path: root/libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i
blob: c6b674038307452d46b35ec6e6395d9a9d73dfdf (plain) (tree)

/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
  FILE: ical.i

  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom

  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
  the License for the specific language governing rights and
  limitations under the License.

  The original author is Eric Busboom

  Contributions from:
  Graham Davison (g.m.davison@computer.org)


%module LibicalWrap

#include "ical.h"
#include "icalss.h"

#include <sys/types.h> /* for size_t */
#include <time.h>


#include "fcntl.h" /* For Open flags */

typedef void icalcomponent;
typedef void icalproperty;

icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(char* str);

icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(int kind);
icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);

char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);

void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
void icalcomponent_convert_errors(icalcomponent* component);

icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);

icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
                          int kind);
icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
                          int kind);

icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);

icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
                          int kind);
icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
                          int kind);

void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
                icalproperty* property);

void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
                   icalproperty* property);

icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
int icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);

int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* comp);

/* actually takes icalproperty_kind */
icalproperty* icalproperty_new(int kind);

icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str);

char* icalproperty_as_ical_string(icalproperty *prop);

void icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(icalproperty* prop,
                                          const char* name, const char* value);
void icalproperty_set_value_from_string(icalproperty* prop,const char* value, const char * kind);

const char* icalproperty_get_value_as_string(icalproperty* prop);
const char* icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string(icalproperty* prop,
                                                 const char* name);

icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property);

int icalerror_supress(const char* error);
void icalerror_restore(const char* error, int es);
char* icalerror_perror();
void icalerror_clear_errno(void);

const char* icalproperty_kind_to_string(int kind);
int icalproperty_string_to_kind(const char* string);
int icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(int kind);

const char* icalvalue_kind_to_string(int kind);
int icalvalue_string_to_kind(const char* str);

const char* icalparameter_kind_to_string(int kind);
int icalparameter_string_to_kind(const char* string);

const char* icalenum_component_kind_to_string(int kind);
int  icalenum_string_to_component_kind(const char* string);

int* icallangbind_new_array(int size);
void icallangbind_free_array(int* array);
int icallangbind_access_array(int* array, int index);

int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(char* rule, int start, 
                int count, int* array);

/* Iterate through properties and components using strings for the kind */
icalproperty* icallangbind_get_first_property(icalcomponent *c,
                                              const char* prop);

icalproperty* icallangbind_get_next_property(icalcomponent *c,
                                              const char* prop);

icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_first_component(icalcomponent *c,
                                              const char* comp);

icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_next_component(icalcomponent *c,
                                              const char* comp);

/* Return a string that can be evaluated in perl or python to
   generated a hash that holds the property's name, value and
   parameters. Sep is the hash seperation string, "=>" for perl and
   ":" for python */
const char* icallangbind_property_eval_string(icalproperty* prop, char* sep);

int icallangbind_string_to_open_flag(const char* str);

 Time routines 

struct icaltimetype
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;
    int hour;
    int minute;
    int second;

    int is_utc; /* 1-> time is in UTC timezone */

    int is_date; /* 1 -> interpret this as date. */
    const char* zone; /*Ptr to Olsen placename. Libical does not own mem*/

/* Convert seconds past UNIX epoch to a timetype*/
struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_timet(int v, int is_date);

/* Return the time as seconds past the UNIX epoch */
/* Normally, this returns a time_t, but SWIG tries to turn that type
   into a pointer */
int icaltime_as_timet(struct icaltimetype);

/* Return a string represention of the time, in RFC2445 format. The
   string is owned by libical */
char* icaltime_as_ical_string(struct icaltimetype tt);

/* create a time from an ISO format string */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_string(const char* str);

/* Routines for handling timezones */
/* Return the offset of the named zone as seconds. tt is a time
   indicating the date for which you want the offset */
int icaltime_utc_offset(struct icaltimetype tt, const char* tzid);

/* convert tt, of timezone tzid, into a utc time. Does nothing if the
   time is already UTC.  */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_as_utc(struct icaltimetype tt,
                    const char* tzid);

/* convert tt, a time in UTC, into a time in timezone tzid */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_as_zone(struct icaltimetype tt,
                     const char* tzid);

/* Return a null time, which indicates no time has been set. This time represent the beginning of the epoch */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_null_time(void);

/* Return true of the time is null. */
int icaltime_is_null_time(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Returns false if the time is clearly invalid, but is not null. This
   is usually the result of creating a new time type buy not clearing
   it, or setting one of the flags to an illegal value. */
int icaltime_is_valid_time(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Reset all of the time components to be in their normal ranges. For
   instance, given a time with minutes=70, the minutes will be reduces
   to 10, and the hour incremented. This allows the caller to do
   arithmetic on times without worrying about overflow or
   underflow. */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_normalize(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Return the day of the year of the given time */
short icaltime_day_of_year(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Create a new time, given a day of year and a year. */
struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_day_of_year(short doy,  short year);

/* Return the day of the week of the given time. Sunday is 0 */
short icaltime_day_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Return the day of the year for the Sunday of the week that the
   given time is within. */
short icaltime_start_doy_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Return a string with the time represented in the same format as ctime(). THe string is owned by libical */
char* icaltime_as_ctime(struct icaltimetype);

/* Return the week number for the week the given time is within */
short icaltime_week_number(struct icaltimetype t);

/* Return -1, 0, or 1 to indicate that a<b, a==b or a>b */
int icaltime_compare(struct icaltimetype a,struct icaltimetype b);

/* like icaltime_compare, but only use the date parts. */
int icaltime_compare_date_only(struct icaltimetype a, struct icaltimetype b);

/* Return the number of days in the given month */
short icaltime_days_in_month(short month,short year);

  Duration Routines 

struct icaldurationtype
    int is_neg;
    unsigned int days;
    unsigned int weeks;
    unsigned int hours;
    unsigned int minutes;
    unsigned int seconds;

struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_int(int t);
struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_string(const char*);
int icaldurationtype_as_int(struct icaldurationtype duration);
char* icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(struct icaldurationtype d);
struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_null_duration();
int icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(struct icaldurationtype d);

struct icaltimetype  icaltime_add(struct icaltimetype t,
                  struct icaldurationtype  d);

struct icaldurationtype  icaltime_subtract(struct icaltimetype t1,
                       struct icaltimetype t2);

  Period Routines 

struct icalperiodtype 
    struct icaltimetype start;
    struct icaltimetype end;
    struct icaldurationtype duration;

struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_from_string (const char* str);

const char* icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(struct icalperiodtype p);
struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_null_period();
int icalperiodtype_is_null_period(struct icalperiodtype p);
int icalperiodtype_is_valid_period(struct icalperiodtype p);

  Storage Routines

icalfileset* icalfileset_new(const char* path);

/* Like _new, but takes open() flags for opening the file */
icalfileset* icalfileset_new_open(const char* path, 
                  int flags, int mode);

void icalfileset_free(icalfileset* cluster);

const char* icalfileset_path(icalfileset* cluster);

/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
   is freed. Commit writes to disk immediately. */
void icalfileset_mark(icalfileset* cluster);
icalerrorenum icalfileset_commit(icalfileset* cluster); 

icalerrorenum icalfileset_add_component(icalfileset* cluster,
                    icalcomponent* child);

icalerrorenum icalfileset_remove_component(icalfileset* cluster,
                       icalcomponent* child);

int icalfileset_count_components(icalfileset* cluster,
                 icalcomponent_kind kind);

/* Restrict the component returned by icalfileset_first, _next to those
   that pass the gauge. _clear removes the gauge */
icalerrorenum icalfileset_select(icalfileset* store, icalgauge* gauge);
void icalfileset_clear(icalfileset* store);

/* Get and search for a component by uid */
icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
int icalfileset_has_uid(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch_match(icalfileset* set, icalcomponent *c);

/* Modify components according to the MODIFY method of CAP. Works on
   the currently selected components. */
icalerrorenum icalfileset_modify(icalfileset* store, icalcomponent *oldcomp,
                   icalcomponent *newcomp);

/* Iterate through components. If a guage has been defined, these
   will skip over components that do not pass the gauge */

icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_current_component (icalfileset* cluster);
icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_first_component(icalfileset* cluster);
icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_next_component(icalfileset* cluster);
/* Return a reference to the internal component. You probably should
   not be using this. */

icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_component(icalfileset* cluster);