About this BookOrganization
This book is divided into two parts, with several
appendices. The first part is a guided
tour, which will explain how to use
Evolution. If you are new to
Evolution or to groupware in
general, this section is for you. The second section, covering
configuration, is targeted at
more advanced users, but anyone who wants to change the way
Evolution looks or acts can benefit
from reading it.
Typographical conventions
In this book, we'll mark some words with special typography:
ApplicationsCommands you type at the command lineLabels for buttons and other portions of the graphical interface Menu selections look like this:
MenuSubmenuMenu ItemButtons you can
clickAnything you type
output from a computerWords
that are defined in the .
We'll provide assorted bits of additional information in tips set off from the rest of the book, as well.
Tips and bits of extra information will look like
Examples are also set off from the rest of the text. They look like this:
Example Example
This is what an example looks like. We'll provide
examples for some of the more complicated tasks you
might be performing.
Lastly, we'll have warnings, in cases where you should be careful:
Example Warning
This is what a warning looks like. If there's a chance
you'll run into trouble, we'll warn you beforehand.