<preface id="introduction"> <!-- =============Introduction ============================= --> <title>Introduction</title> <section id="what"> <title> What is Evolution, and What Can It Do for Me?</title> <para> The idea of evolution as a process of improvement and development is a strong influence on the developers at Helix Code. We named our <glossterm>groupware</glossterm> suite "Evolution" because we knew that it would be able to survive in the wilderness of the software marketplace for one reason: it's better. </para> <para> <application>Evolution</application> is a suite of groupware applications within the GNOME desktop environment that you can use to send, receive, and organize email, manage address and other contact information, and maintain a calendar. It enables you to do those things on one or several computers, connected directly or over a network, for one person or for large groups. <application>Evolution</application> can handle almost all your communications tasks with the power and flexibility of the GNOME desktop environment. </para> <para> We built <application>Evolution</application> with three groups of people in mind: everyday users, system administrators, and developers. <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> For <emphasis>everyday users</emphasis>, we made <application>Evolution</application> easy to use without sacrificing power. We made the interface familiar and intuitive, but also allowed users to customize it to their liking. We made the setup and configuration as easy as possible. For any confusion, we wrote a comprehensive manual and help system. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> For <emphasis>administrators</emphasis>, we made sure <application>Evolution</application> met and and exceeded the standards set by currently available groupware products, and we developed support for most major network protocols so that it can integrate seamlessly with existing hardware and network environments. All of our efforts have made <application>Evolution</application> both easy to use and easy to support. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> For <emphasis>developers</emphasis>, we built in support for open standards and protocols to turn <application>Evolution</application> into an advanced development platform. From the simplest scripting to the most complex network and component programming, <application>Evolution</application> offers developers the ideal environment for cutting-edge application development. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> For all three groups, we did our best to ensure the safety of data. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> <para> In action, <application>Evolution</application> makes most daily tasks faster, because we built it to work with you instead of against you. For example, it takes only one or two clicks to enter an appointment or an address card sent to you by email, or to send email to a contact or appointment. <application>Evolution</application> makes displays faster and more efficient, so searches are faster and memory usage is lower. People who get lots of mail will appreciate advanced features like <link linkend="usage-mail-organize-vFolders">vFolders</link>, which let you save searches as though they were ordinary mail folders. </para> </section> <section id="aboutbook"> <title>About This Book</title> <!-- ************** FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH FOR DRAFT ONLY ************* --> <para> This version of the <application>Evolution</application> User's Guide is a <emphasis>draft</emphasis>. It is missing huge chunks of information, and many of the features it describes are unimplemented. All the content is subject to change, especially if you help. Please send comments on the guide to <email>aaron@helixcode.com</email>. Items that are known to need action are indicated as such, often with notation like (INSERT CONTENT HERE). If you would like to work on the guide please contact me or see the GNOME Documentation project <ulink url="http://www.gnome.org/gdp">web site</ulink>. This paragraph will be removed in later versions of the manual. </para> <!-- ************* END DRAFT ONLY PARAGRAPH ************** --> <para> This book is divided into two sections. The first section is a <link linkend="usage">guided tour</link>— it will explain how to use <application>Evolution</application>. If you are new to <application>Evolution</application> or to groupware in general, this is the section for you. The second section, covering <link linkend="config">configuration</link>, is targeted at advanced users and administrators. If you are a network administrator, you may find yourself referring to this section frequently. </para> <formalpara> <title>Typographical conventions</title> <para> Some kinds of words are marked off with special typography. It's listed below: <simplelist> <member><application>Applications</application></member> <member><command>Commands</command> typed at the command line</member> <member><guilabel>Labels</guilabel> for menu items and buttons</member> <member><userinput>Anything you type in</userinput></member> <member><computeroutput>Text output from a computer</computeroutput></member> </simplelist> </para> </formalpara> </section> </preface>