<!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN">
<chapter id="config-prefs">

      <title>Advanced Configuration</title>
        Perhaps your mail server has changed names.  Perhaps you've
        grown tired of a certain layout for your appointments.
        Whatever the reason, you want to change your
        <application>Evolution</application> settings.  This chapter
        will tell you how to do just that.

       <sect1 id="config-prefs-mail">
         <title>Mail Settings</title>
        To change your mail settings, select <menuchoice>
        <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mail
        Settings</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the Inbox.  This
        will open the <interface>mail preferences window</interface>,
        illustrated in <xref linkend="config-prefs-mail-fig">.  Mail
        preferences are separated into several categories:
		This allows you to create and alter one or more identities for your
		Allows you to edit how email appears.
		Customizes the behavior of the email message composer.
		Configures miscellanious aspects of
		<application>Evolution</application> such as character
		set and encryption tools.

      <!-- ==============Figure===================== -->
      <figure id="config-prefs-mail-fig">
	<title>Mail Preferences Dialog</title>
	  <screeninfo>Setting mail preferences</screeninfo>
	  <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/config-mail" format="png" srccredit="Aaron Weber">
      <!-- ==============End of Figure================-->

    <sect2 id="config-prefs-mail-identity">
      <title>Working with the Accounts Tab</title> 
         <application>Ximian Evolution</application> allows you to
         maintain multiple accounts, or identities.  This is useful
         want to keep personal and professional email separate, or if
         you wear several hats at work. When you are writing an email
         message, you can which account to use by selecting from the
         drop-down list next to the <guilabel>From</guilabel> entry in
         the message composer.

         Clicking <guibutton>Get Mail</guibutton> will refresh any
         IMAP, <filename>mh</filename>, or
         <filename>mbox</filename> listings
         and check and download mail from all POP servers.  In other
         words, <guibutton>Get Mail</guibutton> gets your mail, no
         matter how many sources you have, or what types they are.  If
         you don't want to check mail for a given account, select it
         in the <guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> tab and click the
         <guibutton>Disable</guibutton> button.
         To add a new account, simply click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
         to open the mail configuration assistant. To alter an
         existing identity, select it in the
         <interface>Preferences</interface> window, and then click
         <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> to open the account editor
         The account editor dialog has six sections:

              Here, enter the name,
              email address, and other identifying information for the
	    <term>Receiving Mail</term>
             Here, select the way you will be getting mail: you may
             download mail from a server (<glossterm
             linkend="pop">POP</glossterm> or <glossterm
             linkend="imap">IMAP</glossterm>) or access it from files
             on your local system.  If you use a server, it may permit
             or require you to use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
             connection.  To turn SSL connections on, just click the
             <guibutton>Use Secure Connection (SSL)</guibutton>

<note id="config-arbitrary-port">
<title>Specifying Port Numbers</title>
Your system administrator may ask you to connect to a specific port on
a mail server. To specify which port you use, just type a colon and
the port number after the server name. For example, to connect to port
143 on the server smtp.omniport.com, you would enter
</userinput> as the server name.

	    <term>Receiving Options</term>
              Here, decide whether you'd like to check for mail
              automatically, and set other options related to the
              behavior of your server.  If you use POP mail, you can
              decide whether to leave mail on the server, and if you
              use IMAP, you can set folder subscription options here.
	    <term>Sending Mail</term>
              In this section, you will choose and configure a method
              for sending mail.  You may choose <glossterm
              linkend="smtp">SMTP</glossterm> or <glossterm
	    <term>Special Folders</term>
              Here, you can decide where this account will store the
              messages that it has sent, and the messages that you
              save as drafts.
              In this section, you will set the security options for
              this account. Enter your PGP Key ID and decide how
              frequently to encrypt and sign your messages.

    <sect2 id="config-prefs-mail-display">
      <title>Mail Display Options</title>
        In this tab you can decide how you would like
        <application>Ximian Evolution</application> to display your
        mail: how to display citations, how long to wait before
        marking a message as read, and so forth.
        This is also where you can decide how you would like
        <application>Ximian Evolution</application> to handle inline
        images in HTML mail that you get. There is a detailed
        discussion of the issues surrounding these options in <xref
       To hange the font which <application>Ximian
        Evolution</application> uses to display mail, do the
       <orderedlist numeration="arabic">
              Open the Control Center by selecting <menuchoice>
		<guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> from
		the menu panel.
               Select the HTML Viewer settings tool.
	    <para>Choose the font and font size you would like to use.

       Alternately, open a terminal and run the
       <command>gtkhtml-properties-capplet</command> command. This
       will open the GNOME HTML Display Properties tool, and you can
       select a font and other attributes of your HTML display,
       including that in <application>Ximian Evolution</application>.

    <sect2 id="config-prefs-mail-composer">
      <title>Message Composer Preferences</title>
        Mercifully, there are only four preferences you can prefer in
        the message composer preferences dialog:
	    <term>Send mail in HTML format by default </term>
                 If you would like all email messages that you compose
                 to begin in HTML format, leave this box checked. You
                 can convert messages between HTML and plain text by
                 selecting the <menuchoice> <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
                 <guimenuitem>HTML</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> toggle
                 in the message composer.

	    <term>Default Forward style</term>
                  Select from: 
                   <member><guilabel>Attachment:</guilabel> the
                  message you forward appended to the message you send
                  as a seperate file.</member>

                  <member> <guilabel>Inline:</guilabel> The message
                  you forward is included at the end of the message
                  you send.</member>

                     <guilabel>Quoted:</guilabel> The message
                     you forward is included at the end of the message
                     you send, and a greater-than symbol (&gt;) is
                     inserted at the beginning of each line to
                     indicate that it is quoted.

	    <term>Prompt when sending messages with an empty subject</term>
                 The composer will warn you if you try to send a
                 message without a subject.

	    <term>Prompt when sending messages with only Bcc recipients defined</term>
                 The composer will warn you if you try to send a
                 message that has only <guilabel>Bcc</guilabel>
                 recipients. This is important because some mail
                 servers will fail to honor blind carbon copy if you
                 do not have at least one recipient that is visible to
                 all readers.
     <sect2 id="config-prefs-mail-other">
	<title>Other Mail Preferences</title>
          Not everything fits neatly into categories.  This tab
          contains some miscellaneous configuration options that
          didn't fit anywhere else.

	      <guilabel>PGP binary path</guilabel>
                The complete path to your external encryption tool On
                most Linux systems, this will be

	      <guilabel>Remember PGP Passphrase until Exit</guilabel>
	      <para> Check this box if you want <application>Ximian
                Evolution</application> to remember your PGP
                passphrase for as long as it is running.  You will
                still have to enter your passphrase again each time
                you start <application>Ximian Evolution</application>.

	      <guilabel>Default Character Encoding</guilabel>
	    <listitem> <para> Choose a default character encoding for
	      your messages.

	      <guilabel>Empty Trash Folders on Exit</guilabel>
	    <listitem> <para> If you would like to expunge all deleted
	      mail when you quit <application>Ximian
	      Evolution</application>, check this box.

	      <guilabel>Log filter actions to:</guilabel>
	    <listitem> <para> If you like, you can have
	      <application>Ximian Evolution</application> write all
	      its message filter actions to a log file. Select a log
	      file here.

<!-- NOT FOR 1.0, see usage-mail.sgml
      <sect1 id="config-prefs-news">          
          <title>News Servers</title>
            Newsgroups are so much like mailing lists that there's no
            reason not to keep them right next to your mail.  When you
            first select the <guilabel>News Servers</guilabel> tab,
            you will see a blank box with the three familiar buttons
            on the right: <guibutton>Add</guibutton>,
            <guibutton>Edit</guibutton>, and
            Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton> to add a news server; you
            will be prompted for its name.  Enter the name, click
            <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, and you're done.  You can have
            as many news servers as you like, of course.  News servers
            will appear next to your IMAP servers in the
            <interface>folder bar</interface>.

    <sect1 id="config-prefs-cal">
       <title>Configuring the Calendar</title>
          To set your calendar preferences, select
          Configuration</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the Calendar
          view.  This will open up the
          <interface>Preferences</interface> window.  It contains three
          tabs: <guilabel>Calendar</guilabel>, <guilabel>TaskPad</guilabel>, <guilabel>Reminders</guilabel>.  The <interface>calendar
          preferences window</interface> is illustrated in <xref

      <!-- ==============Figure===================== -->
      <figure id="config-prefs-cal-fig">
	<title>Calendar Preferences Dialog</title>
	  <screeninfo>If this worked on my job as well as my calendar...</screeninfo>
	  <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/config-cal" format="png" srccredit="Aaron Weber">
      <!-- ==============End of Figure================-->

    <sect2 id="config-prefs-cal-time">
      <title>Time Display Settings</title>
        The <guilabel>Time display</guilabel> tab lets you set the
	    <term>Time format</term>
	      <para>You may choose between twelve-hour (AM/PM) and
	      twenty-four hour time formats here by clicking the
	      appropriate radio button.
	    <term>Weeks start on</term>
	      <para>You can set weeks to start on Sunday or on Monday.</para>
	    <term>Day range</term>
                 When does your work day start, and when does it end?
                 In the day and week views,
                 <application>Evolution</application> displays all the
                 hours in the range you select here, even if there are
                 no appointments for those times.  Of course, you can
                 still schedule an appointment outside of these hours,
                 and if you do, the display will be extended to show
    <sect2 id="config-prefs-cal-color">
      <title>Calendar Colors</title>
        The <interface>colors tab</interface> allows you to decide
        what color your calendar will be.  The tab consists of a
        sample calendar on the right and a list of ten items that can
        be colored in different ways.  If you click on the color
        button to the right of each item, you will bring up a
        color-selector window where you can alter that
        color.  By clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton> in the color
        selection dialog, you can see the results of the color on the
        sample calendar.
     <para>The display elements colors you can set are:

                <guilabel>Outline:</guilabel> The lines between days
                and at the top of the display.

              <para> <guilabel>Headings:</guilabel> Text color for day
                and month names and other headings.

              <para> <guilabel>Empty days:</guilabel> This is the
                background color for any time slots in which you have no appointments.

             <guilabel>Appointments:</guilabel> This is the
                background color for any time slots in which you have appointments.
	    <para> <guilabel>Highlighted day:</guilabel> The
              background color for a selected time slot.

              <guilabel>Day numbers:</guilabel> Text color for date numbers.

              <guilabel>Current day's number:</guilabel> Text color for today's date.

	    <para> <guilabel>To-Do item that is not yet
             due:</guilabel> Text color for To-Do list items that are
             not yet due. 

	    <para> <guilabel>To-Do item that is due today:</guilabel>
             Text color for today's tasks.

	    <para> <guilabel>To-Do item that is overdue:</guilabel>
             Text color for overdue tasks.


    <sect2 id="config-prefs-cal-todo">
      <title>To Do List Settings</title>
       You can choose what information the To Do list displays and the
       way it is displayed.  The two areas of the <interface>To Do
       List</interface> tab offer several options each:
	   <term>Show on To Do List</term>
                This box contains three items.  If you select the
                check boxes next to them, that information will appear
                in the To Do list for each task it contains:
		    <para><guilabel>Due Date</guilabel></para>
		    <para><guilabel>Time Until Due</guilabel></para>
	    <term>Style Options</term>
                 Select among the following checkboxes to determine
                 how your To Do list will look:
		    <para><guilabel>Highlight overdue items</guilabel></para>
		    <para><guilabel>Highlight items due today</guilabel></para>
		    <para><guilabel>Highlight not yet due items</guilabel></para>

    <sect2 id="config-prefs-cal-alarms">
      <title>Alarms Settings</title>
        The <interface>alarms tab</interface> enables you to select from three boxes:
	    <para><guilabel>Beep on display alarms</guilabel>: select
	    this box to have <application>Evolution</application> beep
	    at you for any alarms you have set. These beeps
	    are distinct from full-fledged audio alarms. If you leave this box
	    unchecked, <application>Evolution</application> will only
	    alert you to events by opening a dialog box. 
	    <para><guilabel>Audio alarms timeout after: </guilabel>
	    Select this button to have your audio alarms stop
	    automatically after a certain number of seconds.  </para>
	    <para><guilabel>Enable snoozing for:</guilabel> If you
	    would like to have the option to tell
	    <application>Evolution</application> to repeat an alarm in
	    a few minutes, select this button and decide how long
	    you'd like it to wait.


   <sect1 id="config-prefs-contact">
      <title>Managing the Contact Manager</title>
          To set the behavior of your Contact Manager, click on the
          <guibutton>Contact Manager</guibutton> tab in the
          <interface>Preferences</interface> window.
          You can set the following options: <!--insert variable list
        <sect2 id="config-prefs-contact-ldap-add">
           <title>Adding Directory Servers</title>
              To add a new LDAP server to your available contact
	<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
		<guimenuitem>Addressbook Sources</guimenuitem>
	      Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.
	      Enter the server information.
		  <term>Account name</term>
		      The name that you see on the screen.  This could be anything you wish.
		  <term>Server name</term>
		      Address of the server where the addressbook is located.
		  <term>My server requires authentication</term>
		      Select this if the server needs a password to access the addressbook.
		      The internet port to connect to in order to access the database.  This is normally 389.
		  <term>Search base</term>
		      The base node to use for all your searches.  Contact your administrator for information about setting this up.
		  <term>Search scope</term>
		      The scope of the search <!-- FIXME: THIS DEFINITION SUCKS -->
	      Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
	      Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to permanenty make changes or <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to temporarily set the changes.

  <sect1 id="config-prefs-general">
    <title>General Preferences</title> 
      Additional configuration options will be covered here, as
      they become available.