/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * e-select-names-completion.c * * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. * * Developed by Jon Trowbridge */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ #include #include "e-select-names-completion.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { EBook *book; guint book_view_tag; EBookView *book_view; ESelectNamesCompletion *comp; guint contacts_added_tag; guint seq_complete_tag; gboolean sequence_complete_received; gchar *cached_query_text; GList *cached_cards; gboolean cache_complete; } ESelectNamesCompletionBookData; struct _ESelectNamesCompletionPrivate { ESelectNamesTextModel *text_model; GList *book_data; gint books_not_ready; gint pending_completion_seq; gchar *waiting_query; gint waiting_pos, waiting_limit; gchar *query_text; gboolean match_contact_lists; gint minimum_query_length; }; static void e_select_names_completion_class_init (ESelectNamesCompletionClass *); static void e_select_names_completion_init (ESelectNamesCompletion *); static void e_select_names_completion_dispose (GObject *object); static void e_select_names_completion_got_book_view_cb (EBook *book, EBookStatus status, EBookView *view, gpointer user_data); static void e_select_names_completion_contacts_added_cb (EBookView *, const GList *cards, gpointer user_data); static void e_select_names_completion_seq_complete_cb (EBookView *, EBookViewStatus status, gpointer user_data); static void e_select_names_completion_do_query (ESelectNamesCompletion *, const gchar *query_text, gint pos, gint limit); static void e_select_names_completion_handle_request (ECompletion *, const gchar *txt, gint pos, gint limit); static void e_select_names_completion_end (ECompletion *); static GObjectClass *parent_class; static FILE *out; /* * * Query builders * */ typedef gchar *(*BookQuerySExp) (ESelectNamesCompletion *); typedef ECompletionMatch *(*BookQueryMatchTester) (ESelectNamesCompletion *, EABDestination *); static int utf8_casefold_collate_len (const gchar *str1, const gchar *str2, int len) { gchar *s1 = g_utf8_casefold(str1, len); gchar *s2 = g_utf8_casefold(str2, len); int rv; rv = g_utf8_collate (s1, s2); g_free (s1); g_free (s2); return rv; } static int utf8_casefold_collate (const gchar *str1, const gchar *str2) { return utf8_casefold_collate_len (str1, str2, -1); } static void our_match_destroy (ECompletionMatch *match) { g_object_unref (match->user_data); } static ECompletionMatch * make_match (EABDestination *dest, const gchar *menu_form, double score) { ECompletionMatch *match; #if notyet EContact *contact = eab_destination_get_contact (dest); #endif match = e_completion_match_new (eab_destination_get_name (dest), menu_form, score); e_completion_match_set_text (match, eab_destination_get_name (dest), menu_form); /* Reject any match that has null text fields. */ if (! (e_completion_match_get_match_text (match) && e_completion_match_get_menu_text (match))) { g_object_unref (match); return NULL; } #if notyet /* XXX toshok - EContact doesn't have the use_score stuff */ /* Since we sort low to high, we negate so that larger use scores will come first */ match->sort_major = contact ? -floor (e_contact_get_use_score (contact)) : 0; #else match->sort_major = 0; #endif match->sort_minor = eab_destination_get_email_num (dest); match->user_data = dest; g_object_ref (dest); match->destroy = our_match_destroy; return match; } /* * Nickname query */ static gchar * sexp_nickname (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { gchar *query = g_strdup_printf ("(beginswith \"nickname\" \"%s\")", comp->priv->query_text); return query; } static ECompletionMatch * match_nickname (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, EABDestination *dest) { ECompletionMatch *match = NULL; gint len; EContact *contact = eab_destination_get_contact (dest); double score; const char *nickname; nickname = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_NICKNAME); if (nickname == NULL) return NULL; len = g_utf8_strlen (comp->priv->query_text, -1); if (nickname && !utf8_casefold_collate_len (comp->priv->query_text, nickname, len)) { const gchar *name; gchar *str; score = len * 2; /* nickname gives 2 points per matching character */ if (len == g_utf8_strlen (nickname, -1)) /* boost score on an exact match */ score *= 10; name = eab_destination_get_name (dest); if (name && *name) str = g_strdup_printf ("'%s' %s <%s>", nickname, name, eab_destination_get_email (dest)); else str = g_strdup_printf ("'%s' <%s>", nickname, eab_destination_get_email (dest)); match = make_match (dest, str, score); g_free (str); } return match; } /* * E-Mail Query */ static gchar * sexp_email (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { return g_strdup_printf ("(beginswith \"email\" \"%s\")", comp->priv->query_text); } static ECompletionMatch * match_email (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, EABDestination *dest) { ECompletionMatch *match; gint len = strlen (comp->priv->query_text); const gchar *name = eab_destination_get_name (dest); const gchar *email = eab_destination_get_email (dest); double score; if (email && !utf8_casefold_collate_len (comp->priv->query_text, email, len) && !eab_destination_is_evolution_list (dest)) { gchar *str; score = len * 2; /* 2 points for each matching character */ if (name && *name) str = g_strdup_printf ("<%s> %s", email, name); else str = g_strdup (email); match = make_match (dest, str, score); g_free (str); return match; } return NULL; } /* * Name Query */ static gchar * name_style_query (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, const gchar *field) { if (comp && comp->priv->query_text && *comp->priv->query_text) { gchar *cpy = g_strdup (comp->priv->query_text), *c; gchar **strv; gchar *query; gint i, count=0; for (c = cpy; *c; ++c) { if (*c == ',') *c = ' '; } strv = g_strsplit (cpy, " ", 0); for (i=0; strv[i]; ++i) { gchar *old; ++count; g_strstrip (strv[i]); old = strv[i]; strv[i] = g_strdup_printf ("(beginswith \"%s\" \"%s\")", field, old); g_free (old); } if (count == 1) { query = strv[0]; strv[0] = NULL; } else { gchar *joined = g_strjoinv (" ", strv); query = g_strdup_printf ("(and %s)", joined); g_free (joined); } g_free (cpy); g_strfreev (strv); return query; } return NULL; } static gchar * sexp_name (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { return name_style_query (comp, "full_name"); } static ECompletionMatch * match_name (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, EABDestination *dest) { ECompletionMatch *final_match = NULL; gchar *menu_text = NULL; EContact *contact; const gchar *email; gint match_len = 0; EABContactMatchType match; EABContactMatchPart first_match; double score = 0; gboolean have_given, have_additional, have_family; EContactName *contact_name; contact = eab_destination_get_contact (dest); contact_name = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_NAME); if (!contact_name) return NULL; email = eab_destination_get_email (dest); match = eab_contact_compare_name_to_string_full (contact, comp->priv->query_text, TRUE /* yes, allow partial matches */, NULL, &first_match, &match_len); if (match <= EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_NONE) { e_contact_name_free (contact_name); return NULL; } score = match_len * 3; /* three points per match character */ have_given = contact_name->given && *contact_name->given; have_additional = contact_name->additional && *contact_name->additional; have_family = contact_name->family && *contact_name->family; if (e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST)) { menu_text = e_contact_name_to_string (contact_name); } else if (first_match == EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_PART_GIVEN_NAME) { if (have_family) menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s <%s>", contact_name->given, contact_name->family, email); else menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s <%s>", contact_name->given, email); } else if (first_match == EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_PART_ADDITIONAL_NAME) { if (have_given) { menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s, %s <%s>", contact_name->additional, have_family ? " " : "", have_family ? contact_name->family : "", contact_name->given, email); } else { menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s <%s>", contact_name->additional, have_family ? " " : "", have_family ? contact_name->family : "", email); } } else if (first_match == EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_PART_FAMILY_NAME) { if (have_given) menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s, %s%s%s <%s>", contact_name->family, contact_name->given, have_additional ? " " : "", have_additional ? contact_name->additional : "", email); else menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s <%s>", contact_name->family, email); } else { /* something funny happened */ menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("<%s> ???", email); } if (menu_text) { g_strstrip (menu_text); final_match = make_match (dest, menu_text, score); g_free (menu_text); } e_contact_name_free (contact_name); return final_match; } /* * File As Query */ static gchar * sexp_file_as (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { return name_style_query (comp, "file_as"); } static ECompletionMatch * match_file_as (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, EABDestination *dest) { const gchar *name; const gchar *email; gchar *cpy, **strv, *menu_text; gint i, len; double score = 0.00001; ECompletionMatch *match; name = eab_destination_get_name (dest); email = eab_destination_get_email (dest); if (!(name && *name)) return NULL; cpy = g_strdup (comp->priv->query_text); strv = g_strsplit (cpy, " ", 0); for (i=0; strv[i] && score > 0; ++i) { len = g_utf8_strlen (strv[i], -1); if (!utf8_casefold_collate_len (name, strv[i], len)) score += len; /* one point per character of the match */ else score = 0; } g_free (cpy); g_strfreev (strv); if (score <= 0) return NULL; menu_text = g_strdup_printf ("%s <%s>", name, email); g_strstrip (menu_text); match = make_match (dest, menu_text, score); g_free (menu_text); return match; } typedef struct _BookQuery BookQuery; struct _BookQuery { BookQuerySExp builder; BookQueryMatchTester tester; }; static BookQuery book_queries[] = { { sexp_nickname, match_nickname}, { sexp_email, match_email }, { sexp_name, match_name }, { sexp_file_as, match_file_as }, }; static gint book_query_count = sizeof (book_queries) / sizeof (BookQuery); /* * Build up a big compound sexp corresponding to all of our queries. */ static EBookQuery* book_query_sexp (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { gint i, j; gchar **queryv; EBookQuery *query; g_return_val_if_fail (comp && E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp), NULL); if (! (comp->priv->query_text && *comp->priv->query_text)) return NULL; queryv = g_new0 (gchar *, book_query_count+1); for (i=0, j=0; ipriv->query_text && *comp->priv->query_text)) return NULL; for (i=0; iscore > best_match->score) { e_completion_match_unref (best_match); best_match = this_match; } else { e_completion_match_unref (this_match); } } } return best_match; } static void book_query_process_card_list (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, const GList *contacts) { while (contacts) { EContact *contact = E_CONTACT (contacts->data); if (e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST)) { if (comp->priv->match_contact_lists) { EABDestination *dest = eab_destination_new (); ECompletionMatch *match; eab_destination_set_contact (dest, contact, 0); match = book_query_score (comp, dest); if (match && match->score > 0) { e_completion_found_match (E_COMPLETION (comp), match); } else { e_completion_match_unref (match); } g_object_unref (dest); } } else { GList *email = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL); if (email) { GList *iter; gint i; for (i=0, iter = email; iter; ++i, iter = iter->next) { EABDestination *dest = eab_destination_new (); gchar *e; ECompletionMatch *match; eab_destination_set_contact (dest, contact, i); e = iter->data; if (e && *e) { match = book_query_score (comp, dest); if (match && match->score > 0) { e_completion_found_match (E_COMPLETION (comp), match); } else { e_completion_match_unref (match); } } g_object_unref (dest); } } g_list_foreach (email, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (email); } contacts = contacts->next; } } /* * * ESelectNamesCompletion code * */ GType e_select_names_completion_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (ESelectNamesCompletionClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) e_select_names_completion_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (ESelectNamesCompletion), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) e_select_names_completion_init, }; type = g_type_register_static (e_completion_get_type (), "ESelectNamesCompletion", &info, 0); } return type; } static void e_select_names_completion_class_init (ESelectNamesCompletionClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); ECompletionClass *completion_class = E_COMPLETION_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->dispose = e_select_names_completion_dispose; completion_class->request_completion = e_select_names_completion_handle_request; completion_class->end_completion = e_select_names_completion_end; if (getenv ("EVO_DEBUG_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION")) { out = fopen ("/tmp/evo-debug-select-names-completion", "w"); if (out) setvbuf (out, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } } static void e_select_names_completion_init (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { comp->priv = g_new0 (struct _ESelectNamesCompletionPrivate, 1); comp->priv->match_contact_lists = TRUE; } static void e_select_names_completion_clear_book_data (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { GList *l; for (l = comp->priv->book_data; l; l = l->next) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data = l->data; if (book_data->contacts_added_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->contacts_added_tag); book_data->contacts_added_tag = 0; } if (book_data->seq_complete_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->seq_complete_tag); book_data->seq_complete_tag = 0; } g_object_unref (book_data->book); if (book_data->book_view) { e_book_view_stop (book_data->book_view); g_object_unref (book_data->book_view); } g_free (book_data->cached_query_text); g_list_foreach (book_data->cached_cards, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (book_data->cached_cards); g_free (book_data); } g_list_free (comp->priv->book_data); comp->priv->book_data = NULL; } static void e_select_names_completion_dispose (GObject *object) { ESelectNamesCompletion *comp = E_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (object); if (comp->priv) { if (comp->priv->text_model) g_object_unref (comp->priv->text_model); e_select_names_completion_clear_book_data (comp); g_free (comp->priv->waiting_query); g_free (comp->priv->query_text); g_free (comp->priv); comp->priv = NULL; } if (parent_class->dispose) parent_class->dispose (object); } /* * * EBook/EBookView Callbacks & Query Stuff * */ static gchar * clean_query_text (const gchar *s) { gchar *q = g_new (gchar, strlen(s)+1), *t; t = q; while (*s) { if (*s != ',' && *s != '"') { *t = *s; ++t; } ++s; } *t = '\0'; g_strstrip (q); return q; } static void e_select_names_completion_clear_cache (ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data) { if (out) fprintf (out, "** clearing cache on book %s\n", e_book_get_uri (book_data->book)); g_free (book_data->cached_query_text); g_list_foreach (book_data->cached_cards, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (book_data->cached_cards); book_data->cached_query_text = NULL; book_data->cached_cards = NULL; } static void e_select_names_completion_done (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { g_free (comp->priv->query_text); comp->priv->query_text = NULL; e_completion_end_search (E_COMPLETION (comp)); /* That's all folks! */ /* Need to launch a new completion if another one is pending. */ if (comp->priv->waiting_query) { gchar *s = comp->priv->waiting_query; comp->priv->waiting_query = NULL; e_completion_begin_search (E_COMPLETION (comp), s, comp->priv->waiting_pos, comp->priv->waiting_limit); g_free (s); } } static void e_select_names_completion_got_book_view_cb (EBook *book, EBookStatus status, EBookView *view, gpointer user_data) { ESelectNamesCompletion *comp; ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data; book_data = (ESelectNamesCompletionBookData*)user_data; comp = book_data->comp; if (status != E_BOOK_ERROR_OK) { comp->priv->pending_completion_seq--; if (!comp->priv->pending_completion_seq) e_select_names_completion_done (comp); return; } book_data->book_view_tag = 0; if (book_data->contacts_added_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->contacts_added_tag); book_data->contacts_added_tag = 0; } if (book_data->seq_complete_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->seq_complete_tag); book_data->seq_complete_tag = 0; } g_object_ref (view); if (book_data->book_view) { e_book_view_stop (book_data->book_view); g_object_unref (book_data->book_view); } book_data->book_view = view; book_data->contacts_added_tag = g_signal_connect (view, "contacts_added", G_CALLBACK (e_select_names_completion_contacts_added_cb), book_data); book_data->seq_complete_tag = g_signal_connect (view, "sequence_complete", G_CALLBACK (e_select_names_completion_seq_complete_cb), book_data); e_book_view_start (view); book_data->sequence_complete_received = FALSE; } static void e_select_names_completion_contacts_added_cb (EBookView *book_view, const GList *cards, gpointer user_data) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data = user_data; ESelectNamesCompletion *comp = book_data->comp; if (e_completion_searching (E_COMPLETION (comp))) { book_query_process_card_list (comp, cards); /* Save the list of matching cards. */ while (cards) { book_data->cached_cards = g_list_prepend (book_data->cached_cards, cards->data); g_object_ref (cards->data); cards = g_list_next (cards); } } } static void e_select_names_completion_seq_complete_cb (EBookView *book_view, EBookViewStatus status, gpointer user_data) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data = user_data; ESelectNamesCompletion *comp = book_data->comp; if (out) fprintf (out, "** got sequence_complete (status = %d) on book %s\n", status, e_book_get_uri (book_data->book)); /* * We aren't searching, but the addressbook has changed -- clear our card cache so that * future completion requests will take the changes into account. */ if (! e_completion_searching (E_COMPLETION (comp))) { if (out) fprintf (out, "\t we weren't searching, clearing the cache\n"); e_select_names_completion_clear_cache (book_data); return; } if (book_data->cached_query_text && status == E_BOOK_ERROR_OK && !book_data->cache_complete && !strcmp (book_data->cached_query_text, comp->priv->query_text)) book_data->cache_complete = TRUE; if (out) fprintf (out, "\tending search, book_data->cache_complete == %d\n", book_data->cache_complete); if (!book_data->sequence_complete_received) { book_data->sequence_complete_received = TRUE; if (book_data->contacts_added_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->contacts_added_tag); book_data->contacts_added_tag = 0; } if (book_data->seq_complete_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->seq_complete_tag); book_data->seq_complete_tag = 0; } if (out) fprintf (out, "\t %d remaining book view's\n", comp->priv->pending_completion_seq - 1); comp->priv->pending_completion_seq --; if (comp->priv->pending_completion_seq > 0) return; } e_select_names_completion_done (comp); } static void e_select_names_completion_stop_query (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { GList *l; g_return_if_fail (comp && E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); if (out) fprintf (out, "stopping query\n"); if (comp->priv->waiting_query) { if (out) fprintf (out, "stopped waiting query\n"); g_free (comp->priv->waiting_query); comp->priv->waiting_query = NULL; } g_free (comp->priv->query_text); comp->priv->query_text = NULL; for (l = comp->priv->book_data; l; l = l->next) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data = l->data; if (book_data->book_view_tag) { #if notyet e_book_cancel (book_data->book, book_data->book_view_tag); #endif book_data->book_view_tag = 0; } if (book_data->book_view) { if (book_data->contacts_added_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->contacts_added_tag); book_data->contacts_added_tag = 0; } if (book_data->seq_complete_tag) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (book_data->book_view, book_data->seq_complete_tag); book_data->seq_complete_tag = 0; } e_book_view_stop (book_data->book_view); g_object_unref (book_data->book_view); book_data->book_view = NULL; } } comp->priv->pending_completion_seq = 0; } static void e_select_names_completion_start_query (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, const gchar *query_text) { g_return_if_fail (comp && E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); g_return_if_fail (query_text); e_select_names_completion_stop_query (comp); /* Stop any prior queries. */ if (comp->priv->books_not_ready == 0) { EBookQuery *query; if (strlen (query_text) < comp->priv->minimum_query_length) { e_completion_end_search (E_COMPLETION (comp)); return; } g_free (comp->priv->query_text); comp->priv->query_text = g_strdup (query_text); query = book_query_sexp (comp); if (query) { GList *l; if (out) fprintf (out, "\n\n**** starting query: \"%s\"\n", comp->priv->query_text); for (l = comp->priv->book_data; l; l = l->next) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data = l->data; gboolean can_reuse_cached_cards; if (out) { fprintf (out, "book == %s[\n" "\tbook_data->cached_query_text == `%s'\n" "\tbook_data->cache_complete == %d\n" "\tbook_data->cached_cards == %p\n", e_book_get_uri (book_data->book), book_data->cached_query_text, book_data->cache_complete, book_data->cached_cards); } /* for lack of a better place, we invalidate the cache here if we notice that the text is different. */ if (book_data->cached_query_text && (strlen (book_data->cached_query_text) > strlen (query_text) || utf8_casefold_collate_len (book_data->cached_query_text, query_text, strlen (book_data->cached_query_text)))) book_data->cache_complete = FALSE; can_reuse_cached_cards = (book_data->cached_query_text && book_data->cache_complete && book_data->cached_cards != NULL); if (can_reuse_cached_cards) { if (out) fprintf (out, "\t*** can reuse cached cards (%d cards cached)!\n", g_list_length (book_data->cached_cards)); if (out) fprintf (out, "\tusing existing query info: %s (vs %s)\n", query_text, book_data->cached_query_text); book_query_process_card_list (comp, book_data->cached_cards); } else { e_select_names_completion_clear_cache (book_data); book_data->cached_query_text = g_strdup (query_text); book_data->book_view_tag = e_book_async_get_book_view (book_data->book, query, NULL, -1, e_select_names_completion_got_book_view_cb, book_data); comp->priv->pending_completion_seq++; } if (out) fprintf (out, "]\n"); } /* if we looped through all the books and were able to complete based solely on our cached cards, signal that the search is over. */ if (!comp->priv->pending_completion_seq) e_select_names_completion_done (E_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); } else { g_free (comp->priv->query_text); comp->priv->query_text = NULL; } e_book_query_unref (query); } else { comp->priv->waiting_query = g_strdup (query_text); } } static void e_select_names_completion_do_query (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, const gchar *query_text, gint pos, gint limit) { gchar *clean; g_return_if_fail (comp != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); clean = clean_query_text (query_text); if (! (clean && *clean)) { g_free (clean); e_completion_end_search (E_COMPLETION (comp)); return; } if (out) fprintf (out, "do_query: %s => %s\n", query_text, clean); e_select_names_completion_start_query (comp, clean); g_free (clean); } /* * * Completion Search Override - a Framework for Christian-Resurrection-Holiday Edible-Chicken-Ova * */ typedef struct _SearchOverride SearchOverride; struct _SearchOverride { const gchar *trigger; const gchar *text[4]; }; static SearchOverride override[] = { { "why?", { "\"I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's.\"", " -- Wiliam Blake, \"Jerusalem\"", NULL } }, { "easter-egg?", { "What were you expecting, a flight simulator?", NULL } }, { NULL, { NULL } } }; static gboolean search_override_check (SearchOverride *over, const gchar *text) { /* The g_utf8_validate is needed because as of 2001-06-11, * EText doesn't translate from locale->UTF8 when you paste * into it. */ if (over == NULL || text == NULL || !g_utf8_validate (text, -1, NULL)) return FALSE; return !utf8_casefold_collate (over->trigger, text); } /* * * Completion Callbacks * */ static void e_select_names_completion_handle_request (ECompletion *comp, const gchar *text, gint pos, gint limit) { ESelectNamesCompletion *selcomp = E_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp); const gchar *str; gint index, j; g_return_if_fail (comp != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); g_return_if_fail (text != NULL); if (out) { fprintf (out, "\n\n**** requesting completion\n"); fprintf (out, "text=\"%s\" pos=%d limit=%d\n", text, pos, limit); } e_select_names_model_text_pos (selcomp->priv->text_model->source, selcomp->priv->text_model->seplen, pos, &index, NULL, NULL); str = index >= 0 ? e_select_names_model_get_string (selcomp->priv->text_model->source, index) : NULL; if (out) fprintf (out, "index=%d str=\"%s\"\n", index, str); if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') { if (out) fprintf (out, "aborting empty query\n"); e_completion_end_search (comp); return; } for (j=0; override[j].trigger; ++j) { if (search_override_check (&(override[j]), str)) { gint k; for (k=0; override[j].text[k]; ++k) { ECompletionMatch *match = g_new (ECompletionMatch, 1); e_completion_match_construct (match); e_completion_match_set_text (match, text, override[j].text[k]); match->score = 1 / (double) (k + 1); e_completion_found_match (comp, match); } e_completion_end_search (comp); return; } } e_select_names_completion_do_query (selcomp, str, pos, limit); } static void e_select_names_completion_end (ECompletion *comp) { g_return_if_fail (comp != NULL); g_return_if_fail (E_IS_COMPLETION (comp)); if (out) fprintf (out, "completion ended\n"); } /* * * Our Pseudo-Constructor * */ ECompletion * e_select_names_completion_new (ESelectNamesTextModel *text_model) { ESelectNamesCompletion *comp; g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_TEXT_MODEL (text_model), NULL); comp = g_object_new (E_TYPE_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION, NULL); comp->priv->text_model = text_model; g_object_ref (text_model); return E_COMPLETION (comp); } void e_select_names_completion_add_book (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, EBook *book) { ESelectNamesCompletionBookData *book_data; g_return_if_fail (book != NULL); book_data = g_new0 (ESelectNamesCompletionBookData, 1); book_data->book = book; book_data->comp = comp; g_object_ref (book_data->book); comp->priv->book_data = g_list_append (comp->priv->book_data, book_data); /* XXX toshok - this doesn't work properly. need to rethink this next bit. */ /* if the user is typing as we're adding books, restart the query after the new book has been added */ if (comp->priv->query_text && *comp->priv->query_text) { char *query_text = g_strdup (comp->priv->query_text); e_select_names_completion_stop_query (comp); e_select_names_completion_start_query (comp, query_text); g_free (query_text); } } void e_select_names_completion_clear_books (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { e_select_names_completion_stop_query (comp); e_select_names_completion_clear_book_data (comp); } void e_select_names_completion_set_minimum_query_length (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, int query_length) { g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); comp->priv->minimum_query_length = query_length; } gboolean e_select_names_completion_get_match_contact_lists (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp) { g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp), FALSE); return comp->priv->match_contact_lists; } void e_select_names_completion_set_match_contact_lists (ESelectNamesCompletion *comp, gboolean x) { g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SELECT_NAMES_COMPLETION (comp)); comp->priv->match_contact_lists = x; }