/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
#ifndef _EAB_MODEL_H_
#define _EAB_MODEL_H_

#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <libebook/e-book.h>
#include <libebook/e-book-view.h>

#define EAB_TYPE_MODEL                  (eab_model_get_type ())
#define EAB_MODEL(o)                    (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), EAB_TYPE_MODEL, EABModel))
#define EAB_MODEL_CLASS(k)              (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), EAB_TYPE_MODEL, EABModelClass))

typedef struct _EABModel EABModel;
typedef struct _EABModelClass EABModelClass;

struct _EABModel {
	GObject parent;

	/* item specific fields */
	EBook *book;
	EBookQuery *query;
	EBookView *book_view;

	int book_view_idle_id;

	EContact **data;
	int data_count;
	int allocated_count;

	int create_contact_id, remove_contact_id, modify_contact_id;
	int status_message_id, writable_status_id, sequence_complete_id;
	int backend_died_id;

	guint search_in_progress : 1;
	guint editable : 1;
	guint editable_set : 1;
	guint first_get_view : 1;

struct _EABModelClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

	 * Signals
	void (*writable_status)    (EABModel *model, gboolean writable);
	void (*search_started)     (EABModel *model);
	void (*search_result)      (EABModel *model, EBookViewStatus status);
	void (*status_message)     (EABModel *model, const gchar *message);
	void (*folder_bar_message) (EABModel *model, const gchar *message);
	void (*contact_added)      (EABModel *model, gint index, gint count);
	void (*contact_removed)    (EABModel *model, gint index);
	void (*contact_changed)    (EABModel *model, gint index);
	void (*model_changed)      (EABModel *model);
	void (*stop_state_changed) (EABModel *model);
	void (*backend_died)       (EABModel *model);

GType              eab_model_get_type                  (void);
EABModel          *eab_model_new                       (void);

/* Returns object with ref count of 1. */
EContact          *eab_model_get_contact               (EABModel *model,
							int                row);
EBook             *eab_model_get_ebook                 (EABModel *model);

void               eab_model_stop                      (EABModel *model);
gboolean           eab_model_can_stop                  (EABModel *model);

void               eab_model_force_folder_bar_message  (EABModel *model);

int                eab_model_contact_count             (EABModel *model);
const EContact    *eab_model_contact_at                (EABModel *model,
							int                index);
gboolean           eab_model_editable                  (EABModel *model);

#endif /* _EAB_MODEL_H_ */