/schemas/apps/evolution/summary/mail/folder_evolution_uris /apps/evolution/summary/mail/folder_evolution_uris evolution list string [] evolution: URIs of the folders to display in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/mail/folder_physical_uris /apps/evolution/summary/mail/folder_physical_uris evolution list string [] Physical URIs of the folders to display in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/mail/show_full_paths /apps/evolution/summary/mail/show_full_paths evolution bool false Whether to show the full paths to the mail folders displayed in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/calendar/days_shown /apps/evolution/summary/calendar/days_shown evolution int 0 Number of days shown in the calendar section Use '0' to display one day, '1' to display five days, '2' to display a full week, '3' to display a full month. /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/tasks/show_all /apps/evolution/summary/tasks/show_all evolution bool true Whether to display all pending tasks instead of only today's tasks /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/rdf/uris /apps/evolution/summary/rdf/uris evolution list string [http://linuxtoday.com/backend/my-netscape.rdf,http://www.salon.com/feed/RDF/salon_use.rdf] URIs of the RDF feeds to display in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/rdf/refresh_time /apps/evolution/summary/rdf/refresh_time evolution int 600 Number of seconds between updates of the RDF feeds in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/rdf/max_items /apps/evolution/summary/rdf/max_items evolution int 10 Maximum number of recent items to display for each RDF feed /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/weather/stations /apps/evolution/summary/weather/stations evolution list string [KBOS] List of weather stations to display in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/weather/use_metric /apps/evolution/summary/weather/use_metric evolution bool false Whether to use metric (instead of imperial) units in the summary /schemas/apps/evolution/summary/weather/refresh_time /apps/evolution/summary/weather/refresh_time evolution int 600 Number of seconds between updates of the weather section of the summary