<!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN">
<chapter id="usage-summary">
  <title>Using the Ximian Evolution Summary</title>
  <sect1 id="summary-intro">
    <title>Introducing the Summary</title>
      The Ximian Evolution Summary can show you what you need to know
      quickly.  It will show you your tasks for that day, how many
      emails are waiting for you, and much more.
      To begin using your Summary, click on the <guilabel>Shortcut
      Bar</guilabel> or <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> at the top of the
      <guilabel>Folder Bar</guilabel>.  By default, you will see:
	    Weather Reports
	    News feeds from the Internet
	    Your mail summary, showing you how many new emails are
	    waiting in selected mail boxes.
  <sect1 id="customizing-summary">
    <title>Customizing the Summary's Modules</title>
      <application>Evolution's</application> modules can be customized
      to suit your needs.  For example, you can choose which mail
      boxes are summarized, and which news services appear.

  <note id="summary-http-proxy">
	<title>Using the Summary through an HTTP Proxy</title>
           If you use an HTTP proxy, <application>Ximian
           Evolution</application> must be able to find it through the
           <systemitem>gnome-vfs</systemitem> subsystem before it can
           access news and weather from the Internet.  This is also
           the case if you wish to load remote images into HTML mail
           message.  You can tell the GNOME Virtual File System about
           your HTTP proxy in one of two ways:
	      <term>Configure it with Nautilus</term>
                 <orderedlist numeration="arabic">
			Open a Nautilus window
	                 Select <menuchoice>
			  <guimenuitem>Edit Preferences</guimenuitem>
			Go to the <guilabel>Navigation</guilabel> tab.
			Click the <guilabel>Use HTTP Proxy</guilabel>
			checkbox and enter the location of your HTTP
			proxy in the <guilabel>Location</guilabel> field.
	      <term>Configure it with the gconftool command</term>
                 <orderedlist numeration="arabic">
                        Open a terminal.
                        Enter the command 
                        gconftool --type=bool --set /system/gnome-vfs/use-http-proxy "TRUE"
                        Enter the command 
      gconftool --type=string --set /system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-host "your-proxy-url"
                        Enter the command 
                        gconftool --type=int --set /system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-port "8080"
                  For more information about the gconftool command,
                  read the gconftool man page.

    <sect2 id="customizing-summary-weather">
      <title>Customizing the Weather Summary</title>
	To add a city to be displayed in the weather:
	<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
	      Click <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Shortcut Bar</guilabel>.
		<guimenuitem>Summary Settings</guimenuitem>
	      Click the <guilabel>Weather</guilabel> tab.
	      Select the city on the left hand column.
	      Click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button.
	<tip id="measurments">
	  <title>Metric or Imperial?</title>
	    <application>Evolution</application> supports both
	    Imperial and Metric measurement for weather reports.
    <sect2 id="customizing-feeds">
      <title>Customizing Your News Feeds</title>
	To customize your news feeds:
	<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
	      Click <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Shortcut Bar</guilabel>.
		<guimenuitem>Summary Settings</guimenuitem>
	      Click the <guilabel>News Feeds</guilabel> tab.
	      Select the news news feed on the left column.
	      Click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button.
	      Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
    <sect2 id="customizing-mail">
      <title>Customizing Your Mail Summary</title>
	To customize your mail summary:
	<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
	      Click <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Shortcut Bar</guilabel>.
		<guimenuitem>Summary Settings</guimenuitem>
	      Click the <guibutton>Mail</guibutton> tab.
	      Select the mail folder you want to see in the preview on the left.
	      Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.
    <sect2 id="customizing-cal">
      <title>Customizing Your Schedule Summary</title>
	To customize your calendar summary:
	<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
	      Click <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Shortcut Bar</guilabel>.
		<guimenuitem>Summary Settings</guimenuitem>
	      Click the <guibutton>Schedule</guibutton> tab.
	      Choose whether you'd like appointments displayed for one
	      day, five days, a week, or a month.
            Choose whether you'd like to display all tasks, or just
            the tasks due today.