path: root/mail/em-popup.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/em-popup.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/mail/em-popup.c b/mail/em-popup.c
index ad738fca57..38c0f7e40b 100644
--- a/mail/em-popup.c
+++ b/mail/em-popup.c
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@
#include <e-util/e-util.h>
#include "e-attachment.h"
-static void emp_standard_menu_factory(EPopup *emp, void *data);
static GObjectClass *emp_parent;
static void
@@ -110,8 +108,6 @@ emp_class_init(GObjectClass *klass)
klass->finalize = emp_finalise;
((EPopupClass *)klass)->target_free = emp_target_free;
- e_popup_class_add_factory((EPopupClass *)klass, NULL, emp_standard_menu_factory, NULL);
@@ -353,419 +349,6 @@ done:
/* ********************************************************************** */
-static void
-emp_part_popup_saveas(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- CamelMimePart *part = NULL;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- em_utils_save_part(ep->target->widget, _("Save As..."), part);
-static void
-emp_part_popup_set_background(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- GConfClient *gconf;
- char *str, *filename, *path, *extension;
- unsigned int i=1;
- CamelMimePart *part = NULL;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- if (!part)
- return;
- filename = g_strdup(camel_mime_part_get_filename(part));
- /* if filename is blank, create a default filename based on MIME type */
- if (!filename || !filename[0]) {
- CamelContentType *ct;
- ct = camel_mime_part_get_content_type(part);
- g_free (filename);
- filename = g_strdup_printf (_("untitled_image.%s"), ct->subtype);
- }
- e_filename_make_safe(filename);
- path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".gnome2", "wallpapers", filename, NULL);
- extension = strrchr(filename, '.');
- if (extension)
- *extension++ = 0;
- /* if file exists, stick a (number) on the end */
- while (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
- char *name;
- name = g_strdup_printf(extension?"%s (%d).%s":"%s (%d)", filename, i++, extension);
- g_free(path);
- path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".gnome2", "wallpapers", name, NULL);
- g_free(name);
- }
- g_free(filename);
- if (em_utils_save_part_to_file(ep->target->widget, path, part)) {
- gconf = gconf_client_get_default();
- /* if the filename hasn't changed, blank the filename before
- * setting it so that gconf detects a change and updates it */
- if ((str = gconf_client_get_string(gconf, "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename", NULL)) != NULL
- && strcmp (str, path) == 0) {
- gconf_client_set_string(gconf, "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename", "", NULL);
- }
- g_free (str);
- gconf_client_set_string(gconf, "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename", path, NULL);
- /* if GNOME currently doesn't display a picture, set to "wallpaper"
- * display mode, otherwise leave it alone */
- if ((str = gconf_client_get_string(gconf, "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options", NULL)) == NULL
- || strcmp(str, "none") == 0) {
- gconf_client_set_string(gconf, "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options", "wallpaper", NULL);
- }
- gconf_client_suggest_sync(gconf, NULL);
- g_free(str);
- g_object_unref(gconf);
- }
- g_free(path);
-static void
-emp_part_popup_reply_sender(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- CamelMimeMessage *message;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- message = (CamelMimeMessage *)camel_medium_get_content_object((CamelMedium *)part);
- em_utils_reply_to_message(NULL, NULL, message, REPLY_MODE_SENDER, NULL);
-static void
-emp_part_popup_reply_list (EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- CamelMimeMessage *message;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- message = (CamelMimeMessage *)camel_medium_get_content_object((CamelMedium *)part);
- em_utils_reply_to_message(NULL, NULL, message, REPLY_MODE_LIST, NULL);
-static void
-emp_part_popup_reply_all (EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- CamelMimeMessage *message;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- message = (CamelMimeMessage *)camel_medium_get_content_object((CamelMedium *)part);
- em_utils_reply_to_message(NULL, NULL, message, REPLY_MODE_ALL, NULL);
-static void
-emp_part_popup_forward (EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *t = ep->target;
- CamelMimeMessage *message;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) t)->part;
- /* TODO: have a emfv specific override so we can get the parent folder uri */
- message = (CamelMimeMessage *)camel_medium_get_content_object((CamelMedium *) part);
- em_utils_forward_message(message, NULL);
-static EMPopupItem emp_standard_object_popups[] = {
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "00.part.00", (gchar *) N_("_Save As..."), emp_part_popup_saveas, NULL, (gchar *) "document-save-as", 0 },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "00.part.10", (gchar *) N_("Set as _Background"), emp_part_popup_set_background, NULL, NULL, EM_POPUP_PART_IMAGE },
- { E_POPUP_BAR, (gchar *) "10.part", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "10.part.00", (gchar *) N_("_Reply to sender"), emp_part_popup_reply_sender, NULL, (gchar *) "mail-reply-sender" , EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "10.part.01", (gchar *) N_("Reply to _List"), emp_part_popup_reply_list, NULL, NULL, EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE},
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "10.part.03", (gchar *) N_("Reply to _All"), emp_part_popup_reply_all, NULL, (gchar *) "mail-reply-all", EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE},
- { E_POPUP_BAR, (gchar *) "20.part", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "20.part.00", (gchar *) N_("_Forward"), emp_part_popup_forward, NULL, (gchar *) "mail-forward", EM_POPUP_PART_MESSAGE },
-static const EPopupItem emp_standard_part_apps_bar = { E_POPUP_BAR, (gchar *) "99.object" };
-/* ********************************************************************** */
-static void
-emp_uri_popup_link_open(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EMPopupTargetURI *t = (EMPopupTargetURI *)ep->target;
- /* FIXME Pass a parent window. */
- e_show_uri (NULL, t->uri);
-static void
-emp_uri_popup_address_send(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EMPopupTargetURI *t = (EMPopupTargetURI *)ep->target;
- /* TODO: have an emfv specific override to get the from uri */
- em_utils_compose_new_message_with_mailto(t->uri, NULL);
-static void
-emp_uri_popup_address_add(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EMPopupTargetURI *t = (EMPopupTargetURI *)ep->target;
- CamelURL *url;
- url = camel_url_new(t->uri, NULL);
- if (url == NULL) {
- g_warning("cannot parse url '%s'", t->uri);
- return;
- }
- if (url->path && url->path[0])
- em_utils_add_address(ep->target->widget, url->path);
- camel_url_free(url);
-static EPopupItem emp_standard_uri_popups[] = {
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "00.uri.00", (gchar *) N_("_Open Link in Browser"), emp_uri_popup_link_open, NULL, NULL, EM_POPUP_URI_HTTP },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "00.uri.10", (gchar *) N_("_Send New Message To..."), emp_uri_popup_address_send, NULL, (gchar *) "mail-message-new", EM_POPUP_URI_MAILTO },
- { E_POPUP_ITEM, (gchar *) "00.uri.20", (gchar *) N_("_Add to Address Book"), emp_uri_popup_address_add, NULL, (gchar *) "contact-new", EM_POPUP_URI_MAILTO },
-/* ********************************************************************** */
-#define LEN(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
-static void
-emp_apps_open_in(EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- char *path;
- EPopupTarget *target = ep->target;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) target)->part;
- path = em_utils_temp_save_part(target->widget, part, TRUE);
- if (path) {
- GAppInfo *app = item->user_data;
- GList *uris = NULL;
- GError *error = NULL;
- if (g_app_info_supports_files (app)) {
- GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path (path);
- uris = g_list_append (uris, file);
- g_app_info_launch (app, uris, NULL, &error);
- g_object_unref (file);
- } else {
- char *uri;
- uri = e_util_filename_to_uri (path);
- uris = g_list_append (uris, uri);
- g_app_info_launch_uris (app, uris, NULL, &error);
- g_free (uri);
- }
- if (error) {
- g_warning ("%s", error->message);
- g_error_free (error);
- }
- g_list_free (uris);
- g_free (path);
- }
-static void
-emp_apps_popup_free(EPopup *ep, GSList *free_list, void *data)
- while (free_list) {
- GSList *n = free_list->next;
- EPopupItem *item = free_list->data;
- if (item->user_data && item->activate == emp_apps_open_in)
- g_object_unref (item->user_data);
- g_free(item->path);
- g_free(item->label);
- g_free(item);
- g_slist_free_1(free_list);
- free_list = n;
- }
-static void
-emp_standard_items_free(EPopup *ep, GSList *items, void *data)
- g_slist_free(items);
-static void
-emp_add_vcard (EPopup *ep, EPopupItem *item, void *data)
- EPopupTarget *target = ep->target;
- CamelMimePart *part;
- CamelDataWrapper *content;
- CamelStreamMem *mem;
- part = ((EMPopupTargetPart *) target)->part;
- if (!part)
- return;
- content = camel_medium_get_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part));
- mem = CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (camel_stream_mem_new ());
- if (camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream (content, CAMEL_STREAM (mem)) == -1 ||
- !mem->buffer->data)
- g_warning ("Read part's content failed!");
- else {
- GString *vcard = g_string_new_len ((const gchar *) mem->buffer->data, mem->buffer->len);
- em_utils_add_vcard (target->widget, vcard->str);
- g_string_free (vcard, TRUE);
- }
- camel_object_unref (mem);
-static void
-emp_standard_menu_factory(EPopup *emp, void *data)
- int i, len;
- EPopupItem *items;
- GSList *menus = NULL;
- GList *apps = NULL;
- char *mime_type = NULL;
- const char *filename = NULL;
- switch (emp->target->type) {
-#if 0
- return;
- items = emp_standard_select_popups;
- len = LEN(emp_standard_select_popups);
- break;
- /*EMPopupTargetURI *t = (EMPopupTargetURI *)target;*/
- items = emp_standard_uri_popups;
- len = LEN(emp_standard_uri_popups);
- break; }
- EMPopupTargetPart *t = (EMPopupTargetPart *)emp->target;
- mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type((CamelDataWrapper *)t->part);
- filename = camel_mime_part_get_filename(t->part);
- items = emp_standard_object_popups;
- len = LEN(emp_standard_object_popups);
- break; }
- default:
- items = NULL;
- len = 0;
- }
- if (mime_type) {
- gchar *cp;
- /* GIO expects lowercase MIME types. */
- for (cp = mime_type; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
- *cp = g_ascii_tolower (*cp);
- cp = g_content_type_from_mime_type (mime_type);
- apps = g_app_info_get_all_for_type (cp ? cp : mime_type);
- g_free (cp);
- if (apps == NULL || strcmp (mime_type, "application/octet-stream") == 0) {
- if (filename != NULL) {
- gchar *name_type;
- name_type = e_util_guess_mime_type (filename, FALSE);
- cp = g_content_type_from_mime_type (name_type);
- /* show alternative apps first */
- apps = g_list_concat (g_app_info_get_all_for_type (cp ? cp : name_type), apps);
- g_free (cp);
- g_free (name_type);
- }
- }
- if (apps) {
- GString *label = g_string_new("");
- GSList *open_menus = NULL;
- GList *l;
- menus = g_slist_prepend(menus, (void *)&emp_standard_part_apps_bar);
- for (l = apps, i = 0; l; l = l->next, i++) {
- GAppInfo *app = l->data;
- EPopupItem *item;
- item = g_malloc0(sizeof(*item));
- item->type = E_POPUP_ITEM;
- item->path = g_strdup_printf("99.object.%02d", i);
- item->label = g_strdup_printf(_("Open in %s..."), g_app_info_get_name (app));
- item->activate = emp_apps_open_in;
- item->user_data = app;
- open_menus = g_slist_prepend(open_menus, item);
- }
- if (open_menus)
- e_popup_add_items(emp, open_menus, NULL, emp_apps_popup_free, NULL);
- g_string_free(label, TRUE);
- g_list_free(apps);
- }
- if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (mime_type, "text/x-vcard") == 0||
- g_ascii_strcasecmp (mime_type, "text/vcard") == 0) {
- EPopupItem *item;
- item = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*item));
- item->type = E_POPUP_ITEM;
- item->path = (gchar *) "00.00.vcf.00"; /* make it first item */
- item->label = _("_Add to Address Book");
- item->activate = emp_add_vcard;
- item->user_data = NULL;
- item->image = (gchar *) "contact-new";
- e_popup_add_items (emp, g_slist_append (NULL, item), NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- g_free (mime_type);
- }
- for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
- if ((items[i].visible & emp->target->mask) == 0)
- menus = g_slist_prepend(menus, &items[i]);
- }
- if (menus)
- e_popup_add_items(emp, menus, NULL, emp_standard_items_free, NULL);
-/* ********************************************************************** */
/* Popup menu plugin handler */