From - Sat Jun 1 19:00:50 1996
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Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 19:00:49 -0700
From: Jamie Zawinski <>
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Here comes some multipart/alternative junk. It's rilly rilly big.
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jwz's tunes
Last modified: 1-jun-96.
This is a list of all of the music I have on CD, tape, and vinyl (including
all of the old, embarrasing stuff...) This page may look a little funny if
you aren't using a browser that supports HTML tables, like Mozilla.
``Publishing CD lists and tape collections evokes images of
lonely, pathetic men who talk about their cats incessantly.'' --
Paul Phillips
I used to have this set up so that clicking on any name would take you to
the appropriate entry of the All Music Guide at
gopher://; but they have since moved their database from
there to, and in the process, have obfuscated access to the
database to such an extent that this is no longer possible. In order to get
at the discographies, you need to weed your way through dozens of pages, and
there seems to be no even semi-reliable way to pre-compute the URL that they
will use. Arrgh!
The Internet Movie Database has an excellent interface for this sort of
thing; I really wish more people would emulate that system.
In this list, I've included links to various related web pages that I've
come across; one very cool and well-organized database to which many of
these links point is The Ultimate Band List; check it out!
Jamie Zawinski <>
* Act UBL Card: 4637
1988: Laughter, Tears, and Rage See also:
See also:
* Age of Chance
1987: Kiss (single)
1987: Don't Get Mad, Get Even (single)
* Alien Sex Fiend UBL Card: 5291
1983-1992: Drive My Rocket (comp) See also:
1989: Too Much Acid? (live)
1990: Curse
1992: Open Head Surgery
1993: Altered States of America (live)
1995: Inferno: The Odyssey Continuestm
* Alio Die
1993: Under a Holy Ritual
UBL Card: 1266
See also:
* Alphaville UBL Card: 3056
1984: Forever Young See also:
* Altered Images
1981: Happy Birthday
1983: Bite
1984: Collected Images (comp)
* An April March
1995: Lessons in Vengance
1995: Instruments of Lust and Fury
* And Also the Trees
1983-1992: From Horizon to Horizon
UBL Card: 1867
See also:
See also:
* Anderson, Laurie UBL Card: 1494
1982: Big Science See also:
1983: United States Live, parts 1-4 (5
albums) See also:
1984: Mister Heartbreak See also:
1986: Home of the Brave (live
1995: Bright Red
* Ant, Adam
1980: Kings of the Wild Frontier
1981: Prince Charming
1982: Friend or Foe
1983: Dirk Wears White Sox
1985: Viva Le Rock
1979-1986: Antics in the Forbidden Zone
UBL Card: 1205
See also:
See also:
* Anthrax UBL Card: 2710
1991: Attack of the Killer B's (comp)
* Aphex Twin
1993: On (EP)
1994: Analogue Bubblebath (EP)
1995: Ventolin (EP)
UBL Card: 5279
See also:
See also:
* Arcadia UBL Card: 1259
1985: So Red the Rose
* Armageddon Dildos
1995: Lost
UBL Card: 2538
* Ash, Daniel See also:
1991: Coming Down
1992: Foolish Thing Desire
* Archangel, Nathalie
1992: Owl
* Art of Noise UBL Card: 1918
1983: Who's Afraid of the Art of Noise? See also:
1983: The Art of Noise Have Closed Up
1983: Beatbox
1983: Daft
1984: Edited (picture disc)
* Attrition
1985: Smiling, at the Hypogonder Club
UBL Card: 4232
See also:
1994: Amber
1995: Garbage
* B52's
1979: B52's
1980: Wild Planet
1982: Mesopotamia
1983: Whammy!
1981: Party Mix
UBL Card: 2268
* Babes in Toyland UBL Card: 3190
1989: Spanking Machine
1991: To Mother
1992: Fontanelle
1993: Pain Killers
1995: Nemesisters
* Battery
1992: Meat Market (EP)
1993: Mutate
1994: Lillith 3.2 (EP)
1995: nv
* Bauhaus UBL Card: 1235
1979: Bela Lugosi's Dead (EP) See also:
1981: In the Flat Field
1981: Mask See also:
1981: Press the Eject and Give Me the
Tape (live)
1983: Burning from the Inside
1979-1984: 1979-1984 (comp)
1985: The Sky's Gone Out
1984: The Last Temptation (live boot)
1984: Rest In Peace: The Final Concert
(double live)
1996: The Passion of Covers: A Tribute
* Belly
1993: Star
1993: Moon (EP)
1995: Baby Silvertooth (EP)
1995: King
UBL Card: 1360
See also:
* Berlin UBL Card: 4156
1981: Love Life
1981: Dancing in Berlin / Lost in the
Crowd (single)
1982: Pleasure Victim
1986: Count 3 and Pray
* Big Black
1983: The Hammer Party
1987: Songs About Fucking
1992: The Rich Man's Eight-Track Tape
UBL Card: 2410
* Big Hat UBL Card: 1217
1993: Selena at my Window See also:
* Bigod 20
1990: The Bog (EP)
1991: Carpe Diem (EP)
* Bikini Kill UBL Card: 4444
1991-1992: The C.D. Version of the See also:
First Two Records
* Billy Nayer Show, The
1994: The Ketchup and Mustard Man
* Billy and the Boingers
1987: U Stink but I Love You (flexydisk)
* Birdsongs of the Messozoic
1980-1987: The Fossil Record
1983: Sonic Geology
* Birmingham 6 UBL Card: 4348
1995: Police State
* Black Tape for a Blue Girl
1986: The Rope
1987: Mesmerized by the Sirens
1989: Ashes in the Brittle Air
1993: This Lush Garden Within
UBL Card: 1202
See also:
* Bleeding Stone, The
1994: Silent Insanity (EP)
* Blondie
1980: Autoamerican
1983: Best of Blondie
UBL Card: 2070
* Blotto
1994: Collected Works
* Body Count
1992: Body Count
UBL Card: 1277
* Bowie, David UBL Card: 1098
1995: Outside
* Bow Wow Wow
1982: See Jungle
1981-1982: I Want Candy (comp)
1983: When the Going Gets Tough
1981-1983: Girl Bites Dog (comp)
UBL Card: 2301
* Breeders, The UBL Card: 1242
1993: Last Splash See also:
* Br�cken, Claudia
1991: Love and a Million Other Things
UBL Card: 4636
See also:
See also:
* Buggles, The
1979: The Age of Plastic
1981: Adventures in Modern Recording
* Bush, Kate
1977: The Kick Inside
1980: Never For Ever
1983: The Dreaming
1985: Hounds of Love
UBL Card: 1032
See also:
See also:
See also:
* Buzzcocks UBL Card: 1351
1976-1979: Operators Manual
* Cabaret Voltaire
1974-1976: 1974-1976 (comp)
1978-1983: The Golden Moments of CV
1978: Nag Nag Nag (EP)
1979: Mix-Up (EP)
1980: Red Mecca
1981: The Voice of America
1981: Johnny Yesno (soundtrack)
1982: 2X45
1982: Eight Crepescule Tracks
1983: The Crackdown
1984: Micro-Phonies
1985: I Want You (single)
1985: Drinking Gasoline
1985: The Arm of the Lord
1985: The Convenant, the Sword, and the
Arm of the Lord
1986: The Drain Train
1987: Code
1990: Listen Up (double comp)
1991: Body and Soul
1991: Colors
1992: Plasticity
1992: Western Reworks
UBL Card: 2307
* Cave, Nick UBL Card: 1273
1984: From Her to Eternity
1988: Tender Prey
* Chemlab
1993: Burnout at the Hydrogen Bar
1994: Magnetic Field Remixes (EP)
UBL Card: 3774
* Children on Stun
1994: Tourniquets of Love's Desire
* Christian Death
1982: Only Theatre of Pain
1988: Sex and Drugs and Jesus
1989: All the Love All the Hate
part Two: All the Hate
1994: Sexy Death God
UBL Card: 1218
See also:
* Chris and Cosey
1989: Trust
* Ciccone Youth
1988: The Whitey Album
UBL Card: 1087
* ClockDVA UBL Card: 3999
1981: Thirst
1988: The Hacker/The Act
* Cocteau Twins
1982: Garlands
1983: Head over Heels
1984: The Spangle Maker (EP)
1984: Treasure
1985: Aikea-Guinea (EP)
1985: Echoes in a Shallow Bay
1985: Tiny Dynamine (EP)
1982-1985: The Pink Opaque
UBL Card: 1074
See also:
See also:
* Coil UBL Card: 1388
1986?: The Angelic Conversation
1988: Gold is the Metal
1990: The Unreleased Themes for
Hellraiser (EP)
1990: Panic / Tainted Love (single)
1991: Out of Light Cometh Darkness
1992: Snow (EP)
* Concrete Blonde
1986: Concrete Blonde
1989: Free
1990: Bloodletting
1993: Walking in London (single)
1993: Mexican Moon
UBL Card: 1396
* Cop Shoot Cop
1993: Ask Questions Later
* Course of Empire
1990: Course of Empire
1993: Infested! (EP)
1994: Initiation
UBL Card: 2889
See also:
* Cranes UBL Card: 2400
1990: Inescapable (EP) See also:
1991: Wings of Joy
1992: Self-Non-Self
1993: Forever
1993: Jewel (EP)
1994: Loved
1994: Shining Road (limited edition
double EP)
* Crash Worship
1992: ADRV
UBL Card: 1901
See also:
See also:
* Creatures, The UBL Card: 1216
1983: Feast
1990: Boomerang
1990: Fury Eyes (EP)
1990: Standing There (single)
* Cure, The
1980: Boys Don't Cry
1980: Seventeen Seconds
1981: Faith
1982: Pornography
1982: The Walk
1982?: Looking for a Forest (live boot)
1983: Japanese Whispers
1983: Lovecats (EP)
1984: Concert (live)
1984: The Top
1985: The Head on the Door
1987: Staring at the Sea (comp)
1988: Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
1989: Disintegration
1989: Fascination Street (single)
1990: Never Enough (single)
1995?: Give Me the Cure: 18 DC Bands
UBL Card: 1159
See also:
See also:
* Current 93 UBL Card: 3465
1986-1991: Island
* Curve
1991: Frozen (EP)
1991: Cherry (EP)
1992: Doppelganger
1993: Cuckoo
UBL Card: 1355
See also:
See also:
* Cyber-Tec
1995: Cyber-Tec
* Daisy Chainsaw
1992: Hope All Your Dreams Come True (single)
1992: Love Sick Pleasure (EP)
1992: Eleventeen
1994: For They Know Not What They Do
* Dance or Die
1993: Psychoburbia
* Danse Society, The
1984: Heaven is Waiting
1986: Looking Through
* Das Ich UBL Card: 2337
1990: Satanische Verse
* Dax, Danielle
1986-1988: Dark Adapted Eye (comp +5)
1988: Whistling for his Love (single)
1988: Cat House (single)
1990: Blast the Human Flower
1992: Pop-Eyes
1995: Timber Tongue (EP)
UBL Card: 1746
* Death in June
1992: But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
* Definition FX
1993: Something Inside (single)
1993: Light Speed Collision
See also:
* Depeche Mode UBL Card: 1041
1981: Speak & Spell See also:
1981: Just Can't Get Enough / Any See also:
Second Now (single)
1982: A Broken Frame
1982: live singles (comp)
1983: Construction Time Again
1984: People Are People (comp +2)
1984: Some Great Reward
1985: Catching Up With Depeche Mode
(comp +4)
1985: It's Called a Heart / Fly on the
Windscreen (single)
1986: Black Celebration
1986: Stripped (single)
1986: A Question of Lust (single)
1989: 101 (double live)
1987: Music for the Masses
1987: Never Let Me Down (single)
1990: Personal Jesus (single)
199?: I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous: A
Swedish Tribute (various)
* Dessau
1995: Dessau
1995: Details Sketchy
* Devo UBL Card: 1088
1978: Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are See also:
1979: Freedom of Choice See also:
1977-1990: Greatest Hits See also:
1978-1990: Greatest Misses
* Die Krupps
1995: Rings of Steel
* Die Monster Die
1994: Withdrawl Method
* Die Warzau
1991: Big Electric Metal Bass Face
1994: Engine
1994: allgoodgirls (EP)
* Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
1992: Hypocrisy is the Greatest Luxury
* Dolby, Thomas
1983: The Golden Age of Wireless
1983: The Golden Age of Wireless (2nd
release: 2 new)
1984: The Flat Earth
UBL Card: 1961
See also:
See also:
* Doubting Thomas UBL Card: 1166
1991: Father Don't Cry (EP) See also:
1991: The Infidel
* Duran Duran
1981: Duran Duran
1982: Carnival (EP)
1982: live (live boot)
1982: Rio
1983: Union of the Snake / Secret
Oktober (single)
1983: The Wild Boys / Cracks in the
Pavement (single)
1983: Seven and the Ragged Tiger
1987: Notorious
1981-1988: Decade (comp)
UBL Card: 1259
* Durutti Column UBL Card: 4853
1988: The Guitar and Other Machines
* Ebn Ozn
1984: Feeling Cavalier
* Elastica
1995: Elastica
* Elastic Purejoy, The
1994: The Elastic Purejoy
See also:
* Electric Hellfire Club, The
1993: Burn, Baby, Burn
1995: Kiss the Goat
* Elfman, Danny
1984: So-Lo
UBL Card: 1089
* Emergency Broadcast Network
1995: Telecommunication Breakdown
* Engorged with Blood
1993: Engorged with Blood (EP)
* Eno, Brian UBL Card: 1064
1977: Before and After Science See also:
* Eon
1991: Fear: the Mindkiller (EP)
1992: Basket Case (EP)
* Erasure UBL Card: 1029
1984-1986: various singles See also:
1986: Wonderland
See also:
* Estep, Maggie
1994: No More Mister Nice Girl
* Ethyl Meatplow UBL Card: 5232
1993: Happy Days Sweetheart
1993: Devil's Johnson (single)
* Eurythmics
1981: In the Garden
1982: Love is a Stranger (EP)
1982: This is the House (live EP)
1983: Sweet Dreams
1983: Touch
1984: 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) (soundtrack)
* Executive Slacks
1986: Fire and Ice
* Faith and the Muse
1994: Elyria
* Fixx, The UBL Card: 4603
1982: Shuttered Room
1983: Reach the Beach
1984: Phantoms
1986: Walkabout
1987: React (live)
* Foetus
19??: Rife
1995: Gash
UBL Card: 2750
* Fortran 5 UBL Card: 3469
1991: Blues See also:
1993: Bad Head Park
* 45 Grave
1993: Debasement Tapes
* Frankie goes to Hollywood UBL Card: 3222
1984: Welcome to the Pleasure Dome See also:
* Freur
1983: Doot Doot
See also:
* Front 242 UBL Card: 1059
1979: Masterhit (EP) See also:
1983: Geography See also:
1987: Official Version
1985: No Comment
1982: Two In One (EP)
1982-1985: Backcatalogue (comp)
1989: Headhunter (EP)
1989: Front by Front
1989: Never Stop (EP)
1991: Tyrrany For You
1991: Tragedy For You (EP)
1991: Rhythm of Time (EP)
1993: Religion (EP)
1993: Animal (single)
1993: 06:21:03:11 Up Evil
1993: 05:22:09:12 Off
* Front Line Assembly
1988: Convergence
1989: Digital Tension Dementia (EP)
1990: Gashed Senses and Crossfire
1991: Caustic Grip
1992: Tactical Neural Implant
UBL Card: 1161
* Fugazi UBL Card: 2053
1989: 13 Songs
* Fun Boy Three
1982: It Ain't What You Do / Just Do It / Funrama Theme (single)
1981-1983: The Best of Fun Boy Three (comp)
* Fuzzbox See also:
1986: We've got a Fuzzbox and We're
Gonna Use It!!
1986: Love is the Slug (single)
1986: Rules and Regulations (single)
* Gabriel, Peter
1977: Peter Gabriel I
1978: Peter Gabriel II
1980: Peter Gabriel III
1982: Security
1983: Peter Gabriel Plays Live (double
1985: Birdy (soundtrack)
1986: So
1986: Live at the Civic Arena (live
1989: Passion (soundtrack)
UBL Card: 1016
See also:
See also:
* Garbage See also:
1995: Garbage
* Game Theory
1987: Lolita Nation
* Gang of 4 See also:
1979: Entertainment
1979: Peel Sessions (live)
1981: Solid Gold
1981: Another Day / Another Dollar
1982: I Love a Man In a Uniform
1982: Songs of the Free
1983: Is It Love (single)
1983: Hard
1983: At the Palace (live)
1979-1983: A Brief History of the
Twentieth Century (comp)
1990: To Hell With Poverty (single)
1990: Mall
1990: Money Talks (single)
1995: Tatoo (single)
1995: Shrinkwrapped
* Glove, The
1982: Blue Sunshine
UBL Card: 1159
See also:
* God is my Copilot
1993: Speed Yr Trip
* Gracious Shades
1995: Aberkash
* Grind
1995: Kittymuzzle
* Grotus
1993: Slow Motion Apocalypse
UBL Card: 5482
* Pizzicato Five
1995: The Sound of Music
* PJ Harvey
1992: Dry
1993: Rid of Me
1993: 4-Track Demos
1995: Down by the Water (single)
1995: To Bring You My Love
UBL Card: 1221
See also:
* Psychick Warriors ov Gaia
1992: Ov Biospheres and Sacred Groves
* Hagen, Nina
1985: In Ekstasy
1978-1982: nunsexmonkrock / Nina Hagen Band
* Hate Dept. See also:
1994: Meat Your Maker
1995: Mainline (EP)
* Haysi Fantayzee
1982: Shiny Shiny remix (single)
* Heaven 17
1981: Penthouse and Pavement
1982: Heaven 17
1983: The Luxury Gap
1984: How Men Are
* Hope, Peter and Kirk, Richard
1988: Hoodoo Talk
UBL Card: 2307
* Kershaw, Nik
1983: Human Racing
* Kirk, Richard
1993: Virtual State
UBL Card: 2307
* Human League UBL Card: 4631
1979: Reproduction See also:
1980: Travelogue
1981: Dare
1983: Fascination
1984: Hysteria
1995: Octopus
* Hunters and Collectors
1987: Human Frailty
UBL Card: 4553
* Ice T UBL Card: 2342
1991: New Jack Hustler (EP)
* In the Nursery
19??: L'Esprit
* INXS UBL Card: 1284
1982: Shabooh Shoobah
1984: The Swing
1985: Listen Like Thieves
1988: Kick
1990: X
* J., David
1983-1986: On Glass (comp)
1985: Crocodile Tears and the Velvet
UBL Card: 1215
See also:
See also:
* Jesus and Mary Chain, The UBL Card: 1228
1992: Reverence (EP) See also:
1992: Honey's Dead
1995: Hate Rock and Roll (comp)
* Jones, Grace
1993: Sex Drive (single)
* Jones, Howard
1983: Humans' Lib
1985: Dream Into Action
* Joy Division
1977-1978: Warsaw (comp)
1979: Unknown Pleasures
1980: Closer
1980: Transmission / Novelty (single)
1980: Still
1977-1980: Substance (comp)
1995: Ceremonial: A Tribute (various)
UBL Card: 1214
See also:
See also:
* King Crimson UBL Card: 1323
1969: In the Court of the Crimson King
1973: Larks' Tongues in Aspic
1974: Starless and Bible Black
1981: Dicipline
1982: Beat
1984: Three of a Perfect Pair
1993: Angst
UBL Card: 1452
* Kraftwerk UBL Card: 1027
1977: Trans-Europe Express (EP) See also:
See also:
* L7
1988: L7
1990: Smell the Magic
1992: Bricks are Heavy
1994: Hungry for Stink
UBL Card: 1998
* Le&ae;ther Strip
1995: Legacy of Hate and Lust
* Lemon Kittens
1978-1980: We Buy a Hammer for Daddy
UBL Card: 1746
* Letters to Cleo UBL Card: 3000
1994: Aurora Gory Alice
1991: Frequencies
1996: Advance
* London After Midnight
1989: Selected Scenes from the End of the World
* Lords of Acid
1991: Rough Sex (single)
1993: Voodoo U
1994: The Crablouse: Variations on a
Species (single)
UBL Card: 2356
* Lords of the New Church, The
1983: Is Nothing Sacred?
* Love and Rockets
1985: Ball of Confusion / Inside the
Outside (single)
1985: Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven
1986: Express
1986: Kundalini Express / Lucifer Sam /
Holiday on the Moon (single)
1987: Earth, Sun, Moon
1989: No Big Deal (single)
1989: Motorcycle (single)
1989: Love and Rockets
1994: This Heaven (EP)
1994: Body and Soul (EP)
1994: Hot Trip to Heaven
1995: The Glittering Darkness (EP)
1996: Sweet F. A.
UBL Card: 1215
See also:
See also:
* Love is Colder than Death
1993: Oxeia
19??: Mental Traveller
19??: Teignmouth
* Low Pop Suicide
1992: Disengagement (EP)
1992: On the Cross of Commerce
1994: Kiss Your Lips (remixes)
1995: The Death of Excellence
UBL Card: 1984
* Luscious Jackson
1992: In Search of Manny
1994: Natural Ingredients
* Lush
1990: Gala
1992: Spooky
1994: Split
UBL Card: 2359
See also:
* Lwin, Annabella UBL Card: 2301
1986: War Boys (single)
1994: Car Sex (EP)
* Lycea
1993: A Day in the Stark Corner
See also:
* M
1979: Pop Musik (7inch)
* Machines of Loving Grace
1991: Rite of Shiva (single)
1991: Machines of Loving Grace
1992: Burn Like Brilliant Trash (EP)
1993: Concentration
1995: Gilt
UBL Card: 1219
See also:
* M|A|R|R|S
1987: Pump Up the Volume / Anitina (single)
* Mallinder, Stephen
1982: Pow Wow
UBL Card: 2307
* Manufacture
1988: Terrorvision
* March Violets, The
1984: Natural History
1982-1984: The Botanic Verses (comp)
1983-1985: Electric Shades (comp)
1985: Deep (EP)
1986: A Turn to the Sky / Never Look
Back / Deep / Rebirth (single)
UBL Card: 1114
See also:
* Martha and the Muffins UBL Card: 2529
1980-1984: Far Away in Time (comp)
* Mary's Danish
1991: Circa
UBL Card: 3727
* MC 900 Foot Jesus UBL Card: 1229
1989: Hell With the Lid Off See also:
1989: UFOs Are Real (EP)
1990: Welcome to My Dream
1990: Killer Inside Me (EP)
* McLachlan, Sarah
1992: Into the Fire (single)
UBL Card: 1389
* Meat Beat Manifesto UBL Card: 3626
1988: Armed Audio Warfare
1990: Dog Star Man (EP)
1990: 99%
1990: Psyche Out (EP)
1990: Now (EP)
1992: Satryicon
1993: Peel Session (EP)
* Medicine
1993: The Buried Life
1994: Shot Forth Self Living
UBL Card: 1432
See also:
* Mephisto Walz
1986-1992: Crocosmia
1993: Terra-Regina (comp)
1994: The Eternal Deep
1995: Thalia
* Midnight Oil
1979: Head Injuries
1981: Place without a Postcard
1983: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
1985: Red Sails in the Sunset
UBL Card: 1102
See also:
* Miller, Roger
1987: Maximum Electric Piano
* Ministry
1983: With Sympathy
1984: Halloween Remix / The Nature of
Outtakes (EP)
1981-1984: various singles
1985: Cold Life
1985: Over the Shoulder / Isle of Man
1986: Twitch
1988: 12 Inch Singles (comp)
1988: The Land of Rape and Honey
1988: Stigmata / Tonight we Murder (EP)
1989: The Mind is a Terrible Thing to
1991: Jesus Built my Hotrod (EP)
1992: Psalm 69
UBL Card: 1100
See also:
* Miranda Sex Garden UBL Card: 3007
1991: Gush Forth my Tears See also:
1991: Madra
1992: Iris
1993: Suspiria
1994: Fairytales of Slavery
* Missing Persons
1982: Missing Persons (EP)
1982: Spring Session M
1984: Rhyme & Reason
1982-1984: Best of (comp)
* Mistle Thrush
199?: Silt
1994: Agus Am�rach
* Mission, The
1986: God's Own Medicine
1987: the First Chapter
UBL Card: 2045
* Mission of Burma
1987: Forget
* Morissette, Alanis
1995: Jagged Little Pill
UBL Card: 3127
* Morrison, Patricia UBL Card: 1062
1994: Reflect on This
* Moyet, Allison
1985: ALF
UBL Card: 3410
See also:
* Murder Inc.
1992: Murder Inc.
* Mussolini Headkick
1990: Blood on the Flag
* Murphy, Peter UBL Card: 1235
1986: Should the World Fail to Fall See also:
See also:
* My Bloody Valentine
1988: Isn't Anything
1991: Loveless
UBL Card: 1912
* My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult UBL Card: 3478
1988: I See Good Spirits and I See Bad
1989: K00Ler than Jesus
1990: Confessions of a Knife...
1990: Swine & Roses / Naive (KMFDM)
* Neither/Neither World
1994: Tales of True Crime
* Neotek
1995: Brain over Muscle
* New Fast Automatic Daffodils
1991: Pigeonhole
1992: Bong
* New Order UBL Card: 1126
1981: Movement See also:
1981: Temptation / Hurt (single)
1982: Factus 8
1984: Power, Corruption, and Lies
1984: Blue Monday (single)
1985: The Perfect Kiss (single)
1985: Confusion (single)
1985: Low Life
1983-5: various singles
1986: Brotherhood
* Nine Inch Nails
1989: Pretty Hate Machine
1989: Head Like a Hole (remixes)
1990: Sin (remixes)
1992: Broken (EP)
1992: Fixed (remixes)
1994: March of the Pigs (EP)
1994: The Downward Spiral
1994: Closer to God (EP)
1994: Closer (Further Away) (EP)
1994: Further Down the Spiral (remixes)
UBL Card: 1046
See also:
See also:
* Nirvana UBL Card: 1052
1991: Nevermind See also:
See also:
* Nitzer Ebb
1987: That Total Age
1987: Warsaw Ghetto (EP)
1987: So Bright So Strong (remixes)
1987: Get Clean (remixes)
1988: Control: I'm Here (single)
1989: Hearts and Minds (single)
1989: Belief
1990: Showtime
1991: I Give to You (single)
1991: As Is (single)
1991: Ebbhead
1991: Godhead (EP)
UBL Card: 1164
See also:
* No Doubt
1995: Tragic Kingdom
* Noise Unit
1989: Grinding Into Emptiness
* Nosferatu
1993: Rise
* Numan, Gary
1978: Tubeway Army
1978: The Plan
1979: Replicas
1979: The Pleasure Principle
1980: Telekon
1981: Warriors
1981: Dance
1982: I, Assassin
1984: White Noise (double live)
1987: Ghost (double live)
UBL Card: 1409
* Offspring
1994: Smash
* Oingo Boingo
1980: Forbidden Zone (soundtrack)
1981: Only a Lad
1983: Good for Your Soul
1986: Dead Man's Party
1987: Nothing to Fear
UBL Card: 1089
See also:
* Orb, The UBL Card: 1121
1991: The Orb's Adventures Beyond the See also:
1991: Aubrey Mixes, the Ultraworld See also:
1991: Little Fluffy Clouds (EP) See also:
1992: U.F.Orb
1993: live 93 (double live)
1994: Pomme Fritz
* Orbital
1993: Orbital 2
UBL Card: 2049
See also:
* Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark UBL Card: 5370
1980: OMD (US release)
1980: OMD (UK release)
1981: Bunker Soldiers
1981: Architecture & Morality
1983: Dazzle Ships
1984: Junk Culture
1985: Crush
* Oxygiene 23
1995: Blue
* 187 Calm
1995: One Eighty Seven Calm (EP)
* 1000 Homo DJs
1990: Supernaut (EP)
* Opus III
1991: Mind Fruit
1994: Guru Mother
* Pain Teens
1990: Born in Blood / Case Histories
1992: Stimulation Festival
1993: Destroy Me, Lover
1995: Beast of Dreams
* Paralysed Age
1994: Nocturne
* Pigface
1990: Gub
UBL Card: 1165
See also:
* Pink Floyd UBL Card: 1008
1973: Dark Side of the Moon
1975: Wish You were Here
1978: The Wall (double soundtrack)
1981: A Collection of Great Dance Songs
1995: A Saucerful of Pink: a Tribute
(double, various)
* Polygon Window
1993: Surfing on Sine Waves
UBL Card: 5279
* Police UBL Card: 1172
1979: Outlandos D'Amour
1980: Ghost in the Machine
1981: Zenyatta Mondatta
1983: Synchronicity
* Poe
1995: Hello
* Pop, Iggy UBL Card: 4345
1977: Lust for Life
* Powerman 5000
1995: The Blood Splat Rating System
* Powerstation, The UBL Card: 1259
1985: The Powerstation
* Pram
199?: Iron Lung (EP)
1995: Helium
1995: Sargasso Sea
* Prick UBL Card: 3683
1995: Prick
* Primus
1991: Sailing on the Seas of Cheese
UBL Card: 1055
* Project Pitchfork
1991: Dhyani
* Propaganda
1985: A Secret Wish, US version
1985: A Secret Wish, UK version
1985: p:machinery (polish / passive) /
Frozen Faces (single)
1985: Duel / Jewel (single)
1985: Wishful Thinking (remixes)
1990: Heaven Give Me Words (EP)
1995: p:machinery t-empo remix (single)
UBL Card: 4636
See also:
See also:
* Prophetess, The
1993: The Prophetess
* Public Image Limited
1985: Album
* Rage Against the Machine UBL Card: 1424
1992: Rage Against the Machine
* Romeo Void
1981: Never Say Never / Present Tense (single)
* Blaine Reininger
1989: Expatriate Journals
* Red Aunts
1993: Drag
1994: Bad Motherfucker 400-Z
1995: #1 Chicken
UBL Card: 4619
* Re-Flex
1983: The Politics of Dancing / Re-Flex It (single)
* Revolting Cocks
1986: Big Sexy Land
1988: You Goddamned Son of a Bitch
(double live)
1989: Stainless Steel Providers (EP)
1990: Beers, Steers, and Queers
1993: Linger Ficken' Good
UBL Card: 1100
* Ridgway, Stan UBL Card: 2904
1986: The Big Heat
* Rosemarys, The
1993: Providence
* Rosetta Stone
1993: Adrenaline
1995: The Tyrrany of Inaction
* Ruby
1995: Salt Peter
* Rump
1994: Hating Brenda
* Rush
1984: Grace Under Pressure
UBL Card: 1039
* Sandoz
1993: Digital Lifeforms
* Scatterbrain
1990: Here Comes Trouble
* Scar Tissue
1995: Scar Tissue
* Scritti Politti
1985: Cupid & Psyche
* Severed Heads UBL Card: 1480
1983: Since the Accident
1986: Come Visit the Big Bigot
1987: Bad Mood Guy
* Sex Gang, Andi
1994: Arco Valley
* Sex Gang Children
1992: Blind
1993: Dieche
1993: Medea
* Shadow Project
1991: Shadow Project
* Sharkbait
1991: Blowtorch Facelift
1993: Crushits
* Sheep on Drugs
1993: Greatest Hits (comp)
1995: Suck (EP)
* Shriekback UBL Card: 1248
1982: Tench See also:
1983: Care
1983: Care (Y version)
1983: Lined Up / Hapax Legomena
1983: Lined Up / My Spine / Accretions
/Into Method (single)
1983: My Spine / Accretions / Clear
Trails (single)
1983: Sexthinkone / Here Comes My Hand
1984: Jamscience (UK release)
1984: Jamscience (Holland release)
1984: Knowledge, Power, Truth, and Sex
1984: Mercy Dash (picture disc, single)
1984: Hand on my Heart (picture disc,
1985: The Infinite (comp)
1985: Oil and Gold
1985: Fish Below the Ice (EP)
1983-1985: Priests and Kannibals (comp)
1986: Big Night Music
1986: Islam Grotto (live boot)
1988: Evolution (comp)
1990: The Dancing Years (remixes)
1993: Sacred City
* Siglo XX
1983-1986: Antler Tracks I (comp)
1986: Fear and Desire
* Single Gun Theory UBL Card: 1404
1989?: Exorcise this Wasteland See also:
1991: Like Stars in my Hands
1993: Burning Bright (but Unseen) (EP)
1994: Flow, River of my Soul
* Siouxsie and the Banshees
1977: Peel Sessions (live EP)
1978: Peel Sessions 2 (live EP)
1978: The Scream
1979: Join Hands
1980: Kaleidoscope
1981: juju
1981: Once Upon a Time (comp)
1981: Spellbound / Follow the Sun / Slap
Dash Snap (single)
1982: Slowdive / Obsession II / Cannibal
Roses (single)
1982: A Kiss in the Dream House
1983: Nocturne (double live)
1984: Hyaena
1985: Tinderbox
1986: Through the Looking Glass
1987: Song from the Edge of the World
1988: Peekaboo / False Face / Catwalk
1988: Peepshow
1991: Superstition
1991: Kiss Them for Me (EP)
1995: The Rapture
UBL Card: 1216
* Sister Machine Gun UBL Card: 3612
1992: Sins of the Flesh
1994: The Torture Technique
1994: Nothing (single)
1994: Wired / Lung (single)
1995: Burn
* Sisterhood, The
1986: Gift
UBL Card: 1115
See also:
* Sisters of Mercy UBL Card: 1062
1985: First and Last and Always See also:
1988: Floodland
1988: More / You Could be the One
1990: Vision Thing
1992: Some Girls Wander by Mistake
1992: Temple of Love 1992 (single)
1993: First and Last and Forever: A
Tribute (various)
1993: Under the Gun / Alice 1993
* Skeletal Family
1984-1985: Burning Oil / Futile Combat
* Skinny Puppy UBL Card: 1166
1983: Back and Forth, Series Two See also:
1984: Bites
1984: Remission
1984: Bites and Remission
1986: Mind: the Perpetual Intercourse
1986: Dig It (EP)
1987: Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate
1988: Vivisect VI
1989: Rabies
1990: Too Dark Park
1990: Censor (EP)
1992: 12 Inch Anthology (comp)
1992: Last Rights
* Sky Cries Mary
1993: A Return to the Inner Experience
1994: This Timeless Turning
1994: Every Iceberg is Afire / Deep
Sunless Sea / Cornerman (single)
UBL Card: 1437
See also:
* Snog
1995: Dear Valued Customer
* Soh Daiko
1990: Taiko Drum Ensemble
* Some, Belouis
1984: Some People (single)
* Southern Death Cult
1982-1983: Southern Death Cult (comp)
* Spahn Ranch
1995: The Coiled One
1984: Playback
1986: Insecurity (single)
* Stabbing Westward UBL Card: 2415
1993: Violent Mood Swings (EP)
1994: Ungod
1995: What Do I Have to Do / Falls
Apart (single)
1995: Wither Blister Burn and Peel
* Strange Boutique
199?: Charm
199?: The Kindest Words
199?: The Loved One
See also:
* Steroid Maximus UBL Card: 2750
1991: Quilombo
1992: Gondwanaland
* Sugarcubes, The
1988: Life's Too Good
UBL Card: 3419
See also:
* Sunscreem
1992: O3
* Switchblade Symphony
1992: Fable (tape/EP)
1993: Elegy (tape/EP)
1995: Serpentine Gallery
* Talking Heads UBL Card: 1012
1977: Talking Heads '77
1978: More Songs About Buildings and
1979: The Name of This Band is Talking
Heads (double live)
1981: Fear of Music
1983: Sp eak in gI n To ngu es
1985: Stop Making Sense (live
1985: Little Creatures
* Tears For Fears
1983: The Hurting
1985: Songs From the Big Chair
UBL Card: 2763
* Tel Basta
1996: Lickerish
* Thanatos
1995: An Embassy in Gaius
* Therapy? UBL Card: 2044
1992: Caucasian Psychosis
1992: Nurse
* 13 Mg.
1995: Trust and Obey
* This Ascension
1991: Light and Shade
1994: Walk Softly, a Dream Lies Here
* Throwing Muses
1986: Throwing Muses
UBL Card: 1357
* Tinfed
1993: Synaptic Hardware
* Tin Machine
1989: Tin Machine
UBL Card: 1098
* Tit Wrench United
1993: Full Employment
* Tom Tom Club
1981: Tom Tom Club
1983: Close to the Bone
UBL Card: 1012
* Tones on Tail UBL Card: 1235
1982: Tones on Tail See also:
1984: Pop
1984: Performance / Shakes (single) See also:
1982-1984: Night Music (comp)
* Trance Mission
1993: Trance Mission
* Trance to the Sun
1994: Ghost Forest
1995: Bloom, Flowers, Bloom!
1995: Venomous Eve
* Transvision Vamp
1991: Little Magnets versus the Bubble
of Babble
UBL Card: 5305
* Trio
1983: Trio and Error
* Tubes, The
1981: Tubes Rarities And Smash Hits [T.R.A.S.H]
* Tuxedomoon
1980: Half-Mute
1983: A Thousand Lives by Picture
1985: Holy Wars
* Underflowers
1995: Underflowers
* Urban Dance Squad UBL Card: 4626
1991: Life'n Perspectives of a Genuine
* Usherhouse
1993: Molting
1994: Flux
* Ultravox
1978: Systems of Romance
* Van Acker, Luc
1980: Taking Snapshots, Volume 1
UBL Card: 1100
* Vangelis UBL Card: 1023
1994: Blade Runner (soundtrack) See also:
* various
1980: URGH! A Music War (live comp)
1981-1994: Wax Trax Black Box (comp)
1982-198?: In Goth Daze (Anagram version) (comp)
1982-1994: In Goth Daze (Cleopatra version) (comp)
1982-1993: The Whip (Cleopatra) (comp)
1984-1985: IQ6: Zang Tumb Tuum Sampled (comp)
1984-1995: DEC ADE NCE (Nettwerk) (comp)
1988: This is Electronic Body Music (comp)
1990: From Across This Gray Land #2 (Projekt) (comp)
1990: Doctor Death IV: The Marvels of Insect Life (double comp)
1990: Red Hot + Blue (comp)
1991: Bouquet of Dreams (comp)
1980-1992: Gothic Rock (comp)
1992: Mindfield (Third Mind) (comp)
1992: From Across This Gray Land #3 (Projekt) (comp)
1992: The Cyberflesh Conspiracy (comp)
1992: G�rgula Mec�nica: World Electrostatic Assembly (comp)
1992: CCCC: California Cyber Crash Compilation (Cop) (comp)
1993: Shut Up Kitty (comp)
1988-1993: Can You See It Yet? (Invisible) (comp)
1994: Mysterious Encounters (Cleopatra) (comp)
1994: The Crow (comp)
1994: Totentanz: The Best of Zoth Ommog (double comp)
1992: Hy! (Hyperium Compilation volume 1) (comp)
1993: World Domination Sampler (comp)
1993: Rivet Head Culture (comp)
1993: Artificial Intelligence (Warp) (comp)
1994: Artificial Intelligence II (Warp) (comp)
1994: Big Hard Disk #2 (Smash) (comp)
1994: Kindred Spirits (Bedazzled) (comp)
1994: Plug In + Turn On (Instinct) (comp)
1994: The Disease of Lady Madeline (Anubis) (comp)
1994: Natural Born Killers (soundtrack comp)
1994: Afterburn (Wax Trax) (comp)
1994: Chaos Compilation (Cop) (comp)
1994: Electrocity Vol. 5 (comp)
1995: Gothik (Cleopatra) (double comp)
1995: Godfathers of German Gothic (comp)
1995: Heavenly Voices III (Hyperium) (comp)
1995: Mortal Kombat (soundtrack comp)
1995: The Tyranny Off the Beat (Off Beat/Cleopatra) (comp)
1995: Forced Cranial Removal (Fifth Colvmn) (comp)
1995: Dreams in the Witch House (Grave News) (comp)
* Vega, Suzanne UBL Card: 2088
1992: 99.9F
* Vinyl Devotion
1994: If They Know You're Trying
* Volume Magazine
1991: Volume: 1 (comp)
1991: Volume: 2 (comp)
1992: Volume: 3 (comp)
1992: Volume: 4 (comp)
1995: Wasted: The Best of Volume (double comp)
* Waitresses, The
1981: Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?
1982: Bruiseology
1978-1981: Best Of (comp)
* Wake, The
1993: Masked
* Wall of Voodoo
1980: fpfpfpfpfpfp
1981: Dark Continent
1982: Call of the West
1986: Seven Days in Sammystown
1987: Happy Planet
* Wang Chung UBL Card: 2245
1983: Points On the Curve
1985: To Live and Die in L.A.
* Westworld
1987: Rockulator
1991: Movers and Shakers
1991: Do No Wrong (single)
* Whale UBL Card: 3790
1994: Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Eye 842 See also:
1994: Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Lips /
Eye 842 (single)
1994: Pay for Me (EP)
1995: We Care
1995: I'll Do Ya (EP)
1995: Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe (3 mixes)
1995: Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / You and
Your Sister / Singer Star (single)
* White Zombie
1992: Nightcrawlers: the KMFDM Remixes (EP)
* Wilde, Kim
1981: Kim Wilde
1984: Teases & Dares
1981-1993: The Singles Collection (comp)
* X
1988: Live at the Whiskey-a-Go-Go (double live)
* X Marks the Pedwalk
1994: The Killing Had Begun
* Xorcist
1991: Damned Souls
1993: Bitches (EP)
* XTC UBL Card: 1044
1982: Waxworks
1983: Mummer
1984: The Big Express
1985: 25 O'Clock
* Xymox
1985: Clan of Xymox
UBL Card: 1295
See also:
* Yamashirogumi, Geinoh
1990: Akira (soundtrack)
* Yazoo
1982: Upstairs at Eric's
1982: The Other Side of Love (single)
1983: You and Me Both
1983: Nobody's Diary / State Farm
1983: Situation (EP)
UBL Card: 4309
See also:
* Yello UBL Card: 1506
1980: Solid Pleasure See also:
1981: Stella See also:
1983: You Gotta Say Yes to Another
1987: One Second
1988: Flag
* Yes
1972: Fragile
1975: Classic Yes
1980: Drama
1983: 90125
UBL Card: 1038
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<H3 ALIGN=CENTER>jwz's tunes<BR>Last modified: 06-Apr-96.</H3>
<TITLE>jwz's tunes</TITLE>
This is a list of all of the music I have on CD, tape, and vinyl
(including all of the old, embarrasing stuff...) This page may look
a little funny if you aren't using a browser that supports HTML
tables, like
<A HREF="">Mozilla</A>.<P>
``<I>Publishing CD lists and tape collections evokes images of
lonely, pathetic men who talk about their cats incessantly.</I>''
-- Paul Phillips
I used to have this set up so that clicking on any name would take
you to the appropriate entry of the All Music Guide at
<TT>gopher://</TT>; but they have since moved their
database from there to
<A HREF="$amgpages=amg+main"><TT></TT></A>,
and in the process, have obfuscated access to the database to such an extent
that this is no longer possible. In order to get at the discographies, you
need to weed your way through dozens of pages, and there seems to be no even
semi-reliable way to pre-compute the URL that they will use. Arrgh!<P>
<A HREF="">The Internet Movie
Database</A> has an excellent interface for this sort of thing; I really
wish more people would emulate that system.<P>
In this list, I've included links to various related web pages that I've
come across; one very cool and well-organized database to which many of
these links point is
<A HREF="">The
Ultimate Band List</A>; check it out!<P>
<A HREF="">Jamie Zawinski</A>
<A HREF=""><CODE><></CODE></A>
<HR size=4><UL>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Laughter, Tears, and Rage
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4637</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Age of Chance</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Kiss <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Don't Get Mad, Get Even <I>(single)</I>
<B>Alien Sex Fiend</B>
<BR><I>1983-1992:</I> Drive My Rocket <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Too Much Acid? <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Curse
<BR><I>1992:</I> Open Head Surgery
<BR><I>1993:</I> Altered States of America <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Inferno: The Odyssey Continues<SUP>tm</SUP> <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5291</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Alio Die</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Under a Holy Ritual
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1266</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Forever Young
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3056</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Altered Images</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Happy Birthday
<BR><I>1983:</I> Bite
<BR><I>1984:</I> Collected Images <I>(comp)</I>
<B>An April March</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Lessons in Vengance
<BR><I>1995:</I> Instruments of Lust and Fury
<B>And Also the Trees</B>
<BR><I>1983-1992:</I> From Horizon to Horizon <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1867</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Anderson, Laurie</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Big Science
<BR><I>1983:</I> United States Live, parts 1-4 <I>(5 albums)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Mister Heartbreak
<BR><I>1986:</I> Home of the Brave <I>(live soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Bright Red
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1494</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Ant, Adam</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Kings of the Wild Frontier
<BR><I>1981:</I> Prince Charming
<BR><I>1982:</I> Friend or Foe
<BR><I>1983:</I> Dirk Wears White Sox
<BR><I>1985:</I> Viva Le Rock
<BR><I>1979-1986:</I> Antics in the Forbidden Zone <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1205</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Attack of the Killer B's <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2710</A>
<B>Aphex Twin</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> On <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Analogue Bubblebath <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Ventolin <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5279</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1985:</I> So Red the Rose
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1259</A>
<B>Armageddon Dildos</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Lost
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2538</A>
<B>Ash, Daniel</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Coming Down
<BR><I>1992:</I> Foolish Thing Desire
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Archangel, Nathalie</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Owl
<B>Art of Noise</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Who's Afraid of the Art of Noise?
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Art of Noise Have Closed Up
<BR><I>1983:</I> Beatbox
<BR><I>1983:</I> Daft
<BR><I>1984:</I> Edited <I>(picture disc)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1918</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Smiling, at the Hypogonder Club <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4232</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1994:</I> BASSCAD,EP <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Amber
<BR><I>1995:</I> Garbage
<BR><I>1979:</I> B52's
<BR><I>1980:</I> Wild Planet
<BR><I>1982:</I> Mesopotamia
<BR><I>1983:</I> Whammy!
<BR><I>1981:</I> Party Mix
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2268</A>
<B>Babes in Toyland</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Spanking Machine
<BR><I>1991:</I> To Mother
<BR><I>1992:</I> Fontanelle
<BR><I>1993:</I> Pain Killers
<BR><I>1995:</I> Nemesisters
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3190</A>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Meat Market <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Mutate
<BR><I>1994:</I> Lillith 3.2 <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> nv
<BR><I>1979:</I> Bela Lugosi's Dead <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> In the Flat Field
<BR><I>1981:</I> Mask
<BR><I>1981:</I> Press the Eject and Give Me the Tape <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Burning from the Inside
<BR><I>1979-1984:</I> 1979-1984 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Sky's Gone Out
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Last Temptation <I>(live boot)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Rest In Peace: The Final Concert <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1996:</I> The Passion of Covers: A Tribute <I>(various)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1235</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Star
<BR><I>1993:</I> Moon <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Baby Silvertooth <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> King
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1360</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Love Life
<BR><I>1981:</I> Dancing in Berlin / Lost in the Crowd <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Pleasure Victim
<BR><I>1986:</I> Count 3 and Pray
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4156</A>
<B>Big Black</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Hammer Party
<BR><I>1987:</I> Songs About Fucking
<BR><I>1992:</I> The Rich Man's Eight-Track Tape <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2410</A>
<B>Big Hat</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Selena at my Window
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1217</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Bigod 20</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> The Bog <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Carpe Diem <I>(EP)</I>
<B>Bikini Kill</B>
<BR><I>1991-1992:</I> The C.D. Version of the First Two Records
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4444</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Billy Nayer Show, The</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Ketchup and Mustard Man
<B>Billy and the Boingers</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> U Stink but I Love You <I>(flexydisk)</I>
<B>Birdsongs of the Messozoic</B>
<BR><I>1980-1987:</I> The Fossil Record
<BR><I>1983:</I> Sonic Geology
<B>Birmingham 6</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Police State
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4348</A>
<B>Black Tape for a Blue Girl</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> The Rope
<BR><I>1987:</I> Mesmerized by the Sirens
<BR><I>1989:</I> Ashes in the Brittle Air
<BR><I>1993:</I> This Lush Garden Within
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1202</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Bleeding Stone, The</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Silent Insanity <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Autoamerican
<BR><I>1983:</I> Best of Blondie
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2070</A>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Collected Works
<B>Body Count</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Body Count
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1277</A>
<B>Bowie, David</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Outside
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1098</A>
<B>Bow Wow Wow</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> See Jungle
<BR><I>1981-1982:</I> I Want Candy <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> When the Going Gets Tough
<BR><I>1981-1983:</I> Girl Bites Dog <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2301</A>
<B>Breeders, The</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Last Splash
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1242</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Brücken, Claudia</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Love and a Million Other Things
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4636</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Buggles, The</B>
<BR><I>1979:</I> The Age of Plastic
<BR><I>1981:</I> Adventures in Modern Recording
<B>Bush, Kate</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> The Kick Inside
<BR><I>1980:</I> Never For Ever
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Dreaming
<BR><I>1985:</I> Hounds of Love
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1032</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1976-1979:</I> Operators Manual
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1351</A>
<B>Cabaret Voltaire</B>
<BR><I>1974-1976:</I> 1974-1976 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1978-1983:</I> The Golden Moments of CV <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1978:</I> Nag Nag Nag <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Mix-Up <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Red Mecca
<BR><I>1981:</I> The Voice of America
<BR><I>1981:</I> Johnny Yesno <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> 2X45
<BR><I>1982:</I> Eight Crepescule Tracks
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Crackdown
<BR><I>1984:</I> Micro-Phonies
<BR><I>1985:</I> I Want You <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Drinking Gasoline
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Arm of the Lord
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Convenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord
<BR><I>1986:</I> The Drain Train
<BR><I>1987:</I> Code
<BR><I>1990:</I> Listen Up <I>(double comp)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Body and Soul
<BR><I>1991:</I> Colors
<BR><I>1992:</I> Plasticity
<BR><I>1992:</I> Western Reworks
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2307</A>
<B>Cave, Nick</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> From Her to Eternity
<BR><I>1988:</I> Tender Prey
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1273</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Burnout at the Hydrogen Bar
<BR><I>1994:</I> Magnetic Field Remixes <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3774</A>
<B>Children on Stun</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Tourniquets of Love's Desire
<B>Christian Death</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Only Theatre of Pain
<BR><I>1988:</I> Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ
<BR><I>1989:</I> All the Love All the Hate part Two: All the Hate
<BR><I>1994:</I> Sexy Death God
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1218</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Chris and Cosey</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Trust
<B>Ciccone Youth</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> The Whitey Album
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1087</A>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Thirst
<BR><I>1988:</I> The Hacker/The Act
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3999</A>
<B>Cocteau Twins</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Garlands
<BR><I>1983:</I> Head over Heels
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Spangle Maker <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Treasure
<BR><I>1985:</I> Aikea-Guinea <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Echoes in a Shallow Bay
<BR><I>1985:</I> Tiny Dynamine <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982-1985:</I> The Pink Opaque
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1074</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1986?:</I> The Angelic Conversation <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Gold is the Metal
<BR><I>1990:</I> The Unreleased Themes for Hellraiser <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Panic / Tainted Love <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Out of Light Cometh Darkness
<BR><I>1992:</I> Snow <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1388</A>
<B>Concrete Blonde</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Concrete Blonde
<BR><I>1989:</I> Free
<BR><I>1990:</I> Bloodletting
<BR><I>1993:</I> Walking in London <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Mexican Moon
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1396</A>
<B>Cop Shoot Cop</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Ask Questions Later
<B>Course of Empire</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Course of Empire
<BR><I>1993:</I> Infested! <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Initiation
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2889</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Inescapable <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Wings of Joy
<BR><I>1992:</I> Self-Non-Self
<BR><I>1993:</I> Forever
<BR><I>1993:</I> Jewel <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Loved
<BR><I>1994:</I> Shining Road <I>(limited edition double EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2400</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Crash Worship</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> ADRV
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1901</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Creatures, The</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Feast
<BR><I>1990:</I> Boomerang
<BR><I>1990:</I> Fury Eyes <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Standing There <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1216</A>
<B>Cure, The</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Boys Don't Cry
<BR><I>1980:</I> Seventeen Seconds
<BR><I>1981:</I> Faith
<BR><I>1982:</I> Pornography
<BR><I>1982:</I> The Walk
<BR><I>1982?:</I> Looking for a Forest <I>(live boot)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Japanese Whispers
<BR><I>1983:</I> Lovecats <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Concert <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Top
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Head on the Door
<BR><I>1987:</I> Staring at the Sea <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
<BR><I>1989:</I> Disintegration
<BR><I>1989:</I> Fascination Street <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Never Enough <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995?:</I> Give Me the Cure: 18 DC Bands <I>(various)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1159</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Current 93</B>
<BR><I>1986-1991:</I> Island
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3465</A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Frozen <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Cherry <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Doppelganger
<BR><I>1993:</I> Cuckoo
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1355</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Cyber-Tec
<B>Daisy Chainsaw</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Hope All Your Dreams Come True <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Love Sick Pleasure <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Eleventeen
<BR><I>1994:</I> For They Know Not What They Do
<B>Dance or Die</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Psychoburbia
<B>Danse Society, The</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Heaven is Waiting
<BR><I>1986:</I> Looking Through
<B>Das Ich</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Satanische Verse
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2337</A>
<B>Dax, Danielle</B>
<BR><I>1986-1988:</I> Dark Adapted Eye <I>(comp +5)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Whistling for his Love <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Cat House <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Blast the Human Flower
<BR><I>1992:</I> Pop-Eyes
<BR><I>1995:</I> Timber Tongue <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1746</A>
<B>Death in June</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
<B>Definition FX</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Something Inside <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Light Speed Collision
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Depeche Mode</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Speak & Spell
<BR><I>1981:</I> Just Can't Get Enough / Any Second Now <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> A Broken Frame
<BR><I>1982:</I> live singles <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Construction Time Again
<BR><I>1984:</I> People Are People <I>(comp +2)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Some Great Reward
<BR><I>1985:</I> Catching Up With Depeche Mode <I>(comp +4)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> It's Called a Heart / Fly on the Windscreen <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Black Celebration
<BR><I>1986:</I> Stripped <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> A Question of Lust <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> 101 <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Music for the Masses
<BR><I>1987:</I> Never Let Me Down <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Personal Jesus <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>199?:</I> I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous: A Swedish Tribute <I>(various)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1041</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Dessau
<BR><I>1995:</I> Details Sketchy
<BR><I>1978:</I> Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are DEVO!
<BR><I>1979:</I> Freedom of Choice
<BR><I>1977-1990:</I> Greatest Hits
<BR><I>1978-1990:</I> Greatest Misses
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1088</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Die Krupps</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Rings of Steel
<B>Die Monster Die</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Withdrawl Method
<B>Die Warzau</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Big Electric Metal Bass Face
<BR><I>1994:</I> Engine
<BR><I>1994:</I> allgoodgirls <I>(EP)</I>
<B>Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Hypocrisy is the Greatest Luxury
<B>Dolby, Thomas</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Golden Age of Wireless
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Golden Age of Wireless <I>(2nd release: 2 new)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Flat Earth
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1961</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Doubting Thomas</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Father Don't Cry <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> The Infidel
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1166</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Duran Duran</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Duran Duran
<BR><I>1982:</I> Carnival <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> live <I>(live boot)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Rio
<BR><I>1983:</I> Union of the Snake / Secret Oktober <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Wild Boys / Cracks in the Pavement <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Seven and the Ragged Tiger
<BR><I>1987:</I> Notorious
<BR><I>1981-1988:</I> Decade <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1259</A>
<B>Durutti Column</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> The Guitar and Other Machines
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4853</A>
<B>Ebn Ozn</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Feeling Cavalier
<BR><I>1995:</I> Elastica
<B>Elastic Purejoy, The</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Elastic Purejoy
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Electric Hellfire Club, The</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Burn, Baby, Burn
<BR><I>1995:</I> Kiss the Goat
<B>Elfman, Danny</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> So-Lo
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1089</A>
<B>Emergency Broadcast Network</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Telecommunication Breakdown
<B>Engorged with Blood</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Engorged with Blood <I>(EP)</I>
<B>Eno, Brian</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Before and After Science
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1064</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Fear: the Mindkiller <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Basket Case <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1984-1986:</I> various singles
<BR><I>1986:</I> Wonderland
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1029</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Estep, Maggie</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> No More Mister Nice Girl
<B>Ethyl Meatplow</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Happy Days Sweetheart
<BR><I>1993:</I> Devil's Johnson <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5232</A>
<BR><I>1981:</I> In the Garden
<BR><I>1982:</I> Love is a Stranger <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> This is the House <I>(live EP)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Sweet Dreams
<BR><I>1983:</I> Touch
<BR><I>1984:</I> 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<B>Executive Slacks</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Fire and Ice
<B>Faith and the Muse</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Elyria
<B>Fixx, The</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Shuttered Room
<BR><I>1983:</I> Reach the Beach
<BR><I>1984:</I> Phantoms
<BR><I>1986:</I> Walkabout
<BR><I>1987:</I> React <I>(live)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4603</A>
<BR><I>19??:</I> Rife
<BR><I>1995:</I> Gash
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2750</A>
<B>Fortran 5</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Blues
<BR><I>1993:</I> Bad Head Park
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3469</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>45 Grave</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Debasement Tapes
<B>Frankie goes to Hollywood</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3222</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Doot Doot
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Front 242</B>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Masterhit <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Geography
<BR><I>1987:</I> Official Version
<BR><I>1985:</I> No Comment
<BR><I>1982:</I> Two In One <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982-1985:</I> Backcatalogue <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Headhunter <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Front by Front
<BR><I>1989:</I> Never Stop <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Tyrrany For You
<BR><I>1991:</I> Tragedy For You <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Rhythm of Time <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Religion <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Animal <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> 06:21:03:11 Up Evil
<BR><I>1993:</I> 05:22:09:12 Off
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1059</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Front Line Assembly</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Convergence
<BR><I>1989:</I> Digital Tension Dementia <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Gashed Senses and Crossfire
<BR><I>1991:</I> Caustic Grip
<BR><I>1992:</I> Tactical Neural Implant
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1161</A>
<BR><I>1989:</I> 13 Songs
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2053</A>
<B>Fun Boy Three</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> It Ain't What You Do / Just Do It / Funrama Theme <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1981-1983:</I> The Best of Fun Boy Three <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> We've got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It!!
<BR><I>1986:</I> Love is the Slug <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Rules and Regulations <I>(single)</I>
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Gabriel, Peter</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Peter Gabriel I
<BR><I>1978:</I> Peter Gabriel II
<BR><I>1980:</I> Peter Gabriel III
<BR><I>1982:</I> Security
<BR><I>1983:</I> Peter Gabriel Plays Live <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Birdy <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> So
<BR><I>1986:</I> Live at the Civic Arena <I>(live boot)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Passion <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1016</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Garbage
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Game Theory</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Lolita Nation
<B>Gang of 4</B>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Entertainment
<BR><I>1979:</I> Peel Sessions <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Solid Gold
<BR><I>1981:</I> Another Day / Another Dollar
<BR><I>1982:</I> I Love a Man In a Uniform <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Songs of the Free
<BR><I>1983:</I> Is It Love <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Hard
<BR><I>1983:</I> At the Palace <I>(live)</I>
<BR><I>1979-1983:</I> A Brief History of the Twentieth Century <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> To Hell With Poverty <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Mall
<BR><I>1990:</I> Money Talks <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Tatoo <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Shrinkwrapped
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Glove, The</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Blue Sunshine
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1159</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>God is my Copilot</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Speed Yr Trip
<B>Gracious Shades</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Aberkash
<BR><I>1995:</I> Kittymuzzle
<BR><I>1993:</I> Slow Motion Apocalypse
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5482</A>
<B>Pizzicato Five</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Sound of Music
<B>PJ Harvey</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Dry
<BR><I>1993:</I> Rid of Me
<BR><I>1993:</I> 4-Track Demos
<BR><I>1995:</I> Down by the Water <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> To Bring You My Love
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1221</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Psychick Warriors ov Gaia</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Ov Biospheres and Sacred Groves
<B>Hagen, Nina</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> In Ekstasy
<BR><I>1978-1982:</I> nunsexmonkrock / Nina Hagen Band
<B>Hate Dept.</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Meat Your Maker
<BR><I>1995:</I> Mainline <I>(EP)</I>
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Haysi Fantayzee</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Shiny Shiny remix <I>(single)</I>
<B>Heaven 17</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Penthouse and Pavement
<BR><I>1982:</I> Heaven 17
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Luxury Gap
<BR><I>1984:</I> How Men Are
<B>Hope, Peter and Kirk, Richard</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Hoodoo Talk
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2307</A>
<B>Kershaw, Nik</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Human Racing
<B>Kirk, Richard</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Virtual State
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2307</A>
<B>Human League</B>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Reproduction
<BR><I>1980:</I> Travelogue
<BR><I>1981:</I> Dare
<BR><I>1983:</I> Fascination
<BR><I>1984:</I> Hysteria
<BR><I>1995:</I> Octopus
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4631</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Hunters and Collectors</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Human Frailty
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4553</A>
<B>Ice T</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> New Jack Hustler <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2342</A>
<B>In the Nursery</B>
<BR><I>19??:</I> L'Esprit
<BR><I>1982:</I> Shabooh Shoobah
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Swing
<BR><I>1985:</I> Listen Like Thieves
<BR><I>1988:</I> Kick
<BR><I>1990:</I> X
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1284</A>
<B>J., David</B>
<BR><I>1983-1986:</I> On Glass <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Crocodile Tears and the Velvet Cosh
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1215</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Jesus and Mary Chain, The</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Reverence <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Honey's Dead
<BR><I>1995:</I> Hate Rock and Roll <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1228</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Jones, Grace</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Sex Drive <I>(single)</I>
<B>Jones, Howard</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Humans' Lib
<BR><I>1985:</I> Dream Into Action
<B>Joy Division</B>
<BR><I>1977-1978:</I> Warsaw <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Unknown Pleasures
<BR><I>1980:</I> Closer
<BR><I>1980:</I> Transmission / Novelty <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Still
<BR><I>1977-1980:</I> Substance <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Ceremonial: A Tribute <I>(various)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1214</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>King Crimson</B>
<BR><I>1969:</I> In the Court of the Crimson King
<BR><I>1973:</I> Larks' Tongues in Aspic
<BR><I>1974:</I> Starless and Bible Black
<BR><I>1981:</I> Dicipline
<BR><I>1982:</I> Beat
<BR><I>1984:</I> Three of a Perfect Pair
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1323</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Angst
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1452</A>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Trans-Europe Express <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1027</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1988:</I> L7
<BR><I>1990:</I> Smell the Magic
<BR><I>1992:</I> Bricks are Heavy
<BR><I>1994:</I> Hungry for Stink
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1998</A>
<B>Le&ae;ther Strip</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Legacy of Hate and Lust
<B>Lemon Kittens</B>
<BR><I>1978-1980:</I> We Buy a Hammer for Daddy
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1746</A>
<B>Letters to Cleo</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Aurora Gory Alice
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3000</A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Frequencies
<BR><I>1996:</I> Advance
<B>London After Midnight</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Selected Scenes from the End of the World
<B>Lords of Acid</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Rough Sex <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Voodoo U
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Crablouse: Variations on a Species <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2356</A>
<B>Lords of the New Church, The</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Is Nothing Sacred?
<B>Love and Rockets</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Ball of Confusion / Inside the Outside <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven
<BR><I>1986:</I> Express
<BR><I>1986:</I> Kundalini Express / Lucifer Sam / Holiday on the Moon <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Earth, Sun, Moon
<BR><I>1989:</I> No Big Deal <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Motorcycle <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Love and Rockets
<BR><I>1994:</I> This Heaven <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Body and Soul <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Hot Trip to Heaven
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Glittering Darkness <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1996:</I> Sweet F. A.
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1215</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Love is Colder than Death</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Oxeia
<BR><I>19??:</I> Mental Traveller
<BR><I>19??:</I> Teignmouth
<B>Low Pop Suicide</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Disengagement <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> On the Cross of Commerce
<BR><I>1994:</I> Kiss Your Lips <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Death of Excellence
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1984</A>
<B>Luscious Jackson</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> In Search of Manny
<BR><I>1994:</I> Natural Ingredients
<BR><I>1990:</I> Gala
<BR><I>1992:</I> Spooky
<BR><I>1994:</I> Split
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2359</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Lwin, Annabella</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> War Boys <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Car Sex <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2301</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> A Day in the Stark Corner
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Pop Musik <I>(7inch)</I>
<B>Machines of Loving Grace</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Rite of Shiva <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Machines of Loving Grace
<BR><I>1992:</I> Burn Like Brilliant Trash <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Concentration
<BR><I>1995:</I> Gilt
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1219</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Pump Up the Volume / Anitina <I>(single)</I>
<B>Mallinder, Stephen</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Pow Wow
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2307</A>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Terrorvision
<B>March Violets, The</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Natural History
<BR><I>1982-1984:</I> The Botanic Verses <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1983-1985:</I> Electric Shades <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Deep <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> A Turn to the Sky / Never Look Back / Deep / Rebirth <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1114</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Martha and the Muffins</B>
<BR><I>1980-1984:</I> Far Away in Time <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2529</A>
<B>Mary's Danish</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Circa
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3727</A>
<B>MC 900 Foot Jesus</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Hell With the Lid Off
<BR><I>1989:</I> UFOs Are Real <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Welcome to My Dream
<BR><I>1990:</I> Killer Inside Me <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1229</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>McLachlan, Sarah</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Into the Fire <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1389</A>
<B>Meat Beat Manifesto</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Armed Audio Warfare
<BR><I>1990:</I> Dog Star Man <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> 99%
<BR><I>1990:</I> Psyche Out <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Now <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Satryicon
<BR><I>1993:</I> Peel Session <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3626</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> The Buried Life
<BR><I>1994:</I> Shot Forth Self Living
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1432</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Mephisto Walz</B>
<BR><I>1986-1992:</I> Crocosmia
<BR><I>1993:</I> Terra-Regina <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Eternal Deep
<BR><I>1995:</I> Thalia
<B>Midnight Oil</B>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Head Injuries
<BR><I>1981:</I> Place without a Postcard
<BR><I>1983:</I> 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
<BR><I>1985:</I> Red Sails in the Sunset
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1102</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Miller, Roger</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Maximum Electric Piano
<BR><I>1983:</I> With Sympathy
<BR><I>1984:</I> Halloween Remix / The Nature of Outtakes <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1981-1984:</I> various singles
<BR><I>1985:</I> Cold Life
<BR><I>1985:</I> Over the Shoulder / Isle of Man <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Twitch
<BR><I>1988:</I> 12 Inch Singles <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> The Land of Rape and Honey
<BR><I>1988:</I> Stigmata / Tonight we Murder <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste
<BR><I>1991:</I> Jesus Built my Hotrod <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Psalm 69
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1100</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Miranda Sex Garden</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Gush Forth my Tears
<BR><I>1991:</I> Madra
<BR><I>1992:</I> Iris
<BR><I>1993:</I> Suspiria
<BR><I>1994:</I> Fairytales of Slavery
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3007</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Missing Persons</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Missing Persons <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Spring Session M
<BR><I>1984:</I> Rhyme & Reason
<BR><I>1982-1984:</I> Best of <I>(comp)</I>
<B>Mistle Thrush</B>
<BR><I>199?:</I> Silt
<BR><I>1994:</I> Agus Amàrach
<B>Mission, The</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> God's Own Medicine
<BR><I>1987:</I> the First Chapter
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2045</A>
<B>Mission of Burma</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Forget
<B>Morissette, Alanis</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Jagged Little Pill
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3127</A>
<B>Morrison, Patricia</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Reflect on This
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1062</A>
<B>Moyet, Allison</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> ALF
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3410</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Murder Inc.</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Murder Inc.
<B>Mussolini Headkick</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Blood on the Flag
<B>Murphy, Peter</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Should the World Fail to Fall Apart
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1235</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>My Bloody Valentine</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Isn't Anything
<BR><I>1991:</I> Loveless
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1912</A>
<B>My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits
<BR><I>1989:</I> K00Ler than Jesus
<BR><I>1990:</I> Confessions of a Knife...
<BR><I>1990:</I> Swine & Roses / Naive (KMFDM) <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3478</A>
<B>Neither/Neither World</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Tales of True Crime
<BR><I>1995:</I> Brain over Muscle
<B>New Fast Automatic Daffodils</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Pigeonhole
<BR><I>1992:</I> Bong
<B>New Order</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Movement
<BR><I>1981:</I> Temptation / Hurt <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Factus 8
<BR><I>1984:</I> Power, Corruption, and Lies
<BR><I>1984:</I> Blue Monday <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Perfect Kiss <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Confusion <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Low Life
<BR><I>1983-5:</I> various singles
<BR><I>1986:</I> Brotherhood
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1126</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Nine Inch Nails</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Pretty Hate Machine
<BR><I>1989:</I> Head Like a Hole <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Sin <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Broken <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Fixed <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> March of the Pigs <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Downward Spiral
<BR><I>1994:</I> Closer to God <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Closer (Further Away) <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Further Down the Spiral <I>(remixes)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1046</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Nevermind
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1052</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Nitzer Ebb</B>
<BR><I>1987:</I> That Total Age
<BR><I>1987:</I> Warsaw Ghetto <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> So Bright So Strong <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Get Clean <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Control: I'm Here <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Hearts and Minds <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Belief
<BR><I>1990:</I> Showtime
<BR><I>1991:</I> I Give to You <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> As Is <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Ebbhead
<BR><I>1991:</I> Godhead <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1164</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>No Doubt</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Tragic Kingdom
<B>Noise Unit</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Grinding Into Emptiness
<BR><I>1993:</I> Rise
<B>Numan, Gary</B>
<BR><I>1978:</I> Tubeway Army
<BR><I>1978:</I> The Plan
<BR><I>1979:</I> Replicas
<BR><I>1979:</I> The Pleasure Principle
<BR><I>1980:</I> Telekon
<BR><I>1981:</I> Warriors
<BR><I>1981:</I> Dance
<BR><I>1982:</I> I, Assassin
<BR><I>1984:</I> White Noise <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Ghost <I>(double live)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1409</A>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Smash
<B>Oingo Boingo</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Forbidden Zone <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Only a Lad
<BR><I>1983:</I> Good for Your Soul
<BR><I>1986:</I> Dead Man's Party
<BR><I>1987:</I> Nothing to Fear
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1089</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Orb, The</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld
<BR><I>1991:</I> Aubrey Mixes, the Ultraworld Excursions
<BR><I>1991:</I> Little Fluffy Clouds <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> U.F.Orb
<BR><I>1993:</I> live 93 <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Pomme Fritz
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1121</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Orbital 2
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2049</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> OMD <I>(US release)</I>
<BR><I>1980:</I> OMD <I>(UK release)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Bunker Soldiers
<BR><I>1981:</I> Architecture & Morality
<BR><I>1983:</I> Dazzle Ships
<BR><I>1984:</I> Junk Culture
<BR><I>1985:</I> Crush
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5370</A>
<B>Oxygiene 23</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Blue
<B>187 Calm</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> One Eighty Seven Calm <I>(EP)</I>
<B>1000 Homo DJs</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Supernaut <I>(EP)</I>
<B>Opus III</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Mind Fruit
<BR><I>1994:</I> Guru Mother
<B>Pain Teens</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Born in Blood / Case Histories
<BR><I>1992:</I> Stimulation Festival
<BR><I>1993:</I> Destroy Me, Lover
<BR><I>1995:</I> Beast of Dreams
<B>Paralysed Age</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Nocturne
<BR><I>1990:</I> Gub
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1165</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Pink Floyd</B>
<BR><I>1973:</I> Dark Side of the Moon
<BR><I>1975:</I> Wish You were Here
<BR><I>1978:</I> The Wall <I>(double soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> A Collection of Great Dance Songs <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> A Saucerful of Pink: a Tribute <I>(double, various)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1008</A>
<B>Polygon Window</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Surfing on Sine Waves
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5279</A>
<BR><I>1979:</I> Outlandos D'Amour
<BR><I>1980:</I> Ghost in the Machine
<BR><I>1981:</I> Zenyatta Mondatta
<BR><I>1983:</I> Synchronicity
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1172</A>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Hello
<B>Pop, Iggy</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Lust for Life
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4345</A>
<B>Powerman 5000</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Blood Splat Rating System
<B>Powerstation, The</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Powerstation
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1259</A>
<BR><I>199?:</I> Iron Lung <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Helium
<BR><I>1995:</I> Sargasso Sea
<BR><I>1995:</I> Prick
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3683</A>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Sailing on the Seas of Cheese
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1055</A>
<B>Project Pitchfork</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Dhyani
<BR><I>1985:</I> A Secret Wish, US version
<BR><I>1985:</I> A Secret Wish, UK version <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> p:machinery (polish / passive) / Frozen Faces <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Duel / Jewel <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Wishful Thinking <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Heaven Give Me Words <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> p:machinery t-empo remix <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4636</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Prophetess, The</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> The Prophetess
<B>Public Image Limited</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Album
<B>Rage Against the Machine</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Rage Against the Machine
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1424</A>
<B>Romeo Void</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Never Say Never / Present Tense <I>(single)</I>
<B>Blaine Reininger</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Expatriate Journals
<B>Red Aunts</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Drag
<BR><I>1994:</I> Bad Motherfucker 400-Z
<BR><I>1995:</I> #1 Chicken
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4619</A>
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Politics of Dancing / Re-Flex It <I>(single)</I>
<B>Revolting Cocks</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Big Sexy Land
<BR><I>1988:</I> You Goddamned Son of a Bitch <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Stainless Steel Providers <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Beers, Steers, and Queers
<BR><I>1993:</I> Linger Ficken' Good
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1100</A>
<B>Ridgway, Stan</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> The Big Heat
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2904</A>
<B>Rosemarys, The</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Providence
<B>Rosetta Stone</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Adrenaline
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Tyrrany of Inaction
<BR><I>1995:</I> Salt Peter
<BR><I>1994:</I> Hating Brenda
<BR><I>1984:</I> Grace Under Pressure
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1039</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Digital Lifeforms
<BR><I>1990:</I> Here Comes Trouble
<B>Scar Tissue</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Scar Tissue
<B>Scritti Politti</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Cupid & Psyche
<B>Severed Heads</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Since the Accident
<BR><I>1986:</I> Come Visit the Big Bigot
<BR><I>1987:</I> Bad Mood Guy
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1480</A>
<B>Sex Gang, Andi</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Arco Valley
<B>Sex Gang Children</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Blind
<BR><I>1993:</I> Dieche
<BR><I>1993:</I> Medea
<B>Shadow Project</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Shadow Project
<BR><I>1991:</I> Blowtorch Facelift
<BR><I>1993:</I> Crushits
<B>Sheep on Drugs</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Greatest Hits <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Suck <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Tench
<BR><I>1983:</I> Care
<BR><I>1983:</I> Care <I>(Y version)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Lined Up / Hapax Legomena <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Lined Up / My Spine / Accretions /Into Method <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> My Spine / Accretions / Clear Trails <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Sexthinkone / Here Comes My Hand <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Jamscience <I>(UK release)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Jamscience <I>(Holland release)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Knowledge, Power, Truth, and Sex
<BR><I>1984:</I> Mercy Dash <I>(picture disc, single)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Hand on my Heart <I>(picture disc, single)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> The Infinite <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Oil and Gold
<BR><I>1985:</I> Fish Below the Ice <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1983-1985:</I> Priests and Kannibals <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Big Night Music
<BR><I>1986:</I> Islam Grotto <I>(live boot)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Evolution <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> The Dancing Years <I>(remixes)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Sacred City
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1248</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Siglo XX</B>
<BR><I>1983-1986:</I> Antler Tracks I <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Fear and Desire
<B>Single Gun Theory</B>
<BR><I>1989?:</I> Exorcise this Wasteland
<BR><I>1991:</I> Like Stars in my Hands
<BR><I>1993:</I> Burning Bright (but Unseen) <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Flow, River of my Soul
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1404</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Siouxsie and the Banshees</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Peel Sessions <I>(live EP)</I>
<BR><I>1978:</I> Peel Sessions 2 <I>(live EP)</I>
<BR><I>1978:</I> The Scream
<BR><I>1979:</I> Join Hands
<BR><I>1980:</I> Kaleidoscope
<BR><I>1981:</I> juju
<BR><I>1981:</I> Once Upon a Time <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Spellbound / Follow the Sun / Slap Dash Snap <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Slowdive / Obsession II / Cannibal Roses <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> A Kiss in the Dream House
<BR><I>1983:</I> Nocturne <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Hyaena
<BR><I>1985:</I> Tinderbox
<BR><I>1986:</I> Through the Looking Glass
<BR><I>1987:</I> Song from the Edge of the World <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Peekaboo / False Face / Catwalk <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Peepshow
<BR><I>1991:</I> Superstition
<BR><I>1991:</I> Kiss Them for Me <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Rapture
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1216</A>
<B>Sister Machine Gun</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Sins of the Flesh
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Torture Technique
<BR><I>1994:</I> Nothing <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Wired / Lung <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Burn
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3612</A>
<B>Sisterhood, The</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Gift
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1115</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Sisters of Mercy</B>
<BR><I>1985:</I> First and Last and Always
<BR><I>1988:</I> Floodland
<BR><I>1988:</I> More / You Could be the One <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Vision Thing
<BR><I>1992:</I> Some Girls Wander by Mistake <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Temple of Love 1992 <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> First and Last and Forever: A Tribute <I>(various)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Under the Gun / Alice 1993 <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1062</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Skeletal Family</B>
<BR><I>1984-1985:</I> Burning Oil / Futile Combat
<B>Skinny Puppy</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Back and Forth, Series Two
<BR><I>1984:</I> Bites
<BR><I>1984:</I> Remission
<BR><I>1984:</I> Bites and Remission
<BR><I>1986:</I> Mind: the Perpetual Intercourse
<BR><I>1986:</I> Dig It <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate
<BR><I>1988:</I> Vivisect VI
<BR><I>1989:</I> Rabies
<BR><I>1990:</I> Too Dark Park
<BR><I>1990:</I> Censor <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> 12 Inch Anthology <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Last Rights
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1166</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Sky Cries Mary</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> A Return to the Inner Experience
<BR><I>1994:</I> This Timeless Turning
<BR><I>1994:</I> Every Iceberg is Afire / Deep Sunless Sea / Cornerman <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1437</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Dear Valued Customer
<B>Soh Daiko</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Taiko Drum Ensemble
<B>Some, Belouis</B>
<BR><I>1984:</I> Some People <I>(single)</I>
<B>Southern Death Cult</B>
<BR><I>1982-1983:</I> Southern Death Cult <I>(comp)</I>
<B>Spahn Ranch</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Coiled One
<BR><I>1984:</I> Playback
<BR><I>1986:</I> Insecurity <I>(single)</I>
<B>Stabbing Westward</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Violent Mood Swings <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Ungod
<BR><I>1995:</I> What Do I Have to Do / Falls Apart <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Wither Blister Burn and Peel
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2415</A>
<B>Strange Boutique</B>
<BR><I>199?:</I> Charm
<BR><I>199?:</I> The Kindest Words
<BR><I>199?:</I> The Loved One
<I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Steroid Maximus</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Quilombo
<BR><I>1992:</I> Gondwanaland
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2750</A>
<B>Sugarcubes, The</B>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Life's Too Good
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3419</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1992:</I> O3
<B>Switchblade Symphony</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Fable <I>(tape/EP)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Elegy <I>(tape/EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Serpentine Gallery
<B>Talking Heads</B>
<BR><I>1977:</I> Talking Heads '77
<BR><I>1978:</I> More Songs About Buildings and Food
<BR><I>1979:</I> The Name of This Band is Talking Heads <I>(double live)</I>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Fear of Music
<BR><I>1983:</I> Sp eak in gI n To ngu es
<BR><I>1985:</I> Stop Making Sense <I>(live soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Little Creatures
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1012</A>
<B>Tears For Fears</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> The Hurting
<BR><I>1985:</I> Songs From the Big Chair
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2763</A>
<B>Tel Basta</B>
<BR><I>1996:</I> Lickerish
<BR><I>1995:</I> An Embassy in Gaius
<BR><I>1992:</I> Caucasian Psychosis
<BR><I>1992:</I> Nurse
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2044</A>
<B>13 Mg.</B>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Trust and Obey
<B>This Ascension</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Light and Shade
<BR><I>1994:</I> Walk Softly, a Dream Lies Here
<B>Throwing Muses</B>
<BR><I>1986:</I> Throwing Muses
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1357</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Synaptic Hardware
<B>Tin Machine</B>
<BR><I>1989:</I> Tin Machine
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1098</A>
<B>Tit Wrench United</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Full Employment
<B>Tom Tom Club</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Tom Tom Club
<BR><I>1983:</I> Close to the Bone
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1012</A>
<B>Tones on Tail</B>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Tones on Tail
<BR><I>1984:</I> Pop
<BR><I>1984:</I> Performance / Shakes <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1982-1984:</I> Night Music <I>(comp)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1235</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Trance Mission</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Trance Mission
<B>Trance to the Sun</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Ghost Forest
<BR><I>1995:</I> Bloom, Flowers, Bloom!
<BR><I>1995:</I> Venomous Eve
<B>Transvision Vamp</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Little Magnets versus the Bubble of Babble
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">5305</A>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Trio and Error
<B>Tubes, The</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Tubes Rarities And Smash Hits [T.R.A.S.H]
<BR><I>1980:</I> Half-Mute
<BR><I>1983:</I> A Thousand Lives by Picture
<BR><I>1985:</I> Holy Wars
<BR><I>1995:</I> Underflowers
<B>Urban Dance Squad</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Life'n Perspectives of a Genuine Crossover
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4626</A>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Molting
<BR><I>1994:</I> Flux
<BR><I>1978:</I> Systems of Romance
<B>Van Acker, Luc</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Taking Snapshots, Volume 1
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1100</A>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Blade Runner <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1023</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1980:</I> URGH! A Music War <I>(live comp)</I>
<BR><I>1981-1994:</I> Wax Trax Black Box <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1982-198?:</I> In Goth Daze (Anagram version) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1982-1994:</I> In Goth Daze (Cleopatra version) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1982-1993:</I> The Whip (Cleopatra) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1984-1985:</I> IQ6: Zang Tumb Tuum Sampled <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1984-1995:</I> DEC ADE NCE (Nettwerk) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> This is Electronic Body Music <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> From Across This Gray Land #2 (Projekt) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Doctor Death IV: The Marvels of Insect Life <I>(double comp)</I>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Red Hot + Blue <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Bouquet of Dreams <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1980-1992:</I> Gothic Rock <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Mindfield (Third Mind) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> From Across This Gray Land #3 (Projekt) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> The Cyberflesh Conspiracy <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Gárgula Mecânica: World Electrostatic Assembly <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> CCCC: California Cyber Crash Compilation (Cop) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Shut Up Kitty <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1988-1993:</I> Can You See It Yet? (Invisible) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Mysterious Encounters (Cleopatra) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Crow <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Totentanz: The Best of Zoth Ommog <I>(double comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Hy! (Hyperium Compilation volume 1) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> World Domination Sampler <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Rivet Head Culture <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Artificial Intelligence (Warp) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Artificial Intelligence II (Warp) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Big Hard Disk #2 (Smash) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Kindred Spirits (Bedazzled) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Plug In + Turn On (Instinct) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Disease of Lady Madeline (Anubis) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Natural Born Killers <I>(soundtrack comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Afterburn (Wax Trax) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Chaos Compilation (Cop) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Electrocity Vol. 5 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Gothik (Cleopatra) <I>(double comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Godfathers of German Gothic <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Heavenly Voices III (Hyperium) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Mortal Kombat <I>(soundtrack comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> The Tyranny Off the Beat (Off Beat/Cleopatra) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Forced Cranial Removal (Fifth Colvmn) <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Dreams in the Witch House (Grave News) <I>(comp)</I>
<B>Vega, Suzanne</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> 99.9F
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2088</A>
<B>Vinyl Devotion</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> If They Know You're Trying
<B>Volume Magazine</B>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Volume: 1 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1991:</I> Volume: 2 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Volume: 3 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Volume: 4 <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Wasted: The Best of Volume <I>(double comp)</I>
<B>Waitresses, The</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?
<BR><I>1982:</I> Bruiseology
<BR><I>1978-1981:</I> Best Of <I>(comp)</I>
<B>Wake, The</B>
<BR><I>1993:</I> Masked
<B>Wall of Voodoo</B>
<BR><I>1980:</I> fpfpfpfpfpfp
<BR><I>1981:</I> Dark Continent
<BR><I>1982:</I> Call of the West
<BR><I>1986:</I> Seven Days in Sammystown
<BR><I>1987:</I> Happy Planet
<B>Wang Chung</B>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Points On the Curve
<BR><I>1985:</I> To Live and Die in L.A. <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">2245</A>
<BR><I>1987:</I> Rockulator
<BR><I>1991:</I> Movers and Shakers
<BR><I>1991:</I> Do No Wrong <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Eye 842 <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Lips / Eye 842 <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1994:</I> Pay for Me <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> We Care
<BR><I>1995:</I> I'll Do Ya <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe (3 mixes) <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1995:</I> Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / You and Your Sister / Singer Star <I>(single)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">3790</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>White Zombie</B>
<BR><I>1992:</I> Nightcrawlers: the KMFDM Remixes <I>(EP)</I>
<B>Wilde, Kim</B>
<BR><I>1981:</I> Kim Wilde
<BR><I>1984:</I> Teases & Dares
<BR><I>1981-1993:</I> The Singles Collection <I>(comp)</I>
<BR><I>1988:</I> Live at the Whiskey-a-Go-Go <I>(double live)</I>
<B>X Marks the Pedwalk</B>
<BR><I>1994:</I> The Killing Had Begun
<BR><I>1991:</I> Damned Souls
<BR><I>1993:</I> Bitches <I>(EP)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Waxworks
<BR><I>1983:</I> Mummer
<BR><I>1984:</I> The Big Express
<BR><I>1985:</I> 25 O'Clock
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1044</A>
<BR><I>1985:</I> Clan of Xymox
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1295</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<B>Yamashirogumi, Geinoh</B>
<BR><I>1990:</I> Akira <I>(soundtrack)</I>
<BR><I>1982:</I> Upstairs at Eric's
<BR><I>1982:</I> The Other Side of Love <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> You and Me Both
<BR><I>1983:</I> Nobody's Diary / State Farm <I>(single)</I>
<BR><I>1983:</I> Situation <I>(EP)</I>
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">4309</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1980:</I> Solid Pleasure
<BR><I>1981:</I> Stella
<BR><I>1983:</I> You Gotta Say Yes to Another Excess
<BR><I>1987:</I> One Second
<BR><I>1988:</I> Flag
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1506</A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>See also: </I><A HREF=""></A>
<BR><I>1972:</I> Fragile
<BR><I>1975:</I> Classic Yes
<BR><I>1980:</I> Drama
<BR><I>1983:</I> 90125
<I>UBL Card: </I><A HREF="">1038</A>
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14 f1
(jwz's tunes) show
174 690.9 moveto
14 f1
(Last modified: 06-Apr-96.) show
0 663.9 moveto
12 f0
(This is a list of all of the music I have on CD, tape, and vinyl \(including all of the old, embarrasing) show
0 650.6 moveto
12 f0
(stuff...\) This page may look a little funny if you aren't using a browser that supports HTML tables, like) show
0 637.3 moveto
12 f0
(Mozilla) show
37.3 637.3 moveto
12 f0
(.) show
28 610.7 moveto
12 f0
(``) show
35.9 610.7 moveto
12 f2
(Publishing CD lists and tape collections evokes images of lonely, pathetic men who talk) show
28 597.4 moveto
12 f2
(about their cats incessantly.) show
162.6 597.4 moveto
12 f0
('' -- Paul Phillips ) show
0 570.8 moveto
12 f0
(I used to have this set up so that clicking on any name would take you to the appropriate entry of the All) show
0 557.5 moveto
12 f0
(Music Guide at ) show
76.9 557.5 moveto
10 f4
(gopher:// show
244.9 557.5 moveto
12 f0
(; but they have since moved their database from there) show
0 544.2 moveto
12 f0
(to ) show
12.3 544.2 moveto
10 f4
( show
66.3 544.2 moveto
12 f0
(, and in the process, have obfuscated access to the database to such an extent that this is no) show
0 530.9 moveto
12 f0
(longer possible. In order to get at the discographies, you need to weed your way through dozens of) show
0 517.6 moveto
12 f0
(pages, and there seems to be no even semi-reliable way to pre-compute the URL that they will use.) show
0 504.3 moveto
12 f0
(Arrgh!) show
0 477.7 moveto
12 f0
(The Internet Movie Database) show
140.2 477.7 moveto
12 f0
( has an excellent interface for this sort of thing; I really wish more people) show
0 464.4 moveto
12 f0
(would emulate that system.) show
0 437.8 moveto
12 f0
(In this list, I've included links to various related web pages that I've come across; one very cool and) show
0 424.5 moveto
12 f0
(well-organized database to which many of these links point is ) show
299.2 424.5 moveto
12 f0
(The Ultimate Band List) show
412.8 424.5 moveto
12 f0
(; check it out!) show
157.2 397.9 moveto
12 f0
(Jamie Zawinski) show
232.8 397.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
235.8 397.9 moveto
10 f4
(<>) show
343.8 397.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
0 375.6 moveto
504 0 rlineto 0 -2.8 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath fill
18.1 348.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 340.7 moveto
12 f1
(Act) show
49.4 340.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 327.4 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 327.4 moveto
12 f0
( Laughter, Tears, and Rage ) show
298.1 341.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 341.2 moveto
12 f0
(4637) show
379.4 341.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 327.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 327.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 327.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 314.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 314.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
433.6 314.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 301.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 293.8 moveto
12 f1
(Age of Chance) show
106.1 293.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 280.5 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 280.5 moveto
12 f0
( Kiss ) show
86.7 280.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
123.3 280.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 267.2 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 267.2 moveto
12 f0
( Don't Get Mad, Get Even ) show
189.7 267.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
226.3 267.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 254.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 246.4 moveto
12 f1
(Alien Sex Fiend) show
112.1 246.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 233.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1992:) show
87.4 233.1 moveto
12 f0
( Drive My Rocket ) show
177.3 233.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
211.2 233.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 219.8 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 219.8 moveto
12 f0
( Too Much Acid? ) show
147.3 219.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
172.6 219.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 206.5 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 206.5 moveto
12 f0
( Curse ) show
31.5 193.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 193.2 moveto
12 f0
( Open Head Surgery ) show
31.5 179.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 179.9 moveto
12 f0
( Altered States of America ) show
190.3 179.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
215.6 179.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 164 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 164 moveto
12 f0
( Inferno: The Odyssey Continues) show
218.7 168.4 moveto
10 f0
(tm) show
229.2 164 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
232.2 164 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
298.1 246.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 246.9 moveto
12 f0
(5291) show
379.4 246.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 233.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 233.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
427 233.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 151.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 143.2 moveto
12 f1
(Alio Die) show
73.1 143.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 129.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 129.9 moveto
12 f0
( Under a Holy Ritual ) show
298.1 143.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 143.7 moveto
12 f0
(1266) show
379.4 143.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 130.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 130.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.3 130.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 117.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 109.1 moveto
12 f1
(Alphaville) show
84.1 109.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 95.8 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 95.8 moveto
12 f0
( Forever Young ) show
298.1 109.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 109.6 moveto
12 f0
(3056) show
379.4 109.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 96.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 96.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
429.3 96.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 83.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 75 moveto
12 f1
(Altered Images) show
109.8 75 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 2 2
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Happy Birthday ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Bite ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( Collected Images ) show
149 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
182.9 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 669.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f1
(An April March) show
114.8 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Lessons in Vengance ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( Instruments of Lust and Fury ) show
18.1 622.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f1
(And Also the Trees) show
129.8 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1992:) show
87.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( From Horizon to Horizon ) show
216.3 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
250.2 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 614.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
(1867) show
379.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 601.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
453 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 588.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 588.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.3 588.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 575.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 567.5 moveto
12 f1
(Anderson, Laurie) show
122.1 567.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 554.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( Big Science ) show
31.5 540.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( United States Live, parts 1-4 ) show
203 540.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(5 albums\)) show
254.6 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 527.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 527.6 moveto
12 f0
( Mister Heartbreak ) show
31.5 514.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 514.3 moveto
12 f0
( Home of the Brave ) show
157 514.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(live soundtrack\)) show
238.6 514.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 501 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 501 moveto
12 f0
( Bright Red ) show
298.1 568 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 568 moveto
12 f0
(1494) show
379.4 568 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 554.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 554.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
447.3 554.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 541.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 541.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
430.6 541.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 528.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 528.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
427 528.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 488.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 480.2 moveto
12 f1
(Ant, Adam) show
88.1 480.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 466.9 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 466.9 moveto
12 f0
( Kings of the Wild Frontier ) show
31.5 453.6 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 453.6 moveto
12 f0
( Prince Charming ) show
31.5 440.3 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 440.3 moveto
12 f0
( Friend or Foe ) show
31.5 427 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 427 moveto
12 f0
( Dirk Wears White Sox ) show
31.5 413.7 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 413.7 moveto
12 f0
( Viva Le Rock ) show
31.5 400.4 moveto
12 f2
(1979-1986:) show
87.4 400.4 moveto
12 f0
( Antics in the Forbidden Zone ) show
234.7 400.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
268.6 400.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 480.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 480.7 moveto
12 f0
(1205) show
379.4 480.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 467.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 467.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
431 467.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 454.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 454.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
399.6 454.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 387.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 379.6 moveto
12 f1
(Anthrax) show
74.8 379.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 366.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 366.3 moveto
12 f0
( Attack of the Killer B's ) show
178.7 366.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
212.6 366.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 380.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 380.1 moveto
12 f0
(2710) show
379.4 380.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 353.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 345.5 moveto
12 f1
(Aphex Twin) show
94.5 345.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 332.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 332.2 moveto
12 f0
( On ) show
80 332.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
102.6 332.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 318.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( Analogue Bubblebath ) show
170.3 318.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
192.9 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 305.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 305.6 moveto
12 f0
( Ventolin ) show
107.4 305.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
130 305.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 346 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 346 moveto
12 f0
(5279) show
379.4 346 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 332.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 332.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
413.6 332.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 319.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 319.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
417.6 319.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 292.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 284.8 moveto
12 f1
(Arcadia) show
72.8 284.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 271.5 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 271.5 moveto
12 f0
( So Red the Rose ) show
298.1 285.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 285.3 moveto
12 f0
(1259) show
379.4 285.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 258.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 250.7 moveto
12 f1
(Armageddon Dildos) show
134.5 250.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 237.4 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 237.4 moveto
12 f0
( Lost ) show
305.3 251.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
362.6 251.2 moveto
12 f0
(2538) show
386.6 251.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 224.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 216.6 moveto
12 f1
(Ash, Daniel) show
90.8 216.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 203.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 203.3 moveto
12 f0
( Coming Down ) show
31.5 190 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 190 moveto
12 f0
( Foolish Thing Desire ) show
298.1 217.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 217.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 217.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 177.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 169.2 moveto
12 f1
(Archangel, Nathalie) show
134.1 169.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 155.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 155.9 moveto
12 f0
( Owl ) show
18.1 143.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 135.1 moveto
12 f1
(Art of Noise) show
93.4 135.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 121.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 121.8 moveto
12 f0
( Who's Afraid of the Art of Noise? ) show
31.5 108.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 108.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Art of Noise Have Closed Up ) show
31.5 95.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 95.2 moveto
12 f0
( Beatbox ) show
31.5 81.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 81.9 moveto
12 f0
( Daft ) show
298.1 135.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 135.6 moveto
12 f0
(1918) show
379.4 135.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 122.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 122.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 122.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 3 3
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Edited ) show
96.7 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(picture disc\)) show
161 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Attrition) show
76.8 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Smiling, at the Hypogonder Club ) show
225 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
258.9 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 688.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 688.9 moveto
12 f0
(4232) show
379.4 688.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.3 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(AUTECHRe) show
96.8 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( BASSCAD,EP ) show
137.7 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
160.3 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( Amber ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Garbage ) show
18.1 588.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 580.3 moveto
12 f1
(B52's) show
60.1 580.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 567 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 567 moveto
12 f0
( B52's ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( Wild Planet ) show
31.5 540.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 540.4 moveto
12 f0
( Mesopotamia ) show
31.5 527.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 527.1 moveto
12 f0
( Whammy! ) show
31.5 513.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 513.8 moveto
12 f0
( Party Mix ) show
305.7 580.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363 580.8 moveto
12 f0
(2268) show
387 580.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 501.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 493 moveto
12 f1
(Babes in Toyland) show
120.8 493 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( Spanking Machine ) show
31.5 466.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 466.4 moveto
12 f0
( To Mother ) show
31.5 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( Fontanelle ) show
31.5 439.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 439.8 moveto
12 f0
( Pain Killers ) show
31.5 426.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 426.5 moveto
12 f0
( Nemesisters ) show
302.9 493.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.2 493.5 moveto
12 f0
(3190) show
384.2 493.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 413.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 405.7 moveto
12 f1
(Battery) show
70.1 405.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( Meat Market ) show
127.7 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
150.3 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 379.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 379.1 moveto
12 f0
( Mutate ) show
31.5 365.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 365.8 moveto
12 f0
( Lillith 3.2 ) show
113.4 365.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
136 365.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 352.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 352.5 moveto
12 f0
( nv ) show
18.1 339.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 331.7 moveto
12 f1
(Bauhaus) show
76.1 331.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 318.4 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 318.4 moveto
12 f0
( Bela Lugosi's Dead ) show
160.7 318.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
183.3 318.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 305.1 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 305.1 moveto
12 f0
( In the Flat Field ) show
31.5 291.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 291.8 moveto
12 f0
( Mask ) show
31.5 278.5 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 278.5 moveto
12 f0
( Press the Eject and Give Me the Tape ) show
246.3 278.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
271.6 278.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 265.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 265.2 moveto
12 f0
( Burning from the Inside ) show
31.5 251.9 moveto
12 f2
(1979-1984:) show
87.4 251.9 moveto
12 f0
( 1979-1984 ) show
145.3 251.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
179.2 251.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 238.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 238.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Sky's Gone Out ) show
31.5 225.3 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 225.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Last Temptation ) show
166 225.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(live boot\)) show
215.6 225.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 212 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 212 moveto
12 f0
( Rest In Peace: The Final Concert ) show
224.3 212 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
285.2 212 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 198.7 moveto
12 f2
(1996:) show
59.4 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( The Passion of Covers: A Tribute ) show
227 198.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(various\)) show
270.9 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 332.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 332.2 moveto
12 f0
(1235) show
379.4 332.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 318.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.6 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 305.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 305.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 305.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 186 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 177.9 moveto
12 f1
(Belly) show
57.5 177.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 164.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 164.6 moveto
12 f0
( Star ) show
31.5 151.3 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 151.3 moveto
12 f0
( Moon ) show
94 151.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
116.6 151.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 138 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 138 moveto
12 f0
( Baby Silvertooth ) show
147 138 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
169.6 138 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 124.7 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 124.7 moveto
12 f0
( King ) show
298.1 178.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 178.4 moveto
12 f0
(1360) show
379.4 178.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 165.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 165.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 165.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 112 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 103.9 moveto
12 f1
(Berlin) show
63.5 103.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 90.6 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 90.6 moveto
12 f0
( Love Life ) show
31.5 77.3 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 77.3 moveto
12 f0
( Dancing in Berlin / Lost in the Crowd ) show
247.7 77.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
284.3 77.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 104.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 104.4 moveto
12 f0
(4156) show
379.4 104.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 4 4
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Pleasure Victim ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Count 3 and Pray ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(Big Black) show
81.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Hammer Party ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Songs About Fucking ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Rich Man's Eight-Track Tape ) show
231.3 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
265.2 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
302.7 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360 675.6 moveto
12 f0
(2410) show
384 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 622.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f1
(Big Hat) show
71.1 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Selena at my Window ) show
298.1 614.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
(1217) show
379.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 601.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
439 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 588.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 580.3 moveto
12 f1
(Bigod 20) show
76.5 580.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 567 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 567 moveto
12 f0
( The Bog ) show
107 567 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
129.6 567 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( Carpe Diem ) show
123.7 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
146.3 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 541 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f1
(Bikini Kill) show
85.2 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 519.6 moveto
12 f2
(1991-1992:) show
87.4 519.6 moveto
12 f0
( The C.D. Version of the First Two) show
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f0
(Records ) show
298.1 533.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 533.4 moveto
12 f0
(4444) show
379.4 533.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 520.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 520.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.6 520.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 493.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 485.5 moveto
12 f1
(Billy Nayer Show, The) show
146.8 485.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 472.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 472.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Ketchup and Mustard Man ) show
18.1 459.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 451.4 moveto
12 f1
(Billy and the Boingers) show
145.1 451.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( U Stink but I Love You ) show
179 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(flexydisk\)) show
228.9 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 425.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 417.3 moveto
12 f1
(Birdsongs of the Messozoic) show
169.8 417.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 404 moveto
12 f2
(1980-1987:) show
87.4 404 moveto
12 f0
( The Fossil Record ) show
31.5 390.7 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( Sonic Geology ) show
18.1 378 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 369.9 moveto
12 f1
(Birmingham 6) show
105.8 369.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 356.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 356.6 moveto
12 f0
( Police State ) show
304.5 370.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
361.8 370.4 moveto
12 f0
(4348) show
385.8 370.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 343.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 335.8 moveto
12 f1
(Black Tape for a Blue Girl) show
167.8 335.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 322.5 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 322.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Rope ) show
31.5 309.2 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 309.2 moveto
12 f0
( Mesmerized by the Sirens ) show
31.5 295.9 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 295.9 moveto
12 f0
( Ashes in the Brittle Air ) show
31.5 282.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 282.6 moveto
12 f0
( This Lush Garden Within ) show
298.1 336.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 336.3 moveto
12 f0
(1202) show
379.4 336.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 323 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 323 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.3 323 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 269.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 261.8 moveto
12 f1
(Bleeding Stone, The) show
133.8 261.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 248.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( Silent Insanity ) show
135 248.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
157.6 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 235.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 227.7 moveto
12 f1
(Blondie) show
70.8 227.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 214.4 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 214.4 moveto
12 f0
( Autoamerican ) show
31.5 201.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 201.1 moveto
12 f0
( Best of Blondie ) show
306.4 228.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 228.2 moveto
12 f0
(2070) show
387.7 228.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 188.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 180.3 moveto
12 f1
(Blotto) show
62.8 180.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 167 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 167 moveto
12 f0
( Collected Works ) show
18.1 154.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 146.2 moveto
12 f1
(Body Count) show
93.1 146.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 132.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 132.9 moveto
12 f0
( Body Count ) show
298.1 146.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 146.7 moveto
12 f0
(1277) show
379.4 146.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 120.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 112.1 moveto
12 f1
(Bowie, David) show
99.5 112.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 98.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 98.8 moveto
12 f0
( Outside ) show
298.1 112.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 112.6 moveto
12 f0
(1098) show
379.4 112.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 86.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 78 moveto
12 f1
(Bow Wow Wow) show
113.4 78 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.6 78.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 78.5 moveto
12 f0
(2301) show
381.9 78.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 5 5
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( See Jungle ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1982:) show
87.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( I Want Candy ) show
160.7 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
194.6 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( When the Going Gets Tough ) show
31.5 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1983:) show
87.4 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( Girl Bites Dog ) show
164 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
197.9 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 656.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f1
(Breeders, The) show
103.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( Last Splash ) show
298.1 649 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 649 moveto
12 f0
(1242) show
379.4 649 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 635.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 635.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 635.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 622.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f1
(Br\374cken, Claudia) show
122.1 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Love and a Million Other Things ) show
298.1 614.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
(4636) show
379.4 614.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 601.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 588.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 588.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
433.6 588.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 575.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 567.5 moveto
12 f1
(Buggles, The) show
97.5 567.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 554.2 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Age of Plastic ) show
31.5 540.9 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( Adventures in Modern Recording ) show
18.1 528.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 520.1 moveto
12 f1
(Bush, Kate) show
88.1 520.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 506.8 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 506.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Kick Inside ) show
31.5 493.5 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 493.5 moveto
12 f0
( Never For Ever ) show
31.5 480.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 480.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Dreaming ) show
31.5 466.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 466.9 moveto
12 f0
( Hounds of Love ) show
298.1 520.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 520.6 moveto
12 f0
(1032) show
379.4 520.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 507.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 507.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
414.3 507.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 494 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 494 moveto
12 f0
( show
460.6 494 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 480.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 480.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
453.3 480.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 454.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 446.1 moveto
12 f1
(Buzzcocks) show
84.8 446.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 432.8 moveto
12 f2
(1976-1979:) show
87.4 432.8 moveto
12 f0
( Operators Manual ) show
300.6 446.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 446.6 moveto
12 f0
(1351) show
381.9 446.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 420.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 412 moveto
12 f1
(Cabaret Voltaire) show
118.4 412 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 398.7 moveto
12 f2
(1974-1976:) show
87.4 398.7 moveto
12 f0
( 1974-1976 ) show
145.3 398.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
179.2 398.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 385.4 moveto
12 f2
(1978-1983:) show
87.4 385.4 moveto
12 f0
( The Golden Moments of CV ) show
231.3 385.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
265.2 385.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 372.1 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 372.1 moveto
12 f0
( Nag Nag Nag ) show
131.3 372.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
153.9 372.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 358.8 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 358.8 moveto
12 f0
( Mix-Up ) show
104 358.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
126.6 358.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 345.5 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 345.5 moveto
12 f0
( Red Mecca ) show
31.5 332.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 332.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Voice of America ) show
31.5 318.9 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( Johnny Yesno ) show
133.7 318.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
195 318.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 305.6 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 305.6 moveto
12 f0
( 2X45 ) show
31.5 292.3 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 292.3 moveto
12 f0
( Eight Crepescule Tracks ) show
31.5 279 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 279 moveto
12 f0
( The Crackdown ) show
31.5 265.7 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 265.7 moveto
12 f0
( Micro-Phonies ) show
31.5 252.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 252.4 moveto
12 f0
( I Want You ) show
122 252.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
158.6 252.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 239.1 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 239.1 moveto
12 f0
( Drinking Gasoline ) show
31.5 225.8 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 225.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Arm of the Lord ) show
31.5 212.5 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 212.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Convenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the) show
31.5 199.2 moveto
12 f0
(Lord ) show
31.5 185.9 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 185.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Drain Train ) show
31.5 172.6 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 172.6 moveto
12 f0
( Code ) show
31.5 159.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 159.3 moveto
12 f0
( Listen Up ) show
113 159.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(double comp\)) show
182.6 159.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 146 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 146 moveto
12 f0
( Body and Soul ) show
31.5 132.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 132.7 moveto
12 f0
( Colors ) show
31.5 119.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 119.4 moveto
12 f0
( Plasticity ) show
31.5 106.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 106.1 moveto
12 f0
( Western Reworks ) show
306.4 412.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 412.5 moveto
12 f0
(2307) show
387.7 412.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 93.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 85.3 moveto
12 f1
(Cave, Nick) show
87.4 85.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 85.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 85.8 moveto
12 f0
(1273) show
379.4 85.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 6 6
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( From Her to Eternity ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Tender Prey ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(Chemlab) show
78.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Burnout at the Hydrogen Bar ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Magnetic Field Remixes ) show
183.3 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
205.9 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.6 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.9 675.6 moveto
12 f0
(3774) show
379.9 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 635.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f1
(Children on Stun) show
120.1 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( Tourniquets of Love's Desire ) show
18.1 601.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 593.6 moveto
12 f1
(Christian Death) show
113.8 593.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 580.3 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 580.3 moveto
12 f0
( Only Theatre of Pain ) show
31.5 567 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 567 moveto
12 f0
( Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( All the Love All the Hate part Two: All the) show
31.5 540.4 moveto
12 f0
(Hate ) show
31.5 527.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 527.1 moveto
12 f0
( Sexy Death God ) show
298.1 594.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 594.1 moveto
12 f0
(1218) show
379.4 594.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 581 moveto
12 f2
(See also:) show
298.1 567.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.4 567.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 514.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f1
(Chris and Cosey) show
116.1 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 493 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 493 moveto
12 f0
( Trust ) show
18.1 480.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 472.2 moveto
12 f1
(Ciccone Youth) show
107.1 472.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 458.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 458.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Whitey Album ) show
298.1 472.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 472.7 moveto
12 f0
(1087) show
379.4 472.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 446.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 438.1 moveto
12 f1
(ClockDVA) show
87.4 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 424.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( Thirst ) show
31.5 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Hacker/The Act ) show
302.2 438.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.5 438.6 moveto
12 f0
(3999) show
383.5 438.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 398.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 390.7 moveto
12 f1
(Cocteau Twins) show
107.8 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( Garlands ) show
31.5 364.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 364.1 moveto
12 f0
( Head over Heels ) show
31.5 350.8 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Spangle Maker ) show
160 350.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
182.6 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( Treasure ) show
31.5 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( Aikea-Guinea ) show
132.7 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
155.3 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 310.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 310.9 moveto
12 f0
( Echoes in a Shallow Bay ) show
31.5 297.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 297.6 moveto
12 f0
( Tiny Dynamine ) show
141 297.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
163.6 297.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 284.3 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1985:) show
87.4 284.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Pink Opaque ) show
298.1 391.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 391.2 moveto
12 f0
(1074) show
379.4 391.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 377.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
439.3 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 364.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 364.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 364.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 271.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 263.5 moveto
12 f1
(Coil) show
52.8 263.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 250.2 moveto
12 f2
(1986?:) show
65.4 250.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Angelic Conversation ) show
198 250.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
259.3 250.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 236.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 236.9 moveto
12 f0
( Gold is the Metal ) show
31.5 223.6 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 223.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Unreleased Themes for Hellraiser ) show
249.3 223.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
271.9 223.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 210.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 210.3 moveto
12 f0
( Panic / Tainted Love ) show
165.7 210.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
202.3 210.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 197 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 197 moveto
12 f0
( Out of Light Cometh Darkness ) show
31.5 183.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 183.7 moveto
12 f0
( Snow ) show
92.7 183.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
115.3 183.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
305.2 264 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
362.5 264 moveto
12 f0
(1388) show
386.5 264 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 171 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 162.9 moveto
12 f1
(Concrete Blonde) show
117.1 162.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( Concrete Blonde ) show
31.5 136.3 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 136.3 moveto
12 f0
( Free ) show
31.5 123 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 123 moveto
12 f0
( Bloodletting ) show
31.5 109.7 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 109.7 moveto
12 f0
( Walking in London ) show
159.3 109.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
195.9 109.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 96.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 96.4 moveto
12 f0
( Mexican Moon ) show
303.5 163.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.8 163.4 moveto
12 f0
(1396) show
384.8 163.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 83.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 75.6 moveto
12 f1
(Cop Shoot Cop) show
109.5 75.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 7 7
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Ask Questions Later ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Course of Empire) show
122.8 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Course of Empire ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Infested! ) show
108 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
130.6 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Initiation ) show
298.1 688.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 688.9 moveto
12 f0
(2889) show
379.4 688.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
469.6 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 635.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f1
(Cranes) show
68.1 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( Inescapable ) show
122 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
144.6 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Wings of Joy ) show
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( Self-Non-Self ) show
31.5 574.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( Forever ) show
31.5 561.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 561.2 moveto
12 f0
( Jewel ) show
92.7 561.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
115.3 561.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 547.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 547.9 moveto
12 f0
( Loved ) show
31.5 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( Shining Road ) show
131 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(limited edition double EP\)) show
261.9 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 628.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 628.2 moveto
12 f0
(2400) show
379.4 628.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 614.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 614.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
443 614.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 521.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 513.8 moveto
12 f1
(Crash Worship) show
110.5 513.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 500.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 500.5 moveto
12 f0
( ADRV ) show
298.1 514.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 514.3 moveto
12 f0
(1901) show
379.4 514.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 501 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 501 moveto
12 f0
( show
415.3 501 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 487.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 487.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
416.7 487.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 475 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 466.9 moveto
12 f1
(Creatures, The) show
108.8 466.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 453.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 453.6 moveto
12 f0
( Feast ) show
31.5 440.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 440.3 moveto
12 f0
( Boomerang ) show
31.5 427 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 427 moveto
12 f0
( Fury Eyes ) show
114.3 427 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
136.9 427 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 413.7 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 413.7 moveto
12 f0
( Standing There ) show
139 413.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
175.6 413.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
301.8 467.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.1 467.4 moveto
12 f0
(1216) show
383.1 467.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 401 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 392.9 moveto
12 f1
(Cure, The) show
83.4 392.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 379.6 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 379.6 moveto
12 f0
( Boys Don't Cry ) show
31.5 366.3 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 366.3 moveto
12 f0
( Seventeen Seconds ) show
31.5 353 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 353 moveto
12 f0
( Faith ) show
31.5 339.7 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 339.7 moveto
12 f0
( Pornography ) show
31.5 326.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 326.4 moveto
12 f0
( The Walk ) show
31.5 313.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982?:) show
65.4 313.1 moveto
12 f0
( Looking for a Forest ) show
170.3 313.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(live boot\)) show
219.9 313.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 299.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 299.8 moveto
12 f0
( Japanese Whispers ) show
31.5 286.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 286.5 moveto
12 f0
( Lovecats ) show
108.7 286.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
131.3 286.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 273.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 273.2 moveto
12 f0
( Concert ) show
103.3 273.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
128.6 273.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 259.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 259.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Top ) show
31.5 246.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 246.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Head on the Door ) show
31.5 233.3 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 233.3 moveto
12 f0
( Staring at the Sea ) show
149.7 233.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
183.6 233.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 220 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 220 moveto
12 f0
( Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me ) show
31.5 206.7 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 206.7 moveto
12 f0
( Disintegration ) show
31.5 193.4 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 193.4 moveto
12 f0
( Fascination Street ) show
151.7 193.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
188.3 193.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 180.1 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 180.1 moveto
12 f0
( Never Enough ) show
135 180.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
171.6 180.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 166.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995?:) show
65.4 166.8 moveto
12 f0
( Give Me the Cure: 18 DC Bands ) show
228.7 166.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(various\)) show
272.6 166.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 393.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 393.4 moveto
12 f0
(1159) show
379.4 393.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 380.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 380.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
449 380.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 366.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 366.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
417.6 366.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 154.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 146 moveto
12 f1
(Current 93) show
88.4 146 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 132.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986-1991:) show
87.4 132.7 moveto
12 f0
( Island ) show
300.6 146.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 146.5 moveto
12 f0
(3465) show
381.9 146.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 120 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 111.9 moveto
12 f1
(Curve) show
63.4 111.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 98.6 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 98.6 moveto
12 f0
( Frozen ) show
98.7 98.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
121.3 98.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 85.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 85.3 moveto
12 f0
( Cherry ) show
98.7 85.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
121.3 85.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 112.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 112.4 moveto
12 f0
(1355) show
379.4 112.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 99.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 99.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
448 99.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 85.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 85.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
446.6 85.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 8 8
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Doppelganger ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Cuckoo ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(Cyber-Tec) show
86.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Cyber-Tec ) show
18.1 649.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 641 moveto
12 f1
(Daisy Chainsaw) show
113.8 641 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( Hope All Your Dreams Come True ) show
235 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
271.6 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( Love Sick Pleasure ) show
158 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
180.6 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Eleventeen ) show
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( For They Know Not What They Do ) show
18.1 575.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 567 moveto
12 f1
(Dance or Die) show
98.1 567 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( Psychoburbia ) show
18.1 541 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f1
(Danse Society, The) show
128.4 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 519.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 519.6 moveto
12 f0
( Heaven is Waiting ) show
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( Looking Through ) show
18.1 493.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 485.5 moveto
12 f1
(Das Ich) show
70.5 485.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 472.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 472.2 moveto
12 f0
( Satanische Verse ) show
299.9 486 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.2 486 moveto
12 f0
(2337) show
381.2 486 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 459.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 451.4 moveto
12 f1
(Dax, Danielle) show
100.1 451.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986-1988:) show
87.4 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( Dark Adapted Eye ) show
182.7 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp +5\)) show
233.7 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 424.8 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( Whistling for his Love ) show
174.3 424.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
210.9 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( Cat House ) show
115.7 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
152.3 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 398.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 398.2 moveto
12 f0
( Blast the Human Flower ) show
31.5 384.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 384.9 moveto
12 f0
( Pop-Eyes ) show
31.5 371.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( Timber Tongue ) show
140.3 371.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
162.9 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.6 451.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 451.9 moveto
12 f0
(1746) show
381.9 451.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 358.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 350.8 moveto
12 f1
(Death in June) show
102.8 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? ) show
18.1 324.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 316.7 moveto
12 f1
(Definition FX) show
101.8 316.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 303.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 303.4 moveto
12 f0
( Something Inside ) show
149.7 303.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
186.3 303.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 290.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 290.1 moveto
12 f0
( Light Speed Collision ) show
298.1 317.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 317.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
435 317.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 277.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 269.3 moveto
12 f1
(Depeche Mode) show
107.1 269.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 256 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 256 moveto
12 f0
( Speak & Spell ) show
31.5 242.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 242.7 moveto
12 f0
( Just Can't Get Enough / Any Second Now) show
31.5 229.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 229.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 216.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 216.1 moveto
12 f0
( A Broken Frame ) show
31.5 202.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 202.8 moveto
12 f0
( live singles ) show
119.7 202.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
153.6 202.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 189.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 189.5 moveto
12 f0
( Construction Time Again ) show
31.5 176.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 176.2 moveto
12 f0
( People Are People ) show
154.7 176.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp +2\)) show
205.7 176.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 162.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 162.9 moveto
12 f0
( Some Great Reward ) show
31.5 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( Catching Up With Depeche Mode ) show
229.3 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp +4\)) show
280.3 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 136.3 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 136.3 moveto
12 f0
( It's Called a Heart / Fly on the Windscreen) show
31.5 123 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 123 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 109.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 109.7 moveto
12 f0
( Black Celebration ) show
31.5 96.4 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 96.4 moveto
12 f0
( Stripped ) show
106 96.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
142.6 96.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 83.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( A Question of Lust ) show
157.7 83.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
194.3 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 269.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 269.8 moveto
12 f0
(1041) show
379.4 269.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 256.5 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 256.5 moveto
12 f0
( show
423.6 256.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 243.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 243.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
444.6 243.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 9 9
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( 101 ) show
83.4 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
144.3 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Music for the Masses ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( Never Let Me Down ) show
165 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
201.6 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( Personal Jesus ) show
135 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
171.6 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 656 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 656 moveto
12 f0
( I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous: A Swedish) show
31.5 642.7 moveto
12 f0
(Tribute ) show
69.8 642.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(various\)) show
113.7 642.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 630 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 621.9 moveto
12 f1
(Dessau) show
67.5 621.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 608.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 608.6 moveto
12 f0
( Dessau ) show
31.5 595.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 595.3 moveto
12 f0
( Details Sketchy ) show
18.1 582.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 574.5 moveto
12 f1
(Devo) show
57.4 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 561.2 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 561.2 moveto
12 f0
( Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are DEVO! ) show
31.5 547.9 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 547.9 moveto
12 f0
( Freedom of Choice ) show
31.5 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(1977-1990:) show
87.4 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( Greatest Hits ) show
31.5 521.3 moveto
12 f2
(1978-1990:) show
87.4 521.3 moveto
12 f0
( Greatest Misses ) show
298.1 575 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 575 moveto
12 f0
(1088) show
379.4 575 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 561.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 561.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
461 561.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 548.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 548.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
416.6 548.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 535.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 535.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 535.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 508.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 500.5 moveto
12 f1
(Die Krupps) show
91.1 500.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 487.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 487.2 moveto
12 f0
( Rings of Steel ) show
18.1 474.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 466.4 moveto
12 f1
(Die Monster Die) show
115.4 466.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( Withdrawl Method ) show
18.1 440.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 432.3 moveto
12 f1
(Die Warzau) show
93.1 432.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 419 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 419 moveto
12 f0
( Big Electric Metal Bass Face ) show
31.5 405.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 405.7 moveto
12 f0
( Engine ) show
31.5 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( allgoodgirls ) show
122.7 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
145.3 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 379.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 371.6 moveto
12 f1
(Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy) show
199.8 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 358.3 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 358.3 moveto
12 f0
( Hypocrisy is the Greatest Luxury ) show
18.1 345.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f1
(Dolby, Thomas) show
109.5 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Golden Age of Wireless ) show
31.5 310.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 310.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Golden Age of Wireless ) show
203.3 310.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(2nd release: 2) show
31.5 297.6 moveto
12 f2
(new\)) show
54.8 297.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 284.3 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 284.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Flat Earth ) show
298.1 338 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 338 moveto
12 f0
(1961) show
379.4 338 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 324.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 324.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
401 324.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 311.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 311.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 311.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 271.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 263.5 moveto
12 f1
(Doubting Thomas) show
123.8 263.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 250.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 250.2 moveto
12 f0
( Father Don't Cry ) show
148 250.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
170.6 250.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 236.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 236.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Infidel ) show
298.1 264 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 264 moveto
12 f0
(1166) show
379.4 264 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 250.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 250.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.3 250.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 224.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 216.1 moveto
12 f1
(Duran Duran) show
101.1 216.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 202.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 202.8 moveto
12 f0
( Duran Duran ) show
31.5 189.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 189.5 moveto
12 f0
( Carnival ) show
106.7 189.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
129.3 189.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 176.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 176.2 moveto
12 f0
( live ) show
83.4 176.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(live boot\)) show
133 176.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 162.9 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 162.9 moveto
12 f0
( Rio ) show
31.5 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( Union of the Snake / Secret Oktober ) show
240 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
276.6 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 136.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 136.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Wild Boys / Cracks in the Pavement) show
31.5 123 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 123 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 109.7 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 109.7 moveto
12 f0
( Seven and the Ragged Tiger ) show
31.5 96.4 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 96.4 moveto
12 f0
( Notorious ) show
31.5 83.1 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1988:) show
87.4 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( Decade ) show
129.3 83.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
163.2 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.6 216.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 216.6 moveto
12 f0
(1259) show
381.9 216.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 10 10
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.5 moveto
12 f1
(Durutti Column) show
114.5 708.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Guitar and Other Machines ) show
298.1 709 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 709 moveto
12 f0
(4853) show
379.4 709 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 682.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 674.4 moveto
12 f1
(Ebn Ozn) show
77.1 674.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.1 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 661.1 moveto
12 f0
( Feeling Cavalier ) show
18.1 648.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 640.3 moveto
12 f1
(Elastica) show
72.1 640.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 627 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 627 moveto
12 f0
( Elastica ) show
18.1 614.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 606.2 moveto
12 f1
(Elastic Purejoy, The) show
135.8 606.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 592.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 592.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Elastic Purejoy ) show
298.1 606.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 606.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.7 606.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 580.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 572.1 moveto
12 f1
(Electric Hellfire Club, The) show
168.1 572.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 558.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 558.8 moveto
12 f0
( Burn, Baby, Burn ) show
31.5 545.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 545.5 moveto
12 f0
( Kiss the Goat ) show
18.1 532.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 524.7 moveto
12 f1
(Elfman, Danny) show
109.5 524.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 511.4 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 511.4 moveto
12 f0
( So-Lo ) show
298.1 525.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 525.2 moveto
12 f0
(1089) show
379.4 525.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 498.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 490.6 moveto
12 f1
(Emergency Broadcast Network) show
192.1 490.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 477.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 477.3 moveto
12 f0
( Telecommunication Breakdown ) show
18.1 464.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 456.5 moveto
12 f1
(Engorged with Blood) show
140.1 456.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 443.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 443.2 moveto
12 f0
( Engorged with Blood ) show
168.7 443.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
191.3 443.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 430.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 422.4 moveto
12 f1
(Eno, Brian) show
87.5 422.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 409.1 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 409.1 moveto
12 f0
( Before and After Science ) show
298.1 422.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 422.9 moveto
12 f0
(1064) show
379.4 422.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 409.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 409.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
414.6 409.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 396.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 388.3 moveto
12 f1
(Eon) show
52.1 388.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 375 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 375 moveto
12 f0
( Fear: the Mindkiller ) show
162 375 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
184.6 375 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 361.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 361.7 moveto
12 f0
( Basket Case ) show
124.3 361.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
146.9 361.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 349 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 340.9 moveto
12 f1
(Erasure) show
72.8 340.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 327.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984-1986:) show
87.4 327.6 moveto
12 f0
( various singles ) show
31.5 314.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 314.3 moveto
12 f0
( Wonderland ) show
298.1 341.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 341.4 moveto
12 f0
(1029) show
379.4 341.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 328.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 328.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
439 328.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 314.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 314.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 314.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 301.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 293.5 moveto
12 f1
(Estep, Maggie) show
104.1 293.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 280.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 280.2 moveto
12 f0
( No More Mister Nice Girl ) show
18.1 267.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 259.4 moveto
12 f1
(Ethyl Meatplow) show
113.8 259.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 246.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 246.1 moveto
12 f0
( Happy Days Sweetheart ) show
31.5 232.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 232.8 moveto
12 f0
( Devil's Johnson ) show
143 232.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
179.6 232.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.8 259.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
358.1 259.9 moveto
12 f0
(5232) show
382.1 259.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 220.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 212 moveto
12 f1
(Eurythmics) show
91.5 212 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 198.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( In the Garden ) show
31.5 185.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 185.4 moveto
12 f0
( Love is a Stranger ) show
153 185.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
175.6 185.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 172.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 172.1 moveto
12 f0
( This is the House ) show
149 172.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(live EP\)) show
191.9 172.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 158.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 158.8 moveto
12 f0
( Sweet Dreams ) show
31.5 145.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 145.5 moveto
12 f0
( Touch ) show
31.5 132.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 132.2 moveto
12 f0
( 1984 \(For the Love of Big Brother\) ) show
235.3 132.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
296.6 132.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 119.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 111.4 moveto
12 f1
(Executive Slacks) show
117.1 111.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 98.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 98.1 moveto
12 f0
( Fire and Ice ) show
18.1 85.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 77.3 moveto
12 f1
(Faith and the Muse) show
131.1 77.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 11 11
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Elyria ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Fixx, The) show
80.1 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Shuttered Room ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Reach the Beach ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Phantoms ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( Walkabout ) show
31.5 621.9 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 621.9 moveto
12 f0
( React ) show
92.7 621.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
118 621.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.5 688.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.8 688.9 moveto
12 f0
(4603) show
381.8 688.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 609.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f1
(Foetus) show
65.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(19??:) show
59.4 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( Rife ) show
31.5 574.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( Gash ) show
298.1 601.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 601.6 moveto
12 f0
(2750) show
379.4 601.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 561.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f1
(Fortran 5) show
81.1 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 540.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 540.4 moveto
12 f0
( Blues ) show
31.5 527.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 527.1 moveto
12 f0
( Bad Head Park ) show
298.1 554.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 554.2 moveto
12 f0
(3469) show
379.4 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 540.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 514.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f1
(45 Grave) show
78.4 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 493 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 493 moveto
12 f0
( Debasement Tapes ) show
18.1 480.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 472.2 moveto
12 f1
(Frankie goes to Hollywood) show
168.5 472.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 458.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 458.9 moveto
12 f0
( Welcome to the Pleasure Dome ) show
298.1 472.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 472.7 moveto
12 f0
(3222) show
379.4 472.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 459.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 459.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 459.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 446.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 438.1 moveto
12 f1
(Freur) show
61.4 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 424.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( Doot Doot ) show
298.1 438.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 438.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 438.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 412.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 404 moveto
12 f1
(Front 242) show
81.8 404 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 390.7 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( Masterhit ) show
111.3 390.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
133.9 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( Geography ) show
31.5 364.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 364.1 moveto
12 f0
( Official Version ) show
31.5 350.8 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( No Comment ) show
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( Two In One ) show
123.3 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
145.9 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1985:) show
87.4 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( Backcatalogue ) show
164 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
197.9 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 310.9 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 310.9 moveto
12 f0
( Headhunter ) show
121.3 310.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
143.9 310.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 297.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 297.6 moveto
12 f0
( Front by Front ) show
31.5 284.3 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 284.3 moveto
12 f0
( Never Stop ) show
119.7 284.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
142.3 284.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 271 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 271 moveto
12 f0
( Tyrrany For You ) show
31.5 257.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 257.7 moveto
12 f0
( Tragedy For You ) show
148.7 257.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
171.3 257.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 244.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 244.4 moveto
12 f0
( Rhythm of Time ) show
145.4 244.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
168 244.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 231.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 231.1 moveto
12 f0
( Religion ) show
106.7 231.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
129.3 231.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 217.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 217.8 moveto
12 f0
( Animal ) show
101.4 217.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
138 217.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 204.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 204.5 moveto
12 f0
( 06:21:03:11 Up Evil ) show
31.5 191.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 191.2 moveto
12 f0
( 05:22:09:12 Off ) show
298.1 404.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 404.5 moveto
12 f0
(1059) show
379.4 404.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 391.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 391.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
417.6 391.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 377.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.3 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 178.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 170.4 moveto
12 f1
(Front Line Assembly) show
139.5 170.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 157.1 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 157.1 moveto
12 f0
( Convergence ) show
31.5 143.8 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 143.8 moveto
12 f0
( Digital Tension Dementia ) show
190 143.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
212.6 143.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 130.5 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 130.5 moveto
12 f0
( Gashed Senses and Crossfire ) show
31.5 117.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 117.2 moveto
12 f0
( Caustic Grip ) show
31.5 103.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 103.9 moveto
12 f0
( Tactical Neural Implant ) show
304.9 170.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
362.2 170.9 moveto
12 f0
(1161) show
386.2 170.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 91.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 83.1 moveto
12 f1
(Fugazi) show
66.1 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 83.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 83.6 moveto
12 f0
(2053) show
379.4 83.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 12 12
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( 13 Songs ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Fun Boy Three) show
108.8 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( It Ain't What You Do / Just Do It / Funrama Theme ) show
315.7 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
352.3 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1983:) show
87.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Best of Fun Boy Three ) show
225 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
258.9 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 649.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 641 moveto
12 f1
(Fuzzbox) show
74.8 641 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( We've got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It!!) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( Love is the Slug ) show
143.7 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
180.3 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( Rules and Regulations ) show
173.4 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
210 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 641.5 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 641.5 moveto
12 f0
( show
413.3 641.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 575.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 567 moveto
12 f1
(Gabriel, Peter) show
104.1 567 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( Peter Gabriel I ) show
31.5 540.4 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 540.4 moveto
12 f0
( Peter Gabriel II ) show
31.5 527.1 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 527.1 moveto
12 f0
( Peter Gabriel III ) show
31.5 513.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 513.8 moveto
12 f0
( Security ) show
31.5 500.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 500.5 moveto
12 f0
( Peter Gabriel Plays Live ) show
183 500.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
243.9 500.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 487.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 487.2 moveto
12 f0
( Birdy ) show
92.7 487.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
154 487.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 473.9 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 473.9 moveto
12 f0
( So ) show
31.5 460.6 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 460.6 moveto
12 f0
( Live at the Civic Arena ) show
178 460.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(live boot\)) show
227.6 460.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 447.3 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 447.3 moveto
12 f0
( Passion ) show
102 447.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
163.3 447.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 567.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 567.5 moveto
12 f0
(1016) show
379.4 567.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 554.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
414.6 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 540.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
447 540.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 434.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 426.5 moveto
12 f1
(Garbage) show
76.1 426.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 413.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 413.2 moveto
12 f0
( Garbage ) show
298.1 427 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 427 moveto
12 f0
( show
444.6 427 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 400.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 392.4 moveto
12 f1
(Game Theory) show
102.4 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 379.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 379.1 moveto
12 f0
( Lolita Nation ) show
18.1 366.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 358.3 moveto
12 f1
(Gang of 4) show
81.5 358.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 345 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 345 moveto
12 f0
( Entertainment ) show
31.5 331.7 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 331.7 moveto
12 f0
( Peel Sessions ) show
130.4 331.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
155.7 331.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 318.4 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 318.4 moveto
12 f0
( Solid Gold ) show
31.5 305.1 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 305.1 moveto
12 f0
( Another Day / Another Dollar ) show
31.5 291.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 291.8 moveto
12 f0
( I Love a Man In a Uniform ) show
196 291.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
232.6 291.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 278.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 278.5 moveto
12 f0
( Songs of the Free ) show
31.5 265.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 265.2 moveto
12 f0
( Is It Love ) show
112 265.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
148.6 265.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 251.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 251.9 moveto
12 f0
( Hard ) show
31.5 238.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 238.6 moveto
12 f0
( At the Palace ) show
129.3 238.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(live\)) show
154.6 238.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 225.3 moveto
12 f2
(1979-1983:) show
87.4 225.3 moveto
12 f0
( A Brief History of the Twentieth Century) show
31.5 212 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
65.4 212 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 198.7 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( To Hell With Poverty ) show
169.7 198.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
206.3 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 185.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 185.4 moveto
12 f0
( Mall ) show
31.5 172.1 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 172.1 moveto
12 f0
( Money Talks ) show
129 172.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
165.6 172.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 158.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 158.8 moveto
12 f0
( Tatoo ) show
93.3 158.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
129.9 158.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 145.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 145.5 moveto
12 f0
( Shrinkwrapped ) show
298.1 358.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 358.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.7 358.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 132.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 124.7 moveto
12 f1
(Glove, The) show
87.5 124.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 111.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 111.4 moveto
12 f0
( Blue Sunshine ) show
298.1 125.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 125.2 moveto
12 f0
(1159) show
379.4 125.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 111.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 111.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
436 111.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 98.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 90.6 moveto
12 f1
(God is my Copilot) show
124.5 90.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 77.3 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 77.3 moveto
12 f0
( Speed Yr Trip ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 13 13
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 712.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 704.5 moveto
12 f1
(Gracious Shades) show
117.1 704.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 691.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 691.2 moveto
12 f0
( Aberkash ) show
18.1 678.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 670.4 moveto
12 f1
(Grind) show
62.8 670.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 657.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 657.1 moveto
12 f0
( Kittymuzzle ) show
18.1 644.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 636.3 moveto
12 f1
(Grotus) show
67.5 636.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 623 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 623 moveto
12 f0
( Slow Motion Apocalypse ) show
302.1 636.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.4 636.8 moveto
12 f0
(5482) show
383.4 636.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 610.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 602.2 moveto
12 f1
(Pizzicato Five) show
102.4 602.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 588.9 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 588.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Sound of Music ) show
18.1 576.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 568.1 moveto
12 f1
(PJ Harvey) show
85.8 568.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 554.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 554.8 moveto
12 f0
( Dry ) show
31.5 541.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 541.5 moveto
12 f0
( Rid of Me ) show
31.5 528.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 528.2 moveto
12 f0
( 4-Track Demos ) show
31.5 514.9 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 514.9 moveto
12 f0
( Down by the Water ) show
159.7 514.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
196.3 514.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 501.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 501.6 moveto
12 f0
( To Bring You My Love ) show
298.1 568.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 568.6 moveto
12 f0
(1221) show
379.4 568.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 555.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 555.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.6 555.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 488.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 480.8 moveto
12 f1
(Psychick Warriors ov Gaia) show
170.4 480.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 467.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 467.5 moveto
12 f0
( Ov Biospheres and Sacred Groves ) show
18.1 454.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 446.7 moveto
12 f1
(Hagen, Nina) show
95.5 446.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 433.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 433.4 moveto
12 f0
( In Ekstasy ) show
31.5 420.1 moveto
12 f2
(1978-1982:) show
87.4 420.1 moveto
12 f0
( nunsexmonkrock / Nina Hagen Band ) show
18.1 407.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 399.3 moveto
12 f1
(Hate Dept.) show
86.8 399.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 386 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 386 moveto
12 f0
( Meat Your Maker ) show
31.5 372.7 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 372.7 moveto
12 f0
( Mainline ) show
108.7 372.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
131.3 372.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 399.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 399.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
421.3 399.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 360 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 351.9 moveto
12 f1
(Haysi Fantayzee) show
115.8 351.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 338.6 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 338.6 moveto
12 f0
( Shiny Shiny remix ) show
155.4 338.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
192 338.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 325.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 317.8 moveto
12 f1
(Heaven 17) show
85.1 317.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 304.5 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 304.5 moveto
12 f0
( Penthouse and Pavement ) show
31.5 291.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 291.2 moveto
12 f0
( Heaven 17 ) show
31.5 277.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 277.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Luxury Gap ) show
31.5 264.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 264.6 moveto
12 f0
( How Men Are ) show
18.1 251.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 243.8 moveto
12 f1
(Hope, Peter and Kirk, Richard) show
190.1 243.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 230.5 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 230.5 moveto
12 f0
( Hoodoo Talk ) show
298.1 244.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 244.3 moveto
12 f0
(2307) show
379.4 244.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 217.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 209.7 moveto
12 f1
(Kershaw, Nik) show
102.1 209.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 196.4 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 196.4 moveto
12 f0
( Human Racing ) show
18.1 183.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 175.6 moveto
12 f1
(Kirk, Richard) show
104.1 175.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 162.3 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 162.3 moveto
12 f0
( Virtual State ) show
298.1 176.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 176.1 moveto
12 f0
(2307) show
379.4 176.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 149.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 141.5 moveto
12 f1
(Human League) show
110.5 141.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 128.2 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 128.2 moveto
12 f0
( Reproduction ) show
31.5 114.9 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 114.9 moveto
12 f0
( Travelogue ) show
31.5 101.6 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 101.6 moveto
12 f0
( Dare ) show
31.5 88.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 88.3 moveto
12 f0
( Fascination ) show
31.5 75 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 75 moveto
12 f0
( Hysteria ) show
298.1 142 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 142 moveto
12 f0
(4631) show
379.4 142 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 128.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 128.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
417.6 128.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 14 14
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Octopus ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Hunters and Collectors) show
150.8 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Human Frailty ) show
300.2 688.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.5 688.9 moveto
12 f0
(4553) show
381.5 688.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(Ice T) show
57.8 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
( New Jack Hustler ) show
150.7 641 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
173.3 641 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 654.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 654.8 moveto
12 f0
(2342) show
379.4 654.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 628.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 620.2 moveto
12 f1
(In the Nursery) show
106.8 620.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(19??:) show
59.4 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( L'Esprit ) show
18.1 594.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 586.1 moveto
12 f1
(INXS) show
60.1 586.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 572.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( Shabooh Shoobah ) show
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Swing ) show
31.5 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( Listen Like Thieves ) show
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( Kick ) show
31.5 519.6 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 519.6 moveto
12 f0
( X ) show
298.1 586.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 586.6 moveto
12 f0
(1284) show
379.4 586.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 506.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 498.8 moveto
12 f1
(J., David) show
77.1 498.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 485.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1986:) show
87.4 485.5 moveto
12 f0
( On Glass ) show
137.7 485.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
171.6 485.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 472.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 472.2 moveto
12 f0
( Crocodile Tears and the Velvet Cosh ) show
298.1 499.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 499.3 moveto
12 f0
(1215) show
379.4 499.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 486 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 486 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.6 486 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 472.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 472.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 472.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 459.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 451.4 moveto
12 f1
(Jesus and Mary Chain, The) show
173.1 451.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( Reverence ) show
116 438.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
138.6 438.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 424.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( Honey's Dead ) show
31.5 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( Hate Rock and Roll ) show
160.3 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
194.2 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 451.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 451.9 moveto
12 f0
(1228) show
379.4 451.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 438.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 438.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
465.9 438.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 398.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 390.7 moveto
12 f1
(Jones, Grace) show
97.4 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( Sex Drive ) show
113.7 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
150.3 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 364.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 356.6 moveto
12 f1
(Jones, Howard) show
108.1 356.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 343.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 343.3 moveto
12 f0
( Humans' Lib ) show
31.5 330 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 330 moveto
12 f0
( Dream Into Action ) show
18.1 317.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 309.2 moveto
12 f1
(Joy Division) show
94.5 309.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 295.9 moveto
12 f2
(1977-1978:) show
87.4 295.9 moveto
12 f0
( Warsaw ) show
132.7 295.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
166.6 295.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 282.6 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 282.6 moveto
12 f0
( Unknown Pleasures ) show
31.5 269.3 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 269.3 moveto
12 f0
( Closer ) show
31.5 256 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 256 moveto
12 f0
( Transmission / Novelty ) show
178 256 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
214.6 256 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 242.7 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 242.7 moveto
12 f0
( Still ) show
31.5 229.4 moveto
12 f2
(1977-1980:) show
87.4 229.4 moveto
12 f0
( Substance ) show
142 229.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
175.9 229.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 216.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 216.1 moveto
12 f0
( Ceremonial: A Tribute ) show
174.7 216.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(various\)) show
218.6 216.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 309.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 309.7 moveto
12 f0
(1214) show
379.4 309.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 296.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 296.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
421.6 296.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 283.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 283.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
440 283.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 203.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 195.3 moveto
12 f1
(King Crimson) show
104.5 195.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 182 moveto
12 f2
(1969:) show
59.4 182 moveto
12 f0
( In the Court of the Crimson King ) show
31.5 168.7 moveto
12 f2
(1973:) show
59.4 168.7 moveto
12 f0
( Larks' Tongues in Aspic ) show
31.5 155.4 moveto
12 f2
(1974:) show
59.4 155.4 moveto
12 f0
( Starless and Bible Black ) show
31.5 142.1 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 142.1 moveto
12 f0
( Dicipline ) show
31.5 128.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 128.8 moveto
12 f0
( Beat ) show
31.5 115.5 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 115.5 moveto
12 f0
( Three of a Perfect Pair ) show
298.1 195.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 195.8 moveto
12 f0
(1323) show
379.4 195.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 102.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 94.7 moveto
12 f1
(KMFDM) show
79.4 94.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 81.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 81.4 moveto
12 f0
( Angst ) show
298.1 95.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 95.2 moveto
12 f0
(1452) show
379.4 95.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 15 15
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.5 moveto
12 f1
(Kraftwerk) show
86.1 708.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( Trans-Europe Express ) show
172.3 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
194.9 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 709 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 709 moveto
12 f0
(1027) show
379.4 709 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 695.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 695.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
436.3 695.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 682.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 682.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 682.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 669.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 661.6 moveto
12 f1
(L7) show
45.5 661.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 648.3 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 648.3 moveto
12 f0
( L7 ) show
31.5 635 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 635 moveto
12 f0
( Smell the Magic ) show
31.5 621.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 621.7 moveto
12 f0
( Bricks are Heavy ) show
31.5 608.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 608.4 moveto
12 f0
( Hungry for Stink ) show
298.1 662.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 662.1 moveto
12 f0
(1998) show
379.4 662.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 595.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 587.6 moveto
12 f1
(Le&ae;ther Strip) show
120.4 587.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 574.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 574.3 moveto
12 f0
( Legacy of Hate and Lust ) show
18.1 561.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 553.5 moveto
12 f1
(Lemon Kittens) show
107.8 553.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 540.2 moveto
12 f2
(1978-1980:) show
87.4 540.2 moveto
12 f0
( We Buy a Hammer for Daddy ) show
300.6 554 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 554 moveto
12 f0
(1746) show
381.9 554 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 527.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 519.4 moveto
12 f1
(Letters to Cleo) show
107.4 519.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 506.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 506.1 moveto
12 f0
( Aurora Gory Alice ) show
298.1 519.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 519.9 moveto
12 f0
(3000) show
379.4 519.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 493.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 485.3 moveto
12 f1
(LFO) show
56.1 485.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 472 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 472 moveto
12 f0
( Frequencies ) show
31.5 458.7 moveto
12 f2
(1996:) show
59.4 458.7 moveto
12 f0
( Advance ) show
18.1 446 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 437.9 moveto
12 f1
(London After Midnight) show
152.8 437.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 424.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 424.6 moveto
12 f0
( Selected Scenes from the End of the World ) show
18.1 411.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 403.8 moveto
12 f1
(Lords of Acid) show
102.1 403.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 390.5 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 390.5 moveto
12 f0
( Rough Sex ) show
118.4 390.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
155 390.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 377.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 377.2 moveto
12 f0
( Voodoo U ) show
31.5 363.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 363.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Crablouse: Variations on a Species ) show
255 363.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
291.6 363.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.2 404.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.5 404.3 moveto
12 f0
(2356) show
381.5 404.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 351.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 343.1 moveto
12 f1
(Lords of the New Church, The) show
188.1 343.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 329.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 329.8 moveto
12 f0
( Is Nothing Sacred? ) show
18.1 317.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 309 moveto
12 f1
(Love and Rockets) show
122.8 309 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 295.7 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 295.7 moveto
12 f0
( Ball of Confusion / Inside the Outside ) show
248 295.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
284.6 295.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 282.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 282.4 moveto
12 f0
( Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven ) show
31.5 269.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 269.1 moveto
12 f0
( Express ) show
31.5 255.8 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 255.8 moveto
12 f0
( Kundalini Express / Lucifer Sam / Holiday on) show
31.5 242.5 moveto
12 f0
(the Moon ) show
80.8 242.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
117.4 242.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 229.2 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 229.2 moveto
12 f0
( Earth, Sun, Moon ) show
31.5 215.9 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 215.9 moveto
12 f0
( No Big Deal ) show
126 215.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
162.6 215.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 202.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 202.6 moveto
12 f0
( Motorcycle ) show
120.7 202.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
157.3 202.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 189.3 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 189.3 moveto
12 f0
( Love and Rockets ) show
31.5 176 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 176 moveto
12 f0
( This Heaven ) show
126.3 176 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
148.9 176 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 162.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 162.7 moveto
12 f0
( Body and Soul ) show
136.7 162.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
159.3 162.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 149.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 149.4 moveto
12 f0
( Hot Trip to Heaven ) show
31.5 136.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 136.1 moveto
12 f0
( The Glittering Darkness ) show
181.3 136.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
203.9 136.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 122.8 moveto
12 f2
(1996:) show
59.4 122.8 moveto
12 f0
( Sweet F. A. ) show
298.1 309.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 309.5 moveto
12 f0
(1215) show
379.4 309.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 296.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 296.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
465.9 296.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 282.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 282.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.6 282.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 110.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 102 moveto
12 f1
(Love is Colder than Death) show
166.1 102 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 88.7 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 88.7 moveto
12 f0
( Oxeia ) show
31.5 75.4 moveto
12 f2
(19??:) show
59.4 75.4 moveto
12 f0
( Mental Traveller ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 16 16
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(19??:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Teignmouth ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Low Pop Suicide) show
117.5 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Disengagement ) show
140 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
162.6 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( On the Cross of Commerce ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Kiss Your Lips ) show
138.7 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
184 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Death of Excellence ) show
306.4 688.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 688.9 moveto
12 f0
(1984) show
387.7 688.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 622.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f1
(Luscious Jackson) show
121.1 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 601.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 601.1 moveto
12 f0
( In Search of Manny ) show
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( Natural Ingredients ) show
18.1 575.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 567 moveto
12 f1
(Lush) show
57.5 567 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 553.7 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 553.7 moveto
12 f0
( Gala ) show
31.5 540.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 540.4 moveto
12 f0
( Spooky ) show
31.5 527.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 527.1 moveto
12 f0
( Split ) show
298.1 567.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 567.5 moveto
12 f0
(2359) show
379.4 567.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 554.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 554.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 514.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f1
(Lwin, Annabella) show
116.8 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 493 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 493 moveto
12 f0
( War Boys ) show
113.7 493 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
150.3 493 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( Car Sex ) show
103.7 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
126.3 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.5 506.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.8 506.8 moveto
12 f0
(2301) show
381.8 506.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 467 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 458.9 moveto
12 f1
(Lycea) show
62.1 458.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 445.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 445.6 moveto
12 f0
( A Day in the Stark Corner ) show
298.1 459.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 459.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.3 459.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 432.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 424.8 moveto
12 f1
(M) show
42.8 424.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( Pop Musik ) show
117.7 411.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(7inch\)) show
152.3 411.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 398.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 390.7 moveto
12 f1
(Machines of Loving Grace) show
167.1 390.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( Rite of Shiva ) show
128.7 377.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
165.3 377.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 364.1 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 364.1 moveto
12 f0
( Machines of Loving Grace ) show
31.5 350.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( Burn Like Brilliant Trash ) show
187.7 350.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
210.3 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( Concentration ) show
31.5 324.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 324.2 moveto
12 f0
( Gilt ) show
298.1 391.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 391.2 moveto
12 f0
(1219) show
379.4 391.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 377.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
420.6 377.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 311.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 303.4 moveto
12 f1
(M|A|R|R|S) show
86 303.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 290.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 290.1 moveto
12 f0
( Pump Up the Volume / Anitina ) show
215.7 290.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
252.3 290.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 277.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 269.3 moveto
12 f1
(Mallinder, Stephen) show
130.1 269.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 256 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 256 moveto
12 f0
( Pow Wow ) show
299.9 269.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.2 269.8 moveto
12 f0
(2307) show
381.2 269.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 243.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 235.2 moveto
12 f1
(Manufacture) show
98.8 235.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 221.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 221.9 moveto
12 f0
( Terrorvision ) show
18.1 209.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 201.1 moveto
12 f1
(March Violets, The) show
130.4 201.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 187.8 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 187.8 moveto
12 f0
( Natural History ) show
31.5 174.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1984:) show
87.4 174.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Botanic Verses ) show
188 174.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
221.9 174.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 161.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1985:) show
87.4 161.2 moveto
12 f0
( Electric Shades ) show
167.7 161.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
201.6 161.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 147.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 147.9 moveto
12 f0
( Deep ) show
90.7 147.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
113.3 147.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 134.6 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 134.6 moveto
12 f0
( A Turn to the Sky / Never Look Back / Deep /) show
31.5 121.3 moveto
12 f0
(Rebirth ) show
70.5 121.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
107.1 121.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 201.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 201.6 moveto
12 f0
(1114) show
379.4 201.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 188.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 188.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
429.3 188.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 108.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 100.5 moveto
12 f1
(Martha and the Muffins) show
155.8 100.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 87.2 moveto
12 f2
(1980-1984:) show
87.4 87.2 moveto
12 f0
( Far Away in Time ) show
181.7 87.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
215.6 87.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300.6 101 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.9 101 moveto
12 f0
(2529) show
381.9 101 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 17 17
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.5 moveto
12 f1
(Mary's Danish) show
107.8 708.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( Circa ) show
298.1 709 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 709 moveto
12 f0
(3727) show
379.4 709 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 682.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 674.4 moveto
12 f1
(MC 900 Foot Jesus) show
129.1 674.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.1 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 661.1 moveto
12 f0
( Hell With the Lid Off ) show
31.5 647.8 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 647.8 moveto
12 f0
( UFOs Are Real ) show
140 647.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
162.6 647.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 634.5 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 634.5 moveto
12 f0
( Welcome to My Dream ) show
31.5 621.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 621.2 moveto
12 f0
( Killer Inside Me ) show
144.7 621.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
167.3 621.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 674.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 674.9 moveto
12 f0
(1229) show
379.4 674.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 661.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 661.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
465.9 661.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 608.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 600.4 moveto
12 f1
(McLachlan, Sarah) show
126.8 600.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 587.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 587.1 moveto
12 f0
( Into the Fire ) show
124.7 587.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
161.3 587.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
302.9 600.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.2 600.9 moveto
12 f0
(1389) show
384.2 600.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 574.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 566.3 moveto
12 f1
(Meat Beat Manifesto) show
138.8 566.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 553 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 553 moveto
12 f0
( Armed Audio Warfare ) show
31.5 539.7 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 539.7 moveto
12 f0
( Dog Star Man ) show
133.3 539.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
155.9 539.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 526.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 526.4 moveto
12 f0
( 99% ) show
31.5 513.1 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 513.1 moveto
12 f0
( Psyche Out ) show
120.3 513.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
142.9 513.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 499.8 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 499.8 moveto
12 f0
( Now ) show
88.7 499.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
111.3 499.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 486.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 486.5 moveto
12 f0
( Satryicon ) show
31.5 473.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 473.2 moveto
12 f0
( Peel Session ) show
125.7 473.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
148.3 473.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
300 566.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.3 566.8 moveto
12 f0
(3626) show
381.3 566.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 460.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 452.4 moveto
12 f1
(Medicine) show
78.8 452.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 439.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 439.1 moveto
12 f0
( The Buried Life ) show
31.5 425.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 425.8 moveto
12 f0
( Shot Forth Self Living ) show
298.1 452.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 452.9 moveto
12 f0
(1432) show
379.4 452.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 439.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 439.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
401 439.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 413.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 405 moveto
12 f1
(Mephisto Walz) show
109.1 405 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 391.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986-1992:) show
87.4 391.7 moveto
12 f0
( Crocosmia ) show
31.5 378.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 378.4 moveto
12 f0
( Terra-Regina ) show
129.3 378.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
163.2 378.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 365.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 365.1 moveto
12 f0
( The Eternal Deep ) show
31.5 351.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 351.8 moveto
12 f0
( Thalia ) show
18.1 339.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 331 moveto
12 f1
(Midnight Oil) show
98.5 331 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 317.7 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 317.7 moveto
12 f0
( Head Injuries ) show
31.5 304.4 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 304.4 moveto
12 f0
( Place without a Postcard ) show
31.5 291.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 291.1 moveto
12 f0
( 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ) show
31.5 277.8 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 277.8 moveto
12 f0
( Red Sails in the Sunset ) show
298.1 331.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 331.5 moveto
12 f0
(1102) show
379.4 331.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 318.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 318.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
453.3 318.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 265.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 257 moveto
12 f1
(Miller, Roger) show
100.8 257 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 243.7 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 243.7 moveto
12 f0
( Maximum Electric Piano ) show
18.1 231 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 222.9 moveto
12 f1
(Ministry) show
76.1 222.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 209.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 209.6 moveto
12 f0
( With Sympathy ) show
31.5 196.3 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 196.3 moveto
12 f0
( Halloween Remix / The Nature of Outtakes) show
31.5 183 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
54.1 183 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 169.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1984:) show
87.4 169.7 moveto
12 f0
( various singles ) show
31.5 156.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 156.4 moveto
12 f0
( Cold Life ) show
31.5 143.1 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 143.1 moveto
12 f0
( Over the Shoulder / Isle of Man ) show
218 143.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
240.6 143.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 129.8 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 129.8 moveto
12 f0
( Twitch ) show
31.5 116.5 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 116.5 moveto
12 f0
( 12 Inch Singles ) show
140 116.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
173.9 116.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 103.2 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 103.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Land of Rape and Honey ) show
31.5 89.9 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 89.9 moveto
12 f0
( Stigmata / Tonight we Murder ) show
211.3 89.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
233.9 89.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 76.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 76.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste ) show
298.1 223.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 223.4 moveto
12 f0
(1100) show
379.4 223.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 210.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 210.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
440 210.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 18 18
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Jesus Built my Hotrod ) show
173 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
195.6 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Psalm 69 ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(Miranda Sex Garden) show
140.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Gush Forth my Tears ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Madra ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( Iris ) show
31.5 621.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 621.9 moveto
12 f0
( Suspiria ) show
31.5 608.6 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 608.6 moveto
12 f0
( Fairytales of Slavery ) show
298.1 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 675.6 moveto
12 f0
(3007) show
379.4 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 662.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 662.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
471 662.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 595.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 587.8 moveto
12 f1
(Missing Persons) show
114.5 587.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 574.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( Missing Persons ) show
144.4 574.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
167 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 561.2 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 561.2 moveto
12 f0
( Spring Session M ) show
31.5 547.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 547.9 moveto
12 f0
( Rhyme & Reason ) show
31.5 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1984:) show
87.4 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( Best of ) show
127.7 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
161.6 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 521.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 513.8 moveto
12 f1
(Mistle Thrush) show
104.5 513.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 500.5 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 500.5 moveto
12 f0
( Silt ) show
31.5 487.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 487.2 moveto
12 f0
( Agus Am\340rach ) show
18.1 474.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 466.4 moveto
12 f1
(Mission, The) show
97.5 466.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( God's Own Medicine ) show
31.5 439.8 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 439.8 moveto
12 f0
( the First Chapter ) show
298.1 466.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 466.9 moveto
12 f0
(2045) show
379.4 466.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 427.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 419 moveto
12 f1
(Mission of Burma) show
123.5 419 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 405.7 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 405.7 moveto
12 f0
( Forget ) show
18.1 393 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 384.9 moveto
12 f1
(Morissette, Alanis) show
124.1 384.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 371.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( Jagged Little Pill ) show
301 385.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
358.3 385.4 moveto
12 f0
(3127) show
382.3 385.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 358.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 350.8 moveto
12 f1
(Morrison, Patricia) show
126.8 350.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 337.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 337.5 moveto
12 f0
( Reflect on This ) show
298.8 351.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
356.1 351.3 moveto
12 f0
(1062) show
380.1 351.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 324.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 316.7 moveto
12 f1
(Moyet, Allison) show
106.1 316.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 303.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 303.4 moveto
12 f0
( ALF ) show
298.1 317.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 317.2 moveto
12 f0
(3410) show
379.4 317.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 303.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 303.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 303.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 290.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 282.6 moveto
12 f1
(Murder Inc.) show
94.8 282.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 269.3 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 269.3 moveto
12 f0
( Murder Inc. ) show
18.1 256.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 248.5 moveto
12 f1
(Mussolini Headkick) show
133.8 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 235.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 235.2 moveto
12 f0
( Blood on the Flag ) show
18.1 222.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 214.4 moveto
12 f1
(Murphy, Peter) show
107.4 214.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 201.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 201.1 moveto
12 f0
( Should the World Fail to Fall Apart ) show
298.1 214.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 214.9 moveto
12 f0
(1235) show
379.4 214.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 201.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 201.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.6 201.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 188.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 188.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 188.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 175.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 167.5 moveto
12 f1
(My Bloody Valentine) show
140.1 167.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 154.2 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 154.2 moveto
12 f0
( Isn't Anything ) show
31.5 140.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 140.9 moveto
12 f0
( Loveless ) show
299.1 168 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
356.4 168 moveto
12 f0
(1912) show
380.4 168 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 128.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 120.1 moveto
12 f1
(My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult) show
198.8 120.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 106.8 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 106.8 moveto
12 f0
( I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits ) show
31.5 93.5 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 93.5 moveto
12 f0
( K00Ler than Jesus ) show
31.5 80.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 80.2 moveto
12 f0
( Confessions of a Knife... ) show
302.9 120.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.2 120.6 moveto
12 f0
(3478) show
384.2 120.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 19 19
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Swine & Roses / Naive \(KMFDM\) ) show
233.7 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
270.3 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Neither/Neither World) show
148.4 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Tales of True Crime ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(Neotek) show
67.4 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
( Brain over Muscle ) show
18.1 628.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 620.2 moveto
12 f1
(New Fast Automatic Daffodils) show
185.8 620.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( Pigeonhole ) show
31.5 593.6 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 593.6 moveto
12 f0
( Bong ) show
18.1 580.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 572.8 moveto
12 f1
(New Order) show
89.1 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( Movement ) show
31.5 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( Temptation / Hurt ) show
152 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
188.6 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( Factus 8 ) show
31.5 519.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 519.6 moveto
12 f0
( Power, Corruption, and Lies ) show
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( Blue Monday ) show
131 506.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
167.6 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 493 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 493 moveto
12 f0
( The Perfect Kiss ) show
145.3 493 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
181.9 493 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( Confusion ) show
115.4 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
152 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 466.4 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 466.4 moveto
12 f0
( Low Life ) show
31.5 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983-5:) show
69.4 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( various singles ) show
31.5 439.8 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 439.8 moveto
12 f0
( Brotherhood ) show
298.1 573.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 573.3 moveto
12 f0
(1126) show
379.4 573.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 560 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 560 moveto
12 f0
( show
462.3 560 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 427.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 419 moveto
12 f1
(Nine Inch Nails) show
110.8 419 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 405.7 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 405.7 moveto
12 f0
( Pretty Hate Machine ) show
31.5 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( Head Like a Hole ) show
150.3 392.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
195.6 392.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 379.1 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 379.1 moveto
12 f0
( Sin ) show
81.4 379.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
126.7 379.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 365.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 365.8 moveto
12 f0
( Broken ) show
100.7 365.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
123.3 365.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 352.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 352.5 moveto
12 f0
( Fixed ) show
92.7 352.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
138 352.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 339.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 339.2 moveto
12 f0
( March of the Pigs ) show
151 339.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
173.6 339.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 325.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 325.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Downward Spiral ) show
31.5 312.6 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 312.6 moveto
12 f0
( Closer to God ) show
132.7 312.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
155.3 312.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 299.3 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 299.3 moveto
12 f0
( Closer \(Further Away\) ) show
174.7 299.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
197.3 299.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 286 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 286 moveto
12 f0
( Further Down the Spiral ) show
182.3 286 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
227.6 286 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 419.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 419.5 moveto
12 f0
(1046) show
379.4 419.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 406.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 406.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
429 406.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 392.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 392.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
417 392.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 273.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 265.2 moveto
12 f1
(Nirvana) show
73.5 265.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 251.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 251.9 moveto
12 f0
( Nevermind ) show
298.1 265.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 265.7 moveto
12 f0
(1052) show
379.4 265.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 252.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 252.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
429.6 252.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 239.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 239.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
434.7 239.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 226.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 218.3 moveto
12 f1
(Nitzer Ebb) show
87.8 218.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 205 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 205 moveto
12 f0
( That Total Age ) show
31.5 191.7 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 191.7 moveto
12 f0
( Warsaw Ghetto ) show
140.3 191.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
162.9 191.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 178.4 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 178.4 moveto
12 f0
( So Bright So Strong ) show
162.4 178.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
207.7 178.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 165.1 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 165.1 moveto
12 f0
( Get Clean ) show
113.7 165.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
159 165.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 151.8 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 151.8 moveto
12 f0
( Control: I'm Here ) show
152 151.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
188.6 151.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 138.5 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 138.5 moveto
12 f0
( Hearts and Minds ) show
150.7 138.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
187.3 138.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 125.2 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 125.2 moveto
12 f0
( Belief ) show
31.5 111.9 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 111.9 moveto
12 f0
( Showtime ) show
31.5 98.6 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 98.6 moveto
12 f0
( I Give to You ) show
131.7 98.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
168.3 98.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 85.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 85.3 moveto
12 f0
( As Is ) show
90.3 85.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
126.9 85.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 218.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 218.8 moveto
12 f0
(1164) show
379.4 218.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 205.5 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 205.5 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.3 205.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 20 20
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Ebbhead ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Godhead ) show
108.7 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
131.3 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(No Doubt) show
81.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( Tragic Kingdom ) show
18.1 649.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 641 moveto
12 f1
(Noise Unit) show
85.1 641 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( Grinding Into Emptiness ) show
18.1 615 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f1
(Nosferatu) show
82.1 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 593.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 593.6 moveto
12 f0
( Rise ) show
18.1 580.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 572.8 moveto
12 f1
(Numan, Gary) show
102.1 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( Tubeway Army ) show
31.5 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Plan ) show
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( Replicas ) show
31.5 519.6 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 519.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Pleasure Principle ) show
31.5 506.3 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 506.3 moveto
12 f0
( Telekon ) show
31.5 493 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 493 moveto
12 f0
( Warriors ) show
31.5 479.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 479.7 moveto
12 f0
( Dance ) show
31.5 466.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 466.4 moveto
12 f0
( I, Assassin ) show
31.5 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( White Noise ) show
125.7 453.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
186.6 453.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 439.8 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 439.8 moveto
12 f0
( Ghost ) show
94 439.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
154.9 439.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 573.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 573.3 moveto
12 f0
(1409) show
379.4 573.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 427.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 419 moveto
12 f1
(Offspring) show
81.5 419 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 405.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 405.7 moveto
12 f0
( Smash ) show
18.1 393 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 384.9 moveto
12 f1
(Oingo Boingo) show
101.8 384.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 371.6 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( Forbidden Zone ) show
142.3 371.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
203.6 371.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 358.3 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 358.3 moveto
12 f0
( Only a Lad ) show
31.5 345 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 345 moveto
12 f0
( Good for Your Soul ) show
31.5 331.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 331.7 moveto
12 f0
( Dead Man's Party ) show
31.5 318.4 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 318.4 moveto
12 f0
( Nothing to Fear ) show
298.1 385.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 385.4 moveto
12 f0
(1089) show
379.4 385.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 372.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 372.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
430 372.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 305.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 297.6 moveto
12 f1
(Orb, The) show
78.8 297.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 284.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 284.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld ) show
31.5 271 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 271 moveto
12 f0
( Aubrey Mixes, the Ultraworld Excursions ) show
31.5 257.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 257.7 moveto
12 f0
( Little Fluffy Clouds ) show
161.4 257.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
184 257.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 244.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 244.4 moveto
12 f0
( U.F.Orb ) show
31.5 231.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 231.1 moveto
12 f0
( live 93 ) show
98.4 231.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
159.3 231.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 217.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 217.8 moveto
12 f0
( Pomme Fritz ) show
298.1 298.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 298.1 moveto
12 f0
(1121) show
379.4 298.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 284.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 284.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
443.3 284.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 271.5 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 271.5 moveto
12 f0
( show
465 271.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 258.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 258.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 258.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 205.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 197 moveto
12 f1
(Orbital) show
69.5 197 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 183.7 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 183.7 moveto
12 f0
( Orbital 2 ) show
298.1 197.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 197.5 moveto
12 f0
(2049) show
379.4 197.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 184.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 184.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 184.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 171 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 162.9 moveto
12 f1
(Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark) show
214.8 162.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( OMD ) show
93.3 149.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(US release\)) show
153.6 149.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 136.3 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 136.3 moveto
12 f0
( OMD ) show
93.3 136.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(UK release\)) show
155.6 136.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 123 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 123 moveto
12 f0
( Bunker Soldiers ) show
31.5 109.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 109.7 moveto
12 f0
( Architecture & Morality ) show
31.5 96.4 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 96.4 moveto
12 f0
( Dazzle Ships ) show
31.5 83.1 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 83.1 moveto
12 f0
( Junk Culture ) show
304.9 163.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
362.2 163.4 moveto
12 f0
(5370) show
386.2 163.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 21 21
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Crush ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Oxygiene 23) show
94.5 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Blue ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(187 Calm) show
80.4 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
( One Eighty Seven Calm ) show
181.7 641 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
204.3 641 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 628.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 620.2 moveto
12 f1
(1000 Homo DJs) show
112.1 620.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( Supernaut ) show
114 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
136.6 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 594.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 586.1 moveto
12 f1
(Opus III) show
75.8 586.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 572.8 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( Mind Fruit ) show
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( Guru Mother ) show
18.1 546.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 538.7 moveto
12 f1
(Pain Teens) show
87.8 538.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 525.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 525.4 moveto
12 f0
( Born in Blood / Case Histories ) show
31.5 512.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 512.1 moveto
12 f0
( Stimulation Festival ) show
31.5 498.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 498.8 moveto
12 f0
( Destroy Me, Lover ) show
31.5 485.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 485.5 moveto
12 f0
( Beast of Dreams ) show
18.1 472.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 464.7 moveto
12 f1
(Paralysed Age) show
105.1 464.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 451.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 451.4 moveto
12 f0
( Nocturne ) show
18.1 438.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 430.6 moveto
12 f1
(Pigface) show
68.8 430.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 417.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 417.3 moveto
12 f0
( Gub ) show
298.1 431.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 431.1 moveto
12 f0
(1165) show
379.4 431.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 417.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 417.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.3 417.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 404.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 396.5 moveto
12 f1
(Pink Floyd) show
87.8 396.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 383.2 moveto
12 f2
(1973:) show
59.4 383.2 moveto
12 f0
( Dark Side of the Moon ) show
31.5 369.9 moveto
12 f2
(1975:) show
59.4 369.9 moveto
12 f0
( Wish You were Here ) show
31.5 356.6 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 356.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Wall ) show
110.3 356.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(double soundtrack\)) show
207.2 356.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 343.3 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 343.3 moveto
12 f0
( A Collection of Great Dance Songs ) show
235.7 343.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
269.6 343.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 330 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 330 moveto
12 f0
( A Saucerful of Pink: a Tribute ) show
211 330 moveto
12 f2
(\(double, various\)) show
293.6 330 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
302.4 397 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.7 397 moveto
12 f0
(1008) show
383.7 397 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 317.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 309.2 moveto
12 f1
(Polygon Window) show
119.1 309.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 295.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 295.9 moveto
12 f0
( Surfing on Sine Waves ) show
298.1 309.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 309.7 moveto
12 f0
(5279) show
379.4 309.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 283.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 275.1 moveto
12 f1
(Police) show
62.1 275.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 261.8 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 261.8 moveto
12 f0
( Outlandos D'Amour ) show
31.5 248.5 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( Ghost in the Machine ) show
31.5 235.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 235.2 moveto
12 f0
( Zenyatta Mondatta ) show
31.5 221.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 221.9 moveto
12 f0
( Synchronicity ) show
306.4 275.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 275.6 moveto
12 f0
(1172) show
387.7 275.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 209.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 201.1 moveto
12 f1
(Poe) show
50.1 201.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 187.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 187.8 moveto
12 f0
( Hello ) show
18.1 175.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 167 moveto
12 f1
(Pop, Iggy) show
80.1 167 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 153.7 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 153.7 moveto
12 f0
( Lust for Life ) show
298.1 167.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 167.5 moveto
12 f0
(4345) show
379.4 167.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 141 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 132.9 moveto
12 f1
(Powerman 5000) show
113.8 132.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 119.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 119.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Blood Splat Rating System ) show
18.1 106.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 98.8 moveto
12 f1
(Powerstation, The) show
124.8 98.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 85.5 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 85.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Powerstation ) show
306.4 99.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 99.3 moveto
12 f0
(1259) show
387.7 99.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 22 22
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.5 moveto
12 f1
(Pram) show
60.1 708.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( Iron Lung ) show
113.7 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
136.3 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 681.9 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 681.9 moveto
12 f0
( Helium ) show
31.5 668.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 668.6 moveto
12 f0
( Sargasso Sea ) show
18.1 655.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 647.8 moveto
12 f1
(Prick) show
59.4 647.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 634.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 634.5 moveto
12 f0
( Prick ) show
298.1 648.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 648.3 moveto
12 f0
(3683) show
379.4 648.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 621.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 613.7 moveto
12 f1
(Primus) show
68.8 613.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 600.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 600.4 moveto
12 f0
( Sailing on the Seas of Cheese ) show
298.1 614.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 614.2 moveto
12 f0
(1055) show
379.4 614.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 587.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 579.6 moveto
12 f1
(Project Pitchfork) show
120.4 579.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 566.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 566.3 moveto
12 f0
( Dhyani ) show
18.1 553.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 545.5 moveto
12 f1
(Propaganda) show
94.1 545.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 532.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 532.2 moveto
12 f0
( A Secret Wish, US version ) show
31.5 518.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 518.9 moveto
12 f0
( A Secret Wish, UK version ) show
197 518.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
242.3 518.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 505.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 505.6 moveto
12 f0
( p:machinery \(polish / passive\) / Frozen Faces) show
31.5 492.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 492.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 479 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 479 moveto
12 f0
( Duel / Jewel ) show
125.3 479 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
161.9 479 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 465.7 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 465.7 moveto
12 f0
( Wishful Thinking ) show
151 465.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
196.3 465.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 452.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 452.4 moveto
12 f0
( Heaven Give Me Words ) show
182.3 452.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
204.9 452.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 439.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 439.1 moveto
12 f0
( p:machinery t-empo remix ) show
193.3 439.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
229.9 439.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 546 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 546 moveto
12 f0
(4636) show
379.4 546 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 532.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 532.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 532.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 519.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 519.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
433.6 519.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 426.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 418.3 moveto
12 f1
(Prophetess, The) show
113.4 418.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 405 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 405 moveto
12 f0
( The Prophetess ) show
18.1 392.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 384.2 moveto
12 f1
(Public Image Limited) show
142.8 384.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 370.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 370.9 moveto
12 f0
( Album ) show
18.1 358.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 350.1 moveto
12 f1
(Rage Against the Machine) show
166.4 350.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 336.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 336.8 moveto
12 f0
( Rage Against the Machine ) show
298.1 350.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 350.6 moveto
12 f0
(1424) show
379.4 350.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 324.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 316 moveto
12 f1
(Romeo Void) show
95.1 316 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 302.7 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 302.7 moveto
12 f0
( Never Say Never / Present Tense ) show
224.3 302.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
260.9 302.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 290 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 281.9 moveto
12 f1
(Blaine Reininger) show
117.8 281.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 268.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 268.6 moveto
12 f0
( Expatriate Journals ) show
18.1 255.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 247.8 moveto
12 f1
(Red Aunts) show
85.8 247.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 234.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 234.5 moveto
12 f0
( Drag ) show
31.5 221.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 221.2 moveto
12 f0
( Bad Motherfucker 400-Z ) show
31.5 207.9 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 207.9 moveto
12 f0
( #1 Chicken ) show
306 248.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.3 248.3 moveto
12 f0
(4619) show
387.3 248.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 195.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 187.1 moveto
12 f1
(Re-Flex) show
71.4 187.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 173.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 173.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Politics of Dancing / Re-Flex It ) show
238 173.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
274.6 173.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 161.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 153 moveto
12 f1
(Revolting Cocks) show
115.1 153 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 139.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 139.7 moveto
12 f0
( Big Sexy Land ) show
31.5 126.4 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 126.4 moveto
12 f0
( You Goddamned Son of a Bitch ) show
219.7 126.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
280.6 126.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 113.1 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 113.1 moveto
12 f0
( Stainless Steel Providers ) show
184 113.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
206.6 113.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 99.8 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 99.8 moveto
12 f0
( Beers, Steers, and Queers ) show
31.5 86.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 86.5 moveto
12 f0
( Linger Ficken' Good ) show
303 153.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.3 153.5 moveto
12 f0
(1100) show
384.3 153.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
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/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.5 moveto
12 f1
(Ridgway, Stan) show
106.1 708.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.2 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 695.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Big Heat ) show
298.1 709 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 709 moveto
12 f0
(2904) show
379.4 709 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 682.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 674.4 moveto
12 f1
(Rosemarys, The) show
114.1 674.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 661.1 moveto
12 f0
( Providence ) show
18.1 648.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 640.3 moveto
12 f1
(Rosetta Stone) show
101.8 640.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 627 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 627 moveto
12 f0
( Adrenaline ) show
31.5 613.7 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 613.7 moveto
12 f0
( The Tyrrany of Inaction ) show
18.1 601 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 592.9 moveto
12 f1
(Ruby) show
59.5 592.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 579.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 579.6 moveto
12 f0
( Salt Peter ) show
18.1 566.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 558.8 moveto
12 f1
(Rump) show
63.5 558.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 545.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 545.5 moveto
12 f0
( Hating Brenda ) show
18.1 532.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 524.7 moveto
12 f1
(Rush) show
58.1 524.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 511.4 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 511.4 moveto
12 f0
( Grace Under Pressure ) show
298.1 525.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 525.2 moveto
12 f0
(1039) show
379.4 525.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 498.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 490.6 moveto
12 f1
(Sandoz) show
68.8 490.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 477.3 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 477.3 moveto
12 f0
( Digital Lifeforms ) show
18.1 464.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 456.5 moveto
12 f1
(Scatterbrain) show
96.1 456.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 443.2 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 443.2 moveto
12 f0
( Here Comes Trouble ) show
18.1 430.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 422.4 moveto
12 f1
(Scar Tissue) show
90.5 422.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 409.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 409.1 moveto
12 f0
( Scar Tissue ) show
18.1 396.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 388.3 moveto
12 f1
(Scritti Politti) show
97.8 388.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 375 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 375 moveto
12 f0
( Cupid & Psyche ) show
18.1 362.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 354.2 moveto
12 f1
(Severed Heads) show
107.1 354.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 340.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 340.9 moveto
12 f0
( Since the Accident ) show
31.5 327.6 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 327.6 moveto
12 f0
( Come Visit the Big Bigot ) show
31.5 314.3 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 314.3 moveto
12 f0
( Bad Mood Guy ) show
298.1 354.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 354.7 moveto
12 f0
(1480) show
379.4 354.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 301.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 293.5 moveto
12 f1
(Sex Gang, Andi) show
111.8 293.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 280.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 280.2 moveto
12 f0
( Arco Valley ) show
18.1 267.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 259.4 moveto
12 f1
(Sex Gang Children) show
129.5 259.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 246.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 246.1 moveto
12 f0
( Blind ) show
31.5 232.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 232.8 moveto
12 f0
( Dieche ) show
31.5 219.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 219.5 moveto
12 f0
( Medea ) show
18.1 206.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 198.7 moveto
12 f1
(Shadow Project) show
112.4 198.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 185.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 185.4 moveto
12 f0
( Shadow Project ) show
18.1 172.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 164.6 moveto
12 f1
(Sharkbait) show
82.8 164.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 151.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 151.3 moveto
12 f0
( Blowtorch Facelift ) show
31.5 138 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 138 moveto
12 f0
( Crushits ) show
18.1 125.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 117.2 moveto
12 f1
(Sheep on Drugs) show
112.1 117.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 103.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 103.9 moveto
12 f0
( Greatest Hits ) show
128.3 103.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
162.2 103.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 90.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 90.6 moveto
12 f0
( Suck ) show
89.4 90.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
112 90.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 77.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 24 24
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 716.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 708.7 moveto
12 f1
(Shriekback) show
90.1 708.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 695.4 moveto
12 f0
( Tench ) show
31.5 682.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 682.1 moveto
12 f0
( Care ) show
31.5 668.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 668.8 moveto
12 f0
( Care ) show
88 668.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(Y version\)) show
140.9 668.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 655.5 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 655.5 moveto
12 f0
( Lined Up / Hapax Legomena ) show
205.3 655.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
241.9 655.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 642.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 642.2 moveto
12 f0
( Lined Up / My Spine / Accretions /Into Method) show
31.5 628.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 628.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 615.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 615.6 moveto
12 f0
( My Spine / Accretions / Clear Trails ) show
240 615.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
276.6 615.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 602.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 602.3 moveto
12 f0
( Sexthinkone / Here Comes My Hand ) show
243 602.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
279.6 602.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 589 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 589 moveto
12 f0
( Jamscience ) show
120 589 moveto
12 f2
(\(UK release\)) show
182.3 589 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 575.7 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 575.7 moveto
12 f0
( Jamscience ) show
120 575.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(Holland release\)) show
204.9 575.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 562.4 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 562.4 moveto
12 f0
( Knowledge, Power, Truth, and Sex ) show
31.5 549.1 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 549.1 moveto
12 f0
( Mercy Dash ) show
124.3 549.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(picture disc, single\)) show
223.2 549.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 535.8 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 535.8 moveto
12 f0
( Hand on my Heart ) show
154.3 535.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(picture disc, single\)) show
253.2 535.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 522.5 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 522.5 moveto
12 f0
( The Infinite ) show
122.3 522.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
156.2 522.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 509.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 509.2 moveto
12 f0
( Oil and Gold ) show
31.5 495.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 495.9 moveto
12 f0
( Fish Below the Ice ) show
155.7 495.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
178.3 495.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 482.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1985:) show
87.4 482.6 moveto
12 f0
( Priests and Kannibals ) show
197.3 482.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
231.2 482.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 469.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 469.3 moveto
12 f0
( Big Night Music ) show
31.5 456 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 456 moveto
12 f0
( Islam Grotto ) show
126.3 456 moveto
12 f2
(\(live boot\)) show
175.9 456 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 442.7 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 442.7 moveto
12 f0
( Evolution ) show
112.7 442.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
146.6 442.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 429.4 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 429.4 moveto
12 f0
( The Dancing Years ) show
158.7 429.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(remixes\)) show
204 429.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 416.1 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 416.1 moveto
12 f0
( Sacred City ) show
298.1 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
(1248) show
379.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
431.7 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 403.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 395.3 moveto
12 f1
(Siglo XX) show
77.1 395.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 382 moveto
12 f2
(1983-1986:) show
87.4 382 moveto
12 f0
( Antler Tracks I ) show
166.7 382 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
200.6 382 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 368.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 368.7 moveto
12 f0
( Fear and Desire ) show
18.1 356 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 347.9 moveto
12 f1
(Single Gun Theory) show
128.8 347.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 334.6 moveto
12 f2
(1989?:) show
65.4 334.6 moveto
12 f0
( Exorcise this Wasteland ) show
31.5 321.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 321.3 moveto
12 f0
( Like Stars in my Hands ) show
31.5 308 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 308 moveto
12 f0
( Burning Bright \(but Unseen\) ) show
203.7 308 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
226.3 308 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 294.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 294.7 moveto
12 f0
( Flow, River of my Soul ) show
298.1 348.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 348.4 moveto
12 f0
(1404) show
379.4 348.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 335.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 335.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
443.6 335.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 282 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 273.9 moveto
12 f1
(Siouxsie and the Banshees) show
165.1 273.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 260.6 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 260.6 moveto
12 f0
( Peel Sessions ) show
130.4 260.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(live EP\)) show
173.3 260.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 247.3 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 247.3 moveto
12 f0
( Peel Sessions 2 ) show
139.4 247.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(live EP\)) show
182.3 247.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 234 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 234 moveto
12 f0
( The Scream ) show
31.5 220.7 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 220.7 moveto
12 f0
( Join Hands ) show
31.5 207.4 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 207.4 moveto
12 f0
( Kaleidoscope ) show
31.5 194.1 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 194.1 moveto
12 f0
( juju ) show
31.5 180.8 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 180.8 moveto
12 f0
( Once Upon a Time ) show
157 180.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
190.9 180.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 167.5 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 167.5 moveto
12 f0
( Spellbound / Follow the Sun / Slap Dash Snap) show
31.5 154.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 154.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 140.9 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 140.9 moveto
12 f0
( Slowdive / Obsession II / Cannibal Roses ) show
264.7 140.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
31.5 114.3 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 114.3 moveto
12 f0
( A Kiss in the Dream House ) show
31.5 101 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 101 moveto
12 f0
( Nocturne ) show
110 101 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
170.9 101 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 87.7 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 87.7 moveto
12 f0
( Hyaena ) show
305.7 274.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363 274.4 moveto
12 f0
(1216) show
387 274.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 25 25
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Tinderbox ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Through the Looking Glass ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( Song from the Edge of the World ) show
226 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
262.6 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( Peekaboo / False Face / Catwalk ) show
221.7 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
258.3 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 656 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 656 moveto
12 f0
( Peepshow ) show
31.5 642.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 642.7 moveto
12 f0
( Superstition ) show
31.5 629.4 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 629.4 moveto
12 f0
( Kiss Them for Me ) show
153.7 629.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
176.3 629.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 616.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 616.1 moveto
12 f0
( The Rapture ) show
18.1 603.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 595.3 moveto
12 f1
(Sister Machine Gun) show
134.1 595.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 582 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 582 moveto
12 f0
( Sins of the Flesh ) show
31.5 568.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 568.7 moveto
12 f0
( The Torture Technique ) show
31.5 555.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 555.4 moveto
12 f0
( Nothing ) show
104.7 555.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
141.3 555.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 542.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 542.1 moveto
12 f0
( Wired / Lung ) show
130 542.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
166.6 542.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 528.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 528.8 moveto
12 f0
( Burn ) show
299.7 595.8 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357 595.8 moveto
12 f0
(3612) show
381 595.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 516.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 508 moveto
12 f1
(Sisterhood, The) show
112.1 508 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 494.7 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 494.7 moveto
12 f0
( Gift ) show
298.1 508.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 508.5 moveto
12 f0
(1115) show
379.4 508.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 495.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 495.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
429.3 495.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 482 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 473.9 moveto
12 f1
(Sisters of Mercy) show
114.8 473.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 460.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 460.6 moveto
12 f0
( First and Last and Always ) show
31.5 447.3 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 447.3 moveto
12 f0
( Floodland ) show
31.5 434 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 434 moveto
12 f0
( More / You Could be the One ) show
208.7 434 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
245.3 434 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 420.7 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 420.7 moveto
12 f0
( Vision Thing ) show
31.5 407.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 407.4 moveto
12 f0
( Some Girls Wander by Mistake ) show
217.3 407.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
251.2 407.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 394.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 394.1 moveto
12 f0
( Temple of Love 1992 ) show
169.7 394.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
206.3 394.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 380.8 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 380.8 moveto
12 f0
( First and Last and Forever: A Tribute ) show
245.3 380.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(various\)) show
289.2 380.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 367.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 367.5 moveto
12 f0
( Under the Gun / Alice 1993 ) show
199 367.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
235.6 367.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 474.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 474.4 moveto
12 f0
(1062) show
379.4 474.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 461.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 461.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
429.3 461.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 354.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 346.7 moveto
12 f1
(Skeletal Family) show
111.1 346.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 333.4 moveto
12 f2
(1984-1985:) show
87.4 333.4 moveto
12 f0
( Burning Oil / Futile Combat ) show
18.1 320.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 312.6 moveto
12 f1
(Skinny Puppy) show
103.8 312.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 299.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 299.3 moveto
12 f0
( Back and Forth, Series Two ) show
31.5 286 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 286 moveto
12 f0
( Bites ) show
31.5 272.7 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 272.7 moveto
12 f0
( Remission ) show
31.5 259.4 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 259.4 moveto
12 f0
( Bites and Remission ) show
31.5 246.1 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 246.1 moveto
12 f0
( Mind: the Perpetual Intercourse ) show
31.5 232.8 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 232.8 moveto
12 f0
( Dig It ) show
93.7 232.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
116.3 232.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 219.5 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 219.5 moveto
12 f0
( Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate ) show
31.5 206.2 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 206.2 moveto
12 f0
( Vivisect VI ) show
31.5 192.9 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 192.9 moveto
12 f0
( Rabies ) show
31.5 179.6 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 179.6 moveto
12 f0
( Too Dark Park ) show
31.5 166.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 166.3 moveto
12 f0
( Censor ) show
99.3 166.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
121.9 166.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 153 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 153 moveto
12 f0
( 12 Inch Anthology ) show
156 153 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
189.9 153 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 139.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 139.7 moveto
12 f0
( Last Rights ) show
298.1 313.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 313.1 moveto
12 f0
(1166) show
379.4 313.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 299.8 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 299.8 moveto
12 f0
( show
438.3 299.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 127 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 118.9 moveto
12 f1
(Sky Cries Mary) show
112.8 118.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 105.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 105.6 moveto
12 f0
( A Return to the Inner Experience ) show
31.5 92.3 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 92.3 moveto
12 f0
( This Timeless Turning ) show
31.5 79 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 79 moveto
12 f0
( Every Iceberg is Afire / Deep Sunless Sea /) show
298.1 119.4 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 119.4 moveto
12 f0
(1437) show
379.4 119.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 106.1 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 106.1 moveto
12 f0
( show
440 106.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 26 26
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f0
(Cornerman ) show
88.4 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
125 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Snog) show
56.8 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Dear Valued Customer ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(Soh Daiko) show
84.5 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
( Taiko Drum Ensemble ) show
18.1 628.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 620.2 moveto
12 f1
(Some, Belouis) show
102.8 620.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( Some People ) show
128.4 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
165 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 594.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 586.1 moveto
12 f1
(Southern Death Cult) show
138.1 586.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 572.8 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1983:) show
87.4 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( Southern Death Cult ) show
192 572.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
225.9 572.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 560.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 552 moveto
12 f1
(Spahn Ranch) show
100.5 552 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 538.7 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 538.7 moveto
12 f0
( The Coiled One ) show
18.1 526 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 517.9 moveto
12 f1
(SSQ) show
54.1 517.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 504.6 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 504.6 moveto
12 f0
( Playback ) show
31.5 491.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 491.3 moveto
12 f0
( Insecurity ) show
113.3 491.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
149.9 491.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 478.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 470.5 moveto
12 f1
(Stabbing Westward) show
133.1 470.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 457.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 457.2 moveto
12 f0
( Violent Mood Swings ) show
171.4 457.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
194 457.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 443.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 443.9 moveto
12 f0
( Ungod ) show
31.5 430.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 430.6 moveto
12 f0
( What Do I Have to Do / Falls Apart ) show
237.3 430.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
273.9 430.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 417.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 417.3 moveto
12 f0
( Wither Blister Burn and Peel ) show
300.5 471 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.8 471 moveto
12 f0
(2415) show
381.8 471 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 404.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 396.5 moveto
12 f1
(Strange Boutique) show
121.1 396.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 383.2 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 383.2 moveto
12 f0
( Charm ) show
31.5 369.9 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 369.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Kindest Words ) show
31.5 356.6 moveto
12 f2
(199?:) show
59.4 356.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Loved One ) show
298.1 397 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 397 moveto
12 f0
( show
421.3 397 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 343.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 335.8 moveto
12 f1
(Steroid Maximus) show
119.8 335.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 322.5 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 322.5 moveto
12 f0
( Quilombo ) show
31.5 309.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 309.2 moveto
12 f0
( Gondwanaland ) show
306.4 336.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
363.7 336.3 moveto
12 f0
(2750) show
387.7 336.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 296.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 288.4 moveto
12 f1
(Sugarcubes, The) show
116.8 288.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 275.1 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 275.1 moveto
12 f0
( Life's Too Good ) show
298.1 288.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 288.9 moveto
12 f0
(3419) show
379.4 288.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 275.6 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 275.6 moveto
12 f0
( show
432 275.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 262.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 254.3 moveto
12 f1
(Sunscreem) show
87.4 254.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 241 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 241 moveto
12 f0
( O3 ) show
18.1 228.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 220.2 moveto
12 f1
(Switchblade Symphony) show
151.8 220.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 206.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 206.9 moveto
12 f0
( Fable ) show
92 206.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(tape/EP\)) show
138.6 206.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 193.6 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 193.6 moveto
12 f0
( Elegy ) show
93.3 193.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(tape/EP\)) show
139.9 193.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 180.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 180.3 moveto
12 f0
( Serpentine Gallery ) show
18.1 167.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 159.5 moveto
12 f1
(Talking Heads) show
106.5 159.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 146.2 moveto
12 f2
(1977:) show
59.4 146.2 moveto
12 f0
( Talking Heads '77 ) show
31.5 132.9 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 132.9 moveto
12 f0
( More Songs About Buildings and Food ) show
31.5 119.6 moveto
12 f2
(1979:) show
59.4 119.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Name of This Band is Talking Heads) show
31.5 106.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
92.4 106.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 93 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 93 moveto
12 f0
( Fear of Music ) show
31.5 79.7 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 79.7 moveto
12 f0
( Sp eak in gI n To ngu es ) show
302.4 160 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.7 160 moveto
12 f0
(1012) show
383.7 160 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 27 27
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Stop Making Sense ) show
158.7 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(live soundtrack\)) show
240.3 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Little Creatures ) show
18.1 683.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f1
(Tears For Fears) show
114.1 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Hurting ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Songs From the Big Chair ) show
298.1 675.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 675.6 moveto
12 f0
(2763) show
379.4 675.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 635.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 627.7 moveto
12 f1
(Tel Basta) show
79.8 627.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 614.4 moveto
12 f2
(1996:) show
59.4 614.4 moveto
12 f0
( Lickerish ) show
18.1 601.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 593.6 moveto
12 f1
(Thanatos) show
79.5 593.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 580.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 580.3 moveto
12 f0
( An Embassy in Gaius ) show
18.1 567.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f1
(Therapy?) show
81.5 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( Caucasian Psychosis ) show
31.5 532.9 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 532.9 moveto
12 f0
( Nurse ) show
299.1 560 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
356.4 560 moveto
12 f0
(2044) show
380.4 560 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 520.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 512.1 moveto
12 f1
(13 Mg.) show
66.8 512.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 498.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 498.8 moveto
12 f0
( Trust and Obey ) show
18.1 486.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 478 moveto
12 f1
(This Ascension) show
108.5 478 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 464.7 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 464.7 moveto
12 f0
( Light and Shade ) show
31.5 451.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 451.4 moveto
12 f0
( Walk Softly, a Dream Lies Here ) show
18.1 438.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 430.6 moveto
12 f1
(Throwing Muses) show
117.8 430.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 417.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 417.3 moveto
12 f0
( Throwing Muses ) show
298.4 431.1 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.7 431.1 moveto
12 f0
(1357) show
379.7 431.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 404.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 396.5 moveto
12 f1
(Tinfed) show
65.5 396.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 383.2 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 383.2 moveto
12 f0
( Synaptic Hardware ) show
18.1 370.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 362.4 moveto
12 f1
(Tin Machine) show
97.1 362.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 349.1 moveto
12 f2
(1989:) show
59.4 349.1 moveto
12 f0
( Tin Machine ) show
298.1 362.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 362.9 moveto
12 f0
(1098) show
379.4 362.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 336.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 328.3 moveto
12 f1
(Tit Wrench United) show
128.8 328.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 315 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 315 moveto
12 f0
( Full Employment ) show
18.1 302.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 294.2 moveto
12 f1
(Tom Tom Club) show
110.8 294.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 280.9 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 280.9 moveto
12 f0
( Tom Tom Club ) show
31.5 267.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 267.6 moveto
12 f0
( Close to the Bone ) show
298.1 294.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 294.7 moveto
12 f0
(1012) show
379.4 294.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 254.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 246.8 moveto
12 f1
(Tones on Tail) show
101.5 246.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 233.5 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 233.5 moveto
12 f0
( Tones on Tail ) show
31.5 220.2 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 220.2 moveto
12 f0
( Pop ) show
31.5 206.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 206.9 moveto
12 f0
( Performance / Shakes ) show
170 206.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
206.6 206.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 193.6 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1984:) show
87.4 193.6 moveto
12 f0
( Night Music ) show
153.7 193.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
187.6 193.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 247.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 247.3 moveto
12 f0
(1235) show
379.4 247.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 234 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 234 moveto
12 f0
( show
441.6 234 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 220.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 220.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 220.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 180.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 172.8 moveto
12 f1
(Trance Mission) show
111.1 172.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 159.5 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 159.5 moveto
12 f0
( Trance Mission ) show
18.1 146.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 138.7 moveto
12 f1
(Trance to the Sun) show
123.1 138.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 125.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 125.4 moveto
12 f0
( Ghost Forest ) show
31.5 112.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 112.1 moveto
12 f0
( Bloom, Flowers, Bloom! ) show
31.5 98.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 98.8 moveto
12 f0
( Venomous Eve ) show
18.1 86.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 78 moveto
12 f1
(Transvision Vamp) show
126.5 78 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
302.5 78.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
359.8 78.5 moveto
12 f0
(5305) show
383.8 78.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 28 28
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Little Magnets versus the Bubble of Babble ) show
18.1 696.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 688.4 moveto
12 f1
(Trio) show
54.1 688.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 675.1 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 675.1 moveto
12 f0
( Trio and Error ) show
18.1 662.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 654.3 moveto
12 f1
(Tubes, The) show
88.8 654.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 641 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 641 moveto
12 f0
( Tubes Rarities And Smash Hits [T.R.A.S.H] ) show
18.1 628.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 620.2 moveto
12 f1
(Tuxedomoon) show
98.8 620.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 606.9 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 606.9 moveto
12 f0
( Half-Mute ) show
31.5 593.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 593.6 moveto
12 f0
( A Thousand Lives by Picture ) show
31.5 580.3 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 580.3 moveto
12 f0
( Holy Wars ) show
18.1 567.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 559.5 moveto
12 f1
(Underflowers) show
101.4 559.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 546.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 546.2 moveto
12 f0
( Underflowers ) show
18.1 533.5 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 525.4 moveto
12 f1
(Urban Dance Squad) show
135.5 525.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 512.1 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 512.1 moveto
12 f0
( Life'n Perspectives of a Genuine Crossover ) show
303.5 525.9 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
360.8 525.9 moveto
12 f0
(4626) show
384.8 525.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 499.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 491.3 moveto
12 f1
(Usherhouse) show
91.5 491.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 478 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 478 moveto
12 f0
( Molting ) show
31.5 464.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 464.7 moveto
12 f0
( Flux ) show
18.1 452 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 443.9 moveto
12 f1
(Ultravox) show
76.8 443.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 430.6 moveto
12 f2
(1978:) show
59.4 430.6 moveto
12 f0
( Systems of Romance ) show
18.1 417.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 409.8 moveto
12 f1
(Van Acker, Luc) show
113.1 409.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 396.5 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 396.5 moveto
12 f0
( Taking Snapshots, Volume 1 ) show
300.1 410.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.4 410.3 moveto
12 f0
(1100) show
381.4 410.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 383.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 375.7 moveto
12 f1
(Vangelis) show
75.5 375.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 362.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 362.4 moveto
12 f0
( Blade Runner ) show
131.7 362.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
193 362.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 376.2 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 376.2 moveto
12 f0
(1023) show
379.4 376.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 362.9 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 362.9 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 362.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 349.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 341.6 moveto
12 f1
(various) show
69.5 341.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 328.3 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 328.3 moveto
12 f0
( URGH! A Music War ) show
171.7 328.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(live comp\)) show
226 328.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 315 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1994:) show
87.4 315 moveto
12 f0
( Wax Trax Black Box ) show
195.7 315 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
229.6 315 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 301.7 moveto
12 f2
(1982-198?:) show
87.4 301.7 moveto
12 f0
( In Goth Daze \(Anagram version\) ) show
252 301.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
285.9 301.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 288.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1994:) show
87.4 288.4 moveto
12 f0
( In Goth Daze \(Cleopatra version\) ) show
254 288.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
287.9 288.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 275.1 moveto
12 f2
(1982-1993:) show
87.4 275.1 moveto
12 f0
( The Whip \(Cleopatra\) ) show
199.3 275.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
233.2 275.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 261.8 moveto
12 f2
(1984-1985:) show
87.4 261.8 moveto
12 f0
( IQ6: Zang Tumb Tuum Sampled ) show
251.3 261.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
285.2 261.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 248.5 moveto
12 f2
(1984-1995:) show
87.4 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( DEC ADE NCE \(Nettwerk\) ) show
227.7 248.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
261.6 248.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 235.2 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 235.2 moveto
12 f0
( This is Electronic Body Music ) show
212 235.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
245.9 235.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 221.9 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 221.9 moveto
12 f0
( From Across This Gray Land #2 \(Projekt\) ) show
267.3 221.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
301.2 221.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 208.6 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 208.6 moveto
12 f0
( Doctor Death IV: The Marvels of Insect Life ) show
281 208.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(double comp\)) show
350.6 208.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 195.3 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 195.3 moveto
12 f0
( Red Hot + Blue ) show
141.1 195.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
175 195.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 182 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 182 moveto
12 f0
( Bouquet of Dreams ) show
159.3 182 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
193.2 182 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 168.7 moveto
12 f2
(1980-1992:) show
87.4 168.7 moveto
12 f0
( Gothic Rock ) show
154.3 168.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
188.2 168.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 155.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 155.4 moveto
12 f0
( Mindfield \(Third Mind\) ) show
180 155.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
213.9 155.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 142.1 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 142.1 moveto
12 f0
( From Across This Gray Land #3 \(Projekt\) ) show
267.3 142.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
301.2 142.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 128.8 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 128.8 moveto
12 f0
( The Cyberflesh Conspiracy ) show
197.3 128.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
231.2 128.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 115.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 115.5 moveto
12 f0
( G\341rgula Mec\342nica: World Electrostatic Assembly ) show
304.6 115.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
338.5 115.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 102.2 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 102.2 moveto
12 f0
( CCCC: California Cyber Crash Compilation \(Cop\) ) show
309.7 102.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
343.6 102.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 88.9 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 88.9 moveto
12 f0
( Shut Up Kitty ) show
132.7 88.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
166.6 88.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 75.6 moveto
12 f2
(1988-1993:) show
87.4 75.6 moveto
12 f0
( Can You See It Yet? \(Invisible\) ) show
245.7 75.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
279.6 75.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 29 29
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( Mysterious Encounters \(Cleopatra\) ) show
234 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
267.9 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Crow ) show
113.7 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
147.6 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( Totentanz: The Best of Zoth Ommog ) show
243.7 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(double comp\)) show
313.3 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( Hy! \(Hyperium Compilation volume 1\) ) show
254.7 669.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
288.6 669.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 656 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 656 moveto
12 f0
( World Domination Sampler ) show
199.3 656 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
233.2 656 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 642.7 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 642.7 moveto
12 f0
( Rivet Head Culture ) show
158.7 642.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
192.6 642.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 629.4 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 629.4 moveto
12 f0
( Artificial Intelligence \(Warp\) ) show
206.6 629.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
240.5 629.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 616.1 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 616.1 moveto
12 f0
( Artificial Intelligence II \(Warp\) ) show
217.6 616.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
251.5 616.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 602.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 602.8 moveto
12 f0
( Big Hard Disk #2 \(Smash\) ) show
193.3 602.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
227.2 602.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 589.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 589.5 moveto
12 f0
( Kindred Spirits \(Bedazzled\) ) show
200 589.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
233.9 589.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 576.2 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 576.2 moveto
12 f0
( Plug In + Turn On \(Instinct\) ) show
201.1 576.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
235 576.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 562.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 562.9 moveto
12 f0
( The Disease of Lady Madeline \(Anubis\) ) show
259 562.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
292.9 562.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 549.6 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 549.6 moveto
12 f0
( Natural Born Killers ) show
164 549.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack comp\)) show
254.3 549.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 536.3 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 536.3 moveto
12 f0
( Afterburn \(Wax Trax\) ) show
172 536.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
205.9 536.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 523 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 523 moveto
12 f0
( Chaos Compilation \(Cop\) ) show
189.4 523 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
223.3 523 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 509.7 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 509.7 moveto
12 f0
( Electrocity Vol. 5 ) show
151 509.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
184.9 509.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 496.4 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 496.4 moveto
12 f0
( Gothik \(Cleopatra\) ) show
156.3 496.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(double comp\)) show
225.9 496.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 483.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 483.1 moveto
12 f0
( Godfathers of German Gothic ) show
209 483.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
242.9 483.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 469.8 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 469.8 moveto
12 f0
( Heavenly Voices III \(Hyperium\) ) show
222.3 469.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
256.2 469.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 456.5 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 456.5 moveto
12 f0
( Mortal Kombat ) show
139.7 456.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack comp\)) show
230 456.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 443.2 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 443.2 moveto
12 f0
( The Tyranny Off the Beat \(Off Beat/Cleopatra\) ) show
292.6 443.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
326.5 443.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 429.9 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 429.9 moveto
12 f0
( Forced Cranial Removal \(Fifth Colvmn\) ) show
259.3 429.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
293.2 429.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 416.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 416.6 moveto
12 f0
( Dreams in the Witch House \(Grave News\) ) show
269.3 416.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
303.2 416.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 403.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 395.8 moveto
12 f1
(Vega, Suzanne) show
106.8 395.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 382.5 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 382.5 moveto
12 f0
( 99.9F ) show
298.1 396.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 396.3 moveto
12 f0
(2088) show
379.4 396.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 369.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 361.7 moveto
12 f1
(Vinyl Devotion) show
108.5 361.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 348.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 348.4 moveto
12 f0
( If They Know You're Trying ) show
18.1 335.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 327.6 moveto
12 f1
(Volume Magazine) show
124.4 327.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 314.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 314.3 moveto
12 f0
( Volume: 1 ) show
116.4 314.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
150.3 314.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 301 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 301 moveto
12 f0
( Volume: 2 ) show
116.4 301 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
150.3 301 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 287.7 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 287.7 moveto
12 f0
( Volume: 3 ) show
116.4 287.7 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
150.3 287.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 274.4 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 274.4 moveto
12 f0
( Volume: 4 ) show
116.4 274.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
150.3 274.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 261.1 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 261.1 moveto
12 f0
( Wasted: The Best of Volume ) show
205.3 261.1 moveto
12 f2
(\(double comp\)) show
274.9 261.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 248.4 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 240.3 moveto
12 f1
(Waitresses, The) show
112.8 240.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 227 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 227 moveto
12 f0
( Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful? ) show
31.5 213.7 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 213.7 moveto
12 f0
( Bruiseology ) show
31.5 200.4 moveto
12 f2
(1978-1981:) show
87.4 200.4 moveto
12 f0
( Best Of ) show
130.3 200.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
164.2 200.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 187.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 179.6 moveto
12 f1
(Wake, The) show
87.5 179.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 166.3 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 166.3 moveto
12 f0
( Masked ) show
18.1 153.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 145.5 moveto
12 f1
(Wall of Voodoo) show
111.5 145.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 132.2 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 132.2 moveto
12 f0
( fpfpfpfpfpfp ) show
31.5 118.9 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 118.9 moveto
12 f0
( Dark Continent ) show
31.5 105.6 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 105.6 moveto
12 f0
( Call of the West ) show
31.5 92.3 moveto
12 f2
(1986:) show
59.4 92.3 moveto
12 f0
( Seven Days in Sammystown ) show
31.5 79 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 79 moveto
12 f0
( Happy Planet ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 30 30
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
18.1 714.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 706.2 moveto
12 f1
(Wang Chung) show
99.8 706.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 692.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 692.9 moveto
12 f0
( Points On the Curve ) show
31.5 679.6 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 679.6 moveto
12 f0
( To Live and Die in L.A. ) show
181.7 679.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
243 679.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
304.1 706.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
361.4 706.7 moveto
12 f0
(2245) show
385.4 706.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 666.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 658.8 moveto
12 f1
(Westworld) show
87.4 658.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 645.5 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 645.5 moveto
12 f0
( Rockulator ) show
31.5 632.2 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 632.2 moveto
12 f0
( Movers and Shakers ) show
31.5 618.9 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 618.9 moveto
12 f0
( Do No Wrong ) show
134 618.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
170.6 618.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 606.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 598.1 moveto
12 f1
(Whale) show
64.8 598.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 584.8 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 584.8 moveto
12 f0
( Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Eye 842 ) show
242 584.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
278.6 584.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 571.5 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 571.5 moveto
12 f0
( Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / Lips / Eye 842) show
31.5 558.2 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
68.1 558.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 544.9 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 544.9 moveto
12 f0
( Pay for Me ) show
119.3 544.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
141.9 544.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 531.6 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 531.6 moveto
12 f0
( We Care ) show
31.5 518.3 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 518.3 moveto
12 f0
( I'll Do Ya ) show
114.7 518.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
137.3 518.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 505 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 505 moveto
12 f0
( Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe \(3 mixes\) ) show
241.7 505 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
278.3 505 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 491.7 moveto
12 f2
(1995:) show
59.4 491.7 moveto
12 f0
( Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe / You and Your) show
31.5 478.4 moveto
12 f0
(Sister / Singer Star ) show
124.8 478.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
161.4 478.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 598.6 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 598.6 moveto
12 f0
(3790) show
379.4 598.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 585.3 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 585.3 moveto
12 f0
( show
424.4 585.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 465.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 457.6 moveto
12 f1
(White Zombie) show
105.1 457.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 444.3 moveto
12 f2
(1992:) show
59.4 444.3 moveto
12 f0
( Nightcrawlers: the KMFDM Remixes ) show
247.7 444.3 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
270.3 444.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 431.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 423.5 moveto
12 f1
(Wilde, Kim) show
90.8 423.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 410.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 410.2 moveto
12 f0
( Kim Wilde ) show
31.5 396.9 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 396.9 moveto
12 f0
( Teases & Dares ) show
31.5 383.6 moveto
12 f2
(1981-1993:) show
87.4 383.6 moveto
12 f0
( The Singles Collection ) show
203.4 383.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(comp\)) show
237.3 383.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 370.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 362.8 moveto
12 f1
(X) show
40.1 362.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 349.5 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 349.5 moveto
12 f0
( Live at the Whiskey-a-Go-Go ) show
209 349.5 moveto
12 f2
(\(double live\)) show
269.9 349.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 336.8 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 328.7 moveto
12 f1
(X Marks the Pedwalk) show
143.1 328.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 315.4 moveto
12 f2
(1994:) show
59.4 315.4 moveto
12 f0
( The Killing Had Begun ) show
18.1 302.7 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 294.6 moveto
12 f1
(Xorcist) show
68.8 294.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 281.3 moveto
12 f2
(1991:) show
59.4 281.3 moveto
12 f0
( Damned Souls ) show
31.5 268 moveto
12 f2
(1993:) show
59.4 268 moveto
12 f0
( Bitches ) show
101.4 268 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
124 268 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 255.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 247.2 moveto
12 f1
(XTC) show
56.8 247.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 233.9 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 233.9 moveto
12 f0
( Waxworks ) show
31.5 220.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 220.6 moveto
12 f0
( Mummer ) show
31.5 207.3 moveto
12 f2
(1984:) show
59.4 207.3 moveto
12 f0
( The Big Express ) show
31.5 194 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 194 moveto
12 f0
( 25 O'Clock ) show
300.2 247.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
357.5 247.7 moveto
12 f0
(1044) show
381.5 247.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 181.3 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 173.2 moveto
12 f1
(Xymox) show
68.1 173.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 159.9 moveto
12 f2
(1985:) show
59.4 159.9 moveto
12 f0
( Clan of Xymox ) show
298.1 173.7 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 173.7 moveto
12 f0
(1295) show
379.4 173.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 160.4 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 160.4 moveto
12 f0
( show
435.7 160.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 147.2 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 139.1 moveto
12 f1
(Yamashirogumi, Geinoh) show
157.5 139.1 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 125.8 moveto
12 f2
(1990:) show
59.4 125.8 moveto
12 f0
( Akira ) show
92.7 125.8 moveto
12 f2
(\(soundtrack\)) show
154 125.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 113.1 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 105 moveto
12 f1
(Yazoo) show
63.4 105 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 91.7 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 91.7 moveto
12 f0
( Upstairs at Eric's ) show
31.5 78.4 moveto
12 f2
(1982:) show
59.4 78.4 moveto
12 f0
( The Other Side of Love ) show
179.3 78.4 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
215.9 78.4 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 105.5 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 105.5 moveto
12 f0
(4309) show
379.4 105.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 92.2 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 92.2 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 92.2 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore
%%Page: 31 31
/pagelevel save def
54 0 translate
newpath 0 72 moveto 504 0 rlineto 0 648 rlineto -504 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath
31.5 709.2 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 709.2 moveto
12 f0
( You and Me Both ) show
31.5 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( Nobody's Diary / State Farm ) show
204.7 695.9 moveto
12 f2
(\(single\)) show
241.3 695.9 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( Situation ) show
108.7 682.6 moveto
12 f2
(\(EP\)) show
131.3 682.6 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 669.9 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 661.8 moveto
12 f1
(Yello) show
58.1 661.8 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 648.5 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 648.5 moveto
12 f0
( Solid Pleasure ) show
31.5 635.2 moveto
12 f2
(1981:) show
59.4 635.2 moveto
12 f0
( Stella ) show
31.5 621.9 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 621.9 moveto
12 f0
( You Gotta Say Yes to Another Excess ) show
31.5 608.6 moveto
12 f2
(1987:) show
59.4 608.6 moveto
12 f0
( One Second ) show
31.5 595.3 moveto
12 f2
(1988:) show
59.4 595.3 moveto
12 f0
( Flag ) show
298.1 662.3 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 662.3 moveto
12 f0
(1506) show
379.4 662.3 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 649 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 649 moveto
12 f0
( show
427.3 649 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
298.1 635.7 moveto
12 f2
(See also: ) show
344.7 635.7 moveto
12 f0
( show
387.6 635.7 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
18.1 582.6 moveto
3.3 3.3 c fill
31.5 574.5 moveto
12 f1
(Yes) show
50.1 574.5 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
31.5 561.2 moveto
12 f2
(1972:) show
59.4 561.2 moveto
12 f0
( Fragile ) show
31.5 547.9 moveto
12 f2
(1975:) show
59.4 547.9 moveto
12 f0
( Classic Yes ) show
31.5 534.6 moveto
12 f2
(1980:) show
59.4 534.6 moveto
12 f0
( Drama ) show
31.5 521.3 moveto
12 f2
(1983:) show
59.4 521.3 moveto
12 f0
( 90125 ) show
298.1 575 moveto
12 f2
(UBL Card: ) show
355.4 575 moveto
12 f0
(1038) show
379.4 575 moveto
12 f0
( ) show
pagelevel restore