Use filter rules to sort your mail automatically into folders. Andre Klapper Novell, Inc

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Using Filters

Message filters apply actions on messages based on conditions that you have defined. You can define filters for both incoming and outgoing emails.

Filters will be automatically applied to incoming messages for local accounts (such as POP). Mail serves for remote accounts (such as IMAP) often already filter mail directly on the server as this is faster. If you want to apply your Evolution filters to remote accounts, you can enable this under EditPreferencesMail AccountsEditReceiving OptionsOptionsApply filters to new messages in Inbox on this server.

To manually apply filters on messages in a folder, select the messages and click MessageApply Filters or press CtrlY.

You can select all messages in a folder by clicking EditSelect All or pressing CtrlA.

Creating a Filter

Click EditMessage Filters, or click MessageCreate Rule and select the criterion the filter will be based on.

Click Add.

Enter a name in the Rule name field.

Define the conditions for the rule. For each condition, you first select which part of the message will be checked and then define the comparison.

For more information on the available conditions see Available Filter conditions.

If you want to define multiple conditions, define under Find items if any or if all conditions have to apply, and click Add Condition and repeat the previous step.

Select the Actions for the Filter in the Then section.

For more information on the available actions see Available Filter actions.

If you want to define multiple actions, click Add Action and repeat the previous step. For example, if you want no other existing filters to be applied choose Stop Processing as the second action in the list.

Click OK.

Editing Filters

Click EditMessage Filters.

Select the filter.

Click Edit.

Make the desired corrections, then click OK twice.

Deleting Filters

Click EditMessage Filters.

Select the filter.

Click Remove.

Click OK.