Menu Reference This section will serve as a reference for every capability that Evolution has. When menu items are repeated in Evolution, they're repeated here too. From left to right, the menus available to you when you are reading mail are: File, Edit, View, Tools, Actions, and Help. The last of these doesn't change, but the rest of them have contents that will change depending on whether you're looking at mail, contacts, or calendar information. In addition, the editor tools for messages, appointments, and contacts all have menu bars. Menus that are the same everywhere The File and Help menus in the main Evolution window do not change, because they refer to universal items. Other menus have contents that change depending on context. File Menu New... Submenu Folder — Create a new folder. See for more information about folders. Shortcut — Create a new Shortcut in the Shortcut Bar. Mail Message — Compose a new mail message. Covered in . Appointment — Enter a new appointment in your calendar. See for more information. Task — Enter a new to-do item in your taskpad. Covered in . Go to Folder View the items in a particular folder. Create New Folder This item doesn't belong here any more. Print Message Print the current message. Exit Quit using Evolution. The Help Menu Help Index Displays the table of contents for this document. Getting Started A quick look around, and a summary of the things Evolution can do for you. Using the Mailer An in-depth tour of Evolution Mail. Using the Calendar A step-by-step guide to using the Calendar. Using the Contact Manager Find your way around the Contact Manager. Submit Bug Report If you don't report them, they can't fix them. Select this item to let the developers know what's wrong. About Evolution Displays a window with information about the application and its authors. This has the same information as . Mail Menus All the menus for mail. FIXME: this paragraph needs content. The Edit Menu This menu is currently empty. The View Menu This menu lets you control the way Evolution displays your information for you. Show Shortcut Bar Toggle the shortcut bar on and off with this item. Show Folder Bar Toggle the folder bar on and off with this item. See for more information about the folder bar. Threaded Message List This item controls whether your message list is displayed by thread or by other criteria. The default order is by date; see for information about the order of the message list. The Tools Menu Mail Filters Edit your mail filters here. See for more information about mail filtering. vFolder Editor Create, edit, and delete vFolders with this tool. To learn about using vFolders with mail, see . Mail Configuration This is a poorly named tool. You can set your identity, and everything else related to your mail account, here. Forget Passwords Although it's really an Action (FIXME), this item will cause Evolution to forget what your password is. Configure Folder Another FIXME item, this allows you to set the file format in which Evolution stores mail. The Actions Menu When you select one of the actions from this menu, Evolution will do your bidding, usually to the item you have selected. The actions you can perform are: Edit Message Select a message in the drafts folder before you select this item. You can only edit a message you have written. FIXME: POOR description of BROKEN behavior. View Message Displays the selected message in a new window. Mark all Messages Read Evolution keeps track of which messages you've seen; When you don't need to read all those messages, select this item. You can mark a single message as read by right-clicking it in the message bar. Expunge Emtpies the trash folder, erasing messages permanently. Once you've done this, don't come crying to me if you want a message back. The Message Composer Menus The message composition window has its own set of menus: File, which controls operations on files and data, Edit, for text editing, Format, which controls the file format of messages you send, View, to set how you view the message, and Insert, which holds tools for embedding files and other items in messages. Here's what's in them: The Message Composer's File Menu Open Open a text file or a draft mail message. Save Save a mail message as a text file. Save As Choose a file name and location for a message you want to save as a text file. Save in Folder Save a message as a draft, rather than as a seperate text file. (FIXME: should be removed, and functionality subsumed under "Save As"). Insert Text File Open a text file and insert it into the current message. (FIXME: belongs under "Insert"). Send Sends the message immediately. Close Closes the message composer. If you have not done so, Evolution will ask you if you want to save your message. The Message Composer's Edit Menu The Edit menu in the message composer contains the following items. Keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the items in the menus themselves. Undo Undoes the last action you performed. Redo If you change your mind about Undoing something, you can always use this item. Cut Removes the selected text from the text entry window and retains it in the system "clipboard" memory, ready for pasting. Copy Copies selected text to the system clipboard without deleting it. The text can then be inserted elsewhere with the Paste command. Paste Inserts the contents of the system clipboard at the location of the cursor. Find Enter a phrase and find your match in your message body. As with Find Regex, Find Again, and Replace, Evolution will offer you the option to search forwards or backwards, and. Find Regex If you are familiar with regular expressions, often called "regexes," you can search for something more complicated, using wildcards and boolean logic. If you're not familiar with them, there are numerous resources for you on the web. Find Again Repeats your last search. Replace Enter a word or phrase and the word or phrase with which you'd like to replace it. Properties This item brings up the Message Composer Properties Capplet, a portion of the GNOME Control Center that determines the key bindings for the message composer. Help for this capplet is available directly from the Control Center. (FIXME: Write that help doc too) (FIXME: this is in the wrong place!) The Message Composer's Format Menu The Format menu has only one item: HTML Toggles HTML mode for the message composer. When selected, the message is displayed and sent in HTML. If you have written a message in HTML and turn HTML off, most formatting will be lost. Evolution will attempt to preserve spacing and to remove formatting gracefully, however. The Message Composer's View Menu The View menu controls the way messages are displayed, and how much of the message, its headers, and attachments appear. It contains: Show Attachments Toggles the display of attachments. When this item is selected, Evolution will create a seperate pane of the composition window to show what attachments you are appending to the message. The Message Composer's Insert Menu The Insert menu holds tools that allow you to include images, horizontal rules, and other objects in the body of your message. The tools are: Image This tool will prompt you to select an image file to insert into your HTML message. For text messages, this is the same as attaching an image file. Link Opens the link creation window, which lets you specify the URL and text description for a link in your message. This only works with HTML messages. Rule Opens the horizontal rule creation dialog, which lets you create an HTML horizontal rule. For more information, see . This tool only works with HTML messages. Text File Open a text file and insert it into the current message. This tool works with both plain text and HTML messages. The Calendar Menus The Main window of the calendar has the same menus as the main window of the mail client. However, their contents vary in a number of ways. The Calendar Edit Menu The contents of the Edit menu are currently so borked that I refuse to document them right now. (That means FIXME). They should be: Item Description Item Description Item Description The Calendar View Menu The Calendar's View menu contains the following items: Show Shortcut Bar Toggle the Shortcut Bar on and off with this item. Show Folder Bar Toggle the folder bar on and off with this item. See for more information about the folder bar. View By Day Switch to the day view for your calendar. View Five Days View five calendar days at once. View by Week Switch the calendar view to full week mode. View By Month Look at a month at a time. The Calendar Tools Menu This menu is empty. The Calendar Actions Menu This menu is empty. The Appointment Editor Menus FIXME: Insert Content Here. The Appintment Editor's File Menu This menu contains several items, including a New that is identical to that in the main window's file menu. Its other contents are: Send Opens a mail message with the appointment attached to it. Save Save this appointment in the existing location and name. If you have not yet chosen a location and name, this is the same as Save As. Save As Choose a location and name for this appointment, and save it. Delete Deletes the appointment. Move to Folder Chose a folder, and move the appointment into it. Copy to Folder Chose a folder, and put a copy of the appointment into it. Page Setup Submenu This menu contains two items: Memo Style — FIXME: What does this do? Define Print Styles — FIXME: What does this do? Print Preview Shows you what your appointment will look like if you print it. Print Prints the appointment without preview. Properties FIXME: What does this do? Close Close the appointment editor window. The Appintment Editor's Edit Menu FIXME: this menu is copied and pasted entirely from somewhere else. The Appintment Editor's View Menu This menu allows you to look at different appointments, and set the way you look at them, without having to move back to the Main Window. It contains: Previous The items in this submenu will take you to appointments prior to the current one. (FIXME: describe). Next The items in this submenu will take you to appointments scheduled to occur after the current one. (FIXME: describe). Calendar FIXME: What does this item do? Toolbars The Toolbars submenu allows you to choose which toolbars are displayed in the Appointment Editor. They are: Standard — Toggle the standard toolbar on and off. Formatting — Toggle the formatting toolbar on and off. Customize — Select the contents of the formatting and standard toolbars. The Appintment Editor's Insert Menu This menu contains: (FIXME: Insert Content Here) File Choose a file to append to your appointment or appointment request. Item FIXME: ? Object FIXME: ? The Appintment Editor's Format Menu This menu contains two items, neither of which have any functionality yet: Font FIXME: ? Paragraph FIXME: ? The Appintment Editor's Tools Menu This menu contains four items, none of which have any functionality yet: Item FIXME: ? Item FIXME: ? The Appintment Editor's Actions Menu This menu contains: Invite Attendees Invite the listed attendees to the current event (via email). You may be prompted to specify an invitation message. Cancel Invitation Cancels the event, notifying all attendees. You may be prompted to specify an invitation message. Forward as vCalendar Opens the message composer with the current event attached. Forward as Text Opens the message composer with a text description of the current event included in the message body. The Appintment Editor's File Menu This menu is empty. Contact Manager Menus Insert Content Here (FIXME). Contact Manager Edit Menu This menu is empty. Contact Manager Edit Menu This menu contains the following items: Show Shortcut Bar Toggle the Shortcut Bar on and off with this item. Show Folder Bar Toggle the folder bar on and off with this item. See for more information about the folder bar. As Table View your contacts as a table. When in table-view mode, this menu item reads As Minicards, and changes the view back to the minicard format. Contact Manager Tools Menu This menu is empty. Contact Manager Tools Menu This menu is broken. (FIXME). The Contact Editor Menus Most, if not all, of the menu items for this section are still inoperable, but there are vast numbers of them, especially in the Actions menu. When available, I will describe them.