/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; fill-column: 160 -*- */ /* camel-mime-message.c : class for a mime_message */ /* * Authors: Bertrand Guiheneuf * Michael Zucchi * Jeffrey Stedfast * * Copyright 1999-2003 Ximian, Inc. (www.ximian.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "camel-mime-message.h" #include "camel-multipart.h" #include "camel-stream-mem.h" #include "camel-string-utils.h" #include "camel-url.h" #include "camel-stream-filter.h" #include "camel-stream-null.h" #include "camel-mime-filter-charset.h" #include "camel-mime-filter-bestenc.h" #define d(x) /* these 2 below should be kept in sync */ typedef enum { HEADER_UNKNOWN, HEADER_FROM, HEADER_REPLY_TO, HEADER_SUBJECT, HEADER_TO, HEADER_RESENT_TO, HEADER_CC, HEADER_RESENT_CC, HEADER_BCC, HEADER_RESENT_BCC, HEADER_DATE, HEADER_MESSAGE_ID } CamelHeaderType; static char *header_names[] = { /* dont include HEADER_UNKNOWN string */ "From", "Reply-To", "Subject", "To", "Resent-To", "Cc", "Resent-Cc", "Bcc", "Resent-Bcc", "Date", "Message-Id", NULL }; static GHashTable *header_name_table; static CamelMimePartClass *parent_class = NULL; static char *recipient_names[] = { "To", "Cc", "Bcc", "Resent-To", "Resent-Cc", "Resent-Bcc", NULL }; static ssize_t write_to_stream (CamelDataWrapper *data_wrapper, CamelStream *stream); static void add_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name, const void *value); static void set_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name, const void *value); static void remove_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name); static int construct_from_parser (CamelMimePart *, CamelMimeParser *); static void unref_recipient (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); /* Returns the class for a CamelMimeMessage */ #define CMM_CLASS(so) CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE_CLASS (CAMEL_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(so)) #define CDW_CLASS(so) CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER_CLASS (CAMEL_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(so)) #define CMD_CLASS(so) CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (CAMEL_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(so)) static void camel_mime_message_class_init (CamelMimeMessageClass *camel_mime_message_class) { CamelDataWrapperClass *camel_data_wrapper_class = CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER_CLASS (camel_mime_message_class); CamelMimePartClass *camel_mime_part_class = CAMEL_MIME_PART_CLASS (camel_mime_message_class); CamelMediumClass *camel_medium_class = CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (camel_mime_message_class); int i; parent_class = CAMEL_MIME_PART_CLASS (camel_type_get_global_classfuncs (camel_mime_part_get_type ())); header_name_table = g_hash_table_new (camel_strcase_hash, camel_strcase_equal); for (i = 0;header_names[i]; i++) g_hash_table_insert (header_name_table, header_names[i], GINT_TO_POINTER(i+1)); /* virtual method overload */ camel_data_wrapper_class->write_to_stream = write_to_stream; camel_data_wrapper_class->decode_to_stream = write_to_stream; camel_medium_class->add_header = add_header; camel_medium_class->set_header = set_header; camel_medium_class->remove_header = remove_header; camel_mime_part_class->construct_from_parser = construct_from_parser; } static void camel_mime_message_init (gpointer object, gpointer klass) { CamelMimeMessage *mime_message = (CamelMimeMessage *)object; int i; mime_message->recipients = g_hash_table_new (camel_strcase_hash, camel_strcase_equal); for (i=0;recipient_names[i];i++) { g_hash_table_insert(mime_message->recipients, recipient_names[i], camel_internet_address_new()); } mime_message->subject = NULL; mime_message->reply_to = NULL; mime_message->from = NULL; mime_message->date = CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT; mime_message->date_offset = 0; mime_message->date_received = CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT; mime_message->date_received_offset = 0; mime_message->message_id = NULL; } static void camel_mime_message_finalize (CamelObject *object) { CamelMimeMessage *message = CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE (object); g_free (message->subject); g_free (message->message_id); if (message->reply_to) camel_object_unref ((CamelObject *)message->reply_to); if (message->from) camel_object_unref ((CamelObject *)message->from); g_hash_table_foreach (message->recipients, unref_recipient, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (message->recipients); } CamelType camel_mime_message_get_type (void) { static CamelType camel_mime_message_type = CAMEL_INVALID_TYPE; if (camel_mime_message_type == CAMEL_INVALID_TYPE) { camel_mime_message_type = camel_type_register (camel_mime_part_get_type(), "CamelMimeMessage", sizeof (CamelMimeMessage), sizeof (CamelMimeMessageClass), (CamelObjectClassInitFunc) camel_mime_message_class_init, NULL, (CamelObjectInitFunc) camel_mime_message_init, (CamelObjectFinalizeFunc) camel_mime_message_finalize); } return camel_mime_message_type; } static void unref_recipient (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (value)); } CamelMimeMessage * camel_mime_message_new (void) { CamelMimeMessage *mime_message; mime_message = CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE (camel_object_new (CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE_TYPE)); return mime_message; } /* **** Date: */ void camel_mime_message_set_date (CamelMimeMessage *message, time_t date, int offset) { char *datestr; g_assert(message); if (date == CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT) { struct tm local; int tz; date = time(0); e_localtime_with_offset(date, &local, &tz); offset = (((tz/60/60) * 100) + (tz/60 % 60)); } message->date = date; message->date_offset = offset; datestr = camel_header_format_date (date, offset); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->set_header ((CamelMedium *)message, "Date", datestr); g_free (datestr); } time_t camel_mime_message_get_date (CamelMimeMessage *msg, int *offset) { if (offset) *offset = msg->date_offset; return msg->date; } time_t camel_mime_message_get_date_received (CamelMimeMessage *msg, int *offset) { if (msg->date_received == CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT) { const char *received; received = camel_medium_get_header ((CamelMedium *)msg, "received"); if (received) received = strrchr (received, ';'); if (received) msg->date_received = camel_header_decode_date (received + 1, &msg->date_received_offset); } if (offset) *offset = msg->date_received_offset; return msg->date_received; } /* **** Message-Id: */ void camel_mime_message_set_message_id (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message, const char *message_id) { char *id; g_assert (mime_message); g_free (mime_message->message_id); if (message_id) { id = g_strstrip (g_strdup (message_id)); } else { id = camel_header_msgid_generate (); } mime_message->message_id = id; id = g_strdup_printf ("<%s>", mime_message->message_id); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->set_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), "Message-Id", id); g_free (id); } const char * camel_mime_message_get_message_id (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { g_assert (mime_message); return mime_message->message_id; } /* **** Reply-To: */ void camel_mime_message_set_reply_to (CamelMimeMessage *msg, const CamelInternetAddress *reply_to) { char *addr; g_assert(msg); if (msg->reply_to) { camel_object_unref ((CamelObject *)msg->reply_to); msg->reply_to = NULL; } if (reply_to == NULL) { CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->remove_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (msg), "Reply-To"); return; } msg->reply_to = (CamelInternetAddress *)camel_address_new_clone ((CamelAddress *)reply_to); addr = camel_address_encode ((CamelAddress *)msg->reply_to); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->set_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (msg), "Reply-To", addr); g_free (addr); } const CamelInternetAddress * camel_mime_message_get_reply_to (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { g_assert (mime_message); /* TODO: ref for threading? */ return mime_message->reply_to; } /* **** Subject: */ void camel_mime_message_set_subject (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message, const char *subject) { char *text; g_assert(mime_message); g_free (mime_message->subject); mime_message->subject = g_strstrip (g_strdup (subject)); text = camel_header_encode_string((unsigned char *)mime_message->subject); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS(parent_class)->set_header(CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), "Subject", text); g_free (text); } const char * camel_mime_message_get_subject (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { g_assert(mime_message); return mime_message->subject; } /* *** From: */ /* Thought: Since get_from/set_from are so rarely called, it is probably not useful to cache the from (and reply_to) addresses as InternetAddresses internally, we could just get it from the headers and reprocess every time. */ void camel_mime_message_set_from (CamelMimeMessage *msg, const CamelInternetAddress *from) { char *addr; g_assert(msg); if (msg->from) { camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)msg->from); msg->from = NULL; } if (from == NULL || camel_address_length((CamelAddress *)from) == 0) { CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS(parent_class)->remove_header(CAMEL_MEDIUM(msg), "From"); return; } msg->from = (CamelInternetAddress *)camel_address_new_clone((CamelAddress *)from); addr = camel_address_encode((CamelAddress *)msg->from); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->set_header(CAMEL_MEDIUM(msg), "From", addr); g_free(addr); } const CamelInternetAddress * camel_mime_message_get_from (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { g_assert (mime_message); /* TODO: we should really ref this for multi-threading to work */ return mime_message->from; } /* **** To: Cc: Bcc: */ void camel_mime_message_set_recipients(CamelMimeMessage *mime_message, const char *type, const CamelInternetAddress *r) { char *text; CamelInternetAddress *addr; g_assert(mime_message); addr = g_hash_table_lookup (mime_message->recipients, type); if (addr == NULL) { g_warning ("trying to set a non-valid receipient type: %s", type); return; } if (r == NULL || camel_address_length ((CamelAddress *)r) == 0) { camel_address_remove ((CamelAddress *)addr, -1); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->remove_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), type); return; } /* note this does copy, and not append (cat) */ camel_address_copy ((CamelAddress *)addr, (const CamelAddress *)r); /* and sync our headers */ text = camel_address_encode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr)); CAMEL_MEDIUM_CLASS (parent_class)->set_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), type, text); g_free(text); } void camel_mime_message_set_source (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message, const char *src) { CamelURL *url; char *uri; g_assert (mime_message); url = camel_url_new (src, NULL); if (url) { uri = camel_url_to_string (url, CAMEL_URL_HIDE_ALL); camel_medium_add_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), "X-Evolution-Source", uri); g_free (uri); camel_url_free (url); } } const char * camel_mime_message_get_source (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { const char *src; g_assert(mime_message); src = camel_medium_get_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_message), "X-Evolution-Source"); if (src) { while (*src && isspace ((unsigned) *src)) ++src; } return src; } const CamelInternetAddress * camel_mime_message_get_recipients (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message, const char *type) { g_assert(mime_message); return g_hash_table_lookup (mime_message->recipients, type); } /* mime_message */ static int construct_from_parser (CamelMimePart *dw, CamelMimeParser *mp) { char *buf; size_t len; int state; int ret; int err; d(printf("constructing mime-message\n")); d(printf("mime_message::construct_from_parser()\n")); /* let the mime-part construct the guts ... */ ret = ((CamelMimePartClass *)parent_class)->construct_from_parser(dw, mp); if (ret == -1) return -1; /* ... then clean up the follow-on state */ state = camel_mime_parser_step (mp, &buf, &len); switch (state) { case HSCAN_EOF: case HSCAN_FROM_END: /* these doesn't belong to us */ camel_mime_parser_unstep (mp); case HSCAN_MESSAGE_END: break; default: g_error ("Bad parser state: Expecing MESSAGE_END or EOF or EOM, got: %d", camel_mime_parser_state (mp)); camel_mime_parser_unstep (mp); return -1; } d(printf("mime_message::construct_from_parser() leaving\n")); err = camel_mime_parser_errno(mp); if (err != 0) { errno = err; ret = -1; } return ret; } static ssize_t write_to_stream (CamelDataWrapper *data_wrapper, CamelStream *stream) { CamelMimeMessage *mm = CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE (data_wrapper); /* force mandatory headers ... */ if (mm->from == NULL) { /* FIXME: should we just abort? Should we make one up? */ g_warning ("No from set for message"); camel_medium_set_header ((CamelMedium *)mm, "From", ""); } if (!camel_medium_get_header ((CamelMedium *)mm, "Date")) camel_mime_message_set_date (mm, CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT, 0); if (mm->subject == NULL) camel_mime_message_set_subject (mm, "No Subject"); if (mm->message_id == NULL) camel_mime_message_set_message_id (mm, NULL); /* FIXME: "To" header needs to be set explicitly as well ... */ if (!camel_medium_get_header ((CamelMedium *)mm, "Mime-Version")) camel_medium_set_header ((CamelMedium *)mm, "Mime-Version", "1.0"); return CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER_CLASS (parent_class)->write_to_stream (data_wrapper, stream); } /* FIXME: check format of fields. */ static gboolean process_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name, const char *value) { CamelHeaderType header_type; CamelMimeMessage *message = CAMEL_MIME_MESSAGE (medium); CamelInternetAddress *addr; const char *charset; header_type = (CamelHeaderType) g_hash_table_lookup (header_name_table, name); switch (header_type) { case HEADER_FROM: if (message->from) camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (message->from)); message->from = camel_internet_address_new (); camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (message->from), value); break; case HEADER_REPLY_TO: if (message->reply_to) camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (message->reply_to)); message->reply_to = camel_internet_address_new (); camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (message->reply_to), value); break; case HEADER_SUBJECT: g_free (message->subject); if (((CamelDataWrapper *) message)->mime_type) { charset = camel_content_type_param (((CamelDataWrapper *) message)->mime_type, "charset"); charset = e_iconv_charset_name (charset); } else charset = NULL; message->subject = g_strstrip (camel_header_decode_string (value, charset)); break; case HEADER_TO: case HEADER_CC: case HEADER_BCC: case HEADER_RESENT_TO: case HEADER_RESENT_CC: case HEADER_RESENT_BCC: addr = g_hash_table_lookup (message->recipients, name); if (value) camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), value); else camel_address_remove (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), -1); break; case HEADER_DATE: if (value) { message->date = camel_header_decode_date (value, &message->date_offset); } else { message->date = CAMEL_MESSAGE_DATE_CURRENT; message->date_offset = 0; } break; case HEADER_MESSAGE_ID: g_free (message->message_id); if (value) message->message_id = camel_header_msgid_decode (value); else message->message_id = NULL; break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void set_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name, const void *value) { process_header (medium, name, value); parent_class->parent_class.set_header (medium, name, value); } static void add_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name, const void *value) { /* if we process it, then it must be forced unique as well ... */ if (process_header (medium, name, value)) parent_class->parent_class.set_header (medium, name, value); else parent_class->parent_class.add_header (medium, name, value); } static void remove_header (CamelMedium *medium, const char *name) { process_header (medium, name, NULL); parent_class->parent_class.remove_header (medium, name); } typedef gboolean (*CamelPartFunc)(CamelMimeMessage *, CamelMimePart *, void *data); static gboolean message_foreach_part_rec (CamelMimeMessage *msg, CamelMimePart *part, CamelPartFunc callback, void *data) { CamelDataWrapper *containee; int parts, i; int go = TRUE; if (callback (msg, part, data) == FALSE) return FALSE; containee = camel_medium_get_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part)); if (containee == NULL) return go; /* using the object types is more accurate than using the mime/types */ if (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (containee)) { parts = camel_multipart_get_number (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee)); for (i = 0; go && i < parts; i++) { CamelMimePart *part = camel_multipart_get_part (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee), i); go = message_foreach_part_rec (msg, part, callback, data); } } else if (CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (containee)) { go = message_foreach_part_rec (msg, (CamelMimePart *)containee, callback, data); } return go; } /* dont make this public yet, it might need some more thinking ... */ /* MPZ */ static void camel_mime_message_foreach_part (CamelMimeMessage *msg, CamelPartFunc callback, void *data) { message_foreach_part_rec (msg, (CamelMimePart *)msg, callback, data); } static gboolean check_8bit (CamelMimeMessage *msg, CamelMimePart *part, void *data) { CamelMimePartEncodingType encoding; int *has8bit = data; /* check this part, and stop as soon as we are done */ encoding = camel_mime_part_get_encoding (part); *has8bit = encoding == CAMEL_MIME_PART_ENCODING_8BIT || encoding == CAMEL_MIME_PART_ENCODING_BINARY; return !(*has8bit); } gboolean camel_mime_message_has_8bit_parts (CamelMimeMessage *msg) { int has8bit = FALSE; camel_mime_message_foreach_part (msg, check_8bit, &has8bit); return has8bit; } /* finds the best charset and transfer encoding for a given part */ static CamelMimePartEncodingType find_best_encoding (CamelMimePart *part, CamelBestencRequired required, CamelBestencEncoding enctype, char **charsetp) { CamelMimeFilterCharset *charenc = NULL; CamelMimePartEncodingType encoding; CamelMimeFilterBestenc *bestenc; unsigned int flags, callerflags; CamelDataWrapper *content; CamelStreamFilter *filter; const char *charsetin = NULL; char *charset = NULL; CamelStream *null; int idb, idc = -1; gboolean istext; /* we use all these weird stream things so we can do it with streams, and not have to read the whole lot into memory - although i have a feeling it would make things a fair bit simpler to do so ... */ d(printf("starting to check part\n")); content = camel_medium_get_content_object ((CamelMedium *)part); if (content == NULL) { /* charset might not be right here, but it'll get the right stuff if it is ever set */ *charsetp = NULL; return CAMEL_MIME_PART_ENCODING_DEFAULT; } istext = camel_content_type_is (((CamelDataWrapper *) part)->mime_type, "text", "*"); if (istext) { flags = CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET | CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_ENCODING; enctype |= CAMEL_BESTENC_TEXT; } else { flags = CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_ENCODING; } /* when building the message, any encoded parts are translated already */ flags |= CAMEL_BESTENC_LF_IS_CRLF; /* and get any flags the caller passed in */ callerflags = (required & CAMEL_BESTENC_NO_FROM); flags |= callerflags; /* first a null stream, so any filtering is thrown away; we only want the sideeffects */ null = (CamelStream *)camel_stream_null_new (); filter = camel_stream_filter_new_with_stream (null); /* if we're looking for the best charset, then we need to convert to UTF-8 */ if (istext && (required & CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET) != 0 && (charsetin = camel_content_type_param (content->mime_type, "charset"))) { charenc = camel_mime_filter_charset_new_convert (charsetin, "UTF-8"); if (charenc != NULL) idc = camel_stream_filter_add (filter, (CamelMimeFilter *)charenc); charsetin = NULL; } bestenc = camel_mime_filter_bestenc_new (flags); idb = camel_stream_filter_add (filter, (CamelMimeFilter *)bestenc); d(printf("writing to checking stream\n")); camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream (content, (CamelStream *)filter); camel_stream_filter_remove (filter, idb); if (idc != -1) { camel_stream_filter_remove (filter, idc); camel_object_unref (charenc); charenc = NULL; } if (istext && (required & CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET) != 0) { charsetin = camel_mime_filter_bestenc_get_best_charset (bestenc); d(printf("best charset = %s\n", charsetin ? charsetin : "(null)")); charset = g_strdup (charsetin); charsetin = camel_content_type_param (content->mime_type, "charset"); } else { charset = NULL; } /* if we have US-ASCII, or we're not doing text, we dont need to bother with the rest */ if (istext && charsetin && charset && (required & CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET) != 0) { d(printf("have charset, trying conversion/etc\n")); /* now that 'bestenc' has told us what the best encoding is, we can use that to create a charset conversion filter as well, and then re-add the bestenc to filter the result to find the best encoding to use as well */ charenc = camel_mime_filter_charset_new_convert (charsetin, charset); if (charenc != NULL) { /* otherwise, try another pass, converting to the real charset */ camel_mime_filter_reset ((CamelMimeFilter *)bestenc); camel_mime_filter_bestenc_set_flags (bestenc, CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_ENCODING | CAMEL_BESTENC_LF_IS_CRLF | callerflags); camel_stream_filter_add (filter, (CamelMimeFilter *)charenc); camel_stream_filter_add (filter, (CamelMimeFilter *)bestenc); /* and write it to the new stream */ camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream (content, (CamelStream *)filter); camel_object_unref (charenc); } } encoding = camel_mime_filter_bestenc_get_best_encoding (bestenc, enctype); camel_object_unref (filter); camel_object_unref (bestenc); camel_object_unref (null); d(printf("done, best encoding = %d\n", encoding)); if (charsetp) *charsetp = charset; else g_free (charset); return encoding; } struct _enc_data { CamelBestencRequired required; CamelBestencEncoding enctype; }; static gboolean best_encoding (CamelMimeMessage *msg, CamelMimePart *part, void *datap) { struct _enc_data *data = datap; CamelMimePartEncodingType encoding; CamelDataWrapper *wrapper; char *charset; wrapper = camel_medium_get_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part)); if (!wrapper) return FALSE; /* we only care about actual content objects */ if (!CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (wrapper) && !CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (wrapper)) { encoding = find_best_encoding (part, data->required, data->enctype, &charset); /* we always set the encoding, if we got this far. GET_CHARSET implies also GET_ENCODING */ camel_mime_part_set_encoding (part, encoding); if ((data->required & CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET) != 0) { if (camel_content_type_is (((CamelDataWrapper *) part)->mime_type, "text", "*")) { char *newct; /* FIXME: ick, the part content_type interface needs fixing bigtime */ camel_content_type_set_param (((CamelDataWrapper *) part)->mime_type, "charset", charset ? charset : "us-ascii"); newct = camel_content_type_format (((CamelDataWrapper *) part)->mime_type); if (newct) { d(printf("Setting content-type to %s\n", newct)); camel_mime_part_set_content_type (part, newct); g_free (newct); } } } g_free (charset); } return TRUE; } void camel_mime_message_set_best_encoding (CamelMimeMessage *msg, CamelBestencRequired required, CamelBestencEncoding enctype) { struct _enc_data data; if ((required & (CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_ENCODING|CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_CHARSET)) == 0) return; data.required = required; data.enctype = enctype; camel_mime_message_foreach_part (msg, best_encoding, &data); } void camel_mime_message_encode_8bit_parts (CamelMimeMessage *mime_message) { camel_mime_message_set_best_encoding (mime_message, CAMEL_BESTENC_GET_ENCODING, CAMEL_BESTENC_7BIT); } struct _check_content_id { CamelMimePart *part; const char *content_id; }; static gboolean check_content_id (CamelMimeMessage *message, CamelMimePart *part, void *data) { struct _check_content_id *check = (struct _check_content_id *) data; const char *content_id; gboolean found; content_id = camel_mime_part_get_content_id (part); found = content_id && !strcmp (content_id, check->content_id) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (found) { check->part = part; camel_object_ref (CAMEL_OBJECT (part)); } return !found; } CamelMimePart * camel_mime_message_get_part_by_content_id (CamelMimeMessage *message, const char *id) { struct _check_content_id check; g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (message), NULL); if (id == NULL) return NULL; check.content_id = id; check.part = NULL; camel_mime_message_foreach_part (message, check_content_id, &check); return check.part; } static char *tz_months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; static char *tz_days[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; char * camel_mime_message_build_mbox_from (CamelMimeMessage *message) { struct _camel_header_raw *header = ((CamelMimePart *)message)->headers; GString *out = g_string_new("From "); char *ret; const char *tmp; time_t thetime; int offset; struct tm tm; tmp = camel_header_raw_find (&header, "Sender", NULL); if (tmp == NULL) tmp = camel_header_raw_find (&header, "From", NULL); if (tmp != NULL) { struct _camel_header_address *addr = camel_header_address_decode (tmp, NULL); tmp = NULL; if (addr) { if (addr->type == HEADER_ADDRESS_NAME) { g_string_append (out, addr->v.addr); tmp = ""; } camel_header_address_unref (addr); } } if (tmp == NULL) g_string_append (out, "unknown@nodomain.now.au"); /* try use the received header to get the date */ tmp = camel_header_raw_find (&header, "Received", NULL); if (tmp) { tmp = strrchr(tmp, ';'); if (tmp) tmp++; } /* if there isn't one, try the Date field */ if (tmp == NULL) tmp = camel_header_raw_find (&header, "Date", NULL); thetime = camel_header_decode_date (tmp, &offset); thetime += ((offset / 100) * (60 * 60)) + (offset % 100) * 60; gmtime_r (&thetime, &tm); g_string_append_printf (out, " %s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %4d\n", tz_days[tm.tm_wday], tz_months[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec, tm.tm_year + 1900); ret = out->str; g_string_free (out, FALSE); return ret; }