/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* The following is the mozilla license blurb, as the bodies some of * these functions were derived from the mozilla source. */ /* * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. */ /* * Author: Chris Toshok (toshok@ximian.com) * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <libedataserver/e-data-server-util.h> /* for e_utf8_strftime, what about e_time_format_time? */ #include <e-util/e-util.h> #include "e-cert.h" #include "e-cert-trust.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "certdb.h" #include "hasht.h" #define E_CERT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE \ ((obj), E_TYPE_CERT, ECertPrivate)) struct _ECertPrivate { CERTCertificate *cert; /* pointers we cache since the nss implementation allocs the * string */ gchar *org_name; gchar *org_unit_name; gchar *cn; gchar *issuer_org_name; gchar *issuer_org_unit_name; gchar *issuer_cn; PRTime issued_on; PRTime expires_on; gchar *issued_on_string; gchar *expires_on_string; gchar *serial_number; gchar *usage_string; gchar *sha1_fingerprint; gchar *md5_fingerprint; EASN1Object *asn1; gboolean delete; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ECert, e_cert, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void e_cert_finalize (GObject *object) { ECertPrivate *priv; priv = E_CERT_GET_PRIVATE (object); if (priv->org_name) PORT_Free (priv->org_name); if (priv->org_unit_name) PORT_Free (priv->org_unit_name); if (priv->cn) PORT_Free (priv->cn); if (priv->issuer_org_name) PORT_Free (priv->issuer_org_name); if (priv->issuer_org_unit_name) PORT_Free (priv->issuer_org_unit_name); if (priv->issuer_cn) PORT_Free (priv->issuer_cn); if (priv->issued_on_string) PORT_Free (priv->issued_on_string); if (priv->expires_on_string) PORT_Free (priv->expires_on_string); if (priv->serial_number) PORT_Free (priv->serial_number); g_free (priv->usage_string); if (priv->sha1_fingerprint) PORT_Free (priv->sha1_fingerprint); if (priv->md5_fingerprint) PORT_Free (priv->md5_fingerprint); if (priv->asn1) g_object_unref (priv->asn1); if (priv->delete) { printf ("attempting to delete cert marked for deletion\n"); if (e_cert_get_cert_type (E_CERT (object)) == E_CERT_USER) { PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey (priv->cert, NULL); } else if (!PK11_IsReadOnly (priv->cert->slot)) { /* If the list of built-ins does contain a non-removable * copy of this certificate, our call will not remove * the certificate permanently, but rather remove all trust. */ SEC_DeletePermCertificate (priv->cert); } } if (priv->cert) CERT_DestroyCertificate (priv->cert); /* Chain up to parent's finalize() method. */ G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_cert_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void e_cert_class_init (ECertClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (ECertPrivate)); object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->finalize = e_cert_finalize; } static void e_cert_init (ECert *ec) { ec->priv = E_CERT_GET_PRIVATE (ec); } static void e_cert_populate (ECert *cert) { CERTCertificate *c = cert->priv->cert; guchar fingerprint[20]; SECItem fpItem; cert->priv->org_name = CERT_GetOrgName (&c->subject); cert->priv->org_unit_name = CERT_GetOrgUnitName (&c->subject); cert->priv->issuer_org_name = CERT_GetOrgName (&c->issuer); cert->priv->issuer_org_unit_name = CERT_GetOrgUnitName (&c->issuer); cert->priv->cn = CERT_GetCommonName (&c->subject); cert->priv->issuer_cn = CERT_GetCommonName (&c->issuer); if (SECSuccess == CERT_GetCertTimes ( c, &cert->priv->issued_on, &cert->priv->expires_on)) { PRExplodedTime explodedTime; struct tm exploded_tm; gchar buf[32]; PR_ExplodeTime ( cert->priv->issued_on, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedTime); exploded_tm.tm_sec = explodedTime.tm_sec; exploded_tm.tm_min = explodedTime.tm_min; exploded_tm.tm_hour = explodedTime.tm_hour; exploded_tm.tm_mday = explodedTime.tm_mday; exploded_tm.tm_mon = explodedTime.tm_month; exploded_tm.tm_year = explodedTime.tm_year - 1900; e_utf8_strftime (buf, sizeof(buf), _("%d/%m/%Y"), &exploded_tm); cert->priv->issued_on_string = g_strdup (buf); PR_ExplodeTime ( cert->priv->expires_on, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedTime); exploded_tm.tm_sec = explodedTime.tm_sec; exploded_tm.tm_min = explodedTime.tm_min; exploded_tm.tm_hour = explodedTime.tm_hour; exploded_tm.tm_mday = explodedTime.tm_mday; exploded_tm.tm_mon = explodedTime.tm_month; exploded_tm.tm_year = explodedTime.tm_year - 1900; e_utf8_strftime (buf, sizeof(buf), _("%d/%m/%Y"), &exploded_tm); cert->priv->expires_on_string = g_strdup (buf); } cert->priv->serial_number = CERT_Hexify (&cert->priv->cert->serialNumber, TRUE); memset (fingerprint, 0, sizeof fingerprint); PK11_HashBuf (SEC_OID_SHA1, fingerprint, cert->priv->cert->derCert.data, cert->priv->cert->derCert.len); fpItem.data = fingerprint; fpItem.len = SHA1_LENGTH; cert->priv->sha1_fingerprint = CERT_Hexify (&fpItem, TRUE); memset (fingerprint, 0, sizeof fingerprint); PK11_HashBuf (SEC_OID_MD5, fingerprint, cert->priv->cert->derCert.data, cert->priv->cert->derCert.len); fpItem.data = fingerprint; fpItem.len = MD5_LENGTH; cert->priv->md5_fingerprint = CERT_Hexify (&fpItem, TRUE); } ECert * e_cert_new (CERTCertificate *cert) { ECert *ecert = E_CERT (g_object_new (E_TYPE_CERT, NULL)); /* ECert owns a reference to the 'cert', which will be freed on ECert finalize */ ecert->priv->cert = cert; e_cert_populate (ecert); return ecert; } ECert * e_cert_new_from_der (gchar *data, guint32 len) { CERTCertificate *cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage (data, len); if (!cert) return NULL; if (cert->dbhandle == NULL) cert->dbhandle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB (); return e_cert_new (cert); } CERTCertificate * e_cert_get_internal_cert (ECert *cert) { /* XXX should this refcnt it? */ return cert->priv->cert; } gboolean e_cert_get_raw_der (ECert *cert, gchar **data, guint32 *len) { /* XXX do we really need to check if cert->priv->cert is NULL * here? it should always be non - null if we have the * ECert.. */ if (cert->priv->cert) { *data = (gchar *)cert->priv->cert->derCert.data; *len = (guint32)cert->priv->cert->derCert.len; return TRUE; } *len = 0; return FALSE; } const gchar * e_cert_get_window_title (ECert *cert) { if (cert->priv->cert->nickname) return cert->priv->cert->nickname; else if (cert->priv->cn) return cert->priv->cn; else return cert->priv->cert->subjectName; } const gchar * e_cert_get_nickname (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->cert->nickname; } const gchar * e_cert_get_email (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->cert->emailAddr; } const gchar * e_cert_get_org (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->org_name; } const gchar * e_cert_get_org_unit (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->org_unit_name; } const gchar * e_cert_get_cn (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->cn; } const gchar * e_cert_get_issuer_name (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->cert->issuerName; } const gchar * e_cert_get_issuer_cn (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->issuer_cn; } const gchar * e_cert_get_issuer_org (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->issuer_org_name; } const gchar * e_cert_get_issuer_org_unit (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->issuer_org_unit_name; } const gchar * e_cert_get_subject_name (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->cert->subjectName; } PRTime e_cert_get_issued_on_time (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->issued_on; } const gchar * e_cert_get_issued_on (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->issued_on_string; } PRTime e_cert_get_expires_on_time (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->expires_on; } const gchar * e_cert_get_expires_on (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->expires_on_string; } static struct { gint bit; const gchar *text; } usageinfo[] = { /* x509 certificate usage types */ { certificateUsageEmailSigner, N_("Sign") }, { certificateUsageEmailRecipient, N_("Encrypt") }, }; const gchar * e_cert_get_usage (ECert *cert) { if (cert->priv->usage_string == NULL) { gint i; GString *str = g_string_new(""); CERTCertificate *icert = e_cert_get_internal_cert (cert); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (usageinfo); i++) { if (icert->keyUsage & usageinfo[i].bit) { if (str->len != 0) g_string_append(str, ", "); g_string_append (str, _(usageinfo[i].text)); } } cert->priv->usage_string = str->str; g_string_free (str, FALSE); } return cert->priv->usage_string; } const gchar * e_cert_get_serial_number (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->serial_number; } const gchar * e_cert_get_sha1_fingerprint (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->sha1_fingerprint; } const gchar * e_cert_get_md5_fingerprint (ECert *cert) { return cert->priv->md5_fingerprint; } GList * e_cert_get_chain (ECert *ecert) { GList *l = NULL; g_object_ref (ecert); while (ecert) { CERTCertificate *cert = e_cert_get_internal_cert (ecert); CERTCertificate *next_cert; l = g_list_append (l, ecert); if (SECITEM_CompareItem (&cert->derIssuer, &cert->derSubject) == SECEqual) break; next_cert = CERT_FindCertIssuer (cert, PR_Now (), certUsageSSLClient); if (!next_cert) break; /* next_cert has a reference already */ ecert = e_cert_new (next_cert); } return l; } ECert * e_cert_get_ca_cert (ECert *ecert) { CERTCertificate *cert, *next = e_cert_get_internal_cert (ecert), *internal; cert = next; internal = cert; do { if (cert != next && cert != internal) CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert); cert = next; next = CERT_FindCertIssuer (cert, PR_Now (), certUsageAnyCA); } while (next && next != cert); if (cert == internal) return g_object_ref (ecert); else return e_cert_new (cert); } static gboolean get_int_value (SECItem *versionItem, gulong *version) { SECStatus srv; srv = SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger (versionItem,version); if (srv != SECSuccess) { g_warning ("could not decode version of cert"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean process_version (SECItem *versionItem, EASN1Object **retItem) { EASN1Object *item = e_asn1_object_new (); gulong version; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (item, _("Version")); /* Now to figure out what version this certificate is. */ if (versionItem->data) { if (!get_int_value (versionItem, &version)) return FALSE; } else { /* If there is no version present in the cert, then rfc2459 * says we default to v1 (0) */ version = 0; } switch (version) { case 0: e_asn1_object_set_display_value (item, _("Version 1")); break; case 1: e_asn1_object_set_display_value (item, _("Version 2")); break; case 2: e_asn1_object_set_display_value (item, _("Version 3")); break; default: g_warning ("Bad value for cert version"); return FALSE; } *retItem = item; return TRUE; } static gboolean process_serial_number_der (SECItem *serialItem, EASN1Object **retItem) { gchar *serialNumber; EASN1Object *item = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (item, _("Serial Number")); serialNumber = CERT_Hexify (serialItem, 1); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (item, serialNumber); PORT_Free (serialNumber); /* XXX the right free to use? */ *retItem = item; return TRUE; } static gboolean get_default_oid_format (SECItem *oid, gchar **text) { gchar buf[300]; guint len; gint written; gulong val = oid->data[0]; guint i = val % 40; val /= 40; written = PR_snprintf(buf, 300, "%lu %u ", val, i); if (written < 0) return FALSE; len = written; val = 0; for (i = 1; i < oid->len; ++i) { /* In this loop, we have to parse a DER formatted * If the first bit is a 1, then the integer is * represented by more than one byte. If the * first bit is set then we continue on and add * the values of the later bytes until we get * a byte without the first bit set. */ gulong j; j = oid->data[i]; val = (val << 7) | (j & 0x7f); if (j & 0x80) continue; written = PR_snprintf(&buf[len], sizeof(buf)-len, "%lu ", val); if (written < 0) return FALSE; len += written; if (len >= sizeof (buf)) g_warning ("OID data to big to display in 300 chars."); val = 0; } *text = g_strdup (buf); return TRUE; } static gboolean get_oid_text (SECItem *oid, gchar **text) { SECOidTag oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag (oid); gchar *temp; switch (oidTag) { case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 MD2 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA384_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 SHA-384 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA512_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 SHA-512 With RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME: *text = g_strdup ("C"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME: *text = g_strdup ("CN"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME: *text = g_strdup ("OU"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME: *text = g_strdup ("O"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY: *text = g_strdup ("L"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER: *text = g_strdup ("DN"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_DC: *text = g_strdup ("DC"); break; case SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE: *text = g_strdup ("ST"); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION: *text = g_strdup (_("PKCS #1 RSA Encryption")); break; case SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE: *text = g_strdup (_("Certificate Key Usage")); break; case SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_TYPE: *text = g_strdup (_("Netscape Certificate Type")); break; case SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID: *text = g_strdup (_("Certificate Authority Key Identifier")); break; case SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID: *text = g_strdup ("UID"); break; case SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS: *text = g_strdup ("E"); break; default: if (!get_default_oid_format (oid, &temp)) return FALSE; *text = g_strdup_printf (_("Object Identifier (%s)"), temp); g_free (temp); break; } return TRUE; } static gboolean process_raw_bytes (SECItem *data, gchar **text) { /* This function is used to display some DER bytes * that we have not added support for decoding. * It prints the value of the byte out into a * string that can later be displayed as a byte * string. We place a new line after 24 bytes * to break up extermaly long sequence of bytes. */ GString *str = g_string_new (""); PRUint32 i; gchar buffer[5]; for (i = 0; i < data->len; i++) { PR_snprintf(buffer, 5, "%02x ", data->data[i]); g_string_append (str, buffer); if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { g_string_append (str, "\n"); } } *text = g_string_free (str, FALSE); return TRUE; } static gboolean process_sec_algorithm_id (SECAlgorithmID *algID, EASN1Object **retSequence) { EASN1Object *sequence = e_asn1_object_new (); gchar *text; *retSequence = NULL; get_oid_text (&algID->algorithm, &text); if (!algID->parameters.len || algID->parameters.data[0] == E_ASN1_OBJECT_TYPE_NULL) { e_asn1_object_set_display_value (sequence, text); e_asn1_object_set_valid_container (sequence, FALSE); } else { EASN1Object *subitem; subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Algorithm Identifier")); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); g_free (text); subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Algorithm Parameters")); process_raw_bytes (&algID->parameters, &text); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); } g_free (text); *retSequence = sequence; return TRUE; } static gboolean process_subject_public_key_info (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki, EASN1Object *parentSequence) { EASN1Object *spkiSequence = e_asn1_object_new (); EASN1Object *sequenceItem; EASN1Object *printableItem; SECItem data; gchar *text; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (spkiSequence, _("Subject Public Key Info")); if (!process_sec_algorithm_id (&spki->algorithm, &sequenceItem)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (sequenceItem, _("Subject Public Key Algorithm")); e_asn1_object_append_child (spkiSequence, sequenceItem); /* The subjectPublicKey field is encoded as a bit string. * ProcessRawBytes expects the lenght to be in bytes, so * let's convert the lenght into a temporary SECItem. */ data.data = spki->subjectPublicKey.data; data.len = spki->subjectPublicKey.len / 8; process_raw_bytes (&data, &text); printableItem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (printableItem, text); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (printableItem, _("Subject's Public Key")); e_asn1_object_append_child (spkiSequence, printableItem); g_object_unref (printableItem); e_asn1_object_append_child (parentSequence, spkiSequence); g_object_unref (spkiSequence); return TRUE; } static gboolean process_ns_cert_type_extensions (SECItem *extData, GString *text) { SECItem decoded; guchar nsCertType; decoded.data = NULL; decoded.len = 0; if (SECSuccess != SEC_ASN1DecodeItem (NULL, &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET (SEC_BitStringTemplate), extData)) { g_string_append (text, _("Error: Unable to process extension")); return TRUE; } nsCertType = decoded.data[0]; PORT_Free (decoded.data); /* XXX right free? */ if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CLIENT) { g_string_append (text, _("SSL Client Certificate")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER) { g_string_append (text, _("SSL Server Certificate")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL) { g_string_append (text, _("Email")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING) { g_string_append (text, _("Object Signer")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) { g_string_append (text, _("SSL Certificate Authority")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) { g_string_append (text, _("Email Certificate Authority")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA) { g_string_append (text, _("Object Signer")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } return TRUE; } static gboolean process_key_usage_extensions (SECItem *extData, GString *text) { SECItem decoded; guchar keyUsage; decoded.data = NULL; decoded.len = 0; if (SECSuccess != SEC_ASN1DecodeItem (NULL, &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET (SEC_BitStringTemplate), extData)) { g_string_append (text, _("Error: Unable to process extension")); return TRUE; } keyUsage = decoded.data[0]; PORT_Free (decoded.data); /* XXX right free? */ if (keyUsage & KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) { g_string_append (text, _("Signing")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_NON_REPUDIATION) { g_string_append (text, _("Non-repudiation")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT) { g_string_append (text, _("Key Encipherment")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT) { g_string_append (text, _("Data Encipherment")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_AGREEMENT) { g_string_append (text, _("Key Agreement")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN) { g_string_append (text, _("Certificate Signer")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } if (keyUsage & KU_CRL_SIGN) { g_string_append (text, _("CRL Signer")); g_string_append (text, "\n"); } return TRUE; } static gboolean process_extension_data (SECOidTag oidTag, SECItem *extData, GString *str) { gboolean rv; switch (oidTag) { case SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_TYPE: rv = process_ns_cert_type_extensions (extData, str); break; case SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE: rv = process_key_usage_extensions (extData, str); break; default: { gchar *text; rv = process_raw_bytes (extData, &text); g_string_append (str, text); g_free (text); break; } } return rv; } static gboolean process_single_extension (CERTCertExtension *extension, EASN1Object **retExtension) { GString *str = g_string_new (""); gchar *text; EASN1Object *extensionItem; SECOidTag oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag (&extension->id); get_oid_text (&extension->id, &text); extensionItem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (extensionItem, text); g_free (text); if (extension->critical.data != NULL) { if (extension->critical.data[0]) { g_string_append (str, _("Critical")); } else { g_string_append (str, _("Not Critical")); } } else { g_string_append (str, _("Not Critical")); } g_string_append (str, "\n"); if (!process_extension_data (oidTag, &extension->value, str)) { g_string_free (str, TRUE); return FALSE; } e_asn1_object_set_display_value (extensionItem, str->str); g_string_free (str, TRUE); *retExtension = extensionItem; return TRUE; } static gboolean process_extensions (CERTCertExtension **extensions, EASN1Object *parentSequence) { EASN1Object *extensionSequence = e_asn1_object_new (); PRInt32 i; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (extensionSequence, _("Extensions")); for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; i++) { EASN1Object *newExtension; if (!process_single_extension (extensions[i], &newExtension)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_append_child (extensionSequence, newExtension); } e_asn1_object_append_child (parentSequence, extensionSequence); return TRUE; } static gboolean process_name (CERTName *name, gchar **value) { CERTRDN ** rdns; CERTRDN ** rdn; CERTAVA ** avas; CERTAVA * ava; SECItem *decodeItem = NULL; GString *final_string = g_string_new (""); gchar *type; GString *avavalue; gchar *temp; CERTRDN **lastRdn; rdns = name->rdns; /* find last RDN */ lastRdn = rdns; while (*lastRdn) lastRdn++; /* The above whille loop will put us at the last member * of the array which is a NULL pointer. So let's back * up one spot so that we have the last non-NULL entry in * the array in preparation for traversing the * RDN's (Relative Distinguished Name) in reverse order. */ lastRdn--; /* * Loop over name contents in _reverse_ RDN order appending to string * When building the Ascii string, NSS loops over these entries in * reverse order, so I will as well. The difference is that NSS * will always place them in a one line string separated by commas, * where I want each entry on a single line. I can't just use a comma * as my delimitter because it is a valid character to have in the * value portion of the AVA and could cause trouble when parsing. */ for (rdn = lastRdn; rdn >= rdns; rdn--) { avas = (*rdn)->avas; while ((ava = *avas++) != 0) { if (!get_oid_text (&ava->type, &type)) return FALSE; /* This function returns a string in UTF8 format. */ decodeItem = CERT_DecodeAVAValue (&ava->value); if (!decodeItem) { return FALSE; } avavalue = g_string_new_len ( (gchar *) decodeItem->data, decodeItem->len); SECITEM_FreeItem (decodeItem, PR_TRUE); /* Translators: This string is used in Certificate * details for fields like Issuer or Subject, which * shows the field name on the left and its respective * value on the right, both as stored in the * certificate itself. You probably do not need to * change this string, unless changing the order of * name and value. As a result example: * "OU = VeriSign Trust Network" */ temp = g_strdup_printf (_("%s = %s"), type, avavalue->str); g_string_append (final_string, temp); g_string_append (final_string, "\n"); g_string_free (avavalue, TRUE); g_free (temp); } } *value = g_string_free (final_string, FALSE); return TRUE; } static gboolean create_tbs_certificate_asn1_struct (ECert *cert, EASN1Object **seq) { /* ** TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { ** version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, ** serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, ** signature AlgorithmIdentifier, ** issuer Name, ** validity Validity, ** subject Name, ** subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, ** issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, ** -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3 ** subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, ** -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3 ** extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL ** -- If present, version shall be v3 ** } ** ** This is the ASN1 structure we should be dealing with at this point. ** The code in this method will assert this is the structure we're dealing ** and then add more user friendly text for that field. */ EASN1Object *sequence = e_asn1_object_new (); gchar *text; EASN1Object *subitem; SECItem data; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (sequence, _("Certificate")); if (!process_version (&cert->priv->cert->version, &subitem)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); if (!process_serial_number_der (&cert->priv->cert->serialNumber, &subitem)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); if (!process_sec_algorithm_id (&cert->priv->cert->signature, &subitem)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Certificate Signature Algorithm")); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); process_name (&cert->priv->cert->issuer, &text); subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); g_free (text); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Issuer")); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); #ifdef notyet nsCOMPtr < nsIASN1Sequence> validitySequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence (); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("CertDumpValidity").get(), text); validitySequence->SetDisplayName (text); asn1Objects->AppendElement (validitySequence, PR_FALSE); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("CertDumpNotBefore").get(), text); nsCOMPtr < nsIX509CertValidity> validityData; GetValidity (getter_AddRefs (validityData)); PRTime notBefore, notAfter; validityData->GetNotBefore (¬Before); validityData->GetNotAfter (¬After); validityData = 0; rv = ProcessTime (notBefore, text.get (), validitySequence); if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("CertDumpNotAfter").get(), text); rv = ProcessTime (notAfter, text.get (), validitySequence); if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv; #endif subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Subject")); process_name (&cert->priv->cert->subject, &text); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); g_free (text); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); g_object_unref (subitem); if (!process_subject_public_key_info ( &cert->priv->cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo, sequence)) return FALSE; /* Is there an issuerUniqueID? */ if (cert->priv->cert->issuerID.data) { /* The issuerID is encoded as a bit string. * The function ProcessRawBytes expects the * length to be in bytes, so let's convert the * length in a temporary SECItem */ data.data = cert->priv->cert->issuerID.data; data.len = cert->priv->cert->issuerID.len / 8; subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Issuer Unique ID")); process_raw_bytes (&data, &text); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); g_free (text); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); } if (cert->priv->cert->subjectID.data) { /* The subjectID is encoded as a bit string. * The function ProcessRawBytes expects the * length to be in bytes, so let's convert the * length in a temporary SECItem */ data.data = cert->priv->cert->issuerID.data; data.len = cert->priv->cert->issuerID.len / 8; subitem = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (subitem, _("Subject Unique ID")); process_raw_bytes (&data, &text); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (subitem, text); g_free (text); e_asn1_object_append_child (sequence, subitem); } if (cert->priv->cert->extensions) { if (!process_extensions (cert->priv->cert->extensions, sequence)) return FALSE; } *seq = sequence; return TRUE; } static gboolean create_asn1_struct (ECert *cert) { EASN1Object *sequence; SECItem temp; gchar *text; cert->priv->asn1 = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name (cert->priv->asn1, e_cert_get_window_title (cert)); /* This sequence will be contain the tbsCertificate, signatureAlgorithm, * and signatureValue. */ if (!create_tbs_certificate_asn1_struct (cert, &sequence)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_append_child (cert->priv->asn1, sequence); g_object_unref (sequence); if (!process_sec_algorithm_id ( &cert->priv->cert->signatureWrap.signatureAlgorithm, &sequence)) return FALSE; e_asn1_object_set_display_name ( sequence, _("Certificate Signature Algorithm")); e_asn1_object_append_child (cert->priv->asn1, sequence); g_object_unref (sequence); sequence = e_asn1_object_new (); e_asn1_object_set_display_name ( sequence, _("Certificate Signature Value")); /* The signatureWrap is encoded as a bit string. * The function ProcessRawBytes expects the * length to be in bytes, so let's convert the * length in a temporary SECItem */ temp.data = cert->priv->cert->signatureWrap.signature.data; temp.len = cert->priv->cert->signatureWrap.signature.len / 8; process_raw_bytes (&temp, &text); e_asn1_object_set_display_value (sequence, text); e_asn1_object_append_child (cert->priv->asn1, sequence); g_free (text); return TRUE; } EASN1Object * e_cert_get_asn1_struct (ECert *cert) { if (!cert->priv->asn1) create_asn1_struct (cert); return g_object_ref (cert->priv->asn1); } gboolean e_cert_mark_for_deletion (ECert *cert) { /* nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker; */ #if 0 /* make sure user is logged in to the token */ nsCOMPtr < nsIInterfaceRequestor> ctx = new PipUIContext (); #endif if (PK11_NeedLogin (cert->priv->cert->slot) && !PK11_NeedUserInit (cert->priv->cert->slot) && !PK11_IsInternal (cert->priv->cert->slot)) { if (PK11_Authenticate ( cert->priv->cert->slot, PR_TRUE, NULL) != SECSuccess) { return FALSE; } } cert->priv->delete = TRUE; return TRUE; } ECertType e_cert_get_cert_type (ECert *ecert) { const gchar *nick = e_cert_get_nickname (ecert); const gchar *email = e_cert_get_email (ecert); CERTCertificate *cert = ecert->priv->cert; if (nick) { if (e_cert_trust_has_any_user (cert->trust)) return E_CERT_USER; if (e_cert_trust_has_any_ca (cert->trust) || CERT_IsCACert (cert,NULL)) return E_CERT_CA; if (e_cert_trust_has_peer (cert->trust, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE)) return E_CERT_SITE; } if (email && e_cert_trust_has_peer (cert->trust, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE)) return E_CERT_CONTACT; return E_CERT_UNKNOWN; }