<chapter id="config-setupassist"> <title>Easy Setup with the Setup Assistant</title> <para> The setup assistant can gather most of the information necessary for <application>Evolution</application>'s daily operation. If you prefer more detailed or advanced configuration, see <xref linkend="config-prefs"> </para> <para> This paragraph will describe all information required by the setup assistant. It will include a long itemized list, and a screenshot or two. </para> <sect1 id="config-setupassist-mail"> <title>Mail Setup</title> <para> The first time you try to send or receive mail with <application>Evolution</application>, the <interface>mail setup druid</interface> will pop up to help you set up your email preferences. If you don't plan to use email, or if you'd rather configure your email preferences later, click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>. </para> <para> The setup <glossterm>druid</glossterm> will guide you through the network configuration process. It will ask you for some basic information; your system administrator or ISP should have the answers you'll need. The mail setup druid is pictured in <xref linkend="usage-setup-fig">. <!-- ==============Figure=================================== --> <figure id="usage-setup-fig"> <title>Mail Setup Druid</title> <screenshot> <screeninfo>Evolution Main Window</screeninfo> <graphic fileref="fig/mail-druid-pic" format="png" srccredit="Aaron Weber"> </graphic> </screenshot> </figure> <!-- ==============End of Figure=================================== --> The druid will ask you for the following information: <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> <guilabel>Name— </guilabel> Your full name: eg. Eva Lucianne Tester </para></listitem> <listitem><para> <guilabel>Email address&mdash</guilabel>; Your email address: eg. eltester@helixcode.com </para></listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel> Organization—</guilabel> Any organization you represent. Leave this blank if you wish. </para> </listitem> <listitem><para> <guilabel>Signature File—</guilabel> A text file appended to any email you send, typically your name and email address, or a quotation you like. It should be under three lines of text.</para></listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel>Mail source type—</guilabel> <application>Evolution</application> supports two mail sources: POP servers, the most common email server type, and UNIX-style MBOX files. Ask your system administrator which one you use. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel>Server—</guilabel> This should be the name of your mail server, eg. mailserver.organization.org </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel> Username— </guilabel>Usually, this is the part of your email address before the @ character, and <application>Evolution</application> has selected that value as the default. If you have a different username, you can enter it here. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel>Authentication—</guilabel> Select the type of authentication you will use. You can click <guibutton>Detect supported types</guibutton> to find out which authentication protocols your network allows. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <guilabel>Mail Transport—</guilabel> This is the mail sending protocol you will want to use. Sendmail is the default. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> <para> To learn how to configure <application>Evolution</application> in greater detail, or to change preferences once you have set them, see <xref linkend="config-prefs">. </para> </sect1> </chapter>