/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * e-contact-quick-add.c * * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. * * Developed by Jon Trowbridge <trow@ximian.com> */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <gnome.h> #include <addressbook/backend/ebook/e-book.h> #include <addressbook/backend/ebook/e-book-util.h> #include <addressbook/backend/ebook/e-card.h> #include "e-contact-editor.h" #include "e-contact-quick-add.h" static void e_card_quick_set_name (ECard *card, const gchar *str) { ECardSimple *simple; g_return_if_fail (card && E_IS_CARD (card)); if (str == NULL) return; simple = e_card_simple_new (card); e_card_simple_set (simple, E_CARD_SIMPLE_FIELD_FULL_NAME, str); e_card_simple_sync_card (simple); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (simple)); } static void e_card_quick_set_email (ECard *card, const gchar *str) { ECardSimple *simple; g_return_if_fail (card && E_IS_CARD (card)); if (str == NULL) return; simple = e_card_simple_new (card); e_card_simple_set (simple, E_CARD_SIMPLE_FIELD_EMAIL, str); e_card_simple_sync_card (simple); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (simple)); } static void book_ready_cb (EBook *book, EBookStatus status, gpointer user_data) { ECard *card = E_CARD (user_data); EContactQuickAddCallback cb = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (card), "e-contact-quick-add-cb"); gpointer cb_user_data = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (card), "e-contact-quick-add-user-data"); if (status == E_BOOK_STATUS_SUCCESS) { e_book_add_card (book, card, NULL, NULL); if (cb) cb (card, cb_user_data); } else { /* Something went wrong... */ if (cb) cb (NULL, cb_user_data); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (book)); } } static void add_card (ECard *card) { EBook *book = e_book_new (); e_book_load_local_address_book (book, book_ready_cb, card); } /* * Raise a contact editor with all fields editable, and hook up all signals accordingly. */ static void add_card_cb (EContactEditor *ce, ECard *card, gpointer user_data) { add_card (card); } static void editor_closed_cb (GtkWidget *w, gpointer user_data) { /* w is the contact editor, user_data is an ECard. */ if (user_data) gtk_object_unref (user_data); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (w)); } static void ce_book_found_fields (EBook *book, EBookStatus status, EList *fields, gpointer user_data) { ECard *card = E_CARD (user_data); EContactEditor *contact_editor; if (status != E_BOOK_STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_warning ("Couldn't find supported fields for local address book."); return; } contact_editor = e_contact_editor_new (card, TRUE, fields, FALSE /* XXX */); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (contact_editor), "add_card", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (add_card_cb), NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (contact_editor), "editor_closed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (editor_closed_cb), user_data); e_contact_editor_raise (contact_editor); } static void ce_book_ready (EBook *book, EBookStatus status, gpointer user_data) { if (status != E_BOOK_STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_warning ("Couldn't open local address book."); return; } e_book_get_supported_fields (book, ce_book_found_fields, user_data); } static void edit_card (ECard *card) { e_book_load_local_address_book (e_book_new (), ce_book_ready, card); } static void clicked_cb (GtkWidget *w, gint button, gpointer user_data) { ECard *card = E_CARD (user_data); /* Get data out of entries. */ if (button == 0 || button == 1) { gpointer name_entry; gpointer email_entry; gchar *name = NULL; gchar *email = NULL; name_entry = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (card), "e-contact-quick-add-name-entry"); email_entry = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (card), "e-contact-quick-add-email-entry"); if (name_entry) name = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (name_entry), 0, -1); if (email_entry) email = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (email_entry), 0, -1); e_card_quick_set_name (card, name); e_card_quick_set_email (card, email); g_free (name); g_free (email); } gtk_widget_destroy (w); if (button == 0) { /* OK */ add_card (card); } else if (button == 1) { /* EDIT FULL */ edit_card (card); } else { /* CANCEL */ gtk_object_unref (user_data); } } static GtkWidget * build_quick_add_dialog (ECard *new_card, EContactQuickAddCallback cb, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *dialog; GtkTable *table; GtkWidget *name_entry; GtkWidget *email_entry; const gint xpad=1, ypad=1; g_return_val_if_fail (new_card && E_IS_CARD (new_card), NULL); dialog = gnome_dialog_new (_("Contact Quick-Add"), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK, _("Edit Full"), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_CANCEL, NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dialog), "clicked", clicked_cb, new_card); name_entry = gtk_entry_new (); if (new_card->name) { gchar *str = e_card_name_to_string (new_card->name); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (name_entry), str); g_free (str); } email_entry = gtk_entry_new (); if (new_card->email && e_list_length (new_card->email)) { EIterator *iterator = e_list_get_iterator (new_card->email); if (iterator) { e_iterator_reset (iterator); if (e_iterator_is_valid (iterator)) { const gchar *str = e_iterator_get (iterator); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (email_entry), str); } } } gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (new_card), "e-contact-quick-add-name-entry", name_entry); gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (new_card), "e-contact-quick-add-email-entry", email_entry); table = GTK_TABLE (gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE)); gtk_table_attach (table, gtk_label_new (_("Full Name")), 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, xpad, ypad); gtk_table_attach (table, name_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND, xpad, ypad); gtk_table_attach (table, gtk_label_new (_("E-mail")), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, xpad, ypad); gtk_table_attach (table, email_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND, xpad, ypad); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), GTK_WIDGET (table), TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (table)); return dialog; } void e_contact_quick_add (const gchar *name, const gchar *email, EContactQuickAddCallback cb, gpointer user_data) { ECard *new_card; GtkWidget *dialog; /* We need to have *something* to work with. */ if (name == NULL && email == NULL) { if (cb) cb (NULL, user_data); return; } new_card = e_card_new (""); if (cb) gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (new_card), "e-contact-quick-add-cb", cb); if (user_data) gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (new_card), "e-contact-quick-add-user-data", user_data); e_card_quick_set_name (new_card, name); e_card_quick_set_email (new_card, email); dialog = build_quick_add_dialog (new_card, cb, user_data); gtk_widget_show_all (dialog); } void e_contact_quick_add_free_form (const gchar *text, EContactQuickAddCallback cb, gpointer user_data) { gchar *name=NULL, *email=NULL; const gchar *last_at, *s; gboolean in_quote; if (text == NULL) { e_contact_quick_add (NULL, NULL, cb, user_data); return; } /* Look for things that look like e-mail addresses embedded in text */ in_quote = FALSE; last_at = NULL; for (s = text; *s; ++s) { if (*s == '@' && !in_quote) last_at = s; else if (*s == '"') in_quote = !in_quote; } if (last_at == NULL) { /* No at sign, so we treat it all as the name */ name = g_strdup (text); } else { gboolean bad_char = FALSE; /* walk backwards to whitespace or a < or a quote... */ while (last_at >= text && !bad_char && !(isspace ((gint) *last_at) || *last_at == '<' || *last_at == '"')) { /* Check for some stuff that can't appear in a legal e-mail address. */ if (*last_at == '[' || *last_at == ']' || *last_at == '(' || *last_at == ')') bad_char = TRUE; --last_at; } if (last_at < text) last_at = text; /* ...and then split the text there */ if (!bad_char) { if (text < last_at) name = g_strndup (text, last_at-text); email = g_strdup (last_at); } } /* If all else has failed, make it the name. */ if (name == NULL && email == NULL) name = g_strdup (text); /* Clean up name */ if (name && *name) g_strstrip (name); /* Clean up email, remove bracketing <>s */ if (email && *email) { gboolean changed = FALSE; g_strstrip (email); if (*email == '<') { *email = ' '; changed = TRUE; } if (email[strlen (email)-1] == '>') { email[strlen (email)-1] = ' '; changed = TRUE; } if (changed) g_strstrip (email); } e_contact_quick_add (name, email, cb, user_data); g_free (name); g_free (email); }