Specification for Read Receipts: 

0) Screenshots: The screenshots included in this directory are: 

a) proposal.png : My proposal for the RR page of the settings dialog

b) read_receipt_options.jpg : Outlook (Express)'s RR settings dialog

c) security_options.jpg : Outlook (Express)'s Secure Receipts settings

d) notification-of-rr-request.jpg : The question dialog which appears
if you have configured outlook to ask you before sending read

3) receipt.jpg: The receipt itself, as found in my inbox.

1) The Read Receipt Settings Dialog: 

a) Location: Should be added to the "Mail Preferences" section of the
global settings dialog, in its own tab, entitled "Receipts".

b) Help: Needs to be accompanied by a detailed help entry which
explains what a read receipt is. I couldn't fit much of an explanation
into the interface (not that the interface is a good place for this
explanation, anyway.)

c) Insensitive widgets: Unless the "Always send back a read receipt"
option is selected, the checkbox beneath it ("Unless the message is
sent to a mailing list, etc") should be insensitive.

d) Known problems: The text as shown in my mockup could be improved. I
would be more than happy to have Aaron (and anyone else who'd like to
help) assist me in making the text more clear.

2) Read Receipt Messages:

a) Appearance: Read Receipt messages should appear in your inbox with
the subject line: "Read:" (or "Message Read:"); "Read:" is what
Outlook does, I think expanding it to "Message Read:" is a bit more

b) The text of this message should tell you: i) what time you sent the
mail, ii) what the subject of your email was iii) what the email
address of your recipient is iv) what time your message was read by
its recipient

c) When as user has selected to be asked before sending a read
receipt, he should be presented with a question dialog (including
"Yes, Send" and "No, Don't Send" buttons.) The dialog should inform
the user that a read reciept has been requested by the sender of the
mail in question, and ask if s/he want to send such a receipt.

3) Secure Receipts: Outlook includes support for "secure receipts",
and I am unsure of whether or not this is something we can support. My
hunch is that secure receipts are S/MIME related, and hence not
applicable to Evo at present.

The secure receipt settings, in Outlook,are launched by pressing the
"Secure Receipts..." button in the RR setting dialog. The
secure_options.jpg screenshot shows these options.

Jeff? Michael? Dan? Anyone have an idea of what this secure receipt
stuff is, and if we need to include it in our implementation?