 * Authors: Yuedong Du <yuedong.du@sun.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#ifndef __GAL_A11Y_E_TREE_H__
#define __GAL_A11Y_E_TREE_H__

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <atk/atkobject.h>
#include <atk/atkcomponent.h>

#define GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_TREE            (gal_a11y_e_tree_get_type ())
#define GAL_A11Y_E_TREE(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_TREE, GalA11yETree))
#define GAL_A11Y_E_TREE_CLASS(klass)    (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_TREE, GalA11yETreeClass))
#define GAL_A11Y_IS_E_TREE(obj)         (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_TREE))

typedef struct _GalA11yETree GalA11yETree;
typedef struct _GalA11yETreeClass GalA11yETreeClass;
typedef struct _GalA11yETreePrivate GalA11yETreePrivate;

/* This struct should actually be larger as this isn't what we derive from.
 * The GalA11yETablePrivate comes right after the parent class structure.
struct _GalA11yETree {
	GtkAccessible object;

struct _GalA11yETreeClass {
	GtkAccessibleClass parent_class;

/* Standard Glib function */
GType      gal_a11y_e_tree_get_type  (void);
AtkObject *gal_a11y_e_tree_new       (GObject *tree);

void       gal_a11y_e_tree_init      (void);

#endif /* ! __GAL_A11Y_E_TREE_H__ */