path: root/libical/src/Net-ICal-Libical/lib/Net/ICal/Libical/Period.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'libical/src/Net-ICal-Libical/lib/Net/ICal/Libical/Period.pm')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libical/src/Net-ICal-Libical/lib/Net/ICal/Libical/Period.pm b/libical/src/Net-ICal-Libical/lib/Net/ICal/Libical/Period.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf29f3370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libical/src/Net-ICal-Libical/lib/Net/ICal/Libical/Period.pm
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+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- Mode: perl -*-
+# This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
+# or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
+# under the same terms as perl itself. ( Either the Artistic License or the
+# GPL. )
+# $Id$
+# (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom, http://www.softwarestudio.org
+# $Log
+=head1 NAME
+Net::ICal::Period -- represent a period of time
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Net::ICal;
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T120000","19970101T123000");
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T120000","PT3W2D40S");
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period(time(),3600);
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period(
+ new Net::ICal::Time("19970101T120000",
+ "America/Los_Angeles"),
+ new Net::ICal::Duration("2h"));
+Use this to make an object representing a block of time on a
+real schedule. You can either say, "This event starts at 12
+and ends at 2" or "This event starts at 12 and lasts 2 hours."
+These two ways of specifying events can be treated differently
+in schedules. If you say, "The meeting is from 12 to 2, but I
+have to leave at 2," you are implying that the start date and
+end date are fixed. If you say, "I have a 2-hour drive to
+Chicago, and I need to leave at 4," you are saying that it will
+take 2 hours no matter when you leave, and that moving the start
+time will slide the end time correspondingly.
+package Net::ICal::Period;
+use strict;
+use Net::ICal::Time;
+use Net::ICal::Duration;
+use UNIVERSAL qw(isa);
+=head2 new($time, $time|$duration)
+Creates a new period object given to parameters: The first must be a
+I<Time> object or valid argument to Net::ICal::Time::new.
+The second can be either:
+=over 4
+=item * a I<Time> object
+=item * a valid argument to Net::ICal::Time::new.
+=item * a I<Duration> object
+=item * a valid argument to Net::ICal::Duration::new.
+Either give a start time and an end time, or a start time and a duration.
+sub new{
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $arg1 = shift;
+ my $arg2 = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ # Is the string in RFC2445 Format?
+ if(!$arg2 and $arg1 =~ /\//){
+ my $tmp = $arg1;
+ ($arg1,$arg2) = split(/\//,$tmp);
+ }
+ if( ref($arg1) eq 'Net::ICal::Time'){
+ $self->{START} = $arg1->clone();
+ } else {
+ $self->{START} = new Net::ICal::Time($arg1);
+ }
+ if(isa($arg2,'Net::ICal::Time')){
+ $self->{END} = $arg2->clone();
+ } elsif (isa($arg2,'Net::ICal::Duration')) {
+ $self->{DURATION} = $arg2->clone();
+ } elsif ($arg2 =~ /^P/) {
+ $self->{DURATION} = new Net::ICal::Duration($arg2);
+ } else {
+ # Hope that it is a time string
+ $self->{END} = new Net::ICal::Time($arg2);
+ }
+ return bless($self,$package);
+=head2 clone()
+Create a copy of this component
+# XXX implement this
+sub clone {
+ return "Not implemented";
+=head2 is_valid()
+Return true if:
+ There is an end time and:
+ Both start and end times have no timezone ( Floating time) or
+ Both start and end time have (possibly different) timezones or
+ Both start and end times are in UTC and
+ The end time is after the start time.
+ There is a duration and the duration is positive
+# XXX implement this
+sub is_valid {
+ return "Not implemented";
+=head2 start([$time])
+Accessor for the start time of the event as a I<Time> object.
+Can also take a valid time string or an integer (number of
+seconds since the epoch) as a parameter. If a second parameter
+is given, it'll set this Duration's start time.
+sub start{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ if($t){
+ if(isa($t,'Net::ICal::Time')){
+ $self->{START} = $t->clone();
+ } else {
+ $self->{START} = new Net::ICal::Time($t);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{START};
+=head2 end([$time])
+Accessor for the end time. Takes a I<Time> object, a valid time string,
+or an integer and returns a time object. This routine is coupled to
+the I<duration> accessor. See I<duration> below for more imformation.
+sub end{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ my $end;
+ if($t){
+ if(isa($t,'Net::ICal::Time')){
+ $end = $t->clone();
+ } else {
+ $end = new Net::ICal::Time($t);
+ }
+ # If duration exists, use the time to compute a new duration
+ if ($self->{DURATION}){
+ $self->{DURATION} = $end->subtract($self->{START});
+ } else {
+ $self->{END} = $end;
+ }
+ }
+ # Return end time, possibly computing it from DURATION
+ if($self->{DURATION}){
+ return $self->{START}->add($self->{DURATION});
+ } else {
+ return $self->{END};
+ }
+=head2 duration([$duration])
+Accessor for the duration of the event. Takes a I<duration> object and
+returns a I<Duration> object.
+Since the end time and the duration both specify the end time, the
+object will store one and access to the other will be computed. So,
+if you create:
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T120000","19970101T123000")
+And then execute:
+ $p->duration(45*60);
+The period object will adjust the end time to be 45 minutes after
+the start time. It will not replace the end time with a
+duration. This is required so that a CUA can take an incoming
+component from a server, modify it, and send it back out in the same
+basic form.
+sub duration{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $d = shift;
+ my $dur;
+ if($d){
+ if(isa($d,'Net::ICal::Duration')){
+ $dur = $d->clone();
+ } else {
+ $dur = new Net::ICal::Duration($d);
+ }
+ # If end exists, use the duration to compute a new end
+ # otherwise, set the duration.
+ if ($self->{END}){
+ $self->{END} = $self->{START}->add($dur);
+ } else {
+ $self->{DURATION} = $dur;
+ }
+ }
+ # Return duration, possibly computing it from END
+ if($self->{END}){
+ return $self->{END}->subtract($self->{START});
+ } else {
+ return $self->{DURATION};
+ }
+=head2 as_ical()
+Return a string that holds the RFC2445 text form of this duration
+sub as_ical {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $out;
+ $out = $self->{START}->as_ical() ."/";
+ if($self->{DURATION}){
+ $out .= $self->{DURATION}->as_ical()
+ } else {
+ $out .= $self->{END}->as_ical()
+ }
+ return $out;
+=head2 test()
+A set of developers' tests to make sure the module's working properly.
+# Run this with a one-liner:
+# perl -e "use lib('/home/srl/dev/rk/reefknot/base/'); use Net::ICal::Period; Net::ICal::Period::test();"
+# adjusted for your environment.
+sub test {
+ print("--------- Test Net::ICal::Period --------------\n");
+ my $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T180000Z/19970102T070000Z");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/19970102T070000Z";
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T180000Z/PT5H30M");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/PT5H30M";
+ $p->duration("PT5H30M10S");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/PT5H30M10S" ;
+ $p->duration(new Net::ICal::Duration("P10DT30M5S"));
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/P10DT30M5S" ;
+ $p->end("19970101T183000Z");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/PT30M" ;
+ $p = new Net::ICal::Period("19970101T180000Z/19970102T070000Z");
+ $p->end("19970101T183000Z");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/19970101T183000Z" ;
+ $p->duration("P1DT1H10M");
+ print $p->as_ical()."\n";
+ die if $p->as_ical() ne "19970101T180000Z/19970102T191000Z" ;