/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/ /*====================================================================== FILE: icalmime.c CREATOR: eric 26 July 2000 $Id$ $Locker$ (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom, http://www.softwarestudio.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1, available at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html Or: The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom ======================================================================*/ #include "icalmime.h" #include "icalerror.h" #include "icalmemory.h" #include "sspm.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include /* For strdup */ #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif /* These *_part routines are called by the MIME parser via the local_action_map */ struct text_part { char* buf; char* buf_pos; size_t buf_size; }; void* icalmime_text_new_part() { #define BUF_SIZE 2048 struct text_part* impl; if ( ( impl = (struct text_part*) malloc(sizeof(struct text_part))) == 0) { return 0; } impl->buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(BUF_SIZE); impl->buf_pos = impl->buf; impl->buf_size = BUF_SIZE; return impl; } void icalmime_text_add_line(void *part, struct sspm_header *header, char* line, size_t size) { struct text_part* impl = (struct text_part*) part; icalmemory_append_string(&(impl->buf),&(impl->buf_pos), &(impl->buf_size),line); } void* icalmime_textcalendar_end_part(void* part) { struct text_part* impl = (struct text_part*) part; icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse_string(impl->buf); icalmemory_free_buffer(impl->buf); free(impl); return c; } void* icalmime_text_end_part(void* part) { struct text_part* impl = ( struct text_part*) part; icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(impl->buf); free(impl); return impl->buf; } void icalmime_text_free_part(void *part) { part = part; } /* Ignore Attachments for now */ void* icalmime_attachment_new_part() { return 0; } void icalmime_attachment_add_line(void *part, struct sspm_header *header, char* line, size_t size) { part = part; header = header; line = line; size = size; } void* icalmime_attachment_end_part(void* part) { return 0; } void icalmime_attachment_free_part(void *part) { } struct sspm_action_map icalmime_local_action_map[] = { {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_textcalendar_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part}, {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_ANY_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_text_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part}, {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_PLAIN_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_text_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part}, {SSPM_APPLICATION_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part}, {SSPM_IMAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part}, {SSPM_AUDIO_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part}, {SSPM_IMAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part}, {SSPM_UNKNOWN_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE,0,0,0,0} }; #define NUM_PARTS 100 /* HACK. Hard Limit */ struct sspm_part* icalmime_make_part(icalcomponent* comp) { comp = comp; return 0; } char* icalmime_as_mime_string(char* icalcomponent); icalcomponent* icalmime_parse(char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void *d), void *data) { struct sspm_part *parts; int i, last_level=0; icalcomponent *root=0, *parent=0, *comp=0, *last = 0; if ( (parts = (struct sspm_part *) malloc(NUM_PARTS*sizeof(struct sspm_part)))==0) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR); return 0; } memset(parts,0,sizeof(parts)); sspm_parse_mime(parts, NUM_PARTS, /* Max parts */ icalmime_local_action_map, /* Actions */ get_string, data, /* data for get_string*/ 0 /* First header */); for(i = 0; i last_level){ parent = last; icalcomponent_add_component(parent,comp); last_level = parts[i].level; } else if (parts[i].level < last_level){ parent = icalcomponent_get_parent(parent); icalcomponent_add_component(parent,comp); last_level = parts[i].level; } else { assert(0); } last = comp; last_level = parts[i].level; assert(parts[i].data == 0); } sspm_free_parts(parts,NUM_PARTS); free(parts); return root; } int icalmime_test(char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void *d), void *data) { char *out; struct sspm_part *parts; int i; if ( (parts = (struct sspm_part *) malloc(NUM_PARTS*sizeof(struct sspm_part)))==0) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR); return 0; } memset(parts,0,sizeof(parts)); sspm_parse_mime(parts, NUM_PARTS, /* Max parts */ icalmime_local_action_map, /* Actions */ get_string, data, /* data for get_string*/ 0 /* First header */); for(i = 0; i