Correo en Evolution Una Vista General del Correo en Evolution Evolution email is like other email programs in all the ways you would hope: It can sort and organize your mail in a wide variety of ways with folders, searches, and filters. It can send and receive mail in HTML or as plain text, and permits multiple file attachments. It supports multiple mail sources, including IMAP, POP3, local mbox and mh files, and even NNTP messages (newsgroups), which aren't technically email. However, Evolution has some important differences. First, it's built to handle very large amounts of mail without slowing down or crashing. Both the filtering and searching functions were built for speed and efficiency on gargantuan volumes of mail. There's also the Evolution Virtual Folder, an advanced organizational feature not found in other mail clients. If you get a lot of mail, or if you keep every message you get in case you need to refer to it later, you'll find this feature especially useful. Leyendo, Obteniendo y Enviando Correo Leyendo el Correo You can start reading email by clicking Inbox in the shortcut bar. The first time you use Evolution, it will start with the Inbox open and show you a message from Ximian welcoming you to the application. Your Evolution Inbox will look something like the one in . Just below the toolbar is the message list, showing message header information like Subject and Date. The message itself appears below that, in the view pane. If you find the view pane too small, you can resize the pane, enlarge the whole window, or double-click on the message in the message list to have it open in a new window. Just like with folders, you can right-click on messages in the message list and get a menu of possible actions.
Correo de Evolution Inbox
Most of the mail-related actions you'll want to perform are listed in the Message menu in the menu bar. The most frequently used ones, like Reply and Forward, also appear as buttons in the toolbar, and almost all of them are duplicated in the right-click menu and as keyboard shortcuts, which tend to be faster once you get the hang of them. You can choose whichever way you like best; the idea is that the software should work the way you want, rather than making you work the way the it does. Take a look at the headers To look at the entire source of your email message, including all the header information, select ViewSource Ordenando la lista de mensajes One of the ways Evolution lets you choose the way you work is the way it lets you sort your message lists. To sort by sender, subject, or date, click on the bars with those labels at the top of the message list. The direction of the arrow next to the label indicates the direction of the sort, and if you click again, you'll sort them in reverse order. For example, click once on Date to sort messages by date from oldest to newest. Click again, and Evolution sorts the list from newest to oldest. You can also right-click on the message header bars to get a set of sorting options, and add or remove columns from the message list. You can find detailed instructions on how to customize your message display columns in . You can also choose a threaded message view. Select View Threaded to turn the threaded view on or off. When you select this option, Evolution groups the replies to a message with the original, so you can follow the thread of a conversation from one message to the next. Borrando Correo Once you've read your mail, you may want to get rid of it. To mark a message for deletion, select it in the the message list by clicking on it once. Then click on the Delete button in the tool bar. Or, right-click on a message and choose Delete from the right-click menu. The message will appear with a line through it, to show that you've marked it for deletion. If you change your mind and decide you want to keep it, select Message Undelete. If you really want to get rid of it, choose Expunge from the Folder menu. That will delete it permanently.
Comprobando el Correo Now that you've had a look around the Inbox, it's time to check for new mail. Click Get mail in the toolbar to check your mail. If it's the first time you've done so, the mail setup assistant will ask you for the information it needs to check your mail (see for more information). Then, you need to enter your email password. Evolution will remember your password until until you select Settings Forget Passwords . Once it's validated the password, Evolution will check your mail. New mail will appear in the local Inbox if you're using a POP account, and in your IMAP folders if you use IMAP. If you have chosen to use IMAP, and you have multiple folders on your IMAP server, you may need to subscribe to them. To learn how to use the subscription manager, read . ¿No Puede Leer su Correo? If you get an error message instead of mail, you probably need to change your network settings. To learn how to do that, have a look at , or ask your system administrator. Usando Evolution para las Noticias Newsgroups are so similar to email that there's no reason not to read them side by side. If you want to do that, add a news source to your configuration (see ). The news server will appear as a remote server, and will look quite similar to an IMAP folder. When you click Get Mail, Evolution will also check for news messages. Adjuntos y correo en HTML Si alguien le envía un adjunto, un archivo adjunto aun mensaje, Evolution mostrará en archivo en la parte de abajo del mensaje al que está adjuntado. Texto, HTML, y la mayoría de imágenes se mostrarán dentro del mensaje. Para otros archivos, Evolution mostrará un icono al final del mensaje. Pulse con el botón derecho sobre el icono para obtener una lista de opciones que variarán dependiendo del tipo de adjunto. Tendrá la opción de mostrar la mayoría de los archivos como parte del mensaje, exportarlos a otra aplicación (imágenes a Eye of GNOME, hojas de cálculo a Gnumeric, y así sucesivamente), o guardarlo en el disco. Evolution tambien puede mostrar correo formateado en HTML, completo con gráficos. El formateado en HTML se mostrará automaticamente, aunque puede deshabilitarlo si lo prefiere. Escribiendo y Enviando Correo You can start writing a new email message by selecting File New Mail Message, or by pressing the Compose button in the Inbox toolbar. When you do so, the New Message window will open, as shown in .
Ventana de Nuevo Mensaje Evolution Main Window
Enter an address in the To: field, a subject in the Subject: and a message in the big empty box at the bottom of the window, and press Send. Guardando Mensajes para más tarde Evolution enviará el mensaje inmediatamente a menos que le diga lo contrario seleccionando Archivo Enviar más Tarde. Esto añadirá sus mensajes a la cola de Outbox. Esntonces, cuando pulse Enviar en otro mensaje, u Obtener en la ventana principal del correo, todos los mensajes no enviados se enviarán en ese momento. Me gusta usar "Enviar más Tarde" porque me permite tener la oportunidad de cambiar de opinión acerca de un mensaje antes de enviarlo. De esa forma no envio nada de lo que me arrepentiré al día siguiente. Para aprender más acerca de como puede especificar el comportamiento de la cola de mensajes y de los filtros, vea . You can also choose to save messages as drafts or as text files. Choose File Save or Save As to save your message as a text file. If you prefer to keep your message in a folder (the Drafts folder would be the obvious place), you can select File Save In Folder . Composición Avanzada de Correo You can probably guess the purpose of the buttons labelled Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo, but there's a bit more to sending mail that's less obvious. In the next few sections, you'll see how Evolution handles additional features, including large recipient lists, attachments, and forwarding. Adjuntos Si quiere adjuntar un archivo a su mensaje de correo, puede arrastrarlo desde su escritorio hasta la ventana del mensaje, o pulsar el botón con un clip de la barra de herramientas, con el título Adjuntar. Si presiona el botón Adjuntar, Evolution abrirá una ventana de selección de archivos para preguntarle que archivo quiere enviar. Seleccione el archivo y pulse Aceptar. To hide the display of files you've attached to the message, select View Hide Attachments ; to show them again, choose Show Attachments. When you send the message, a copy of the attached file will go with it. Be aware that big attachments can take a long time to download. Tipos de Destinatarios Evolution, como la mayoría de los programas de correo reconoce tres tipos de direcciones destinatarios principales, destinatarios secundarios, y destinatarios escondidos ("oculto"). La manera más simple de dirigir un mensaje es poner la dirección o direcciones de correo en el campo A:, el cual denota a los destinatarios principales. Para enviar correo a más de una o dos personas, puede usar el campo Cc:. Volviendo la vista a las edades oscuras cuando la gente usaba máquinas de escribir y no habia fotocopiadoras, "Cc" significa "Copia de Carbón". Uselo cuando quiera compartir un mensaje que ha escrito a otra persona. Usando el campo Cc: Cuando Susan envia un mensaje a un cliente, pone a su compañero, Tim, en el campo Cc:, para que sepa como van las cosas. El cliente puede ver que Tim también recivió el mensaje, y sabe que también puede hablar con Tim acerca del mensaje. Si tiene un gran número de destinatarios, o si quiere mandar mensajes a varias personas sin mostrar la lista de destinatarios, debe usar Cco:. "Cco" significa "Con Copia Oculta", y envía los mensajes discretamente. En otras palabras, las personas en el campo Cco: reciven el mensaje, pero nadie vee que lo recibieron. Note que el contenido de los campos A: y Cc: son visibles para todos los destinatarios, incluso para las personas en la lista Cco:. Usando el campo Cco: Tim está enviando un anuncio por correo a todos los clientes de su compañía, algunos de los cuales son competidores entre si, y todos ellos valoran su privacidad. En este caso necesita usar el campo Cco:. Si pone todas las direcciones de su agenda de direcciones de "Clientes" en el campo A: o en el campo Cc:, hara que toda la lista de clientes de la compañía sea pública. Parece una pequeña diferencia, pero en ocasiones puede tener una gran importancia. Eligiendo Rápidamente a los Destinatarios Si ha creado tarjetas de direcciones en el administrador de contactos, puede escribir apodos o otras porciones de los datos de la dirección, y Evolution completará la dirección por usted Si escribe un nombre oun apodo puede coincidir con más de una tarjeta, Evolution abrirá una ventana de diálogo y le preguntará a quien se refiere. Alternativamente, puede pulsar en los botones A:, Cc:, o Cco: para obtener una lista — potencialmente muy larga — de las direcciones de correo de su administrador de contactos. Seleccione las direcciones y pulse sobre las flechas para moverlas a la columna de direcciones apropiada. Para más información acerca de usar el correo junto con el administrador de contactos y el calendario, vea y . Respondiendo Mensajes Para resonder a un mensaje, pulse el botón Responder mientras está seleccionado, o elija Responder al Remitente del menu del botón derecho del mensaje. Esto abrirá el compositor de mensajes. Los campos A: y Asunto ya estarán escritos, aunque puede alterarlos si lo desea. Ademas, el texto completo del antiguo mensaje es insertado en el nuevo mensaje, bien sea con itálicas (para vista en HTML) o con el caracter > precediendo cada línea (en modo texto plano), para indicar que es parte del mensaje previo. Habitualmente la gente escribe su mensaje intercalado con el mensaje anterior, como se muestra en .
Ventana de Respuesta de Mensajes Ventana Principal de Evolution
If you're reading a message with several recipients, you may wish to use Reply to All instead of Reply. If there are large numbers of people in the Cc: or To: fields, this can save substantial amounts of time. Using the Reply to All feature Susan sends an email to a client and sends copies to Tim and to an internal company mailing list of co-workers. If Tim wants to make a comment for all of them to read, he uses Reply to All, but if he just wants to tell Susan that he agrees with her, he uses Reply. Note that his reply will not reach anyone that Susan put on her Bcc list, since that list is not shared with anyone.
Searching and Replacing with the Composer You're probably familiar with search and replace features, and if you come from a Linux or Unix background, you probably know what Find Regex does. If you aren't among the lucky who already know, here's a quick rundown of an important section of the Edit menu. Find Enter a word or phrase, and Evolution will find it in your message. Find Regex Find a regex, also called a regular expression, in your composer window. Find Again Select this item to repeat the last search you performed. Replace Find a word or phrase, and replace it with something else. For all of these menu items, you can choose whether or not to Search Backwards in the document from the point where your cursor is. For all but the regular expression search (which doesn't need it), you are offered a check box to determine whether the search is to be Case Sensitive when it determines a match. Embelleciendo su correo con HTML Normally, you can't set text styles or insert pictures in emails, which is why you've probably seen people use far too many exclamation points for emphasis, or use emoticons to convey their feelings. However, most newer email programs can display images and text styles as well as basic alignment and paragraph formatting. They do this with HTML, just like web pages do. El correo con HTML no está seleccionado por defecto Algunas personas no tienen clientes con capacidad para mostrar HMTL, o prefieren no recibir mensajes con HTML porque tarda más en descargar y en ser mostrado. Algunas personas se hablan correo con HTML como "la raíz de todos los males" y se enfadan mucho si les envia correo con HTML, por lo cual Evolution envía texto plano a menos que pida explicitamente HTML. Para enviar correo con HTML, necesitará seleccionar Formato HTML. Alternativamente, puede elegir el formato por defecto de sus mensajes en el diálogo de configuración del correo. Vea para más información. HTML formatting tools are located in the toolbar just above the space where you'll actually compose the message, and they also appear in the Insert and Format menus. Los iconos de la barra de herramientas estan explicados en Mensajes de Ayuda, los cuales aparecen cuando detiene el ratón sobre los botónes. Los botones entran en cuatro categorías: Cabeceras y listas En el lado izquierdo de la barra de herramientas, puede elegir entre Normal para un estilo de texto por defecto o Cabecera 1 a Cabecera 6 para variar los tamaños de las cabeceras desde grande (1) hasta pequeño (6). Otros estilos incluyen pre, para usar etiquetas HTML para preformatear los bloques de texto, y tres tipos de Elementos de Lista para los más organizados. Estilo del texto Use estos botones para determinar el aspecto de sus cartas. Si tiene un texto seleccionado, el estilo se aplicará al texto seleccionado. Si no tiene texto seleccionado el estilo se aplicará a lo siguiente que escriba. Los botones son: Presione B para texto en negrita Presione I para itálicas Presione U para subrayado Presione S para tachado. Alineación Localizado al lado de los botones de estilo del texto, estos tres iconos de párrafo deberian ser familiares para aquellos usuarios de la mayoría de los procesadores de texto. El botón más a la izquierda hará que su texto se alinee a la izquierda, el botón central, lo centrará, y el botón a la derecha, lo alinerá al lado derecho. Reglas de indentación El botón con la flecha hacia la izquierda reducirá la indentación de un párrafo, y la flecha a la derecha incrementará su indentación. Selección de colores En la parte derecha esta la herramienta de selección de color. La caja coloreada muestra el color actual del texto. Para elegir uno nuevo, pulse el botón con la flecha justo a su derecha. Si tiene texto seleccionado, el color será aplicado al texto seleccionado. Si no tiene texto seleccionado, el color será aplicado a lo que escriba a continuación. There are three tools that you can find only in the Insert menu. Insert Link: Use this tool to put hyperlinks in your HTML messages. When you select it, Evolution will prompt you for the Text that will appear, and the Link, where you should enter the actual web address (URL). If you don't want special link text, you can just enter the address directly, and Evolution will recognize it as a link. Insert Image: Select this item to embed an image into your email, as was done in the welcome message. Images will appear at the location of the cursor. This is different from attaching them to a message, but not very different. Insert Rule: This will insert a horizontal line, or rule, into your document. You'll be presented with a dialog box which gives you the choice of size, percentage of screen, shading, and alignment; if you leave everything at the default values you'll get a thin black rule all the way across the screen. Una nota Técnica sobre las Etiquetas HTML El compositor de correo en un editor WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get "Lo Que Ve Es Lo Que Obtiene") de HTML. Esto significa que si escribe directamente HTML en el editor— digamos, <B>Bold Text</B>, el editor asumirá que quiere escribir exactamente esa cada de caracteres, y no "hacer poner texto en Negrita," como haría una herramienta de composición de HTML o un editor de texto. Reenviando Correo The post office forwards your mail for you when you change addresses, and you can forward mail when you get a letter by mistake. The email Forward button works in much the same way. It's particularly useful if you have received a message and you think someone else would like to see it. You can forward a message as an attachment to a new message (this is the default) or you can send it inline as a quoted portion of the message you are sending. Attachment forwarding is best if you want to send the full, unaltered message on to someone else. Inline forwarding is best if you want to send portions of a message, or if you have a large number of comments on different sections of the message you are forwarding. Remember to note from whom the message came, and where, if at all, you have removed or altered content. To forward a message you are reading, press Forward on the toolbar, or select Message Forward . If you prefer to forward the message inline instead of attached, select Message Forward Inline from the menu. Choose an addressee as you would when sending a new message; the subject will already be entered, but you can alter it. Enter your comments on the message in the composition frame, and press Send. Siete Consejos de Cortesía en el Correo Comenze con diez, pero cuatro eran "No envie spam." No envie spam ni reenvie cartas encadenadas. Si debe hacerlo, tenga cuidado con los timos y las leyendas urbanas, y asegurese que el mensaje no tiene múltiples capas de signos mayor que, (>) indicando multiples capas de reenvios desconsiderados. Siempre comienze y acabe con un saludo. Diga "por favor" y "gracias", tal como hace en la vida real. Puede mantener su cortesía excasa, pero ¡sea cortes! ¡TODO EN MAYUSCULAS SIGNIFICA QUE ESTÁ GRITANDO! No escriba todo el mensaje en mayusculas. Hace daño a los oidos de la gente. Nunca escriba en un mensaje electrónico nada que no diría en público. Los mensajes antiguos tienen la mala costumbre de reaparecer cuando menos se lo espera. Compruebe su ortografía y use frases completas. No envie mensajes desagradebles (broncas). Si recive uno, no lo conteste. Cuando responde o reenvía, incluya justo lo suficiente del mensaje anterior para tener un contexto: no incluya demasiado, ni demasiado poco. ¡Feliz envío de correo!
Organizando Su Correo Even if you only get a few email messages a day, you probably want to sort and organize them. When you get a hundred a day and you want to refer to a message you received six weeks ago, you need to sort and organize them. Fortunately, Evolution has the tools to help you do it. Ordenando el Correo según las Columnas By default, the message list has columns with the following headings: an envelope icon indicating whether you have read or replied to a message (closed for unread, open for read, and open with an arrow on it to indicate you've sent a reply), an exclamation point indicating priority, and the From, Subject, and Date fields. You can change their order and remove them by dragging and dropping them. You can add new ones with the Field Chooser item in the right click menu for the column headings. Right-click on one of the column headers to get a list of options: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, and Unsort Which should be pretty obvious. You can also set these sorts by just clicking on the column headers. Group By this Field Groups messages instead of sorting them. (FIXME: Explain further) Remove this Column Remove this column from the display. You can also remove columns by dragging the header off the list and letting it drop. Field Chooser A list of column headers; just drag and drop them into place between two existing headers. A red arrow will appear to show you where you're about to put the column. Estar Organizando con Carpetas Evolution keeps mail, as well as address cards and calendars, in folders. You start out with a few, like Inbox, Outbox, and Drafts, but you can create as many as you like. Create new folders by selecting New and then Folder from the File menu. Evolution will as you for the name and the type of the folder, and will provide you with a folder tree so you can pick where it goes. When you click OK, your new folder will appear in the folder view. You can then put messages in it by dragging and dropping them, or by using the Move button in the toolbar. If you want to move several messages at once, click on the ones you want to move while holding down the CTRL key, or use Shift to select a range of messages. If you create a filter with the filter assistant, you can have mail moved to your folder automatically. Buscando Mensajes Most mail clients can search through your messages for you, but Evolution does it faster. You can search through just the message subjects, just the message body, or both body and subject. To start searching, enter a word or phrase in the text area right below the toolbar, and choose a search type: Body or subject contains: This will search message subjects and the messages themselves for the word or phrase you've entered in the search field. Body contains: This will search only in message text, not the subject lines. Subject contains: This will show you messages where the search text is in the subject line. It will not search in the message body. Body does not contain: This finds every email message that does not have the search text in the message body. It will still show messages that have the search text in the subject line, if it is not also in the body. Subject does not contain: This finds every mail whose subject does not contain the search text. When you've entered your search phrase, press Enter. Evolution will show your search results in the message list. If you think you'll want to return to a search again, you can save it as a virtual folder by selecting Store Search as Virtual Folder. When you're done with the search, go back to seeing all your messages by choosing Show All from the Search drop-down box. If you're sneaky, just enter a blank search: since every message has at least one space in it, you'll see every message in the folder. If you'd like to perform a more complex search, open the advanced search dialog by selecting Advanced... from the Search drop-down menu. Then, create your search criteria (each with the same options you saw in the regular search bar), and decide whether you want to find messages that match all of them, or messages that match even one. Then, click Search to go and find those messages. You'll see a similar approach to sorting messages when you create filters and virtual folders in the next few sections. Estar organizado: Filtros de correo en Evolution I once worked in the mail room of a large company, where my job was to bundle, sort, and distribute mail to the various mail boxes and desks throughout the building. Filters do that same job with email, but they lose much less mail than I did. In addition, you can have multiple filters performing multiple actions that may effect the same message in several ways. For example, your filters could put copies of one message into multiple folders, or keep a copy and send one to another person as well, and it can do that in under a second. Which is to say, it's faster and more flexible than an actual person with a pile of envelopes. Most often, you'll want to have Evolution put mail into different folders, but you can have it do almost anything you like. People who get lots of mail, or who often need to refer to old messages, find filters especially helpful, but they're good for anybody who gets more than a few messages a day. To create a filter, open the filter assistant by selecting Settings Mail Filters .
El Asistente de Filtros The Filter Assistant
The filter assistant window contains a list of your current filters, sorted by the order in which they are used. From the drop-down box at the top of the window, choose Incoming to display filters for incoming mail, and Outgoing for those which sort only outgoing mail. The filter assistant also has a set of buttons: Add — Create a new filter. Edit — Edit an existing filter. Delete — Delete the selected filter. Up — Move the selected filter up in the list so it gets applied first. Down — Move the selected filter down in the list, so it comes into play later. If you don't have any filters set up, the only one of those buttons you can click is Add, which will open a dialog to let you add a filter rule. If you do have filters, you can either add a new filter rule, or select one from your list and click Edit. The filter rule editor, shown in , is where you'll actually create your filtering rule.
Creating a new Filter Creating a new Filter
Enter a name for your filter in the Rule Name field, and then begin choosing the criteria you'd like to use as you sort your mail. Choose how many criteria you'd like by pressing Add Criterion and Remove Criterion. If you have multiple criteria, you should then decide whether to have the filter do its job only if all criteria are met, or if any criteria are met. For each filter criterion, you must first select what part of the message you want the filter to examine: Sender The sender's address. Recipients The recipients of the message. Subject The subject line of the message. Specific Header The filter can look at any header you want, even obscure or custom ones. Enter the header name in the first text box, and put your search text in the second one. Message Body Search in the actual text of the message. Expression Enter a regular expression, and Evolution will search the entire message, including headers, to match it for you. Date Sent Filter messages by when they were sent: First, choose the conditions you want a message to meet— before a given time, after it, and so forth. Then, choose the time. The filter will compare the message's time-stamp to the system clock when the filter is run, or to a specific time and date you choose from a calendar. You can even have it look for messages within a range of time relative to the filter&mdash perhaps you're looking for messages less than two days old. Date Recieved This works the same way as the Date Sent option, except that it compares the time you got the message with the dates you specify. Priority Emails have a standard priority range from -3 (least important) to 3 (most important). You can have filters set the priority of messages you recieve, and then have other filters applied only to those messages which have a certain priority. Regex Match If you know your way around a regex, or regular expression, put your knowledge to use here. Source Filter messages according the server you got them from. You can enter a URL or choose one from the drop-down list. This ability is only relevant if you use more than one mail source. Now, tell it what to do with those messages. If you want more actions, click Add Action; if you want fewer, click Remove Action. And choose again: Copy to Folder If you select this item, Evolution will put the messages into a folder you specify. Click the <click here to select a folder> button to select a folder. Move to Folder If you select this item, Evolution will put the messages into a folder you specify. Click the <click here to select a folder> button to select a folder. Forward to Address Select this, enter an address, and the addressee will get a copy of the message. Delete Marks the message for deletion. You can still get the message back, at least until you Expunge your mail yourself. Stop Processing Select this if you want to tell all other filters to ignore this message, because whatever you've done with it so far is plenty. Assign Color Select this item, and Evolution will mark the message with whatever color you please. Assign Score If you know that all mail with "important" somewhere in the message body line is important, you can give it a high priority score. In a subsequent filter you can then arrange your messages by their priority score. You're done. Click OK to use this filter, or Cancel to close the window without saving any changes. Dos Características Notables de los Filtros El correo de entrada que sus filtros no mueven va a la carpeta Inbox; el correo de salida que no mueven acaba en la carpeta Sent. Si mueve una carpeta, sus filtros la seguirán.
Estar Realmente Organizado con Carpetas Virtuales If filters aren't flexible enough for you, or you find yourself performing the same search again and again, consider a virtual folder. Virtual folders, or vFolders, are an advanced way of viewing your email messages within Evolution. If you get a lot of mail or often forget where you put messages, virtual folders can help you stay on top of things. A virtual folder is really a hybrid of all the other organizational tools: it looks like a folder, it acts like a search, and you set it up like a filter. In other words, while a conventional folder actually contains messages, a virtual folder is a view of messages that may be in several different folders. The messages it contains are determined on the fly using a set of criteria you choose in advance. As messages that meet the virtual folder criteria arrive or are deleted, Evolution will automatically place them in and remove them from the virtual folder contents list. When you delete a message, it gets erased from the folder in which it actually exists, as well as any virtual folders which display it. Imagine a business trying to keep track of mail from hundreds of vendors and clients, or a university with overlapping and changing groups of faculty, staff, administrators and students. The more mail you need to organize, the less you can afford the sort of confusion that stems from an organizational system that's not flexible enough. Virtual folders make for better organization because they can accept overlapping groups in a way that regular folders and filing systems can't. Usando Carpetas, Búsquedas, y Carpetas Virtuales Para organizar el correo en mi buzón, defino una carpeta virtual para los mensajes de mi amiga y compañera Anna. Tengo otra para los los mensajes que tienen "" en la dirección y "Evolution" en el asunto, así puedo registrar que personas del trabajo me escriben acerca de Evolution. Si Anna me envía un mensaje acerca de cualquier cosa excepto Evolution, solo aparece en la carpeta "Anna". Cuando Anna me escribe acerca de la interfaz de usuario de Evolution, puedo ver ese mensaje en la carpeta virtual "Anna" y en la carpeta virtual "Discusión Interna sobre Evolution". To create a virtual folder, select Settings Virtual Folder Editor . This will bring up a dialog box that looks suspiciously like the filter window (for more information on filters, see ), and which presents you with a list of virtual folders you have previously created. If you have created any virtual folders, they are listed here, and you can select, edit or remove them if you wish. If you have not created any, there will be only one available option: click Add to add a new Virtual Folder. You can enter a name for your virtual folder in the Name. Then, tell Evolution what messages to look for. This process is exactly like filter creation: decide between Match all parts and Match any part, then choose what part of the message to look in, what sort of matching to perform, and specify exactly what it is that you want to find, be it a line of text, a score, a regular expression, or a particular date or range of dates. The second part, however, is slightly different. In the section of the window labelled Virtual Folder Sources is a list of folders in which Evolution will search for the contents of your vFolder. Click Add to add a folder, or Remove to remove one. That way, you can have your vFolder search in newsgroups, or just in one of your mailboxes, or just in a select few folders you've already screened with filters. The vFolder creation window is shown in
Selecting a vFolder Rule Creating a vFolder Rule
Subscription Management Evolution lets you handle your IMAP and newsgroup subscriptions with the same tool: the subscriptions manager. To start using it, choose Settings Manage Subscriptions . If you have configured any IMAP (mail) or NNTP (news) servers, you will see them listed in the left half of the subscription management window. Click on a server to select it, and you will see the folders or newsgroups available to you. You can then select individual folders and subscribe to them, or remove yourself from the subscription list. Once you have subscribed to a folder or newsgroup, your system will check for new messages whenever you press the Get Mail button.