 * Translatable strings file generated by Glade.
 * Add this file to your project's POTFILES.in.
 * DO NOT compile it as part of your application.

gchar *s = N_("Su_mmary:");
gchar *s = N_("Date & Time");
gchar *s = N_("_Start time:");
gchar *s = N_("_End time:");
gchar *s = N_("A_ll day event");
gchar *s = N_("Classification");
gchar *s = N_("Pu_blic");
gchar *s = N_("Pri_vate");
gchar *s = N_("_Confidential");
gchar *s = N_("_Contacts...");
gchar *s = N_("Ca_tegories...");
gchar *s = N_("Appointment");
gchar *s = N_("Appointment Basics");
gchar *s = N_("Su_mmary:");
gchar *s = N_("_Starting date:");
gchar *s = N_("Reminders");
gchar *s = N_("Show a dialog\n"
              "Play a sound\n"
              "Send an email\n"
              "Run a program\n"
gchar *s = N_("minute(s)\n"
gchar *s = N_("before\n"
gchar *s = N_("start of appointment\n"
              "end of appointment\n"
gchar *s = N_("Settings...");
gchar *s = N_("label55");
gchar *s = N_("Add");
gchar *s = N_("Delete");
gchar *s = N_("Reminder");
gchar *s = N_("Appointment Basics");
gchar *s = N_("Su_mmary:");
gchar *s = N_("_Starting date:");
gchar *s = N_("Recurrence Rule");
gchar *s = N_("No recurrence");
gchar *s = N_("Simple recurrence");
gchar *s = N_("Custom recurrence");
gchar *s = N_("Every");
gchar *s = N_("day(s)\n"
gchar *s = N_("for\n"
gchar *s = N_("Exceptions");
gchar *s = N_("Add");
gchar *s = N_("Modify");
gchar *s = N_("Delete");
gchar *s = N_("label21");
gchar *s = N_("Preview");
gchar *s = N_("Recurrence");