/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* e-shell-user-creatable-items-handler.c * * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Author: Ettore Perazzoli <ettore@ximian.com> */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "e-shell-user-creatable-items-handler.h" #include <gal/util/e-util.h> #include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #define PARENT_TYPE gtk_object_get_type () static GtkObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; #define VERB_PREFIX "ShellUserCreatableItemVerb" #define SHELL_VIEW_DATA_KEY "EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler:shell_view" struct _Component { EvolutionShellComponentClient *component_client; GNOME_Evolution_UserCreatableItemTypeList *type_list; }; typedef struct _Component Component; struct _EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate { GSList *components; /* Component */ char *menu_xml; }; /* Component struct handling. */ static Component * component_new_from_client (EvolutionShellComponentClient *client) { CORBA_Environment ev; Component *new; GNOME_Evolution_ShellComponent objref; new = g_new (Component, 1); new->component_client = client; gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (client)); CORBA_exception_init (&ev); objref = bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (client)); new->type_list = GNOME_Evolution_ShellComponent__get_user_creatable_item_types (objref, &ev); if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) new->type_list = NULL; CORBA_exception_free (&ev); return new; } static void component_free (Component *component) { gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (component->component_client)); if (component->type_list != NULL) CORBA_free (component->type_list); g_free (component); } /* Helper functions. */ static char * create_verb_from_component_number_and_type_id (int component_num, const char *type_id) { return g_strdup_printf (VERB_PREFIX ":%d:%s", component_num, type_id); } /* Setting up the XML for the menus. */ struct _MenuItem { const char *label; char shortcut; char *verb; }; typedef struct _MenuItem MenuItem; static int item_types_sort_func (const void *a, const void *b) { const MenuItem *item_a; const MenuItem *item_b; const char *p1, *p2; item_a = (const MenuItem *) a; item_b = (const MenuItem *) b; p1 = item_a->label; p2 = item_b->label; while (*p1 != '\0' && *p2 != '\0') { if (*p1 == '_') { p1 ++; continue; } if (*p2 == '_') { p2 ++; continue; } if (toupper ((int) *p1) < toupper ((int) *p2)) return -1; else if (toupper ((int) *p1) > toupper ((int) *p2)) return +1; p1 ++, p2 ++; } if (*p1 == '\0') { if (*p2 == '\0') return 0; else return -1; } else { return +1; } } static char * create_xml_from_menu_items (GSList *items) { GString *xml; GSList *p; char *str; xml = g_string_new (""); g_string_append (xml, "<Root> <menu> <submenu name=\"File\"> <submenu name=\"New\"> <placeholder name=\"NewItems\">"); g_string_append (xml, "<separator/> "); for (p = items; p != NULL; p = p->next) { const MenuItem *item; char *encoded_label; item = (const MenuItem *) p->data; encoded_label = bonobo_ui_util_encode_str (item->label); g_string_sprintfa (xml, "<menuitem name=\"New:%s\" verb=\"%s\" label=\"%s\"", item->verb, item->verb, encoded_label); if (item->shortcut != '\0') g_string_sprintfa (xml, " accel=\"*Control**Shift*%c\"", item->shortcut); g_string_append (xml, "/> "); g_free (encoded_label); } g_string_append (xml, "</placeholder> </submenu> </submenu> </menu> </Root>"); str = xml->str; g_string_free (xml, FALSE); return str; } static void setup_menu_xml (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; GSList *menu_items; GSList *p; int component_num; priv = handler->priv; g_assert (priv->menu_xml == NULL); menu_items = NULL; component_num = 0; for (p = priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { const Component *component; int i; component = (const Component *) p->data; if (component->type_list != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < component->type_list->_length; i ++) { const GNOME_Evolution_UserCreatableItemType *type; MenuItem *item; type = (const GNOME_Evolution_UserCreatableItemType *) component->type_list->_buffer + i; item = g_new (MenuItem, 1); item->label = type->menuDescription; item->shortcut = type->menuShortcut; item->verb = create_verb_from_component_number_and_type_id (component_num, type->id); menu_items = g_slist_prepend (menu_items, item); } } component_num ++; } if (menu_items == NULL) { priv->menu_xml = g_strdup (""); return; } menu_items = g_slist_sort (menu_items, item_types_sort_func); priv->menu_xml = create_xml_from_menu_items (menu_items); for (p = menu_items; p != NULL; p = p->next) { MenuItem *item; item = (MenuItem *) p->data; g_free (item->verb); g_free (item); } g_slist_free (menu_items); } /* Verb handling. */ static void verb_fn (BonoboUIComponent *ui_component, void *data, const char *verb_name) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler; EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; EShellView *shell_view; const Component *component; int component_number; const char *p; const char *id; GSList *component_list_item; int i; shell_view = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (ui_component), SHELL_VIEW_DATA_KEY); g_assert (E_IS_SHELL_VIEW (shell_view)); handler = E_SHELL_USER_CREATABLE_ITEMS_HANDLER (data); priv = handler->priv; p = strchr (verb_name, ':'); g_assert (p != NULL); component_number = atoi (p + 1); p = strchr (p + 1, ':'); g_assert (p != NULL); id = p + 1; component_list_item = g_slist_nth (priv->components, component_number); g_assert (component_list_item != NULL); component = (const Component *) component_list_item->data; if (component->type_list == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < component->type_list->_length; i ++) { if (strcmp (component->type_list->_buffer[i].id, id) == 0) { CORBA_Environment ev; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); GNOME_Evolution_ShellComponent_userCreateNewItem (bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (component->component_client)), id, e_shell_view_get_current_physical_uri (shell_view), e_shell_view_get_current_folder_type (shell_view), &ev); if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) g_warning ("Error in userCreateNewItem -- %s", ev._repo_id); CORBA_exception_free (&ev); return; } } } static void add_verbs_to_ui_component (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler, BonoboUIComponent *ui_component) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; int component_num; GSList *p; priv = handler->priv; component_num = 0; for (p = priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { const Component *component; int i; component = (const Component *) p->data; if (component->type_list != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < component->type_list->_length; i ++) { char *verb_name; verb_name = create_verb_from_component_number_and_type_id (component_num, component->type_list->_buffer[i].id); bonobo_ui_component_add_verb (ui_component, verb_name, verb_fn, handler); g_free (verb_name); } } component_num ++; } } /* GtkObject methods. */ static void impl_destroy (GtkObject *object) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler; EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; GSList *p; handler = E_SHELL_USER_CREATABLE_ITEMS_HANDLER (object); priv = handler->priv; for (p = priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) component_free ((Component *) p->data); g_slist_free (priv->components); g_free (priv->menu_xml); g_free (priv); (* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object); } static void class_init (GtkObjectClass *object_class) { parent_class = gtk_type_class (PARENT_TYPE); object_class->destroy = impl_destroy; } static void init (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *shell_user_creatable_items_handler) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; priv = g_new (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate, 1); priv->components = NULL; priv->menu_xml = NULL; shell_user_creatable_items_handler->priv = priv; } EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler * e_shell_user_creatable_items_handler_new (void) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *new; new = gtk_type_new (e_shell_user_creatable_items_handler_get_type ()); return new; } void e_shell_user_creatable_items_handler_add_component (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler, EvolutionShellComponentClient *shell_component_client) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (handler != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SHELL_USER_CREATABLE_ITEMS_HANDLER (handler)); g_return_if_fail (shell_component_client != NULL); g_return_if_fail (EVOLUTION_IS_SHELL_COMPONENT_CLIENT (shell_component_client)); priv = handler->priv; g_return_if_fail (priv->menu_xml == NULL); priv->components = g_slist_prepend (priv->components, component_new_from_client (shell_component_client)); } void e_shell_user_creatable_items_handler_setup_menus (EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler *handler, EShellView *shell_view) { EShellUserCreatableItemsHandlerPrivate *priv; BonoboUIComponent *ui_component; g_return_if_fail (handler != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SHELL_USER_CREATABLE_ITEMS_HANDLER (handler)); g_return_if_fail (shell_view != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SHELL_VIEW (shell_view)); priv = handler->priv; if (priv->menu_xml == NULL) setup_menu_xml (handler); ui_component = e_shell_view_get_bonobo_ui_component (shell_view); g_assert (ui_component); add_verbs_to_ui_component (handler, ui_component); gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (ui_component), SHELL_VIEW_DATA_KEY, shell_view); /* Yuck. */ bonobo_ui_component_set (ui_component, "/", priv->menu_xml, NULL); } E_MAKE_TYPE (e_shell_user_creatable_items_handler, "EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler", EShellUserCreatableItemsHandler, class_init, init, PARENT_TYPE)