/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
#ifndef _E_TABLE_GROUP_H_
#define _E_TABLE_GROUP_H_

#include <libgnomeui/gnome-canvas.h>
#include "e-table-model.h"
#include "e-table-header.h"
#include "e-table-sort-info.h"
#include "e-table-defines.h"
#include "e-util/e-util.h"
#include "e-util/e-printable.h"

#define E_TABLE_GROUP_TYPE        (e_table_group_get_type ())
#define E_TABLE_GROUP(o)          (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((o), E_TABLE_GROUP_TYPE, ETableGroup))

typedef struct {
	GnomeCanvasGroup group;

	 * The full header.
	ETableHeader *full_header;
	ETableHeader *header;
	 * The model we pull data from.
	ETableModel *model;

	 * Whether we should add indentation and open/close markers,
	 * or if we just act as containers of subtables.
	guint transparent : 1;

	guint has_focus : 1;
	guint frozen : 1;
} ETableGroup;

typedef struct {
	GnomeCanvasGroupClass parent_class;

	/* Signals */
	void        (*row_selection)         (ETableGroup *etg, int row, gboolean selected);
	void        (*cursor_change)         (ETableGroup *etg, int row);
	void        (*double_click)          (ETableGroup *etg, int row);
	gint        (*right_click)           (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);
	gint        (*key_press)             (ETableGroup *etg, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);

	/* Virtual functions. */
	void        (*add)                   (ETableGroup *etg, gint row);
	void        (*add_all)               (ETableGroup *etg);
	gboolean    (*remove)                (ETableGroup *etg, gint row);
	gint        (*get_count)             (ETableGroup *etg);
	gint        (*row_count)             (ETableGroup *etg);
	void        (*increment)             (ETableGroup *etg, gint position, gint amount);
	void        (*set_focus)             (ETableGroup *etg, EFocus direction, gint view_col);
	void        (*set_cursor_row)        (ETableGroup *etg, gint row);
	int         (*get_cursor_row)        (ETableGroup *etg);
	gboolean    (*get_focus)             (ETableGroup *etg);
	gint        (*get_focus_column)      (ETableGroup *etg);
	ETableCol  *(*get_ecol)              (ETableGroup *etg);
	EPrintable *(*get_printable)         (ETableGroup *etg);
	void        (*selected_row_foreach)  (ETableGroup *etg, ETableForeachFunc func, gpointer closure);

} ETableGroupClass;

/* Virtual functions */
void             e_table_group_add         	     (ETableGroup      *etg,
					   	      gint              row);
void             e_table_group_add_all     	     (ETableGroup      *etg);
gboolean         e_table_group_remove      	     (ETableGroup      *etg,
					   	      gint              row);
gint             e_table_group_get_count   	     (ETableGroup      *etg);
void             e_table_group_increment   	     (ETableGroup      *etg,
					   	      gint              position,
					   	      gint              amount);
gint             e_table_group_row_count   	     (ETableGroup      *etg);
void             e_table_group_set_focus   	     (ETableGroup      *etg,
					   	      EFocus            direction,
					   	      gint              view_col);
void             e_table_group_set_cursor_row  	     (ETableGroup     *etg,
					   	      gint             row);
int              e_table_group_get_cursor_row        (ETableGroup *etg);
gboolean         e_table_group_get_focus   	     (ETableGroup      *etg);
gint             e_table_group_get_focus_column      (ETableGroup      *etg);
ETableHeader    *e_table_group_get_header            (ETableGroup     *etg);
ETableCol       *e_table_group_get_ecol              (ETableGroup      *etg);
EPrintable      *e_table_group_get_printable         (ETableGroup      *etg);
void             e_table_group_selected_row_foreach  (ETableGroup      *etg,
						      ETableForeachFunc func,
						      gpointer          closure);

ETableGroup     *e_table_group_new       (GnomeCanvasGroup *parent,
					  ETableHeader     *full_header,
					  ETableHeader     *header,
					  ETableModel      *model,
					  ETableSortInfo   *sort_info,
					  int               n);
void             e_table_group_construct (GnomeCanvasGroup *parent,
					  ETableGroup      *etg,
					  ETableHeader     *full_header,
					  ETableHeader     *header,
					  ETableModel      *model);

/* For emitting the signals */
void             e_table_group_row_selection (ETableGroup      *etg,
					      gint              row,
					      gboolean          selected);
void             e_table_group_cursor_change (ETableGroup      *etg,
					      gint              row);
void             e_table_group_double_click  (ETableGroup      *etg,
					      gint              row);
gint             e_table_group_right_click   (ETableGroup      *etg,
					      gint              row,
					      gint              col,
					      GdkEvent         *event);
gint             e_table_group_key_press     (ETableGroup      *etg,
					      gint              row,
					      gint              col,
					      GdkEvent         *event);

GtkType          e_table_group_get_type  (void);

typedef void (*ETableGroupLeafFn) (void *e_table_item, void *closure);
void         e_table_group_apply_to_leafs (ETableGroup *etg,
					   ETableGroupLeafFn fn, void *closure);

#endif /* _E_TABLE_GROUP_H_ */