.PS 5 space=0.7 [ Editor: ellipse "Editor" Pages: box "Pages" at last ellipse + (0,-space) Sections: box "Sections" at last box + (space/4, -space/2) fill 0 Items: box "Items" at last box + (space/4, -space/2) fill 0 line <-> from Editor.s to Pages.n ] Manager: box dashed ht last [].ht+0.2 wid last[].wid+.2 at last [] right; move; move [ EConfig: ellipse "EConfig" EMConfig: ellipse "EMConfig" at last ellipse + (0,-space) ] Config: box dashed ht last [].ht+0.2 wid last[].wid+.2 at last [] EMTargetAccount: ellipse "Account" "Target" at Config.e + (1.5*space, 0) Druid: ellipse "Druid" at Config.s + (0,-1.5*space) EAccount: ellipse "EAccount" at Config.se + (1.5*space,-1.5*space) line <-> from Config.s to Druid.n " next, prepare" ljust "create, enable " rjust line -> from EAccount.n to EMTargetAccount.s " initialise" ljust " change" ljust line <-> from EAccount.w to Druid.e "initialise" "changes" line <-> from Config.e to EMTargetAccount.w "create" "changed" line <-> from Manager.e to Config.w "create" "check" "commit" "abort" spline <-> from Manager.s \ to (Manager.s.x,Druid.s.y) \ to (Manager.s.x+space/2,Druid.s.y-space/2) \ then to EAccount.s + (-space/2,-space/2) \ then to EAccount.s .PE