path: root/mail/em-format-html-display.c
blob: 8f2016963679c524792791a2519270ac619716ed (plain) (tree)


































































































































































































 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 * Authors:
 *      Michael Zucchi <notzed@ximian.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#include <config.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* Work around 'DATADIR' and 'interface' lossage in <windows.h> */
#define DATADIR crap_DATADIR
#include <windows.h>
#undef DATADIR
#undef interface

#include <glib/gi18n.h>

#include <e-util/e-util.h>
#include <e-util/e-util-private.h>

#include "e-util/e-datetime-format.h"
#include <e-util/e-dialog-utils.h>
#include <e-util/e-icon-factory.h>

#include <shell/e-shell.h>
#include <shell/e-shell-utils.h>

#include <libedataserver/e-flag.h>

#if defined (HAVE_NSS) && defined (ENABLE_SMIME)
#include "certificate-viewer.h"
#include "e-cert-db.h"

#include "e-mail-display.h"
#include "e-mail-attachment-bar.h"
#include "em-format-html-display.h"
#include "em-utils.h"
#include "widgets/misc/e-attachment.h"
#include "widgets/misc/e-attachment-button.h"
#include "widgets/misc/e-attachment-view.h"
#include "shell/e-shell.h"
#include "shell/e-shell-window.h"

    ((obj), EM_TYPE_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY, EMFormatHTMLDisplayPrivate))

#define d(x)

    ((obj), EM_TYPE_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY, EMFormatHTMLDisplayPrivate))

struct _EMFormatHTMLDisplayPrivate {

        EAttachmentView *last_view;


/* TODO: move the dialogue elsehwere */
/* FIXME: also in em-format-html.c */
static const struct {
    const gchar *icon, *shortdesc, *description;
} smime_sign_table[5] = {
    { "stock_signature-bad", N_("Unsigned"), N_("This message is not signed. There is no guarantee that this message is authentic.") },
    { "stock_signature-ok", N_("Valid signature"), N_("This message is signed and is valid meaning that it is very likely that this message is authentic.") },
    { "stock_signature-bad", N_("Invalid signature"), N_("The signature of this message cannot be verified, it may have been altered in transit.") },
    { "stock_signature", N_("Valid signature, but cannot verify sender"), N_("This message is signed with a valid signature, but the sender of the message cannot be verified.") },
    { "stock_signature-bad", N_("Signature exists, but need public key"), N_("This message is signed with a signature, but there is no corresponding public key.") },


static const struct {
    const gchar *icon, *shortdesc, *description;
} smime_encrypt_table[4] = {
    { "stock_lock-broken", N_("Unencrypted"), N_("This message is not encrypted. Its content may be viewed in transit across the Internet.") },
    { "stock_lock-ok", N_("Encrypted, weak"), N_("This message is encrypted, but with a weak encryption algorithm. It would be difficult, but not impossible for an outsider to view the content of this message in a practical amount of time.") },
    { "stock_lock-ok", N_("Encrypted"), N_("This message is encrypted.  It would be difficult for an outsider to view the content of this message.") },
    { "stock_lock-ok", N_("Encrypted, strong"), N_("This message is encrypted, with a strong encryption algorithm. It would be very difficult for an outsider to view the content of this message in a practical amount of time.") },

static const GdkRGBA smime_sign_colour[5] = {
    { 0 }, { 0.53, 0.73, 0.53, 1 }, { 0.73, 0.53, 0.53, 1 }, { 0.91, 0.82, 0.13, 1 }, { 0 },

static void efhd_message_prefix (EMFormat *emf, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, EMFormatParserInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_message_add_bar    (EMFormat *emf, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, EMFormatParserInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_parse_attachment   (EMFormat *emf, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, EMFormatParserInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_parse_secure       (EMFormat *emf, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, EMFormatParserInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_parse_optional     (EMFormat *emf, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, EMFormatParserInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);

static GtkWidget * efhd_attachment_bar      (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *puri, GCancellable *cancellable);
static GtkWidget * efhd_attachment_button   (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *puri, GCancellable *cancellable);
static GtkWidget * efhd_attachment_optional (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *puri, GCancellable *cancellable);

static void efhd_write_attachment_bar   (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *emp, CamelStream *stream, EMFormatWriterInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_write_attachment       (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *emp, CamelStream *stream, EMFormatWriterInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);
static void efhd_write_secure_button    (EMFormat *emf, EMFormatPURI *emp, CamelStream *stream, EMFormatWriterInfo *info, GCancellable *cancellable);

static void efhd_free_attach_puri_data (EMFormatPURI *puri);

static void efhd_builtin_init (EMFormatHTMLDisplayClass *efhc);

static gpointer parent_class;

static EAttachmentStore *
find_parent_attachment_store (EMFormatHTMLDisplay *efhd,
                              const gchar *part_id)
    EMFormat *emf = (EMFormat *) efhd;
    EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *abp;
    gchar *tmp, *pos;
    GList *item;

    tmp = g_strdup (part_id);

    do {
        gchar *id;

        pos = g_strrstr (tmp, ".");
        if (!pos)

        g_free (tmp);
        tmp = g_strndup (part_id, pos - tmp);
        id = g_strdup_printf ("%s.attachment-bar", tmp);

        item = g_hash_table_lookup (emf->mail_part_table, id);

        g_free (id);

    } while (pos && !item);

    g_free (tmp);

    abp = (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *) item->data;

    if (abp)
        return abp->store;
        return NULL;

static void
efhd_attachment_bar_puri_free (EMFormatPURI *puri)
    EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *abp;

    abp = (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *) puri;

    if (abp->store) {
        g_object_unref (abp->store);
        abp->store = NULL;

static void
efhd_xpkcs7mime_free (EMFormatPURI *puri)
    EMFormatSMIMEPURI *sp = (EMFormatSMIMEPURI *) puri;

    if (sp->widget)
        gtk_widget_destroy (sp->widget);

    if (sp->description)
        g_free (sp->description);

    if (sp->valid)
        camel_cipher_validity_free (sp->valid);

static void
efhd_xpkcs7mime_info_response (GtkWidget *widget,
                               guint button,
                               EMFormatSMIMEPURI *po)
    gtk_widget_destroy (widget);
    po->widget = NULL;

#if defined (HAVE_NSS) && defined (ENABLE_SMIME)
static void
efhd_xpkcs7mime_viewcert_clicked (GtkWidget *button,
                                  EMFormatSMIMEPURI *po)
    CamelCipherCertInfo *info = g_object_get_data((GObject *)button, "e-cert-info");
    ECert *ec = NULL;

    if (info->cert_data)
        ec = e_cert_new (CERT_DupCertificate (info->cert_data));

    if (ec != NULL) {
        GtkWidget *w = certificate_viewer_show (ec);

        /* oddly enough certificate_viewer_show doesn't ... */
        gtk_widget_show (w);
        g_signal_connect (
            w, "response",
            G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), NULL);

        if (w && po->widget)
            gtk_window_set_transient_for ((GtkWindow *) w, (GtkWindow *) po->widget);

        g_object_unref (ec);
    } else {
        g_warning("can't find certificate for %s <%s>", info->name?info->name:"", info->email?info->email:"");

static void
efhd_xpkcs7mime_add_cert_table (GtkWidget *grid,
                                GQueue *certlist,
                                EMFormatSMIMEPURI *po)
    GList *head, *link;
    GtkTable *table;
    gint n = 0;

    table = (GtkTable *) gtk_table_new (certlist->length, 2, FALSE);

    head = g_queue_peek_head_link (certlist);

    for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
        CamelCipherCertInfo *info = link->data;
        gchar *la = NULL;
        const gchar *l = NULL;

        if (info->name) {
            if (info->email && strcmp (info->name, info->email) != 0)
                l = la = g_strdup_printf("%s <%s>", info->name, info->email);
                l = info->name;
        } else {
            if (info->email)
                l = info->email;

        if (l) {
            GtkWidget *w;
#if defined (HAVE_NSS) && defined (ENABLE_SMIME)
            ECert *ec = NULL;
            w = gtk_label_new (l);
            gtk_misc_set_alignment ((GtkMisc *) w, 0.0, 0.5);
            g_free (la);
            gtk_table_attach (table, w, 0, 1, n, n + 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 3);
#if defined (HAVE_NSS) && defined (ENABLE_SMIME)
            w = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic(_("_View Certificate"));
            gtk_table_attach (table, w, 1, 2, n, n + 1, 0, 0, 3, 3);
            g_object_set_data((GObject *)w, "e-cert-info", info);
            g_signal_connect (
                w, "clicked",
                G_CALLBACK (efhd_xpkcs7mime_viewcert_clicked), po);

            if (info->cert_data)
                ec = e_cert_new (CERT_DupCertificate (info->cert_data));

            if (ec == NULL)
                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (w, FALSE);
                g_object_unref (ec);
            w = gtk_label_new (_("This certificate is not viewable"));
            gtk_table_attach (table, w, 1, 2, n, n + 1, 0, 0, 3, 3);

    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), GTK_WIDGET (table));

static void
efhd_xpkcs7mime_validity_clicked (GtkWidget *button,
                                  EMFormatPURI *puri)
    EMFormatSMIMEPURI *po = (EMFormatSMIMEPURI *) puri;
    GtkBuilder *builder;
    GtkWidget *grid, *w;

    if (po->widget)
        /* FIXME: window raise? */

    builder = gtk_builder_new ();
    e_load_ui_builder_definition (builder, "mail-dialogs.ui");

    po->widget = e_builder_get_widget(builder, "message_security_dialog");

    grid = e_builder_get_widget(builder, "signature_grid");
    w = gtk_label_new (_(smime_sign_table[po->valid->sign.status].description));
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ((GtkMisc *) w, 0.0, 0.5);
    gtk_label_set_line_wrap ((GtkLabel *) w, TRUE);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), w);
    if (po->valid->sign.description) {
        GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

        buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);
        gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, po->valid->sign.description, strlen (po->valid->sign.description));
        w = g_object_new (gtk_scrolled_window_get_type (),
                 "hscrollbar_policy", GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
                 "vscrollbar_policy", GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
                 "shadow_type", GTK_SHADOW_IN,
                 "expand", TRUE,
                 "child", g_object_new(gtk_text_view_get_type(),
                               "buffer", buffer,
                               "cursor_visible", FALSE,
                               "editable", FALSE,
                               "width_request", 500,
                               "height_request", 160,
        g_object_unref (buffer);

        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), w);

    if (!g_queue_is_empty (&po->valid->sign.signers))
        efhd_xpkcs7mime_add_cert_table (grid, &po->valid->sign.signers, po);

    gtk_widget_show_all (grid);

    grid = e_builder_get_widget(builder, "encryption_grid");
    w = gtk_label_new (_(smime_encrypt_table[po->valid->encrypt.status].description));
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ((GtkMisc *) w, 0.0, 0.5);
    gtk_label_set_line_wrap ((GtkLabel *) w, TRUE);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), w);
    if (po->valid->encrypt.description) {
        GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

        buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);
        gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, po->valid->encrypt.description, strlen (po->valid->encrypt.description));
        w = g_object_new (gtk_scrolled_window_get_type (),
                 "hscrollbar_policy", GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
                 "vscrollbar_policy", GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
                 "shadow_type", GTK_SHADOW_IN,
                 "expand", TRUE,
                 "child", g_object_new(gtk_text_view_get_type(),
                               "buffer", buffer,
                               "cursor_visible", FALSE,
                               "editable", FALSE,
                               "width_request", 500,
                               "height_request", 160,
        g_object_unref (buffer);

        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), w);

    if (!g_queue_is_empty (&po->valid->encrypt.encrypters))
        efhd_xpkcs7mime_add_cert_table (grid, &po->valid->encrypt.encrypters, po);

    gtk_widget_show_all (grid);

    g_object_unref (builder);

    g_signal_connect (
            po->widget, "response",
        G_CALLBACK (efhd_xpkcs7mime_info_response), po);

    gtk_widget_show (po->widget);

static GtkWidget *
efhd_xpkcs7mime_button (EMFormat *emf,
                        EMFormatPURI *puri,
                        GCancellable *cancellable)
    GtkWidget *box, *button, *layout, *widget;
    EMFormatSMIMEPURI *po = (EMFormatSMIMEPURI *) puri;
    const gchar *icon_name;

    /* FIXME: need to have it based on encryption and signing too */
    if (po->valid->sign.status != 0)
        icon_name = smime_sign_table[po->valid->sign.status].icon;
        icon_name = smime_encrypt_table[po->valid->encrypt.status].icon;

    box = gtk_event_box_new ();
    if (po->valid->sign.status != 0)
        gtk_widget_override_background_color (box, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL,

    layout = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), layout);

    button = gtk_button_new ();
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (layout), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    g_signal_connect (button, "clicked",
        G_CALLBACK (efhd_xpkcs7mime_validity_clicked), puri);

    widget = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (
            icon_name, GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR);
    gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (button), widget);

    widget = gtk_label_new (po->description);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (layout), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

    gtk_widget_show_all (box);

    return box;

struct attachment_load_data {
    EAttachment *attachment;
    EFlag *flag;

static void
attachment_loaded (EAttachment *attachment,
                   GAsyncResult *res,
                   gpointer user_data)
    struct attachment_load_data *data = user_data;
    EShell *shell;
    GtkWindow *window;

    shell = e_shell_get_default ();
    window = e_shell_get_active_window (shell);
    if (!E_IS_SHELL_WINDOW (window))
        window = NULL;

    e_attachment_load_handle_error (data->attachment, res, window);

    e_flag_set (data->flag);

/* Idle callback */
static gboolean
load_attachment_idle (struct attachment_load_data *data)
    e_attachment_load_async (data->attachment,
        (GAsyncReadyCallback) attachment_loaded, data);

    return FALSE;

static void
efhd_parse_attachment (EMFormat *emf,
                       CamelMimePart *part,
                       GString *part_id,
                       EMFormatParserInfo *info,
                       GCancellable *cancellable)
    gchar *text, *html;
    EMFormatHTMLDisplay *efhd = (EMFormatHTMLDisplay *) emf;
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *puri;
    EAttachmentStore *store;
    const EMFormatHandler *handler;
    CamelContentType *ct;
    gchar *mime_type;
    gint len;
    const gchar *cid;
    guint32 size;
    struct attachment_load_data *load_data;
    gboolean can_show = FALSE;

    if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))

    len = part_id->len;
    g_string_append (part_id, ".attachment");

        /* Try to find handler for the mime part */
    ct = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (part);
    if (ct) {
        mime_type = camel_content_type_simple (ct);
        handler = em_format_find_handler (emf, mime_type);

    /* FIXME: should we look up mime_type from object again? */
    text = em_format_describe_part (part, mime_type);
    html = camel_text_to_html (
        text, EM_FORMAT_HTML (emf)->text_html_flags &
    g_free (text);
    g_free (mime_type);

    puri = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) em_format_puri_new (
            emf, sizeof (EMFormatAttachmentPURI), part, part_id->str);
    puri->puri.free = efhd_free_attach_puri_data;
    puri->puri.write_func = efhd_write_attachment;
    puri->puri.widget_func = efhd_attachment_button;
    puri->shown = (handler && em_format_is_inline (emf, part_id->str, part, handler));
    puri->snoop_mime_type = em_format_snoop_type (part);
    puri->attachment = e_attachment_new ();
    puri->attachment_view_part_id = NULL;
    puri->description = html;
    puri->handle = handler;
    if (info->validity)
        puri->puri.validity = camel_cipher_validity_clone (info->validity);

    cid = camel_mime_part_get_content_id (part);
    if (cid)
        puri->puri.cid = g_strdup_printf ("cid:%s", cid);

    if (handler) {
        CamelContentType *ct;

                /* This mime_type is important for WebKit to determine content type.
                 * We have converted text/ * to text/html, other (binary) formats remained
                 * untouched. */
        ct = camel_content_type_decode (handler->mime_type);
                if (g_strcmp0 (ct->type, "text") == 0)
                        puri->puri.mime_type = g_strdup ("text/html");
            puri->puri.mime_type = camel_content_type_simple (ct);
        camel_content_type_unref (ct);

    em_format_add_puri (emf, (EMFormatPURI *) puri);

        /* Though it is an attachment, we still might be able to parse it and
         * so discover some parts that we might be even able to display. */
    if (handler && handler->parse_func && (handler->parse_func != efhd_parse_attachment) &&
        ((handler->flags & EM_FORMAT_HANDLER_COMPOUND_TYPE) ||
         (handler->flags & EM_FORMAT_HANDLER_INLINE_DISPOSITION))) {
        GList *i;
        EMFormatParserInfo attachment_info = { .handler = handler,
                               .is_attachment = TRUE };
        handler->parse_func (emf, puri->puri.part, part_id, &attachment_info, cancellable);

        i = g_hash_table_lookup (emf->mail_part_table, part_id->str);
        if (i->next && i->next->data) {
            EMFormatPURI *p = i->next->data;
            puri->attachment_view_part_id = g_strdup (p->uri);
            can_show = TRUE;

    e_attachment_set_mime_part (puri->attachment, part);
    e_attachment_set_shown (puri->attachment, puri->shown);
    if (puri->puri.validity) {
        e_attachment_set_signed (puri->attachment, puri->puri.validity->sign.status);
        e_attachment_set_encrypted (puri->attachment, puri->puri.validity->encrypt.status);
    e_attachment_set_can_show (puri->attachment,
        can_show || (puri->handle && puri->handle->write_func));

    store = find_parent_attachment_store (efhd, part_id->str);
    e_attachment_store_add_attachment (store, puri->attachment);

    if (emf->folder && emf->folder->summary && emf->message_uid) {
        CamelDataWrapper *dw = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (puri->puri.part));
        GByteArray *ba;
        ba = camel_data_wrapper_get_byte_array (dw);
        if (ba) {
            size = ba->len;

            if (camel_mime_part_get_encoding (puri->puri.part) == CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64)
                size = size / 1.37;

    load_data = g_new0 (struct attachment_load_data, 1);
    load_data->attachment = g_object_ref (puri->attachment);
    load_data->flag = e_flag_new ();

    e_flag_clear (load_data->flag);

    /* e_attachment_load_async must be called from main thread */
    g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) load_attachment_idle, load_data);

    e_flag_wait (load_data->flag);

    e_flag_free (load_data->flag);
    g_object_unref (load_data->attachment);
    g_free (load_data);

    if (size != 0) {
        GFileInfo *fileinfo;

        fileinfo = e_attachment_get_file_info (puri->attachment);
        g_file_info_set_size (fileinfo, size);
        e_attachment_set_file_info (puri->attachment, fileinfo);

    g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

static void
efhd_parse_optional (EMFormat *emf,
                     CamelMimePart *part,
                     GString *part_id,
                     EMFormatParserInfo *info,
                     GCancellable *cancellable)
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *puri;
    gint len;

    len = part_id->len;
        g_string_append (part_id, ".optional");

    puri = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) em_format_puri_new (
            emf, sizeof (EMFormatAttachmentPURI), part, part_id->str);
    puri->puri.free = efhd_free_attach_puri_data;
    puri->puri.write_func = efhd_write_attachment;
    puri->puri.widget_func = efhd_attachment_optional;
    puri->attachment_view_part_id = g_strdup (part_id->str);
    puri->handle = em_format_find_handler (emf, "text/plain");
    puri->shown = FALSE;
    puri->snoop_mime_type = "text/plain";
    puri->attachment = e_attachment_new ();
    e_attachment_set_mime_part (puri->attachment, puri->puri.part);
    puri->description = g_strdup(_("Evolution cannot render this email as it is too "
                       "large to process. You can view it unformatted or "
                       "with an external text editor."));

    puri->mstream = CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (camel_stream_mem_new ());
    camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream_sync ((CamelDataWrapper *) part,
        (CamelStream *) puri->mstream, cancellable, NULL);

    if (info->validity) {
        puri->puri.validity = camel_cipher_validity_clone (info->validity);

    em_format_add_puri (emf, (EMFormatPURI *) puri);

    g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

static void
efhd_parse_secure (EMFormat *emf,
                   CamelMimePart *part,
                   GString *part_id,
                   EMFormatParserInfo *info,
                   GCancellable *cancellable)
    if (info->validity
        && (info->validity->encrypt.status != CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_ENCRYPT_NONE
        || info->validity->sign.status != CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_SIGN_NONE)) {
        GString *buffer;
        EMFormatSMIMEPURI *pobj;

        pobj = (EMFormatSMIMEPURI *) em_format_puri_new (
                emf, sizeof (EMFormatSMIMEPURI), part, part_id->str);
        pobj->puri.free = efhd_xpkcs7mime_free;
        pobj->valid = camel_cipher_validity_clone (info->validity);
        pobj->puri.widget_func = efhd_xpkcs7mime_button;
        pobj->puri.write_func = efhd_write_secure_button;

        em_format_add_puri (emf, (EMFormatPURI *) pobj);

        buffer = g_string_new ("");

        if (info->validity->sign.status != CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_SIGN_NONE) {
            const gchar *desc;
            gint status;

            status = info->validity->sign.status;
            desc = smime_sign_table[status].shortdesc;

            g_string_append (buffer, gettext (desc));

            em_format_html_format_cert_infos (
                &info->validity->sign.signers, buffer);

        if (info->validity->encrypt.status != CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_ENCRYPT_NONE) {
            const gchar *desc;
            gint status;

            if (info->validity->sign.status != CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_SIGN_NONE)
                g_string_append (buffer, "\n");

            status = info->validity->encrypt.status;
            desc = smime_encrypt_table[status].shortdesc;
            g_string_append (buffer, gettext (desc));

        pobj->description = g_string_free (buffer, FALSE);

static void
efhd_write_attachment_bar (EMFormat *emf,
                           EMFormatPURI *puri,
                           CamelStream *stream,
                           EMFormatWriterInfo *info,
                           GCancellable *cancellable)
    EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *efab = (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *) puri;
    gchar *str;

    if (info->mode == EM_FORMAT_WRITE_MODE_PRINTING)

    if (e_attachment_store_get_num_attachments (efab->store) == 0)

    str = g_strdup_printf (
                "<object type=\"application/x-attachment-bar\" "
            "height=\"20\" width=\"100%%\" "
                        "id=\"%s\"data=\"%s\"></object>", puri->uri, puri->uri);

    camel_stream_write_string (stream, str, cancellable, NULL);

    g_free (str);

static void
efhd_write_attachment (EMFormat *emf,
                       EMFormatPURI *puri,
                       CamelStream *stream,
                       EMFormatWriterInfo *info,
                       GCancellable *cancellable)
    gchar *str, *desc;
    const gchar *mime_type;
    gchar *button_id;

    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *efa = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) puri;

        /* If the attachment is requested as RAW, then call the handler directly
         * and do not append any other code. */
    if ((info->mode == EM_FORMAT_WRITE_MODE_RAW) &&
        efa->handle && efa->handle->write_func) {

        efa->handle->write_func (emf, puri, stream, info, cancellable);

    if (info->mode == EM_FORMAT_WRITE_MODE_PRINTING) {

        if (efa->handle && efa->handle->write_func)
            efa->handle->write_func (emf, puri, stream, info, cancellable);


    if (efa->handle)
        mime_type = efa->handle->mime_type;
        mime_type = efa->snoop_mime_type;

        button_id = g_strconcat (puri->uri, ".attachment_button", NULL);

    desc = em_format_describe_part (puri->part, mime_type);
    str = g_strdup_printf (
                "<div class=\"attachment\">"
                "<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\">"
                "<tr valign=\"middle\">"
                "<td align=\"left\" width=\"100\">"
                "<object type=\"application/x-attachment-button\" "
        "height=\"20\" width=\"100\" data=\"%s\" id=\"%s\"></object>"
                "<td align=\"left\">%s</td>"
                "</tr>", puri->uri, button_id, desc);

    camel_stream_write_string (stream, str, cancellable, NULL);
    g_free (desc);
    g_free (button_id);
    g_free (str);

        /* If we know how to write the attachment, then do it */
    if ((efa->handle && efa->handle->write_func) ||
        (efa->attachment_view_part_id)) {

        str = g_strdup_printf (
                        "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"
                        "<div class=\"attachment-wrapper\" id=\"%s\">",

        camel_stream_write_string (stream, str, cancellable, NULL);
        g_free (str);

        if (efa->handle->write_func) {
            efa->handle->write_func (
                emf, puri, stream, info, cancellable);
        } else if (efa->attachment_view_part_id) {
            EMFormatPURI *p;

            p = em_format_find_puri (
                emf, efa->attachment_view_part_id);
            if (p && p->write_func)
                p->write_func (emf, p, stream, info, cancellable);

                camel_stream_write_string (stream, "</div></td></tr>", cancellable, NULL);

        camel_stream_write_string (stream, "</table></div>", cancellable, NULL);

static void
efhd_write_secure_button (EMFormat *emf,
                          EMFormatPURI *puri,
                          CamelStream *stream,
                          EMFormatWriterInfo *info,
                          GCancellable *cancellable)
    gchar *str;

    if ((info->mode != EM_FORMAT_WRITE_MODE_NORMAL) &&
        (info->mode != EM_FORMAT_WRITE_MODE_RAW))

    str = g_strdup_printf (
                "<object type=\"application/x-secure-button\" "
                "height=\"20\" width=\"100%%\" "
                "data=\"%s\" id=\"%s\"></object>", puri->uri, puri->uri);

    camel_stream_write_string (stream, str, cancellable, NULL);

    g_free (str);

static void
efhd_finalize (GObject *object)
    EMFormatHTMLDisplay *efhd;

    efhd = EM_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY (object);
    g_return_if_fail (efhd != NULL);

    /* Chain up to parent's finalize() method. */
    G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);

static void
efhd_preparse (EMFormat *emf)
    EMFormatHTMLDisplay *efhd = (EMFormatHTMLDisplay *) emf;

    efhd->priv->last_view = NULL;

static void
efhd_class_init (EMFormatHTMLDisplayClass *class)
    GObjectClass *object_class;
    EMFormatHTMLClass *format_html_class;
    EMFormatClass *format_class;

    parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
    g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (EMFormatHTMLDisplayPrivate));

    object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
    object_class->finalize = efhd_finalize;

    format_html_class = EM_FORMAT_HTML_CLASS (class);
    format_html_class->html_widget_type = E_TYPE_MAIL_DISPLAY;

    format_class = EM_FORMAT_CLASS (class);
    format_class->preparse = efhd_preparse;

    efhd_builtin_init (class);

static void
efhd_init (EMFormatHTMLDisplay *efhd)
    efhd->priv = EM_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY_GET_PRIVATE (efhd);

        /* we want to convert url's etc */
    EM_FORMAT_HTML (efhd)->text_html_flags |=


em_format_html_display_get_type (void)
    static GType type = 0;

    if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0)) {
        static const GTypeInfo type_info = {
            sizeof (EMFormatHTMLDisplayClass),
            (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
            (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
            (GClassInitFunc) efhd_class_init,
            (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL,
            NULL,  /* class_data */
            sizeof (EMFormatHTMLDisplay),
            0,     /* n_preallocs */
            (GInstanceInitFunc) efhd_init,
            NULL   /* value_table */

        type = g_type_register_static (
            EM_TYPE_FORMAT_HTML, "EMFormatHTMLDisplay",
            &type_info, 0);

    return type;

EMFormatHTMLDisplay *
em_format_html_display_new (void)
    return g_object_new (EM_TYPE_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY, NULL);

/* ********************************************************************** */

static EMFormatHandler type_builtin_table[] = {
    { (gchar *) "x-evolution/message/prefix", efhd_message_prefix, },
    { (gchar *) "x-evolution/message/attachment-bar", (EMFormatParseFunc) efhd_message_add_bar, efhd_write_attachment_bar, },
    { (gchar *) "x-evolution/message/attachment", efhd_parse_attachment, efhd_write_attachment, },
    { (gchar *) "x-evolution/message/x-secure-button", efhd_parse_secure, efhd_write_secure_button, },
    { (gchar *) "x-evolution/message/optional", efhd_parse_optional, },

static void
efhd_builtin_init (EMFormatHTMLDisplayClass *efhc)
    gint i;

    EMFormatClass *emfc = (EMFormatClass *) efhc;

    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (type_builtin_table); i++)
        em_format_class_add_handler (emfc, &type_builtin_table[i]);

static void
efhd_message_prefix (EMFormat *emf,
                     CamelMimePart *part,
                     GString *part_id,
                     EMFormatParserInfo *info,
                     GCancellable *cancellable)
    const gchar *flag, *comp, *due;
    time_t date;
    gchar *iconpath, *due_date_str;
    GString *buffer;
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *puri;

    if (emf->folder == NULL || emf->message_uid == NULL
        || (flag = camel_folder_get_message_user_tag(emf->folder, emf->message_uid, "follow-up")) == NULL
        || flag[0] == 0)

    puri = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) em_format_puri_new (
            emf, sizeof (EMFormatAttachmentPURI), part, ".message_prefix");

    puri->attachment_view_part_id = g_strdup (part_id->str);

    comp = camel_folder_get_message_user_tag(emf->folder, emf->message_uid, "completed-on");
    iconpath = e_icon_factory_get_icon_filename (comp && comp[0] ? "stock_mail-flag-for-followup-done" : "stock_mail-flag-for-followup", GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
    if (iconpath) {
        gchar *classid;

        classid = g_strdup_printf (
            comp && comp[0] ? "comp" : "uncomp");

        puri->puri.uri = classid;

        g_free (classid);

    buffer = g_string_new ("");

    if (comp && comp[0]) {
        date = camel_header_decode_date (comp, NULL);
        due_date_str = e_datetime_format_format (
            "mail", "header", DTFormatKindDateTime, date);
        g_string_append_printf (
            buffer, "%s, %s %s",
            flag, _("Completed on"),
            due_date_str ? due_date_str : "???");
        g_free (due_date_str);
    } else if ((due = camel_folder_get_message_user_tag(emf->folder, emf->message_uid, "due-by")) != NULL && due[0]) {
        time_t now;

        date = camel_header_decode_date (due, NULL);
        now = time (NULL);
        if (now > date)
            g_string_append_printf (
                "<b>%s</b> ",

        due_date_str = e_datetime_format_format (
            "mail", "header", DTFormatKindDateTime, date);
        /* Translators: the "by" is part of the string,
         * like "Follow-up by Tuesday, January 13, 2009" */
        g_string_append_printf (
            buffer, "%s %s %s",
            flag, _("by"),
            due_date_str ? due_date_str : "???");
        g_free (due_date_str);
    } else {
        g_string_append (buffer, flag);

    puri->description = g_string_free (buffer, FALSE);

/* ********************************************************************** */

/* attachment button callback */
static GtkWidget *
efhd_attachment_button (EMFormat *emf,
                        EMFormatPURI *puri,
                        GCancellable *cancellable)
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *info = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) puri;
    GtkWidget *widget;

    /* FIXME: handle default shown case */
    d(printf("adding attachment button/content\n"));

    if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))
        return NULL;

    if (!info || info->forward) {
        g_warning ("unable to expand the attachment\n");
        return NULL;

    widget = e_attachment_button_new ();
        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "uri", puri->uri);
    e_attachment_button_set_attachment (
        E_ATTACHMENT_BUTTON (widget), info->attachment);
    e_attachment_button_set_view (
        E_ATTACHMENT_BUTTON (widget),
        EM_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY (emf)->priv->last_view);

    gtk_widget_set_can_focus (widget, TRUE);
    gtk_widget_show (widget);

    return widget;

static GtkWidget *
efhd_attachment_bar (EMFormat *emf,
                     EMFormatPURI *puri,
                     GCancellable *cancellable)
    EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *abp = (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *) puri;
    GtkWidget *widget;

    widget = e_mail_attachment_bar_new (abp->store);
    EM_FORMAT_HTML_DISPLAY (emf)->priv->last_view = (EAttachmentView *) widget;

    return widget;

static void
efhd_message_add_bar (EMFormat *emf,
                      CamelMimePart *part,
                      GString *part_id,
                      EMFormatParserInfo *info,
                      GCancellable *cancellable)
    EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *puri;
    gint len;

    if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))

    len = part_id->len;
    g_string_append (part_id, ".attachment-bar");
    puri = (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI *) em_format_puri_new (
            emf, sizeof (EMFormatAttachmentBarPURI), part, part_id->str);
    puri->puri.write_func = efhd_write_attachment_bar;
    puri->puri.widget_func = efhd_attachment_bar;
    puri->puri.free = efhd_attachment_bar_puri_free;
    puri->store = E_ATTACHMENT_STORE (e_attachment_store_new ());

    em_format_add_puri (emf, (EMFormatPURI *) puri);

    g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

static void
efhd_optional_button_show (GtkWidget *widget,
                           GtkWidget *w)
    GtkWidget *label = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "text-label");

    if (gtk_widget_get_visible (w)) {
        gtk_widget_hide (w);
        gtk_label_set_text_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (label), _("View _Unformatted"));
    } else {
        gtk_label_set_text_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (label), _("Hide _Unformatted"));
        gtk_widget_show (w);

/* optional render attachment button callback */
static GtkWidget *
efhd_attachment_optional (EMFormat *efh,
                          EMFormatPURI *puri,
                          GCancellable *cancellable)
    GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox, *button, *mainbox, *scroll, *label, *img;
    AtkObject *a11y;
    GtkWidget *view;
    GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
    GByteArray *byte_array;
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *info = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) puri;

    if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))
        return NULL;

    /* FIXME: handle default shown case */
    d(printf("adding attachment button/content for optional rendering\n"));

    if (!info || info->forward) {
        g_warning ("unable to expand the attachment\n");
        return NULL;

    scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
    mainbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);

    button = gtk_button_new ();
    hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
    img = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (
        "stock_show-all", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON);
    label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic(_("View _Unformatted"));
    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "text-label", (gpointer)label);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), img, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
    gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), GTK_WIDGET (hbox));
    if (info->handle)
        g_signal_connect (
            button, "clicked",
            G_CALLBACK (efhd_optional_button_show), scroll);
    else {
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, FALSE);
        gtk_widget_set_can_focus (button, FALSE);

    vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (mainbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 6);

    button = gtk_button_new ();
    hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
    img = gtk_image_new_from_stock (
    label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic(_("O_pen With"));
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), img, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_DOWN, GTK_SHADOW_NONE), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
    gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), GTK_WIDGET (hbox));

    a11y = gtk_widget_get_accessible (button);
    /* Translators: Name of an Attachment button for a11y object */
    atk_object_set_name (a11y, C_("Button", "Attachment"));

    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (mainbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 6);

    gtk_widget_show_all (mainbox);

    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), mainbox, FALSE, FALSE, 6);

    view = gtk_text_view_new ();
    gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE);
    gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE);
    buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
    byte_array = camel_stream_mem_get_byte_array (info->mstream);
    gtk_text_buffer_set_text (
        buffer, (gchar *) byte_array->data, byte_array->len);
    g_object_unref (info->mstream);
    info->mstream = NULL;
    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scroll),
    gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scroll), GTK_SHADOW_IN);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), GTK_WIDGET (view));
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), scroll, TRUE, TRUE, 6);
    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (view));

    if (!info->shown)
        gtk_widget_hide (scroll);

    gtk_widget_show (vbox);
    info->handle = NULL;

    return view;

static void
efhd_free_attach_puri_data (EMFormatPURI *puri)
    EMFormatAttachmentPURI *info = (EMFormatAttachmentPURI *) puri;

    g_return_if_fail (puri != NULL);

    if (info->attachment) {
        g_object_unref (info->attachment);
        info->attachment = NULL;

    if (info->description) {
        g_free (info->description);
        info->description = NULL;

    if (info->attachment_view_part_id) {
        g_free (info->attachment_view_part_id);
        info->attachment_view_part_id = NULL;

    if (info->mstream) {
        g_object_unref (info->mstream);
        info->mstream = NULL;