/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ #include #include "e-contact-list-model.h" #define PARENT_TYPE e_table_model_get_type() ETableModelClass *parent_class; #define COLS 1 /* This function returns the number of columns in our ETableModel. */ static int contact_list_col_count (ETableModel *etc) { return COLS; } /* This function returns the number of rows in our ETableModel. */ static int contact_list_row_count (ETableModel *etc) { EContactListModel *model = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL (etc); return model->data_count; } /* This function returns the value at a particular point in our ETableModel. */ static void * contact_list_value_at (ETableModel *etc, int col, int row) { EContactListModel *model = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL (etc); return model->data[row]->string; } /* This function sets the value at a particular point in our ETableModel. */ static void contact_list_set_value_at (ETableModel *etc, int col, int row, const void *val) { /* nothing */ } /* This function returns whether a particular cell is editable. */ static gboolean contact_list_is_cell_editable (ETableModel *etc, int col, int row) { return FALSE; } /* This function duplicates the value passed to it. */ static void * contact_list_duplicate_value (ETableModel *etc, int col, const void *value) { return g_strdup(value); } /* This function frees the value passed to it. */ static void contact_list_free_value (ETableModel *etc, int col, void *value) { g_free(value); } static void * contact_list_initialize_value (ETableModel *etc, int col) { return g_strdup(""); } static gboolean contact_list_value_is_empty (ETableModel *etc, int col, const void *value) { return !(value && *(char *)value); } static char * contact_list_value_to_string (ETableModel *etc, int col, const void *value) { return g_strdup(value); } static void contact_list_model_destroy (GtkObject *o) { EContactListModel *model = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL (o); int i; for (i = 0; i < model->data_count; i ++) { g_free (model->data[i]->string); if (model->data[i]->simple) gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(model->data[i]->simple)); g_free (model->data[i]); } g_free (model->data); model->data_count = 0; model->data_alloc = 0; } static void e_contact_list_model_class_init (GtkObjectClass *object_class) { ETableModelClass *model_class = (ETableModelClass *) object_class; parent_class = gtk_type_class (PARENT_TYPE); object_class->destroy = contact_list_model_destroy; model_class->column_count = contact_list_col_count; model_class->row_count = contact_list_row_count; model_class->value_at = contact_list_value_at; model_class->set_value_at = contact_list_set_value_at; model_class->is_cell_editable = contact_list_is_cell_editable; model_class->duplicate_value = contact_list_duplicate_value; model_class->free_value = contact_list_free_value; model_class->initialize_value = contact_list_initialize_value; model_class->value_is_empty = contact_list_value_is_empty; model_class->value_to_string = contact_list_value_to_string; } static void e_contact_list_model_init (GtkObject *object) { EContactListModel *model = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL(object); model->data_alloc = 10; model->data_count = 0; model->data = g_new (EContactListModelRow*, model->data_alloc); } GtkType e_contact_list_model_get_type (void) { static GtkType type = 0; if (!type){ GtkTypeInfo info = { "EContactListModel", sizeof (EContactListModel), sizeof (EContactListModelClass), (GtkClassInitFunc) e_contact_list_model_class_init, (GtkObjectInitFunc) e_contact_list_model_init, NULL, /* reserved 1 */ NULL, /* reserved 2 */ (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL }; type = gtk_type_unique (PARENT_TYPE, &info); } return type; } void e_contact_list_model_construct (EContactListModel *model) { } ETableModel * e_contact_list_model_new () { EContactListModel *model; model = gtk_type_new (e_contact_list_model_get_type ()); e_contact_list_model_construct (model); return E_TABLE_MODEL(model); } void e_contact_list_model_add_email (EContactListModel *model, const char *email) { EContactListModelRow *new_row; if (model->data_count + 1 >= model->data_alloc) { model->data_alloc *= 2; model->data = g_renew (EContactListModelRow*, model->data, model->data_alloc); } new_row = g_new (EContactListModelRow, 1); new_row->type = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL_ROW_EMAIL; new_row->simple = NULL; new_row->string = g_strdup (email); model->data[model->data_count ++] = new_row; e_table_model_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (model)); } void e_contact_list_model_add_card (EContactListModel *model, ECardSimple *simple) { EContactListModelRow *new_row; char *email, *name; name = e_card_simple_get (simple, E_CARD_SIMPLE_FIELD_NAME_OR_ORG); email = e_card_simple_get (simple, E_CARD_SIMPLE_FIELD_EMAIL); if (! name && ! email) { /* what to do here? */ return; } if (model->data_count + 1 >= model->data_alloc) { model->data_alloc *= 2; model->data = g_renew (EContactListModelRow*, model->data, model->data_alloc); } new_row = g_new (EContactListModelRow, 1); new_row->type = E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL_ROW_CARD; new_row->simple = simple; if (FALSE /* XXX e_card_simple_get (simple, E_CARD_SIMPLE_FIELD_EVOLUTION_LIST)*/) new_row->string = g_strconcat ("<", name, ">", NULL); else new_row->string = g_strconcat (name ? name : "", email ? " <" : "", email ? email : "", email ? ">" : "", NULL); model->data[model->data_count++] = new_row; gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (simple)); e_table_model_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (model)); } void e_contact_list_model_remove_row (EContactListModel *model, int row) { g_free (model->data[row]->string); if (model->data[row]->simple) gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(model->data[row]->simple)); g_free (model->data[row]); memmove (model->data + row, model->data + row + 1, sizeof (EContactListModelRow*) * (model->data_count - row - 1)); model->data_count --; e_table_model_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (model)); } void e_contact_list_model_remove_all (EContactListModel *model) { int i; for (i = 0; i < model->data_count; i ++) { g_free (model->data[i]->string); if (model->data[i]->simple) gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(model->data[i]->simple)); g_free (model->data[i]); model->data[i] = NULL; } model->data_count = 0; e_table_model_changed (E_TABLE_MODEL (model)); } char* e_contact_list_model_get_email (EContactListModel *model, int row) { EContactListModelRow *data = model->data[row]; if (data->type == E_CONTACT_LIST_MODEL_ROW_EMAIL) return g_strdup (data->string); else return g_strconcat (ECARD_UID_LINK_PREFIX, e_card_simple_get_id (data->simple), NULL); }