From 5b2764be1af7b1a4aa2e027c71697883abe3afed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nobody <nobody@localhost>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 15:42:50 +0000
Subject: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'G'.

svn path=/tags/G/; revision=3261
 widgets/e-text/e-text.h | 215 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 215 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 widgets/e-text/e-text.h

(limited to 'widgets/e-text/e-text.h')

diff --git a/widgets/e-text/e-text.h b/widgets/e-text/e-text.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6409ede6dc..0000000000
--- a/widgets/e-text/e-text.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
-/* EText - Text item for evolution.
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Helix Code, Inc.
- *
- * Author: Chris Lahey <>
- *
- * A majority of code taken from:
- *
- * Text item type for GnomeCanvas widget
- *
- * GnomeCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent
- * canvas widget.  Tk is copyrighted by the Regents of the University
- * of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 The Free Software Foundation
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <> */
-#ifndef E_TEXT_H
-#define E_TEXT_H
-#include <gnome.h>
-#include "e-text-event-processor.h"
-#include "e-text-model.h"
-/* Text item for the canvas.  Text items are positioned by an anchor point and an anchor direction.
- *
- * A clipping rectangle may be specified for the text.  The rectangle is anchored at the text's anchor
- * point, and is specified by clipping width and height parameters.  If the clipping rectangle is
- * enabled, it will clip the text.
- *
- * In addition, x and y offset values may be specified.  These specify an offset from the anchor
- * position.  If used in conjunction with the clipping rectangle, these could be used to implement
- * simple scrolling of the text within the clipping rectangle.
- *
- * The following object arguments are available:
- *
- * name			type			read/write	description
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * text			string			RW		The string of the text label
- * x			double			RW		X coordinate of anchor point
- * y			double			RW		Y coordinate of anchor point
- * font			string			W		X logical font descriptor
- * fontset		string			W		X logical fontset descriptor
- * font_gdk		GdkFont*		RW		Pointer to a GdkFont
- * anchor		GtkAnchorType		RW		Anchor side for the text
- * justification	GtkJustification	RW		Justification for multiline text
- * fill_color		string			W		X color specification for text
- * fill_color_gdk	GdkColor*		RW		Pointer to an allocated GdkColor
- * fill_stipple		GdkBitmap*		RW		Stipple pattern for filling the text
- * clip_width		double			RW		Width of clip rectangle
- * clip_height		double			RW		Height of clip rectangle
- * clip			boolean			RW		Use clipping rectangle?
- * x_offset		double			RW		Horizontal offset distance from anchor position
- * y_offset		double			RW		Vertical offset distance from anchor position
- * text_width		double			R		Used to query the width of the rendered text
- * text_height		double			R		Used to query the rendered height of the text
- * width                double                  RW              A synonym for clip_width
- * height               double                  R               A synonym for text_height
- *
- * These are currently ignored in the AA version:
- * editable             boolean                 RW              Can this item be edited
- * use_ellipsis         boolean                 RW              Whether to use ellipsises if text gets cut off.  Meaningless if clip == false.
- * ellipsis             string                  RW              The characters to use as ellipsis.  NULL = "...".
- * line_wrap            boolean                 RW              Line wrap when not editing.
- * break_characters     string                  RW              List of characters to optionally break on.
- * max_lines            int                     RW              Number of lines possible when doing line wrap.
- */
-#define E_TYPE_TEXT            (e_text_get_type ())
-#define E_TEXT(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), E_TYPE_TEXT, EText))
-#define E_TEXT_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), E_TYPE_TEXT, ETextClass))
-#define E_IS_TEXT(obj)         (GTK_CHECK_TYPE ((obj), E_TYPE_TEXT))
-#define E_IS_TEXT_CLASS(klass) (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), E_TYPE_TEXT))
-typedef struct _EText EText;
-typedef struct _ETextClass ETextClass;
-typedef struct _ETextSuckFont ETextSuckFont;
-typedef struct _ETextSuckChar ETextSuckChar;
-struct _ETextSuckChar {
-	int     left_sb;
-	int     right_sb;
-	int     width;
-	int     ascent;
-	int     descent;
-	int     bitmap_offset; /* in pixels */
-struct _ETextSuckFont {
-	guchar *bitmap;
-	gint    bitmap_width;
-	gint    bitmap_height;
-	gint    ascent;
-	ETextSuckChar chars[256];
-struct _EText {
-	GnomeCanvasItem item;
-	ETextModel *model;
-	gint model_changed_signal_id;
-	char *text;			/* Text to display */
-	gpointer lines;			/* Text split into lines (private field) */
-	int num_lines;			/* Number of lines of text */
-	double x, y;			/* Position at anchor */
-	GdkFont *font;			/* Font for text */
-	GtkAnchorType anchor;		/* Anchor side for text */
-	GtkJustification justification;	/* Justification for text */
-	double clip_width;		/* Width of optional clip rectangle */
-	double clip_height;		/* Height of optional clip rectangle */
-	double xofs, yofs;		/* Text offset distance from anchor position */
-	gulong pixel;			/* Fill color */
-	GdkBitmap *stipple;		/* Stipple for text */
-	GdkGC *gc;			/* GC for drawing text */
-	int cx, cy;			/* Top-left canvas coordinates for text */
-	int clip_cx, clip_cy;		/* Top-left canvas coordinates for clip rectangle */
-	int clip_cwidth, clip_cheight;	/* Size of clip rectangle in pixels */
-	int max_width;			/* Maximum width of text lines */
-	int width;                      /* Rendered text width in pixels */
-	int height;			/* Rendered text height in pixels */
-	guint clip : 1;			/* Use clip rectangle? */
-	/* Antialiased specific stuff follows */
-	ETextSuckFont *suckfont; /* Sucked font */
-	guint32 rgba;			/* RGBA color for text */
-	double affine[6];               /* The item -> canvas affine */
-	char *ellipsis;                 /* The ellipsis characters.  NULL = "...". */
-	double ellipsis_width;          /* The width of the ellipsis. */
-	gboolean use_ellipsis;          /* Whether to use the ellipsis. */
-	gboolean editable;              /* Item is editable */
-	gboolean editing;               /* Item is currently being edited */
-	int xofs_edit;                  /* Offset because of editing */
-	/* This needs to be reworked a bit once we get line wrapping. */
-	int selection_start;            /* Start of selection */
-	int selection_end;              /* End of selection */
-	gboolean select_by_word;        /* Current selection is by word */
-	/* This section is for drag scrolling and blinking cursor. */
-	gint timeout_id;                /* Current timeout id for scrolling */
-	GTimer *timer;                  /* Timer for blinking cursor and scrolling */
-	gint lastx, lasty;              /* Last x and y motion events */
-	gint last_state;                /* Last state */
-	gulong scroll_start;            /* Starting time for scroll (microseconds) */
-	gint show_cursor;               /* Is cursor currently shown */
-	gboolean button_down;           /* Is mouse button 1 down */
-	ETextEventProcessor *tep;       /* Text Event Processor */
-	gint tep_command_id;
-	GtkWidget *invisible;           /* For selection handling */
-	gboolean has_selection;         /* TRUE if we have the selection */
-	gchar *primary_selection;       /* Primary selection text */
-	gint primary_length;            /* Primary selection text length */
-	gchar *clipboard_selection;     /* Clipboard selection text */
-	gint clipboard_length;          /* Clipboard selection text length*/
-	guint pointer_in : 1;           /* Is the pointer currently over us? */
-	guint default_cursor_shown : 1; /* Is the default cursor currently shown? */
-	guint line_wrap : 1;            /* Do line wrap */
-	gchar *break_characters;        /* Characters to optionally break after */
-	gint max_lines;                 /* Max number of lines (-1 = infinite) */
-	GdkCursor *default_cursor;      /* Default cursor (arrow) */
-	GdkCursor *i_cursor;            /* I beam cursor */
-	gint tooltip_timeout;           /* Timeout for the tooltip */
-	GtkWidget *tooltip_window;      /* GtkWindow for displaying the tooltip */
-	gint tooltip_count;             /* GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY count. */
-	guint needs_redraw : 1;         /* Needs redraw */
-	guint needs_recalc_bounds : 1;  /* Need recalc_bounds */
-	guint needs_calc_height : 1;    /* Need calc_height */
-	guint needs_calc_line_widths : 1; /* Needs calc_line_widths */
-	guint needs_split_into_lines : 1; /* Needs split_into_lines */
-	gint dbl_timeout;               /* Double click timeout */
-	gint tpl_timeout;               /* Triple click timeout */
-struct _ETextClass {
-	GnomeCanvasItemClass parent_class;
-	void (* changed) (EText *text);
-	void (* activate) (EText *text);
-/* Standard Gtk function */
-GtkType e_text_get_type (void);
cgit v1.2.3