Andre Klapperak-47@gmx.netNovell, IncAutocompletion of names and email addresses entered in the mail composer.Autocompletion of mail recipients
You can enter the first three letters of names and email addresses in the
recipients text field and Evolution will present you with a list
of matches from your address books.
To enable autocompletion, go to
EditPreferencesContactsAutocompletion and choose the address books from the list
that Evolution should look in for matches.
Select Always show address of the autocompleted contact to also
show the email address along with the name. This can be helpful to
distinguish if a contact has several email addresses.
Alternately, you can click the To:, Cc:, or
Bcc: buttons to get a list of the email addresses in your
contacts. Select addresses and click the arrow buttons to move them into the
appropriate address columns.