usr/bin/fetch)
-FETCH_BINARY?=	/usr/bin/fetch
-.if !defined(DISABLE_SIZE)
-FETCH_BINARY?=	/usr/bin/ftp
-.if exists(/usr/games/random)
-RANDOM_CMD?=	/usr/games/random
-RANDOM_ARGS?=	"-w -f -"
-TOUCH?=			/usr/bin/touch
-DISTORIG?=	.bak.orig
-PATCH?=			/usr/bin/patch
-.if defined(PATCH_DEBUG)
-PATCH_ARGS?=	-d ${PATCH_WRKSRC} --forward --quiet -E ${PATCH_STRIP}
-PATCH_DIST_ARGS?=	--suffix ${DISTORIG} -d ${PATCH_WRKSRC} --forward --quiet -E ${PATCH_DIST_STRIP}
-.if defined(BATCH)
-PATCH_ARGS+=		--batch
-PATCH_DIST_ARGS+=	--batch
-# Prevent breakage with VERSION_CONTROL=numbered
-PATCH_ARGS+=	-V simple
-.if defined(PATCH_CHECK_ONLY)
-.if ${PATCH} == "/usr/bin/patch"
-PATCH_ARGS+=	--suffix .orig
-PATCH_DIST_ARGS+=	--suffix .orig
-TAR?=	/usr/bin/tar
-# EXTRACT_SUFX is defined in section
-.if defined(USE_ZIP)
-.elif defined(USE_MAKESELF)
-EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS?=	| ${TAR} -xf - --no-same-owner
-.if defined(USE_BZIP2)
-# Figure out where the local mtree file is
-.if !defined(MTREE_FILE) && !defined(NO_MTREE)
-.if ${PREFIX} == /usr
-MTREE_FILE=	/etc/mtree/BSD.usr.dist
-MTREE_FILE=	${PORTSDIR}/Templates/BSD.local.dist
-MTREE_CMD?=	/usr/sbin/mtree
-# Determine whether or not we can use rootly owner/group functions.
-.if !defined(UID)
-UID!=	${ID} -u
-.if ${UID} == 0
-# A few aliases for *-install targets
-# Macro for coping entire directory tree with correct permissions
-.if ${UID} == 0
-COPYTREE_BIN=	${SH} -c '(${FIND} -d $$0 $$2 | ${CPIO} -dumpl $$1 >/dev/null \
-					2>&1) && \
-					${CHOWN} -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} $$1 && \
-					${FIND} $$1 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
-					${FIND} $$1 -type f -exec chmod ${BINMODE} {} \;' --
-COPYTREE_SHARE=	${SH} -c '(${FIND} -d $$0 $$2 | ${CPIO} -dumpl $$1 >/dev/null \
-					2>&1) && \
-					${CHOWN} -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} $$1 && \
-					${FIND} $$1/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
-					${FIND} $$1/ -type f -exec chmod ${SHAREMODE} {} \;' --
-COPYTREE_BIN=	${SH} -c '(${FIND} -d $$0 $$2 | ${CPIO} -dumpl $$1 >/dev/null \
-					2>&1) && \
-					${FIND} $$1 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
-					${FIND} $$1 -type f -exec chmod ${BINMODE} {} \;' --
-COPYTREE_SHARE=	${SH} -c '(${FIND} -d $$0 $$2 | ${CPIO} -dumpl $$1 >/dev/null \
-					2>&1) && \
-					${FIND} $$1/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
-					${FIND} $$1/ -type f -exec chmod ${SHAREMODE} {} \;' --
-# The user can override the NO_PACKAGE by specifying this from
-# the make command line
-.if defined(FORCE_PACKAGE)
-.undef NO_PACKAGE
-DESCR?=			${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr
-PLIST?=			${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist
-PKGINSTALL?=	${PKGDIR}/pkg-install
-PKGDEINSTALL?=	${PKGDIR}/pkg-deinstall
-PKGREQ?=		${PKGDIR}/pkg-req
-PKGMESSAGE?=	${PKGDIR}/pkg-message
-.if ((${OSVERSION} < 504105 || (${OSVERSION} >= 600000 && ${OSVERSION} < 600103) || (${OSVERSION} >= 700000 && ${OSVERSION} < 700012)) && ${PKGORIGIN} != "ports-mgmt/pkg_install") || exists(${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info)
-.if (${OSVERSION} < 504105 || (${OSVERSION} >= 600000 && ${OSVERSION} < 600103) || (${OSVERSION} >= 700000 && ${OSVERSION} < 700012)) && ${PKGORIGIN} != "ports-mgmt/pkg_install"
-EXTRACT_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info:${PORTSDIR}/ports-mgmt/pkg_install
-PKG_CMD?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_create
-PKG_ADD?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_add
-PKG_DELETE?=	${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_delete
-PKG_INFO?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info
-PKG_VERSION?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_version
-PKG_CMD?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_create
-PKG_ADD?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_add
-PKG_DELETE?=	/usr/sbin/pkg_delete
-PKG_INFO?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_info
-PKG_VERSION?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_version
-# Does the pkg_create tool support conflict checking?
-# XXX Slow?
-.if !defined(PKGINSTALLVER)
-PKGINSTALLVER!= ${PKG_INFO} -P 2>/dev/null | ${SED} -e 's/.*: //'
-.if ${PKGINSTALLVER} < 20030417
-.if !defined(PKG_ARGS)
-PKG_ARGS=		-v -c -${COMMENT:Q} -d ${DESCR} -f ${TMPPLIST} -p ${PREFIX} -P "`cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} actual-package-depends | ${GREP} -v -E ${PKG_IGNORE_DEPENDS} | ${SORT} -u`" ${EXTRA_PKG_ARGS} $${_LATE_PKG_ARGS}
-.if !defined(NO_MTREE)
-.if defined(PKGORIGIN)
-.if defined(CONFLICTS) && !defined(DISABLE_CONFLICTS)
-.if defined(PKG_NOCOMPRESS)
-PKG_SUFX?=		.tar
-PKG_SUFX?=		.tbz
-# where pkg_add records its dirty deeds.
-PKG_DBDIR?=		/var/db/pkg
-MOTIFLIB?=	-L${X11BASE}/lib -lXm -lXp
-ALL_TARGET?=		all
-# Popular master sites
-.include ""
-# Empty declaration to avoid "variable MASTER_SITES recursive" error
-# Feed internal _{MASTER,PATCH}_SITES_n where n is a group designation
-# as per grouping rules (:something)
-# Organize _{MASTER,PATCH}_SITES_{DEFAULT,[^/:]+} according to grouping
-# rules (:something)
-.for _S in ${MASTER_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-_G_TEMP=	${_group}
-.			if ${_G_TEMP} == all || ${_G_TEMP} == ALL || ${_G_TEMP} == default
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "Makefile error: the words all, ALL and default are reserved and cannot be"
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "used in group definitions. Please fix your MASTER_SITES"
-				@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-_MASTER_SITES_${_group}+=	${_S:C@^(.*/):[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.		endfor
-.	else
-_MASTER_SITES_DEFAULT+=	${_S:C@^(.*/):[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.	endif
-.for _S in ${PATCH_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-_G_TEMP=	${_group}
-.			if ${_G_TEMP} == all || ${_G_TEMP} == ALL || ${_G_TEMP} == default
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "The words all, ALL and default are reserved and cannot be"
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "used in group definitions. Please fix your PATCH_SITES"
-				@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-_PATCH_SITES_${_group}+=	${_S:C@^(.*/):[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.		endfor
-.	else
-_PATCH_SITES_DEFAULT+=	${_S:C@^(.*/):[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.	endif
-# Feed internal _{MASTER,PATCH}_SITE_SUBDIR_n where n is a group designation
-# as per grouping rules (:something)
-# Organize _{MASTER,PATCH}_SITE_SUBDIR_{DEFAULT,[^/:]+} according to grouping
-# rules (:something)
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-_G_TEMP=	${_group}
-.			if ${_G_TEMP} == all || ${_G_TEMP} == ALL || ${_G_TEMP} == default
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "Makefile error: the words all, ALL and default are reserved and cannot be"
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "used in group definitions. Please fix your MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR"
-				@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-.			if defined(_MASTER_SITES_${_group})
-_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group}+= ${_S:C@^(.*)/:[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	else
-.		if defined(_MASTER_SITES_DEFAULT)
-_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR_DEFAULT+=	${_S:C@^(.*)/:[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.		endif
-.	endif
-.for _S in ${PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-_G_TEMP=	${_group}
-.			if ${_G_TEMP} == all || ${_G_TEMP} == ALL || ${_G_TEMP} == default
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "Makefile error: the words all, ALL and default are reserved and cannot be"
-				@${ECHO_MSG} "used in group definitions. Please fix your PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR"
-				@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-.			if defined(_PATCH_SITES_${_group})
-_PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group}+= ${_S:C@^(.*)/:[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	else
-.		if defined(_PATCH_SITES_DEFAULT)
-_PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR_DEFAULT+=	${_S:C@^(.*)/:[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.		endif
-.	endif
-# Substitute subdirectory names
-# XXX simpler/faster solution but not the best space wise, suggestions please
-.for _S in ${MASTER_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !defined(_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group})
-.			else
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=		${_MASTER_SITES_${_group}:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.				if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-.				else
-.					for site in ${_MASTER_SITES_${_group}}
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=	${site:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.						if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-.						else
-.							for dir in ${_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group}}
-MASTER_SITES_TMP+=	${site:S^%SUBDIR%^\${dir}^}
-.							endfor
-.						endif
-.					endfor
-.				endif
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-.	if empty(_S_TEMP)
-.	else
-.		for site in ${_MASTER_SITES_DEFAULT}
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=		${site:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.			if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-.			else
-.				for dir in ${_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR_DEFAULT}
-MASTER_SITES_TMP+=	${site:S^%SUBDIR%^\${dir}^}
-.				endfor
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-.for _S in ${PATCH_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !defined(_PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group})
-.			else
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=		${_PATCH_SITES_${_group}:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.				if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-.				else
-.					for site in ${_PATCH_SITES_${_group}}
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=	${site:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.						if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-PATCH_SITES_TMP+=	${site}
-.						else
-.							for dir in ${_PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR_${_group}}
-PATCH_SITES_TMP+=	${site:S^%SUBDIR%^\${dir}^}
-.							endfor
-.						endif
-.					endfor
-.				endif
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-.	if empty(_S_TEMP)
-.	else
-.		for site in ${_PATCH_SITES_DEFAULT}
-_S_TEMP_TEMP=		${site:M*%SUBDIR%/*}
-.			if empty(_S_TEMP_TEMP)
-PATCH_SITES_TMP+=	${site}
-.			else
-.				for dir in ${_PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR_DEFAULT}
-PATCH_SITES_TMP+=	${site:S^%SUBDIR%^\${dir}^}
-.				endfor
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-# The primary backup site.
-# If the user has MASTER_SITE_FREEBSD set, go to the FreeBSD repository
-# for everything, but don't search it twice by appending it to the end.
-# Search CDROM first if mounted, symlink instead of copy if
-.if exists(${MOUNTPT}/ports/distfiles)
-# according to grouping rules (:something)
-.for _D in ${DISTFILES}
-_D_TEMP=	${_D:S/^${_D:C/:[^:]+$//}//}
-.	if !empty(_D_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_D_TEMP:S/^://:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !defined(_MASTER_SITES_${_group})
-_G_TEMP_TEMP=	${_G_TEMP:M/${_group}/}
-.				if empty(_G_TEMP_TEMP)
-_G_TEMP+=	${_group}
-.				endif
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-_DISTFILES+=	${_D:C/:[^:]+$//}
-.	else
-.	endif
-.for _P in ${PATCHFILES}
-_P_TEMP=	${_P:S/^${_P:C/:[^:]+$//}//}
-.	if !empty(_P_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_P_TEMP:S/^://:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !defined(_PATCH_SITES_${_group})
-_G_TEMP_TEMP=	${_G_TEMP:M/${_group}/}
-.				if empty(_G_TEMP_TEMP)
-_G_TEMP+=	${_group}
-.				endif
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-_PATCHFILES+=	${_P:C/:[^:]+$//}
-.	else
-.	endif
-# Sort the master site list according to the patterns in MASTER_SORT
-MASTER_SORT_REGEX+=	${MASTER_SORT:S|.|\\.|g:S|^|://[^/]*|:S|$|/|}
-MASTER_SORT_AWK=	BEGIN { RS = " "; ORS = " "; IGNORECASE = 1 ; gl = "${MASTER_SORT_REGEX:S|\\|\\\\|g}"; }
-.for srt in ${MASTER_SORT_REGEX}
-MASTER_SORT_AWK+=	/${srt:S|/|\\/|g}/ { good["${srt:S|\\|\\\\|g}"] = good["${srt:S|\\|\\\\|g}"] " " $$0 ; next; }
-MASTER_SORT_AWK+=	{ rest = rest " " $$0; } END { n=split(gl, gla); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { print good[gla[i]]; } print rest; }
-SORTED_MASTER_SITES_ALL_CMD=	cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} master-sites-ALL
-SORTED_PATCH_SITES_ALL_CMD=	cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} patch-sites-ALL
-# Sort the master site list according to the patterns in MASTER_SORT
-# according to grouping rules (:something)
-# for use in the fetch targets
-.for _S in ${MASTER_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/^://:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !target(master-sites-${_group})
-SORTED_MASTER_SITES_${_group}_CMD=	cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} master-sites-${_group}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-.for _S in ${PATCH_SITES}
-_S_TEMP=	${_S:S/^${_S:C@/:[^/:]+$@/@}//}
-.	if !empty(_S_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_S_TEMP:S/^://:S/,/ /g}
-.			if !target(patch-sites-${_group})
-SORTED_PATCH_SITES_${_group}_CMD=	cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} patch-sites-${_group}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-# Hackery to enable simple fetch targets with several dynamic MASTER_SITES
-.for _F in ${DISTFILES}
-_F_TEMP=	${_F:S/^${_F:C/:[^:]+$//}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_F_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_F_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-.			if defined(_MASTER_SITES_${_group})
-_MASTER_SITES_ENV+=	_MASTER_SITES_${_group}="${_MASTER_SITES_${_group}}"
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-.for _F in ${PATCHFILES}
-_F_TEMP=	${_F:S/^${_F:C/:[^:]+$//}//:S/^://}
-.	if !empty(_F_TEMP)
-.		for _group in ${_F_TEMP:S/,/ /g}
-.			if defined(_PATCH_SITES_${_group})
-_PATCH_SITES_ENV+=	_PATCH_SITES_${_group}="${_PATCH_SITES_${_group}}"
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-# has similar effect to old targets, i.e., access only {MASTER,PATCH}_SITES, not working with the new _n variables
-# synonyms, mnemonics
-master-sites-all: master-sites-ALL
-patch-sites-all: patch-sites-ALL
-master-sites-default: master-sites-DEFAULT
-patch-sites-default: patch-sites-DEFAULT
-# compatibility with old behavior
-master-sites: master-sites-DEFAULT
-patch-sites: patch-sites-DEFAULT
-.if defined(IGNOREFILES)
-.if !defined(CKSUMFILES)
-	for file in ${ALLFILES}; do \
-		ignore=0; \
-		for tmp in ${IGNOREFILES}; do \
-			if [ "$$file" = "$$tmp" ]; then \
-				ignore=1; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-		if [ "$$ignore" = 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "$$file"; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-# List of all files, with ${DIST_SUBDIR} in front.  Used for checksum.
-.if defined(DIST_SUBDIR)
-.if defined(CKSUMFILES) && ${CKSUMFILES}!=""
-.if defined(IGNOREFILES) && ${IGNOREFILES}!=""
-# This is what is actually going to be extracted, and is overridable
-#  by user.
-.if !target(maintainer)
-.if !target(check-makefile)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !defined(CATEGORIES)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: CATEGORIES is mandatory."
-	@${FALSE}
-VALID_CATEGORIES+= accessibility afterstep arabic archivers astro audio \
-	benchmarks biology cad chinese comms converters databases \
-	deskutils devel dns editors elisp emulators finance french ftp \
-	games geography german gnome gnustep graphics hamradio haskell hebrew hungarian \
-	ipv6 irc japanese java kde kld korean lang linux lisp \
-	mail math mbone misc multimedia net net-im net-mgmt net-p2p news \
-	palm parallel pear perl5 plan9 polish portuguese ports-mgmt \
-	print python ruby rubygems russian \
-	scheme science security shells spanish sysutils \
-	tcl tcl80 tcl82 tcl83 tcl84 textproc \
-	tk tk80 tk82 tk83 tk84 tkstep80 \
-	ukrainian vietnamese windowmaker www \
-	x11 x11-clocks x11-drivers x11-fm x11-fonts x11-servers x11-themes \
-	x11-toolkits x11-wm xfce zope
-.for cat in ${CATEGORIES}
-	@if ${ECHO_CMD} ${VALID_CATEGORIES} | ${GREP} -wq ${cat}; then \
-		${TRUE}; \
-	else \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: category ${cat} not in list of valid categories."; \
-		${FALSE}; \
-	fi
-.if !target(check-makevars)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(check-depends)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if exists(${PACKAGES})
-# The "latest version" link -- ${PKGNAME} minus everthing after the last '-'
-CONFIGURE_TARGET?=	${ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
-CONFIGURE_LOG?=		config.log
-# A default message to print if do-configure fails.
-CONFIGURE_FAIL_MESSAGE?=	"Please report the problem to ${MAINTAINER} [maintainer] and attach the \"${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/${CONFIGURE_LOG}\" including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system (e.g. an \`ls ${PKG_DBDIR}\`)."
-.if defined(GNU_CONFIGURE)
-# Maximum command line length
-.if !defined(CONFIGURE_MAX_CMD_LEN)
-CONFIGURE_MAX_CMD_LEN!=	${SYSCTL} -n kern.argmax
-CONFIGURE_ENV+=		lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=${CONFIGURE_MAX_CMD_LEN}
-	if [ ! -z "`./${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} --help 2>&1 | ${GREP} -- '--mandir'`" ]; then \
-	fi ; \
-	if [ ! -z "`./${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} --help 2>&1 | ${GREP} -- '--infodir'`" ]; then \
-	fi ;
-# Passed to most of script invocations
-		  X11BASE=${X11BASE}
-.if defined(BATCH)
-.if ${PREFIX} == /usr
-MANPREFIX?=	/usr/share
-.for sect in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-MANLANG?=	""	# english only by default
-.if !defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
-MANEXT=	.gz
-.if (defined(MLINKS) || defined(_MLINKS_PREPEND)) && !defined(_MLINKS)
-__pmlinks!=	${ECHO_CMD} '${MLINKS:S/	/ /}' | ${AWK} \
- '{ if (NF % 2 != 0) { print "broken"; exit; } \
-	for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { \
-		if ($$i ~ /^-$$/ && i != 1 && i % 2 != 0) \
-			{ $$i = $$(i-2); printf " " $$i " "; } \
-		else if ($$i ~ /^[^ ]+\.[1-9ln][^. ]*$$/ || $$i ~ /^\//) \
-			printf " " $$i " "; \
-		else \
-			{ print "broken"; exit; } \
-	} \
-  }' | ${SED} -e 's \([^/ ][^ ]*\.\(.\)[^. ]*\) $${MAN\2PREFIX}/$$$$$$$${__lang}/man\2/\1${MANEXT}g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/MANlPREFIX/MANLPREFIX/g' -e 's/MANnPREFIX/MANNPREFIX/g'
-.if ${__pmlinks:Mbroken} == "broken"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: unable to parse MLINKS."
-	@${FALSE}
-# XXX 20040119 This next line should read:
-# .for lang in ${MANLANG:S%^%man/%:S%^man/""$%man%}
-# but there is currently a bug in make(1) that prevents the double-quote
-# substitution from working correctly.  Once that problem is addressed,
-# and has had a enough time to mature, this hack should be removed.
-.for lang in ${MANLANG:S%^%man/%:S%^man/""$%man%:S%^man/"$%man%}
-.for ___pmlinks in ${__pmlinks}
-.for __lang in ${lang}
-_MLINKS+=	${___pmlinks:S// /g}
-.for ___tpmlinks in ${_MLINKS}
-.if ${_COUNT} == "1"
-_TMLINKS+=	${___tpmlinks}
-# XXX 20040119 This next line should read:
-# .for manlang in ${MANLANG:S%^%man/%:S%^man/""$%man%}
-# but there is currently a bug in make(1) that prevents the double-quote
-# substitution from working correctly.  Once that problem is addressed,
-# and has had a enough time to mature, this hack should be removed.
-.for manlang in ${MANLANG:S%^%man/%:S%^man/""$%man%:S%^man/"$%man%}
-.for sect in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L N
-# MAN${sect} is for man pages installed for all languages in MANLANG for a given
-# section.
-.if defined(MAN${sect})
-_MANPAGES+=	${MAN${sect}:S%^%${MAN${sect}PREFIX}/${manlang}/man${sect:L}/%}
-# Language specific MAN${sect} variables are for man pages installed in that
-# language, but not necessarily all languages in MANLANG.
-.if defined(MAN${sect}_${manlang:S%^man/%%:U})
-_MANPAGES+=	${MAN${sect}_${manlang:S%^man/%%:U}:S%^%${MAN${sect}PREFIX}/${manlang}/man${sect:L}/%}
-# Special case for English, since it is defined with "" in MANLANG rather than
-# a language name and does not have man pages installed in a lang subdirectory 
-# of MAN${sect}PREFIX.
-.for sect in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L N
-.if defined(MAN${sect}_EN)
-_MANPAGES+=	${MAN${sect}_EN:S%^%${MAN${sect}PREFIX}/man/man${sect:L}/%}
-.if !defined(_TMLINKS)
-.if defined(_MANPAGES)
-.if defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
-__MANPAGES:=	${_MANPAGES:S%^${PREFIX}/%%:S%$%.gz%}
-.if ${MANCOMPRESSED} == "yes"
-_MANPAGES:=	${_MANPAGES:S%$%.gz%}
-.if ${PREFIX} == /usr
-INFO_PATH?=	share/info
-INFO_PATH?=	info
-.if defined(INFO)
-. for D in ${INFO:H}
-RD:=	${D}
-.  if ${RD} != "."
-.   if !defined(INFO_SUBDIR)
-.   elif ${INFO_SUBDIR} != ${RD}
-BROKEN=		only one subdirectory in INFO is allowed
-.   endif
-.  endif
-.undef RD
-. endfor
-DESKTOPDIR?=		${PREFIX}/share/applications
-# DESKTOPDIR is not beneath PREFIX
-# Put this as far down as possible so it will catch all PLIST_SUB definitions.
-.if defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB)
-LDCONFIG_PLIST!=	${ECHO_CMD} ${LDCONFIG_DIRS} | ${SED} ${PLIST_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/}
-.MAIN: all
-# Many ways to disable a port.
-# If we're in BATCH mode and the port is interactive, or we're
-# in interactive mode and the port is non-interactive, skip all
-# the important targets.  The reason we have two modes is that
-# one might want to leave a build in BATCH mode running
-# overnight, then come back in the morning and do _only_ the
-# interactive ones that required your intervention.
-# Ignore ports that can't be resold if building for a CDROM.
-# Don't build a port if it's restricted and we don't want to get
-# into that.
-# Don't build a port if it's broken, unless we're running a parallel
-# build (in case it's fixed).
-# Don't build a port if it's forbidden for whatever reason.
-# Don't build a port if the system is too old.
-# Check the machine architectures
-.if defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS)
-.for __ARCH in ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS}
-.if ${ARCH:M${__ARCH}} != ""
-__ARCH_OK?=		1
-__ARCH_OK?=		1
-.if defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS)
-.for __NARCH in ${NOT_FOR_ARCHS}
-.if ${ARCH:M${__NARCH}} != ""
-.undef __ARCH_OK
-.if !defined(__ARCH_OK)
-.if defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS)
-IGNORE=		is only for ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS},
-.else # defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS)
-IGNORE=		does not run on ${NOT_FOR_ARCHS},
-IGNORE+=	while you are running ${ARCH}
-.elif defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON)
-.if defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS_REASON_${ARCH})
-.elif defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS_REASON)
-# Check the user interaction and legal issues
-.if !defined(NO_IGNORE)
-.if (defined(IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(BATCH))
-IGNORE=		is an interactive port
-.elif (!defined(IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(INTERACTIVE))
-IGNORE=		is not an interactive port
-.elif (defined(NO_CDROM) && defined(FOR_CDROM))
-IGNORE=		may not be placed on a CDROM: ${NO_CDROM}
-.elif (defined(RESTRICTED) && defined(NO_RESTRICTED))
-IGNORE=		is restricted: ${RESTRICTED}
-.elif defined(BROKEN)
-.if !defined(TRYBROKEN)
-IGNORE=		is marked as broken: ${BROKEN}
-.elif defined(FORBIDDEN)
-IGNORE=		is forbidden: ${FORBIDDEN}
-IGNORE=		has to be built manually: ${MANUAL_PACKAGE_BUILD}
-.if defined(IGNORE)
-.if defined(IGNORE_SILENT)
-IGNORECMD=	${ECHO_MSG} "===>  ${PKGNAME} "${IGNORE:Q}.;exit 1
-.for target in check-sanity fetch checksum extract patch configure all build install reinstall package
-.if !target(${target})
-.if defined(INSTALLS_DEPENDS)
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(IGNORE) || defined(NO_PACKAGE)
-ignorelist: package-name
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if defined(IGNORE) || defined(NO_PACKAGE)
-.if defined(IGNORE)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Clean directories for ftp or CDROM.
-.if defined(RESTRICTED)
-clean-restricted:	delete-distfiles delete-package
-clean-restricted-list: delete-distfiles-list delete-package-list
-.if defined(NO_CDROM)
-clean-for-cdrom:	delete-distfiles delete-package
-clean-for-cdrom-list:	delete-distfiles-list delete-package-list
-.if defined(ALL_HOOK)
-.if !target(all)
-all: build
-.if !defined(DEPENDS_TARGET)
-.if defined(DEPENDS_PRECLEAN)
-.if make(reinstall)
-DEPENDS_TARGET+=	reinstall
-.if defined(DEPENDS_CLEAN)
-# Do preliminary work to detect if we need to run the config
-# target or not.
-.if (!defined(OPTIONS) || defined(CONFIG_DONE) || \
-	defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) || defined(BATCH))
-# The following are used to create easy dummy targets for
-# disabling some bit of default target behavior you don't want.
-# They still check to see if the target exists, and if so don't
-# do anything, since you might want to set this globally for a
-# group of ports in a, but still be able to
-# override from an individual Makefile.
-# Disable checksum
-.if defined(NO_CHECKSUM) && !target(checksum)
-checksum: fetch
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Disable build
-.if defined(NO_BUILD) && !target(build)
-build: configure
-# Disable install
-.if defined(NO_INSTALL) && !target(install)
-install: build
-# Disable package
-.if defined(NO_PACKAGE) && !target(package)
-.if defined(IGNORE_SILENT)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  ${PKGNAME} may not be packaged: "${NO_PACKAGE:Q}.
-# Disable describe
-.if defined(NO_DESCRIBE) && !target(describe)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# More standard targets start here.
-# These are the body of the build/install framework.  If you are
-# not happy with the default actions, and you can't solve it by
-# adding pre-* or post-* targets/scripts, override these.
-# Pre-everything
-# XXX MCL suggests deprecating this in favor of something
-# less likely to be abused by overloading
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if defined(TRYBROKEN) && defined(BROKEN)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "Trying build of ${PKGNAME} even though it is marked BROKEN."
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if defined(GNOME_OPTION_MSG) && (!defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) || !defined(BATCH))
-	@for m in ${GNOME_OPTION_MSG}; do \
-		${ECHO_MSG} $$m; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if defined(_OPTIONS_READ)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Found saved configuration for ${_OPTIONS_READ}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  *** CAUTION *** Using wrong configuration file ${_OPTIONSFILE}"
-# Warn user about deprecated packages.  Advisory only.
-.if !target(check-deprecated)
-.if defined(DEPRECATED)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   NOTICE:"
-	@${ECHO_MSG}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "This port is deprecated; you may wish to reconsider installing it:"
-	@${ECHO_MSG}
-	@${ECHO_MSG}
-.if defined(EXPIRATION_DATE)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "It is scheduled to be removed on or after ${EXPIRATION_DATE}."
-	@${ECHO_MSG}
-# Check if the port is listed in the vulnerability database
-AUDITFILE?=		/var/db/portaudit/auditfile.tbz
-_EXTRACT_AUDITFILE=	${TAR} -jxOf "${AUDITFILE}" auditfile
-	@if [ -f "${AUDITFILE}" ]; then \
-		audit_created=`${_EXTRACT_AUDITFILE} | \
-			${SED} -nEe "1s/^#CREATED: *([0-9]{4})-?([0-9]{2})-?([0-9]{2}).*$$/\1\2\3/p"`; \
-		audit_expiry=`/bin/date -u -v-14d "+%Y%m%d"`; \
-		if [ "$$audit_created" -lt "$$audit_expiry" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  WARNING: Vulnerability database out of date, checking anyway"; \
-		fi; \
-		vlist=`${_EXTRACT_AUDITFILE} | ${GREP} "${PORTNAME}" | \
-			${AWK} -F\| ' /^[^#]/ { \
-				if (!system("${PKG_VERSION} -T \"${PKGNAME}\" \"" $$1 "\"")) \
-					print "=> " $$3 ".\n   Reference: <" $$2 ">" \
-			} \
-		'`; \
-		if [ -n "$$vlist" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  ${PKGNAME} has known vulnerabilities:"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "$$vlist"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> Please update your ports tree and try again."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	else \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found"; \
-	fi
-# set alg to any of SIZE, MD5, SHA256 (or any other checksum algorithm):
-DISTINFO_DATA?=	if [ \( -n "${DISABLE_SIZE}" -a -n "${NO_CHECKSUM}" \) -o ! -f "${MD5_FILE}" ]; then exit; fi; \
-	DIR=${DIST_SUBDIR}; ${AWK} -v alg=$$alg -v file=$${DIR:+$$DIR/}$${file}	\
-		'$$1 == alg && $$2 == "(" file ")" {print $$4}' ${MD5_FILE}
-# Fetch
-.if !target(do-fetch)
-	@cd ${_DISTDIR};\
-	for _file in ${DISTFILES}; do \
-		file=$${_file%%:*}; \
-		if [ $$_file = $$file ];	then	\
-			select='';	\
-		else	\
-			select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file##*:} | ${SED} -e 's/,/ /g'` ;	\
-		fi;	\
-		force_fetch=false; \
-		filebasename=`${BASENAME} $$file`; \
-		for afile in ${FORCE_FETCH}; do \
-			afile=`${BASENAME} $$afile`; \
-			if [ "x$$afile" = "x$$filebasename" ]; then \
-				force_fetch=true; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-		if [ ! -f $$file -a ! -f $$filebasename -o "$$force_fetch" = "true" ]; then \
-			if [ -L $$file -o -L $$filebasename ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> ${_DISTDIR}/$$file is a broken symlink."; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Perhaps a filesystem (most likely a CD) isn't mounted?"; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Please correct this problem and try again."; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-			if [ -f ${MD5_FILE} -a "x${NO_CHECKSUM}" = "x" ]; then \
-				_md5sum=`alg=MD5; ${DISTINFO_DATA}`; \
-				if [ -z "$$_md5sum" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "=> $${DIR:+$$DIR/}$$file is not in ${MD5_FILE}."; \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "=> Either ${MD5_FILE} is out of date, or"; \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "=> $${DIR:+$$DIR/}$$file is spelled incorrectly."; \
-					exit 1; \
-				fi; \
-			fi; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$file doesn't seem to exist in ${_DISTDIR}."; \
-			if [ ! -w ${DISTDIR} ]; then \
-			   ${ECHO_MSG} "=> ${DISTDIR} is not writable by you; cannot fetch."; \
-			   exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___MASTER_SITES_TMP="\$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}}" ; \
-					fi; \
-				done; \
-				___MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_MASTER_SITES_CMD_TMP ${_RANDOMIZE_SITES}`; do \
-			    ${ECHO_MSG} "=> Attempting to fetch from $${site}."; \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	${MKDIR} $${file%/*}; \
-						args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-					continue 2; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this";\
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> port manually into ${_DISTDIR} and try again."; \
-			exit 1; \
-	    fi; \
-	 done
-.if defined(PATCHFILES)
-	@cd ${_DISTDIR};\
-	for _file in ${PATCHFILES}; do \
-		file=`${ECHO_CMD} $$_file | ${SED} -E -e 's/:[^:]+$$//'` ; \
-		select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file#$${file}} | ${SED} -e 's/^://' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; \
-		force_fetch=false; \
-		filebasename=`${BASENAME} $$file`; \
-		for afile in ${FORCE_FETCH}; do \
-			afile=`${BASENAME} $$afile`; \
-			if [ "x$$afile" = "x$$filebasename" ]; then \
-				force_fetch=true; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-		if [ ! -f $$file -a ! -f $$filebasename -o "$$force_fetch" = "true" ]; then \
-			if [ -L $$file -o -L `${BASENAME} $$file` ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> ${_DISTDIR}/$$file is a broken symlink."; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Perhaps a filesystem (most likely a CD) isn't mounted?"; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Please correct this problem and try again."; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$file doesn't seem to exist in ${_DISTDIR}."; \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___PATCH_SITES_TMP="\$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}}" ; \
-					fi; \
-				done; \
-				___PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_PATCH_SITES_CMD_TMP`; do \
-			    ${ECHO_MSG} "=> Attempting to fetch from $${site}."; \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	${MKDIR} $${file%/*}; \
-						args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-					continue 2; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this";\
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> port manually into ${_DISTDIR} and try again."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	 done
-# Extract
-.if !target(do-extract)
-	@${RM} -rf ${WRKDIR}
-	@for file in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \
-		then \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-	@if [ `${ID} -u` = 0 ]; then \
-		${CHMOD} -R ug-s ${WRKDIR}; \
-		${CHOWN} -R 0:0 ${WRKDIR}; \
-	fi
-# Patch
-.if !target(patch-dos2unix)
-.if defined(USE_DOS2UNIX)
-.if ${USE_DOS2UNIX:U}=="YES"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Converting DOS text files to UNIX text files"
-	@${FIND} -E ${WRKSRC} -type f -iregex '${DOS2UNIX_REGEX}' -print0 | \
-			${XARGS} -0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -i '' -e 's/
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Converting DOS text file to UNIX text file: ${f}"
-.if ${USE_DOS2UNIX:M*/*}
-.for f in ${USE_DOS2UNIX}
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -i '' -e 's/
$$//' ${WRKSRC}/${f}
-.for f in ${USE_DOS2UNIX}
-	@${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type f -name '${f}' -print0 | \
-			${XARGS} -0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -i '' -e 's/
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(do-patch)
-.if defined(PATCHFILES)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Applying distribution patches for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@(cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-	  for i in ${_PATCHFILES}; do \
-		if [ ${PATCH_DEBUG_TMP} = yes ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Applying distribution patch $$i" ; \
-		fi; \
-		case $$i in \
-			*.Z|*.gz) \
-				${GZCAT} $$i | ${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS}; \
-				;; \
-			*.bz2) \
-				${BZCAT} $$i | ${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS}; \
-				;; \
-			*) \
-				${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS} < $$i; \
-				;; \
-		esac; \
-	  done)
-.if defined(EXTRA_PATCHES)
-	@for i in ${EXTRA_PATCHES}; do \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Applying extra patch $$i"; \
-		${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < $$i; \
-	done
-	@if [ -d ${PATCHDIR} ]; then \
-		if [ "`${ECHO_CMD} ${PATCHDIR}/patch-*`" != "${PATCHDIR}/patch-*" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Applying ${OPSYS} patches for ${PKGNAME}" ; \
-			for i in ${PATCHDIR}/patch-*; do \
-				case $$i in \
-					*.orig|*.rej|*~|*,v) \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Ignoring patchfile $$i" ; \
-						;; \
-					*) \
-						if [ ${PATCH_DEBUG_TMP} = yes ]; then \
-							${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Applying ${OPSYS} patch $$i" ; \
-						fi; \
-						if ${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < $$i ; then \
-						else \
-							${ECHO_MSG} `${ECHO_CMD} "=> Patch $$i failed to apply cleanly." | ${SED} "s|${PATCHDIR}/||"` ; \
-							if [ x"$$PATCHES_APPLIED" != x"" ]; then \
-								${ECHO_MSG} `${ECHO_CMD} "=> Patch(es) $$PATCHES_APPLIED applied cleanly." | ${SED} "s|${PATCHDIR}/||g"` ; \
-							fi; \
-							${FALSE} ; \
-						fi; \
-						;; \
-				esac; \
-			done; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.if !target(run-autotools)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Configure
-.if !target(do-configure)
-	@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure ]; then \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && ${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${SH} \
-		  ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure; \
-	fi
-.if defined(GNU_CONFIGURE)
-	@CONFIG_GUESS_DIRS=$$(${FIND} ${WRKDIR} -name config.guess -o -name config.sub \
-		| ${XARGS} -n 1 ${DIRNAME}); \
-	for _D in $${CONFIG_GUESS_DIRS}; do \
-		${CP} -f ${TEMPLATES}/config.guess $${_D}/config.guess; \
-		${CHMOD} a+rx $${_D}/config.guess; \
-	    ${CP} -f ${TEMPLATES}/config.sub $${_D}/config.sub; \
-		${CHMOD} a+rx $${_D}/config.sub; \
-	done
-.if defined(HAS_CONFIGURE)
-	@(cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} && \
-		if ! ${SETENV} CC="${CC}" CXX="${CXX}" \
-	    INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c ${_BINOWNGRP}" \
-			 ${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Script \"${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT}\" failed unexpectedly."; \
-			 (${ECHO_CMD} ${CONFIGURE_FAIL_MESSAGE}) | ${FMT} 75 79 ; \
-			 ${FALSE}; \
-		fi)
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE)
-# Build
-.if !target(do-build)
-.for dir in ${BUILD_WRKSRC}
-.if defined(USE_GMAKE)
-# Check conflicts
-.if !target(check-conflicts)
-.if defined(CONFLICTS) && !defined(DISABLE_CONFLICTS)
-	@found=`${PKG_INFO} -I ${CONFLICTS:C/.+/'&'/} 2>/dev/null | ${AWK} '{print $$1}'`; \
-	conflicts_with=; \
-	for entry in $${found}; do \
-		if ${PKG_INFO} -e $${entry} ; then \
-			prfx=`${PKG_INFO} -q -p "$${entry}" 2> /dev/null | ${SED} -ne '1s/^@cwd //p'`; \
-			orgn=`${PKG_INFO} -q -o "$${entry}" 2> /dev/null`; \
-			if [ "/${PREFIX}" = "/$${prfx}" -a "/${PKGORIGIN}" != "/$${orgn}" ]; then \
-				conflicts_with="$${conflicts_with} $${entry}"; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	done; \
-	if [ -n "$${conflicts_with}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG}; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  ${PKGNAME} conflicts with installed package(s): "; \
-		for entry in $${conflicts_with}; do \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      $${entry}"; \
-		done; \
-		${ECHO_MSG}; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      They install files into the same place."; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1)."; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-.endif  # CONFLICTS
-# Install
-.if !target(do-install)
-.for dir in ${INSTALL_WRKSRC}
-.if defined(USE_GMAKE)
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE) && !defined(NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES)
-	@(cd ${dir} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS}
-.else # !defined(USE_GMAKE)
-.if defined(USE_IMAKE) && !defined(NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES)
-	@(cd ${dir} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS}
-# Package
-.if !target(do-package)
-do-package: ${TMPPLIST}
-	@if [ -d ${PACKAGES} ]; then \
-		if [ ! -d ${PKGREPOSITORY} ]; then \
-			if ! ${MKDIR} ${PKGREPOSITORY}; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Can't create directory ${PKGREPOSITORY}."; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-	@__softMAKEFLAGS='${__softMAKEFLAGS:S/'/'\''/g}'; \
-	_LATE_PKG_ARGS=""; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGINSTALL} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGDEINSTALL} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGREQ} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGMESSAGE} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if ${PKG_CMD} ${PKG_ARGS} ${PKGFILE}; then \
-		if [ -d ${PACKAGES} ]; then \
-			cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} $${__softMAKEFLAGS} package-links; \
-		fi; \
-	else \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} $${__softMAKEFLAGS} delete-package; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-# Some support rules for do-package
-.if !target(package-links)
-package-links: delete-package-links
-	@for cat in ${CATEGORIES}; do \
-		if [ ! -d ${PACKAGES}/$$cat ]; then \
-			if ! ${MKDIR} ${PACKAGES}/$$cat; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> Can't create directory ${PACKAGES}/$$cat."; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		${LN} -sf `${ECHO_CMD} $$cat | ${SED} -e 'sa[^/]*'`/${PKGREPOSITORYSUBDIR}/${PKGNAME}${PKG_SUFX} ${PACKAGES}/$$cat; \
-	done
-.if !defined(NO_LATEST_LINK)
-	@if [ ! -d ${PKGLATESTREPOSITORY} ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "=> Can't create directory ${PKGLATESTREPOSITORY}."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.if !target(delete-package-links)
-	@for cat in ${CATEGORIES}; do \
-		${RM} -f ${PACKAGES}/$$cat/${PKGNAME}${PKG_SUFX}; \
-	done
-.if !defined(NO_LATEST_LINK)
-.if !target(delete-package)
-delete-package: delete-package-links
-	@${RM} -f ${PKGFILE}
-.if !target(delete-package-links-list)
-	@for cat in ${CATEGORIES}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} ${RM} -f ${PACKAGES}/$$cat/${PKGNAME}${PKG_SUFX}; \
-	done
-.if !defined(NO_LATEST_LINK)
-.if !target(delete-package-list)
-delete-package-list: delete-package-links-list
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "[ -f ${PKGFILE} ] && (${ECHO_CMD} deleting ${PKGFILE}; ${RM} -f ${PKGFILE})"
-# Utility targets follow
-.if !target(check-already-installed)
-.if !defined(NO_PKG_REGISTER) && !defined(FORCE_PKG_REGISTER)
-		@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Checking if ${PKGORIGIN} already installed"; \
-		${MKDIR} ${PKG_DBDIR}; \
-		already_installed=`${PKG_INFO} -q -O ${PKGORIGIN}`; \
-		if [ -n "$${already_installed}" ]; then \
-				for p in $${already_installed}; do \
-						prfx=`${PKG_INFO} -q -p $${p} 2> /dev/null | ${SED} -ne '1s|^@cwd ||p'`; \
-						if [ "x${PREFIX}" = "x$${prfx}" ]; then \
-								df=`${PKG_INFO} -q -f $${p} 2> /dev/null | ${GREP} -v "^@" | ${COMM} -12 - ${TMPPLIST}`; \
-								if [ -n "$${df}" ]; then \
-										found_package=$${p}; \
-										break; \
-								fi; \
-						fi; \
-				done; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -d ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME} -o -n "$${found_package}" ]; then \
-				if [ -d ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME} ]; then \
-					${ECHO_CMD} "===>   ${PKGNAME} is already installed"; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_CMD} "===>   An older version of ${PKGORIGIN} is already installed ($${found_package})"; \
-				fi; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      You may wish to \`\`make deinstall'' and install this port again"; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      by \`\`make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly."; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of ${PKGORIGIN}"; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      without deleting it first, set the variable \"FORCE_PKG_REGISTER\""; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      in your environment or the \"make install\" command line."; \
-				exit 1; \
-		fi
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(check-umask)
-	@if [ `${SH} -c umask` != 0022 ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Warning: your umask is \"`${SH} -c umask`"\".; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      If this is not desired, set it to an appropriate value"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      and install this port again by \`\`make reinstall''."; \
-	fi
-.if !target(install-mtree)
-	@if [ `${ID} -u` != 0 ]; then \
-		if [ -w ${PREFIX}/ ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Warning: not superuser, you may get some errors during installation."; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Error: ${PREFIX}/ not writable."; \
-			${FALSE}; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.if !defined(NO_MTREE)
-	@if [ `${ID} -u` = 0 ]; then \
-		if [ ! -f ${MTREE_FILE} ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Error: mtree file \"${MTREE_FILE}\" is missing."; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Copy it from a suitable location (e.g., /usr/src/etc/mtree) and try again."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		else \
-			${MTREE_CMD} ${MTREE_ARGS} ${PREFIX}/ >/dev/null; \
-			if [ ${PREFIX} = ${LOCALBASE} ]; then \
-				cd ${PREFIX}/share/nls; \
-				${LN} -shf C POSIX; \
-				${LN} -shf C en_US.US-ASCII; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	else \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Warning: not superuser, can't run mtree."; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "You may want to become root and try again to ensure correct permissions."; \
-	fi
-.if !target(install-ldconfig-file)
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG) || defined(USE_LDCONFIG32) || defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB)
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG)
-.if !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig (errors are ignored)"
-.if ${USE_LDCONFIG} != "${PREFIX}/lib"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Installing ldconfig configuration file"
-.if defined(NO_LDCONFIG_MTREE)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ${USE_LDCONFIG} | ${TR} ' ' '\n' \
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(NO_LDCONFIG_MTREE)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${LDCONFIG_DIR} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG32)
-.if !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig"
-	${LDCONFIG} -32 -m ${USE_LDCONFIG32}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig (errors are ignored)"
-	-${LDCONFIG} -32 -m ${USE_LDCONFIG32}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Installing 32-bit ldconfig configuration file"
-.if defined(NO_LDCONFIG_MTREE)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ${USE_LDCONFIG32} | ${TR} ' ' '\n' \
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(NO_LDCONFIG_MTREE)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${LDCONFIG32_DIR} >/dev/null 2>&1" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-# This can be removed once all ports have been converted to USE_LDCONFIG.
-.if defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB)
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   INSTALLS_SHLIB and USE_LDCONFIG both defined."
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG32)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   INSTALLS_SHLIB and USE_LDCONFIG32 both defined."
-.if !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Running ldconfig (errors are ignored)"
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(security-check)
-.if !defined(OLD_SECURITY_CHECK)
-# Scan PLIST for:
-#   1.  setugid files
-#   2.  accept()/recvfrom() which indicates network listening capability
-#   3.  insecure functions (gets/mktemp/tempnam/[XXX])
-#   4.  startup scripts, in conjunction with 2.
-#   5.  world-writable files/dirs
-	-@${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump; \
-	${AWK} -v prefix='${PREFIX}' ' \
-		match($$0, /^@cwd /) { prefix = substr($$0, RSTART + RLENGTH); if (prefix == "/") prefix=""; next; } \
-		/^@/ { next; } \
-		/^\// { print; next; } \
-		{ print prefix "/" $$0; } \
-	' ${TMPPLIST} > ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.flattened; \
-	${TR} '\n' '\0' < ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.flattened \
-	| ${XARGS} -0 -J % ${FIND} % -prune ! -type l -type f \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) \( -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) 2> /dev/null > ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid; \
-	${TR} '\n' '\0' < ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.flattened \
-	| ${XARGS} -0 -J % ${FIND} % -prune -perm -0002 \! -type l 2> /dev/null > ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable; \
-	${TR} '\n' '\0' < ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.flattened \
-	| ${XARGS} -0 -J % ${FIND} % -prune ! -type l -type f -print0 2> /dev/null \
-	| ${XARGS} -0 -n 1 ${OBJDUMP} -R 2> /dev/null > ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump; \
-	if \
-		! ${AWK} -v audit="$${PORTS_AUDIT}" -f ${PORTSDIR}/Tools/scripts/security-check.awk \
-		  ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.flattened ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable; \
-	then \
-		www_site=$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} www-site); \
-	    if [ ! -z "$${www_site}" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG}; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      For more information, and contact details about the security"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      status of this software, see the following webpage: "; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "$${www_site}"; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.else # i.e. defined(OLD_SECURITY_CHECK)
-# Scan PLIST for:
-#   1.  setugid files
-#   2.  accept()/recvfrom() which indicates network listening capability
-#   3.  insecure functions (gets/mktemp/tempnam/[XXX])
-#   4.  startup scripts, in conjunction with 2.
-#   5.  world-writable files/dirs
-	-@${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid \
-		${WRKDIR}/ ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable; \
-	if [ -n "$$PORTS_AUDIT" ]; then \
-		stupid_functions_regexp=' (gets|mktemp|tempnam|tmpnam|strcpy|strcat|sprintf)$$'; \
-	else \
-		stupid_functions_regexp=' (gets|mktemp|tempnam|tmpnam)$$'; \
-	fi; \
-	for i in `${GREP} -v '^@' ${TMPPLIST}`; do \
-		if [ ! -L "${PREFIX}/$$i" -a -f "${PREFIX}/$$i" ]; then \
-			${OBJDUMP} -R ${PREFIX}/$$i > \
-				${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump 2> /dev/null; \
-			if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump ] ; then \
-				${EGREP} " $$stupid_functions_regexp" \
-					${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump | ${AWK} '{print " " $$3}' | ${TR} -d '\n' \
-					> ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid; \
-				if [ -n "`${EGREP} ' (accept|recvfrom)$$' ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.objdump`" ] ; then \
-					if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid ]; then \
-						${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid >> ${WRKDIR}/; \
-						${ECHO_CMD} ")" >> ${WRKDIR}/; \
-					else \
-						${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX}/$$i >> ${WRKDIR}/; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			fi; \
-			if [ -n "`${FIND} ${PREFIX}/$$i -prune \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) \( -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) 2>/dev/null`" ]; then \
-				if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid ]; then \
-					${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.stupid >> ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid; \
-					${ECHO_CMD} ")" >> ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX}/$$i >> ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid; \
-				fi; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ ! -L "${PREFIX}/$$i" ]; then \
-			if [ -n "`${FIND} ${PREFIX}/$$i -prune -perm -0002 \! -type l 2>/dev/null`" ]; then \
-				 ${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX}/$$i >> ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	done; \
-	${GREP} '^etc/rc.d/' ${TMPPLIST} > ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.startup; \
-	if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid -o -s ${WRKDIR}/ -o -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable ]; then \
-		if [ -n "$$PORTS_AUDIT" ]; then \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  SECURITY REPORT: "; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid ] ; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      This port has installed the following binaries,"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      which execute with increased privileges."; \
-			${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.setuid; \
-			${ECHO_MSG}; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/ ] ; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      This port has installed the following files, which may act as network"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      servers and may therefore pose a remote security risk to the system."; \
-			${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/; \
-			${ECHO_MSG}; \
-			if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.startup ] ; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      This port has installed the following startup scripts,"; \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "      which may cause these network services to be started at boot time."; \
-				${SED} s,^,${PREFIX}/, < ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.startup; \
-				${ECHO_MSG}; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -s ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable ] ; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      This port has installed the following world-writable files/directories."; \
-			${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.writable; \
-			${ECHO_MSG}; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      risk to the system. The FreeBSD Project makes no guarantee about the"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      security of ports included in the Ports Collection."; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "      Please type 'make deinstall' to deinstall the port if this is a concern."; \
-		www_site=$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} www-site); \
-	    if [ ! -z "$${www_site}" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG}; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      For more information, and contact details about the security"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "      status of this software, see the following webpage: "; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "$${www_site}"; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.endif # !defined(OLD_SECURITY_CHECK)
-# Skeleton targets start here
-# You shouldn't have to change these.  Either add the pre-* or
-# post-* targets/scripts or redefine the do-* targets.  These
-# targets don't do anything other than checking for cookies and
-# call the necessary targets/scripts.
-# Please note that the order of the following targets is important, and
-# should not be modified.
-.if defined(CHROOTED)
-_CHROOT_SEQ=	post-chroot
-_SANITY_SEQ=	${_CHROOT_SEQ} pre-everything check-makefile check-categories \
-				check-makevars check-desktop-entries check-depends \
-				check-deprecated check-vulnerable buildanyway-message \
-				options-message
-_FETCH_DEP=		check-sanity
-_FETCH_SEQ=		fetch-depends pre-fetch pre-fetch-script \
-				do-fetch post-fetch post-fetch-script
-_EXTRACT_DEP=	fetch
-_EXTRACT_SEQ=	extract-message checksum extract-depends pre-extract \
-				pre-extract-script do-extract \
-				post-extract post-extract-script
-_PATCH_DEP=		extract
-_PATCH_SEQ=		patch-message patch-depends patch-dos2unix pre-patch \
-				pre-patch-script do-patch post-patch post-patch-script
-_CONFIGURE_SEQ=	build-depends lib-depends configure-message \
-				pre-configure pre-configure-script \
-				run-autotools do-configure post-configure post-configure-script
-_BUILD_DEP=		configure
-_BUILD_SEQ=		build-message pre-build pre-build-script do-build \
-				post-build post-build-script
-_INSTALL_DEP=	build
-_INSTALL_SEQ=	install-message check-conflicts \
-				run-depends lib-depends apply-slist pre-install \
-				pre-install-script generate-plist check-already-installed
-_INSTALL_SUSEQ= check-umask install-mtree pre-su-install \
-				pre-su-install-script do-install install-desktop-entries \
-				post-install post-install-script add-plist-info \
-				add-plist-docs add-plist-examples add-plist-data \
-				add-plist-post install-rc-script compress-man \
-				install-ldconfig-file fake-pkg security-check
-_PACKAGE_DEP=	install
-_PACKAGE_SEQ=	package-message pre-package pre-package-script \
-				do-package post-package-script
-.if !target(post-chroot)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(check-sanity)
-check-sanity: ${_SANITY_SEQ}
-# XXX MCL might need to move in loop below?
-.if !target(fetch)
-fetch: ${_FETCH_DEP} ${_FETCH_SEQ}
-# Main logic. The loop generates 6 main targets and using cookies
-# ensures that those already completed are skipped.
-.for target in extract patch configure build install package
-.if !target(${target}) && defined(_OPTIONS_OK)
-${target}: ${${target:U}_COOKIE}
-.elif !target(${target})
-${target}: config-conditional
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} CONFIG_DONE=1 ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${${target:U}_COOKIE}
-.elif target(${target}) && defined(IGNORE)
-.if !exists(${${target:U}_COOKIE})
-.if ${UID} != 0 && defined(_${target:U}_SUSEQ) && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-.if defined(USE_SUBMAKE)
-${${target:U}_COOKIE}: ${_${target:U}_DEP}
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${_${target:U}_SEQ}
-${${target:U}_COOKIE}: ${_${target:U}_DEP} ${_${target:U}_SEQ}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${target}' target"
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${SU_CMD} "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${_${target:U}_SUSEQ}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-.elif defined(USE_SUBMAKE)
-${${target:U}_COOKIE}: ${_${target:U}_DEP}
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${_${target:U}_SEQ} ${_${target:U}_SUSEQ}
-${${target:U}_COOKIE}: ${_${target:U}_DEP} ${_${target:U}_SEQ} ${_${target:U}_SUSEQ}
-	@if [ -e ${.TARGET} ]; then \
-		${DO_NADA}; \
-	else \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.TARGET}; \
-	fi
-# Enforce order for -jN builds
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Extracting for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Patching for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Configuring for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Building for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Installing for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Building package for ${PKGNAME}"
-# Empty pre-* and post-* targets
-.for stage in pre post
-.for name in check-sanity fetch extract patch configure build install package
-.if !target(${stage}-${name})
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(${stage}-${name}-script)
-	@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/${.TARGET:S/-script$//} ]; then \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && ${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${SH} \
-			${SCRIPTDIR}/${.TARGET:S/-script$//}; \
-	fi
-# Special cases for su
-.if !target(pre-su-install)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(pre-su-install-script)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(pretty-print-www-site)
-	@www_site=$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} www-site); \
-	if [ -n "$${www_site}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n " and/or visit the "; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n "<a href=\"$${www_site}\">web site</a>"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} " for futher informations"; \
-	fi
-# Some more targets supplied for users' convenience
-# Checkpatch
-# Special target to verify patches
-.if !target(checkpatch)
-# Reinstall
-# Special target to re-run install
-.if !target(reinstall)
-# Deinstall
-# Special target to remove installation
-.if !target(deinstall)
-.if ${UID} != 0 && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${.TARGET}' target"
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${SU_CMD} "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.TARGET}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN}"
-	@found_names=`${PKG_INFO} -q -O ${PKGORIGIN}`; \
-	for p in $${found_names}; do \
-			check_name=`${ECHO_CMD} $${p} | ${SED} -e 's/-[^-]*$$//'`; \
-			if [ "$${check_name}" = "${PKGBASE}" ]; then \
-					prfx=`${PKG_INFO} -q -p $${p} 2> /dev/null | ${SED} -ne '1s|^@cwd ||p'`; \
-					if [ "x${PREFIX}" = "x$${prfx}" ]; then \
-							${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${p}"; \
-							${PKG_DELETE} -f $${p}; \
-					else \
-							${ECHO_MSG} "===>   $${p} has a different PREFIX: $${prfx}, skipping"; \
-					fi; \
-			fi; \
-	done; \
-	if [ -z "$${found_names}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGBASE} not installed, skipping"; \
-	fi
-# Deinstall-all
-# Special target to remove installation of all ports of the same origin
-.if !target(deinstall-all)
-.if ${UID} != 0 && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${.TARGET}' target"
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${SU_CMD} "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.TARGET}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN}"
-	@deinstall_names=`${PKG_INFO} -q -O ${PKGORIGIN}`; \
-	for oldpkgorigin in $$(${GREP} "|${PKGORIGIN}|" ${PORTSDIR}/MOVED | ${CUT} -f 1 -d '|' | ${SORT} -u); do \
-		deinstall_names="$${deinstall_names} $$(${PKG_INFO} -q -O $${oldpkgorigin})"; \
-	done; \
-	if [ -n "$${deinstall_names}" ]; then \
-		for d in $${deinstall_names}; do \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${d}"; \
-			${PKG_DELETE} -f $${d}; \
-		done; \
-	else \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGORIGIN} not installed, skipping"; \
-	fi; \
-# Cleaning up
-.if !target(do-clean)
-	@if [ -d ${WRKDIR} ]; then \
-		if [ -w ${WRKDIR} ]; then \
-			${RM} -rf ${WRKDIR}; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${WRKDIR} not writable, skipping"; \
-		fi; \
-	fi
-.if !target(clean)
-.if !defined(NOCLEANDEPENDS)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} limited-clean-depends
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Cleaning for ${PKGNAME}"
-.if target(pre-clean)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} pre-clean
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} do-clean
-.if target(post-clean)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} post-clean
-.if !target(pre-distclean)
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(distclean)
-distclean: pre-distclean clean
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} delete-distfiles RESTRICTED_FILES="${_DISTFILES} ${_PATCHFILES}"
-.if !target(delete-distfiles)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deleting distfiles for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@(if [ "X${RESTRICTED_FILES}" != "X" -a -d ${_DISTDIR} ]; then \
-		cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-		for file in ${RESTRICTED_FILES}; do \
-			${RM} -f $${file}; \
-			dir=$${file%/*}; \
-			if [ "$${dir}" != "$${file}" ]; then \
-				${RMDIR} -p $${dir} >/dev/null 2>&1 || :; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-	fi)
-.if defined(DIST_SUBDIR)
-	-@${RMDIR} ${_DISTDIR} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${TRUE}
-.if !target(delete-distfiles-list)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "# ${PKGNAME}"
-	@if [ "X${RESTRICTED_FILES}" != "X" ]; then \
-		for file in ${RESTRICTED_FILES}; do \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "[ -f ${_DISTDIR}/$$file ] && (${ECHO_CMD} deleting ${_DISTDIR}/$$file; ${RM} -f ${_DISTDIR}/$$file)"; \
-			dir=$${file%/*}; \
-			if [ "$${dir}" != "$${file}" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "(cd ${_DISTDIR} && ${RMDIR} -p $${dir} 2>/dev/null)"; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-	fi
-.if defined(DIST_SUBDIR)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${RMDIR} ${_DISTDIR} 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}"
-# Prints out a list of files to fetch (useful to do a batch fetch)
-.if !target(fetch-list)
-	@(cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-	 for _file in ${DISTFILES}; do \
-		file=`${ECHO_CMD} $$_file | ${SED} -E -e 's/:[^:]+$$//'` ; \
-		select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file#$${file}} | ${SED} -e 's/^://' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; \
-		if [ ! -f $$file -a ! -f `${BASENAME} $$file` ]; then \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___MASTER_SITES_TMP=\$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}} ; \
-					fi; \
-				done; \
-				___MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_MASTER_SITES_CMD_TMP ${_RANDOMIZE_SITES}`; do \
-				if [ ! -z "`${ECHO_CMD} ${NOFETCHFILES} | ${GREP} -w $${file}`" ]; then \
-					if [ -z "`${ECHO_CMD} ${MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE} | ${GREP} -w $${site}`" ]; then \
-						continue; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-				${ECHO_CMD} -n ${SETENV} ${FETCH_ENV} ${FETCH_CMD} ${FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS} $${args} "${FETCH_AFTER_ARGS}" '|| ' ; \
-			done; \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "${ECHO_CMD} $${file} not fetched" ; \
-		fi; \
-	done)
-.if defined(PATCHFILES)
-	@(cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-	 ${_PATCH_SITES_ENV} ; \
-	 for _file in ${PATCHFILES}; do \
-		file=`${ECHO_CMD} $$_file | ${SED} -E -e 's/:[^:]+$$//'` ; \
-		select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file#$${file}} | ${SED} -e 's/^://' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; \
-		if [ ! -f $$file -a ! -f `${BASENAME} $$file` ]; then \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___PATCH_SITES_TMP=\$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}} ; \
-				fi; \
-				done; \
-				___PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_PATCH_SITES_CMD_TMP ${_RANDOMIZE_SITES}`; do \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-				${ECHO_CMD} -n ${SETENV} ${FETCH_ENV} ${FETCH_CMD} ${FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS} $${args} "${FETCH_AFTER_ARGS}" '|| ' ; \
-			done; \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "${ECHO_CMD} $${file} not fetched" ; \
-		fi; \
-	 done)
-.if !target(fetch-url-list-int)
-	@(cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-	for _file in ${DISTFILES}; do \
-		file=`${ECHO_CMD} $$_file | ${SED} -E -e 's/:[^:]+$$//'` ; \
-		select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file#$${file}} | ${SED} -e 's/^://' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; \
-		if [ ! -z "${LISTALL}" -o ! -f $$file -a ! -f `${BASENAME} $$file` ]; then \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___MASTER_SITES_TMP=\$${_MASTER_SITES_$${group}} ; \
-					fi \
-				done; \
-				___MASTER_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi ; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_MASTER_SITES_CMD_TMP ${_RANDOMIZE_SITES}`; do \
-				DIR=${DIST_SUBDIR}; \
-				CKSIZE=`${GREP} "^SIZE ($${DIR:+$$DIR/}$$file)" ${MD5_FILE} | ${AWK} '{print $$4}'`; \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-				${ECHO_CMD} $${args} ; \
-			done; \
-		fi \
-	done)
-.if defined(PATCHFILES)
-	@(cd ${_DISTDIR}; \
-	for _file in ${PATCHFILES}; do \
-		file=`${ECHO_CMD} $$_file | ${SED} -E -e 's/:[^:]+$$//'` ; \
-		select=`${ECHO_CMD} $${_file#$${file}} | ${SED} -e 's/^://' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; \
-		if [ ! -z "${LISTALL}" -o ! -f $$file -a ! -f `${BASENAME} $$file` ]; then \
-			if [ ! -z "$$select" ] ; then \
-				__PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-				for group in $$select; do \
-					if [ ! -z \$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}} ] ; then \
-						eval ___PATCH_SITES_TMP=\$${_PATCH_SITES_$${group}} ; \
-					fi \
-				done; \
-				___PATCH_SITES_TMP= ; \
-			else \
-			fi ; \
-			for site in `eval $$SORTED_PATCH_SITES_CMD_TMP ${_RANDOMIZE_SITES}`; do \
-				DIR=${DIST_SUBDIR}; \
-				CKSIZE=`${GREP} "^SIZE ($${DIR:+$$DIR/}$$file)" ${MD5_FILE} | ${AWK} '{print $$4}'`; \
-				case $${file} in \
-				*/*)	args="-o $${file} $${site}$${file}";; \
-				*)		args=$${site}$${file};; \
-				esac; \
-				${ECHO_CMD} $${args} ; \
-			done; \
-		fi \
-	 done)
-.if !target(fetch-urlall-list)
-	@LISTALL=yes ${MAKE} fetch-url-list-int
-.if !target(fetch-url-list)
-	@${MAKE} fetch-url-list-int
-# Generates patches.
-		PATCH_LIST=${PATCHDIR}/patch-* \
-		${SH} ${PORTSDIR}/Tools/scripts/update-patches`; \
-	case $$toedit in "");; \
-	*) ${ECHO_CMD} -n 'edit patches: '; read i; \
-	cd ${PATCHDIR} && $${VISUAL:-$${EDIT:-/usr/bin/vi}} $$toedit;; esac
-# Checksumming utilities
-	@ \
-	${checksum_init} \
-	\
-	for alg in ${CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS:U}; do \
-		eval alg_executable=\$$$$alg; \
-		if [ -z "$$alg_executable" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Checksum algorithm $$alg: Couldn't find the executable."; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Set $$alg=/path/to/$$alg in /etc/make.conf and try again."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	done; \
-	SHA256=${SHA256}; \
-	MD5=${MD5};
-.if !target(makesum)
-makesum: check-checksum-algorithms
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} fetch NO_CHECKSUM=yes \
-	@if [ -f ${MD5_FILE} ]; then ${CAT} /dev/null > ${MD5_FILE}; fi
-	@( \
-		cd ${DISTDIR}; \
-		\
-		${checksum_init} \
-		\
-		for file in ${_CKSUMFILES}; do \
-			for alg in ${CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS:U}; do \
-				eval alg_executable=\$$$$alg; \
-				\
-				if [ $$alg_executable != "NO" ]; then \
-					$$alg_executable $$file >> ${MD5_FILE}; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			if [ -z "${NO_SIZE}" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "SIZE ($$file) = "`${LS} -ALln $$file | ${AWK} '{print $$5}'` >> ${MD5_FILE}; \
-			fi; \
-		done \
-	)
-	@for file in ${_IGNOREFILES}; do \
-		for alg in ${CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS:U}; do \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "$$alg ($$file) = IGNORE" >> ${MD5_FILE}; \
-		done; \
-	done
-.if !target(checksum)
-checksum: fetch check-checksum-algorithms
-	@${checksum_init} \
-	if [ -f ${MD5_FILE} ]; then \
-		cd ${DISTDIR}; OK="";\
-		for file in ${_CKSUMFILES}; do \
-			ignored="true"; \
-			_file=$${file#${DIST_SUBDIR}/*};	\
-			for alg in ${CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS:U}; do \
-				ignore="false"; \
-				eval alg_executable=\$$$$alg; \
-				\
-				if [ $$alg_executable != "NO" ]; then \
-					MKSUM=`$$alg_executable < $$file`; \
-					CKSUM=`file=$$_file; ${DISTINFO_DATA}`; \
-				else \
-					ignore="true"; \
-				fi; \
-				\
-				if [ $$ignore = "false" -a -z "$$CKSUM" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "=> No $$alg checksum recorded for $$file."; \
-					ignore="true"; \
-				fi; \
-				\
-				if [ "$$CKSUM" = "IGNORE" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$alg Checksum for $$file is set to IGNORE in distinfo file even though"; \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "   the file is not in the "'$$'"{IGNOREFILES} list."; \
-					ignore="true"; \
-					OK=${FALSE}; \
-				fi; \
-				\
-				if [ $$ignore = "false" ]; then \
-					match="false"; \
-					for chksum in $$CKSUM; do \
-						if [ "$$chksum" = "$$MKSUM" ]; then \
-							match="true"; \
-							break; \
-						fi; \
-					done; \
-					if [ $$match = "true" ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$alg Checksum OK for $$file."; \
-						ignored="false"; \
-					else \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$alg Checksum mismatch for $$file."; \
-						refetchlist="$$refetchlist$$file "; \
-						OK="$${OK:-retry}"; \
-						ignored="false"; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			\
-			if [ $$ignored = "true" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> No suitable checksum found for $$file."; \
-				OK="${FALSE}"; \
-			fi; \
-			\
-		done; \
-		\
-		for file in ${_IGNOREFILES}; do \
-			_file=$${file#${DIST_SUBDIR}/*};	\
-			ignored="true"; \
-			alreadymatched="false"; \
-			for alg in ${CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS:U}; do \
-				ignore="false"; \
-				eval alg_executable=\$$$$alg; \
-				\
-				if [ $$alg_executable != "NO" ]; then \
-					CKSUM=`file=$$_file; ${DISTINFO_DATA}`; \
-				else \
-					ignore="true"; \
-				fi; \
-				\
-				if [ $$ignore = "false" ]; then \
-					if [ -z "$$CKSUM" ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "=> No $$alg checksum for $$file recorded (expected IGNORE)"; \
-						OK="$$alreadymatched"; \
-					elif [ $$CKSUM != "IGNORE" ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "=> $$alg Checksum for $$file is not set to IGNORE in distinfo file even though"; \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "   the file is in the "'$$'"{IGNOREFILES} list."; \
-						OK="false"; \
-					else \
-						ignored="false"; \
-						alreadymatched="true"; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			\
-			if ( [ $$ignored = "true" ]) ; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "=> No suitable checksum found for $$file."; \
-				OK="false"; \
-			fi; \
-			\
-		done; \
-		\
-		if [ "$${OK:=true}" = "retry" ] && [ ${FETCH_REGET} -gt 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Refetch for ${FETCH_REGET} more times files: $$refetchlist"; \
-			if ( cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-			    ${MAKE} ${.MAKEFLAGS} FORCE_FETCH="$$refetchlist" FETCH_REGET="`${EXPR} ${FETCH_REGET} - 1`" fetch); then \
-				  if ( cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-			        ${MAKE} ${.MAKEFLAGS} FETCH_REGET="`${EXPR} ${FETCH_REGET} - 1`" checksum ); then \
-				      OK="true"; \
-				  fi; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		\
-		if [ "$$OK" != "true" -a ${FETCH_REGET} -eq 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Giving up on fetching files: $$refetchlist"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "Make sure the Makefile and distinfo file (${MD5_FILE})"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "are up to date.  If you are absolutely sure you want to override this"; \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "check, type \"make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]\"."; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ "$$OK" != "true" ]; then \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-	elif [ -n "${_CKSUMFILES:M*}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "=> No checksum file (${MD5_FILE})."; \
-	fi
-# The special package-building targets
-# You probably won't need to touch these
-# Nobody should want to override this unless PKGNAME is simply bogus.
-.if !target(package-name)
-# Build a package but don't check the package cookie
-.if !target(repackage)
-repackage: pre-repackage package
-# Build a package but don't check the cookie for installation, also don't
-# install package cookie
-.if !target(package-noinstall)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} pre-package \
-		pre-package-script do-package post-package-script
-	@${RM} -f ${TMPPLIST}
-	-@${RMDIR} ${WRKDIR}
-# Dependency checking
-.if !target(depends)
-depends: extract-depends patch-depends lib-depends fetch-depends build-depends run-depends
-		if [ X${USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS} != "X" ]; then \
-			subpkgfile=`(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} $$depends_args -V PKGFILE)`; \
-			if [ -r "$${subpkgfile}" -a "$$target" = "${DEPENDS_TARGET}" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Installing existing package $${subpkgfile}"; \
-				${PKG_ADD} $${subpkgfile}; \
-			else \
-			  (cd $$dir; ${MAKE} -DINSTALLS_DEPENDS $$target $$depends_args) ; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} -DINSTALLS_DEPENDS $$target $$depends_args) ; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Returning to build of ${PKGNAME}";
-.if defined(${deptype}_DEPENDS)
-.if !defined(NO_DEPENDS)
-	@for i in `${ECHO_CMD} "${${deptype}_DEPENDS}"`; do \
-		prog=`${ECHO_CMD} $$i | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'`; \
-		dir=`${ECHO_CMD} $$i | ${SED} -e 's/[^:]*://'`; \
-		if ${EXPR} "$$dir" : '.*:' > /dev/null; then \
-			target=`${ECHO_CMD} $$dir | ${SED} -e 's/.*://'`; \
-			dir=`${ECHO_CMD} $$dir | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'`; \
-			if [ X${DEPENDS_PRECLEAN} != "X" ]; then \
-				target="clean $$target"; \
-				depends_args="$$depends_args NOCLEANDEPENDS=yes"; \
-			fi; \
-			if [ X${DEPENDS_CLEAN} != "X" ]; then \
-				target="$$target clean"; \
-				depends_args="$$depends_args NOCLEANDEPENDS=yes"; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			target="${DEPENDS_TARGET}"; \
-			depends_args="${DEPENDS_ARGS}"; \
-		fi; \
-		if ${EXPR} "$$prog" : \\/ >/dev/null; then \
-			if [ -e "$$prog" ]; then \
-				if [ "$$prog" = "${NONEXISTENT}" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "Error: ${NONEXISTENT} exists.  Please remove it, and restart the build."; \
-					${FALSE}; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file: $$prog - found"; \
-					if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-						notfound=1; \
-					else \
-						notfound=0; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			else \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file: $$prog - not found"; \
-				notfound=1; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			case $${prog} in \
-				*\>*|*\<*|*=*)	pkg=yes;; \
-				*)		pkg="";; \
-			esac; \
-			if [ "$$pkg" != "" ]; then \
-				if ${PKG_INFO} "$$prog" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package: $$prog - found"; \
-					if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-						notfound=1; \
-					else \
-						notfound=0; \
-					fi; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package: $$prog - not found"; \
-					notfound=1; \
-				fi; \
-				if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
-					inverse_dep=`${ECHO_CMD} $$prog | ${SED} \
-						-e 's/<=/=gt=/; s/</=ge=/; s/>=/=lt=/; s/>/=le=/' \
-						-e 's/=gt=/>/; s/=ge=/>=/; s/=lt=/</; s/=le=/<=/'`; \
-					pkg_info=`${PKG_INFO} -E "$$inverse_dep" || ${TRUE}`; \
-					if [ "$$pkg_info" != "" ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Found $$pkg_info, but you need to upgrade to $$prog."; \
-						exit 1; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			elif ${WHICH} "$$prog" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable: $$prog - found"; \
-				if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-					notfound=1; \
-				else \
-					notfound=0; \
-				fi; \
-			else \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable: $$prog - not found"; \
-				notfound=1; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>    Verifying $$target for $$prog in $$dir"; \
-			if [ ! -d "$$dir" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "     => No directory for $$prog.  Skipping.."; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if defined(LIB_DEPENDS) && !defined(NO_DEPENDS)
-	@for i in ${LIB_DEPENDS}; do \
-		lib=$${i%%:*}; \
-		case $$lib in \
-			*.*.*)	pattern="`${ECHO_CMD} $$lib | ${SED} -e 's/\./\\\\./g'`" ;;\
-			*.*)	pattern="$${lib%%.*}\.$${lib#*.}" ;;\
-			*)	pattern="$$lib" ;;\
-		esac; \
-		dir=$${i#*:}; \
-		target=$${i##*:}; \
-		if ${TEST} $$dir = $$target; then \
-			target="${DEPENDS_TARGET}"; \
-			depends_args="${DEPENDS_ARGS}"; \
-		else \
-			dir=$${dir%%:*}; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on shared library: $$lib"; \
-		if ${LDCONFIG} ${_LDCONFIG_FLAGS} -r | ${GREP} -vwF -e "${PKGCOMPATDIR}" | ${GREP} -qwE -e "-l$$pattern"; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} " - found"; \
-			if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-				notfound=1; \
-			else \
-				notfound=0; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} " - not found"; \
-			notfound=1; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>    Verifying $$target for $$lib in $$dir"; \
-			if [ ! -d "$$dir" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "     => No directory for $$lib.  Skipping.."; \
-			else \
-				if ! ${LDCONFIG} ${_LDCONFIG_FLAGS} -r | ${GREP} -vwF -e "${PKGCOMPATDIR}" | ${GREP} -qwE -e "-l$$pattern"; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "Error: shared library \"$$lib\" does not exist"; \
-					${FALSE}; \
-				fi; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-# Dependency lists: both build and runtime, recursive.  Print out directory names.
-_DEPEND_DIRS=	${_UNIFIED_DEPENDS:C,^[^:]*:([^:]*).*$,\1,}
-	L="${_DEPEND_DIRS}";						\
-	checked="";							\
-	while [ -n "$$L" ]; do						\
-		l="";							\
-		for d in $$L; do					\
-			case $$checked in				\
-			$$d\ *|*\ $$d\ *|*\ $$d)			\
-				continue;;				\
-			esac;						\
-			checked="$$checked $$d";			\
-			if [ ! -d $$d ]; then				\
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			${ECHO_CMD} $$d;				\
-			if ! children=$$(cd $$d && ${MAKE} -V _DEPEND_DIRS); then\
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" erroneous -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			for child in $$children; do			\
-				case "$$checked $$l" in			\
-				$$child\ *|*\ $$child\ *|*\ $$child)	\
-					continue;;			\
-				esac;					\
-				l="$$l $$child";			\
-			done;						\
-		done;							\
-		L=$$l;							\
-	done
-	L="${_DEPEND_DIRS}";						\
-	checked="";							\
-	while [ -n "$$L" ]; do						\
-		l="";							\
-		for d in $$L; do					\
-			case $$checked in				\
-			$$d\ *|*\ $$d\ *|*\ $$d)			\
-				continue;;				\
-			esac;						\
-			checked="$$checked $$d";			\
-			if [ ! -d $$d ]; then				\
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			if ! children=$$(cd $$d && ${MAKE} -V WRKDIR -V _DEPEND_DIRS); then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" erroneous -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			state=0;					\
-			for child in $$children; do			\
-				case $$state in				\
-				0)					\
-					if [ -d $$child ]; then		\
-						${ECHO_CMD} $$d;	\
-					fi;				\
-					state=1;;			\
-				1)					\
-					case "$$checked $$l" in		\
-					$$child\ *|*\ $$child\ *|*\ $$child) \
-						continue;;		\
-					esac;				\
-					l="$$l $$child";;		\
-				esac;					\
-			done;						\
-		done;							\
-		L=$$l;							\
-	done
-	L="${_DEPEND_DIRS}";						\
-	checked="";							\
-	while [ -n "$$L" ]; do						\
-		l="";							\
-		for d in $$L; do					\
-			case $$checked in				\
-			$$d\ *|*\ $$d\ *|*\ $$d)			\
-				continue;;				\
-			esac;						\
-			checked="$$checked $$d";			\
-			if [ ! -d $$d ]; then				\
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			if ! children=$$(cd $$d && ${MAKE} -V WRKDIR -V _DEPEND_DIRS); then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" erroneous -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-				continue;				\
-			fi;						\
-			state=0;					\
-			for child in $$children; do			\
-				case $$state in				\
-				0)					\
-					if [ ! -d $$child ]; then	\
-						break;		\
-					fi;				\
-					state=1;			\
-					${ECHO_CMD} $$d;;		\
-				1)					\
-					case "$$checked $$l" in		\
-					$$child\ *|*\ $$child\ *|*\ $$child) \
-						continue;;		\
-					esac;				\
-					l="$$l $$child";;		\
-				esac;					\
-			done;						\
-		done;							\
-		L=$$l;							\
-	done
-.if !target(clean-depends)
-	@for dir in $$(${CLEAN-DEPENDS-FULL}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} NOCLEANDEPENDS=yes clean); \
-	done
-.if !target(limited-clean-depends)
-	@for dir in $$(${CLEAN-DEPENDS-LIMITED}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} NOCLEANDEPENDS=yes clean); \
-	done
-.if !target(deinstall-depends)
-	@for dir in $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} deinstall); \
-	done
-.if !target(fetch-recursive)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Fetching all distfiles for ${PKGNAME} and dependencies"
-	@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} fetch); \
-	done
-.if !target(fetch-recursive-list)
-	@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} fetch-list); \
-	done
-# Used by fetch-required and fetch-required list, this script looks
-# at each of the dependencies. If 3 items are specified in the tuple,
-# such as foo:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/foo:extract, the first item (foo)
-# is examined. Only if it begins with a / and does not exist on the
-# file-system will ``make targ'' proceed.
-# For more usual (dual-item) dependency tuples, the ``make targ''
-# proceeds, if the exact package, which the directory WOULD'VE installed,
-# is not yet installed.
-# This is the exact behaviour of the old code, and it may need
-# revisiting. For example, the entire first case seems dubious, and in
-# the second case we, probably, should be satisfied with _any_ (earlier)
-# package, with the same origin as that of the dir.
-#	-mi
-FETCH_LIST?=	for i in $$deps; do \
-		prog=$${i%%:*}; dir=$${i\#*:}; \
-		case $$dir in	\
-		*:*) if [ $$prog != $${prog\#/} -o ! -e $$prog ]; then	\
-				dir=$${dir%%:*};	\
-			else	\
-				continue;	\
-			fi;;	\
-		*) if [ -d ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} -V PKGNAME) ]; then \
-				continue;	\
-			fi;;	\
-		esac;	\
-		echo cd $$dir; ${MAKE} $$targ; \
-	done
-.if !target(fetch-required)
-fetch-required: fetch
-.if defined(NO_DEPENDS)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> NO_DEPENDS is set, not fetching any distfiles for ${PKG_NAME}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Fetching all required distfiles for ${PKGNAME} and dependencies"
-.if defined(${deptype}_DEPENDS)
-	@targ=fetch; deps="${${deptype}_DEPENDS}"; ${FETCH_LIST}
-.if !target(fetch-required-list)
-fetch-required-list: fetch-list
-.if !defined(NO_DEPENDS)
-.if defined(${deptype}_DEPENDS)
-	@targ=fetch-list; deps="${${deptype}_DEPENDS}"; ${FETCH_LIST}
-.if !target(checksum-recursive)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Fetching and checking checksums for ${PKGNAME} and dependencies"
-	@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} checksum); \
-	done
-# Dependency lists: build and runtime.  Print out directory names.
-.if defined(EXTRACT_DEPENDS) || defined(PATCH_DEPENDS) || defined(FETCH_DEPENDS) || defined(BUILD_DEPENDS) || defined(LIB_DEPENDS)
-	for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${EXTRACT_DEPENDS} ${PATCH_DEPENDS} ${FETCH_DEPENDS} ${BUILD_DEPENDS} ${LIB_DEPENDS}" | ${SED} -E -e 's,([^: ]*):([^: ]*)(:[^ ]*)?,\2,g' -e 'y/ /\n/'| ${SORT} -u); do \
-		if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} $$dir; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-		fi; \
-	done | ${SORT} -u
-.if defined(LIB_DEPENDS) || defined(RUN_DEPENDS)
-	for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${_LIB_RUN_DEPENDS:C,.*:([^:]*).*,\1,}" | ${SED} -e 'y/ /\n/' | ${SORT} -u); do \
-		if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} $$dir; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-		fi; \
-	done | ${SORT} -u
-# Package (recursive runtime) dependency list.  Print out both directory names
-# and package names.
-.if defined(CHILD_DEPENDS) || defined(LIB_DEPENDS) || defined(RUN_DEPENDS)
-	if [ "${CHILD_DEPENDS}" ]; then \
-		installed=$$(${PKG_INFO} -qO ${PKGORIGIN} 2>/dev/null || \
-			${TRUE}); \
-		if [ "$$installed" ]; then \
-			break; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -z "$$installed" ]; then \
-			installed="${PKGNAME}"; \
-		fi; \
-		for pkgname in $$installed; do \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "$$pkgname ${.CURDIR} ${PKGORIGIN}"; \
-		done; \
-	fi; \
-	checked="${PARENT_CHECKED}"; \
-	for dir in ${_LIB_RUN_DEPENDS:C,[^:]*:([^:]*):?.*,\1,}; do \
-		dir=$$(${REALPATH} $$dir); \
-		if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
-			case $$checked in	\
-			$$dir|$$dir\ *|*\ $$dir|*\ $$dir\ *) continue;;	\
-			esac;	\
-			childout=$$(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} CHILD_DEPENDS=yes PARENT_CHECKED="$$checked" package-depends-list); \
-			set -- $$childout; \
-			childdir=""; \
-			while [ $$\# != 0 ]; do \
-				childdir="$$childdir $$2"; \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "$$1 $$2 $$3"; \
-				shift 3; \
-			done; \
-			checked="$$dir $$childdir $$checked"; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-	if [ "${_LIB_RUN_DEPENDS}" != "  " ]; then \
-		origins=$$(for pkgname in ${PKG_DBDIR}/*; do \
-			if [ -e $$pkgname/+CONTENTS ]; then \
-				${ECHO_CMD} $${pkgname\#\#*/}; \
-				${SED} -n -e "s/@comment ORIGIN://p" $$pkgname/+CONTENTS; \
-			fi; \
-		done); \
-		for dir in ${_LIB_RUN_DEPENDS:C,[^:]*:([^:]*):?.*,\1,}; do \
-			tmp=$${dir%/*}; \
-			dir=$${tmp\#\#*/}/$${dir\#\#*/}; \
-			set -- $$origins; \
-			while [ $$\# -gt 1 ]; do \
-				if [ "$$dir" = "$$2" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_CMD} $$1:$$dir; \
-					if [ -e ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$1/+CONTENTS -a -z "${EXPLICIT_PACKAGE_DEPENDS}" ]; then \
-						packagelist="$$packagelist ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$1/+CONTENTS"; \
-					fi; \
-					break; \
-				fi; \
-				shift 2; \
-			done; \
-		done; \
-		[ -z "$$packagelist" ] || ${AWK} -F '( |:)' 'BEGIN { pkgname="broken_contents" } /@pkgdep / { pkgname=$$2 } /@comment DEPORIGIN:/ { printf "%s:%s\n", pkgname, $$3; pkgname="broken_contents" }' $$packagelist; \
-	fi
-# Print out package names.
-	@${PACKAGE-DEPENDS-LIST} | ${AWK} '{print $$1":"$$3}'
-# Build packages for port and dependencies
-package-recursive: package
-	@for dir in $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} package-noinstall); \
-	done
-# Show missing dependiencies
-	@for dir in $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		THISORIGIN=$${dir##${PORTSDIR}/}; \
-		installed=$$(${PKG_INFO} -qO $${THISORIGIN}); \
-		if [ -z "$$installed" ]; then \
-		fi; \
-	done
-# Everything after here are internal targets and really
-# shouldn't be touched by anybody but the release engineers.
-# This target generates an index entry suitable for aggregation into
-# a large index.  Format is:
-# distribution-name|port-path|installation-prefix|comment| \
-#  description-file|maintainer|categories|extract-depends| \
-#  patch-depends|fetch-depends|build-depends|run-depends|www site
-# If this ever changes, portmgr should contact the portsnap maintainer
-# first to avoid gratuitous breakage.
-.if !target(describe)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n "${PKGNAME}|${.CURDIR}|${PREFIX}|"
-.if defined(COMMENT)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n ${COMMENT:Q}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n '** No Description'
-	@perl -e ' \
-		if ( -f q{${DESCR}} ) { \
-			print q{|${DESCR}}; \
-		} else { \
-			print q{|/dev/null}; \
-		} \
-		print q{|${MAINTAINER}|${CATEGORIES}|}; \
-		@edirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${EXTRACT_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@pdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${PATCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@fdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${FETCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@bdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${BUILD_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@rdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${RUN_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@ldirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${LIB_DEPENDS}})); \
-		for my $$i (\@edirs, \@pdirs, \@fdirs, \@bdirs, \@rdirs, \@ddirs, \@ldirs) { \
-			my @dirs = @$$i; \
-			@$$i = (); \
-			for (@dirs) { \
-				if (-d $$_) { \
-					push @$$i, $$_; \
-				} else { \
-					print STDERR qq{${PKGNAME}: \"$$_\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete\n}; \
-					exit(1); \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		for (@edirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xe{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xe), q{|}; \
-		for (@pdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xp{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xp), q{|}; \
-		for (@fdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xf{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xf), q{|}; \
-		for (@bdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xb{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xb), q{|}; \
-		for (@rdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xr{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xr), q{|}; \
-		if (open(DESCR, q{${DESCR}})) { \
-			while (<DESCR>) { \
-				if (/^WWW:\s+(\S+)/) { \
-					print $$1; \
-					last; \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		print qq{\n};'
-.if exists(${DESCR})
-	@${AWK} '$$1 ~ /^WWW:/ {print $$2}' ${DESCR} | ${HEAD} -1
-	@${ECHO_CMD}
-.if !target(readmes)
-readmes:	readme
-.if !target(readme)
-	@${RM} -f ${.CURDIR}/README.html
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.CURDIR}/README.html
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Creating README.html for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@__softMAKEFLAGS='${__softMAKEFLAGS:S/'/'\''/g}'; \
-	${SED} -e 's|%%PORT%%|'$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${.CURDIR} | \
-							  ${SED} -e 's|.*/\([^/]*/[^/]*\)$$|\1|')'|g' \
-			-e 's|%%PKG%%|${PKGNAME}|g' \
-			-e 's|%%COMMENT%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${COMMENT:Q})"'|' \
-			-e '/%%COMMENT%%/d' \
-			-e 's|%%DESCR%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DESCR} | \
-								 ${SED} -e 's|${.CURDIR}/||')"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%EMAIL%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} "${MAINTAINER}" | \
-								 ${SED} -e 's/([^)]*)//;s/.*<//;s/>.*//')"'|g' \
-			-e 's|%%MAINTAINER%%|${MAINTAINER}|g' \
-			-e 's|%%WEBSITE%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-www-site)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%BUILD_DEPENDS%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-build-depends-list)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%RUN_DEPENDS%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-run-depends-list)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%TOP%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${CATEGORIES} | \
-							   ${SED} -e 's| .*||' -e 's|[^/]*|..|g')"'/..|' \
-		${TEMPLATES}/README.port >> $@
-# The following two targets require an up-to-date INDEX in ${PORTSDIR}
-	if [ ! -r ${INDEXDIR}/${INDEXFILE} ] ; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "${.TARGET} requires an INDEX file (${INDEXFILE}). Please run make index or make fetchindex."; \
-	else \
-		target=${.TARGET:C/pretty-print-(.*)-depends-list/\1/} ; \
-		if [ "$$target" = "build" ] ; then fldnum=8 ; else fldnum=9 ; fi; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n 'This port requires package(s) "' ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n `${AWK} -F\| "\\$$1 ~ /^${PKGNAME}/ {print \\$$$${fldnum};}" ${INDEXDIR}/${INDEXFILE}` ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "\" to $$target."; \
-	fi;
-.if !target(pretty-print-build-depends-list)
-.if defined(EXTRACT_DEPENDS) || defined(PATCH_DEPENDS) || \
-	defined(FETCH_DEPENDS) || defined(BUILD_DEPENDS) || defined(LIB_DEPENDS)
-.if !target(pretty-print-run-depends-list)
-.if defined(RUN_DEPENDS) || defined(LIB_DEPENDS)
-_SUB_LIST_TEMP=	${SUB_LIST:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/}
-.if !target(apply-slist)
-.if defined(SUB_FILES)
-.for file in ${SUB_FILES}
-.if !exists(${FILESDIR}/${file}.in)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "** Missing ${FILESDIR}/${file}.in for ${PKGNAME}."; exit 1
-	@${SED} ${_SUB_LIST_TEMP} -e '/^@comment /d' ${FILESDIR}/${file}.in > ${WRKDIR}/${file}
-.for i in pkg-message pkg-install pkg-deinstall pkg-req
-.if ${SUB_FILES:M${i}*}!=""
-${i:S/-//:U}=	${WRKDIR}/${SUB_FILES:M${i}*}
-# Generate packing list.  Also tests to make sure all required package
-# files exist.
-.if !target(generate-plist)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Generating temporary packing list"
-	@if [ ! -f ${DESCR} ]; then ${ECHO_MSG} "** Missing pkg-descr for ${PKGNAME}."; exit 1; fi
-	@for file in ${PLIST_FILES}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} $${file} | ${SED} ${PLIST_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-	@for man in ${__MANPAGES}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} $${man} >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-.for _PREFIX in ${PREFIX}
-.if ${_TMLINKS:M${_PREFIX}*}x != x
-	@for i in ${_TMLINKS:M${_PREFIX}*:S|^${_PREFIX}/||}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "$$i" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-.if ${_TMLINKS:N${_PREFIX}*}x != x
-	@${ECHO_CMD} @cwd / >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@for i in ${_TMLINKS:N${_PREFIX}*:S|^/||}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "$$i" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-	@${ECHO_CMD} '@cwd ${PREFIX}' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@for i in $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${__MANPAGES} ${_TMLINKS:M${_PREFIX}*:S|^${_PREFIX}/||} ' ' | ${SED} -E -e 's|man([1-9ln])/([^/ ]+) |cat\1/\2 |g'); do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rm -f %D/$$i %D/$${i%.gz} %D/$${i%.bz2} %D/$$i.gz %D/$$i.bz2" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-	@if [ -f ${PLIST} ]; then \
-		${SED} ${PLIST_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} ${PLIST} >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-.for reinplace in ${PLIST_REINPLACE}
-.if defined(PLIST_REINPLACE_${reinplace:U})
-	@${SED} -i "" -e '${PLIST_REINPLACE_${reinplace:U}}' ${TMPPLIST}
-.for dir in ${PLIST_DIRS}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ${dir} | ${SED} ${PLIST_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} -e 's,^,@dirrm ,' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-# To be removed once INSTALLS_SHLIB has been eradicated.
-.if defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB) && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-.elif defined(INSTALLS_SHLIB)
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG)
-.if !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LDCONFIG} -m ${USE_LDCONFIG}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LDCONFIG} -R" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LDCONFIG} -m ${USE_LDCONFIG} || ${TRUE}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LDCONFIG} -R || ${TRUE}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(USE_LDCONFIG32)
-.if !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LDCONFIG} -32 -m ${USE_LDCONFIG32}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LDCONFIG} -32 -R" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LDCONFIG} -32 -m ${USE_LDCONFIG32} || ${TRUE}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LDCONFIG} -32 -R || ${TRUE}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} generate-plist
-.if !target(add-plist-docs)
-.if defined(PORTDOCS) && !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-	@if ${EGREP} -qe '^@cw?d' ${TMPPLIST} && \
-		[ "`${SED} -En -e '/^@cw?d[ 	]*/s,,,p' ${TMPPLIST} | ${TAIL} -n 1`" != "${PREFIX}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-.for x in ${PORTDOCS}
-	@if ${ECHO_CMD} "${x}"| ${AWK} '$$1 ~ /(\*|\||\[|\]|\?|\{|\}|\$$)/ { exit 1};'; then \
-		if [ ! -e ${DOCSDIR}/${x} ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} ${DOCSDIR_REL}/${x} >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi;fi
-	@${FIND} -P ${PORTDOCS:S/^/${DOCSDIR}\//} ! -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${FIND} -P -d ${PORTDOCS:S/^/${DOCSDIR}\//} -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,@dirrm ,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrm ${DOCSDIR_REL}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(add-plist-examples)
-.if defined(PORTEXAMPLES) && !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
-	@if ${EGREP} -qe '^@cw?d' ${TMPPLIST} && \
-		[ "`${SED} -En -e '/^@cw?d[ 	]*/s,,,p' ${TMPPLIST} | ${TAIL} -n 1`" != "${PREFIX}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-.for x in ${PORTEXAMPLES}
-	@if ${ECHO_CMD} "${x}"| ${AWK} '$$1 ~ /(\*|\||\[|\]|\?|\{|\}|\$$)/ { exit 1};'; then \
-		if [ ! -e ${EXAMPLESDIR}/${x} ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} ${EXAMPLESDIR}/${x} | \
-			${SED} -e 's,^${PREFIX}/,,' >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi;fi
-	@${FIND} -P ${PORTEXAMPLES:S/^/${EXAMPLESDIR}\//} ! -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${FIND} -P -d ${PORTEXAMPLES:S/^/${EXAMPLESDIR}\//} -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,@dirrm ,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrm ${EXAMPLESDIR:S,^${PREFIX}/,,}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(add-plist-data)
-.if defined(PORTDATA) && !defined(NOPORTDATA)
-	@if ${EGREP} -qe '^@cw?d' ${TMPPLIST} && \
-		[ "`${SED} -En -e '/^@cw?d[ 	]*/s,,,p' ${TMPPLIST} | ${TAIL} -n 1`" != "${PREFIX}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-.for x in ${PORTDATA}
-	@if ${ECHO_CMD} "${x}"| ${AWK} '$$1 ~ /(\*|\||\[|\]|\?|\{|\}|\$$)/ { exit 1};'; then \
-		if [ ! -e ${DATADIR}/${x} ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} ${DATADIR}/${x} | \
-			${SED} -e 's,^${PREFIX}/,,' >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi;fi
-	@${FIND} -P ${PORTDATA:S/^/${DATADIR}\//} ! -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${FIND} -P -d ${PORTDATA:S/^/${DATADIR}\//} -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${PREFIX}/,@dirrm ,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrm ${DATADIR:S,^${PREFIX}/,,}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(add-plist-info)
-# Process GNU INFO files at package install/deinstall time
-.if defined(INFO)
-.for i in ${INFO}
-	install-info --quiet ${PREFIX}/${INFO_PATH}/$ ${PREFIX}/${INFO_PATH}/dir
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec install-info --quiet --delete %D/${INFO_PATH}/$ %D/${INFO_PATH}/dir" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${LS} ${PREFIX}/${INFO_PATH}/$* | ${SED} -e s:${PREFIX}/::g >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec install-info --quiet %D/${INFO_PATH}/$ %D/${INFO_PATH}/dir" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(INFO_SUBDIR)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${RMDIR} %D/${INFO_PATH}/${INFO_SUBDIR} 2> /dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if (${PREFIX} != "/usr")
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec if [ -f %D/${INFO_PATH}/dir ]; then if sed -e '1,/Menu:/d' %D/${INFO_PATH}/dir | grep -q '^[*] '; then true; else rm %D/${INFO_PATH}/dir; fi; fi" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if (${PREFIX} != ${LOCALBASE} && ${PREFIX} != ${X11BASE} && ${PREFIX} != ${LINUXBASE})
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/${INFO_PATH} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-# If we're installing into a non-standard PREFIX, we need to remove that directory at
-# deinstall-time
-.if !target(add-plist-post)
-.if (${PREFIX} != ${LOCALBASE} && ${PREFIX} != ${X11BASE} && ${PREFIX} != ${LINUXBASE} && ${PREFIX} != "/usr")
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D 2> /dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(install-rc-script)
-.if defined(USE_RCORDER) || defined(USE_RC_SUBR) && ${USE_RC_SUBR:U} != "YES"
-.if defined(USE_RCORDER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing early rc.d startup script(s)"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd /" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@for i in ${USE_RCORDER}; do \
-		${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/$${i} /etc/rc.d/$${}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "etc/rc.d/$${}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.if defined(USE_RC_SUBR) && ${USE_RC_SUBR:U} != "YES"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing rc.d startup script(s)"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@for i in ${USE_RC_SUBR}; do \
-		${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/$${i} ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/$${}${RC_SUBR_SUFFIX}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "etc/rc.d/$${}${RC_SUBR_SUFFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Compress (or uncompress) and symlink manpages.
-.if !target(compress-man)
-.if defined(_MANPAGES) || defined(_MLINKS)
-.if ${MANCOMPRESSED} == yes && defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Uncompressing manual pages for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@_manpages='${_MANPAGES:S/'/'\''/g}' && [ "$${_manpages}" != "" ] && ( eval ${GUNZIP_CMD} $${_manpages} ) || ${TRUE}
-.elif ${MANCOMPRESSED} == no && !defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Compressing manual pages for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@_manpages='${_MANPAGES:S/'/'\''/g}' && [ "$${_manpages}" != "" ] && ( eval ${GZIP_CMD} $${_manpages} ) || ${TRUE}
-.if defined(_MLINKS)
-	@set -- ${_MLINKS}; \
-	while :; do \
-		[ $$# -eq 0 ] && break || ${TRUE}; \
-		${RM} -f $${2%.gz}; ${RM} -f $$2.gz; \
-		${LN} -fs `${ECHO_CMD} $$1 $$2 | ${AWK} '{ \
-					z=split($$1, a, /\//); x=split($$2, b, /\//); \
-					while (a[i] == b[i]) i++; \
-					for (q=i; q<x; q++) printf "../"; \
-					for (; i<z; i++) printf a[i] "/"; printf a[z]; }'` $$2; \
-		shift; shift; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Fake installation of package so that user can pkg_delete it later.
-# Also, make sure that an installed port is recognized correctly in
-# accordance to the @pkgdep directive in the packing lists
-.if !target(fake-pkg)
-.if !defined(NO_PKG_REGISTER)
-	@if [ ! -d ${PKG_DBDIR} ]; then ${RM} -f ${PKG_DBDIR}; ${MKDIR} ${PKG_DBDIR}; fi
-	@${RM} -f /tmp/${PKGNAME}-required-by
-.if defined(FORCE_PKG_REGISTER)
-	@if [ -e ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME}/+REQUIRED_BY ]; then \
-		${CP} ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME}/+REQUIRED_BY /tmp/${PKGNAME}-required-by; \
-	fi
-	@${RM} -rf ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME}
-	@if [ ! -d ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME} ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Registering installation for ${PKGNAME}"; \
-		if [ -f ${PKGINSTALL} ]; then \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -f ${PKGDEINSTALL} ]; then \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -f ${PKGREQ} ]; then \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -f ${PKGMESSAGE} ]; then \
-		fi; \
-		for dep in `${PKG_INFO} -qf ${PKGNAME} | ${AWK} '/^@pkgdep / {print $$2}' | ${SORT} -u`; do \
-			if [ -d ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$dep -a -z `${ECHO_CMD} $$dep | ${GREP} -E ${PKG_IGNORE_DEPENDS}` ]; then \
-				if ! ${GREP} ^${PKGNAME}$$ ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$dep/+REQUIRED_BY \
-					>/dev/null 2>&1; then \
-					${ECHO_CMD} ${PKGNAME} >> ${PKG_DBDIR}/$$dep/+REQUIRED_BY; \
-				fi; \
-			fi; \
-		done; \
-	fi
-.if !defined(NO_MTREE)
-	@if [ -f ${MTREE_FILE} ]; then \
-	fi
-	@if [ -e /tmp/${PKGNAME}-required-by ]; then \
-		${CAT} /tmp/${PKGNAME}-required-by >> ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME}/+REQUIRED_BY; \
-		${RM} -f /tmp/${PKGNAME}-required-by; \
-	fi
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# Depend is generally meaningless for arbitrary ports, but if someone wants
-# one they can override this.  This is just to catch people who've gotten into
-# the habit of typing `make depend all install' as a matter of course.
-.if !target(depend)
-# Same goes for tags
-.if !target(tags)
-.for softvar in CKSUMFILES _MLINKS
-.if defined(${softvar})
-__softMAKEFLAGS+=      '${softvar}+=${${softvar}:S/'/'\''/g}'
-# These won't change, so we can pass them through the environment
-	ARCH="${ARCH:S/"/"'"'"/g:S/\$/\$\$/g:S/\\/\\\\/g}" \
-	OPSYS="${OPSYS:S/"/"'"'"/g:S/\$/\$\$/g:S/\\/\\\\/g}" \
-	OSREL="${OSREL:S/"/"'"'"/g:S/\$/\$\$/g:S/\\/\\\\/g}" \
-	OSVERSION="${OSVERSION:S/"/"'"'"/g:S/\$/\$\$/g:S/\\/\\\\/g}" \
-	SYSTEMVERSION="${SYSTEMVERSION:S/"/"'"'"/g:S/\$/\$\$/g:S/\\/\\\\/g}"
-.if !target(config)
-.if !defined(OPTIONS)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> No options to configure"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Using wrong configuration file ${_OPTIONSFILE}"
-	@exit 1
-.if ${UID} != 0 && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials to create `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}`"
-	@(${SU_CMD} "${SH} -c \"${MKDIR} `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}` 2> /dev/null\"") || \
-		(${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cannot create `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}`, check permissions"; exit 1)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-	@(${MKDIR} `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}` 2> /dev/null) || \
-		(${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cannot create `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}`, check permissions"; exit 1)
-	-@if [ -e ${_OPTIONSFILE} ]; then \
-		. ${_OPTIONSFILE}; \
-	fi; \
-	set -- ${OPTIONS} XXX; \
-	while [ $$# -gt 3 ]; do \
-		defaultval=$$3; \
-		withvar=WITH_$$1; \
-		withoutvar=WITHOUT_$$1; \
-		withval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withvar}\}); \
-		withoutval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withoutvar}\}); \
-		if [ ! -z "$${withval}" ]; then \
-			val=on; \
-		elif [ ! -z "$${withoutval}" ]; then \
-			val=off; \
-		else \
-			val=$$3; \
-		fi; \
-		DEFOPTIONS="$${DEFOPTIONS} $$1 \"$$2\" $${val}"; \
-		shift 3; \
-	done; \
-	TMPOPTIONSFILE=$$(mktemp -t portoptions); \
-	trap "${RM} -f $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; exit 1" 1 2 3 5 10 13 15; \
-	${SH} -c "${DIALOG} --checklist \"Options for ${PKGNAME:C/-([^-]+)$/ \1/}\" 21 70 15 $${DEFOPTIONS} 2> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}"; \
-	status=$$?; \
-	if [ $${status} -ne 0 ] ; then \
-		${RM} -f $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===> Options unchanged"; \
-		exit 0; \
-	fi; \
-	if [ ! -e ${TMPOPTIONSFILE} ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===> No user-specified options to save for ${PKGNAME}"; \
-		exit 0; \
-	fi; \
-	${RM} -f $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-	TMPOPTIONSFILE=$$(mktemp -t portoptions); \
-	trap "${RM} -f $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; exit 1" 1 2 3 5 10 13 15; \
-	${ECHO_CMD} "# This file is auto-generated by 'make config'." > $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-	${ECHO_CMD} "# No user-servicable parts inside!" >> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-	${ECHO_CMD} "# Options for ${PKGNAME}" >> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-	for i in $${OPTIONSLIST}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} $${SELOPTIONS} | ${GREP} -qw $${i}; \
-		if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} WITH_$${i}=true >> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_CMD} WITHOUT_$${i}=true >> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; \
-		fi; \
-	done; \
-	if [ `${ID} -u` != 0 -a "x${INSTALL_AS_USER}" = "x" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials to write ${_OPTIONSFILE}"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"; \
-	else \
-	fi; \
-.if !target(config-recursive)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Setting user-specified options for ${PKGNAME} and dependencies";
-	@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} config-conditional); \
-	done
-.if !target(config-conditional)
-.if defined(OPTIONS)
-.if exists(${_OPTIONSFILE})
-# scan saved options and invalidate them, if the set of options does not match
-	@. ${_OPTIONSFILE}; \
-	set ${OPTIONS} XXX; \
-	while [ $$# -gt 3 ]; do \
-		withvar=WITH_$$1; \
-		withoutvar=WITHOUT_$$1; \
-		withval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withvar}\}); \
-		withoutval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withoutvar}\}); \
-		if [ ! -z "$${withval}" ]; then \
-			val=on; \
-		elif [ ! -z "$${withoutval}" ]; then \
-			val=off; \
-		else \
-			val=missing; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ "$${val}" = "missing" ]; then \
-		fi; \
-		shift 3; \
-	done; \
-	if [ "$${OPTIONS_INVALID}" = "yes" ]; then \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} config; \
-	fi;
-	cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} config;
-.if !target(showconfig)
-.if defined(OPTIONS)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> The following configuration options are available for ${PKGNAME}:"
-	-@if [ -e ${_OPTIONSFILE} ]; then \
-		. ${_OPTIONSFILE}; \
-	fi; \
-	set -- ${OPTIONS} XXX; \
-	while [ $$# -gt 3 ]; do \
-		defaultval=$$3; \
-		withvar=WITH_$$1; \
-		withoutvar=WITHOUT_$$1; \
-		withval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withvar}\}); \
-		withoutval=$$(eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${withoutvar}\}); \
-		if [ ! -z "$${withval}" ]; then \
-			val=on; \
-		elif [ ! -z "$${withoutval}" ]; then \
-			val=off; \
-		else \
-			val="$$3 (default)"; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "     $$1=$${val} \"$$2\""; \
-		shift 3; \
-	done
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings"
-.if !target(rmconfig)
-.if defined(OPTIONS) && exists(${_OPTIONSFILE})
-	-@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Removing user-configured options for ${PKGNAME}"; \
-	if [ `${ID} -u` != 0 -a "x${INSTALL_AS_USER}" = "x" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===> Switching to root credentials to remove ${_OPTIONSFILE} and `${DIRNAME} ${_OPTIONSFILE}`"; \
-		${SU_CMD} "${RM} -f ${_OPTIONSFILE} ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "===> Returning to user credentials"; \
-	else \
-		${RM} -f ${_OPTIONSFILE}; \
-	fi
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> No user-specified options configured for ${PKGNAME}"
-.if !target(rmconfig-recursive)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===> Removing user-specified options for ${PKGNAME} and dependencies";
-	@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} rmconfig); \
-	done
-	@categories=""; \
-	for native_category in ${CATEGORIES}; do \
-		c=""; \
-		case $$native_category in \
-			accessibility)	c="Accessibility Utility"		;; \
-			archivers)		c="Archiving"					;; \
-			astro)			c="Astronomy Science Education"	;; \
-			audio)			c="Audio AudioVideo"			;; \
-			benchmarks)		c="System"						;; \
-			biology)		c="Biology Science Education"	;; \
-			cad)			c="Engineering"					;; \
-			databases)		c="Database"					;; \
-			deskutils)		c="Utility"						;; \
-			devel)			c="Development"					;; \
-			dns)			c="Network"						;; \
-			elisp)			c="Development"					;; \
-			emulators)		c="Emulator"					;; \
-			finance)		c="Finance Office"				;; \
-			ftp)			c="FileTransfer Network"		;; \
-			games)			c="Game"						;; \
-			gnome)			c="GNOME GTK"					;; \
-			graphics)		c="Graphics"					;; \
-			hamradio)		c="HamRadio"					;; \
-			haskell)		c="Development"					;; \
-			ipv6)			c="Network"						;; \
-			irc)			c="IRCClient Network"			;; \
-			java)			c="Java Development"			;; \
-			kde)			c="KDE QT"						;; \
-			lang)			c="Development"					;; \
-			lisp)			c="Development"					;; \
-			mail)			c="Email Office Network"		;; \
-			mbone)			c="Network AudioVideo"			;; \
-			multimedia)		c="AudioVideo"					;; \
-			net)			c="Network"						;; \
-			net-im)			c="InstantMessaging Network"	;; \
-			net-mgmt)		c="Network"						;; \
-			net-p2p)		c="P2P Network"					;; \
-			news)			c="News"						;; \
-			pear)			c="WebDevelopment Development"	;; \
-			perl5)			c="Development"					;; \
-			python)			c="Development"					;; \
-			ruby)			c="Development"					;; \
-			rubygems)		c="Development"					;; \
-			scheme)			c="Development"					;; \
-			science)		c="Science Education"			;; \
-			security)		c="Security System"				;; \
-			shells)			c="Shell"						;; \
-			sysutils)		c="System Utility"				;; \
-			tcl*|tk*)		c="Development"					;; \
-			www)			c="Network"						;; \
-			x11-clocks)		c="Clock Utility"				;; \
-			x11-fm)			c="FileManager"					;; \
-			xfce)			c="GTK"							;; \
-			zope)			c="WebDevelopment Development"	;; \
-		esac; \
-		if [ -n "$$c" ]; then \
-			categories="$$categories $$c"; \
-		fi; \
-	done; \
-	if [ -n "$$categories" ]; then \
-		for c in Application $$categories; do ${ECHO_MSG} "$$c"; done \
-			| ${SORT} -u | ${TR} '\n' ';'; \
-		${ECHO_MSG}; \
-	fi
-VALID_DESKTOP_CATEGORIES+= Application Core Development Building Debugger IDE \
-	GUIDesigner Profiling RevisionControl Translation Office Calendar \
-	ContactManagement Database Dictionary Chart Email Finance FlowChart PDA \
-	ProjectManagement Presentation Spreadsheet WordProcessor Graphics \
-	2DGraphics VectorGraphics RasterGraphics 3DGraphics Scanning OCR \
-	Photography Viewer Settings DesktopSettings HardwareSettings \
-	PackageManager Network Dialup InstantMessaging IRCClient FileTransfer \
-	HamRadio News P2P RemoteAccess Telephony WebBrowser WebDevelopment \
-	AudioVideo Audio Midi Mixer Sequencer Tuner Video TV AudioVideoEditing \
-	Player Recorder DiscBurning Game ActionGame AdventureGame ArcadeGame \
-	BoardGame BlocksGame CardGame KidsGame LogicGame RolePlaying Simulation \
-	SportsGame StrategyGame Education Art Construction Music Languages \
-	Science Astronomy Biology Chemistry Geology Math MedicalSoftware Physics \
-	Teaching Amusement Applet Archiving Electronics Emulator Engineering \
-	FileManager Shell Screensaver TerminalEmulator TrayIcon System Filesystem \
-	Monitor Security Utility Accessibility Calculator Clock TextEditor KDE \
-	GNOME GTK Qt Motif Java ConsoleOnly AdvancedSettings
-.if defined(DESKTOP_ENTRIES)
-	@set -- ${DESKTOP_ENTRIES} XXX; \
-	if [ `${EXPR} \( $$# - 1 \) % 6` -ne 0 ]; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: the DESKTOP_ENTRIES list must contain one or more groups of 6 elements"; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi; \
-	num=1; \
-	while [ $$# -gt 6 ]; do \
-		entry="#$$num"; \
-		if [ -n "$$4" ]; then \
-			entry="$$entry ($$4)"; \
-		elif [ -n "$$1" ]; then \
-			entry="$$entry ($$1)"; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -z "$$1" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 1 (Name) is empty"; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -z "$$4" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 4 (Exec) is empty"; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -n "$$5" ]; then \
-			for c in `${ECHO_CMD} "$$5" | ${TR} ';' ' '`; do \
-				if ! ${ECHO_CMD} ${VALID_DESKTOP_CATEGORIES} | ${GREP} -wq $$c; then \
-					${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: category $$c is not a valid desktop category"; \
-					exit 1; \
-				fi; \
-			done; \
-			if ! ${ECHO_CMD} "$$5" | ${GREP} -q ';$$'; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 5 (Categories) does not end with a semicolon"; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			if [ -z "`cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} desktop-categories`" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 5 (Categories) is empty and could not be deduced from the CATEGORIES variable"; \
-				exit 1; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -z "$$6" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 6 (StartupNotify) is empty"; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ "x$$6" != "xtrue" ] && [ "x$$6" != "xfalse" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: in desktop entry $$entry: field 6 (StartupNotify) is not \"true\" or \"false\""; \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi; \
-		shift 6; \
-		num=`${EXPR} $$num + 1`; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(install-desktop-entries)
-.if defined(DESKTOP_ENTRIES)
-	@(${MKDIR} "${DESKTOPDIR}" 2> /dev/null) || \
-		(${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cannot create ${DESKTOPDIR}, check permissions"; exit 1)
-	@set -- ${DESKTOP_ENTRIES} XXX; \
-	if [ -z "${_DESKTOPDIR_REL}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${DESKTOPDIR}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi; \
-	while [ $$# -gt 6 ]; do \
-		filename="$$4.desktop"; \
-		pathname="${DESKTOPDIR}/$$filename"; \
-		categories="$$5"; \
-		if [ -z "$$categories" ]; then \
-			categories="`cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} desktop-categories`"; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "${_DESKTOPDIR_REL}$$filename" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "[Desktop Entry]" > $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Type=Application" >> $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Version=0.9.4" >> $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Name=$$1" >> $$pathname; \
-		if [ -n "$$2" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "Comment=$$2" >> $$pathname; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -n "$$3" ]; then \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "Icon=$$3" >> $$pathname; \
-		fi; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Exec=$$4" >> $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Categories=$$categories" >> $$pathname; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "StartupNotify=$$6" >> $$pathname; \
-		shift 6; \
-	done; \
-	${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${DESKTOPDIR} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	if [ -z "${_DESKTOPDIR_REL}" ]; then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${PREFIX}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-	@${DO_NADA}
-# End of post-makefile section.
-# End of the DESTDIR if statement
diff --git a/net/avahi-gtk/Makefile b/net/avahi-gtk/Makefile
index c228f0480..fd81b5c82 100644
--- a/net/avahi-gtk/Makefile
+++ b/net/avahi-gtk/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Whom:					Michael Johnson <>
 # $FreeBSD$
-#    $MCom$
+#    $MCom: ports/net/avahi-gtk/Makefile,v 1.1 2007/07/31 18:24:12 ahze Exp $
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ COMMENT=	Gtk+ tools and bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
 LIB_DEPENDS=	avahi-common.3:${PORTSDIR}/net/avahi
 MASTERDIR=	${.CURDIR}/../avahi-app
-BUILD_WRKSRC=	${WRKSRC}/avahi-ui ${WRKSRC}/avahi-discover-standalone
 DESCR=		${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr
 PLIST=		${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist
@@ -27,4 +27,12 @@ MAN1+=		bssh.1
 MLINKS+=	bssh.1 bvnc.1
 USE_GNOME=	gnomehack gnometarget ltverhack libglade2
+	@(cd ${WRKSRC}/avahi-discover-standalone; \
+	@(cd ${WRKSRC}/avahi-discover-standalone; \
 .include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
cgit v1.2.3