/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see * */ /* A plugin manager ui */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Standard GObject macros */ #define E_TYPE_PLUGIN_MANAGER \ (e_plugin_manager_get_type ()) #define E_PLUGIN_MANAGER(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST \ ((obj), E_TYPE_PLUGIN_MANAGER, EPluginManager)) typedef struct _EPluginManager EPluginManager; typedef struct _EPluginManagerClass EPluginManagerClass; struct _EPluginManager { EExtension parent; }; struct _EPluginManagerClass { EExtensionClass parent_class; }; enum { LABEL_NAME, LABEL_AUTHOR, LABEL_DESCRIPTION, LABEL_LAST }; enum { COL_PLUGIN_ENABLED = 0, COL_PLUGIN_NAME, COL_PLUGIN_DATA, COL_PLUGIN_CFG_WIDGET }; static struct { const gchar *label; } label_info[LABEL_LAST] = { { N_("Name"), }, { N_("Author(s)"), }, { N_("Description"), }, }; typedef struct _Manager Manager; struct _Manager { GtkLabel *labels[LABEL_LAST]; GtkLabel *items[LABEL_LAST]; GtkWidget *config_plugin_label; GtkWidget *active_cfg_widget; }; /* for tracking if we're shown */ static GtkWidget *notebook; static GtkWidget *configure_page; static gint last_selected_page; static gulong switch_page_handler_id; /* Module Entry Points */ void e_module_load (GTypeModule *type_module); void e_module_unload (GTypeModule *type_module); /* Forward Declarations */ GType e_plugin_manager_get_type (void); G_DEFINE_DYNAMIC_TYPE (EPluginManager, e_plugin_manager, E_TYPE_EXTENSION) static void eppm_set_label (GtkLabel *l, const gchar *v) { gtk_label_set_label(l, v?v:_("Unknown")); } static void eppm_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWidget *page, guint page_num) { last_selected_page = page_num; } static void eppm_show_plugin (Manager *m, EPlugin *ep, GtkWidget *cfg_widget) { if (ep) { gchar *string; string = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s", ep->name); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (m->items[LABEL_NAME]), string); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (m->config_plugin_label), string); g_free (string); if (ep->authors) { GSList *l = ep->authors; GString *out = g_string_new (""); for (; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) { EPluginAuthor *epa = l->data; if (l != ep->authors) g_string_append (out, ",\n"); if (epa->name) g_string_append (out, epa->name); if (epa->email) { g_string_append (out, " <"); g_string_append (out, epa->email); g_string_append (out, ">"); } } gtk_label_set_label (m->items[LABEL_AUTHOR], out->str); g_string_free (out, TRUE); } else { eppm_set_label (m->items[LABEL_AUTHOR], NULL); } eppm_set_label (m->items[LABEL_DESCRIPTION], ep->description); } else { gint i; gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (m->config_plugin_label), ""); for (i = 0; i < LABEL_LAST; i++) gtk_label_set_label (m->items[i], ""); } if (cfg_widget != NULL) gtk_notebook_append_page_menu ( GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), configure_page, gtk_label_new (_("Configuration")), NULL); if (m->active_cfg_widget != cfg_widget) { if (m->active_cfg_widget) gtk_widget_hide (m->active_cfg_widget); if (cfg_widget) gtk_widget_show (cfg_widget); m->active_cfg_widget = cfg_widget; } } static void eppm_selection_changed (GtkTreeSelection *selection, Manager *m) { GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; g_signal_handler_block (notebook, switch_page_handler_id); gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 1); g_signal_handler_unblock (notebook, switch_page_handler_id); if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter)) { EPlugin *ep; GtkWidget *cfg_widget = NULL; gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter, COL_PLUGIN_DATA, &ep, COL_PLUGIN_CFG_WIDGET, &cfg_widget, -1); eppm_show_plugin (m, ep, cfg_widget); } else { eppm_show_plugin (m, NULL, NULL); } g_signal_handler_block (notebook, switch_page_handler_id); gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), last_selected_page); g_signal_handler_unblock (notebook, switch_page_handler_id); } static void eppm_enable_toggled (GtkCellRendererToggle *renderer, const gchar *path_string, GtkTreeModel *model) { GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; EPlugin *plugin; path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_string); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path)) { gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter, COL_PLUGIN_DATA, &plugin, -1); e_plugin_enable (plugin, !plugin->enabled); gtk_list_store_set ( GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, COL_PLUGIN_ENABLED, plugin->enabled, -1); } gtk_tree_path_free (path); } static void action_plugin_manager_cb (GtkAction *action, EExtension *extension) { Manager *m; gint i; GtkWidget *dialog; GtkWidget *hbox, *w; GtkWidget *overview_page; GtkWidget *content_area; GtkListStore *store; GtkTreeView *tree_view; GtkTreeSelection *selection; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; GSList *plugins, *link; gchar *string; GtkWidget *subvbox; EExtensible *extensible; m = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*m)); /* Retrieve the parent EShellWindow. */ extensible = e_extension_get_extensible (extension); /* Setup the ui */ dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ( _("Plugin Manager"), GTK_WINDOW (extensible), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE, NULL); content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), 640, 400); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 6); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (content_area), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); string = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "%s", _("Note: Some changes " "will not take effect until restart")); w = g_object_new ( GTK_TYPE_LABEL, "label", string, "wrap", FALSE, "use_markup", TRUE, NULL); gtk_widget_show (w); g_free (string); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (content_area), w, FALSE, TRUE, 12); notebook = gtk_notebook_new (); gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), TRUE); gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), FALSE); gtk_notebook_set_scrollable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), TRUE); switch_page_handler_id = g_signal_connect ( notebook, "switch-page", G_CALLBACK (eppm_switch_page_cb), NULL); overview_page = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); configure_page = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); g_object_ref_sink (configure_page); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (overview_page), 12); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (configure_page), 12); gtk_notebook_append_page_menu ( GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), overview_page, gtk_label_new (_("Overview")), NULL); gtk_widget_show (notebook); gtk_widget_show (overview_page); gtk_widget_show (configure_page); /* name of plugin on "Configuration" tab */ m->config_plugin_label = g_object_new ( GTK_TYPE_LABEL, "wrap", TRUE, "selectable", FALSE, "xalign", 0.0, "yalign", 0.0, NULL); gtk_widget_show (m->config_plugin_label); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (configure_page), m->config_plugin_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); store = gtk_list_store_new ( 4, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); /* fill store */ plugins = e_plugin_list_plugins (); for (link = plugins; link != NULL; link = g_slist_next (link)) { EPlugin *ep = E_PLUGIN (link->data); GtkTreeIter iter; GtkWidget *cfg_widget; if (!g_getenv ("EVO_SHOW_ALL_PLUGINS")) { if (ep->flags & E_PLUGIN_FLAGS_SYSTEM_PLUGIN) continue; } cfg_widget = e_plugin_get_configure_widget (ep); if (cfg_widget) { gtk_widget_hide (cfg_widget); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (configure_page), cfg_widget, TRUE, TRUE, 12); } gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set ( store, &iter, COL_PLUGIN_ENABLED, ep->enabled, COL_PLUGIN_NAME, ep->name ? ep->name : ep->id, COL_PLUGIN_DATA, ep, COL_PLUGIN_CFG_WIDGET, cfg_widget, -1); } /* setup the treeview */ tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (gtk_tree_view_new ()); gtk_tree_view_set_reorderable (tree_view, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_set_model (tree_view, GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)); gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (tree_view, COL_PLUGIN_NAME); gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (tree_view, TRUE); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes ( tree_view, COL_PLUGIN_ENABLED, _("Enabled"), renderer, "active", COL_PLUGIN_ENABLED, NULL); g_signal_connect ( renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (eppm_enable_toggled), store), renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes ( tree_view, COL_PLUGIN_NAME, _("Plugin"), renderer, "text", COL_PLUGIN_NAME, NULL); /* set sort column */ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store), COL_PLUGIN_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); w = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (w), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (w), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (w), GTK_WIDGET (tree_view)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), GTK_WIDGET (w), FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Show all widgets in hbox before we pack the notebook, because not * all widgets in notebook are going to be visible at one moment. */ gtk_widget_show_all (hbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), notebook, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* this is plugin's name label */ subvbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); m->items[0] = g_object_new ( GTK_TYPE_LABEL, "wrap", TRUE, "selectable", FALSE, "xalign", 0.0, "yalign", 0.0, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (subvbox), GTK_WIDGET (m->items[0]), TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (overview_page), subvbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* this is every other data */ for (i = 1; i < LABEL_LAST; i++) { gchar *markup; subvbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "%s:", _(label_info[i].label)); m->labels[i] = g_object_new ( GTK_TYPE_LABEL, "label", markup, "use_markup", TRUE, "xalign", 0.0, "yalign", 0.0, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (subvbox), GTK_WIDGET (m->labels[i]), FALSE, TRUE, 0); g_free (markup); m->items[i] = g_object_new ( GTK_TYPE_LABEL, "wrap", TRUE, "selectable", TRUE, "can-focus", FALSE, "xalign", 0.0, "yalign", 0.0, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (subvbox), GTK_WIDGET (m->items[i]), TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX (overview_page), subvbox, FALSE, TRUE, 12); } gtk_widget_show_all (overview_page); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (tree_view); gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); g_signal_connect ( selection, "changed", G_CALLBACK (eppm_selection_changed), m); atk_object_set_name ( gtk_widget_get_accessible ( GTK_WIDGET (tree_view)), _("Plugin")); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); g_slist_foreach (plugins, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (plugins); g_object_unref (store); g_free (m); } static void plugin_manager_constructed (GObject *object) { EExtensible *extensible; EPluginManager *extension; EShellWindow *shell_window; GtkActionGroup *action_group; GtkUIManager *ui_manager; GtkAction *action; const gchar *action_name; const gchar *action_label; const gchar *action_tooltip; const gchar *widget_path; guint merge_id; extension = E_PLUGIN_MANAGER (object); extensible = e_extension_get_extensible (E_EXTENSION (extension)); shell_window = E_SHELL_WINDOW (extensible); action_group = E_SHELL_WINDOW_ACTION_GROUP_SHELL (shell_window); ui_manager = e_shell_window_get_ui_manager (shell_window); merge_id = gtk_ui_manager_new_merge_id (ui_manager); action_name = "plugin-manager"; action_label = _("_Plugins"); action_tooltip = _("Enable and disable plugins"); widget_path = "/main-menu/edit-menu/administrative-actions"; action = gtk_action_new ( action_name, action_label, action_tooltip, NULL); g_signal_connect ( action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (action_plugin_manager_cb), extension); gtk_action_group_add_action (action_group, action); gtk_ui_manager_add_ui ( ui_manager, merge_id, widget_path, action_name, action_name, GTK_UI_MANAGER_AUTO, FALSE); g_object_unref (action); /* Chain up to parent's constructed() method. */ G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_plugin_manager_parent_class)->constructed (object); } static void e_plugin_manager_class_init (EPluginManagerClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; EExtensionClass *extension_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->constructed = plugin_manager_constructed; extension_class = E_EXTENSION_CLASS (class); extension_class->extensible_type = E_TYPE_SHELL_WINDOW; } static void e_plugin_manager_class_finalize (EPluginManagerClass *class) { } static void e_plugin_manager_init (EPluginManager *extension) { } G_MODULE_EXPORT void e_module_load (GTypeModule *type_module) { e_plugin_manager_register_type (type_module); } G_MODULE_EXPORT void e_module_unload (GTypeModule *type_module) { }