/* * Calendar manager object * * This keeps track of a given calendar. Eventually this will abtract everything * related to getting calendars/saving calendars locally or to a remote Calendar Service * * Copyright (C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation * * Authors: * Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) * Federico Mena (federico@gimp.org) * */ #include <config.h> #include "calendar.h" #include "timeutil.h" #include "versit/vcc.h" Calendar * calendar_new (char *title) { Calendar *cal; cal = g_new0 (Calendar, 1); cal->title = g_strdup (title); return cal; } void calendar_add_object (Calendar *cal, iCalObject *obj) { printf ("Adding object\n"); switch (obj->type){ case ICAL_EVENT: cal->events = g_list_prepend (cal->events, obj); if (obj->recur) cal->recur = g_list_prepend (cal->recur, obj); break; case ICAL_TODO: cal->todo = g_list_prepend (cal->todo, obj); break; case ICAL_JOURNAL: cal->journal = g_list_prepend (cal->journal, obj); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } cal->modified = TRUE; /* FIXME: do we have to set the last_mod field in the object? */ } void calendar_remove_object (Calendar *cal, iCalObject *obj) { switch (obj->type){ case ICAL_EVENT: cal->events = g_list_remove (cal->events, obj); if (obj->recur) cal->recur = g_list_remove (cal->recur, obj); break; case ICAL_TODO: cal->todo = g_list_remove (cal->todo, obj); break; case ICAL_JOURNAL: cal->journal = g_list_remove (cal->journal, obj); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } cal->modified = TRUE; } void calendar_destroy (Calendar *cal) { g_list_foreach (cal->events, (GFunc) ical_object_destroy, NULL); g_list_free (cal->events); g_list_foreach (cal->todo, (GFunc) ical_object_destroy, NULL); g_list_free (cal->todo); g_list_foreach (cal->journal, (GFunc) ical_object_destroy, NULL); g_list_free (cal->journal); if (cal->title) g_free (cal->title); if (cal->filename) g_free (cal->filename); g_free (cal); } char * ice (time_t t) { static char buffer [100]; struct tm *tm; tm = localtime (&t); sprintf (buffer, "%d/%d/%d", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_year); return buffer; } GList * calendar_get_objects_in_range (GList *objects, time_t start, time_t end, GCompareFunc sort_func) { GList *new_events = 0; for (; objects; objects = objects->next){ iCalObject *object = objects->data; if ((start <= object->dtstart) && (object->dtend <= end)){ if (sort_func) new_events = g_list_insert_sorted (new_events, object, sort_func); else new_events = g_list_prepend (new_events, object); } } return new_events; } GList * calendar_get_events_in_range (Calendar *cal, time_t start, time_t end, GCompareFunc sort_func) { return calendar_get_objects_in_range (cal->events, start, end, sort_func); } GList * calendar_get_todo_in_range (Calendar *cal, time_t start, time_t end, GCompareFunc sort_func) { return calendar_get_objects_in_range (cal->todo, start, end, sort_func); } GList * calendar_get_journal_in_range (Calendar *cal, time_t start, time_t end, GCompareFunc sort_func) { return calendar_get_objects_in_range (cal->journal, start, end, sort_func); } gint calendar_compare_by_dtstart (gpointer a, gpointer b) { iCalObject *obj1, *obj2; time_t diff; obj1 = a; obj2 = b; diff = obj1->dtstart - obj2->dtstart; return (diff < 0) ? -1 : (diff > 0) ? 1 : 0; } #define str_val(obj) (char *) vObjectUStringZValue (obj) /* Loads our calendar contents from a vObject */ void calendar_load_from_vobject (Calendar *cal, VObject *vcal) { VObjectIterator i;; initPropIterator (&i, vcal); while (moreIteration (&i)){ VObject *this = nextVObject (&i); iCalObject *ical; const char *object_name = vObjectName (this); if (strcmp (object_name, VCDCreatedProp) == 0){ cal->created = time_from_isodate (str_val (this)); continue; } if (strcmp (object_name, VCLocationProp) == 0) continue; /* FIXME: imlement */ if (strcmp (object_name, VCProdIdProp) == 0) continue; /* FIXME: implement */ if (strcmp (object_name, VCVersionProp) == 0) continue; /* FIXME: implement */ ical = ical_object_create_from_vobject (this, object_name); if (ical) calendar_add_object (cal, ical); } } /* Loads a calendar from a file */ void calendar_load (Calendar *cal, char *fname) { VObject *vcal; if (cal->filename){ g_warning ("Calendar load called again\n"); return; } cal->filename = g_strdup (fname); vcal = Parse_MIME_FromFileName (fname); calendar_load_from_vobject (cal, vcal); cleanVObject (vcal); cleanStrTbl (); } void calendar_save (Calendar *cal, char *fname) { VObject *vcal; GList *l; if (fname == NULL) fname = cal->filename; vcal = newVObject (VCCalProp); addPropValue (vcal, VCProdIdProp, "-//GNOME//NONSGML GnomeCalendar//EN"); addPropValue (vcal, VCTimeZoneProp, "NONE"); addPropValue (vcal, VCVersionProp, VERSION); cal->temp = vcal; for (l = cal->events; l; l = l->next){ VObject *obj; obj = ical_object_to_vobject ((iCalObject *) l->data); addVObjectProp (vcal, obj); } writeVObjectToFile (fname, vcal); cleanVObject (vcal); cleanStrTbl (); }