Saving and opening files that are attached to received emails. Andre Klapper Novell, Inc

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Handling attachments in received mail

If you receive an email message with one or more file attachments, Evolution displays the number of attachments and a Save or Save All button between the email header and the content of the email.

Evolution does not support saving all attachments of all messages in one folder at once.

A list of attachments is also available at the bottom of the email.

To save an attachment to disk, click the down-arrow next to the attachment icon and click Save As.

To open an attachment in another application, click the down-arrow next to the attachment icon and choose one of the available applications.

The options available for an attachment vary depending on the type of attachment and the applications that are installed on your system. For example, image files can be opened in the Image Viewer application or in the GIMP graphics editor.