/*====================================================================== FILE: pvl.h CREATOR: eric November, 1995 (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom http://www.softwarestudio.org The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. ======================================================================*/ /* struct pvl_elem_t This type is private. Always use pvl_elem instead */ #ifndef __PVL_H__ #define __PVL_H__ typedef void* pvl_list; typedef void* pvl_elem; typedef struct pvl_elem_t { int MAGIC; /* Magic Identifier */ void *d; /* Pointer to data user is storing */ struct pvl_elem_t *next; /* Next element */ struct pvl_elem_t *prior; /* prior element */ } pvl_elem_t; /* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each * list a unique identifer */ extern int pvl_elem_count; extern int pvl_list_count; /* Create new lists or elements */ pvl_elem pvl_new_element(void* d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior); pvl_list pvl_newlist(); void pvl_free(pvl_list); /* Add, remove, or get the head of the list */ void pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d); void* pvl_shift(pvl_list l); pvl_elem pvl_head(pvl_list); /* Add, remove or get the tail of the list */ void pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d); void* pvl_pop(pvl_list l); pvl_elem pvl_tail(pvl_list); /* Insert elements in random places */ typedef int (*pvl_comparef)(void* a, void* b); /* a, b are of the data type*/ void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d); void pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d); void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d); /* Remove an element, or clear the entire list */ void* pvl_remove(pvl_list,pvl_elem); /* Remove element, return data */ void pvl_clear(pvl_list); /* Remove all elements, de-allocate all data */ int pvl_count(pvl_list); /* Navagate the list */ pvl_elem pvl_next(pvl_elem e); pvl_elem pvl_prior(pvl_elem e); /* get the data in the list */ #ifndef PVL_USE_MACROS void* pvl_data(pvl_elem); #else #define pvl_data(x) x==0 ? 0 : ((struct pvl_elem_t *)x)->d; #endif /* Find an element for which a function returns true */ typedef int (*pvl_findf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/ pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v); pvl_elem pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v); /* Pass each element in the list to a function */ typedef void (*pvl_applyf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/ void pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v); #endif /* __PVL_H__ */