# Translation into Spanish of Evolution docs.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>, 2000.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: evolution-docs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-03-13 16:30+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-12-28 15:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <es@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:1
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"         The setup assistant (sometimes called a\n"
"\t <glossterm>Druid</glossterm>, by analogy with the \"Wizards\"\n"
"\t that some other programs use) will guide you through the\n"
"\t network configuration process.  It will ask you for some\n"
"\t basic information; your system administrator or ISP should\n"
"\t have the answers you'll need.  The mail setup assistant is\n"
"\t pictured in <xref linkend=\"usage-setup-fig\">.\n"
"<!-- ==============Figure=================================== -->\n"
"<!-- druid-pic should eventually become assistant-pic -->\n"
"\t<figure id=\"usage-setup-fig\">\n"
"\t<title>Mail Setup Assistant</title>\n"
"\t  <screeninfo>Evolution Main Window</screeninfo>\n"
"\t  <graphic fileref=\"fig/mail-druid-pic\" format=\"png\" srccredit=\"Kevin "
"\t    </graphic>\n"
"<!-- ==============End of Figure=================================== -->\n"
"  The assistant will ask you for the following information:\n"
"        <variablelist>\n"
"          <varlistentry>\n"
"               <term> <guilabel>Name:</guilabel> </term> <listitem>\n"
"\t  <para>Your full name. </para></listitem>\n"
"         </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term><guilabel>Email address:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem><para>\n"
"                 Your complete email address.\n"
"                 </para></listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guilabel>Organization:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Any organization you represent, or the company where you\n"
"              work.  Leave this blank if you wish, or type \"My own bad\n"
"              self\" so people know your opinions are yours alone.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"      <varlistentry>\n"
"\t <term><guilabel>Signature File:</guilabel></term>\n"
"          <listitem>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"             A text file appended to any email you send.  A signature\n"
"             file typically consists of your name and email address,\n"
"             or a quotation you like.  It's good form to keep your\n"
"             \"sig\" on the short side: four lines is plenty. Remember,\n"
"             this is attached to every email you send.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"         </listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"           <term> <guilabel>Mail source type:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> supports several\n"
"              mail sources: <glossterm linkend=\"pop\">POP</glossterm> and\n"
"              <glossterm linkend=\"imap\">IMAP</glossterm> servers, and "
"              <systemitem><filename>mbox</filename></systemitem> and\n"
"              <systemitem><filename>mh</filename></systemitem> files.\n"
"              POP servers retrieve your mail and store it on your\n"
"              local system so you can refer to it even when not\n"
"              connected to a network; <glossterm>IMAP</glossterm>\n"
"              servers store the mail on the server so you can access\n"
"              it from multiple locations;\n"
"              <systemitem><filename>mbox</filename>></systemitem>\n"
"              files are used by your computer for internal mail, and\n"
"              may be useful if you want to switch from another email\n"
"              client such as <application>Spruce</application> or\n"
"              <application>Netscape Communicator</application>.  Ask\n"
"              your system administrator which you should use, or keep\n"
"              guessing until one works.  You may use multiple sources\n"
"              if you wish; see <xref\n"
"              linkend=\"config-prefs-mail-network\"> for more\n"
"              information.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"              If you decide not to have\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> use any servers,\n"
"              the remaining items are not relevant; you only need to\n"
"              point to the location of the files you wish to access.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"          \n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guilabel>Server:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              This should be the name of the server where you get\n"
"              incoming mail.  It may (or may not) be the same as the\n"
"              server where you send your outgoing mail.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"     <varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term><guilabel>Username:</guilabel></term>\n"
"             <para>\n"
"              Enter the username for your mail server account, if you\n"
"              have one. In almost all cases, this is the part of your email\n"
"              address before the @ character, and\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> has selected that\n"
"              value as the default.  If you have a different username,\n"
"              you can enter it here.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"     \n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"            <term><guilabel>Authentication:</guilabel></term> \n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Select the type of authentication you will use.  You can\n"
"              click <guibutton>Detect supported types</guibutton> to\n"
"              find out which authentication protocols your network\n"
"              allows.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"      <varlistentry> \n"
"         <term><guilabel>Mail Transport:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              This is the mail sending protocol you will want to use.\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> supports both\n"
"              <glossterm linkend=\"smtp\">SMTP</glossterm> and\n"
"              <application>sendmail</application>; SMTP is by far the\n"
"              more common.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"     </variablelist>\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"         El asistente para la configuraci�n (algunas veces llamado \n"
"\t <glossterm>Druida</glossterm>, por analog�a con los \"Magos\"\n"
"\t que usan otros programas) le guiar� a trav�s del proceso de "
"\t de la red.  Le preguntar� acerca de alguna informaci�n b�sica. Su\n"
"\t administrador de sistemas o su proveedor de Internet deber�a tener\n"
"\t las respuestas que necesitar�.  El asistente para la configuraci�n del\n"
"\t correo est� representado en <xref linkend=\"usage-setup-fig\">.\n"
"<!-- ==============Figure=================================== -->\n"
"<!-- druid-pic should eventually become assistant-pic -->\n"
"\t<figure id=\"usage-setup-fig\">\n"
"\t<title>Asistente para la Configuraci�n del Correo</title>\n"
"\t  <screeninfo>Ventana del Correo de Evolution</screeninfo>\n"
"\t  <graphic fileref=\"fig/mail-druid-pic\" format=\"png\" srccredit=\"Kevin "
"\t    </graphic>\n"
"<!-- ==============End of Figure=================================== -->\n"
"  El asistente le pedir� la siguiente informaci�n:\n"
"        <variablelist>\n"
"          <varlistentry>\n"
"               <term> <guilabel>Nombre:</guilabel> </term> <listitem>\n"
"\t  <para>Su nombre completo. </para></listitem>\n"
"         </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term><guilabel>Direcci�n de correo "
"\t  <listitem><para>\n"
"                 Su direcci�n de correo completa.\n"
"                 </para></listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guilabel>Organizaci�n:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"           Cualquier organizaci�n a la que represente, o la compa��a para\n"
"           la que trabaja.  Deje esto en blanco si lo prefiere, o ponga\n"
"           \"Yo mismo\" as� la gente sabr� que sus opiniones son solo "
"           </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"      <varlistentry>\n"
"\t <term><guilabel>Archivo de Firma:</guilabel></term>\n"
"          <listitem>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"             Un archivo de texto a�adido a cualquier mensaje que env�e. Una\n"
"             firma t�pica consiste en su nombre y su direcci�n de correo,\n"
"             o una cita que le guste.  Es una buena medida mantener su\n"
"             \"firma\" corta: cuatro l�neas son suficientes. Recuerde,\n"
"             que esto se adjuntar� a todos los mensajes que env�e.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"         </listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"           <term> <guilabel>Tipo de fuente del correo:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> soporta varias fuentes\n"
"              para el correo: servidores <glossterm \n"
"              linkend=\"pop\">POP</glossterm> e <glossterm \n"
"              linkend=\"imap\">IMAP</glossterm>, y archivos \n"
"              <systemitem><filename>mbox</filename></systemitem> y\n"
"              <systemitem><filename>mh</filename></systemitem> al estilo "
"              Los servidores POP le permiten obtener su correo y guardarlo\n"
"              localmente para que pueda consultarlo incluso cuando no est�\n"
"              conectado a la red; los servidores "
"              guardan el correo en el servidor para que puede acceder a el\n"
"              desde varios sitios; los\n"
"              archivos <systemitem><filename>mbox</filename></systemitem>\n"
"              son usados por su ordenador para el correo interno, y pueden\n"
"              ser �tiles si quiere cambiar desde otro cliente de correo "
"              <application>Spruce</application> o\n"
"              <application>Netscape Communicator</application>.  Pregunte\n"
"              a su administrador de sistemas cual debe usar, o intente\n"
"              hasta que alguno funcione.  Puede usar m�ltiples fuentes si "
"              desea; vea <xref\n"
"              linkend=\"config-prefs-mail-network\"> para m�s\n"
"              informaci�n.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"              Si decide que <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"              no use ning�n servidor, los siguientes elementos no son\n"
"              relevantes; tan solo debe indicar donde se encuentran los\n"
"              archivos a los que desea acceder.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"          \n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guilabel>Servidor:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Este debe ser el nombre del servidor de donde obtiene el\n"
"              correo entrante.  Puede (o puede no) ser el mismo servidor\n"
"              al que env�a su correo saliente.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"     <varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term><guilabel>Nombre de usuario:</guilabel></term>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"             Introduzca el nombre de usuario de la cuenta de su servidor de\n"
"             correo, si tiene una. En casi todos los casos, esta es la "
"             de su correo de antes del car�cter @, y\n"
"             <application>Evolution</application> elige ese valor como\n"
"             valor por defecto.  Si tiene un nombre de usuario distinto,\n"
"             puede escribirlo aqu�.\n"
"           </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"     \n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"            <term><guilabel>Autentificaci�n:</guilabel></term> \n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Selecci�n el tipo de autentificaci�n que usar�.  Puede         "
"     pulsar <guibutton>Detectar tipos soportados</guibutton> para\n"
"              averiguar que protocolos de autentificaci�n admite su "
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"       </varlistentry>\n"
"      <varlistentry> \n"
"         <term><guilabel>Transporte de Correo:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Este es el protocolo de env�o de correo que quiera usar.\n"
"              <application>Evolution</application> soporta ambos\n"
"              <glossterm linkend=\"smtp\">SMTP</glossterm> y\n"
"              <application>sendmail</application>; SMTP es de lejos el m�s\n"
"              com�n.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"     </variablelist>\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:150
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        The first time you try to send or receive mail with\n"
"\t<application>Evolution</application>, the <interface>mail\n"
"\tsetup assistant</interface> will pop up to help you with your\n"
"\temail preferences.  If you don't plan to use email, or if\n"
"\tyou'd rather deal with your email preferences later, click\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        La primera vez que intente enviar o recibir correo con\n"
"\t<application>Evolution</application>, aparecer� el <interface>asistente "
"\tconfiguraci�n del correo</interface> para ayudarle con la configuraci�n "
"\tsu correo.  Si no piensa usar el correo electr�nico, o si prefiere\n"
"\tocuparse de la configuraci�n de su correo m�s tarde, pulse\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:159
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        The first time you try to use email, the mail setup assistant\n"
"        will ask you for some basic information, so\n"
"        <application>Evolution</application> can let you use email. If\n"
"        you prefer more detailed configuration, or if you want to make\n"
"        changes to an existing email setup, see <xref\n"
"        linkend=\"config-prefs\">.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        La primera vez que intente usar el correo, el asistente de\n"
"        configuraci�n del correo le pedir� algunos datos b�sicos, para que\n"
"        <application>Evolution</application> le deje usar el correo. Si\n"
"        prefiere una configuraci�n m�s detallada, o si quiere realizar\n"
"        cambios en una configuraci�n ya existente, vea <xref\n"
"        linkend=\"config-prefs\">.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:168
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        To learn how to configure <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"        in greater detail, or to change preferences once you have set\n"
"        them, see <xref linkend=\"config-prefs\">.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        Para aprender a configurar <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"        con todo detalle, o para cambiar las preferencias una vez que las\n"
"        ha fijado, mire <xref linkend=\"config-prefs\">.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:174
msgid "      <title>Easy Setup with the Setup Assistant</title>\n"
msgstr "      <title>Configuraci�n F�cil con el Asistente</title>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:176
msgid "      <title>Mail Setup</title>\n"
msgstr "      <title>Configuraci�n del Correo</title>\n"

#: tmp/config-setupassist.sgml.h:178
msgid ""
"<!--  \n"
"        Before you get it, though, you should decide where you want to\n"
"\tkeep it.  Your options will vary a little depending on your\n"
"\tnetwork setup, but they come down to storing the mail on your\n"
"\thard disk (using <glossterm linkend=\"pop\">POP</glossterm>), or\n"
"\tstoring it on the network (using <glossterm\n"
"\tlinkend=\"imap\">IMAP</glossterm>).  If you store your mail on\n"
"\tyour local hard disk, you can read it whether you're online or\n"
"\tnot, but you can only read it from one computer.  If you store\n"
"\tit on the network, you can only read it when you're online,\n"
"\tbut you can access it from almost any computer with a network\n"
"\tconnection, even if it doesn't have\n"
"        If you choose POP, you'll be putting mail in the\n"
"        <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Local</guilabel>\n"
"        folder.  If you choose IMAP, it's the\n"
"        <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> of a folder with the same name as\n"
"        your mail server.  That's so you can maintain several distinct\n"
"        IMAP servers if you want.  See <xref\n"
"        linkend=\"config-prefs-mail\"> for more information about mail\n"
"        servers.\n"
msgstr ""
"<!--  \n"
"        Antes de obtenerlo, eso si, debe decidir donde lo quiere conservar.\n"
"\tSus opciones variar�n ligeramente dependiendo de la configuraci�n de su\n"
"\tred, pero quedan simplificadas a guardar su correo en su disco duro\n"
"\t(usando <glossterm linkend=\"pop\">POP</glossterm>), o guardarlo en\n"
"\tla red (usando <glossterm linkend=\"imap\">IMAP</glossterm>).\n"
"\tSi guarda el correo en su disco duro local, podr� leerlo tanto si\n"
"\test� conectado o como si no, pero tan solo podr� leerlo desde un\n"
"\tordenador.  Si lo guarda en la red, solo podr� leerlo cuando est�\n"
"\tconectado, pero podr� leerlo desde casi cualquier ordenador con conexi�n\n"
"\ta la red, incluso si no tiene\n"
"        Si elige POP, pondr� el correo en el\n"
"        <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> en la carpeta "
"        Si elige IMAP, es el\n"
"        <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> de una carpeta con el mismo nombre que "
"        servidor de correo.  Esto es as� para que pueda tener varios\n"
"        servidores IMAP distintos si quiere.  Vea <xref\n"
"        linkend=\"config-prefs-mail\"> para m�s informaci�n acerca de los\n"
"        servidores de correo.\n"