/* test-crlf.c Test the CamelMimeFilterCrlf class */ #include #include #include "camel-test.h" #include #include #include #include #define d(x) x #define NUM_CASES 1 #define CHUNK_SIZE 32 enum { CRLF_ENCODE, CRLF_DECODE, CRLF_DONE }; int main (int argc, char **argv) { CamelStream *source; CamelStream *correct; CamelStreamFilter *filter; CamelMimeFilter *sh; char *work; int i; ssize_t comp_progress, comp_correct_chunk, comp_filter_chunk; int comp_i; char comp_correct[CHUNK_SIZE], comp_filter[CHUNK_SIZE]; camel_test_init(argc, argv); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CASES; i++) { int j; work = g_strdup_printf ("CRLF/DOT filter, test case %d", i); camel_test_start (work); g_free (work); for (j = CRLF_ENCODE; j < CRLF_DONE; j++) { CamelMimeFilterCRLFDirection direction; char *infile, *outfile; switch (j) { case CRLF_ENCODE: camel_test_push ("Test of the encoder"); direction = CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CRLF_ENCODE; infile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/crlf-%d.in", SOURCEDIR, i + 1); outfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/crlf-%d.out", SOURCEDIR, i + 1); break; case CRLF_DECODE: camel_test_push ("Test of the decoder"); direction = CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CRLF_DECODE; infile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/crlf-%d.out", SOURCEDIR, i + 1); outfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/crlf-%d.in", SOURCEDIR, i + 1); break; default: break; } camel_test_push ("Initializing objects"); source = camel_stream_fs_new_with_name (infile, 0, O_RDONLY); if (!source) { camel_test_fail ("Failed to open input case in \"%s\"", infile); g_free (infile); continue; } g_free (infile); correct = camel_stream_fs_new_with_name (outfile, 0, O_RDONLY); if (!correct) { camel_test_fail ("Failed to open correct output in \"%s\"", outfile); g_free (outfile); continue; } g_free (outfile); filter = camel_stream_filter_new_with_stream (CAMEL_STREAM (source)); if (!filter) { camel_test_fail ("Couldn't create CamelStreamFilter??"); continue; } sh = camel_mime_filter_crlf_new (direction, CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CRLF_MODE_CRLF_DOTS); if (!sh) { camel_test_fail ("Couldn't create CamelMimeFilterCrlf??"); continue; } camel_stream_filter_add (filter, sh); camel_test_pull (); camel_test_push ("Running filter and comparing to correct result"); comp_progress = 0; while (1) { comp_correct_chunk = camel_stream_read (correct, comp_correct, CHUNK_SIZE); comp_filter_chunk = 0; if (comp_correct_chunk == 0) break; while (comp_filter_chunk < comp_correct_chunk) { ssize_t delta; delta = camel_stream_read (CAMEL_STREAM (filter), comp_filter + comp_filter_chunk, CHUNK_SIZE - comp_filter_chunk); if (delta == 0) { camel_test_fail ("Chunks are different sizes: correct is %d, " "filter is %d, %d bytes into stream", comp_correct_chunk, comp_filter_chunk, comp_progress); } comp_filter_chunk += delta; } d(printf ("\n\nCORRECT: >>%.*s<<", comp_correct_chunk, comp_correct)); d(printf ("\nFILTER : >>%.*s<<\n", comp_filter_chunk, comp_filter)); for (comp_i = 0; comp_i < comp_filter_chunk; comp_i++) { if (comp_correct[comp_i] != comp_filter[comp_i]) { camel_test_fail ("Difference: correct is %c, filter is %c, " "%d bytes into stream", comp_correct[comp_i], comp_filter[comp_i], comp_progress + comp_i); } } comp_progress += comp_filter_chunk; } camel_test_pull (); /* inefficient */ camel_test_push ("Cleaning up"); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (filter)); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (correct)); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (source)); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (sh)); camel_test_pull (); camel_test_pull (); } camel_test_end (); } return 0; }