Format Text in the mail composer. Andre Klapper Novell, Inc

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Formatting Text in HTML

HTML formatting tools are located in the two tool bars just above the area where you actually write the message. They also appear in the Insert and Format menus.

The icons in the tool bar are explained in tooltips which appear when you hold your mouse pointer over the buttons. The buttons fall into five categories:

Headers and Lists:

At the left of the upper tool bar, you can choose Normal for a default text style or Header 1 through Header 6 for varying sizes of header from large (1) to tiny (6). Other styles include Preformat, to use the HTML tag for preformatted blocks of text, and three types of bullet points for lists.

For instance, instead of using asterisks to mark a bulleted list, you can use the Bulleted List style from the style dropdown list. Evolution uses different bullet styles, and handles word wrap and multiple levels of indentation.


Located next to the Headers and Lists dropdown, the three paragraph icons should be familiar to users of most word processing software. The left-most button aligns your text to the left, the center button centers text, and the right button aligns the text to the right.

Indentation Rules:

The button with the arrow pointing left decreases a paragraph's indentation, and the right arrow increases its indentation.

Text Styles:

Use these buttons in the lower tool bar to determine the way your email looks. If you have text selected, the style applies to the selected text. If you do not have text selected, the style applies to whatever you type next.




Typewriter text, which is similar to a monospace font.

Bold A

Bolds the text.

Italic A

Italicizes the text.

Underlined A

Underlines the text.

Strike through A

Marks a line through the text.

Color Selection:

At the left in the lower tool bar is the color section tool, where a box displays the current text color. To choose a new color, click the arrow button to the right. If you have text selected, the color applies to the selected text. If you do not have text selected, the color applies to whatever you type next. You can select a background color or image by right-clicking the message background, then selecting StylePage Style.