<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="topic" id="calendar-timezones"> <info> <desc>Using time zones in the calendar.</desc> <link type="guide" xref="index#calendar-advanced" /> <revision pkgversion="3.1.5" version="0.4" date="2011-07-28" status="final"/> <credit type="author"> <name its:translate="no">Andre Klapper</name> <email its:translate="no">ak-47@gmx.net</email> </credit> <credit type="author"> <name its:translate="no">Novell, Inc</name> <!-- Content partially from http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/2.32/bshlzlu.html.en --> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Using time zones</title> <p>Evolution supports using multiple time zones.</p> <section id="default-timezone"> <title>Setting your global timezone(s)</title> <p>By default Evolution uses the system-wide time zone. This can be changed under <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui><gui>Calendar and Tasks</gui><gui>General</gui><gui>Time</gui><gui>Time zone</gui></guiseq>.</p> <p>If you deal a lot with people in another specific time zone you can display that second time zone in the day view of the calendar. You can set a second time zone under <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui><gui>Calendar and Tasks</gui><gui>General</gui><gui>Time</gui><gui>Second zone</gui></guiseq>.</p> </section> <section id="appointment-timezone"> <title>Setting a timezone for an appointment</title> <p>You can also configure time zone information specific to each appointment. To do that, <link xref="calendar-usage">add a new or edit an existing appointment</link> and click the globe button to customize the time zone that the time exists in. For example, if you live in New York but have a telephone meeting set for noon with someone in California, you need to make sure that your schedules are coordinated. Setting time zones on a per-appointment basis helps avoid that potential confusion.</p> </section> </page>