path: root/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
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1 files changed, 1174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c b/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b51e60d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1174 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C -*-
+ ======================================================================
+ FILE: icalrecur.c
+ CREATOR: eric 16 May 2000
+ $Id$
+ $Locker$
+ (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom, http://www.softwarestudio.org
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of either:
+ The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
+ 2.1, available at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+ Or:
+ The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
+ the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ How this code works:
+ Processing starts when the caller generates a new recurrence
+ iterator via icalrecur_iterator_new(). This routine copies the
+ recurrence rule into the iterator, extracts things like start and
+ end dates. Then, it checks if the rule is legal, using some logic
+ from RFC2445 and some logic that probably should be in RFC2445.
+ Then, icalrecur_iterator_new() re-writes some of the BY*
+ arrays. This involves ( via a call to setup_defaults() ) :
+ 1) For BY rule parts with no data ( ie BYSECOND was not specified )
+ copy the corresponding time part from DTSTART into the BY array. (
+ So impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND] will then have one element if is
+ originally had none ) This only happens if the BY* rule part data
+ would expand the number of occurrences in the occurrence set. This
+ lets the code ignore DTSTART later on and still use it to get the
+ time parts that were not specified in any other way.
+ 2) For the by rule part that are not the same interval as the
+ frequency -- for HOURLY anything but BYHOUR, for instance -- copy the
+ first data element from the rule part into the first occurrence. For
+ example, for "INTERVAL=MONTHLY and BYHOUR=10,30", initialize the
+ first time to be returned to have an hour of 10.
+ Finally, for INTERVAL=YEARLY, the routine expands the rule to get
+ all of the days specified in the rule. The code will do this for
+ each new year, and this is the first expansion. This is a special
+ case for the yearly interval; no other frequency gets expanded this
+ way. The yearly interval is the most complex, so some special
+ processing is required.
+ After creating a new iterator, the caller will make successive calls
+ to icalrecur_iterator_next() to get the next time specified by the
+ rule. The main part of this routine is a switch on the frequency of
+ the rule. Each different frequency is handled by a different
+ routine.
+ For example, next_hour handles the case of INTERVAL=HOURLY, and it
+ is called by other routines to get the next hour. First, the routine
+ tries to get the next minute part of a time with a call to
+ next_minute(). If next_minute() returns 1, it has reached the end of
+ its data, usually the last element of the BYMINUTE array. Then, if
+ there is data in the BYHOUR array, the routine changes the hour to
+ the next one in the array. If INTERVAL=HOURLY, the routine advances
+ the hour by the interval.
+ If the routine used the last hour in the BYHOUR array, and the
+ INTERVAL=HOURLY, then the routine calls increment_monthday() to set
+ the next month day. The increment_* routines may call higher routine
+ to increment the month or year also.
+ The code for INTERVAL=DAILY is handled by next_day(). First, the
+ routine tries to get the next hour part of a time with a call to
+ next_hour. If next_hour() returns 1, it has reached the end of its
+ data, usually the last element of the BYHOUR array. This means that
+ next_day() should increment the time to the next day. If FREQUENCY==DAILY,
+ the routine increments the day by the interval; otherwise, it
+ increments the day by 1.
+ Next_day() differs from next_hour because it does not use the BYDAY
+ array to select an appropriate day. Instead, it returns every day (
+ incrementing by 1 if the frequency is not DAILY with INTERVAL!=1)
+ Any days that are not specified in an non-empty BYDAY array are
+ filtered out later.
+ Generally, the flow of these routine is for a next_* call a next_*
+ routine of a lower interval ( next_day calls next_hour) and then to
+ possibly call an increment_* routine of an equal or higher
+ interval. ( next_day calls increment_monthday() )
+ When the call to the original next_* routine returns,
+ icalrecur_iterator_next() will check the returned data against other
+ BYrule parts to determine if is should be excluded by calling
+ check_contracting_rules. Generally, a contracting rule is any with a
+ larger time span than the interval. For instance, if
+ INTERVAL=DAILY, BYMONTH is a contracting rule part.
+ Check_contracting_rules() uses check_restriction() to do its
+ work. Check_restriction() uses expand_map[] to determine if a rule
+ is contracting, and if it is, and if the BY rule part has some data,
+ then the routine checks if the value of a component of the time is
+ part of the byrule part. For instance, for "INTERVAL=DAILY;
+ BYMONTH=6,10", check_restriction() would check that the time value
+ given to it has a month of either 6 or 10.
+ icalrecurrencetype_test()
+ Finally, icalrecur_iterator_next() does a few other checks on the
+ time value, and if it passes, it returns the time.
+ ======================================================================*/
+#include "config.h"
+#include "icalrecur.h"
+#include "icalerror.h"
+#include "icalmemory.h"
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
+#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
+#include <string.h> /* for icalmemory_strdup */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX */
+#define TEMP_MAX 1024
+enum byrule {
+ BY_SECOND = 0,
+ BY_MINUTE = 1,
+ BY_HOUR = 2,
+ BY_DAY = 3,
+ BY_YEAR_DAY = 5,
+ BY_WEEK_NO = 6,
+ BY_MONTH = 7,
+struct icalrecur_iterator_impl {
+ struct icaltimetype dtstart;
+ struct icaltimetype last; /* last time return from _iterator_next*/
+ int occurrence_no; /* number of step made on this iterator */
+ struct icalrecurrencetype rule;
+ short days[366];
+ short days_index;
+ enum byrule byrule;
+ short by_indices[9];
+ short *by_ptrs[9]; /* Pointers into the by_* array elements of the rule */
+int icalrecur_iterator_sizeof_byarray(short* byarray)
+ int array_itr;
+ for(array_itr = 0;
+ byarray[array_itr] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;
+ array_itr++){
+ }
+ return array_itr;
+enum expand_table {
+ UNKNOWN = 0,
+ EXPAND =2,
+struct expand_split_map_struct
+ icalrecurrencetype_frequency frequency;
+ /* Elements of the 'map' array correspond to the BYxxx rules:
+ Second,Minute,Hour,Day,Month Day,Year Day,Week No,Month*/
+ short map[8];
+struct expand_split_map_struct expand_map[] =
+ {ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},
+ {ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},
+ {ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE, 2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1},
+ {ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE, 2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1},
+ {ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE, 2,2,2,2,3,3,1,1},
+ {ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE, 2,2,2,2,2,3,3,1},
+ {ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2},
+ {ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
+/* Check that the rule has only the two given interday byrule parts. */
+int icalrecur_two_byrule(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
+ enum byrule one,enum byrule two)
+ short test_array[9];
+ enum byrule itr;
+ int passes = 0;
+ memset(test_array,0,9);
+ test_array[one] = 1;
+ test_array[two] = 1;
+ for(itr = BY_DAY; itr != BY_SET_POS; itr++){
+ if( (test_array[itr] == 0 &&
+ impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX
+ ) ||
+ (test_array[itr] == 1 &&
+ impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX
+ )
+ ) {
+ /* test failed */
+ passes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return passes;
+/* Check that the rule has only the one given interdat byrule parts. */
+int icalrecur_one_byrule(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,enum byrule one)
+ int passes = 1;
+ enum byrule itr;
+ for(itr = BY_DAY; itr != BY_SET_POS; itr++){
+ if ((itr==one && impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) ||
+ (itr!=one && impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX)) {
+ passes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return passes;
+int count_byrules(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ int count = 0;
+ enum byrule itr;
+ for(itr = BY_DAY; itr <= BY_SET_POS; itr++){
+ if(impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+void setup_defaults(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
+ enum byrule byrule, icalrecurrencetype_frequency req,
+ short deftime, int *timepart)
+ icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
+ freq = impl->rule.freq;
+ /* Re-write the BY rule arrays with data from the DTSTART time so
+ we don't hav to explicitly deal with DTSTART */
+ if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX &&
+ expand_map[freq].map[byrule] != CONTRACT){
+ impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0] = deftime;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the first occurence */
+ if( freq != req && expand_map[freq].map[byrule] != CONTRACT){
+ *timepart = impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0];
+ }
+int expand_year_days(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,short year);
+icalrecur_iterator* icalrecur_iterator_new(struct icalrecurrencetype rule, struct icaltimetype dtstart)
+ struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl;
+ icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
+ if ( ( impl = (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl *)
+ malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl))) == 0) {
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(impl,0,sizeof(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl));
+ impl->rule = rule;
+ impl->last = dtstart;
+ impl->dtstart = dtstart;
+ impl->days_index =0;
+ impl->occurrence_no = 0;
+ freq = impl->rule.freq;
+ /* Set up convienience pointers to make the code simpler. Allows
+ us to iterate through all of the BY* arrays in the rule. */
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH]=impl->rule.by_month;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO]=impl->rule.by_week_no;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY]=impl->rule.by_year_day;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY]=impl->rule.by_month_day;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY]=impl->rule.by_day;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR]=impl->rule.by_hour;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE]=impl->rule.by_minute;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND]=impl->rule.by_second;
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_SET_POS]=impl->rule.by_set_pos;
+ /* Check if the recurrence rule is legal */
+ /* If the BYYEARDAY appears, no other date rule part may appear. */
+ if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_MONTH) ||
+ icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_WEEK_NO) ||
+ icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_MONTH_DAY) ||
+ icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_DAY) ){
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* BYWEEKNO and BYMONTH rule parts may not both appear.*/
+ if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,BY_MONTH)){
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* BYWEEKNO and BYMONTHDAY rule parts may not both appear.*/
+ if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,BY_MONTH_DAY)){
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*For MONTHLY recurrences (FREQ=MONTHLY) neither BYYEARDAY nor
+ BYWEEKNO may appear. */
+ ( icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO) ||
+ icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY)) ) {
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*For WEEKLY recurrences (FREQ=WEEKLY) neither BYMONTHDAY nor
+ BYYEARDAY may appear. */
+ ( icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY) ||
+ icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY)) ) {
+ icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Rewrite some of the rules and set up defaults to make later
+ processing easier */
+ setup_defaults(impl,BY_SECOND,ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.second,
+ &(impl->last.second));
+ setup_defaults(impl,BY_MINUTE,ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.minute,
+ &(impl->last.minute));
+ setup_defaults(impl,BY_HOUR,ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.hour,
+ &(impl->last.hour));
+ setup_defaults(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY,ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.day,
+ &(impl->last.day));
+ setup_defaults(impl,BY_MONTH,ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.month,
+ &(impl->last.month));
+ if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE &&
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0] = icaltime_day_of_week(impl->dtstart);
+ }
+ if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE){
+ expand_year_days(impl,impl->dtstart.year);
+ }
+ return impl;
+void icalrecur_iterator_free(icalrecur_iterator* i)
+ struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl =
+ (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*)i;
+ icalerror_check_arg_rv((impl!=0),"impl");
+ free(impl);
+void increment_year(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ impl->last.year+=inc;
+void increment_month(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ impl->last.month+=inc;
+ if (impl->last.month > 12){
+ impl->last.month = 1;
+ increment_year(impl,1);
+ }
+void increment_monthday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,impl->last.year);
+ impl->last.day+=inc;
+ if (impl->last.day > days_in_month){
+ int md = impl->last.day -days_in_month;
+ impl->last.day = md;
+ increment_month(impl,1);
+ }
+void increment_hour(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ impl->last.hour+=inc;
+ if (impl->last.hour > 24){
+ impl->last.hour = 0;
+ increment_monthday(impl,1);
+ }
+void increment_minute(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ impl->last.minute+=inc;
+ if (impl->last.minute > 59){
+ impl->last.minute = 0;
+ increment_hour(impl,1);
+ }
+void increment_second(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
+ impl->last.second+=inc;
+ if (impl->last.second > 59){
+ impl->last.second = 0;
+ increment_minute(impl,1);
+ }
+short next_second(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
+ if( has_by_data ){
+ /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
+ impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ impl->last.second =
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]];
+ } else if( !has_by_data && this_frequency ){
+ /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
+ increment_second(impl, impl->rule.interval);
+ }
+ /* If we have gone through all of the seconds on the BY list, then we
+ need to move to the next minute */
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_minute(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_minute(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
+ if (next_second(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( has_by_data ){
+ /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ impl->last.minute =
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]];
+ } else if( !has_by_data && this_frequency ){
+ /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
+ increment_minute(impl,impl->rule.interval);
+ }
+/* If we have gone through all of the minutes on the BY list, then we
+ need to move to the next hour */
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_hour(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_hour(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
+ if (next_minute(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( has_by_data ){
+ /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
+ impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ impl->last.hour =
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]];
+ } else if( !has_by_data && this_frequency ){
+ /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
+ increment_hour(impl,impl->rule.interval);
+ }
+ /* If we have gone through all of the hours on the BY list, then we
+ need to move to the next day */
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_monthday(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_day(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE);
+ assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
+ if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Always increment through the interval, since this routine is not
+ called by any other next_* routine, and the days that are
+ excluded will be taken care of by restriction filtering */
+ if(this_frequency){
+ increment_monthday(impl,impl->rule.interval);
+ } else {
+ increment_monthday(impl,1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This routine is only called by next_month and next_year, so it does
+ not have a clause for this_frequency */
+int next_monthday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short mday;
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data );
+ if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH_DAY]++;
+ mday = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH_DAY]];
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH_DAY] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ if (mday > 0){
+ impl->last.day = mday;
+ } else {
+ short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,
+ impl->last.year);
+ impl->last.day = days_in_month-mday+1;
+ }
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data ){
+ increment_month(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_yearday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data );
+ if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ impl->last.day =
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]];
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data){
+ increment_year(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+/* This routine is only called by next_week or next_month, so it does
+not have a clause for this_frequency. In both cases, it is certain
+that BY_DAY has data */
+int next_weekday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ short start_of_week, dow;
+ struct icaltimetype next;
+ if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert( impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_DAY] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ dow = impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]];
+ start_of_week = icaltime_start_doy_of_week(impl->last);
+ next = icaltime_from_day_of_year(start_of_week + dow - 1,impl->last.year);
+ impl->last.day = next.day;
+ impl->last.month = next.month;
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_month(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
+ /* Week day data overrides monthday data */
+ if(impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
+ if (next_weekday(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (next_monthday(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( has_by_data ){
+ /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ impl->last.month =
+ impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]];
+ } else if( !has_by_data && this_frequency ){
+ /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
+ increment_month(impl,impl->rule.interval);
+ }
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_year(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int next_week(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+ short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE);
+ short end_of_data = 0;
+ int sec_in_week = 60*60*24*7;
+ if (next_weekday(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
+ /* Use the Week Number byrule data */
+ int week_no;
+ time_t tt;
+ struct icaltimetype t;
+ impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]++;
+ if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]]
+ impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO] = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ t = impl->last;
+ t.month=1; /* HACK, should be setting to the date of the first week of year*/
+ t.day=1;
+ week_no = impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]];
+ tt = icaltime_as_timet(impl->last);
+ tt+=sec_in_week*week_no;
+ impl->last = icaltime_from_timet(tt,impl->last.is_date,impl->last.is_utc);
+ } else if( !has_by_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_monthday(impl,7*impl->rule.interval);
+ }
+ if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
+ increment_year(impl,1);
+ }
+ return end_of_data;
+int has_by_data(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, enum byrule byrule){
+ return (impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
+/* For INTERVAL=YEARLY, set up the days[] array in the iterator to
+ list all of the days of the current year that are specified in this
+ rule. */
+int expand_year_days(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,short year)
+ int j,k;
+ int days_index=0;
+ struct icaltimetype t;
+ memset(&t,0,sizeof(t));
+ memset(impl->days,ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX_BYTE,sizeof(impl->days));
+ if(has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH) && !has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY)){
+ for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
+ struct icaltimetype t;
+ short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];
+ short doy;
+ t = impl->dtstart;
+ t.year = year;
+ t.month = month;
+ doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
+ impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH) && has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)){
+ for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
+ short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];
+ short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(month,year);
+ struct icaltimetype t;
+ memset(&t,0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
+ t.day = 1;
+ t.year = year;
+ t.month = month;
+ for(t.day = 1; t.day <=days_in_month; t.day++){
+ short current_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
+ for(k=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][k]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;k++){
+ enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday dow =
+ icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][k]);
+ if(current_dow == dow){
+ short doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
+ /* HACK, incomplete Nth day of week handling */
+ impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH) && has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY)){
+ for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
+ for(k=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;k++)
+ {
+ short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];
+ short month_day = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k];
+ short doy;
+ t.day = month_day;
+ t.month = month;
+ t.year = year;
+ doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
+ impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_WEEK_NO) && !has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)){
+ struct icaltimetype t;
+ short dow;
+ t.day = impl->dtstart.day;
+ t.month = impl->dtstart.month;
+ t.year = year;
+ dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_WEEK_NO) && has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)){
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY)){
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY) ){
+ } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)){
+ } else {
+ }
+ return 0;
+int next_year(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ struct icaltimetype next;
+ short end_of_data=0;
+ if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ impl->days_index++;
+ if (impl->days[impl->days_index] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
+ impl->days_index = 0;
+ end_of_data = 1;
+ }
+ next = icaltime_from_day_of_year(impl->days[impl->days_index],impl->last.year);
+ impl->last.day = next.day;
+ impl->last.month = next.month;
+ if(end_of_data){
+ increment_year(impl,impl->rule.interval);
+ expand_year_days(impl,impl->last.year);
+ }
+ return 1;
+int check_restriction(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
+ enum byrule byrule, short v)
+ int pass = 0;
+ int itr;
+ icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq = impl->rule.freq;
+ if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX &&
+ expand_map[freq].map[byrule] == CONTRACT){
+ for(itr=0; impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;itr++){
+ if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr] == v){
+ pass=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return pass;
+ } else {
+ /* This is not a contracting byrule, or it has no data, so the
+ test passes*/
+ return 1;
+ }
+int check_contracting_rules(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
+ enum byrule;
+ int day_of_week=0;
+ int week_no=0;
+ int year_day=0;
+ if (
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_SECOND,impl->last.second) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_MINUTE,impl->last.minute) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_HOUR,impl->last.hour) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_DAY,day_of_week) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,week_no) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY,impl->last.day) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_MONTH,impl->last.month) &&
+ check_restriction(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,year_day) )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+struct icaltimetype icalrecur_iterator_next(icalrecur_iterator *itr)
+ struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl =
+ (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*)itr;
+ if( (impl->rule.count!=0 &&impl->occurrence_no >= impl->rule.count) ||
+ (!icaltime_is_null_time(impl->rule.until) &&
+ icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->rule.until) > 0)) {
+ return icaltime_null_time();
+ }
+ if(impl->occurrence_no == 0){
+ impl->occurrence_no++;
+ return impl->last;
+ }
+ do {
+ switch(impl->rule.freq){
+ next_second(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_minute(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_hour(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_day(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_week(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_month(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_year(impl);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:{
+ assert(0); /* HACK, need a better error */
+ }
+ }
+ if(impl->last.year >= 2038){
+ /* HACK */
+ return icaltime_null_time();
+ }
+ } while(!check_contracting_rules(impl)
+ || icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->dtstart) < 0);
+ if( !icaltime_is_null_time(impl->rule.until) &&
+ icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->rule.until) > 0) {
+ return icaltime_null_time();
+ }
+ impl->occurrence_no++;
+ return impl->last;
+#include "ical.h"
+void icalrecurrencetype_test()
+ icalvalue *v = icalvalue_new_from_string(
+ struct icalrecurrencetype r = icalvalue_get_recur(v);
+ struct icaltimetype t = icaltime_from_timet( time(0), 0, 0);
+ struct icaltimetype next;
+ time_t tt;
+ struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* itr
+ = (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*) icalrecur_iterator_new(r,t);
+ do {
+ next = icalrecur_iterator_next(itr);
+ tt = icaltime_as_timet(next);
+ printf("%s",ctime(&tt ));
+ } while( ! icaltime_is_null_time(next));