/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian Inc. * * Authors: Michael Zucchi <notzed@ximian.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef ENABLE_THREADS #include <pthread.h> #endif #include "camel-exception.h" #include "camel-lock-helper.h" #include "camel-lock-client.h" #define d(x) /* dunno where this fucking thing is got from */ /* see also camel-lock.c */ #define _(x) (x) #ifdef ENABLE_THREADS static pthread_mutex_t lock_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define LOCK() pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_lock) #define UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_lock) #else #define LOCK() #define UNLOCK() #endif static int lock_sequence; static int lock_helper_pid = -1; static int lock_stdin_pipe[2], lock_stdout_pipe[2]; static int read_n(int fd, void *buffer, int inlen) { char *p = buffer; int len, left = inlen; do { len = read(fd, p, left); if (len == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) return -1; } else { left -= len; p += len; } } while (left > 0 && len != 0); return inlen - left; } static int write_n(int fd, void *buffer, int inlen) { char *p = buffer; int len, left = inlen; do { len = write(fd, p, left); if (len == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) return -1; } else { left -= len; p += len; } } while (left > 0); return inlen; } static int camel_lock_helper_init(CamelException *ex) { if (pipe(lock_stdin_pipe) == -1 || pipe(lock_stdout_pipe) == -1) { camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Cannot build locking helper pipe: %s"), strerror(errno)); return -1; } lock_helper_pid = fork(); switch(lock_helper_pid) { case -1: close(lock_stdin_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdin_pipe[1]); close(lock_stdout_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdout_pipe[1]); camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Cannot fork locking helper: %s"), strerror(errno)); return -1; case 0: close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(lock_stdin_pipe[0]); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(lock_stdout_pipe[1]); close(lock_stdin_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdin_pipe[1]); close(lock_stdout_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdout_pipe[1]); execl(CAMEL_SBINDIR "/camel-lock-helper", "camel-lock-helper", NULL); d(fprintf(stderr, "shit, couldn't exec lock helper!\n")); /* it'll pick this up when it tries to use us */ exit(255); default: close(lock_stdin_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdout_pipe[1]); /* so the child knows when we vanish */ fcntl(lock_stdin_pipe[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl(lock_stdout_pipe[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); } return 0; } int camel_lock_helper_lock(const char *path, CamelException *ex) { struct _CamelLockHelperMsg *msg; int len = strlen(path); int res = -1; int retry = 3; LOCK(); if (lock_helper_pid == -1) { if (camel_lock_helper_init(ex) == -1) { UNLOCK(); return -1; } } msg = alloca(len + sizeof(*msg)); again: msg->magic = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_MAGIC; msg->seq = lock_sequence; msg->id = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_LOCK; msg->data = len; memcpy(msg+1, path, len); write_n(lock_stdin_pipe[1], msg, len+sizeof(*msg)); do { /* should also have a timeout here? cancellation? */ len = read_n(lock_stdout_pipe[0], msg, sizeof(*msg)); if (len == 0) { /* child quit, do we try ressurect it? */ res = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_STATUS_PROTOCOL; /* if the child exited, this should get it, waidpid returns 0 if the child hasn't */ if (waitpid(lock_helper_pid, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) { lock_helper_pid = -1; close(lock_stdout_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdin_pipe[1]); lock_stdout_pipe[0] = -1; lock_stdin_pipe[1] = -1; } goto fail; } if (msg->magic != CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_RETURN_MAGIC || msg->seq > lock_sequence) { res = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_STATUS_PROTOCOL; d(printf("lock child protocol error\n")); camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Could not lock '%s': protocol error with lock-helper"), path); goto fail; } } while (msg->seq < lock_sequence); if (msg->seq == lock_sequence) { switch(msg->id) { case CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_STATUS_OK: d(printf("lock child locked ok, id is %d\n", msg->data)); res = msg->data; break; default: camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Could not lock '%s'"), path); d(printf("locking failed ! status = %d\n", msg->id)); break; } } else if (retry > 0) { d(printf("sequence failure, lost message? retry?\n")); retry--; goto again; } else { camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Could not lock '%s': protocol error with lock-helper"), path); } fail: lock_sequence++; UNLOCK(); return res; } int camel_lock_helper_unlock(int lockid) { struct _CamelLockHelperMsg *msg; int res = -1; int retry = 3; int len; d(printf("unlocking lock id %d\n", lockid)); LOCK(); /* impossible to unlock if we haven't locked yet */ if (lock_helper_pid == -1) { UNLOCK(); return -1; } msg = alloca(sizeof(*msg)); again: msg->magic = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_MAGIC; msg->seq = lock_sequence; msg->id = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_UNLOCK; msg->data = lockid; write_n(lock_stdin_pipe[1], msg, sizeof(*msg)); do { /* should also have a timeout here? cancellation? */ len = read_n(lock_stdout_pipe[0], msg, sizeof(*msg)); if (len == 0) { /* child quit, do we try ressurect it? */ res = CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_STATUS_PROTOCOL; if (waitpid(lock_helper_pid, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) { lock_helper_pid = -1; close(lock_stdout_pipe[0]); close(lock_stdin_pipe[1]); lock_stdout_pipe[0] = -1; lock_stdin_pipe[1] = -1; } goto fail; } if (msg->magic != CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_RETURN_MAGIC || msg->seq > lock_sequence) { goto fail; } } while (msg->seq < lock_sequence); if (msg->seq == lock_sequence) { switch(msg->id) { case CAMEL_LOCK_HELPER_STATUS_OK: d(printf("lock child unlocked ok\n")); res = 0; break; default: d(printf("locking failed ! \n")); break; } } else if (retry > 0) { d(printf("sequence failure, lost message? retry?\n")); lock_sequence++; retry--; goto again; } fail: lock_sequence++; UNLOCK(); return res; } #if 0 int main(int argc, char **argv) { int id1, id2; d(printf("locking started\n")); camel_lock_helper_init(); id1 = camel_lock_helper_lock("1 path 1"); if (id1 != -1) { d(printf("lock ok, unlock\n")); camel_lock_helper_unlock(id1); } id1 = camel_lock_helper_lock("2 path 1"); id2 = camel_lock_helper_lock("2 path 2"); camel_lock_helper_unlock(id2); camel_lock_helper_unlock(id1); id1 = camel_lock_helper_lock("3 path 1"); id2 = camel_lock_helper_lock("3 path 2"); camel_lock_helper_unlock(id1); } #endif