From 6868f715647e33f35d8cbe4a21da91823f0ce289 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Thurman Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 18:39:48 +0000 Subject: Further Shavian translation --- po/en@shaw.po | 1949 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1949 insertions(+) (limited to 'po') diff --git a/po/en@shaw.po b/po/en@shaw.po index 368360842a..c7cdf05777 100644 --- a/po/en@shaw.po +++ b/po/en@shaw.po @@ -9051,5 +9051,1954 @@ msgstr "" "饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜憸饜懅饜憫 饜懛饜懁 饜懗饜憪 饜懄饜懐 饜懜饜懃饜憻 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜憿饜懞 饜憺饜懞 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜憸饜懘 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜懇 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽. 饜憺饜懄饜憰 " "饜憶饜懄饜憫饜懟饜懃饜懄饜懐饜憻 饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憺 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜憫 饜懆饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憹 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懝 饜憺 饜憵饜應饜憫饜懌饜懃." +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Variable width font" +msgstr "饜憹饜懞饜懄饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憮饜應饜懐饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Whether a read receipt request gets added to every message by default." +msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜懇 饜懏饜懅饜憶 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫 饜憸饜懅饜憫饜憰 饜懆饜憶饜懇饜憶 饜憫 饜懅饜憹饜懏饜懄 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憵饜懖 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫." + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "" +"Whether or not to fall back on threading by subjects when the messages do " +"not contain In-Reply-To or References headers." +msgstr "" +"饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜懝 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憫 饜憮饜懛饜懁 饜憵饜懆饜憭 饜應饜懐 饜憯饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜憵饜懖 饜憰饜懗饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫饜憰 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐 饜懄饜懐-" +"饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖-饜憫 饜懝 饜懏饜懅饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懀饜懅饜憶饜懠饜憻." + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Whether sort threads based on latest message in that thread" +msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憰饜懝饜憫 饜憯饜懏饜懅饜憶饜憻 饜憵饜懕饜憰饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜懁饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憰饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜懐 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憯饜懏饜懅饜憶" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Width of the message-list pane" +msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽-饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憪饜懕饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Width of the message-list pane." +msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽-饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憪饜懕饜懐." + +#: ../mail/importers/elm-importer.c:179 +msgid "Importing Elm data" +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懄饜憴 路饜懅饜懁饜懃 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇" + +#: ../mail/importers/elm-importer.c:324 ../mail/importers/pine-importer.c:378 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view.c:591 +#: ../plugins/groupwise-features/ +msgid "Mail" +msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懁" + +#: ../mail/importers/elm-importer.c:364 +msgid "Evolution Elm importer" +msgstr "路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 路饜懅饜懁饜懃 饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懠" + +#: ../mail/importers/elm-importer.c:365 +msgid "Import mail from Elm." +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 路饜懅饜懁饜懃." + +#: ../mail/importers/evolution-mbox-importer.c:83 +#: ../plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c:311 +msgid "Destination folder:" +msgstr "饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠:" + +#: ../mail/importers/evolution-mbox-importer.c:87 +#: ../plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c:304 +msgid "Select folder" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠" + +#: ../mail/importers/evolution-mbox-importer.c:87 +#: ../plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c:304 +msgid "Select folder to import into" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憫 饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懌" + +#: ../mail/importers/evolution-mbox-importer.c:224 +msgid "Importer Berkeley Mailbox format folders" +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懠 路饜憵饜懟饜憭饜懁饜懓 饜懃饜懕饜懁饜憵饜應饜憭饜憰 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/importers/mail-importer.c:71 +msgid "Importing mailbox" +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懕饜懁饜憵饜應饜憭饜憰" + +#. Destination folder, was set in our widget +#: ../mail/importers/mail-importer.c:155 +#: ../plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c:456 +#: ../plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c:562 +#, c-format +msgid "Importing `%s'" +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懄饜憴 `%s'" + +#: ../mail/importers/mail-importer.c:298 +#, c-format +msgid "Scanning %s" +msgstr "饜憰饜憭饜懆饜懐饜懄饜憴 %s" + +#: ../mail/importers/pine-importer.c:225 +msgid "Importing Pine data" +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懄饜憴 路饜憪饜懖饜懐 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇" + +#: ../mail/importers/pine-importer.c:383 +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1047 +msgid "Address Book" +msgstr "饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭" + +#: ../mail/importers/pine-importer.c:424 +msgid "Evolution Pine importer" +msgstr "路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 路饜憪饜懖饜懐 饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懠" + +#: ../mail/importers/pine-importer.c:425 +msgid "Import mail from Pine." +msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 路饜憪饜懖饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:71 +#, c-format +msgid "Mail to %s" +msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憫 %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:234 ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:273 +#, c-format +msgid "Mail from %s" +msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Subject is %s" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懄饜憻 %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:292 +#, c-format +msgid "%s mailing list" +msgstr "%s 饜懃饜懕饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail-autofilter.c:364 +msgid "Add Filter Rule" +msgstr "饜懆饜憶 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠 饜懏饜懙饜懁" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "(Note: Requires restart of the application)" +msgstr "(饜懐饜懘饜憫: 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憻 饜懏饜懓饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫 饜憹 饜憺 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐)" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "SSL is not supported in this build of Evolution" +msgstr "SSL 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憵饜懄饜懁饜憶 饜憹 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Sender Photograph" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懟 饜憮饜懘饜憫饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Sig_natures" +msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憸_饜懐饜懇饜憫饜懣饜懏饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Top Posting Option (Not Recommended)" +msgstr "饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憪饜懘饜憰饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐 (饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懇饜憶)" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Languages" +msgstr "_饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憸饜憿饜懇饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Account Information" +msgstr "饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Authentication" +msgstr "饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Composing Messages" +msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懘饜憻饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Configuration" +msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憮饜懄饜憸饜憳饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Default Behavior" +msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜懀饜懕饜憹饜憳饜懠" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Delete Mail" +msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懃饜懕饜懁" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Displayed Message _Headers" +msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 _饜懀饜懅饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Labels" +msgstr "饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Loading Images" +msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Message Display" +msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Message Fonts" +msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憮饜應饜懐饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Message Receipts" +msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../mail/ +#: ../plugins/publish-calendar/ +msgid 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replying" +msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫 _饜憫饜懖饜憪饜懄饜憴 饜懆饜憫 饜憺 饜憵饜應饜憫饜懌饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖饜懄饜憴" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "T_ype:" +msgstr "饜憫_饜懖饜憪:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "" +"The list of languages here reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憸饜憿饜懇饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懀饜懡 饜懏饜懄饜憮饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜憰 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憺 饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憸饜憿饜懇饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜憿饜懄饜憲 饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐饜懠饜懄 " +"饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懛饜懁饜憶." + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "" +"The output of this script will be used as your\n" +"signature. The name you specify will be used\n" +"for display purposes only. " +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜懍饜憫饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜憹 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜懣饜憻饜憶 饜懆饜憻 饜懣饜懠\n" +"饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠. 饜憺 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懣 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜懣饜憻饜憶\n" +"饜憮饜懝 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憪饜懟饜憪饜懇饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄. " + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "" +"Type the name by which you would like to refer to this account.\n" +"For example: \"Work\" or \"Personal\"" +msgstr "" +"饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憺 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憵饜懖 饜憿饜懄饜憲 饜懣 饜憿饜懌饜憶 饜懁饜懖饜憭 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憮饜懟 饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫.\n" +"饜憮饜懝 饜懄饜憸饜憻饜懎饜懃饜憪饜懇饜懁: \"饜憿饜懟饜憭\" 饜懝 \"饜憪饜懟饜憰饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁\"" + +#: ../mail/ ../plugins/caldav/caldav-source.c:405 +#: ../plugins/google-account-setup/google-contacts-source.c:280 +#: ../plugins/google-account-setup/google-source.c:700 +#: ../plugins/webdav-account-setup/webdav-contacts-source.c:307 +msgid "User_name:" +msgstr "饜懣饜憻饜懠_饜懐饜懕饜懃:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Add Signature" +msgstr "_饜懆饜憶 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Always load images from the Internet" +msgstr "_饜懛饜懁饜憿饜懕饜憻 饜懁饜懘饜憶 饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 路饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懠饜懐饜懅饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Default junk plugin:" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憽饜懇饜憴饜憭 饜憪饜懁饜懗饜憸饜懄饜懐:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Direct connection to the Internet" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜憺 路饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懠饜懐饜懅饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Do not sign meeting requests (for Outlook compatibility)" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜懐 饜懃饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜憰 (饜憮饜懝 路饜懍饜憫饜懁饜懌饜憭 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憫饜懓)" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Forward style:" +msgstr "_饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶 饜憰饜憫饜懖饜懁:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Keep Signature above the original message on replying" +msgstr "_饜憭饜懓饜憪 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜懇饜憵饜懗饜憹 饜憺 饜懠饜懄饜憽饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜應饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖饜懄饜憴" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Load images in messages from contacts" +msgstr "_饜懁饜懘饜憶 饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Lookup in local address book only" +msgstr "_饜懁饜懌饜憭饜懇饜憪 饜懄饜懐 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Make this my default account" +msgstr "_饜懃饜懕饜憭 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懖 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Manual proxy configuration:" +msgstr "_饜懃饜懆饜懐饜憳饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憮饜懄饜憸饜憳饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Mark messages as read after" +msgstr "_饜懃饜懜饜憭 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懆饜憻 饜懏饜懅饜憶 饜懎饜憮饜憫饜懠" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Never load images from the Internet" +msgstr "_饜懐饜懅饜憹饜懠 饜懁饜懘饜憶 饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 路饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懠饜懐饜懅饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Path:" +msgstr "_饜憪饜懎饜憯:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Prompt on sending HTML mail to contacts that do not want them" +msgstr "_饜憪饜懏饜應饜懃饜憪饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 HTML 饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫饜憰 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憺饜懅饜懃" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Prompt when sending messages with an empty subject line" +msgstr "_饜憪饜懏饜應饜懃饜憪饜憫 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懇饜懐 饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憰饜懗饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懖饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Reply style:" +msgstr "_饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖 饜憰饜憫饜懖饜懁:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Script:" +msgstr "_饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憫:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Secure HTTP Proxy:" +msgstr "_饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠 HTTP 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄:" + +#: ../mail/ +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +#: ../plugins/publish-calendar/ +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠:" + +#. 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饜憰饜懝饜憰饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Digital Signature" +msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Encryption" +msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "All active remote folders" +msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "All local and active remote folders" +msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜懐 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "All local folders" +msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:268 +msgid "Flag to Follow Up" +msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸 饜憫 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘 饜懗饜憪" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Folder Subscriptions" +msgstr "饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憰饜懇饜憵饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "License Agreement" +msgstr "饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懓饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "S_erver:" +msgstr "饜憰_饜懟饜憹饜懠:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Security Information" +msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "Specific folders" +msgstr "饜憰饜憪饜懇饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "" +"The messages you have selected for follow up are listed below.\n" +"Please select a follow up action from the \"Flag\" menu." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘 饜懗饜憪 饜懜 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘.\n" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懇 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘 饜懗饜憪 饜懆饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 \"饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸\" 饜懃饜懅饜懐饜懣." + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Accept License" +msgstr "_饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Due By:" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懣 饜憵饜懖:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Flag:" +msgstr "_饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸:" + +#: ../mail/ +msgid "_Tick this to accept the license agreement" +msgstr "_饜憫饜懄饜憭 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜憺 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懓饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail-folder-cache.c:890 +#, c-format +msgid "Pinging %s" +msgstr "饜憪饜懄饜憴饜懄饜憴 %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:110 +msgid "Filtering Selected Messages" +msgstr "饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:269 +msgid "Fetching Mail" +msgstr "饜憮饜懅饜憲饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懕饜懁" + +#. sending mail, filtering failed +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:572 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to apply outgoing filters: %s" +msgstr "饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶 饜憫 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懖 饜懍饜憫饜憸饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠饜憻: %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:628 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to append to local `Sent' folder: %s" +msgstr "饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶 饜憫 饜懇饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憫 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 `饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫' 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠: %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:736 ../mail/mail-ops.c:817 +msgid "Sending message" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:746 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending message %d of %d" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 %d 饜憹 %d" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:773 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to send %d of %d messages" +msgstr "饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 %d 饜憹 %d 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:775 ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:759 +msgid "Canceled." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:777 ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:761 +msgid "Complete." +msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:889 +#, c-format +msgid "Saving message to folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:966 +#, c-format +msgid "Moving messages to '%s'" +msgstr "饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:966 +#, c-format +msgid "Copying messages to '%s'" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1075 +#, c-format +msgid "Scanning folders in '%s'" +msgstr "饜憰饜憭饜懆饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懄饜懐 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1183 +msgid "Forwarded messages" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懏饜憿饜懟饜憶饜懄饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1224 +#, c-format +msgid "Opening folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1290 +#, c-format +msgid "Retrieving quota information for folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憭饜憿饜懘饜憫饜懇 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1362 +#, c-format +msgid "Opening store '%s'" +msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜憫饜懝 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1433 +#, c-format +msgid "Removing folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1551 +#, c-format +msgid "Storing folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懝饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1615 +#, c-format +msgid "Storing account '%s'" +msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懝饜懄饜憴 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1669 +#, c-format +msgid "Refreshing folder '%s'" +msgstr "饜懏饜懓饜憮饜懏饜懅饜憱饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1754 +#, c-format +msgid "Emptying trash in '%s'" +msgstr "饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜懄饜懐 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1755 +msgid "Local Folders" +msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1833 +#, c-format +msgid "Retrieving message '%s'" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:1951 +#, c-format +msgid "Retrieving %d message" +msgid_plural "Retrieving %d messages" +msgstr[0] "饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懄饜憴 %d 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽" +msgstr[1] "饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懄饜憴 %d 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2040 +#, c-format +msgid "Saving %d message" +msgid_plural "Saving %d messages" +msgstr[0] "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜懄饜憴 %d 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽" +msgstr[1] "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜懄饜憴 %d 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2120 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error saving messages to: %s:\n" +" %s" +msgstr "" +"饜懟饜懠 饜憰饜懕饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫: %s:\n" +" %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2192 +msgid "Saving attachment" +msgstr "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懇饜憫饜懆饜憲饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2210 ../mail/mail-ops.c:2218 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Cannot create output file: %s:\n" +" %s" +msgstr "" +"饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜懍饜憫饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁: %s:\n" +" %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2233 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not write data: %s" +msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇: %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2378 +#, c-format +msgid "Disconnecting from '%s'" +msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2378 +#, c-format +msgid "Reconnecting to '%s'" +msgstr "饜懏饜懓饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憫 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Preparing account '%s' for offline" +msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憪饜懞饜懄饜憴 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 '%s' 饜憮饜懝 饜應饜憮饜懁饜懖饜懐" + +#: ../mail/mail-ops.c:2560 +msgid "Checking Service" +msgstr "饜憲饜懅饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懄饜憰" + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:190 +msgid "Canceling..." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懄饜憴..." + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:430 +msgid "Send & Receive Mail" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹 饜懃饜懕饜懁" + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:443 +msgid "Cancel _All" +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁 _饜懛饜懁" + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:552 +msgid "Updating..." +msgstr "饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴..." + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:552 ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:629 +msgid "Waiting..." +msgstr "饜憿饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴..." + +#: ../mail/mail-send-recv.c:872 +#, c-format +msgid "Checking for new mail" +msgstr "饜憲饜懅饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懝 饜懐饜懣 饜懃饜懕饜懁" + +#: ../mail/mail-session.c:217 +#, c-format +msgid "Enter Password for %s" +msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶 饜憮饜懝 %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-session.c:219 +msgid "Enter Password" +msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail-session.c:261 +msgid "User canceled operation." +msgstr "饜懣饜憻饜懠 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁饜憶 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail-tools.c:136 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not create spool directory `%s': %s" +msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜憰饜憪饜懙饜懁 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 `%s': %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-tools.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Forwarded message - %s" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懏饜憿饜懟饜憶饜懄饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 - %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-tools.c:274 +msgid "Forwarded message" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懏饜憿饜懟饜憶饜懄饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽" + +#: ../mail/mail-tools.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Invalid folder: `%s'" +msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠: `%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-vfolder.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up Search Folder: %s" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懗饜憪 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠: %s" + +#: ../mail/mail-vfolder.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Updating Search Folders for '%s:%s'" +msgstr "饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憮饜懝 '%s:%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-vfolder.c:240 +#, c-format +msgid "Updating Search Folders for '%s'" +msgstr "饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憮饜懝 '%s'" + +#: ../mail/mail-vfolder.c:1075 +msgid "Edit Search Folder" +msgstr "饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憫 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠" + +#: ../mail/mail-vfolder.c:1166 +msgid "New Search Folder" +msgstr "饜懐饜懣 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:1 +msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Please use a different name." +msgstr "饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"{0}\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰. 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懣饜憻 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:2 +msgid "A folder named \"{1}\" already exists. Please use a different name." +msgstr "饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"{1}\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰. 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懣饜憻 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:3 +msgid "" +"A non-empty folder at \"{1}\" already exists.\n" +"\n" +"You can choose to ignore this folder, overwrite or append its contents, or " +"quit." +msgstr "" +"饜懇 饜懐饜應饜懐-饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懆饜憫 \"{1}\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰.\n" +"\n" +"饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憲饜懙饜憻 饜憫 饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懝 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠, 饜懘饜憹饜懠饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜懝 饜懇饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰, 饜懝 饜憭饜憿饜懄饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:6 +msgid "" +"A read receipt notification has been requested for \"{1}\". Send the receipt " +"notification to {0}?" +msgstr "" +"饜懇 饜懏饜懅饜憶 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫 饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憮饜懝 \"{1}\". 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憺 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫 " +"饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫 {0}?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:7 +msgid "" +"A signature already exists with the name \"{0}\". Please specify a different " +"name." +msgstr "" +"饜懇 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜懐饜懕饜懃 \"{0}\". 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:8 +msgid "" +"Adding a meaningful Subject line to your messages will give your recipients " +"an idea of what your mail is about." +msgstr "" +"饜懆饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懇 饜懃饜懓饜懐饜懄饜憴饜憮饜懇饜懁 饜憰饜懗饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懖饜懐 饜憫 饜懣饜懠 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憸饜懄饜憹 饜懣饜懠 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憪饜懓饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憶饜懢 饜憹 饜憿饜應饜憫 " +"饜懣饜懠 饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜懄饜憻 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:9 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this account and all its proxies?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懐 饜懛饜懁 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄饜憻?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:10 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this account?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:11 +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to disable this account and delete all its proxies?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懐 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懛饜懁 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄饜憻?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:12 +msgid "Are you sure you want to open {0} messages at once?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 {0} 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懆饜憫 饜憿饜懗饜懐饜憰?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:13 +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted messages in all " +"folders?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懛饜懁 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懛饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:14 +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted messages in " +"folder \"{0}\"?" +msgstr "" +"饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懛饜懁 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:15 +msgid "Are you sure you want to send a message in HTML format?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懇 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜懐 HTML 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:17 +msgid "Are you sure you want to send a message without a subject?" +msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懇 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憿饜懄饜憺饜懍饜憫 饜懇 饜憰饜懗饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:18 +msgid "Because \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:20 +msgid "Because \"{2}\"." +msgstr "饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 \"{2}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:21 +msgid "Blank Signature" +msgstr "饜憵饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憭 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:22 +msgid "Cannot add Search Folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懆饜憶 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:23 +msgid "Cannot copy folder \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\" 饜憫 \"{1}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:24 +msgid "Cannot create folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:25 +msgid "Cannot create temporary save directory." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜憫饜懅饜懃饜憪饜懠饜懠饜懄 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:26 +msgid "Cannot create the save directory, because \"{1}\"" +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜憺 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄, 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 \"{1}\"" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:27 +msgid "Cannot delete folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:28 +msgid "Cannot delete system folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:29 +msgid "Cannot edit Search Folder \"{0}\" as it does not exist." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憫 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\" 饜懆饜憻 饜懄饜憫 饜憶饜懗饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:30 +msgid "Cannot move folder \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\" 饜憫 \"{1}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:31 +msgid "Cannot open source \"{1}\"" +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憰饜懝饜憰 \"{1}\"" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:32 +msgid "Cannot open source \"{2}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憰饜懝饜憰 \"{2}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:33 +msgid "Cannot open target \"{2}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憫饜懜饜憸饜懅饜憫 \"{2}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:34 +msgid "" +"Cannot read the license file \"{0}\", due to an installation problem. You " +"will not be able to use this provider until you can accept its license." +msgstr "" +"饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜憺 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 \"{0}\", 饜憶饜懣 饜憫 饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懁饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃. 饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 " +"饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懣饜憰 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憹饜懖饜憶饜懟 饜懗饜懐饜憫饜懄饜懁 饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:35 +msgid "Cannot rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜懐饜懕饜懃 \"{0}\" 饜憫 \"{1}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:36 +msgid "Cannot rename or move system folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懝 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:37 +msgid "Cannot save changes to account." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:38 +msgid "Cannot save to directory \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:39 +msgid "Cannot save to file \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:40 +msgid "Cannot set signature script \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憫 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:41 +msgid "Check Junk Failed" +msgstr "饜憲饜懅饜憭 饜憽饜懇饜憴饜憭 饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:42 +msgid "" +"Check to make sure your password is spelled correctly. Remember that many " +"passwords are case sensitive; your caps lock might be on." +msgstr "" +"饜憲饜懅饜憭 饜憫 饜懃饜懕饜憭 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜懁饜憶 饜憭饜懠饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懁饜懄. 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶饜憻 饜懜 饜憭饜懕饜憰 " +"饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憰饜懄饜憫饜懄饜憹; 饜懣饜懠 饜憭饜懆饜憪饜憰 饜懁饜應饜憭 饜懃饜懖饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜應饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:43 +msgid "Could not save signature file." +msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜憮饜懖饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:44 +msgid "Delete messages in Search Folder \"{0}\"?" +msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:46 +msgid "Do not delete" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:47 +msgid "Do not disable" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:48 +msgid "" +"Do you want to locally synchronize the folders that are marked for offline " +"usage?" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁饜懄 饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懏饜懇饜懐饜懖饜憻 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜懜 饜懃饜懜饜憭饜憫 饜憮饜懝 饜應饜憮饜懁饜懖饜懐 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:49 +msgid "Do you want to mark all messages as read?" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懃饜懜饜憭 饜懛饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懆饜憻 饜懏饜懅饜憶?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:50 +msgid "Do you wish to save your changes?" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜憱 饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜懣饜懠 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜懇饜憻?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:51 +msgid "Enter password." +msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:52 +msgid "Error loading filter definitions." +msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜懁饜懘饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠 饜憶饜懅饜憮饜懇饜懐饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:53 +msgid "Error while performing operation." +msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憪饜懠饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懄饜憴 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:54 +msgid "Error while {0}." +msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 {0}." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:55 +msgid "File exists but cannot overwrite it." +msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懘饜憹饜懠饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜懄饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:56 +msgid "File exists but is not a regular file." +msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇 饜懏饜懅饜憸饜憳饜懌饜懁饜懠 饜憮饜懖饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:57 +msgid "If you continue, you will not be able to recover these messages." +msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懣, 饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懏饜懅饜憭饜懗饜憹饜懠 饜憺饜懓饜憻 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:59 +msgid "If you proceed, all proxy accounts will be deleted permanently." +msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憰饜懓饜憶, 饜懛饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:60 +msgid "" +"If you proceed, the account information and\n" +"all proxy information will be deleted permanently." +msgstr "" +"饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憰饜懓饜憶, 饜憺 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懐\n" +"饜懛饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:62 +msgid "If you proceed, the account information will be deleted permanently." +msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憰饜懓饜憶, 饜憺 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:63 +msgid "" +"If you quit, these messages will not be sent until Evolution is started " +"again." +msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憭饜憿饜懄饜憫, 饜憺饜懓饜憻 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜懗饜懐饜憫饜懄饜懁 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇饜憸饜懕饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:64 +msgid "Ignore" +msgstr "饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懝" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:65 +msgid "Invalid authentication" +msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:66 +msgid "Mail Deletion Failed" +msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:67 +msgid "Mail filters automatically updated." +msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠饜憻 饜懛饜憫饜懇饜懃饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懁饜懄 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:69 +msgid "Missing folder." +msgstr "饜懃饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:71 +msgid "No sources selected." +msgstr "饜懐饜懘 饜憰饜懝饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:72 +msgid "Opening too many messages at once may take a long time." +msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憫饜懙 饜懃饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懆饜憫 饜憿饜懗饜懐饜憰 饜懃饜懕 饜憫饜懕饜憭 饜懇 饜懁饜應饜憴 饜憫饜懖饜懃." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:73 +msgid "Please check your account settings and try again." +msgstr "饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憲饜懅饜憭 饜懣饜懠 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴饜憻 饜懐 饜憫饜懏饜懖 饜懇饜憸饜懕饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:74 +msgid "Please enable the account or send using another account." +msgstr "饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憺 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懝 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懣饜憻饜懄饜憴 饜懇饜懐饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:75 +msgid "" +"Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. You can search for " +"email addresses by clicking on the To: button next to the entry box." +msgstr "" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懠 饜懇 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 饜懓饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憫: 饜憮饜懓饜懁饜憶. 饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜懓饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憵饜懖 " +"饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憫: 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜憵饜應饜憭饜憰." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:76 +msgid "" +"Please make sure the following recipients are willing and able to receive " +"HTML email:\n" +"{0}" +msgstr "" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懃饜懕饜憭 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜憺 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憪饜懓饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜懜 饜憿饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜懐 饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹 HTML 饜懓饜懃饜懕饜懁:\n" +"{0}" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:78 +msgid "Please provide an unique name to identify this signature." +msgstr "饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憹饜懖饜憶 饜懇饜懐 饜懣饜懐饜懓饜憭 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憫 饜懖饜憶饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:79 +msgid "Please wait." +msgstr "饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憿饜懕饜憫." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:80 +msgid "Problem migrating old mail folder \"{0}\"." +msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜應饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懘饜懁饜憶 饜懃饜懕饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"{0}\"." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:81 +msgid "Querying server for a list of supported authentication mechanisms." +msgstr "饜憭饜憿饜懡饜懄饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜懇 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懄饜憻饜懃饜憻." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:82 +msgid "Read receipt requested." +msgstr "饜懏饜懅饜憶 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:84 +msgid "Report Junk Failed" +msgstr "饜懏饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜憽饜懇饜憴饜憭 饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:85 +msgid "Report Not Junk Failed" +msgstr "饜懏饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憽饜懇饜憴饜憭 饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:86 +msgid "Search Folders automatically updated." +msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懛饜憫饜懇饜懃饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懁饜懄 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:87 +msgid "Send Receipt" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:88 +msgid "Signature Already Exists" +msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:89 +msgid "Synchronize" +msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懏饜懇饜懐饜懖饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:90 +msgid "Synchronize folders locally for offline usage?" +msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懏饜懇饜懐饜懖饜憻 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁饜懄 饜憮饜懝 饜應饜憮饜懁饜懖饜懐 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:91 +msgid "" +"System folders are required for Evolution to function correctly and cannot " +"be renamed, moved, or deleted." +msgstr "" +"饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懜 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憶 饜憮饜懝 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜憮饜懗饜憴饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憭饜懠饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懐 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懏饜懓饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶, " +"饜懃饜懙饜憹饜憶, 饜懝 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:95 +msgid "" +"The following Search Folder(s):\n" +"{0}\n" +"Used the now removed folder:\n" +" \"{1}\"\n" +"And have been updated." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠(饜憰):\n" +"{0}\n" +"饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憺 饜懐饜懍 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹饜憶 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠:\n" +" \"{1}\"\n" +"饜懐 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:100 +msgid "" +"The following filter rule(s):\n" +"{0}\n" +"Used the now removed folder:\n" +" \"{1}\"\n" +"And have been updated." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠 饜懏饜懙饜懁(饜憰):\n" +"{0}\n" +"饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憺 饜懐饜懍 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹饜憶 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠:\n" +" \"{1}\"\n" +"饜懐 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:105 +msgid "The script file must exist and be executable." +msgstr "饜憺 饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜懅饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憭饜懣饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:106 +msgid "" +"This folder may have been added implicitly,\n" +"go to the Search Folder editor to add it explicitly, if required." +msgstr "" +"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懃饜懕 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜懆饜憶饜懇饜憶 饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憰饜懇饜憫饜懁饜懓,\n" +"饜憸饜懘 饜憫 饜憺 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憫饜懝 饜憫 饜懆饜憶 饜懄饜憫 饜懄饜憭饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憰饜懇饜憫饜懁饜懓, 饜懄饜憮 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:108 +msgid "" +"This message cannot be sent because the account you chose to send with is " +"not enabled" +msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜憺 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懣 饜憲饜懘饜憻 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:109 +msgid "" +"This message cannot be sent because you have not specified any recipients" +msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖饜憶 饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憪饜懓饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:110 +msgid "" +"This server does not support this type of authentication and may not support " +"authentication at all." +msgstr "" +"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜憶饜懗饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懐 饜懃饜懕 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懆饜憫 " +"饜懛饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:111 +msgid "This signature has been changed, but has not been saved." +msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜憲饜懠 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜憶, 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憰饜懕饜憹饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:114 +msgid "" +"Unable to open the drafts folder for this account. Use the system drafts " +"folder instead?" +msgstr "" +"饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懏饜懎饜憮饜憫饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫. 饜懣饜憻 饜憺 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憶饜懏饜懎饜憮饜憫饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懅饜憶?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:115 +msgid "Unable to read license file." +msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:116 +msgid "Use _Default" +msgstr "饜懣饜憻 _饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:117 +msgid "Use default drafts folder?" +msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憶饜懏饜懎饜憮饜憫饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:118 +msgid "" +"Warning: Deleting messages from a Search Folder will delete the actual " +"message from one of your local or remote folders.\n" +"Do you really want to do this?" +msgstr "" +"饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴: 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜懇 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憺 饜懆饜憭饜憲饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憿饜懗饜懐 饜憹 " +"饜懣饜懠 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜懝 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻.\n" +"饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜懏饜懢饜懁饜懄 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懙 饜憺饜懄饜憰?" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:120 +msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to delete this mail." +msgstr "饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憰饜懇饜憮饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懕饜懁." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:121 +msgid "You have not filled in all of the required information." +msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜懛饜懁 饜憹 饜憺 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憶 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:123 +msgid "You may not create two accounts with the same name." +msgstr "饜懣 饜懃饜懕 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜憫饜懙 饜懇饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜憰饜懕饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:124 +msgid "You must name this Search Folder." +msgstr "饜懣 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:125 +msgid "You must specify a folder." +msgstr "饜懣 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:126 +msgid "" +"You must specify at least one folder as a source.\n" +"Either by selecting the folders individually, and/or by selecting all local " +"folders, all remote folders, or both." +msgstr "" +"饜懣 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懆饜憫 饜懁饜懓饜憰饜憫 饜憿饜懗饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懆饜憻 饜懇 饜憰饜懝饜憰.\n" +"饜懖饜憺饜懠 饜憵饜懖 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憹饜懄饜憶饜懣饜懇饜懁饜懄, 饜懐/饜懝 饜憵饜懖 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懛饜懁 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻, 饜懛饜懁 " +"饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻, 饜懝 饜憵饜懘饜憯." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:128 +msgid "Your login to your server \"{0}\" as \"{0}\" failed." +msgstr "饜懣饜懠 饜懁饜應饜憸饜懄饜懐 饜憫 饜懣饜懠 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 \"{0}\" 饜懆饜憻 \"{0}\" 饜憮饜懕饜懁饜憶." + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:129 +msgid "_Append" +msgstr "_饜懇饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:130 +msgid "_Discard changes" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭饜懎饜懏饜憶 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:131 +msgid "_Do not Synchronize" +msgstr "_饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懏饜懇饜懐饜懖饜憻" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:132 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1060 +msgid "_Empty Trash" +msgstr "_饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:133 +msgid "_Expunge" +msgstr "_饜懄饜憭饜憰饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憽" + +#: ../mail/mail.error.xml.h:134 +msgid "_Open Messages" +msgstr "_饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1068 +msgid "Unseen" +msgstr "饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懓饜懐" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1069 +msgid "Seen" +msgstr "饜憰饜懓饜懐" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1070 +msgid "Answered" +msgstr "饜懎饜懐饜憰饜懠饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1071 +msgid "Forwarded" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懏饜憿饜懟饜憶饜懄饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1072 +msgid "Multiple Unseen Messages" +msgstr "饜懃饜懗饜懁饜憫饜懄饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懓饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1073 +msgid "Multiple Messages" +msgstr "饜懃饜懗饜懁饜憫饜懄饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1077 +msgid "Lowest" +msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜懇饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1078 +msgid "Lower" +msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜懠" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1082 +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜懠" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1083 +msgid "Highest" +msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜懇饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1712 ../widgets/table/e-cell-date.c:46 +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#. strftime format of a time, +#. in 12-hour format, without seconds. +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1719 ../plugins/itip-formatter/itip-view.c:205 +msgid "Today %l:%M %p" +msgstr "饜憫饜懌饜憶饜懕 %l:%M %p" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1728 +msgid "Yesterday %l:%M %p" +msgstr "饜憳饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懠饜憶饜懕 %l:%M %p" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1740 +msgid "%a %l:%M %p" +msgstr "%a %l:%M %p" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1748 +msgid "%b %d %l:%M %p" +msgstr "%b %d %l:%M %p" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:1750 +msgid "%b %d %Y" +msgstr "%b %d %饜憿饜懖" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:2510 ../shell/e-shell-view.c:534 +msgid "Shell Backend" +msgstr "饜憱饜懅饜懁 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜懅饜懐饜憶" + +#. there is some info why the message list is empty, let it be something useful +#: ../mail/message-list.c:4263 ../mail/message-list.c:4743 +msgid "Generating message list" +msgstr "饜憽饜懅饜懐饜懠饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:4578 +msgid "" +"No message satisfies your search criteria. Either clear search with Search-" +">Clear menu item or change it." +msgstr "" +"饜懐饜懘 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憰饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憰饜憮饜懖饜憻 饜懣饜懠 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憭饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懄饜懏饜懓饜懇. 饜懖饜憺饜懠 饜憭饜懁饜懡 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憰饜懟饜憲->饜憭饜懁饜懡 饜懃饜懅饜懐饜懣 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懝 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 " +"饜懄饜憫." + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:4580 +msgid "" +"There are only hidden messages in this folder. Use View->Show Hidden " +"Messages to show them." +msgstr "" +"饜憺饜懞 饜懜 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜懀饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠. 饜懣饜憻 饜憹饜懣->饜憱饜懘 饜懀饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憺饜懅饜懃." + +#: ../mail/message-list.c:4582 +msgid "There are no messages in this folder." +msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜懜 饜懐饜懘 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠." + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:3 +msgid "Due By" +msgstr "饜憶饜懣 饜憵饜懖" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:4 +msgid "Flag Status" +msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸 饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:5 +msgid "Flagged" +msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:6 +msgid "Follow Up Flag" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘 饜懗饜憪 饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:11 +msgid "Received" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:15 +msgid "Sent Messages" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:16 +#: ../widgets/misc/e-attachment-tree-view.c:542 +msgid "Size" +msgstr "饜憰饜懖饜憻" + +#: ../mail/message-list.etspec.h:19 +msgid "Subject - Trimmed" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 - 饜憫饜懏饜懄饜懃饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:54 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "饜憭饜懛饜懁" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:55 +msgid "Do Not Forward" +msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:56 +msgid "Follow-Up" +msgstr "饜憮饜應饜懁饜懘-饜懗饜憪" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:57 +msgid "For Your Information" +msgstr "饜憮饜懝 饜懣饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:58 +msgid "Forward" +msgstr "饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:59 +msgid "No Response Necessary" +msgstr "饜懐饜懘 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜憪饜應饜懐饜憰 饜懐饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憰饜懠饜懄" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:63 +msgid "Reply to All" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懖 饜憫 饜懛饜懁" + +#: ../mail/message-tag-followup.c:64 +msgid "Review" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憹饜懣" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:1 ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1450 +msgid "Body contains" +msgstr "饜憵饜應饜憶饜懄 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:2 ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1457 +msgid "Message contains" +msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:3 ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1464 +msgid "Recipients contain" +msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憪饜懓饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:4 ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1471 +msgid "Sender contains" +msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懟 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:5 ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-view-actions.c:1478 +msgid "Subject contains" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../mail/searchtypes.xml.h:6 +msgid "Subject or Addresses contains" +msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懝 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:212 +msgid "" +"Selecting this option means that Evolution will only connect to your LDAP " +"server if your LDAP server supports SSL." +msgstr "" +"饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懓饜懐饜憻 饜憺饜懆饜憫 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憫 饜懣饜懠 LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜懄饜憮 " +"饜懣饜懠 LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫饜憰 SSL." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:341 +msgid "Base" +msgstr "饜憵饜懕饜憰" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:638 +msgid "Use in _Birthday & Anniversaries calendar" +msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜懄饜懐 _饜憵饜懟饜憯饜憶饜懕 & 饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憹饜懟饜憰饜懟饜懓饜憻 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:674 +msgid "Copy _book content locally for offline operation" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 _饜憵饜懌饜憭 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁饜懄 饜憮饜懝 饜應饜憮饜懁饜懖饜懐 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:785 +msgid "" +"This is the port on the LDAP server that Evolution will try to connect to. A " +"list of standard ports has been provided. Ask your system administrator what " +"port you should specify." +msgstr "" +"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憺 饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜憫 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憫饜懏饜懖 饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憫. 饜懇 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 " +"饜憰饜憫饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懠饜憶 饜憪饜懝饜憫饜憰 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憹饜懖饜憶饜懇饜憶. 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜懣饜懠 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懇饜憶饜懃饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懕饜憫饜懠 饜憿饜應饜憫 饜憪饜懝饜憫 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜憶 " +"饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:863 +msgid "" +"This is the method Evolution will use to authenticate you. Note that " +"setting this to \"Email Address\" requires anonymous access to your LDAP " +"server." +msgstr "" +"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜憯饜懇饜憶 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懣饜憰 饜憫 饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憫 饜懣. 饜懐饜懘饜憫 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憫 \"饜懓饜懃饜懕饜懁 " +"饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰\" 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憻 饜懇饜懐饜應饜懐饜懄饜懃饜懇饜憰 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憫 饜懣饜懠 LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:942 +msgid "" +"The search scope defines how deep you would like the search to extend down " +"the directory tree. A search scope of \"sub\" will include all entries below " +"your search base. A search scope of \"one\" will only include the entries " +"one level beneath your base." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憰饜憭饜懘饜憪 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懖饜懐饜憻 饜懀饜懍 饜憶饜懓饜憪 饜懣 饜憿饜懌饜憶 饜懁饜懖饜憭 饜憺 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憫 饜懄饜憭饜憰饜憫饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憶饜懍饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜憫饜懏饜懓. 饜懇 饜憰饜懟饜憲 " +"饜憰饜憭饜懘饜憪 饜憹 \"饜憰饜懗饜憵\" 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懄饜懐饜憭饜懁饜懙饜憶 饜懛饜懁 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄饜憻 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘 饜懣饜懠 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憵饜懕饜憰. 饜懇 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憰饜憭饜懘饜憪 饜憹 \"饜憿饜懗饜懐\" " +"饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜懄饜懐饜憭饜懁饜懙饜憶 饜憺 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄饜憻 饜憿饜懗饜懐 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁 饜憵饜懄饜懐饜懓饜憯 饜懣饜懠 饜憵饜懕饜憰." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1052 +msgid "Server Information" +msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1054 +msgid "Authentication" +msgstr "饜懛饜憯饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1057 +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +#: ../smime/gui/ +msgid "Details" +msgstr "饜憶饜懓饜憫饜懕饜懁饜憻" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1058 +msgid "Searching" +msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憲饜懄饜憴" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1060 +msgid "Downloading" +msgstr "饜憶饜懍饜懐饜懁饜懘饜憶饜懄饜憴" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1270 +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Address Book Properties" +msgstr "饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憪饜懠饜憫饜懄饜憻" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/addressbook-config.c:1272 +msgid "New Address Book" +msgstr "饜懐饜懣 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Contact layout style" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懕饜懍饜憫 饜憰饜憫饜懖饜懁" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Contact preview pane position (horizontal)" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐 (饜懀饜應饜懏饜懄饜憻饜應饜懐饜憫饜懇饜懁)" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Contact preview pane position (vertical)" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐 (饜憹饜懟饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懇饜懁)" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Position of the contact preview pane when oriented horizontally." +msgstr "饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憹 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜應饜懏饜懓饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懀饜應饜懏饜懄饜憻饜應饜懐饜憫饜懇饜懁饜懄." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Position of the contact preview pane when oriented vertically." +msgstr "饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憹 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜應饜懏饜懓饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憹饜懟饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懇饜懁饜懄." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Show preview pane" +msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "" +"The layout style determines where to place the preview pane in relation to " +"the contact list. \"0\" (Classic View) places the preview pane below the " +"contact list. \"1\" (Vertical View) places the preview pane next to the " +"contact list." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜懁饜懕饜懍饜憫 饜憰饜憫饜懖饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜憫饜懟饜懃饜懄饜懐饜憻 饜憿饜懞 饜憫 饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜懁饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫. " +"\"0\" (饜憭饜懁饜懆饜憰饜懄饜憭 饜憹饜懣) 饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫. \"1\" (饜憹饜懟饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懣) " +"饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "URI for the folder last used in the select names dialog" +msgstr "URI 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懁饜懎饜憰饜憫 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憻 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "URI for the folder last used in the select names dialog." +msgstr "URI 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懁饜懎饜憰饜憫 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憻 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/ +msgid "Whether to show the preview pane." +msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/autocompletion-config.c:153 +msgid "Date/Time Format" +msgstr "饜憶饜懕饜憫/饜憫饜懖饜懃 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/autocompletion-config.c:159 +#: ../modules/mail/em-mailer-prefs.c:1147 +msgid "Table column:" +msgstr "饜憫饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃:" + +#. Create the LDAP source group +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:190 +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:517 +msgid "On LDAP Servers" +msgstr "饜應饜懐 LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:340 +msgctxt "New" +msgid "_Contact" +msgstr "_饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:342 +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-view-actions.c:703 +msgid "Create a new contact" +msgstr "饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜懇 饜懐饜懣 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:347 +msgctxt "New" +msgid "Contact _List" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 _饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:349 +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-view-actions.c:710 +msgid "Create a new contact list" +msgstr "饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜懇 饜懐饜懣 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:357 +msgctxt "New" +msgid "Address _Book" +msgstr "饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 _饜憵饜懌饜憭" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:359 +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-view-actions.c:619 +msgid "Create a new address book" +msgstr "饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜懇 饜懐饜懣 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭" + +#. Create the contacts group +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:376 +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-view.c:378 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-cal-shell-backend.c:121 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-cal-shell-migrate.c:480 +msgid "Contacts" +msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫饜憰" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:596 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-cal-shell-backend.c:759 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-memo-shell-backend.c:583 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-task-shell-backend.c:593 +msgid "Source List" +msgstr "饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-backend.c:597 +msgid "The registry of address books" +msgstr "饜憺 饜懏饜懅饜憽饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懓 饜憹 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭饜憰" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:313 +msgid "Current View" +msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憹饜懣" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:314 +msgid "The currently selected address book view" +msgstr "饜憺 饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭 饜憹饜懣" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:323 +msgid "Previewed Contact" +msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜憳饜懙饜憶 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:324 +msgid "The contact being shown in the preview pane" +msgstr "饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憵饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:333 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-memo-shell-content.c:607 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-task-shell-content.c:630 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-content.c:725 +msgid "Preview is Visible" +msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜懄饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-content.c:334 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-memo-shell-content.c:608 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-task-shell-content.c:631 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-content.c:726 +msgid "Whether the preview pane is visible" +msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:76 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-cal-shell-migrate.c:123 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-task-shell-migrate.c:90 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-migrate.c:1106 +msgid "Migrating..." +msgstr "饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴..." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:128 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-cal-shell-migrate.c:165 +#: ../modules/calendar/e-task-shell-migrate.c:132 +#: ../modules/mail/e-mail-shell-migrate.c:1179 +#, c-format +msgid "Migrating '%s':" +msgstr "饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 '%s':" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:645 +msgid "LDAP Servers" +msgstr "LDAP 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻" + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:1152 +msgid "" +"The location and hierarchy of the Evolution contact folders has changed " +"since Evolution 1.x.\n" +"\n" +"Please be patient while Evolution migrates your folders..." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懐 饜懀饜懖饜懟饜懎饜懏饜憭饜懓 饜憹 饜憺 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜憶 饜憰饜懄饜懐饜憰 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 1." +"饜懅饜憭饜憰.\n" +"\n" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憿饜懖饜懁 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懣饜懠 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻..." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:1166 +msgid "" +"The format of mailing list contacts has changed.\n" +"\n" +"Please be patient while Evolution migrates your folders..." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫 饜憹 饜懃饜懕饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懆饜憭饜憫饜憰 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜憶.\n" +"\n" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憿饜懖饜懁 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懣饜懠 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻..." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-migrate.c:1175 +msgid "" +"The way Evolution stores some phone numbers has changed.\n" +"\n" +"Please be patient while Evolution migrates your folders..." +msgstr "" +"饜憺 饜憿饜懕 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懝饜憻 饜憰饜懗饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懐 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠饜憻 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜憶.\n" +"\n" +"饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憿饜懖饜懁 路饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁饜懙饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懖饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懣饜懠 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻..." + +#: ../modules/addressbook/e-book-shell-sidebar.c:174 +msgid "This widget displays groups of address books" +msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憻 饜憸饜懏饜懙饜憪饜憰 饜憹 饜懇饜憶饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜憵饜懌饜憭饜憰" + # to be continued... -- cgit v1.2.3