/* * e-popup-action.c * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * */ #include "e-popup-action.h" #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include "e-util/e-binding.h" #define E_POPUP_ACTION_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE \ ((obj), E_TYPE_POPUP_ACTION, EPopupActionPrivate)) enum { PROP_0, PROP_SOURCE }; struct _EPopupActionPrivate { GtkAction *source; }; static gpointer parent_class; static void popup_action_set_source (EPopupAction *popup_action, GtkAction *source) { g_return_if_fail (popup_action->priv->source == NULL); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (source)); popup_action->priv->source = g_object_ref (source); } static void popup_action_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (property_id) { case PROP_SOURCE: popup_action_set_source ( E_POPUP_ACTION (object), g_value_get_object (value)); return; } G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } static void popup_action_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (property_id) { case PROP_SOURCE: g_value_set_object ( value, e_popup_action_get_source ( E_POPUP_ACTION (object))); return; } G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } static void popup_action_dispose (GObject *object) { EPopupActionPrivate *priv; priv = E_POPUP_ACTION_GET_PRIVATE (object); if (priv->source != NULL) { g_object_unref (priv->source); priv->source = NULL; } /* Chain up to parent's dispose() method. */ G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void popup_action_constructed (GObject *object) { EPopupActionPrivate *priv; GObject *source; gchar *icon_name; gchar *label; gchar *stock_id; gchar *tooltip; priv = E_POPUP_ACTION_GET_PRIVATE (object); source = G_OBJECT (priv->source); g_object_get ( object, "icon-name", &icon_name, "label", &label, "stock-id", &stock_id, "tooltip", &tooltip, NULL); if (label == NULL) e_binding_new (source, "label", object, "label"); if (tooltip == NULL) e_binding_new (source, "tooltip", object, "tooltip"); if (icon_name == NULL && stock_id == NULL) { g_free (icon_name); g_free (stock_id); g_object_get ( source, "icon-name", &icon_name, "stock-id", &stock_id, NULL); if (icon_name == NULL) { e_binding_new ( source, "icon-name", object, "icon-name"); e_binding_new ( source, "stock-id", object, "stock-id"); } else { e_binding_new ( source, "stock-id", object, "stock-id"); e_binding_new ( source, "icon-name", object, "icon-name"); } } e_binding_new (source, "sensitive", object, "visible"); g_free (icon_name); g_free (label); g_free (stock_id); g_free (tooltip); } static void popup_action_class_init (EPopupActionClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class); g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (EPopupActionPrivate)); object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->set_property = popup_action_set_property; object_class->get_property = popup_action_get_property; object_class->dispose = popup_action_dispose; g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_SOURCE, g_param_spec_object ( "source", _("Source Action"), _("The source action to proxy"), GTK_TYPE_ACTION, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY)); } static void popup_action_init (EPopupAction *popup_action) { popup_action->priv = E_POPUP_ACTION_GET_PRIVATE (popup_action); } GType e_popup_action_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0)) { static const GTypeInfo type_info = { sizeof (EPopupActionClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) popup_action_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (EPopupAction), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) popup_action_init, NULL /* value_table */ }; type = g_type_register_static ( GTK_TYPE_ACTION, "EPopupAction", &type_info, 0); } return type; } EPopupAction * e_popup_action_new (const gchar *name, const gchar *label, GtkAction *source) { EPopupAction *popup_action; g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (source), NULL); popup_action = g_object_new ( E_TYPE_POPUP_ACTION, "name", name, "label", label, "source", source, NULL); /* XXX This is a hack to work around the fact that GtkAction's * "label" and "tooltip" properties are not constructor * properties, even though they're supplied upfront. * * See: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=568334 */ popup_action_constructed (G_OBJECT (popup_action)); return popup_action; } GtkAction * e_popup_action_get_source (EPopupAction *popup_action) { g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_POPUP_ACTION (popup_action), NULL); return popup_action->priv->source; } void e_action_group_add_popup_actions (GtkActionGroup *action_group, const EPopupActionEntry *entries, guint n_entries) { guint ii; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION_GROUP (action_group)); for (ii = 0; ii < n_entries; ii++) { EPopupAction *popup_action; GtkAction *source; const gchar *label; label = gtk_action_group_translate_string ( action_group, entries[ii].label); source = gtk_action_group_get_action ( action_group, entries[ii].source); if (source == NULL) { g_warning ( "Source action '%s' not found in " "action group '%s'", entries[ii].source, gtk_action_group_get_name (action_group)); continue; } popup_action = e_popup_action_new ( entries[ii].name, label, source); g_signal_connect_swapped ( popup_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_activate), popup_action->priv->source); gtk_action_group_add_action ( action_group, GTK_ACTION (popup_action)); g_object_unref (popup_action); } }