path: root/libical/src/python/Component.py
blob: 41ef7419db9c5ad638a4669b15e3f5e2fd9960b7 (plain) (tree)






































































#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- Mode: python -*-
# FILE: Component.py
# CREATOR: eric 
#  $Id$
#  $Locker$
# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <eric@softwarestudio.org>
# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <plewis@inetarena.com>  
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of either: 
#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
#    2.1, available at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html
#  Or:
#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
#    the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/

from LibicalWrap import *
from types import DictType, StringType, IntType
from Property import Property
from Collection import *
from Attendee import Attendee, Organizer
from Time import Time
from Duration import Duration
from Period import Period
import string

WrapperNULL = None

class Component:

    def __init__(self,ref=None,kind=None):

        if ref != None:
            self._ref = ref
        elif kind != None:
            self._ref = icalcomponent_new(
            _kind = icalcomponent_string_to_kind(kind)
            inner = icalcomponent_new(_kind)

            raise "Could not construct component of kind" + kind

        self.cached_props = {}
        self.cached_comps = {}

    def __del__(self):
        if self._ref != None and icalcomponent_get_parent(self._ref) != WrapperNULL:

            for k in self.cached_props.keys():
                del self.cached_props[k]
            self._ref = None

    def _prop_from_ref(self,p):

        if(p == None or p== WrapperNULL):
            return None;

    d = {}
    d['value'] = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p)
    d['name'] = icalproperty_get_name(p)

    propkind = icalproperty_string_to_kind(d['name'])
    kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(propkind)
    d['value_type'] = icalvalue_kind_to_string(kind)
        d['ref'] = p

        if not self.cached_props.has_key(p):
            if d['value_type'] == 'DATE-TIME' or d['value_type'] == 'DATE':
                prop = Time(d,)
            elif d['value_type'] == 'PERIOD':
                prop = Period(d)
            elif d['value_type'] == 'DURATION':
                prop = Duration(d)
            elif d['name'] == 'ATTACH':
                prop = Attach(d)
            elif d['name'] == 'ATTENDEE':
                prop = Attendee(d)
            elif d['name'] == 'ORGANIZER':
                prop = Organizer(d)
            self.cached_props[p] = prop

    def property(self, type):

       p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type) 

       if p !=WrapperNULL:
           prop =  self.cached_props[p]
           return prop
       else :    
           return None

    def properties(self,type='ANY'): 
        Return a list of Property instances, each representing a
        property of the type 'type.'

        props = []

        p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type)

        while p !=WrapperNULL and p != None:

            self._prop_from_ref(p) # Puts property in self.cached_props
            prop =  self.cached_props[p]
            p = icallangbind_get_next_property(self._ref,type)

        return Collection(self,props)
    def add_property(self, prop):
        "Adds the property object to the component."
        if not isinstance(prop,Property):
            raise TypeError

        prop_p = prop.ref()

        if not prop_p:
            s = str(prop)
            prop_p = icalproperty_new_from_string(s)

            if prop_p == WrapperNULL:
                raise "Bad property string: " + s


        if icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p)==WrapperNULL:
            icalcomponent_add_property(self._ref, prop_p)
        elif  icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p) != self._ref:
            raise "Property is already a child of another component"

    def remove_property(self,prop):

        if prop.ref() and self.cached_props.has_key(prop.ref()):

            del self.cached_props[prop.ref()]

    def components(self,type='ANY'):        
        comps = []

        kind = icalcomponent_string_to_kind(type)
        c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(self._ref,kind);

        while c != WrapperNULL and c != None:

            if not self.cached_comps.has_key(c):              

                self.cached_comps[c] = Component(c)

            comp = self.cached_comps[c]
            c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(self._ref,kind);

        return comps

    def inner_component(self):
        inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(self._ref)

        if inner == WrapperNULL and inner != None:
            return None

        return NewComponent(inner)

    def add_component(self, comp):
        "Adds a child component."

        if not isinstance(comp,Component):
            raise ValueError("Expected a Component")

        if icalcomponent_get_parent(comp._ref) != WrapperNULL:
           raise "Failed to add child component. Child already has a parent"; 


    def remove_component(self, comp):
        "Removes a child component"

        if not isinstance(comp,Component):
            raise ValueError("Expected a Component")


    def as_ical_string(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):

        return icalcomponent_as_ical_string(self._ref)

    def ref(self):
    """ Return the internal reference to the libical icalproperty """
    return self._ref

def CloneComponent(c):
    "Clones a string or C icalcomponent into the right component object."

    wasStr=0 # Were we passed a string or an icalcomponent?

    if isinstance(c, Component):
        comp = icalparser_parse_string(c.as_ical_string())
    elif isinstance (c, StringType) and  string.find(c,"icalcomponent") == -1:
        comp = icalparser_parse_string(c)
        comp = c

    if comp == None or comp == WrapperNULL:
        raise ValueError("Expected a libical reference or an iCal string")

    kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp)
    kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)

    if kindStr == 'VCALENDAR':
    inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp) 
        kind = icalcomponent_isa(inner)
        kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)
    if kindStr == 'VEVENT':
        newComp = Event(comp)
    elif kindStr == 'VTODO':
        newComp = Todo(comp)
    elif kindStr == 'VJOURNAL':
        newComp = Journal(comp)
        newComp = Component(comp)

    # I don't think I need to free the component created when passed a string,
    # as it wasn't created with a _new function.

    return newComp

def NewComponent(c):
    "Converts a string or C icalcomponent into the right component object."

    wasStr=0 # Were we passed a string or an icalcomponent?

    if isinstance (c, StringType) and  string.find(c,"icalcomponent") == -1:
        comp = icalparser_parse_string(c)
        comp = c

    if comp == None or comp == WrapperNULL:
        raise ValueError("Expected a libical reference or an iCal string")

    kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp)
    kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)

    if kindStr == 'VEVENT':
        newComp = Event(comp)
    elif kindStr == 'VTODO':
        newComp = Todo(comp)
    elif kindStr == 'VJOURNAL':
        newComp = Journal(comp)
        newComp = Component(comp)

    # I don't think I need to free the component created when passed a string,
    # as it wasn't created with a _new function.

    return newComp

class GenericComponent(Component):

    def __init__(self,ref=None,kind=None):
        if ref != None:
            Component.__init__(self, ref=ref) # Call from subclasses
        elif type != None:
            Component.__init__(self, kind=kind) # Call from subclasses
            raise ValueError("Expected either a icalcomponent reference or a kind string")

    def _singular_property(self, name, value_type, value=None,
                           property_obj=None, enumerated_values=None):
        """Sets or gets the value of a method which exists once per Component.

        This is a constructor method for properties without a strictly defined

        # Depending on the property name, this routine will either
        # operate on the VCALENDAR container or on the inner VEVENT,
        # VTODO, or VJOURNAL

        if name in ['METHOD','PRODID','CALSCALE','VERSION']:
            comp = self
            comp = self.inner_component()

        curr_properties = comp.properties(name)

        # Get the value
        if value==None:
            if len(curr_properties) == 0:
                return None
            elif len(curr_properties) == 1:
                return curr_properties[0]
                raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType

        # Set the value
            # Check if value is in enumerated_values
            if enumerated_values:
                value = string.upper(value)
                if value not in enumerated_values:
                    raise ValueError, "%s is not one of %s" \
                          % (value, enumerated_values)

            # Create the new property
            if property_obj:
                if not isinstance(value, property_obj):
                    # Create a special property_obj property
                    if property_obj == Time:
                        p = Time(value, name)
                        ## p.value_type(value_type)
                    elif property_obj == Duration:
                        p = Duration(value)
                        p = property_obj()
                        ## p.value_type(value_type)
                    p = value # value is already a property_obj
                # Create a generic property
                p = Property(name)
                ## p.value_type(value_type)

            if len(curr_properties) == 1:
            elif len(curr_properties) > 1:
                raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType


    # METHOD, PRODID, CALSCALE and VERSION are properties of the
    # VCALENDAR, not the inner component

    def method(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the METHOD property."
        return self._singular_property("METHOD", "TEXT", v)

    def prodid(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the PRODID property."
        return self._singular_property("PRODID", "TEXT", v)

    def calscale(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the CALSCALE property."
        return self._singular_property("CALSCALE", "TEXT", v)

    def version(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the Version property."
        return self._singular_property("VERSION", "TEXT", v)

    # The remaining properties are all in the inner component

    def clone(self):
        "Returns a copy of the object."
        return CloneComponent(self)

    def class_prop(self, v=None):  # Class is a reserved word
        "Sets or returns the value of the CLASS property."
        if v!=None:
            v = string.upper(v)
        return self._singular_property('CLASS', 'TEXT', v)

    def created(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the CREATED property.

        created(time_obj)           # Set the value using a Time object
        created('19970101T123000Z') # Set using an iCalendar string
        created(982362522)          # Set using seconds 
        created()                   # Return an iCalendar string
        return self._singular_property("CREATED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
    def description(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the DESCRIPTION property."
        return self._singular_property("DESCRIPTION", "TEXT", v)

    def dtstamp(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTAMP property.

        dtstamp(time_obj)          # Set the value using a Time object
        dtstamp('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
        dtstamp(982362522)         # Set using seconds 
        dtstamp()                  # Return an iCalendar string
        return self._singular_property("DTSTAMP", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)

    def dtstart(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTART property.

        dtstart(time_obj)           # Set the value using a Time object
        dtstart('19970101T123000Z') # Set the value as an iCalendar string
        dtstart(982362522)          # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
        dtstart()                   # Return the time as an iCalendar string
        return self._singular_property("DTSTART", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)

    def last_modified(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the LAST-MODIFIED property.

        last_modified(time_obj)          # Set the value using a Time object
        last_modified('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
        last_modified(982362522)         # Set using seconds 
        last_modified()                  # Return an iCalendar string
        return self._singular_property("LAST-MODIFIED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)

    def organizer(self, v=None):
        """Sets or gets the value of the ORGANIZER property.

        organizer(orgObj)              # Set value using an organizer object
        organizer('MAILTO:jd@not.com') # Set value using a CAL-ADDRESS string
        organizer()                    # Return a CAL-ADDRESS string
        return self._singular_property('ORGANIZER', 'CAL-ADDRESS', v,

    def recurrence_id(self, v=None):
        """Sets or gets the value for the RECURRENCE-ID property.

        recurrence_id(recIdObj)             # Set using a Recurrence_Id object
        recurrence_id("19700801T133000")    # Set using an iCalendar string
        recurrence_id(8349873494)           # Set using seconds from epoch
        recurrence_id()                     # Return an iCalendar string
        return self._singular_property('RECURRENCE-ID', 'DATE-TIME', v,

    def sequence(self, v=None):
        """Sets or gets the SEQUENCE value of the Event.

        sequence(1)     # Set the value using an integer
        sequence('2')   # Set the value using a string containing an integer
        sequence()      # Return an integer
        if isinstance(v, StringType):
            v = int(str)
        return self._singular_property('SEQUENCE', 'INTEGER', v)

    def summary(self, v=None):
        "Sets or gets the SUMMARY value of the Event."
        return self._singular_property('SUMMARY', 'TEXT', v)

    def uid(self, v=None):
        "Sets or gets the UID of the Event."
        return self._singular_property('UID', 'TEXT', v)

    def url(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the URL property."""
        return self._singular_property('URL', 'URI', v)

    # Not quite sure if this is how we want to handle recurrence rules, but
    # this is a start.
    def recurrence_set(self):
        "Returns the Events RecurrenceSet object."
        if self._recurrence_set == None:  # i.e haven't initialized one
            self._recurrence_set = RecurrenceSet()
        return self._recurrence_set

    # Alarm interface.  Returns an ComponentCollection.

    def alarms(self, values=None):
        """Sets or returns ALARM components.

        alarms((alarm1,))   # Set using Alarm component
        alarms()            # Returns an ComponentCollection of all Alarms
        if values!=None:
            for alarm in values:
            return ComponentCollection(self, self.components('VALARM'))

    # Methods that deal with Properties that can occur multiple times are
    # below.  They use the Collection class to return their Properties.

    def _multiple_properties(self, name, value_type, values,
        "Processes set/get for Properties that can have multiple instances."

        comp = self.inner_component()

        # Set value
        if values!=None:
            if not isinstance(values, TupleType) \
               and not isinstance(values, ListType):
                raise TypeError, "%s is not a tuple or list."

            # Delete old properties
            for p in comp.properties(name):
            for v in values:
                if property_obj:   # Specialized properties
                    if not isinstance(v, property_obj): # Make new object
                        new_prop = property_obj()
                    else:                            # Use existing object
                        new_prop = v
                else:                  # Generic properties
                    # new_prop.value_type(value_type)
        # Get value
            return Collection(self, comp.properties(name))

    def attachments(self, values=None):
        """Sets or returns a Collection of Attach properties.

        'values' can be a sequence containing URLs (strings) and/or file-ish
        return self._multiple_properties("ATTACH", "", value, Attach)

    def attendees(self, value=None):
        """Sets attendees or returns a Collection of Attendee objects.

        If setting the attendees, pass a sequence as the argument.
        # Set using Attendee objects
        attendees((attObj1, attObj2))
        # Set using a CAL-ADDRESS string
        # Set using a combination of Attendee objects and strings
        attendees(['MAILTO:jdoe@somewhere.com', attObj1])
        # Returns a list of Attendee objects

        When setting the attendees, any previous Attendee objects in the Event
        are overwritten.  If you want to add to the Attendees, one way to do it

        return self._multiple_properties("ATTENDEE", "", value, Attendee)

    def categories(self, value=None):
        """Sets categories or returns a Collection of CATEGORIES properties.

        If setting the categories, pass a sequence as the argument.
        # Set using string[s]
        categories(('APPOINTMENT', 'EDUCATION'))
        # Returns a list of Category properites

        When setting the attendees, any previous category Properties in the
        Event are overwritten.  If you want to add to the categories, one way
        to do it is:

        return self._multiple_properties("CATEGORIES", "TEXT", value)

    def comments(self, value=None):
        "Sets or returns a Collection of COMMENT properties."
        return self._multiple_properties('COMMENT', 'TEXT', value)

    def contacts(self, value=None):
        "Sets or returns a Collection of CONTACT properties."
        return self._multiple_properties('CONTACT', 'TEXT', value)

    def related_tos(self, value=None):
        "Sets or returns a Collection of RELATED-TO properties."
        return self._multiple_properties('RELATED-TO', 'TEXT', value)

    def x_properties(self, name, value=None):
        "Sets or returns a Collection of X- properties."
        return self._multiple_properties(name, 'TEXT', value)

class Event(GenericComponent):
    "The iCalendar Event object."

    def __init__(self,ref=None):
        if ref != None:
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VEVENT')
    def component_type(self):
        "Returns the type of component for the object."
        return "VEVENT"

    def dtend(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the DTEND property.

        dtend(time_obj)             # Set the value using a Time object
        dtend('19970101T123000Z')   # Set the value as an iCalendar string
        dtend(982362522)            # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
        dtend()                     # Return the time as an iCalendar string

        If the dtend value is being set and duration() has a value, the
        duration property will be removed.
        if v != None:
            duration = self.properties('DURATION')
            for d in duration:          # Clear DURATION properties
        return self._singular_property("DTEND", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
    def duration(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the duration property.

        duration(dur_obj)       # Set the value using a Duration object
        duration("P3DT12H")     # Set value as an iCalendar string
        duration(3600)          # Set duration using seconds
        duration()              # Return duration as an iCalendar string

        If the duration value is being set and dtend() has a value, the dtend
        property will be removed.

        if v != None:
            dtend = self.properties('DTEND')
            for d in dtend:
                self.remove_property(d)  # Clear DTEND properties
        return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", v, Duration)

    def status(self, v=None):
        "Sets or returns the value of the STATUS property."

        # These values are only good for VEVENT components (i.e. don't copy
        # & paste into VTODO or VJOURNAL
        valid_values=('TENTATIVE', 'CONFIRMED', 'CANCELLED')
        return self._singular_property("STATUS", "TEXT", v,

    def geo(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the value of the GEO property.

        geo(value) or
        geo()           # Returns the icalendar string

        'value' is either a icalendar GEO string or a sequence with two 'float'

        geo('40.232;-115.9531')     # Set value using string
        geo((40.232, -115.9531))    # Set value using a sequence
        geo()                       # Returns "40.232;-115.9531"

        To get the GEO property represented as a tuple and numbers instead of
        the iCalendar string, use geo_get_tuple().
        if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
            v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
        return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", v)

    def geo_get_tuple(self):
        """Returns the GEO property as a tuple."""

        geo = self.geo()
        geo = split(geo, ';')
        return float(geo[0]), float(geo[1])

    def location(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the LOCATION property."""
        return self._singular_property("LOCATION", "TEXT", v)

    def transp(self, v=None):
        """Sets or returns the TRANSP property."""
        ok_values = ('OPAQUE', 'TRANSPARENT')
        return self._singular_property('TRANSP', 'TEXT', v,

    def resources(self, v=None):

class Todo(GenericComponent):
    "The iCalendar TODO component."

    def __init__(self,ref=None):
        if ref != None:
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VTODO')

    def component_type(self):
        "Returns the type of component for the object."
        return "VTODO"

    def completed(self, value=None):
        return self._singular_property('COMPLETED', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)

    def geo(self, value=None):
        if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
            v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
        return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", value)

    def location(self, value=None):
        return self._singular_property('LOCATION', 'TEXT', value)

    def percent(self, value=None):
        if value!=None:
            value = str(int(value))
        return self._singular_property('PERCENT', 'INTEGER', value)

    def status(self, value=None):
        if value!=None:
        ok_values = ('NEEDS-ACTION', 'COMPLETED', 'IN-PROCESS', 'CANCELLED')
        return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', value,

    def due(self, value=None):
        if value != None:
            duration = self.properties('DURATION')
            for d in duration:
                self.remove_property(d) # Clear DURATION properties
        return self._singular_property('DUE', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)

    def duration(self, value=None):
        if value != None:
            due = self.properites('DUE')
            for d in due:
                self.remove_property(d)  # Clear DUE properties
        return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", value, Duration)

    def resources():

class Journal(GenericComponent):
    "The iCalendar JOURNAL component."

    def __init__(self):
        if ref != None:
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
            GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VJOURNAL')

    def component_type(self):
        "Returns the type of component for the object."
        return "VJOURNAL"

    def status(self, v=None):
        if v!=None:
            v = string.upper(v)
        ok_values=('DRAFT', 'FINAL', 'CANCELLED')
        return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', v,