The Evolution Calendar: Time-Tamer Extraordinaire To begin using the calendar, select Calendar from the shortcut bar. By default, the calendar starts in week view mode (IS THIS TRUE? CHANGE TEXT TO FIT FEATURE). The calendar week view is shown in :
Evolution Calendar View Evolution Contact Manager Window
Ways of Looking at your Calendar You can view your calendar by the day, by the week, by the month, or by the year. To do so, click BUTTONS SOMEWHERE. Describe the less-obvious differences among the views of time here. In addition, Evolution supports Hebrew, Muslim, and other calendar formats. To switch to a different calendar format, choose GUIMENUITEM from the GUIMENU. Describe the ways that different calendars can work here, and how the different calendars work together. Scheduling With the Evolution Calendar The Evolution calendar allows you to schedule events for yourself or a group of people. It can handle events that repeat, event lengths from ten minutes to multiple days, and events that have a date but no specific time. You can set overlapping events, although Evolution will warn you about trying to do two things at once. You can also set event reminders so that you don't forget about everything you've just put into your calendar. Basically, it can handle almost any schedule you throw at it. Creating events While looking at the calendar, select New Appointment from the MENU, or press KEYSYM. The New Appointment dialog will appear. (INSERT DESCRIPTION OF INTERFACE HERE: Date, Time, Recurrence, Reminders, and Tentative/Confirmed) You can alter those settings later by clicking once on the event in the calendar view to select it, and then choosing Event Properties from the Settings menu. Appointments for Groups If you have your calendar set up to work with other calendars over a network, you can see when others are available to meet with you. To browse other people's calendars over your local network, do this: In addition, you can use Evolution to mark a meeting request on another person's calendar. To do so, first select New Appointment from the MENU, or press KEYSYM to bring up the new event window. Then describe the event as you would any other. Before you click OK, (INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE...). Evolution will automatically send email to each person on the request list, notifying of the time and date of the meeting you have requested with them. In addition, it will mark the event on your calendar and on theirs as tentative, rather than a confirmed, event. To mark a tentative event as confirmed, click once on the event in the calendar view to select it, and then choose Event Properties from the Settings menu. In the Event Properties dialog window, click the "tentative" button to un-mark the event. (NOTE THAT this feature may not at all exist!) Scheduling privileges There are several levels of scheduling privileges. You can set whether people can see your calendar, whether they can request meetings or appointments, and whether they can create appointments. This section may have to be deleted, because I don't know if we are going to support privileges at all. Organizing your Appointments Until I have Evolution running properly, I have no idea how this sort of organization will actually work. But this section will have at least two paragraphs, and probably a screenshot.