/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "e-account.h" #include "e-uid.h" #include <string.h> #include <gal/util/e-util.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include <gconf/gconf-client.h> #define PARENT_TYPE G_TYPE_OBJECT static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; enum { CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL]; /* lock mail accounts Relatively difficult -- involves redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts disable adding mail accounts Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable disable editing mail accounts Relatively difficult -- involves redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts disable removing mail accounts lock default character encoding Simple -- Gconf key + a little UI work to desensitize widgets, etc disable free busy publishing disable specific mime types (from being viewed) 90% done already (Unknown MIME types still pose a problem) lock image loading preference lock junk mail filtering settings ** junk mail per account lock work week lock first day of work week lock working hours disable forward as icalendar lock color options for tasks lock default contact filing format * forbid signatures Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable * lock user to having 1 specific signature Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable * forbid adding/removing signatures Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable * lock each account to a certain signature Relatively difficult -- involved redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts * set default folders set trash emptying frequency * lock displayed mail headers Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable * lock authentication type (for incoming mail) Relatively difficult -- involves redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts * lock authentication type (for outgoing mail) Relatively difficult -- involves redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts * lock minimum check mail on server frequency Simple -- can be done with just a Gconf key and some UI work to make assoc. widgets unavailable ** lock save password * require ssl always Relatively difficult -- involves redesign of the XML blobs which describe accounts ** lock imap subscribed folder option ** lock filtering of inbox ** lock source account/options ** lock destination account/options */ static void finalize (GObject *); static void class_init (GObjectClass *object_class) { parent_class = g_type_class_ref (PARENT_TYPE); /* virtual method override */ object_class->finalize = finalize; signals[CHANGED] = g_signal_new("changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EAccountClass, changed), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT); } static void init (EAccount *account) { account->id = g_new0 (EAccountIdentity, 1); account->source = g_new0 (EAccountService, 1); account->transport = g_new0 (EAccountService, 1); account->source->auto_check = FALSE; account->source->auto_check_time = 10; } static void identity_destroy (EAccountIdentity *id) { if (!id) return; g_free (id->name); g_free (id->address); g_free (id->reply_to); g_free (id->organization); g_free (id->sig_uid); g_free (id); } static void service_destroy (EAccountService *service) { if (!service) return; g_free (service->url); g_free (service); } static void finalize (GObject *object) { EAccount *account = E_ACCOUNT (object); g_free (account->name); g_free (account->uid); identity_destroy (account->id); service_destroy (account->source); service_destroy (account->transport); g_free (account->drafts_folder_uri); g_free (account->sent_folder_uri); g_free (account->cc_addrs); g_free (account->bcc_addrs); g_free (account->pgp_key); g_free (account->smime_sign_key); g_free (account->smime_encrypt_key); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } E_MAKE_TYPE (e_account, "EAccount", EAccount, class_init, init, PARENT_TYPE) /** * e_account_new: * * Return value: a blank new account which can be filled in and * added to an #EAccountList. **/ EAccount * e_account_new (void) { EAccount *account; account = g_object_new (E_TYPE_ACCOUNT, NULL); account->uid = e_uid_new (); return account; } /** * e_account_new_from_xml: * @xml: an XML account description * * Return value: a new #EAccount based on the data in @xml, or %NULL * if @xml could not be parsed as valid account data. **/ EAccount * e_account_new_from_xml (const char *xml) { EAccount *account; account = g_object_new (E_TYPE_ACCOUNT, NULL); if (!e_account_set_from_xml (account, xml)) { g_object_unref (account); return NULL; } return account; } static gboolean xml_set_bool (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, gboolean *val) { gboolean bool; char *buf; if ((buf = xmlGetProp (node, name))) { bool = (!strcmp (buf, "true") || !strcmp (buf, "yes")); xmlFree (buf); if (bool != *val) { *val = bool; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean xml_set_int (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, int *val) { int number; char *buf; if ((buf = xmlGetProp (node, name))) { number = strtol (buf, NULL, 10); xmlFree (buf); if (number != *val) { *val = number; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean xml_set_prop (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, char **val) { char *buf; int res; buf = xmlGetProp(node, name); if (buf == NULL) { res = (*val != NULL); if (res) { g_free(*val); *val = NULL; } } else { res = *val == NULL || strcmp(*val, buf) != 0; if (res) { g_free(*val); *val = g_strdup(buf); } xmlFree(buf); } return res; } static gboolean xml_set_content (xmlNodePtr node, char **val) { char *buf; int res; buf = xmlNodeGetContent(node); if (buf == NULL) { res = (*val != NULL); if (res) { g_free(*val); *val = NULL; } } else { res = *val == NULL || strcmp(*val, buf) != 0; if (res) { g_free(*val); *val = g_strdup(buf); } xmlFree(buf); } return res; } static gboolean xml_set_identity (xmlNodePtr node, EAccountIdentity *id) { gboolean changed = FALSE; for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) { if (!strcmp (node->name, "name")) changed |= xml_set_content (node, &id->name); else if (!strcmp (node->name, "addr-spec")) changed |= xml_set_content (node, &id->address); else if (!strcmp (node->name, "reply-to")) changed |= xml_set_content (node, &id->reply_to); else if (!strcmp (node->name, "organization")) changed |= xml_set_content (node, &id->organization); else if (!strcmp (node->name, "signature")) { changed |= xml_set_prop (node, "uid", &id->sig_uid); if (!id->sig_uid) { /* WTF is this shit doing here? Migrate is supposed to "handle this" */ /* set a fake sig uid so the migrate code can handle this */ gboolean autogen = FALSE; int sig_id = 0; xml_set_bool (node, "auto", &autogen); xml_set_int (node, "default", &sig_id); if (autogen) { id->sig_uid = g_strdup ("::0"); changed = TRUE; } else if (sig_id) { id->sig_uid = g_strdup_printf ("::%d", sig_id + 1); changed = TRUE; } } } } return changed; } static gboolean xml_set_service (xmlNodePtr node, EAccountService *service) { gboolean changed = FALSE; changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "save-passwd", &service->save_passwd); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "keep-on-server", &service->keep_on_server); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "auto-check", &service->auto_check); changed |= xml_set_int (node, "auto-check-timeout", &service->auto_check_time); if (service->auto_check && service->auto_check_time <= 0) { service->auto_check = FALSE; service->auto_check_time = 0; } for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) { if (!strcmp (node->name, "url")) { changed |= xml_set_content (node, &service->url); break; } } return changed; } /** * e_account_set_from_xml: * @account: an #EAccount * @xml: an XML account description. * * Changes @account to match @xml. * * Return value: %TRUE if @account was changed, %FALSE if @account * already matched @xml or @xml could not be parsed **/ gboolean e_account_set_from_xml (EAccount *account, const char *xml) { xmlNodePtr node, cur; xmlDocPtr doc; gboolean changed = FALSE; if (!(doc = xmlParseDoc ((char *)xml))) return FALSE; node = doc->children; if (strcmp (node->name, "account") != 0) { xmlFreeDoc (doc); return FALSE; } if (!account->uid) xml_set_prop (node, "uid", &account->uid); changed |= xml_set_prop (node, "name", &account->name); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "enabled", &account->enabled); for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) { if (!strcmp (node->name, "identity")) { changed |= xml_set_identity (node, account->id); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "source")) { changed |= xml_set_service (node, account->source); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "transport")) { changed |= xml_set_service (node, account->transport); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "drafts-folder")) { changed |= xml_set_content (node, &account->drafts_folder_uri); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "sent-folder")) { changed |= xml_set_content (node, &account->sent_folder_uri); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "auto-cc")) { changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "always", &account->always_cc); changed |= xml_set_content (node, &account->cc_addrs); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "auto-bcc")) { changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "always", &account->always_bcc); changed |= xml_set_content (node, &account->bcc_addrs); } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "pgp")) { changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "encrypt-to-self", &account->pgp_encrypt_to_self); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "always-trust", &account->pgp_always_trust); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "always-sign", &account->pgp_always_sign); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "no-imip-sign", &account->pgp_no_imip_sign); if (node->children) { for (cur = node->children; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (!strcmp (cur->name, "key-id")) { changed |= xml_set_content (cur, &account->pgp_key); break; } } } } else if (!strcmp (node->name, "smime")) { changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "sign-default", &account->smime_sign_default); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "encrypt-to-self", &account->smime_encrypt_to_self); changed |= xml_set_bool (node, "encrypt-default", &account->smime_encrypt_default); if (node->children) { for (cur = node->children; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (!strcmp (cur->name, "sign-key-id")) { changed |= xml_set_content (cur, &account->smime_sign_key); } else if (!strcmp (cur->name, "encrypt-key-id")) { changed |= xml_set_content (cur, &account->smime_encrypt_key); break; } } } } } xmlFreeDoc (doc); g_signal_emit(account, signals[CHANGED], 0, -1); return changed; } /** * e_account_import: * @dest: destination account object * @src: source account object * * Import the settings from @src to @dest. **/ void e_account_import (EAccount *dest, EAccount *src) { g_free (dest->name); dest->name = g_strdup (src->name); dest->enabled = src->enabled; g_free (dest->id->name); dest->id->name = g_strdup (src->id->name); g_free (dest->id->address); dest->id->address = g_strdup (src->id->address); g_free (dest->id->reply_to); dest->id->reply_to = g_strdup (src->id->reply_to); g_free (dest->id->organization); dest->id->organization = g_strdup (src->id->organization); dest->id->sig_uid = g_strdup (src->id->sig_uid); g_free (dest->source->url); dest->source->url = g_strdup (src->source->url); dest->source->keep_on_server = src->source->keep_on_server; dest->source->auto_check = src->source->auto_check; dest->source->auto_check_time = src->source->auto_check_time; dest->source->save_passwd = src->source->save_passwd; g_free (dest->transport->url); dest->transport->url = g_strdup (src->transport->url); dest->transport->save_passwd = src->transport->save_passwd; g_free (dest->drafts_folder_uri); dest->drafts_folder_uri = g_strdup (src->drafts_folder_uri); g_free (dest->sent_folder_uri); dest->sent_folder_uri = g_strdup (src->sent_folder_uri); dest->always_cc = src->always_cc; g_free (dest->cc_addrs); dest->cc_addrs = g_strdup (src->cc_addrs); dest->always_bcc = src->always_bcc; g_free (dest->bcc_addrs); dest->bcc_addrs = g_strdup (src->bcc_addrs); g_free (dest->pgp_key); dest->pgp_key = g_strdup (src->pgp_key); dest->pgp_encrypt_to_self = src->pgp_encrypt_to_self; dest->pgp_always_sign = src->pgp_always_sign; dest->pgp_no_imip_sign = src->pgp_no_imip_sign; dest->pgp_always_trust = src->pgp_always_trust; dest->smime_sign_default = src->smime_sign_default; g_free (dest->smime_sign_key); dest->smime_sign_key = g_strdup (src->smime_sign_key); dest->smime_encrypt_default = src->smime_encrypt_default; dest->smime_encrypt_to_self = src->smime_encrypt_to_self; g_free (dest->smime_encrypt_key); dest->smime_encrypt_key = g_strdup (src->smime_encrypt_key); g_signal_emit(dest, signals[CHANGED], 0, -1); } /** * e_account_to_xml: * @account: an #EAccount * * Return value: an XML representation of @account, which the caller * must free. **/ char * e_account_to_xml (EAccount *account) { xmlNodePtr root, node, id, src, xport; char *tmp, buf[20]; xmlChar *xmlbuf; xmlDocPtr doc; int n; doc = xmlNewDoc ("1.0"); root = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, "account", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement (doc, root); xmlSetProp (root, "name", account->name); xmlSetProp (root, "uid", account->uid); xmlSetProp (root, "enabled", account->enabled ? "true" : "false"); id = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "identity", NULL); if (account->id->name) xmlNewTextChild (id, NULL, "name", account->id->name); if (account->id->address) xmlNewTextChild (id, NULL, "addr-spec", account->id->address); if (account->id->reply_to) xmlNewTextChild (id, NULL, "reply-to", account->id->reply_to); if (account->id->organization) xmlNewTextChild (id, NULL, "organization", account->id->organization); node = xmlNewChild (id, NULL, "signature",NULL); xmlSetProp (node, "uid", account->id->sig_uid); src = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "source", NULL); xmlSetProp (src, "save-passwd", account->source->save_passwd ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (src, "keep-on-server", account->source->keep_on_server ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (src, "auto-check", account->source->auto_check ? "true" : "false"); sprintf (buf, "%d", account->source->auto_check_time); xmlSetProp (src, "auto-check-timeout", buf); if (account->source->url) xmlNewTextChild (src, NULL, "url", account->source->url); xport = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "transport", NULL); xmlSetProp (xport, "save-passwd", account->transport->save_passwd ? "true" : "false"); if (account->transport->url) xmlNewTextChild (xport, NULL, "url", account->transport->url); xmlNewTextChild (root, NULL, "drafts-folder", account->drafts_folder_uri); xmlNewTextChild (root, NULL, "sent-folder", account->sent_folder_uri); node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "auto-cc", NULL); xmlSetProp (node, "always", account->always_cc ? "true" : "false"); if (account->cc_addrs) xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, "recipients", account->cc_addrs); node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "auto-bcc", NULL); xmlSetProp (node, "always", account->always_bcc ? "true" : "false"); if (account->bcc_addrs) xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, "recipients", account->bcc_addrs); node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "pgp", NULL); xmlSetProp (node, "encrypt-to-self", account->pgp_encrypt_to_self ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (node, "always-trust", account->pgp_always_trust ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (node, "always-sign", account->pgp_always_sign ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (node, "no-imip-sign", account->pgp_no_imip_sign ? "true" : "false"); if (account->pgp_key) xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, "key-id", account->pgp_key); node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "smime", NULL); xmlSetProp (node, "sign-default", account->smime_sign_default ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (node, "encrypt-default", account->smime_encrypt_default ? "true" : "false"); xmlSetProp (node, "encrypt-to-self", account->smime_encrypt_to_self ? "true" : "false"); if (account->smime_sign_key) xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, "sign-key-id", account->smime_sign_key); if (account->smime_encrypt_key) xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, "encrypt-key-id", account->smime_encrypt_key); xmlDocDumpMemory (doc, &xmlbuf, &n); xmlFreeDoc (doc); /* remap to glib memory */ tmp = g_malloc (n + 1); memcpy (tmp, xmlbuf, n); tmp[n] = '\0'; xmlFree (xmlbuf); return tmp; } /** * e_account_uid_from_xml: * @xml: an XML account description * * Return value: the permanent UID of the account described by @xml * (or %NULL if @xml could not be parsed or did not contain a uid). * The caller must free this string. **/ char * e_account_uid_from_xml (const char *xml) { xmlNodePtr node; xmlDocPtr doc; char *uid = NULL; if (!(doc = xmlParseDoc ((char *)xml))) return NULL; node = doc->children; if (strcmp (node->name, "account") != 0) { xmlFreeDoc (doc); return NULL; } xml_set_prop (node, "uid", &uid); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return uid; } enum { EAP_IMAP_SUBSCRIBED = 0, EAP_IMAP_NAMESPACE, EAP_FILTER_INBOX, EAP_FILTER_JUNK, EAP_FORCE_SSL, EAP_LOCK_SIGNATURE, EAP_LOCK_AUTH, EAP_LOCK_AUTOCHECK, EAP_LOCK_DEFAULT_FOLDERS, EAP_LOCK_SAVE_PASSWD, EAP_LOCK_SOURCE, EAP_LOCK_TRANSPORT, }; static struct _system_info { const char *key; guint32 perm; } system_perms[] = { { "imap_subscribed", 1<<EAP_IMAP_SUBSCRIBED }, { "imap_namespace", 1<<EAP_IMAP_NAMESPACE }, { "filter_inbox", 1<<EAP_FILTER_INBOX }, { "filter_junk", 1<<EAP_FILTER_JUNK }, { "ssl", 1<<EAP_FORCE_SSL }, { "signature", 1<<EAP_LOCK_SIGNATURE }, { "authtype", 1<<EAP_LOCK_AUTH }, { "autocheck", 1<<EAP_LOCK_AUTOCHECK }, { "default_folders", 1<<EAP_LOCK_DEFAULT_FOLDERS }, { "save_passwd" , 1<<EAP_LOCK_SAVE_PASSWD }, { "source", 1<<EAP_LOCK_SOURCE }, { "transport", 1<<EAP_LOCK_TRANSPORT }, }; #define TYPE_STRING (1) #define TYPE_INT (2) #define TYPE_BOOL (3) #define TYPE_MASK (0xff) #define TYPE_STRUCT (1<<8) static struct _account_info { guint32 perms; guint32 type; unsigned int offset; unsigned int struct_offset; } account_info[E_ACCOUNT_ITEM_LAST] = { { /* E_ACCOUNT_NAME */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, name) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_ID_NAME, */ 0, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, id), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountIdentity, name) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_ID_ADDRESS, */ 0, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, id), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountIdentity, address) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_ID_REPLY_TO, */ 0, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, id), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountIdentity, reply_to) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_ID_ORGANIZATION */ 0, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, id), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountIdentity, organization) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_ID_SIGNATURE */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_SIGNATURE, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, id), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountIdentity, sig_uid) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_SOURCE, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, source), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, url) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_KEEP_ON_SERVER */ 0, TYPE_BOOL|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, source), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, keep_on_server) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_AUTO_CHECK */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_AUTOCHECK, TYPE_BOOL|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, source), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, auto_check) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_AUTO_CHECK_TIME */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_AUTOCHECK, TYPE_INT|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, source), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, auto_check_time) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_SAVE_PASSWD */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_SAVE_PASSWD, TYPE_BOOL|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, source), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, save_passwd) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_TRANSPORT_URL */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_TRANSPORT, TYPE_STRING|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, transport), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, url) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_TRANSPORT_SAVE_PASSWD */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_SAVE_PASSWD, TYPE_BOOL|TYPE_STRUCT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, transport), G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccountService, save_passwd) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_DRAFTS_FOLDER_URI */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_DEFAULT_FOLDERS, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, drafts_folder_uri) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SENT_FOLDER_URI */ 1<<EAP_LOCK_DEFAULT_FOLDERS, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, sent_folder_uri) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_CC_ALWAYS */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, always_cc) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_CC_ADDRS */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, cc_addrs) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_BCC_ALWAYS */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, always_bcc) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_BCC_ADDRS */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, bcc_addrs) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_PGP_KEY */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, pgp_key) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_PGP_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, pgp_encrypt_to_self) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_PGP_ALWAYS_SIGN */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, pgp_always_sign) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_PGP_NO_IMIP_SIGN */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, pgp_no_imip_sign) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_PGP_ALWAYS_TRUST */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, pgp_always_trust) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SMIME_SIGN_KEY */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, smime_sign_key) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SMIME_ENCRYPT_KEY */ 0, TYPE_STRING, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, smime_encrypt_key) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SMIME_SIGN_DEFAULT */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, smime_sign_default) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SMIME_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, smime_encrypt_to_self) }, { /* E_ACCOUNT_SMIME_ENCRYPT_DEFAULT */ 0, TYPE_BOOL, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(EAccount, smime_encrypt_default) }, }; static GHashTable *ea_option_table; static GHashTable *ea_system_table; static guint32 ea_perms; static struct _option_info { char *key; guint32 perms; } ea_option_list[] = { { "imap_use_lsub", 1<<EAP_IMAP_SUBSCRIBED }, { "imap_override_namespace", 1<<EAP_IMAP_NAMESPACE }, { "imap_filter", 1<<EAP_FILTER_INBOX }, { "imap_filter_junk", 1<<EAP_FILTER_JUNK }, { "imap_filter_junk_inbox", 1<<EAP_FILTER_JUNK }, { "*_use_ssl", 1<<EAP_FORCE_SSL }, { "*_auth", 1<<EAP_LOCK_AUTH }, }; #define LOCK_BASE "/apps/evolution/lock/mail/accounts" static void ea_setting_notify(GConfClient *gconf, guint cnxn_id, GConfEntry *entry, void *crap) { GConfValue *value; char *tkey; struct _system_info *info; g_return_if_fail (gconf_entry_get_key (entry) != NULL); if (!(value = gconf_entry_get_value (entry))) return; tkey = strrchr(entry->key, '/'); g_return_if_fail (tkey != NULL); info = g_hash_table_lookup(ea_system_table, tkey+1); if (info) { if (gconf_value_get_bool(value)) ea_perms |= info->perm; else ea_perms &= ~info->perm; } } static void ea_setting_setup(void) { GConfClient *gconf = gconf_client_get_default(); GConfEntry *entry; GError *err = NULL; int i; char key[64]; if (ea_option_table != NULL) return; ea_option_table = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (i=0;i<sizeof(ea_option_list)/sizeof(ea_option_list[0]);i++) g_hash_table_insert(ea_option_table, ea_option_list[i].key, &ea_option_list[i]); gconf_client_add_dir(gconf, LOCK_BASE, GCONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE, NULL); ea_system_table = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (i=0;i<sizeof(system_perms)/sizeof(system_perms[0]);i++) { g_hash_table_insert(ea_system_table, (char *)system_perms[i].key, &system_perms[i]); sprintf(key, LOCK_BASE "/%s", system_perms[i].key); entry = gconf_client_get_entry(gconf, key, NULL, TRUE, &err); if (entry) ea_setting_notify(gconf, 0, entry, NULL); gconf_entry_free(entry); } if (err) { g_warning("Could not load account lock settings: %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); } gconf_client_notify_add(gconf, LOCK_BASE, (GConfClientNotifyFunc)ea_setting_notify, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref(gconf); } /* look up the item in the structure or the substructure using our table of reflection data */ #define addr(ea, type) \ ((account_info[type].type & TYPE_STRUCT)? \ (((char **)(((char *)ea)+account_info[type].offset))[0] + account_info[type].struct_offset): \ (((char *)ea)+account_info[type].offset)) const char *e_account_get_string(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type) { return *((const char **)addr(ea, type)); } int e_account_get_int(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type) { return *((int *)addr(ea, type)); } gboolean e_account_get_bool(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type) { return *((gboolean *)addr(ea, type)); } static void dump_account(EAccount *ea) { char *xml; printf("Account changed\n"); xml = e_account_to_xml(ea); printf(" ->\n%s\n", xml); g_free(xml); } /* TODO: should it return true if it changed? */ void e_account_set_string(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type, const char *val) { char **p; if (!e_account_writable(ea, type)) { g_warning("Trying to set non-writable option account value"); } else { p = (char **)addr(ea, type); printf("Setting string %d: old '%s' new '%s'\n", type, *p, val); if (*p != val && (*p == NULL || val == NULL || strcmp(*p, val) != 0)) { g_free(*p); *p = g_strdup(val); dump_account(ea); g_signal_emit(ea, signals[CHANGED], 0, type); } } } void e_account_set_int(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type, int val) { if (!e_account_writable(ea, type)) { g_warning("Trying to set non-writable option account value"); } else { int *p = (int *)addr(ea, type); if (*p != val) { *p = val; dump_account(ea); g_signal_emit(ea, signals[CHANGED], 0, type); } } } void e_account_set_bool(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type, gboolean val) { if (!e_account_writable(ea, type)) { g_warning("Trying to set non-writable option account value"); } else { gboolean *p = (gboolean *)addr(ea, type); if (*p != val) { *p = val; dump_account(ea); g_signal_emit(ea, signals[CHANGED], 0, type); } } } gboolean e_account_writable_option(EAccount *ea, const char *protocol, const char *option) { char *key; struct _option_info *info; ea_setting_setup(); key = alloca(strlen(protocol)+strlen(option)+2); sprintf(key, "%s_%s", protocol, option); info = g_hash_table_lookup(ea_option_table, key); if (info == NULL) { sprintf(key, "*_%s", option); info = g_hash_table_lookup(ea_option_table, key); } printf("checking writable option '%s' perms=%08x\n", option, info?info->perms:0); return info == NULL || (info->perms & ea_perms) == 0; } gboolean e_account_writable(EAccount *ea, e_account_item_t type) { ea_setting_setup(); return (account_info[type].perms & ea_perms) == 0; }