/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * * * Authors: * Chris Lahey <clahey@ximian.com> * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include "e-table-memory-store.h" #define E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE \ ((obj), E_TYPE_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE, ETableMemoryStorePrivate)) #define STORE_LOCATOR(etms, col, row) (*((etms)->priv->store + (row) * (etms)->priv->col_count + (col))) struct _ETableMemoryStorePrivate { gint col_count; ETableMemoryStoreColumnInfo *columns; gpointer *store; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ETableMemoryStore, e_table_memory_store, E_TYPE_TABLE_MEMORY) static gpointer duplicate_value (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint col, gconstpointer val) { switch (etms->priv->columns[col].type) { case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_STRING: return g_strdup (val); case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_PIXBUF: if (val) g_object_ref ((gpointer) val); return (gpointer) val; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_OBJECT: if (val) g_object_ref ((gpointer) val); return (gpointer) val; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_CUSTOM: if (etms->priv->columns[col].custom.duplicate_value) return etms->priv->columns[col].custom.duplicate_value (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, val, NULL); break; default: break; } return (gpointer) val; } static void free_value (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint col, gpointer value) { switch (etms->priv->columns[col].type) { case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_STRING: g_free (value); break; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_PIXBUF: if (value) g_object_unref (value); break; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_OBJECT: if (value) g_object_unref (value); break; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_CUSTOM: if (etms->priv->columns[col].custom.free_value) etms->priv->columns[col].custom.free_value (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, value, NULL); break; default: break; } } static gint etms_column_count (ETableModel *etm) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); return etms->priv->col_count; } static gpointer etms_value_at (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gint row) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); return STORE_LOCATOR (etms, col, row); } static void etms_set_value_at (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gint row, gconstpointer val) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); e_table_model_pre_change (etm); STORE_LOCATOR (etms, col, row) = duplicate_value (etms, col, val); e_table_model_cell_changed (etm, col, row); } static gboolean etms_is_cell_editable (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gint row) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); return etms->priv->columns[col].editable; } /* The default for etms_duplicate_value is to return the raw value. */ static gpointer etms_duplicate_value (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gconstpointer value) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); return duplicate_value (etms, col, value); } static void etms_free_value (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gpointer value) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); free_value (etms, col, value); } static gpointer etms_initialize_value (ETableModel *etm, gint col) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); switch (etms->priv->columns[col].type) { case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_STRING: return g_strdup (""); case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_PIXBUF: return NULL; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_CUSTOM: case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_OBJECT: if (etms->priv->columns[col].custom.initialize_value) return etms->priv->columns[col].custom.initialize_value (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, NULL); break; default: break; } return NULL; } static gboolean etms_value_is_empty (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gconstpointer value) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); switch (etms->priv->columns[col].type) { case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_STRING: return !(value && *(gchar *) value); case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_PIXBUF: return value == NULL; case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_CUSTOM: case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_OBJECT: if (etms->priv->columns[col].custom.value_is_empty) return etms->priv->columns[col].custom.value_is_empty (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, value, NULL); break; default: break; } return value == NULL; } static gchar * etms_value_to_string (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gconstpointer value) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); switch (etms->priv->columns[col].type) { case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_STRING: return g_strdup (value); case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_PIXBUF: return g_strdup (""); case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_CUSTOM: case E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_OBJECT: if (etms->priv->columns[col].custom.value_is_empty) return etms->priv->columns[col].custom.value_to_string (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, value, NULL); break; default: break; } return g_strdup_printf ("%d", GPOINTER_TO_INT (value)); } static void etms_append_row (ETableModel *etm, ETableModel *source, gint row) { ETableMemoryStore *etms = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (etm); gpointer *new_data; gint i; gint row_count; new_data = g_new (gpointer , etms->priv->col_count); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { new_data[i] = e_table_model_value_at (source, i, row); } row_count = e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)); e_table_memory_store_insert_array (etms, row_count, new_data, NULL); } static void etms_finalize (GObject *object) { ETableMemoryStorePrivate *priv; priv = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_GET_PRIVATE (object); e_table_memory_store_clear (E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE (object)); g_free (priv->columns); g_free (priv->store); /* Chain up to parent's finalize() method. */ G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_table_memory_store_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void e_table_memory_store_init (ETableMemoryStore *etms) { etms->priv = E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_GET_PRIVATE (etms); } static void e_table_memory_store_class_init (ETableMemoryStoreClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; ETableModelClass *model_class; g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (ETableMemoryStorePrivate)); object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->finalize = etms_finalize; model_class = E_TABLE_MODEL_CLASS (class); model_class->column_count = etms_column_count; model_class->value_at = etms_value_at; model_class->set_value_at = etms_set_value_at; model_class->is_cell_editable = etms_is_cell_editable; model_class->duplicate_value = etms_duplicate_value; model_class->free_value = etms_free_value; model_class->initialize_value = etms_initialize_value; model_class->value_is_empty = etms_value_is_empty; model_class->value_to_string = etms_value_to_string; model_class->append_row = etms_append_row; } /** * e_table_memory_store_new: * @columns: * * This initializes a new ETableMemoryStoreModel object. ETableMemoryStoreModel is * an implementaiton of the abstract class ETableModel. The ETableMemoryStoreModel * is designed to allow people to easily create ETableModels without having * to create a new GType derived from ETableModel every time they need one. * * Instead, ETableMemoryStoreModel uses a setup based in callback functions, every * callback function signature mimics the signature of each ETableModel method * and passes the extra @data pointer to each one of the method to provide them * with any context they might want to use. * * Returns: An ETableMemoryStoreModel object (which is also an ETableModel * object). */ ETableModel * e_table_memory_store_new (ETableMemoryStoreColumnInfo *columns) { ETableMemoryStore *et = g_object_new (E_TYPE_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE, NULL); if (e_table_memory_store_construct (et, columns)) { return (ETableModel *) et; } else { g_object_unref (et); return NULL; } } ETableModel * e_table_memory_store_construct (ETableMemoryStore *etms, ETableMemoryStoreColumnInfo *columns) { gint i; for (i = 0; columns[i].type != E_TABLE_MEMORY_STORE_COLUMN_TYPE_TERMINATOR; i++) /* Intentionally blank */; etms->priv->col_count = i; etms->priv->columns = g_new (ETableMemoryStoreColumnInfo, etms->priv->col_count + 1); memcpy (etms->priv->columns, columns, (etms->priv->col_count + 1) * sizeof (ETableMemoryStoreColumnInfo)); return E_TABLE_MODEL (etms); } void e_table_memory_store_adopt_value_at (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint col, gint row, gpointer value) { e_table_model_pre_change (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)); STORE_LOCATOR (etms, col, row) = value; e_table_model_cell_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), col, row); } /* The size of these arrays is the number of columns. */ void e_table_memory_store_insert_array (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer *store, gpointer data) { gint row_count; gint i; row_count = e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)) + 1; if (row == -1) row = row_count - 1; etms->priv->store = g_realloc (etms->priv->store, etms->priv->col_count * row_count * sizeof (gpointer)); memmove ( etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * (row + 1), etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * row, etms->priv->col_count * (row_count - row - 1) * sizeof (gpointer)); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row) = duplicate_value (etms, i, store[i]); } e_table_memory_insert (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms), row, data); } void e_table_memory_store_insert (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer data, ...) { gpointer *store; va_list args; gint i; store = g_new (gpointer , etms->priv->col_count + 1); va_start (args, data); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { store[i] = va_arg (args, gpointer); } va_end (args); e_table_memory_store_insert_array (etms, row, store, data); g_free (store); } void e_table_memory_store_insert_adopt_array (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer *store, gpointer data) { gint row_count; gint i; row_count = e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)) + 1; if (row == -1) row = row_count - 1; etms->priv->store = g_realloc (etms->priv->store, etms->priv->col_count * row_count * sizeof (gpointer)); memmove ( etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * (row + 1), etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * row, etms->priv->col_count * (row_count - row - 1) * sizeof (gpointer)); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row) = store[i]; } e_table_memory_insert (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms), row, data); } void e_table_memory_store_insert_adopt (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer data, ...) { gpointer *store; va_list args; gint i; store = g_new (gpointer , etms->priv->col_count + 1); va_start (args, data); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { store[i] = va_arg (args, gpointer); } va_end (args); e_table_memory_store_insert_adopt_array (etms, row, store, data); g_free (store); } /** * e_table_memory_store_change_array: * @etms: the ETabelMemoryStore. * @row: the row we're changing. * @store: an array of new values to fill the row * @data: the new closure to associate with this row. * * frees existing values associated with a row and replaces them with * duplicates of the values in store. * */ void e_table_memory_store_change_array (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer *store, gpointer data) { gint i; g_return_if_fail (row >= 0 && row < e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms))); e_table_model_pre_change (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { free_value (etms, i, STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row)); STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row) = duplicate_value (etms, i, store[i]); } e_table_memory_set_data (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms), row, data); e_table_model_row_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), row); } /** * e_table_memory_store_change: * @etms: the ETabelMemoryStore. * @row: the row we're changing. * @data: the new closure to associate with this row. * * a varargs version of e_table_memory_store_change_array. you must * pass in etms->col_count args. */ void e_table_memory_store_change (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer data, ...) { gpointer *store; va_list args; gint i; g_return_if_fail (row >= 0 && row < e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms))); store = g_new0 (gpointer , etms->priv->col_count + 1); va_start (args, data); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { store[i] = va_arg (args, gpointer); } va_end (args); e_table_memory_store_change_array (etms, row, store, data); g_free (store); } /** * e_table_memory_store_change_adopt_array: * @etms: the ETableMemoryStore * @row: the row we're changing. * @store: an array of new values to fill the row * @data: the new closure to associate with this row. * * frees existing values for the row and stores the values from store * into it. This function differs from * e_table_memory_storage_change_adopt_array in that it does not * duplicate the data. */ void e_table_memory_store_change_adopt_array (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer *store, gpointer data) { gint i; g_return_if_fail (row >= 0 && row < e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms))); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { free_value (etms, i, STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row)); STORE_LOCATOR (etms, i, row) = store[i]; } e_table_memory_set_data (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms), row, data); e_table_model_row_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms), row); } /** * e_table_memory_store_change_adopt * @etms: the ETabelMemoryStore. * @row: the row we're changing. * @data: the new closure to associate with this row. * * a varargs version of e_table_memory_store_change_adopt_array. you * must pass in etms->col_count args. */ void e_table_memory_store_change_adopt (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row, gpointer data, ...) { gpointer *store; va_list args; gint i; g_return_if_fail (row >= 0 && row < e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms))); store = g_new0 (gpointer , etms->priv->col_count + 1); va_start (args, data); for (i = 0; i < etms->priv->col_count; i++) { store[i] = va_arg (args, gpointer); } va_end (args); e_table_memory_store_change_adopt_array (etms, row, store, data); g_free (store); } void e_table_memory_store_remove (ETableMemoryStore *etms, gint row) { ETableModel *model; gint column_count, row_count; gint i; model = E_TABLE_MODEL (etms); column_count = e_table_model_column_count (model); for (i = 0; i < column_count; i++) e_table_model_free_value (model, i, e_table_model_value_at (model, i, row)); row_count = e_table_model_row_count (E_TABLE_MODEL (etms)) - 1; memmove ( etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * row, etms->priv->store + etms->priv->col_count * (row + 1), etms->priv->col_count * (row_count - row) * sizeof (gpointer)); etms->priv->store = g_realloc (etms->priv->store, etms->priv->col_count * row_count * sizeof (gpointer)); e_table_memory_remove (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms), row); } void e_table_memory_store_clear (ETableMemoryStore *etms) { ETableModel *model; gint row_count, column_count; gint i, j; model = E_TABLE_MODEL (etms); row_count = e_table_model_row_count (model); column_count = e_table_model_column_count (model); for (i = 0; i < row_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < column_count; j++) { e_table_model_free_value (model, j, e_table_model_value_at (model, j, i)); } } e_table_memory_clear (E_TABLE_MEMORY (etms)); g_free (etms->priv->store); etms->priv->store = NULL; }