 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>  
 * Authors:
 *		Chris Lahey <clahey@ximian.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#ifndef __E_XML_UTILS__
#define __E_XML_UTILS__

#include <glib.h>

#include <libxml/tree.h>


/* lang set to NULL means use the current locale. */
xmlNode *e_xml_get_child_by_name_by_lang             (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *child_name,
                                                      const gchar   *lang);
/* lang_list set to NULL means use the current locale. */
xmlNode *e_xml_get_child_by_name_by_lang_list        (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const gchar   *name,
                                                      const GList   *lang_list);
xmlNode *e_xml_get_child_by_name_no_lang             (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const gchar   *name);

gint     e_xml_get_integer_prop_by_name              (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);
gint     e_xml_get_integer_prop_by_name_with_default (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gint           def);
void     e_xml_set_integer_prop_by_name              (xmlNode       *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gint           value);

guint    e_xml_get_uint_prop_by_name                 (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);
guint    e_xml_get_uint_prop_by_name_with_default    (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      guint          def);
void     e_xml_set_uint_prop_by_name                 (xmlNode       *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      guint          value);

gboolean e_xml_get_bool_prop_by_name                 (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);
gboolean e_xml_get_bool_prop_by_name_with_default    (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gboolean       def);
void     e_xml_set_bool_prop_by_name                 (xmlNode       *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gboolean       value);

gdouble  e_xml_get_double_prop_by_name               (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);
gdouble  e_xml_get_double_prop_by_name_with_default  (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gdouble        def);
void      e_xml_set_double_prop_by_name              ( xmlNode       *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      gdouble        value);

gchar    *e_xml_get_string_prop_by_name              (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);
gchar    *e_xml_get_string_prop_by_name_with_default (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      const gchar   *def);
void      e_xml_set_string_prop_by_name              (xmlNode       *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name,
                                                      const gchar   *value);

gchar    *e_xml_get_translated_string_prop_by_name   (const xmlNode *parent,
                                                      const xmlChar *prop_name);

int e_xml_save_file (const char *filename, xmlDocPtr doc);


#endif /* __E_XML_UTILS__ */