/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * e-table.c - A graphical view of a Table. * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, Ximian, Inc. * * Authors: * Chris Lahey * Miguel de Icaza * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gal/util/e-i18n.h" #include "gal/util/e-util.h" #include "gal/widgets/e-canvas.h" #include "gal/widgets/e-canvas-background.h" #include "gal/widgets/e-canvas-vbox.h" #include "gal/widgets/e-unicode.h" #include "e-table.h" #include "e-table-header-item.h" #include "e-table-header-utils.h" #include "e-table-subset.h" #include "e-table-item.h" #include "e-table-group.h" #include "e-table-group-leaf.h" #include "e-table-click-to-add.h" #include "e-table-specification.h" #include "e-table-state.h" #include "e-table-column-specification.h" #include "e-table-utils.h" #define COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT 16 #define PARENT_TYPE gtk_table_get_type () #define d(x) #if d(!)0 #define e_table_item_leave_edit_(x) (e_table_item_leave_edit((x)), g_print ("%s: e_table_item_leave_edit\n", __FUNCTION__)) #else #define e_table_item_leave_edit_(x) (e_table_item_leave_edit((x))) #endif static GtkObjectClass *parent_class; enum { CURSOR_CHANGE, CURSOR_ACTIVATED, SELECTION_CHANGE, DOUBLE_CLICK, RIGHT_CLICK, CLICK, KEY_PRESS, START_DRAG, STATE_CHANGE, WHITE_SPACE_EVENT, TABLE_DRAG_BEGIN, TABLE_DRAG_END, TABLE_DRAG_DATA_GET, TABLE_DRAG_DATA_DELETE, TABLE_DRAG_LEAVE, TABLE_DRAG_MOTION, TABLE_DRAG_DROP, TABLE_DRAG_DATA_RECEIVED, LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { ARG_0, ARG_LENGTH_THRESHOLD, ARG_MODEL, ARG_UNIFORM_ROW_HEIGHT, ARG_ALWAYS_SEARCH, ARG_USE_CLICK_TO_ADD }; enum { ET_SCROLL_UP = 1 << 0, ET_SCROLL_DOWN = 1 << 1, ET_SCROLL_LEFT = 1 << 2, ET_SCROLL_RIGHT = 1 << 3 }; static guint et_signals [LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static void e_table_fill_table (ETable *e_table, ETableModel *model); static gboolean changed_idle (gpointer data); static void et_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget); static void et_drag_begin (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et); static void et_drag_end (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et); static void et_drag_data_get(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time, ETable *et); static void et_drag_data_delete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et); static void et_drag_leave(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, guint time, ETable *et); static gboolean et_drag_motion(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, ETable *et); static gboolean et_drag_drop(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, ETable *et); static void et_drag_data_received(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time, ETable *et); static gint et_focus (GtkWidget *container, GtkDirectionType direction); static void scroll_off (ETable *et); static void scroll_on (ETable *et, guint scroll_direction); static void et_disconnect_model (ETable *et) { if (et->model == NULL) return; if (et->table_model_change_id != 0) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), et->table_model_change_id); if (et->table_row_change_id != 0) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), et->table_row_change_id); if (et->table_cell_change_id != 0) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), et->table_cell_change_id); if (et->table_rows_inserted_id != 0) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), et->table_rows_inserted_id); if (et->table_rows_deleted_id != 0) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), et->table_rows_deleted_id); et->table_model_change_id = 0; et->table_row_change_id = 0; et->table_cell_change_id = 0; et->table_rows_inserted_id = 0; et->table_rows_deleted_id = 0; } static void e_table_state_change (ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [STATE_CHANGE]); } #define CHECK_HORIZONTAL(et) if ((et)->horizontal_scrolling || (et)->horizontal_resize) e_table_header_update_horizontal (et->header); static void clear_current_search_col (ETable *et) { et->search_col_set = FALSE; } static ETableCol * current_search_col (ETable *et) { if (!et->search_col_set) { et->current_search_col = e_table_util_calculate_current_search_col (et->header, et->full_header, et->sort_info, et->always_search); et->search_col_set = TRUE; } return et->current_search_col; } static void et_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *request) { ETable *et = E_TABLE (widget); if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->size_request) GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->size_request (widget, request); if (et->horizontal_resize) request->width = MAX (request->width, et->header_width); } static void set_header_width (ETable *et) { if (et->horizontal_resize) { et->header_width = e_table_header_min_width (et->header); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (et)); } } static void structure_changed (ETableHeader *header, ETable *et) { e_table_state_change (et); set_header_width (et); clear_current_search_col (et); } static void expansion_changed (ETableHeader *header, ETable *et) { e_table_state_change (et); set_header_width (et); } static void dimension_changed (ETableHeader *header, int total_width, ETable *et) { set_header_width (et); } static void disconnect_header (ETable *e_table) { if (e_table->header == NULL) return; if (e_table->structure_change_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), e_table->structure_change_id); if (e_table->expansion_change_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), e_table->expansion_change_id); if (e_table->dimension_change_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), e_table->dimension_change_id); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(e_table->header)); e_table->header = NULL; } static void connect_header (ETable *e_table, ETableState *state) { if (e_table->header != NULL) disconnect_header (e_table); e_table->header = e_table_state_to_header (GTK_WIDGET(e_table), e_table->full_header, state); e_table->structure_change_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), "structure_change", G_CALLBACK (structure_changed), e_table); e_table->expansion_change_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), "expansion_change", G_CALLBACK (expansion_changed), e_table); e_table->dimension_change_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), "dimension_change", G_CALLBACK (dimension_changed), e_table); } static void et_destroy (GtkObject *object) { ETable *et = E_TABLE (object); et_disconnect_model (et); if (et->search) { if (et->search_search_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (et->search), et->search_search_id); if (et->search_accept_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (et->search), et->search_accept_id); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (et->search)); et->search = NULL; } if (et->group_info_change_id) { gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->sort_info), et->group_info_change_id); et->group_info_change_id = 0; } if (et->sort_info_change_id) { gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (et->sort_info), et->sort_info_change_id); et->sort_info_change_id = 0; } if (et->reflow_idle_id) { g_source_remove(et->reflow_idle_id); et->reflow_idle_id = 0; } scroll_off (et); disconnect_header (et); if (et->model) { gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (et->model)); et->model = NULL; } if (et->full_header) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (et->full_header)); et->full_header = NULL; } if (et->sort_info) { gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (et->sort_info)); et->sort_info = NULL; } if (et->sorter) { gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (et->sorter)); et->sorter = NULL; } if (et->selection) { gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (et->selection)); et->selection = NULL; } if (et->spec) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (et->spec)); et->spec = NULL; } if (et->header_canvas != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (et->header_canvas)); et->header_canvas = NULL; } if (et->site != NULL) { e_table_drag_source_unset (et); et->site = NULL; } if (et->table_canvas != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (et->table_canvas)); et->table_canvas = NULL; } if (et->rebuild_idle_id != 0) { g_source_remove (et->rebuild_idle_id); et->rebuild_idle_id = 0; } g_free(et->click_to_add_message); et->click_to_add_message = NULL; g_free(et->domain); et->domain = NULL; (*parent_class->destroy)(object); } static void et_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) { scroll_off (E_TABLE (widget)); if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize (widget); } static gboolean check_row (ETable *et, int model_row, int col, ETableSearchFunc search, char *string) { const void *value; value = e_table_model_value_at (et->model, col, model_row); return search (value, string); } static gboolean et_search_search (ETableSearch *search, char *string, ETableSearchFlags flags, ETable *et) { int cursor; int rows; int i; ETableCol *col = current_search_col (et); if (col == NULL) return FALSE; rows = e_table_model_row_count (et->model); gtk_object_get(GTK_OBJECT(et->selection), "cursor_row", &cursor, NULL); if ((flags & E_TABLE_SEARCH_FLAGS_CHECK_CURSOR_FIRST) && cursor < rows && cursor >= 0 && check_row (et, cursor, col->col_idx, col->search, string)) return TRUE; cursor = e_sorter_model_to_sorted (E_SORTER (et->sorter), cursor); for (i = cursor + 1; i < rows; i++) { int model_row = e_sorter_sorted_to_model (E_SORTER (et->sorter), i); if (check_row (et, model_row, col->col_idx, col->search, string)) { e_selection_model_select_as_key_press(E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection), model_row, col->col_idx, GDK_CONTROL_MASK); return TRUE; } } for (i = 0; i < cursor; i++) { int model_row = e_sorter_sorted_to_model (E_SORTER (et->sorter), i); if (check_row (et, model_row, col->col_idx, col->search, string)) { e_selection_model_select_as_key_press(E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection), model_row, col->col_idx, GDK_CONTROL_MASK); return TRUE; } } cursor = e_sorter_sorted_to_model (E_SORTER (et->sorter), cursor); /* Check if the cursor row is the only matching row. */ return (!(flags & E_TABLE_SEARCH_FLAGS_CHECK_CURSOR_FIRST) && cursor < rows && cursor >= 0 && check_row (et, cursor, col->col_idx, col->search, string)); } static void et_search_accept (ETableSearch *search, ETable *et) { int cursor; ETableCol *col = current_search_col (et); if (col == NULL) return; gtk_object_get(GTK_OBJECT(et->selection), "cursor_row", &cursor, NULL); e_selection_model_select_as_key_press(E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection), cursor, col->col_idx, 0); } static void init_search (ETable *e_table) { if (e_table->search != NULL) return; e_table->search = e_table_search_new(); e_table->search_search_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (e_table->search), "search", G_CALLBACK (et_search_search), e_table); e_table->search_accept_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (e_table->search), "accept", G_CALLBACK (et_search_accept), e_table); } static void et_finalize (GObject *object) { ETable *et = E_TABLE (object); g_free (et->click_to_add_message); et->click_to_add_message = NULL; g_free(et->domain); et->domain = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void e_table_init (GtkObject *object) { ETable *e_table = E_TABLE (object); GtkTable *gtk_table = GTK_TABLE (object); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (e_table, GTK_CAN_FOCUS); gtk_table->homogeneous = FALSE; e_table->sort_info = NULL; e_table->group_info_change_id = 0; e_table->sort_info_change_id = 0; e_table->structure_change_id = 0; e_table->expansion_change_id = 0; e_table->dimension_change_id = 0; e_table->reflow_idle_id = 0; e_table->scroll_idle_id = 0; e_table->alternating_row_colors = 1; e_table->horizontal_draw_grid = 1; e_table->vertical_draw_grid = 1; e_table->draw_focus = 1; e_table->cursor_mode = E_CURSOR_SIMPLE; e_table->length_threshold = 200; e_table->uniform_row_height = FALSE; e_table->need_rebuild = 0; e_table->rebuild_idle_id = 0; e_table->horizontal_scrolling = FALSE; e_table->horizontal_resize = FALSE; e_table->click_to_add_message = NULL; e_table->domain = NULL; e_table->drop_row = -1; e_table->drop_col = -1; e_table->site = NULL; e_table->do_drag = 0; e_table->sorter = NULL; e_table->selection = e_table_selection_model_new(); e_table->cursor_loc = E_TABLE_CURSOR_LOC_NONE; e_table->spec = NULL; e_table->always_search = g_getenv ("GAL_ALWAYS_SEARCH") ? TRUE : FALSE; e_table->search = NULL; e_table->search_search_id = 0; e_table->search_accept_id = 0; e_table->current_search_col = NULL; e_table->header_width = 0; } /* Grab_focus handler for the ETable */ static void et_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget) { ETable *e_table; e_table = E_TABLE (widget); gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->table_canvas)); } /* Focus handler for the ETable */ static gint et_focus (GtkWidget *container, GtkDirectionType direction) { ETable *e_table; e_table = E_TABLE (container); if (GTK_CONTAINER (container)->focus_child) { gtk_container_set_focus_child (GTK_CONTAINER (container), NULL); return FALSE; } return gtk_widget_child_focus (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->table_canvas), direction); } static void set_header_canvas_width (ETable *e_table) { double oldwidth, oldheight, width; if (!(e_table->header_item && e_table->header_canvas && e_table->table_canvas)) return; gnome_canvas_get_scroll_region (GNOME_CANVAS (e_table->table_canvas), NULL, NULL, &width, NULL); gnome_canvas_get_scroll_region (GNOME_CANVAS (e_table->header_canvas), NULL, NULL, &oldwidth, &oldheight); if (oldwidth != width || oldheight != E_TABLE_HEADER_ITEM (e_table->header_item)->height - 1) gnome_canvas_set_scroll_region ( GNOME_CANVAS (e_table->header_canvas), 0, 0, width, /* COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1 */ E_TABLE_HEADER_ITEM (e_table->header_item)->height - 1); } static void header_canvas_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *alloc, ETable *e_table) { set_header_canvas_width (e_table); /* When the header item is created ->height == 0, as the font is only created when everything is realized. So we set the usize here as well, so that the size of the header is correct */ if (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->header_canvas)->allocation.height != E_TABLE_HEADER_ITEM (e_table->header_item)->height) gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->header_canvas), -2, E_TABLE_HEADER_ITEM (e_table->header_item)->height); } static void group_info_changed (ETableSortInfo *info, ETable *et) { gboolean will_be_grouped = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count(info) > 0; clear_current_search_col (et); if (et->is_grouped || will_be_grouped) { et->need_rebuild = TRUE; if (!et->rebuild_idle_id) { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (et->group)); et->group = NULL; et->rebuild_idle_id = g_idle_add_full (20, changed_idle, et, NULL); } } e_table_state_change (et); } static void sort_info_changed (ETableSortInfo *info, ETable *et) { clear_current_search_col (et); e_table_state_change (et); } static void e_table_setup_header (ETable *e_table) { char *pointer; e_table->header_canvas = GNOME_CANVAS (e_canvas_new ()); GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS (e_table->header_canvas, GTK_CAN_FOCUS); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->header_canvas)); pointer = g_strdup_printf("%p", e_table); e_table->header_item = gnome_canvas_item_new ( gnome_canvas_root (e_table->header_canvas), e_table_header_item_get_type (), "ETableHeader", e_table->header, "full_header", e_table->full_header, "sort_info", e_table->sort_info, "dnd_code", pointer, "table", e_table, NULL); g_free(pointer); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table->header_canvas), "size_allocate", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (header_canvas_size_allocate), e_table); gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->header_canvas), -2, E_TABLE_HEADER_ITEM (e_table->header_item)->height); } static gboolean table_canvas_reflow_idle (ETable *e_table) { gdouble height, width; gdouble item_height; gdouble oldheight, oldwidth; GtkAllocation *alloc = &(GTK_WIDGET (e_table->table_canvas)->allocation); gtk_object_get (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->canvas_vbox), "height", &height, "width", &width, NULL); item_height = height; height = MAX ((int)height, alloc->height); width = MAX((int)width, alloc->width); /* I have no idea why this needs to be -1, but it works. */ gnome_canvas_get_scroll_region (GNOME_CANVAS (e_table->table_canvas), NULL, NULL, &oldwidth, &oldheight); if (oldwidth != width - 1 || oldheight != height - 1) { gnome_canvas_set_scroll_region (GNOME_CANVAS (e_table->table_canvas), 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1); set_header_canvas_width (e_table); } e_table->reflow_idle_id = 0; return FALSE; } static void table_canvas_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *alloc, ETable *e_table) { gdouble width; gdouble height; gdouble item_height; GValue *val = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); width = alloc->width; g_value_set_double (val, width); gtk_object_get (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->canvas_vbox), "height", &height, NULL); item_height = height; height = MAX ((int)height, alloc->height); gtk_object_set (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->canvas_vbox), "width", width, NULL); g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), "width", val); g_free (val); if (e_table->reflow_idle_id) g_source_remove(e_table->reflow_idle_id); table_canvas_reflow_idle(e_table); } static void table_canvas_reflow (GnomeCanvas *canvas, ETable *e_table) { if (!e_table->reflow_idle_id) e_table->reflow_idle_id = g_idle_add_full (400, (GSourceFunc) table_canvas_reflow_idle, e_table, NULL); } static void click_to_add_cursor_change (ETableClickToAdd *etcta, int row, int col, ETable *et) { if (et->cursor_loc == E_TABLE_CURSOR_LOC_TABLE) { e_selection_model_clear(E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection)); } et->cursor_loc = E_TABLE_CURSOR_LOC_ETCTA; } static void group_cursor_change (ETableGroup *etg, int row, ETable *et) { ETableCursorLoc old_cursor_loc; old_cursor_loc = et->cursor_loc; et->cursor_loc = E_TABLE_CURSOR_LOC_TABLE; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [CURSOR_CHANGE], row); if (old_cursor_loc == E_TABLE_CURSOR_LOC_ETCTA && et->click_to_add) e_table_click_to_add_commit(E_TABLE_CLICK_TO_ADD(et->click_to_add)); } static void group_cursor_activated (ETableGroup *etg, int row, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [CURSOR_ACTIVATED], row); } static void group_double_click (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [DOUBLE_CLICK], row, col, event); } static gint group_right_click (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event, ETable *et) { int return_val = 0; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [RIGHT_CLICK], row, col, event, &return_val); return return_val; } static gint group_click (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event, ETable *et) { int return_val = 0; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [CLICK], row, col, event, &return_val); return return_val; } static gint group_key_press (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event, ETable *et) { int return_val = 0; GdkEventKey *key = (GdkEventKey *) event; int y, row_local, col_local; GtkAdjustment *vadj; switch (key->keyval) { case GDK_Page_Down: case GDK_KP_Page_Down: vadj = gtk_layout_get_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (et->table_canvas)); y = CLAMP(vadj->value + (2 * vadj->page_size - 50), 0, vadj->upper); y -= vadj->value; e_table_get_cell_at (et, 30, y, &row_local, &col_local); if (row_local == -1) row_local = e_table_model_row_count (et->model) - 1; row_local = e_table_view_to_model_row (et, row_local); col_local = e_selection_model_cursor_col (E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection)); e_selection_model_select_as_key_press (E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection), row_local, col_local, key->state); return_val = 1; break; case GDK_Page_Up: case GDK_KP_Page_Up: vadj = gtk_layout_get_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (et->table_canvas)); y = CLAMP(vadj->value - (vadj->page_size - 50), 0, vadj->upper); y -= vadj->value; e_table_get_cell_at (et, 30, y, &row_local, &col_local); if (row_local == -1) row_local = 0; row_local = e_table_view_to_model_row (et, row_local); col_local = e_selection_model_cursor_col (E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection)); e_selection_model_select_as_key_press (E_SELECTION_MODEL (et->selection), row_local, col_local, key->state); return_val = 1; break; case GDK_BackSpace: init_search (et); if (e_table_search_backspace (et->search)) return TRUE; /* Fall through */ default: init_search (et); if ((key->state & ~(GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_LOCK_MASK)) == 0 && ((key->keyval >= GDK_a && key->keyval <= GDK_z) || (key->keyval >= GDK_A && key->keyval <= GDK_Z) || (key->keyval >= GDK_0 && key->keyval <= GDK_9))) e_table_search_input_character (et->search, key->keyval); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [KEY_PRESS], row, col, event, &return_val); break; } return return_val; } static gint group_start_drag (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event, ETable *et) { int return_val = 0; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [START_DRAG], row, col, event, &return_val); return return_val; } static void et_table_model_changed (ETableModel *model, ETable *et) { et->need_rebuild = TRUE; if (!et->rebuild_idle_id) { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (et->group)); et->group = NULL; et->rebuild_idle_id = g_idle_add_full (20, changed_idle, et, NULL); } } static void et_table_row_changed (ETableModel *table_model, int row, ETable *et) { if (!et->need_rebuild) { if (e_table_group_remove (et->group, row)) e_table_group_add (et->group, row); CHECK_HORIZONTAL(et); } } static void et_table_cell_changed (ETableModel *table_model, int view_col, int row, ETable *et) { et_table_row_changed (table_model, row, et); } static void et_table_rows_inserted (ETableModel *table_model, int row, int count, ETable *et) { /* This number has already been decremented. */ int row_count = e_table_model_row_count(table_model); if (!et->need_rebuild) { int i; if (row != row_count - count) e_table_group_increment(et->group, row, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) e_table_group_add (et->group, row + i); CHECK_HORIZONTAL(et); } } static void et_table_rows_deleted (ETableModel *table_model, int row, int count, ETable *et) { int row_count = e_table_model_row_count(table_model); if (!et->need_rebuild) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) e_table_group_remove (et->group, row + i); if (row != row_count) e_table_group_decrement(et->group, row, count); CHECK_HORIZONTAL(et); } } static void et_build_groups (ETable *et) { gboolean was_grouped = et->is_grouped; et->is_grouped = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count(et->sort_info) > 0; et->group = e_table_group_new (GNOME_CANVAS_GROUP (et->canvas_vbox), et->full_header, et->header, et->model, et->sort_info, 0); if (et->use_click_to_add_end) e_canvas_vbox_add_item_start(E_CANVAS_VBOX(et->canvas_vbox), GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM(et->group)); else e_canvas_vbox_add_item(E_CANVAS_VBOX(et->canvas_vbox), GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM(et->group)); gnome_canvas_item_set(GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM(et->group), "alternating_row_colors", et->alternating_row_colors, "horizontal_draw_grid", et->horizontal_draw_grid, "vertical_draw_grid", et->vertical_draw_grid, "drawfocus", et->draw_focus, "cursor_mode", et->cursor_mode, "length_threshold", et->length_threshold, "uniform_row_height", et->uniform_row_height, "selection_model", et->selection, NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "cursor_change", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_cursor_change), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "cursor_activated", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_cursor_activated), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "double_click", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_double_click), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "right_click", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_right_click), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "click", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_click), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "key_press", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_key_press), et); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->group), "start_drag", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_start_drag), et); if (!(et->is_grouped) && was_grouped) et_disconnect_model (et); if (et->is_grouped && (!was_grouped)) { et->table_model_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), "model_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_table_model_changed), et); et->table_row_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), "model_row_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_table_row_changed), et); et->table_cell_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), "model_cell_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_table_cell_changed), et); et->table_rows_inserted_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), "model_rows_inserted", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_table_rows_inserted), et); et->table_rows_deleted_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (et->model), "model_rows_deleted", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_table_rows_deleted), et); } if (et->is_grouped) e_table_fill_table (et, et->model); } static gboolean changed_idle (gpointer data) { ETable *et = E_TABLE (data); if (et->need_rebuild) { if (et->group) gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (et->group)); et_build_groups(et); gtk_object_set (GTK_OBJECT (et->canvas_vbox), "width", (double) GTK_WIDGET (et->table_canvas)->allocation.width, NULL); if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(et->table_canvas)) table_canvas_size_allocate (GTK_WIDGET(et->table_canvas), >K_WIDGET(et->table_canvas)->allocation, et); } et->need_rebuild = 0; et->rebuild_idle_id = 0; CHECK_HORIZONTAL(et); return FALSE; } static void et_canvas_realize (GtkWidget *canvas, ETable *e_table) { gnome_canvas_item_set( e_table->white_item, "fill_color_gdk", >K_WIDGET(e_table->table_canvas)->style->base[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], NULL); CHECK_HORIZONTAL(e_table); set_header_width (e_table); } static gint white_item_event (GnomeCanvasItem *white_item, GdkEvent *event, ETable *e_table) { int return_val = 0; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (e_table), et_signals [WHITE_SPACE_EVENT], event, &return_val); return return_val; } static void et_eti_leave_edit (ETable *et) { GnomeCanvas *canvas = et->table_canvas; if (GTK_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS(canvas)) { GnomeCanvasItem *item = GNOME_CANVAS(canvas)->focused_item; if (E_IS_TABLE_ITEM(item)) { e_table_item_leave_edit_(E_TABLE_ITEM(item)); } } } static gint et_canvas_root_event (GnomeCanvasItem *root, GdkEvent *event, ETable *e_table) { switch (event->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS: case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: if (event->button.button != 4 && event->button.button != 5) { et_eti_leave_edit (e_table); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } /* Finds the first descendant of the group that is an ETableItem and focuses it */ static void focus_first_etable_item (ETableGroup *group) { GnomeCanvasGroup *cgroup; GList *l; cgroup = GNOME_CANVAS_GROUP (group); for (l = cgroup->item_list; l; l = l->next) { GnomeCanvasItem *i; i = GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM (l->data); if (E_IS_TABLE_GROUP (i)) focus_first_etable_item (E_TABLE_GROUP (i)); else if (E_IS_TABLE_ITEM (i)) { e_table_item_set_cursor (E_TABLE_ITEM (i), 0, 0); gnome_canvas_item_grab_focus (i); } } } /* Handler for focus events in the table_canvas; we have to repaint ourselves * always, and also give the focus to some ETableItem if we get focused. */ static gint table_canvas_focus_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data) { GnomeCanvas *canvas; ETable *etable; gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); if (!event->in) return TRUE; canvas = GNOME_CANVAS (widget); etable = E_TABLE (data); if (!canvas->focused_item && etable->group) focus_first_etable_item (etable->group); return TRUE; } static void e_table_setup_table (ETable *e_table, ETableHeader *full_header, ETableHeader *header, ETableModel *model) { e_table->table_canvas = GNOME_CANVAS (e_canvas_new ()); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table->table_canvas), "size_allocate", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (table_canvas_size_allocate), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table->table_canvas), "focus_in_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (table_canvas_focus_event_cb), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table->table_canvas), "focus_out_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (table_canvas_focus_event_cb), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_begin", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_begin), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_end", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_end), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_data_get", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_data_get), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_data_delete", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_data_delete), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_motion", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_motion), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_leave", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_leave), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_drop", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_drop), e_table); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table), "drag_data_received", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (et_drag_data_received), e_table); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(e_table->table_canvas), "reflow", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (table_canvas_reflow), e_table); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (e_table->table_canvas)); e_table->white_item = gnome_canvas_item_new( gnome_canvas_root(e_table->table_canvas), e_canvas_background_get_type(), "fill_color_gdk", >K_WIDGET(e_table->table_canvas)->style->base[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->white_item), "event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (white_item_event), e_table); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(e_table->table_canvas), "realize", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(et_canvas_realize), e_table); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(gnome_canvas_root (e_table->table_canvas)), "event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(et_canvas_root_event), e_table); e_table->canvas_vbox = gnome_canvas_item_new( gnome_canvas_root(e_table->table_canvas), e_canvas_vbox_get_type(), "spacing", 10.0, NULL); et_build_groups(e_table); if (e_table->use_click_to_add) { e_table->click_to_add = gnome_canvas_item_new ( GNOME_CANVAS_GROUP(e_table->canvas_vbox), e_table_click_to_add_get_type (), "header", e_table->header, "model", e_table->model, "message", e_table->click_to_add_message, NULL); if (e_table->use_click_to_add_end) e_canvas_vbox_add_item ( E_CANVAS_VBOX(e_table->canvas_vbox), e_table->click_to_add); else e_canvas_vbox_add_item_start ( E_CANVAS_VBOX(e_table->canvas_vbox), e_table->click_to_add); gtk_signal_connect ( GTK_OBJECT (e_table->click_to_add), "cursor_change", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(click_to_add_cursor_change), e_table); } } static void e_table_fill_table (ETable *e_table, ETableModel *model) { e_table_group_add_all (e_table->group); } /** * e_table_set_state_object: * @e_table: The #ETable object to modify * @state: The #ETableState to use * * This routine sets the state of the #ETable from the given * #ETableState. * **/ void e_table_set_state_object(ETable *e_table, ETableState *state) { GValue *val = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); connect_header (e_table, state); g_value_set_double (val, (double) (GTK_WIDGET(e_table->table_canvas)->allocation.width)); g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (e_table->header), "width", val); g_free (val); if (e_table->sort_info) { if (e_table->group_info_change_id) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), e_table->group_info_change_id); if (e_table->sort_info_change_id) gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), e_table->sort_info_change_id); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->sort_info)); } if (state->sort_info) { e_table->sort_info = e_table_sort_info_duplicate(state->sort_info); e_table_sort_info_set_can_group (e_table->sort_info, e_table->allow_grouping); e_table->group_info_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), "group_info_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_info_changed), e_table); e_table->sort_info_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), "sort_info_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (sort_info_changed), e_table); } else e_table->sort_info = NULL; if (e_table->sorter) gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->sorter), "sort_info", e_table->sort_info, NULL); if (e_table->header_item) gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->header_item), "ETableHeader", e_table->header, "sort_info", e_table->sort_info, NULL); if (e_table->click_to_add) gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->click_to_add), "header", e_table->header, NULL); e_table->need_rebuild = TRUE; if (!e_table->rebuild_idle_id) e_table->rebuild_idle_id = g_idle_add_full (20, changed_idle, e_table, NULL); } /** * e_table_set_state: * @e_table: The #ETable object to modify * @state_str: a string representing an #ETableState * * This routine sets the state of the #ETable from a string. * **/ void e_table_set_state (ETable *e_table, const gchar *state_str) { ETableState *state; g_return_if_fail(e_table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table)); g_return_if_fail(state_str != NULL); state = e_table_state_new(); e_table_state_load_from_string(state, state_str); if (state->col_count > 0) e_table_set_state_object(e_table, state); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } /** * e_table_load_state: * @e_table: The #ETable object to modify * @filename: name of the file to use * * This routine sets the state of the #ETable from a file. * **/ void e_table_load_state (ETable *e_table, const gchar *filename) { ETableState *state; g_return_if_fail(e_table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table)); g_return_if_fail(filename != NULL); state = e_table_state_new(); e_table_state_load_from_file(state, filename); if (state->col_count > 0) e_table_set_state_object(e_table, state); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } /** * e_table_get_state_object: * @e_table: #ETable object to act on * * Builds an #ETableState corresponding to the current state of the * #ETable. * * Return value: * The %ETableState object generated. **/ ETableState * e_table_get_state_object (ETable *e_table) { ETableState *state; int full_col_count; int i, j; state = e_table_state_new(); state->sort_info = e_table->sort_info; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state->sort_info)); state->col_count = e_table_header_count (e_table->header); full_col_count = e_table_header_count (e_table->full_header); state->columns = g_new(int, state->col_count); state->expansions = g_new(double, state->col_count); for (i = 0; i < state->col_count; i++) { ETableCol *col = e_table_header_get_column(e_table->header, i); state->columns[i] = -1; for (j = 0; j < full_col_count; j++) { if (col->col_idx == e_table_header_index(e_table->full_header, j)) { state->columns[i] = j; break; } } state->expansions[i] = col->expansion; } return state; } /** * e_table_get_state: * @e_table: The #ETable to act on. * * Builds a state object based on the current state and returns the * string corresponding to that state. * * Return value: * A string describing the current state of the #ETable. **/ gchar *e_table_get_state (ETable *e_table) { ETableState *state; gchar *string; state = e_table_get_state_object(e_table); string = e_table_state_save_to_string(state); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); return string; } /** * e_table_save_state: * @e_table: The #ETable to act on * @filename: name of the file to save to * * Saves the state of the @e_table object into the file pointed by * @filename. * **/ void e_table_save_state (ETable *e_table, const gchar *filename) { ETableState *state; state = e_table_get_state_object(e_table); e_table_state_save_to_file(state, filename); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } static void et_selection_model_selection_changed (ETableGroup *etg, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [SELECTION_CHANGE]); } static void et_selection_model_selection_row_changed (ETableGroup *etg, int row, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [SELECTION_CHANGE]); } static ETable * et_real_construct (ETable *e_table, ETableModel *etm, ETableExtras *ete, ETableSpecification *specification, ETableState *state) { int row = 0; int col_count, i; GValue *val = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_OBJECT); if (ete) g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(ete)); else { ete = e_table_extras_new(); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(ete)); } e_table->domain = g_strdup (specification->domain); e_table->domain = g_strdup (specification->domain); e_table->use_click_to_add = specification->click_to_add; e_table->use_click_to_add_end = specification->click_to_add_end; e_table->click_to_add_message = e_utf8_from_locale_string (dgettext (e_table->domain, specification->click_to_add_message)); e_table->alternating_row_colors = specification->alternating_row_colors; e_table->horizontal_draw_grid = specification->horizontal_draw_grid; e_table->vertical_draw_grid = specification->vertical_draw_grid; e_table->draw_focus = specification->draw_focus; e_table->cursor_mode = specification->cursor_mode; e_table->full_header = e_table_spec_to_full_header(specification, ete); g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (e_table->full_header)); col_count = e_table_header_count (e_table->full_header); for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { ETableCol *col = e_table_header_get_column(e_table->full_header, i); if (col && col->search) { e_table->current_search_col = col; e_table->search_col_set = TRUE; break; } } e_table->model = etm; gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (etm)); gtk_widget_push_colormap (gdk_rgb_get_cmap ()); connect_header (e_table, state); e_table->horizontal_scrolling = specification->horizontal_scrolling; e_table->horizontal_resize = specification->horizontal_resize; e_table->allow_grouping = specification->allow_grouping; e_table->sort_info = state->sort_info; gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (state->sort_info)); e_table_sort_info_set_can_group (e_table->sort_info, e_table->allow_grouping); e_table->group_info_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), "group_info_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (group_info_changed), e_table); e_table->sort_info_change_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sort_info), "sort_info_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (sort_info_changed), e_table); g_value_set_object (val, e_table->sort_info); g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT(e_table->header), "sort_info", val); g_free (val); e_table->sorter = e_table_sorter_new(etm, e_table->full_header, e_table->sort_info); gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sorter)); gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->sorter)); gtk_object_set (GTK_OBJECT (e_table->selection), "model", etm, "selection_mode", specification->selection_mode, "cursor_mode", specification->cursor_mode, "sorter", e_table->sorter, "header", e_table->header, NULL); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->selection), "selection_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(et_selection_model_selection_changed), e_table); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->selection), "selection_row_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(et_selection_model_selection_row_changed), e_table); if (!specification->no_headers) { e_table_setup_header (e_table); } e_table_setup_table (e_table, e_table->full_header, e_table->header, etm); e_table_fill_table (e_table, etm); gtk_layout_get_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (e_table->table_canvas))->step_increment = 20; gtk_adjustment_changed(gtk_layout_get_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (e_table->table_canvas))); gtk_layout_get_hadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (e_table->table_canvas))->step_increment = 20; gtk_adjustment_changed(gtk_layout_get_hadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (e_table->table_canvas))); if (!specification->no_headers) { /* * The header */ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (e_table), GTK_WIDGET (e_table->header_canvas), 0, 1, 0 + row, 1 + row, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); row ++; } gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (e_table), GTK_WIDGET (e_table->table_canvas), 0, 1, 0 + row, 1 + row, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, 0, 0); gtk_widget_pop_colormap (); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(ete)); return e_table; } /** * e_table_construct: * @e_table: The newly created #ETable object. * @etm: The model for this table. * @ete: An optional #ETableExtras. (%NULL is valid.) * @spec_str: The spec. * @state_str: An optional state. (%NULL is valid.) * * This is the internal implementation of e_table_new() for use by * subclasses or language bindings. See e_table_new() for details. * * Return value: * The passed in value @e_table or %NULL if there's an error. **/ ETable * e_table_construct (ETable *e_table, ETableModel *etm, ETableExtras *ete, const char *spec_str, const char *state_str) { ETableSpecification *specification; ETableState *state; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(etm != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE_MODEL(etm), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(ete == NULL || E_IS_TABLE_EXTRAS(ete), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(spec_str != NULL, NULL); gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (etm)); gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (etm)); specification = e_table_specification_new(); g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (specification)); if (!e_table_specification_load_from_string(specification, spec_str)) { g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(specification)); return NULL; } if (state_str) { state = e_table_state_new(); gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (state)); gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (state)); e_table_state_load_from_string(state, state_str); if (state->col_count <= 0) { gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); state = specification->state; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } } else { state = specification->state; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } e_table = et_real_construct (e_table, etm, ete, specification, state); e_table->spec = specification; gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); return e_table; } /** * e_table_construct_from_spec_file: * @e_table: The newly created #ETable object. * @etm: The model for this table. * @ete: An optional #ETableExtras. (%NULL is valid.) * @spec_fn: The filename of the spec. * @state_fn: An optional state file. (%NULL is valid.) * * This is the internal implementation of e_table_new_from_spec_file() * for use by subclasses or language bindings. See * e_table_new_from_spec_file() for details. * * Return value: * The passed in value @e_table or %NULL if there's an error. **/ ETable * e_table_construct_from_spec_file (ETable *e_table, ETableModel *etm, ETableExtras *ete, const char *spec_fn, const char *state_fn) { ETableSpecification *specification; ETableState *state; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(etm != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE_MODEL(etm), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(ete == NULL || E_IS_TABLE_EXTRAS(ete), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(spec_fn != NULL, NULL); specification = e_table_specification_new(); if (!e_table_specification_load_from_file(specification, spec_fn)) { g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(specification)); return NULL; } if (state_fn) { state = e_table_state_new(); if (!e_table_state_load_from_file(state, state_fn)) { gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); state = specification->state; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } if (state->col_count <= 0) { gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); state = specification->state; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } } else { state = specification->state; gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); } e_table = et_real_construct (e_table, etm, ete, specification, state); e_table->spec = specification; gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(state)); return e_table; } /** * e_table_new: * @etm: The model for this table. * @ete: An optional #ETableExtras. (%NULL is valid.) * @spec: The spec. * @state: An optional state. (%NULL is valid.) * * This function creates an #ETable from the given parameters. The * #ETableModel is a table model to be represented. The #ETableExtras * is an optional set of pixbufs, cells, and sorting functions to be * used when interpreting the spec. If you pass in %NULL it uses the * default #ETableExtras. (See e_table_extras_new()). * * @spec is the specification of the set of viewable columns and the * default sorting state and such. @state is an optional string * specifying the current sorting state and such. If @state is NULL, * then the default state from the spec will be used. * * Return value: * The newly created #ETable or %NULL if there's an error. **/ GtkWidget * e_table_new (ETableModel *etm, ETableExtras *ete, const char *spec, const char *state) { ETable *e_table; g_return_val_if_fail(etm != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE_MODEL(etm), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(ete == NULL || E_IS_TABLE_EXTRAS(ete), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(spec != NULL, NULL); e_table = gtk_type_new (e_table_get_type ()); e_table = e_table_construct (e_table, etm, ete, spec, state); return GTK_WIDGET (e_table); } /** * e_table_new_from_spec_file: * @etm: The model for this table. * @ete: An optional #ETableExtras. (%NULL is valid.) * @spec_fn: The filename of the spec. * @state_fn: An optional state file. (%NULL is valid.) * * This is very similar to e_table_new(), except instead of passing in * strings you pass in the file names of the spec and state to load. * * @spec_fn is the filename of the spec to load. If this file doesn't * exist, e_table_new_from_spec_file will return %NULL. * * @state_fn is the filename of the initial state to load. If this is * %NULL or if the specified file doesn't exist, the default state * from the spec file is used. * * Return value: * The newly created #ETable or %NULL if there's an error. **/ GtkWidget * e_table_new_from_spec_file (ETableModel *etm, ETableExtras *ete, const char *spec_fn, const char *state_fn) { ETable *e_table; g_return_val_if_fail(etm != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE_MODEL(etm), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(ete == NULL || E_IS_TABLE_EXTRAS(ete), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(spec_fn != NULL, NULL); e_table = gtk_type_new (e_table_get_type ()); e_table = e_table_construct_from_spec_file (e_table, etm, ete, spec_fn, state_fn); return GTK_WIDGET (e_table); } #if 0 static xmlNode * et_build_column_spec (ETable *e_table) { xmlNode *columns_shown; gint i; gint col_count; columns_shown = xmlNewNode (NULL, "columns-shown"); col_count = e_table_header_count (e_table->header); for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++){ gchar *text = g_strdup_printf ("%d", e_table_header_index(e_table->header, i)); xmlNewChild (columns_shown, NULL, "column", text); g_free (text); } return columns_shown; } static xmlNode * et_build_grouping_spec (ETable *e_table) { xmlNode *node; xmlNode *grouping; int i; const int sort_count = e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count (e_table->sort_info); const int group_count = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count (e_table->sort_info); grouping = xmlNewNode (NULL, "grouping"); node = grouping; for (i = 0; i < group_count; i++) { ETableSortColumn column = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_nth(e_table->sort_info, i); xmlNode *new_node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "group", NULL); e_xml_set_integer_prop_by_name (new_node, "column", column.column); e_xml_set_integer_prop_by_name (new_node, "ascending", column.ascending); node = new_node; } for (i = 0; i < sort_count; i++) { ETableSortColumn column = e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_nth(e_table->sort_info, i); xmlNode *new_node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "leaf", NULL); e_xml_set_integer_prop_by_name (new_node, "column", column.column); e_xml_set_integer_prop_by_name (new_node, "ascending", column.ascending); node = new_node; } return grouping; } static xmlDoc * et_build_tree (ETable *e_table) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *root; doc = xmlNewDoc ("1.0"); if (doc == NULL) return NULL; root = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, "ETableSpecification", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement (doc, root); xmlAddChild (root, et_build_column_spec (e_table)); xmlAddChild (root, et_build_grouping_spec (e_table)); return doc; } gchar * e_table_get_specification (ETable *e_table) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlChar *buffer; gint size; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), NULL); doc = et_build_tree (e_table); xmlDocDumpMemory (doc, &buffer, &size); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return buffer; } int e_table_set_specification (ETable *e_table, const char *spec) { xmlDoc *xmlSpec; int ret; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); g_return_val_if_fail(spec != NULL, -1); /* doesn't work yet, sigh */ xmlSpec = xmlParseMemory ((char *)spec, strlen(spec)); ret = et_real_set_specification(e_table, xmlSpec); xmlFreeDoc (xmlSpec); return ret; } void e_table_save_specification (ETable *e_table, const char *filename) { xmlDoc *doc = et_build_tree (e_table); g_return_if_fail(e_table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table)); g_return_if_fail(filename != NULL); e_xml_save_file (filename, doc); xmlFreeDoc (doc); } int e_table_load_specification (ETable *e_table, gchar *filename) { xmlDoc *xmlSpec; int ret; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); g_return_val_if_fail(filename != NULL, -1); /* doesn't work yet, yay */ xmlSpec = xmlParseFile (filename); ret = et_real_set_specification(e_table, xmlSpec); xmlFreeDoc (xmlSpec); return ret; } #endif /** * e_table_set_cursor_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to set the cursor row of * @row: The row number * * Sets the cursor row and the selection to the given row number. **/ void e_table_set_cursor_row (ETable *e_table, int row) { g_return_if_fail(e_table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table)); g_return_if_fail(row >= 0); gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->selection), "cursor_row", row, NULL); } /** * e_table_get_cursor_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * * Calculates the cursor row. -1 means that we don't have a cursor. * * Return value: * Cursor row **/ int e_table_get_cursor_row (ETable *e_table) { int row; g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); gtk_object_get(GTK_OBJECT(e_table->selection), "cursor_row", &row, NULL); return row; } /** * e_table_selected_row_foreach: * @e_table: The #ETable to act on * @callback: The callback function to call * @closure: The value passed to the callback's closure argument * * Calls the given @callback function once for every selected row. * * If you change the selection or delete or add rows to the table * during these callbacks, problems can occur. A standard thing to do * is to create a list of rows or objects the function is called upon * and then act upon that list. (In inverse order if it's rows.) **/ void e_table_selected_row_foreach (ETable *e_table, EForeachFunc callback, gpointer closure) { g_return_if_fail(e_table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table)); e_selection_model_foreach(E_SELECTION_MODEL (e_table->selection), callback, closure); } /** * e_table_selected_count: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * * Counts the number of selected rows. * * Return value: * The number of rows selected. **/ gint e_table_selected_count (ETable *e_table) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); return e_selection_model_selected_count(E_SELECTION_MODEL (e_table->selection)); } /** * e_table_select_all: * @table: The #ETable to modify * * Selects all the rows in @table. **/ void e_table_select_all (ETable *table) { g_return_if_fail (table != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE (table)); e_selection_model_select_all (E_SELECTION_MODEL (table->selection)); } /** * e_table_invert_selection: * @table: The #ETable to modify * * Inverts the selection in @table. **/ void e_table_invert_selection (ETable *table) { g_return_if_fail (table != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE (table)); e_selection_model_invert_selection (E_SELECTION_MODEL (table->selection)); } /** * e_table_get_printable: * @e_table: #ETable to query * * Used for printing your #ETable. * * Return value: * The #EPrintable to print. **/ EPrintable * e_table_get_printable (ETable *e_table) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), NULL); return e_table_group_get_printable(e_table->group); } /** * e_table_right_click_up: * @table: The #ETable to modify. * * Call this function when you're done handling the right click if you * return TRUE from the "right_click" signal. **/ void e_table_right_click_up (ETable *table) { e_selection_model_right_click_up(E_SELECTION_MODEL(table->selection)); } /** * e_table_commit_click_to_add: * @table: The #ETable to modify * * Commits the current values in the click to add to the table. **/ void e_table_commit_click_to_add (ETable *table) { et_eti_leave_edit (table); if (table->click_to_add) e_table_click_to_add_commit(E_TABLE_CLICK_TO_ADD(table->click_to_add)); } static void et_get_arg (GtkObject *o, GtkArg *arg, guint arg_id) { ETable *etable = E_TABLE (o); switch (arg_id){ case ARG_MODEL: GTK_VALUE_OBJECT (*arg) = (GtkObject *) etable->model; break; case ARG_UNIFORM_ROW_HEIGHT: GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg) = etable->uniform_row_height; break; case ARG_ALWAYS_SEARCH: GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg) = etable->always_search; break; case ARG_USE_CLICK_TO_ADD: GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg) = etable->use_click_to_add; break; default: break; } } typedef struct { char *arg; gboolean setting; } bool_closure; static void et_set_arg (GtkObject *o, GtkArg *arg, guint arg_id) { ETable *etable = E_TABLE (o); switch (arg_id){ case ARG_LENGTH_THRESHOLD: etable->length_threshold = GTK_VALUE_INT (*arg); if (etable->group) { gnome_canvas_item_set (GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM(etable->group), "length_threshold", GTK_VALUE_INT (*arg), NULL); } break; case ARG_UNIFORM_ROW_HEIGHT: etable->uniform_row_height = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg); if (etable->group) { gnome_canvas_item_set (GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM(etable->group), "uniform_row_height", GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg), NULL); } break; case ARG_ALWAYS_SEARCH: if (etable->always_search == GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg)) return; etable->always_search = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg); clear_current_search_col (etable); break; case ARG_USE_CLICK_TO_ADD: if (etable->use_click_to_add == GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg)) return; etable->use_click_to_add = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (*arg); clear_current_search_col (etable); if (etable->use_click_to_add) { etable->click_to_add = gnome_canvas_item_new (GNOME_CANVAS_GROUP(etable->canvas_vbox), e_table_click_to_add_get_type (), "header", etable->header, "model", etable->model, "message", etable->click_to_add_message, NULL); if (etable->use_click_to_add_end) e_canvas_vbox_add_item (E_CANVAS_VBOX(etable->canvas_vbox), etable->click_to_add); else e_canvas_vbox_add_item_start (E_CANVAS_VBOX(etable->canvas_vbox), etable->click_to_add); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (etable->click_to_add), "cursor_change", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(click_to_add_cursor_change), etable); } else { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (etable->click_to_add)); etable->click_to_add = NULL; } break; } } static void set_scroll_adjustments (ETable *table, GtkAdjustment *hadjustment, GtkAdjustment *vadjustment) { if (vadjustment != NULL) { vadjustment->step_increment = 20; gtk_adjustment_changed(vadjustment); } if (hadjustment != NULL) { hadjustment->step_increment = 20; gtk_adjustment_changed(hadjustment); } gtk_layout_set_hadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas), hadjustment); gtk_layout_set_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas), vadjustment); if (table->header_canvas != NULL) gtk_layout_set_hadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT(table->header_canvas), hadjustment); } /** * e_table_get_next_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * @model_row: The model row to go from * * This function is used when your table is sorted, but you're using * model row numbers. It returns the next row in sorted order as a model row. * * Return value: * The model row number. **/ gint e_table_get_next_row (ETable *e_table, gint model_row) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); if (e_table->sorter) { int i; i = e_sorter_model_to_sorted(E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), model_row); i++; if (i < e_table_model_row_count(e_table->model)) { return e_sorter_sorted_to_model(E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), i); } else return -1; } else if (model_row < e_table_model_row_count(e_table->model) - 1) return model_row + 1; else return -1; } /** * e_table_get_prev_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * @model_row: The model row to go from * * This function is used when your table is sorted, but you're using * model row numbers. It returns the previous row in sorted order as * a model row. * * Return value: * The model row number. **/ gint e_table_get_prev_row (ETable *e_table, gint model_row) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); if (e_table->sorter) { int i; i = e_sorter_model_to_sorted(E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), model_row); i--; if (i >= 0) return e_sorter_sorted_to_model(E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), i); else return -1; } else return model_row - 1; } /** * e_table_model_to_view_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * @model_row: The model row number * * Turns a model row into a view row. * * Return value: * The view row number. **/ gint e_table_model_to_view_row (ETable *e_table, gint model_row) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); if (e_table->sorter) return e_sorter_model_to_sorted(E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), model_row); else return model_row; } /** * e_table_view_to_model_row: * @e_table: The #ETable to query * @view_row: The view row number * * Turns a view row into a model row. * * Return value: * The model row number. **/ gint e_table_view_to_model_row (ETable *e_table, gint view_row) { g_return_val_if_fail(e_table != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(e_table), -1); if (e_table->sorter) return e_sorter_sorted_to_model (E_SORTER (e_table->sorter), view_row); else return view_row; } /** * e_table_get_cell_at: * @table: An #ETable widget * @x: X coordinate for the pixel * @y: Y coordinate for the pixel * @row_return: Pointer to return the row value * @col_return: Pointer to return the column value * * Return the row and column for the cell in which the pixel at (@x, @y) is * contained. **/ void e_table_get_cell_at (ETable *table, int x, int y, int *row_return, int *col_return) { g_return_if_fail (table != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE (table)); g_return_if_fail (row_return != NULL); g_return_if_fail (col_return != NULL); /* FIXME it would be nice if it could handle a NULL row_return or * col_return gracefully. */ x += GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->hadjustment->value; y += GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->vadjustment->value; e_table_group_compute_location(table->group, &x, &y, row_return, col_return); } /** * e_table_get_cell_geometry: * @table: The #ETable. * @row: The row to get the geometry of. * @col: The col to get the geometry of. * @x_return: Returns the x coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget. * @y_return: Returns the y coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget. * @width_return: Returns the width of the cell. * @height_return: Returns the height of the cell. * * Returns the x, y, width, and height of the given cell. These can * all be #NULL and they just won't be set. **/ void e_table_get_cell_geometry (ETable *table, int row, int col, int *x_return, int *y_return, int *width_return, int *height_return) { g_return_if_fail (table != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE (table)); e_table_group_get_cell_geometry(table->group, &row, &col, x_return, y_return, width_return, height_return); if (x_return) (*x_return) -= GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->hadjustment->value; if (y_return) { (*y_return) -= GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->vadjustment->value; (*y_return) += GTK_WIDGET(table->header_canvas)->allocation.height; } } /** * e_table_get_selection_model: * @table: The #ETable to query * * Returns the table's #ESelectionModel in case you want to access it * directly. * * Return value: * The #ESelectionModel. **/ ESelectionModel * e_table_get_selection_model (ETable *table) { g_return_val_if_fail (table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE (table), NULL); return E_SELECTION_MODEL (table->selection); } struct _ETableDragSourceSite { GdkModifierType start_button_mask; GtkTargetList *target_list; /* Targets for drag data */ GdkDragAction actions; /* Possible actions */ GdkColormap *colormap; /* Colormap for drag icon */ GdkPixmap *pixmap; /* Icon for drag data */ GdkBitmap *mask; /* Stored button press information to detect drag beginning */ gint state; gint x, y; gint row, col; }; typedef enum { GTK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG, GTK_DRAG_STATUS_WAIT, GTK_DRAG_STATUS_DROP } GtkDragStatus; typedef struct _GtkDragDestInfo GtkDragDestInfo; typedef struct _GtkDragSourceInfo GtkDragSourceInfo; struct _GtkDragDestInfo { GtkWidget *widget; /* Widget in which drag is in */ GdkDragContext *context; /* Drag context */ GtkDragSourceInfo *proxy_source; /* Set if this is a proxy drag */ GtkSelectionData *proxy_data; /* Set while retrieving proxied data */ gboolean dropped : 1; /* Set after we receive a drop */ guint32 proxy_drop_time; /* Timestamp for proxied drop */ gboolean proxy_drop_wait : 1; /* Set if we are waiting for a * status reply before sending * a proxied drop on. */ gint drop_x, drop_y; /* Position of drop */ }; struct _GtkDragSourceInfo { GtkWidget *widget; GtkTargetList *target_list; /* Targets for drag data */ GdkDragAction possible_actions; /* Actions allowed by source */ GdkDragContext *context; /* drag context */ GtkWidget *icon_window; /* Window for drag */ GtkWidget *ipc_widget; /* GtkInvisible for grab, message passing */ GdkCursor *cursor; /* Cursor for drag */ gint hot_x, hot_y; /* Hot spot for drag */ gint button; /* mouse button starting drag */ GtkDragStatus status; /* drag status */ GdkEvent *last_event; /* motion event waiting for response */ gint start_x, start_y; /* Initial position */ gint cur_x, cur_y; /* Current Position */ GList *selections; /* selections we've claimed */ GtkDragDestInfo *proxy_dest; /* Set if this is a proxy drag */ guint drop_timeout; /* Timeout for aborting drop */ guint destroy_icon : 1; /* If true, destroy icon_window */ }; /* Drag & drop stuff. */ /* Target */ /** * e_table_drag_get_data: * @table: * @row: * @col: * @context: * @target: * @time: * * **/ void e_table_drag_get_data (ETable *table, int row, int col, GdkDragContext *context, GdkAtom target, guint32 time) { g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); gtk_drag_get_data(GTK_WIDGET(table), context, target, time); } /** * e_table_drag_highlight: * @table: The #ETable to highlight * @row: The row number of the cell to highlight * @col: The column number of the cell to highlight * * Set col to -1 to highlight the entire row. If row is -1, this is * identical to e_table_drag_unhighlight(). **/ void e_table_drag_highlight (ETable *table, int row, int col) { g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); if (row != -1) { int x, y, width, height; if (col == -1) { e_table_get_cell_geometry (table, row, 0, &x, &y, &width, &height); x = 0; width = GTK_WIDGET (table->table_canvas)->allocation.width; } else { e_table_get_cell_geometry (table, row, col, &x, &y, &width, &height); x += GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->hadjustment->value; } y += GTK_LAYOUT(table->table_canvas)->vadjustment->value; if (table->drop_highlight == NULL) { table->drop_highlight = gnome_canvas_item_new (gnome_canvas_root (table->table_canvas), gnome_canvas_rect_get_type (), "fill_color", NULL, /* "outline_color", "black", "width_pixels", 1,*/ "outline_color_gdk", &(GTK_WIDGET (table)->style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]), NULL); } gnome_canvas_item_set (table->drop_highlight, "x1", (double) x, "x2", (double) x + width - 1, "y1", (double) y, "y2", (double) y + height - 1, NULL); } else { if (table->drop_highlight) { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (table->drop_highlight)); table->drop_highlight = NULL; } } } /** * e_table_drag_unhighlight: * @table: The #ETable to unhighlight * * Removes the highlight from an #ETable. **/ void e_table_drag_unhighlight (ETable *table) { g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); if (table->drop_highlight) { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (table->drop_highlight)); table->drop_highlight = NULL; } } void e_table_drag_dest_set (ETable *table, GtkDestDefaults flags, const GtkTargetEntry *targets, gint n_targets, GdkDragAction actions) { g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); gtk_drag_dest_set(GTK_WIDGET(table), flags, targets, n_targets, actions); } void e_table_drag_dest_set_proxy (ETable *table, GdkWindow *proxy_window, GdkDragProtocol protocol, gboolean use_coordinates) { g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); gtk_drag_dest_set_proxy(GTK_WIDGET(table), proxy_window, protocol, use_coordinates); } /* * There probably should be functions for setting the targets * as a GtkTargetList */ void e_table_drag_dest_unset (GtkWidget *widget) { g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(widget)); gtk_drag_dest_unset(widget); } /* Source side */ static gint et_real_start_drag (ETable *table, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event) { GtkDragSourceInfo *info; GdkDragContext *context; ETableDragSourceSite *site; if (table->do_drag) { site = table->site; site->state = 0; context = e_table_drag_begin (table, row, col, site->target_list, site->actions, 1, event); if (context) { info = g_dataset_get_data (context, "gtk-info"); if (info && !info->icon_window) { if (site->pixmap) gtk_drag_set_icon_pixmap (context, site->colormap, site->pixmap, site->mask, -2, -2); else gtk_drag_set_icon_default (context); } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * e_table_drag_source_set: * @table: The #ETable to set up as a drag site * @start_button_mask: Mask of allowed buttons to start drag * @targets: Table of targets for this source * @n_targets: Number of targets in @targets * @actions: Actions allowed for this source * * Registers this table as a drag site, and possibly adds default behaviors. **/ void e_table_drag_source_set (ETable *table, GdkModifierType start_button_mask, const GtkTargetEntry *targets, gint n_targets, GdkDragAction actions) { ETableDragSourceSite *site; GtkWidget *canvas; g_return_if_fail(table != NULL); g_return_if_fail(E_IS_TABLE(table)); canvas = GTK_WIDGET(table->table_canvas); site = table->site; gtk_widget_add_events (canvas, gtk_widget_get_events (canvas) | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK); table->do_drag = TRUE; if (site) { if (site->target_list) gtk_target_list_unref (site->target_list); } else { site = g_new0 (ETableDragSourceSite, 1); table->site = site; } site->start_button_mask = start_button_mask; if (targets) site->target_list = gtk_target_list_new (targets, n_targets); else site->target_list = NULL; site->actions = actions; } /** * e_table_drag_source_unset: * @table: The #ETable to un set up as a drag site * * Unregisters this #ETable as a drag site. **/ void e_table_drag_source_unset (ETable *table) { ETableDragSourceSite *site; g_return_if_fail (table != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE(table)); site = table->site; if (site) { g_free (site); table->site = NULL; } table->do_drag = FALSE; } /* There probably should be functions for setting the targets * as a GtkTargetList */ /** * e_table_drag_begin: * @table: The #ETable to drag from * @row: The row number of the cell * @col: The col number of the cell * @targets: The list of targets supported by the drag * @actions: The available actions supported by the drag * @button: The button held down for the drag * @event: The event that initiated the drag * * Start a drag from this cell. * * Return value: * The drag context. **/ GdkDragContext * e_table_drag_begin (ETable *table, int row, int col, GtkTargetList *targets, GdkDragAction actions, gint button, GdkEvent *event) { g_return_val_if_fail (table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_TABLE(table), NULL); table->drag_row = row; table->drag_col = col; return gtk_drag_begin(GTK_WIDGET(table), targets, actions, button, event); } static void et_drag_begin (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_BEGIN], et->drag_row, et->drag_col, context); } static void et_drag_end (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_END], et->drag_row, et->drag_col, context); } static void et_drag_data_get(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_DATA_GET], et->drag_row, et->drag_col, context, selection_data, info, time); } static void et_drag_data_delete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_DATA_DELETE], et->drag_row, et->drag_col, context); } static gboolean do_drag_motion(ETable *et, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { gboolean ret_val; int row, col; GtkWidget *widget; widget = GTK_WIDGET (et); x -= widget->allocation.x; y -= widget->allocation.y; e_table_get_cell_at (et, x, y, &row, &col); if (row != et->drop_row && col != et->drop_row) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_LEAVE], et->drop_row, et->drop_col, context, time); } et->drop_row = row; et->drop_col = col; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_MOTION], et->drop_row, et->drop_col, context, x, y, time, &ret_val); return ret_val; } static gboolean scroll_timeout (gpointer data) { ETable *et = data; int dx = 0, dy = 0; GtkAdjustment *h, *v; double hvalue, vvalue; if (et->scroll_direction & ET_SCROLL_DOWN) dy += 20; if (et->scroll_direction & ET_SCROLL_UP) dy -= 20; if (et->scroll_direction & ET_SCROLL_RIGHT) dx += 20; if (et->scroll_direction & ET_SCROLL_LEFT) dx -= 20; h = GTK_LAYOUT(et->table_canvas)->hadjustment; v = GTK_LAYOUT(et->table_canvas)->vadjustment; hvalue = h->value; vvalue = v->value; gtk_adjustment_set_value(h, CLAMP(h->value + dx, h->lower, h->upper - h->page_size)); gtk_adjustment_set_value(v, CLAMP(v->value + dy, v->lower, v->upper - v->page_size)); if (h->value != hvalue || v->value != vvalue) do_drag_motion(et, et->last_drop_context, et->last_drop_x, et->last_drop_y, et->last_drop_time); return TRUE; } static void scroll_on (ETable *et, guint scroll_direction) { if (et->scroll_idle_id == 0 || scroll_direction != et->scroll_direction) { if (et->scroll_idle_id != 0) g_source_remove (et->scroll_idle_id); et->scroll_direction = scroll_direction; et->scroll_idle_id = g_timeout_add (100, scroll_timeout, et); } } static void scroll_off (ETable *et) { if (et->scroll_idle_id) { g_source_remove (et->scroll_idle_id); et->scroll_idle_id = 0; } } static void context_destroyed (gpointer data) { ETable *et = data; /* if (!GTK_OBJECT_DESTROYED (et)) */ #ifndef NO_WARNINGS #warning FIXME #endif { et->last_drop_x = 0; et->last_drop_y = 0; et->last_drop_time = 0; et->last_drop_context = NULL; scroll_off (et); } gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (et)); } static void context_connect (ETable *et, GdkDragContext *context) { if (g_dataset_get_data (context, "e-table") == NULL) { gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (et)); g_dataset_set_data_full (context, "e-table", et, context_destroyed); } } static void et_drag_leave(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, guint time, ETable *et) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_LEAVE], et->drop_row, et->drop_col, context, time); et->drop_row = -1; et->drop_col = -1; scroll_off (et); } static gboolean et_drag_motion(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, ETable *et) { gboolean ret_val; guint direction = 0; et->last_drop_x = x; et->last_drop_y = y; et->last_drop_time = time; et->last_drop_context = context; context_connect (et, context); ret_val = do_drag_motion (et, context, x, y, time); x -= widget->allocation.x; y -= widget->allocation.y; if (y < 20) direction |= ET_SCROLL_UP; if (y > widget->allocation.height - 20) direction |= ET_SCROLL_DOWN; if (x < 20) direction |= ET_SCROLL_LEFT; if (x > widget->allocation.width - 20) direction |= ET_SCROLL_RIGHT; if (direction != 0) scroll_on (et, direction); else scroll_off (et); return ret_val; } static gboolean et_drag_drop(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, ETable *et) { gboolean ret_val; int row, col; x -= widget->allocation.x; y -= widget->allocation.y; e_table_get_cell_at (et, x, y, &row, &col); if (row != et->drop_row && col != et->drop_row) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_LEAVE], et->drop_row, et->drop_col, context, time); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_MOTION], row, col, context, x, y, time, &ret_val); } et->drop_row = row; et->drop_col = col; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_DROP], et->drop_row, et->drop_col, context, x, y, time, &ret_val); et->drop_row = -1; et->drop_col = -1; scroll_off (et); return ret_val; } static void et_drag_data_received(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time, ETable *et) { int row, col; x -= widget->allocation.x; y -= widget->allocation.y; e_table_get_cell_at (et, x, y, &row, &col); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (et), et_signals [TABLE_DRAG_DATA_RECEIVED], row, col, context, x, y, selection_data, info, time); } static void e_table_class_init (ETableClass *class) { GtkObjectClass *object_class; GtkWidgetClass *widget_class; GtkContainerClass *container_class; object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class; widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class; container_class = (GtkContainerClass *) class; parent_class = gtk_type_class (PARENT_TYPE); object_class->destroy = et_destroy; G_OBJECT_CLASS (object_class)->finalize = et_finalize; object_class->set_arg = et_set_arg; object_class->get_arg = et_get_arg; widget_class->grab_focus = et_grab_focus; widget_class->unrealize = et_unrealize; widget_class->size_request = et_size_request; widget_class->focus = et_focus; class->cursor_change = NULL; class->cursor_activated = NULL; class->selection_change = NULL; class->double_click = NULL; class->right_click = NULL; class->click = NULL; class->key_press = NULL; class->start_drag = et_real_start_drag; class->state_change = NULL; class->white_space_event = NULL; class->table_drag_begin = NULL; class->table_drag_end = NULL; class->table_drag_data_get = NULL; class->table_drag_data_delete = NULL; class->table_drag_leave = NULL; class->table_drag_motion = NULL; class->table_drag_drop = NULL; class->table_drag_data_received = NULL; et_signals [CURSOR_CHANGE] = gtk_signal_new ("cursor_change", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, cursor_change), gtk_marshal_NONE__INT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_INT); et_signals [CURSOR_ACTIVATED] = gtk_signal_new ("cursor_activated", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, cursor_activated), gtk_marshal_NONE__INT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_INT); et_signals [SELECTION_CHANGE] = gtk_signal_new ("selection_change", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, selection_change), gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 0); et_signals [DOUBLE_CLICK] = gtk_signal_new ("double_click", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, double_click), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_BOXED, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals [RIGHT_CLICK] = gtk_signal_new ("right_click", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, right_click), e_marshal_INT__INT_INT_BOXED, GTK_TYPE_INT, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals [CLICK] = gtk_signal_new ("click", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, click), e_marshal_INT__INT_INT_BOXED, GTK_TYPE_INT, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals [KEY_PRESS] = gtk_signal_new ("key_press", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, key_press), e_marshal_INT__INT_INT_BOXED, GTK_TYPE_INT, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals [START_DRAG] = gtk_signal_new ("start_drag", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, start_drag), e_marshal_INT__INT_INT_BOXED, GTK_TYPE_INT, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals [STATE_CHANGE] = gtk_signal_new ("state_change", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, state_change), gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 0); et_signals [WHITE_SPACE_EVENT] = gtk_signal_new ("white_space_event", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, white_space_event), gtk_marshal_INT__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_INT, 1, GDK_TYPE_EVENT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_BEGIN] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_begin", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_begin), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_END] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_end", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_end), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_DATA_GET] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_data_get", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_data_get), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT_POINTER_UINT_UINT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 6, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT, GTK_TYPE_SELECTION_DATA, GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_TYPE_UINT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_DATA_DELETE] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_data_delete", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_data_delete), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 3, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_LEAVE] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_leave", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_leave), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT_UINT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 4, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT, GTK_TYPE_UINT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_MOTION] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_motion", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_motion), e_marshal_BOOLEAN__INT_INT_OBJECT_INT_INT_UINT, GTK_TYPE_BOOL, 6, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_UINT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_DROP] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_drop", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_drop), e_marshal_BOOLEAN__INT_INT_OBJECT_INT_INT_UINT, GTK_TYPE_BOOL, 6, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_UINT); et_signals[TABLE_DRAG_DATA_RECEIVED] = gtk_signal_new ("table_drag_data_received", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, table_drag_data_received), e_marshal_NONE__INT_INT_OBJECT_INT_INT_BOXED_UINT_UINT, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 8, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_TYPE_SELECTION_DATA, GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_TYPE_UINT); E_OBJECT_CLASS_ADD_SIGNALS (object_class, et_signals, LAST_SIGNAL); class->set_scroll_adjustments = set_scroll_adjustments; widget_class->set_scroll_adjustments_signal = gtk_signal_new ("set_scroll_adjustments", GTK_RUN_LAST, E_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (ETableClass, set_scroll_adjustments), e_marshal_NONE__POINTER_POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 2, GTK_TYPE_ADJUSTMENT, GTK_TYPE_ADJUSTMENT); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("ETable::length_threshold", GTK_TYPE_INT, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_LENGTH_THRESHOLD); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("ETable::uniform_row_height", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_READWRITE, ARG_UNIFORM_ROW_HEIGHT); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("ETable::always_search", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_READWRITE, ARG_ALWAYS_SEARCH); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("ETable::use_click_to_add", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_READWRITE, ARG_USE_CLICK_TO_ADD); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("ETable::model", E_TABLE_MODEL_TYPE, GTK_ARG_READABLE, ARG_MODEL); } E_MAKE_TYPE(e_table, "ETable", ETable, e_table_class_init, e_table_init, PARENT_TYPE)